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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
PAGE S. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. MAY 17, 1917, N Hi I IYou Will -Be Surprised! at the low prices of at mm STOBP 3 FRANK R- OBELIV1AN 8 8 1 I EXCLUSIVE I I Wall Paper and Paint Store U Hotei Riley Block, Plattsmouth k -Rise lall Sflndav-! M$$&' IVZAY 20th j h . Plattsmouth, fdcb. f W i T's It . A fv? --a n si a w-x tj' l-J vs. Red Sox If M nam SING" t WEST FRONT Demoralization of the Russian Army Kelt-uses Teuton Troojis From Eastern Line. MESOPOTAMIA DRIVE ALSO AT A STANDSTILL Driti.-h (Iain Lost Ground at Rulle cGitrt French Are Attacked in Force. GTIONS m urnnr n urn MtnisL OF AGREEMENT ROSS FA Hopeful Trend Given Events by Cab inet Reconstruction Now Under Way. Duma and Council Committees Agree Upon Unity cf War Action and Reforms. reichsta anc I he .Mtlady team will be a feature attraction and "will give the fans the opportunity of seeing seme of the have been openly fastest players in the Greater Omaha Itaaue favoiit; be found with the Melady team and a gesd fast game is assured. The demonstration of the Russian r.rmy and tli? consequent withdrawal of (!orm:in forces from the eastern front are having their effect in France. The heavy reinforcement of men and guns, which Field Marshal von Hindenburg has been able to throw into the defense of his sorely KVttered lines have, for the time be ing at least, caused a deadlock which the most furious efforts of the Brit ish and French have failed to break. The fiist fruits of the chaos in Rus sia are the more ominous in the hints they offer of future possibilities. The Council of Soldiers and Workmen's delegates seems to have been aroused j at last to the perils of the course it has elected to follow, but it is a qustion if its awakening has not come too late. The soldiers in the ranks evidently have the bit in their teeth, and it remains to be seen if there is a hand strong enough to check them from bringing about practical anar ch, y. . The hopeful side of the? picture is drawn by the multiplying signs that the political and economic crisis in ! Germar.v is as acute as ever. Pos sibly for the first time in history, revolution and a German republic talked about in the tt--:?mxaj? yams Gs SI a 0 vr LLY OCCUPIES A CELL IN HARRISON iOUNTY JAIL, LOC ii i I.o;;n, G. Kt-llv la.. May 1; indicted for the M The Rev. the murder re family at 'iliisca bv L. (if a Red Oak jrrand jury, arrived here at 1I:1." this morning from Red Oak by auiomobiie. He was accompanied by Sheriff Dunn and Mrs. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly seemed to have i towd the trip across the country rea sonably well, and, in fact, are said to have enjoyed the ride, and both seem to le in fair spirits. The Rev. Mr. Kelly was taken to a cell in the jail and Mrs. Kelly, af ter remaining at the jail a short time, went out to search for a room and h.'ardinjr house for herself. The arrival of the Red Oak party c-iused no especial excitement at Lo ir a n. Red L. G. tin-lei- Kelly's Trial at Lofran. Oak, la.. May 10. The Rev. Kelly, the itinerant minister indictment chartred with the his trial, the t yet been fixed, by his wife. most significant of all, m action. Many of the old J apparently the authorities do not of tne Piatt ,m;uth fans will ' dare to check the irrowinir audacity of the radicals. In fact, the pressure of the malcontents has become so rreat as to force the government to hastily withdraw its refusal to per mit radical socialists to attend the international socialist conference at Stockholm. The food situation in Germany also appears to be growing1 steadily worse and alarm is expressed in various quarters that the avail able supply will not sufbee to feed the nation until the next harvest. The British campaign in Mesopo tamia, where a series of important victories over the Turks has been won, the war office announcing today that l'Jo prisoners have been taken in minor skirmishes since the first of the month. taken to Logan. la., today. The min ister will be held in jaii there until of which has not ite i!e was accompanied Petrograd, May 1G. The govern- i ment and the radicals who have been hampering its activities have reached an agreement on three important points and cabinet reconstruction has been inaugurated. Following the publication of im portant cazinet changes, including the retirement of Prof. M. Milukoff, foreign minister from the cabinet, the official news agency issued this statement : "The three cardinal points upon which the government, the excutive committee of the duma and the coun cil of workmen's and soldiers' dele gates have agreed, are: 'The unity of the allied fronts. "The fullest confidence of the rev olutionary democracy in the recon structed cabinet. "A plentitude of powers for the government." x roiessor .uwukoii s uecision to re tire from the cabinet was announced at a sitting of the provisional govern ment held last night. The cause, the official news agency states, was a difference in views on the reorganiza tion of the cabinet. It was suggested that Premier Lvotf should take charge of the min istry of foreign affairs, but the pre mier declined. Finally the majority decided it was best to entrust the ministry of foreign affairs to M. Ter-j escntenKo, wniie m. Jverensky was appointed minister of war and marine. warnings to the more extreme ele ments who have become intoxicated with their new found power. Neither surprise nor alarm at what is going on is expressed by those who have recently returned from Russia. They say that such an immense up heaval as the revolution could not but be followed by a period of uncertain ty and that the present chaos is but a healthy groping about to find a per manent form of government with a just distribution of authority. It is admitted that -this internal conflict necessarily is liberalizing and mod erating the foreign policies of the A. 1. J 1 i country, wnicn wm make a peace easier to obtain and seroiusly threat ening the discipline of the army. News received in this country i felt to be unduly disquieting because it all originates from the German-infested center of Petrograd. American ofiicials hope that the im mediate evidence of American aid and sympathy will steady the more radical elements to a practical course. PLEASE RETURN ROOKS. East evening eleven of the small red song books were taken from tho Methodist church by mistake, and it is desired that these books be returned as they were borrowed for the occasion from the high school glee club and must be replaced, so anyone who has them will confer a favo by returning them. ATTENTION G. A. R. AND LADIES OF RELIEF CORPS. It is desired that the G. A. R. and Ladies' Relief Corps occupy the seats on the stage at the opera house during the patriotic meeting Thursday eve ning, May 17th. 1917. Kindly meet at your hall and march in a body to the opera house, to reach the opera house by 8 o'clock. By Order of the Committee. ICE CREAM SOCIAL AND DANCE. THE NEBRASKA SCHOOLS MAY NOT TEACH GERM Lincoln, Neb., May If.. Teaching of the German language in the public schools of Nebraska, made possible by the passage a few years ago of the Mockttt law, will probably be aban doned next year in all schools, accord ing to reports received by W. II. Clemmon. state superintendent of public instruction. "The German language in our schools is dying a gradual and natural death." said the state superintendent. "A number of schools dropped it im mediately after war was declared. My opinion is theie will be few petitions to have it taught in any schools in the i . state next year." London. May 1(5. The British have captured most of the ground they lost in Bullecourt and have established new posts on the west side of the vil lage, says a dispatch today from Reu ter's correspondnt at British headquarters. Paris, May Kb A violent battle is raging near Moulin tie Laffaux, on the Fiench front, where the Germans have attacked in force after an artil lry struggle which lasted throughout the night. The war office statement says that the Frnch are maintaining all their positions. The attack is on a front of four kilometers. Yillisca ax murders in 11)12, was Dawson Wiii Fix It I Is Your Bloney Supporting the Government? At this critical period in our history our manu facturers are offering their mills, and our young men are offering their services to the United States Government. V ould you like to do your share and help by putting your money where it will support the nev Federal Reserve Bank'ing System, which the Government has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agriculture You can do this by opening an account with us, as part of every dollar so deposited goes dirctly into the new system, where it will always be ready fcr you when wanted. FIRST HATiOHAL BANK Plattsmouth, Nebraska Rome, Tuesday, May 15. Import ant successes were won bv the Ital- lans today in opening their drive on the Isonzo front. The official re port says the Italian infantry ad vanced over strong positions ajid still continues to advance. Valuable posi tions have been won and prisoners are flowing into our concentration camps. FEBEHAL HESEKVEj! London, May lfi. Severe fighting is in progress today north of the Scarpe river on the Arras battle front, says today's official statement on operations in the Franco-Belgian war theater. Amsterdam, May 1G. The death at the front of General von Victinghoff, former governor of Strassburg, is re ported in a dispatch from Berlin. "Equivalent to Admission of Defeat' Amsterdam, Via London, May 1C. The Nieuws Van Der Tag regrets that Chancellor von Bethman Holl- weg's speech has not cleared the ob scurity in regard to Germany's war aims. It says that the chancellor's words have strengthened bis enemies' hands and must be considered equiv alent to an admission of defeat. Washington, I). C, May lO.Offi cial confirmation of the withdrawal from the Russian provisional govern ment of Foreign Minister Milukotf, coming on the heels of the retirement of War Minister Guchkoff and three f the highest army generals, failed to weaken the belief here that Rus sian democracy would find a way out. Proof of the confidence of the Ameri can government, as well as of its de termination to lend unstinted aid, was given today in the form of a $100,000,000 loan to Russia. Inquiries during the day among both American and allied oilicials and diplomats, including three officials who have recently, been in Russia, re vealed an almost unanimous opinion that the storm now beating will not be fatal, though its climax probably has not been reached. The recent wholesale resignations of the more moderate and capable leaders are interpreted as, in a sense, The young lad Pes of the K. S. hall will give an ice cream social at the hall on est Locust stiver on Wed nesday afternoon. May JJ0 (Decora tion Day) and in the evening there will be a social dance given at the hall. Music by the Holly Saxaphone orchestra, ladies free. Admision: Gents, 50c Had a Verv Bad Cough. This letter should interest every reader: "Last winter I had a very bad cough. I used medicines, but they did me no good. I took one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it cured me. (Signed) V. DeKeuster, Air.berg, Wis." No substitute is as good as Foley's lIoner and Tar for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. 52a & and elect Your Lawn Movers while we still have a complete stock! BPS tor & Swatek THE UNIVERS AL, CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford Service has kept pace. It is the fac tor which strengthens the personal rela tion between Ford owners and the Com pany. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit of Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. Touring car, $360; Runabout, 345; Sedan, $545; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by T B 13 31 oBiock Auto Co., F0i.D Authorized Sales and Service, 6th Sf., Plattsmouth, Neb. . Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58. PLEASE RETURN HAT. The party who took the hat from the Hotel Riley barber shop by mis take Saturday evening will please return the same to the shop and this will be much appreciated by the owner of the hat. Kinds of Insurance 3 SURETY BONDS Kesidence Masonic Home. Telephone No. 313 n j 1t- (-f - jf Comfor ii For Rent Living rooms; over Stan field book store. Inquire of Henry Herold. ; 4-lG-tfd ( ( t I A ride in any of the Willys-Overland models will enable you to understand the luxurious riding qualities o these cars. All details having bearing on the comfort of these cars have been har moniously balanced. ample wheelbaseand large tires shock-absorbing cantilever rear springs deep soft upholstery roomy body with with side seats proper balance in construction Each one of these features does its important part in absorbing the jolts of rough roads. You ride smoothly in solid comfort. Every model in the comprehensive Willys-Overland line is built to a rigid standard of performance, appearance and comfort. Each car is, ve believe, the dominant value among cars of its hind. rr- - A VI... Light Fours Touring $C.G5 Roadster ?CS0 Country Ctyb $795 Rig Fours Touring 900 Roadster 885 . Coupe $1250 Sedan $1450 Light Sixes Touring $1025 Roadster $1010 Coupe $13S5 Sedan '. $1585 Willys-Six Touring $1425 Willys-Knights Four Touring $1,395 Four Coupe $1650 Four Sedan $1950 Lour Limousine $1950 Eight Touring $1950 Advance in price, Big Four and Light Six models, May 1st next de ferred until that date account too late to correct advertisements appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of April. All prices f. o. b. Toledo Subject to change without notice. Gun Plattsmouth, . : Nebraska P ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) J s r V If i "-JIBJIWR!"" " 1 I