The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 21, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    mi imriiinMi
MONDAY, MAY 21, 1917.
be plattemoutb 3uma
Entered at rostofTlce t Plattsmouth. Neb., a second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Be ready for Decoration (lay.
Thc gardens are growing nicciy.
Scattcr flowers over the dead sol
diers. -:o:
They saved th Stars and Stripes
and should not he forgotten.
:o :-
And most of the resident.? of Platts-
mouth have a garden.
Tcddy should be allowed to rake an
irniv across the ocean.
'Frit r.dlv" interest is too offer, on
ly aroh.r name for impi
Tl.e high co.- of living dos not
seem to be coming down toward ti.rth
verv fast.
Some pc; ie- are too fresh, but that
can't be .-aid ef eggs at this
of ihe war.
Lots of people every time they hear
the alarm clock go v'J, are in favo:
cf putting it back an hoar.
Brardl wants to send of her
own soldiers to IVatvc with Roose
velt, (lord for our South American
:o :
Ir.e si'cnl man should always he
rhen r:c,k for not bavin"; said m:;ir;s that ir.av have bee!;
m ms miru:.
Seek ihe thim: that you are be.-t iit
ted for, physically, mentally and mor
ally, and become an expert to keep
your own self-respect.
How many of v. start 'J 1 out by sav
i:ig the new coins thr.t came our
wry an 1 then g..t financially embar-la-sed
and have given them up.
A Roumrrr'an scientist says that old
a'o is due solely to a decrease in the
amount of water in the human system.
That sound? reasonable. Did you ever
know of a fi-h dying of old age?
The American revolution was sup
plied with numerous traitors, and when
caught they were punishetl. The north
had many traitors in its midst during
the civil war, and they met their fate,
and thus it goes in all wars. And why
should net traitors in the present crisis
Le punished?
Next to the republican who opposes
President Wilson because the presi
dent is a democrat, the rillit-.t citizen
is the democrat who blindly accepts
everything the president says because
the president is a democrat. In this
crisis the real patriot is the man who
accepts the piesident's leadership be
cause he is the president cf the United
Kver tho p. Ice of f.atiioii m is gct
tig higher. The outbreak of wa
lu s created a vudden demand all over
th country for flair-: and bunting, and
th. st eks in many daces are run
n'mg low, with the result that the
price a ivar. ced with remarkable
:a.)".dity. it. ir.ay scon be :i sign of
wealth to be ;.'( to wear a sprig of
Od Glory. Plenty ef flags at the
Journal office, of all sizes and grades
The printer's best friend i.; the man
or woman who drives hirn items of
news. There ;i'e people who arc so
timid that if they were i;oi:;;r tfdic.
they v(u'dn't say anything about it.
If a baby is born to you give it in for
publication the item, not the baby.
If you have a visitor, U3? the phone
and tell us. If you have made a good
deal and have money in your pecket.
give it to us that is, the kern con
cerning your speculation; we don't
want the money. Send us the news by
all means.
The time has come when the people
ef the United States should look the
kfacto of the world war squarely in the
face. It would be a very grave mis
take if there should be a continuation
of the present tendency to believe that
the war is ail but over, and that the
recent successes of the allies in France
are but a prelude to a German col
lapse. Nothing1 of the sort is true.
Despite the recent consitlerable initial
success of the allied offensives, ths
best military judgment is that it will
be imroi Tilde now for the allies to get
a military de'dslon in the present year
and that the war, judging by the mili
tary circumstances, must go on
through a campaign of 1918.
There is a very general notion ir,
the United States that Germany must
soon surrender, because of starvation,
This is possible', but unlikely. If Ger
many can last through the next two
months, she will be able to go through
many months more because the new
hat vest will begin to come in, and.
whether it is sufficient for another1
year or not, it will give Germany fooel
for a long period of time.
The chance of a military decision by
the allies this year was conditioned
urr.n the arrival of Russia, remuni
tioneil and reorgani.e'd, on the eastern
front. Unless every sign fails, thh
will not happen. Russia, to all ap
pearances, is for a long period of time
out cf the war so far as an offensive
campaign is concerned, and the real
p.iestion is whether Russia can held
any considerable number of German
Lvoops on the eastern front, or will be
ornpel'ed either to retreat or to mak
.i separate peace.
Unkss the United States shall with
in the next six months, put a consid
er able body of in France, who
' ill be able a year hence to take patt
;.i the campaign of l!)IS, there is a
r:ave possibility that France will col-'ap.-e,
owing to her great losses and to
her now steadily diminishing man
power. Unless the United States in
concert with Great R:itain, can eithe?
'hid a method for dealing with the
submarine or of revietuallmg Englan
and supplying France and Italy with
5tec-l and coal, respectively, there must
be a great possibility not alone of the
collapse-of France and the withdrawal
of Italy, but of a crisis in British food
supply next summer which may mak-i
peace by negotiation inevitable and
leave Germany, if not completely vic
torious, yet in a position to renew her
attack upon civilisation. What is even
more perilous is that a peace wou!
leave the control of the German em
pire in the hands of those who have
made this war, and made it the kind
cf a rt: ugg!o it has become.
Had Russia been able to perform
her part, it would have been possible
ftr the United States to have ap
p: cached the war with tome delibera
tion. It would have been possible to
have given precedence to industrial
organization and to have armed our
millions and trained them more rlowly.
Out this condition does not exist, an I
cannot be expected to exist for anothcy
Lit-us face the facts as they arc.
Today, despite their encouraging mili.
tary successes, the allies are facing
situation which is rerious, and likely
to become even more serious. The war
may yet be lost unless the United
States is prepared to send men to
France promptly, to begin without de
lay the organization cf ocean v trans
port and a systematic conservation of
the national food supply. Russia, at
leas.t temporarily, out of the war;
France almost at the end cf her re
sources; Italy still incapable cf cn
dui ins .successfully an attack organ
ized by German high command such a?
destroyed Roumania and almost cap
ured Verdun; Great Britain strug.
1 gling with a submarine blockade not
yet mastered and daily becoming mor;
serious this is the picture of the wa r
' situation as it now exists.
The United States can supply the
decisive blow. It can supply the dc-
! cisive blow only it me American pco.
pie put aside all notions that their
I aiticipation in the war is to bet small
or limited to contributions of money
or of food. We can win the war if
we are prepared to do in 1917 an
191B what we did in 18(53 and 1B64
but the war itself may be lost if two
vears consumed in organization at
home in a foolish effort to train men
imperfectly for a war such as the
present. We cannot hope for success
unless we squarely face the fact that
cur allies are likely to be beaten with
out help and that we shall lose th
war, with all the future peril that that
will mean for us. unless we act
promptly, resolutely, and put no limit
on our effort.
The collapse of Russia is the great
est single incident advantageous to
Germany in the whole conflict. A
change in Russian rulers saved Fred
erick the Great. Germany will b
saved in the same way unless the
United Slates can within one ye
take Russia's place on the firing line
and at the same time abolish the real
and growing threat of British starva
tion a year hence.
The present situation of the , war
does noi warrant panic. But neither
does it invite optimism. The hardest.
bitterest, most danerous portion of the
struggle is pyet to come, and unles?
the United States is prepared for sac-
lificcs as great as the British and
French people have already made
Germany may yet escape that defeat
vhieh is essential to the restoration
of justice and democracy in the world
and vindication cf international law.
now threatened with permanent re
peal. And if Germany escapes today, the
danger for us tomorrow will be bc
yend present estimation.
We are in a war the issue of which
is stiil doubtful and the outcome of
which will infallibly be defeat, unless
we are prcpareel to fight it as a war
for our own existence, calling for our
best effort and our ultimate strength.
New York Tribune.
An editorial in the current issue of
Farm and Fireside says:
"Any insight into the agricultural
mind, any index as to the direction in
which the farmer folk are traveling, is
always interesting. Especially is this
true as regards matters of legislation.
For this reason a recent inquiry made
through the board of agriculture in
a corn-belt state to its crop corre
spondents is worthy of note. These
farmer reporters some 800 in num
ber were inviteel to suggest subjects
for desirable legislation, whether such
legislation be the enactment or repeal
of existing ones.
"What did the replies reveal? Was
there railing against the railroads and
a cry to curb ail corporations, . the
good and the bad alike? Not so. At
the head of the list is the question of
roads, a demand for sensible, business
like road legislation. The next most
numerous expression is for a pure-seed
law, designed to prevent the state
from longer being the dumping ground
of inferior seed containing the seetl of
noxious, weeds. Third in order is the
expressed desire for legislation that
will afford sheepmen protection
against dogs. Schools, with special
stress laid upon desirable changes in
rural school laws, come next. Then,
following is the plea for protection of
the quail friend of the farmer in his
fight against insect pests."
As, many people are mad" more
honest by watching, so are many made
dishonest by not being watched.
If you remember the first time you
wet a fishing line, you don't need a
map to get a mental picture of th
kinks in the Ilendcnburg line.
Keep your chickens penned. It's
hard enough to make garden once, but
lots worse to replant the seeds after
Mrs. Biddie ha3 taken a dust bath in
the corner of the lettuce bed.
From the Fort Sheridan training
camp in Illinois comes evielencc that
at least in that camp germs are be
ing planted for the democratization of
Amerie-an armies.'
The senior instructor has issucel or
ders fcr the direction of the offair;
within the camp. Here arc some o'
the orders:
"Commissioned reserve officers are
sent to this camp for instruction.
Rank wil lnot be considered, but all
must (except as specified below) ob
serve the rules of the camp as in th;;
case of other members of the camp.
"Reserve officers will, when on de
tail as assistant instructors, etc., be
accorded all courtesies due their po
sition and rank while in the active
discharge of such duties.
"Regular officers on duty at thii
post will be raluted by all member?
attemling the camp of instruction
(Exception to this made irr the case
of members who may be detailed to
command companies, who then salute
only their superiors in rank.)
"When not on duty, as on social
occasions, all persons of the garri
son arc on equal footing. Officers of
the garrison will be glad to hav?
members of the training camp call on
In regular army life an officer who
would regard all of his associates a
his equals in social affairs would find
official contact too hot to be tolerated.
The regular army officialdom has been
built up on the theory that it rum-,
discipline for officers and their sub-
orelinatcs to affiliate' socially.
Of course those attending training
camps may not be regarded as pri
vates. Why not concede officially also
that all privates in the regular army
are not hoboes? Lincoln Star.
If you are against America, elon't
subscribe to the Liberty Loan.
If you want your country to lose
thi.s war, don't subscribe to the Lib
erty Loan.
If you love some other country
more than you love America, don't
subset ibc to the Liberty Loan.
If you love luxuries more than you
ove your country, don't subscribe to
the Liberty Loan.
If you would rather pamper your
self than serve your country, don't
subscribe to the Liberty Loan.
If you are not a hundred per cent
American, but only a 75 per cent
American, a 50 per cent American, a
10 per cent American, or a no per
cent American, don't subscribe to th
Liberty Loan.
But if you are for America, if you
ove America better than any othe-;
country in the world, if your first wis?,
is to serve your country in any way
that will help it, and if you are a
straight hundred per cent American.
then you will subscribe to the Liberty
-oan to the full extent of your ca
And that means that if, by squeez
ing a littlo here and there and deny
ing yourself a few things that you
really don't need, you can raise the
price of a Liberty Bond, it is a duty
and a privilege to buy one.
The possession of a Liberty Bond
is a certificate of patriotic citizenship
If it cost you a little sacrifice to
get it, that will make it all the sweet
er and finer. Duluth Harold.
The farmers are very busy.
:o :
Wonder if Old Winter dug himself
Many flags wen; in evidence Thurs
Molasses should be planted in warm
The government is hot on the trail
of the foeid price boosters.
The graduation days are here, the
lappiest days of the graduates.
It is funny what a difference a few
years make. The girl who used to
et you chew her "wax" till recess.
now has a daughter who carries an
individual drinking cup so she won't
get any germs in her mouth.
v. s ...
iW ( vybvv .aVv i ; ' i" v.v.v .vKv .vcw v.vs i.v, A.wv aa
Every Savage mileage maker gtts full credit for good
v.-crk because all work :s "keyed" to the serial numbers
cn the tire.s.i We know in every cace just who is respon
sible for 'Her.p b'tcj milengc." ' O
This plzK creates a strong sense of personal responsibil
ity and prid? among our workmen, end there is keenest
rivalry to see who can produce mo:' milecge per tire.
You can help us to produce even greater mileage for you
if you will send us full details of all Savages that run
over 7000 miles
Please be sure to give Serial Number, sie of tire, date of pur
chase, name cf dialer, and actual number cf miles run.
To r.elp chow our appreciation for this co-operation, we will send
nit tnncr tube patch tree of charge to all who report. "Heap Big
Th? only :jbc that have craph-
17 ni'rr.'s c" z: 101 aur.n. sticking.
.J trie t:onsnjheat:ni; Mik-.-soap-
r.c iir.flfccssury Ler.g -.h-
v cn i.-.c iwc c.i ui s&nT.
Nx tubes jicv-
Cape Jessamines for Decoration
elay. Call the Stanfield beok store
and place your orders now.
Roses for Decoration Dav can be
ordered new at the Stanfield book
store. Place your oreler early for
prompt delivery.
Sugar took r. drop when the Fire
King came to town. Watch us flour
will follow.
Several thousand tlollars worth of
merchandise yet to close out at great
ly reduced prices at the Fire Sale.
A. L. Becker, of LTnion, was among
those coming in today to be present
at the session of the district court,
being one of the members of the jury
S. C. Boyles and Sam Caslyier, of
Alvo, were in the city today attend
ing the session of the district court,
Mr. Cashner being a member of the
jury panel.
Nick Frederieh and family of near
Murray were in the city yesterday
enjoying the day visiting with rela
tives and friends, returning last eve
ning to their home.
The Woodmen of the World will
g've another of their pleasant social
lance's on Saturday evening, May 2(5,
at the M. W. A. hall, and to which the
rublie is very cordially invited to be
present. The music will be furnished
by the I'lattsmouth orchestra.
Do not buy something which you
already have. You have -food which
on feed your horses, cattle and
theep, but when you want medicine,
buy only medicine. That is what you
get in B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy.
We sell it and guarantee it to be medi
cine. We tell you mat it will tone up
the entire system of your stock and
aids digestion, thereby causing them
to get all the food value out of the
grain that you feed them.
II. M. Socnnichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Past. f Riley Hotel
Cote3' Block,
Second Floor
y&rM my ll km$ fir1 & X"V-
&&&& & SI itkm trte'
VJ .-.-;-.-
vat- ' -O-
Plati&mouth " , Mmm
v Plattsmouth, : : Nebraska 0
-.v '
T-'V.t-v -t r.-.w - ,.g,'w u mii ,t- - - . . . ....
v o
, r,n
fty t-r.--4.'w
some matters of business and calling
on their friends.
Sugar took a drop when the Fire
King came to town. Watch us flour
i will follow,
Ed Dorr, of near Wabash, was in
the city today, coming in to attend
the session of the district court.
Mrs. G. M. Minford and Mrs. Henry
Long of Murray were in the city last
evening for a few hours looking after
Hon. W. B. Banning, one of the
members of the petit jury panel, came
up this morning from Union to take
up the discharge of his duties on the
George Oldham was among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
he will spend a short time in that city
looking after a few matters of busi
From Saturday's llnily.
Burdettc Briggs, who for the past
two days has been confined to his
home suffering from a very severe ill
nes:; caused from tflxine poisoning, is
a little improved this morning, but is
still far from well and for the time been quite sick. This has come
as a great disappointment to Bur
dotte, who is a member of the grad
uating class of the high school and
he has been compelled to forgo the
p!eas'ires of the events that mark the
close of the school year.
Plenty of American flag stickers
for use in the windows can be found
at the Journal office.
? a? M? 5M M
Look at these splendid lands of Southwestern Nebraska and North
eastern Colorado before you make cropping arrangements for 1918. Don't
make a rental contract for the coming year that puts you nowhere toward a
permanent home until you have looked into the crop lecords of these areas.
Go out and talk to the farmers o fthese counties, you'll find them prosper
ing and ready to tell you that an investment you must make to properly
count in their neighborhood and on the read to independence.
I have two new folders setting forth the agricultural condition ', one for
Nebraska and one for Colorado, illustrated with local farm scenes scenes
and maps showing location. They are free. Let me put you in
touch with the
Watch for the
red Savage sign
From S;i t ui-'ln v'f laily.
This morning T. II. Pollock re tinned
fiom Rochester, Minn., where he has
been for the past several weeks re
covering from an operation performed
az the Mayo Brothers' hospital in that
city. Mr. Pollock is feeling better
than for several years and his condi
tion is constantly improving, and it is
now thought .that he has been cured
of the stomach trouble that for sev
eral years has undermined his health.
The many friends were delighted to
welcome him back anel to learn that
his sojourn in Minnesota has been so
beneficial to his health.
From S;(turl;iy's t;ii!-.
Mrs. C. E. Martin departed this
morning for Lincoln, where she was
called by a message announcing the
serious illness of her little nephew,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Har
vey, who has been taken with appen
dicitis and has been placed in the hos
pital for an operation. The coneli
tion of the little lad is quite serious
at present.
drenched horses for colic. That was
the old way, which was uncertain and
unsafe. Farirs' Colic Remedy does
away with drenching is applied on
the horse's tongue with a dropper
winch comes packeil in each bottle.
Get it today. We guarantee it.
II. M. Socnnichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
The Fire Sale closes Saturday night.
best farm bargains offered today.
InunlEration Agent C. B. & ,Q, R. R.
Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Fil P m
4 I