The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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K - - &
01 v-
i flllM
ay-rj- yw UfrVn
gHp' O
V'c can help you on the delivery with ?ess time for the longest
time. More miles at any tirrsc with
.Ti: "
12 vi
tr2 B XIS 8 U
First quality and continuous service is alt important.
H In buying G. M. C. Trucks you save at the start and later.
You erst trucks which have demonstrated their worth under every
W conceivsble road and land condition.
Trucks which, with reasonable care and attention, will render
years, of satisfactory service.
Operate zt lowest cost per ton mile and require minimum of re
pairs and replacement.
"Put it up to us to show you."
R. V. Stewart was in Om?.ha Mu:i
Charles r.avcly was in Lincoln Fri
James (Trove v
Alfred Sliociner wa.-;
T&j?3ffj ton,
tip a
1i ton, 2 ton ten and 5 ton ifllj
r sost)
icsa 1
rv m HEX aS3
.H 15 til t.Ahk
h ;2 hi fs Ti
Eat tu
Alcohol Absolutely Pure!
Made by the
Eon qxo Company,
St. Paul, Minnesota
Disiributor for Cass County.
Thursday. Davis is at hom
this week.
Mis? Louise Swacker is sick with
L. Laiiictscn was in Lincoln on busi
ness Saturday.
John Murtey was iii Oinaha on busi
ness Saturday.
J. I. Rouse was or. the sick list
the ;ast week.
Born, to Mr. an:! Mrs. J. L. Ilolka,
Moni'ay, a st)n.
George Swacker an-,1 family were in
Elrnwood Friday.
Scuyler Kcllo:? was in Omaha on
business Tuesday.
Chas. M. Jordan had business in
Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. F. M. I'routy v-'as a Lincoln
visiter Wednesday.
J. P. Rouse and wife were trau-.i:
in Lincoln Wetlnesday.
Ralph Uliley visited over Sunday !
with his wife and child. '
F;i C:ey wa? in Omaha vi?itin his
nether and b:.'ther, Vfiii.
Ralj h Rarteli and sister were ' hop
r n; in Lincoln WeJnerday.
Mrs. Dan ?lcCur(iy v;.? a jasc.ener
to Lincoln Saturday evening.
George Claik and brother, Ray, had
business in Lincoln Thursday.
Chas. P. Roscnow and family ir,o
to:ed to llavciock Sury.'ay morning.
Sam Cashner is in I'laitsmouth,
wliei e he was summoned as a juror.
Elton Snoke spent Sunday morning
with his sister, Mrs. Emma Cashncr.
The Misses Esther and Anna Ra.p
were home over Sunday, from Omaha.
Yerl Roscnow and Wesley Rird re
turned from I'lattsmouth Tuesday eve
ning. ShcriiT'i was tra::. -acting
business ii1. town and. vicinity Thurs
day. Mir. E. P. Ui-iend, James Iimmitt
and Henry Miller vvas in I'lattie.outh
Grandma' SkiRs r.nd tiaughter, Mrs.
Clara Prouty, ictujp.ed from Univer
sity Fiace Friday.
Deputy She: ill Munsper.ker of
riaftsnouth visited with J. A. Shaffer
and wi'o Monday night.
ii. A. Pailoy, Joe Armstn-ng, Ilert
j Rotzre's brother, who is very low at
i.hL- home in Peru, having been stricken
! with paralysis for the third time.
Mrs. Jack Davis?, Mrs. Dan Williams,
Mrs. Emmett Friend, L. B. Apple
ma?!, Frank Cook, Lee Clark, Alfred
Stroemer, John Murtey, George P.
j Foreman and Dan Skinner went to
j Plaitsmouth this week.
I Ma.der Chas. G. Foreman, who has
i voca been vi.-ithi.T the past two weeks with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
P. Foreman, returned to his home
in College View Friday afternoon, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Foreman.
Fiirnds of Zvhs. O'lie Foreman-Cole
were grieved to learn of her death
last Wednesday (l(;th)vat Omaha. She
wa.- buried vt Waverly Friday after
noon. Her husband. Earl Cole, and
th-.ce l'ttle daughters, her parents, Mr.
and Mi s. A. J. Foreman, to sisters and
four brothers are left to mourn her
ca' ly death. The many friends extend
mo. t sincere sympathy.
Local Syews
W.isidngttm. I. C, M.iy2:J. Ce;i
st ruction and operation of a great
fleet of barges to move grain down
the Mississippi river to tidewater and
thus relieve railway congestion, is be
ing considered by President Wi'son.
Although vast sum? have boo:1
spert on the Mississippi by the gov
ernment, the river of.icial? fc?l it i.-
not carrying the traffic it should. Gov
ernment heads and railway managers
have concluded the government
should step in anil either build and
operate a barge fleet or give financial
encouragement to private interests to
dj so.
K'. i.'n TjM-j-iliiy'y I aily.
Adam Stoehr of near Cullom came
in this afternoon to look after some
business matte; s for a few hours.
J.'.cb Frclich cf Eagle is in the city
attending the .sessions of the district
cou -t as a member of the jury panel.
A. 1!. Fe-rncff of near Cullom was
in the city for a few hours today look
lag after seme trading with the mer-
tua :t.
Xrs. 11. O. Ehlcrs and little babe
ret i ined to Omaha this afternoon
r.ft r a siiort visit here with relatives
and friends.
lion. John Murtey of Alvo, who was
here to attend the Foreman in
i he tlRtrict court, returned to his
!ie:rrr this afternoon.
V. N. Mlnford of Elm wood is one
of .he juiors spending the week in
this ci'y as a member eif the jury panel
in the Foreman damage suit.
F:"in Dufkirk and mother. Mrs.
I!; :y Iluskiik, r.n.d two nephews, Phil
ip rn.i Albert Rusk irk, motored over
Sat: relay from their hecne near Mur
eloch to sjtend a few hours visiting
vitl frienels in the county seat.
F. R. Mut:-: came in this morning
r;,i; his home in Eight Mile Grove
pioilr.ct (ii route to Omaha, where
h vill have liis left eye treated by a
rp"c ialist. Mr. Mutz been suffcr-ir-r
":ern his eyes for several days.
ru! Reiseisnw are
When you desire a cigar with the
flavor of the best tobacco call for the
"Eagle" and have smoke satisfaction.
Manufactured by Herman Spies.
If your car is net fully efficient, bring it
to us. I he very best of mechanics in our
employ. Our business is to give fuli ef
hdncy. Wc are fully up to the vork,
ar.d prepared to remcd3' any and all
I rouble.
Qssss SolicHed!
We like to have our expert workm-jii on
their mettle.
Our storage facilities are the best.
Our charges are reasonable.
Your palronacc is solicited and will. be
Call on our rxv location, South I'ifth St.
b Law
reus ir
a tr.
Hr ua a
LID. rASO?;, Prc oriotor -' -Garage
Phone 394. i . - ' -''' Residence . Phone ' 229
next winter and every vinter
thereafter by installing
(TraJc Mark Rvfi. U. S. P-U No. lOIJD
aissrs scfr egm&5Rs5
(U. S. Patents Nos. 1165122 U7R1:-)
the pioneer and original pipeless
furnace that others are trying to
imitate. Manufactured exclusively by
H. C MORRILL L CO., Omaha.
fSTT'ii. x&rifc,, Can be out in on
-riT1 ; iCffst.A old cr new Lcnie in
K vysSA ord giver, the
2-C3tc:.t aat-r.factioa
t&JteZf-A i Ask for a catalog
fattsmoatn u;;s wt'CK.
.Mr. ami .Mrs. oeorpre 1'. l oreman at
tended the funeral of their niece, Mrs.
Eat! Cole, at Wave: ly last Friday.
Idis. Harry Parse;! received word
that his sister at Gordon was sick, and
left last Thursday to help care for
TRiny Toland lecvived a letter from
ms lolKs in i. alii err.ia, miormine: mm
that his father, Ike Tolar.d, was very
Mr. Sanhorn of Clay Center. Kan.,
sr.fnd'r.'-: a few weeks with his
uiirhter, Mrs. Heibcrt Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Weichel and Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mis. Paul Thuresson and daughter,
Maxine, cf Chicago. 111., are visiting
the former's )arcnts, Mr. and Mrs
George P. Foreman and family.
Mrs. Henry Craig of Omaha came
down Wednesday, and her mother-in-law,
Mrs. -Liza Craig, accompanied
her home for a few week's stay
Alvo hase ball term played the Ash
land team at Ashland Sunday, win
win;, I-y a score of 3 to 1. Only five
innings were played on account of the
Jarob Knmm, an old "citizen,, aget
So years, died last Wednesday, and
interment was made in Camp Creek
cimeterv. An obituary will appear
next week.
Wcid was received by J. P. Rouse
fiora Prof. E. L. Rouse of Peru, that
the latter's father had been stricken
with paralvsis and was in a serious
Perry Cook and his. workmen have
finished dit chine in town along the
t:aclu for the Kork Island lines and
are now ditching between Alvo and
Prairie Home.
Vord came to Mrs. C-c rge P. Fore
r.-.a:! thai her rerhew, LIcyd Prouty
has joined the U. S. Navy and is now
at San Francisco, Calif. Lloyd is a
lad of 17 summer".
Th Nchawka High school I;a.v.c bail
team played the Alvo High, school
tcan or. the latter's diamond Friday
pftcrnoon, the latter team winning, by
a score of 2 to 3.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse left Wed
ncsday to be at the bedside of Mr.
:! " : ii-y's l'jily.
Mlr Sea Johnson came in this r.ft-
(n:rn lor v. rnort visit in lais c;iy
will relatives and friends.
ss li!!ie i:al o returned last eve-j
ftom Aliiance, where she has!
for a short time visiting with)
ives and friends in thai city. i
leisir.ger an
d wife of Cedar
rci: were in trie Citv looav lor a:
few hours iookir.s: after some matters
of business and visiting with their
W. K. Fox, jr., came down last eve-
miT"; irom i remont to enjoy a snort
vi L in this city with his parents and
frie.ids, returning this morning to the
Doff? county city.
Vis. John Shurigar and children of
Kensaw, Neb., arrived in this city last
evcrdr.'r for a visit with Mrs.. Shuri-
r.r's r-:'er'ts- -r- anJ. Mrs. E. M.
Got. win and family. '
En.'.ce Wells returned this mcrning
fro? i Missouri, where he has been cn-
joy.r.r a visit oi several weens witn
rcl: tives and friends in the southern
por.icn of that state.
Miss Gladys McMaken returned
hoiv.e last evening from Wymorc,
v.hcre she has been for the past sev
eral rnonts.s engaged in teaching in
the public schools of that city.
J. O. McNurlin of Union came up
to this city on the morning train to
attend to some business matters and
visit friends for a short time. While
here he called at this office and had
his subscription extended for another
yea r.
From Thm!; y's I;iily. "
William Wohlfarth of near Mynard
was. in the city today for n few hours
visiting with friends and looking after
seme matters of busness with the mer
Iler.rv Railev and wife of Alvo. who
have been in the city attending the
trial of the Foreman uamage suit in
the district court, departed this morn
ing for their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hipp of Lyons,
Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Davis
of Ilaxton, Colo., are in the city, called
heie by the serious iiircss of Mr. An
drew Dill, father of the two ladies.
Dr. E. W. Cook, who has been taking
treatment in Omaha for the past two
v.crks, was a passenger this morning
for the metropolis to spend the day
locking after some matters of busi
ness:. -R. D. Diil of Rosalie, Neb., who has
been he;e visiting with his father, An
drew Dill, for a few days, returned
:his morning to his -home for a short
stay, and will then return to Platts-mouth.
' v- IT"
Your family and friends want
your pictures of you, as theyare
accustomed to see you pictures
with your natural conversational
No need to wait for a fine day,
however. With the equipment of
our modern studio you can be
taken one time as well as another.
There's a Photographer in Your Town!
2nd Floor Coats Clcck,
Piattrinouth, Nebr.
The Plehawka mills
are now Roiling and Manufacturins the
8 f! n
f 1 pills
4Leltr Roll" Flour needs no boosting,
For on the top shelf it now is roosting.
The best cooks wherever you go
Use this famous flour, you know.
They just set their yeast and go to bed,
For they know on the morrow they will have good
Bread. N
J. M.
Q. D. ST. JOHf3, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head fVliller.
For Sale by AH Dealers
is now in excellent position for all kinds of
repair work, having secured the services of
an expert mechanic with ten years experi
ence who will have charge of this depart
ment. P&ige Cr Agency
and a Complete Line of All Kinds of Repairs.
Goodrich Michelin Tires
Also Tires for AH Cars
Give Us a Trial on Your Car Speeds!
rm Contracting and
Constuctton Engineers
Submit your building proposition to us for bids. We
can save you money no matter how small the job.
From sidewalks, silos, foundations, street and road
paving and all kinds of building in cement, brick, stone,
frame, or any kind of stucco finish. We also remodel
and repair old houses at the lowest possible figure. We
draw plans and specifications for our customers free cf
charge. We are up to date mechanics in all kinds of
masonary and wood finishing.
Call on us on corner of 5th and Locust btrceta or
phone No. 575.
pa nm a s H
ilia weggom mi.
Plattsmouth, flcbraska