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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
PI.ATTSMOU7H SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. THURSDAY- MAY 17, 1SV Murray D Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers ybti; Does Stand at That question is it not? If a his words carry weight. He is c factor in the community. Everybody will stand well at the bank if he or she deposits surplus cash. We are opening new ac counts daily. Gur system of loens and in terest is liberal and simple. We invite a call. W Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the Stat' Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAPIIC Mrs. Orris Cook h heen quite sick j this week. J. K. Holmes was a Murray visiter last Friday. A. L. Baker was a Tlatt. mouth vis itor Sunday afternoon. L. D. Hiatt was numbered with the t siek fur a few days this week. Miss Ikitka Nickels was a Piatts inoirth visit-..- last Saturday. Khmer IIaiI.:tom was vi.-iting with Piaitsmouth fritnds Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Bcedeker were Omaha visitors last Saturday. The reivieej at the Lewiston church last Sunday were wed attended. Mis. Ray Chriswisser has been on tiie siek list for the past few days. OfTer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J.V. Holmes. Alf. made a business trip to Lincoln Wednesday of this week. John Edmunds drove down to Ne braska City last week far alfalfa seed. Kelly Rhoden took in the ball jrair.e at Plattsrnouth last Sunday afternoon. Earl Merritt was hamjing paper at the Win. Xiekeis home last Saturday. Searl Davis shipped a ear of hogs to the South Omaha market Wednes day. Mrs. Jennie Rhoden was visiting at the Carroll home for a few days this week. Robert Nickels and wife weie Pljctsracuth visitors Tues;hiy of this week. The many friends of Chas. Welfe are pleased to see him up and around again. The family of J. R. C. Gregory was released from the diphtheria quaran tine Monday of this week, Mrs. Rhoden and little child having fully recovered. sor Ladies at the Old Prices! Poros Knit Union Suits 50c V-Neck Cumfy Union Suits 50c V-Neck Cumfy Vests 50c Setsnug Fine Yarn Union Suits 50c Misses' Union Suits..... 25c Infants' Wrappers 15c Men's and Boys' Unions 50c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25 This is a very good time to anticipate 3'our wants while stocks are complete at these prices. Hiatt MURRAY, : epart He the Bank? often is asked, man stands well is l IS Offer 100.00 for your ear if stolen, if you are injured by J. Y. Holmes. The are at work in re modeling the Oldham residence this ve.-k. Murray was pretty veil romrsentod r.t the ur.-Jav s 'j !i o o i eonvenliwii m .1 Union. Lee Fairis ness matters; vliis wo.'k. was looking after in Omaha Tus d of Oscar MvPena'd drov. in iv.esu far vi-it with The telephone crew again this wcel. iv.akir. :e in .uurruy some repairs to the lines. Mrs. Shields, an aunt o Shields, has been (juite rici .eorge for the past few days. John Hobscheidt and family moto;ed to Piattrmouth Sunday morning to attend church. Mrs. F. M. Young and daughter, Mrs. Fred Cook, wire Plattsrnouth visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Lloyd Gapen and Miss Anna White were Platu-mouth visitors Tues day of this week. Dr. Giimore was looking after some matteis of business in the county seat S a turd a y e v e n i n g. Oldhams shippeil sixteen head of c:;;s to Iowa, Missouri, Indiana and Nebraska this week. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Males, cf Platts rnouth, took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hiatt. A. J. Davis, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is reported some better at this time. Frank Moore was looking after some business matters in the county seat Monday of this week. J 1 i. nderwear bummer Tcrit NEBRASKA nent Ed Murphy, from near Mar.ley, was in Murray Tuesday to meet some vis iting fiiends from Omsha. Liaience Tcfft of Weeping ' Water passed through Murray Wednesday en route to the county seal. Ed Leach, went to Omaha Tuesday to spend the day with his wife, who is in the hospital in that city. Sheriif Qalnlon, James Robertson and M. Archer ot" Piattsmou:h, were in Murray Wednesday morning. The iirni tf Young & Seotton are caipmtering at the faint home of Homy Er .Mis. Wm evening to r mother. Mr; Hull came in Moudav ! i. Hull lives in Ohiahem.;. Robert Sbraer of South Side. Oma ha, was, in TdiPiay hist Sunday, driv ing his rug r.ut-j truck down for a load of corn. Iia.ry Eice has been doing some pdasttiing in thi- locality' -for the past few days. Mr. Rice lives in Platts rnouth. Jake Hild, from west of Murray, shipped a coiload of tattle to South Omaha Monday evening, the same be ing loaded out of Myr.ard. Perry Nickels, Miss Wila Cogdill, Abrador Nickels and Miss Elide Cog did spent the day last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Campbell. Mrs. licit Root was taken to the dish hospital in Omaha Tuesday moi ran sne vi:i nceivt racu- ieal treatnietU for a John li ii scheid.t. f.'W v-. eeks. sr.. ana wife, of i : ritsmoi!t:i. j-pe:it a it w oavn i're -a W( ei: with their soil, Jo'.!', on t tu fa' rn sotdh and cart of Muirav. Spit ilia corsets have tht comfoi t and the darabills y. :uylc, the Girls and iv-r.rion to M. Net k. Is ma t u r : l v ga r nr e : i t s . Ett: r.Iis. James Holmes of riatismoulh was visiting v. ,th Mariay friends lust idld .y aftci neon, and atten Iv-d the .'II .-ionary sotitty meeting at the l.v.'s hours. ray well rei'rercnted at the paiiiutic meeting h.eld in Weeping Water last Friday afternoon. They were more than, pleased with Mr. Met calfe's talk. Ms. Glen Perry, who lias been quite rick for tk vast fe'v weeks, re mains in about the same condition, bui. r nr. to. l-ettcr l. uauv coKect id .ai The tenth, grade class of the Mur ray schools, ami, their ttacher, went dfwn to the "I3ig I'dUudy" Wednesday for a picnic day in the woods along the banks of the river. irn planlin is being rushed to a i round Murrav. The lini- in and "r.r-'iers are into the wc to their e is and they a char up evdng to .stay there t r.tii dnish d. The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. P. F. Prendel Wednes day afternoon, and were most royally entertained by Mrs. Brendel, Mrs. J. F. Prendel and Mrs. Will Seyboit. There will be services at the Lew iston church Sunday morning, May 20th, at 11 o'clock. The services will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. Tay lor, of Union. You are invited to be present. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carper died at the home of its par ents on Monday afternoon, May 14. The funeral was held Wednesday and the little one laid to rest in Manley cemetery. W. J. Phiipot returned home from Custer county last Friday evening, where he had been for the past two weeks looking after his farm interests. He reports all crops in that part of the state looking fine. George Ingwcrson, from near Ne hawka, shipped a car load of mighty fine cattle to the South Omaha mar ket Tuesday evening. They were all native cattle and of the famous white face breed, and extra fine. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Long and Mrs. Oldham and daughters, Fay and Pau line entertained some (5 of their fiic:iu6 at the Long home Frnlay aft ernoon. Ice cream and cake were served during the afternoon. F. E. Vallery and Ed Noell went to Perkins county last Saturday, where they will put in the corn crop of Mr. Vallery. Frank will then return home and will make his home on the Val lery farm until the crop i3 gathered. A. B. Boedeker, from near Nchawka was in Murray Wednesday shaking hands with his many friends here, and purchased a new lister from our old reliable dealers, The Murray Hard ware and Implement Co., who are sell ing a world of implements this sea son, I? any of the readers of tho Journal know of any stx-ial event or item of iuti-pst in this vicinity, and will mail Mais to this ot'k-e. it will u iear under tins headim'. We want all uews items Editoh EE PORT OF THE CONDITION or THE Murray State Bank of Murray, Nebraska Charter No. .71 In.'oriM-ira'. d i n the St ale f Xclr a ;ka, at the of Ijiimii'-k-. Muyrtii, 1'."... KRst.i;i:crs' r.nd diM-ounfs ill.TJ.V 1 .Mii 4" ifcninil'is l:.:iki!'j.' Iioum'. fundi ;iinl li.t mi's C .rii iii 'i !: s. tu.ts and int it I'a'.d Dye from nali.iiia! uiiil slaic l.;oilv iXA: 4- 1 Ch''cl; and itcrus of e- -!i.i i, . ::t; Cv.i ri im-.v '.'.i'.l::; ( n i i dd oiii i .Ui: i'J Silver, idol.tds :.nd centN I l sr. 'l 1.1AIUI.1T1F.S Caidtal slock paid in Sundas fund i I I'div td d iMuli! s iOra o in ri.t nc tj lltdiv idaal d-X'Sits sul.i' i-t 1 cheek s ." Tiaieet-i-liliealtwof (le;iosil ... .'.." 4-ii '.'I ( 'aliier's i-hecU-oiitt:iml- iwjr 4.-?ts i:t h .'.m:; leiH.-itot'sruaranty fund 44 State of Nebraska, i . County of I'a.. I. W. (1. I'.oe.U k. Cashier of the aline naiiieii hank, do herehy swear t licit al'ove st aienu nt is a coi n et and t rue eoi-y of i lie i (jki! I to tie- St at e hanking lioui'd. W. C lioideker. Cashier. ... ... "!! s C. i'iciKi :. Director. Aiie.i:-, .1!Ki, Ni lMAN. IHreetor Siiliv i ined and s'Aoi a to Oei'oi e me t Id-. 1 4 1 1. day of May. lid;. ll vrr. skai.I Notary I'uhlie. D. L. Atiams of iktl.any was visit ing with Murray friends Tuesday, lie al.-o made a trip to the county seat Wednesday, where he had : ome mat t c-' business to look after. The Journal aclrno wiedges a pleasant call f i cm him. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Viison cr.ter taircd a company of friends at their home east o Murrav last Saturday evening-. A most pleasant ar.d delight ful time was enjoyed by those pres ent. Mrs. Wilson served dainty re freshments that added greatly to the pleasure of the occasion. O. V. VLgin, from near Berlin, was in Murray Tuesday evening visitim with ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Virgin. C::: has been delayed with his farm work this season, owing sick ho: a trouble that has made them all lame. He took his fatiier horse home with him to assist in the farm work. Elmer tiocdeker departed last Sat urday for his new home in Dullois Idaho. His car of goods left Friday and Elmer took up the auto route fo: the west Saturday, maKing the trip in his l ord car. lie had plamreu upon lir.dhig room in the car for h:s auto but could not do so. He expected to make the trip in about live days, distance of over i.'OO miles. Mr. 13oe- deker will remain in Nchawka for a few days with her parents, until her mother recovers irom the injury re ceived in a fell a few weeks ago. ( iean-up Day ia Lewiston. Tuesday, May 2:'th, has been set as 'clean-up'' day at Lewiston. Every one who is interested in the church giounds or cemetery should plan to be present. The ladies cf the K. N. K. will serve dinner, ar.d will also have a quilting. In the Lewiston cemetery theie are many monuments that are 'down or leaning over, and many graves that are sunken and need the attention of the friends or relatives. Everyone who has friends or relatives buried there should make an effort to Le present on the grounds on the 2'Jth. See that the '"silent city" is in readi ness for memorial services. The en tire community is cordially invited to attend, bringing well filled baskets and tools to work with. FOR SALE. 800 hedge posts; one second-hand windmill. Inquire of O. A. Davis, Mur ray, Neb. 4-CO-lmo wkly A PLEASANT EVENT. This morning the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bestor was gladdened by the arrival of a fine little daughter, who is, without doubt, the finest little lady in the whole citv. The mother and little one are doing nicely and Frank is just as proud as is possible for anyone to be, and the little brother is feeling well pleased over his new playmate. The many friends will ex tend their best wishes for the future welfare of the little one and trust that she may prove a joy and comfort to the parents in the years to come. For Sale Span of mules, 4 years old, weighing 2,200 pounds; well broke and worked all last year. Mark White. 5-10-4t wkly Si 1 TIF MniflF ! -AT MURRAY - j The 19th episode of in two ree!3 "The Small Town Remeos" a Nestor comedy "Green Eyes'' one reel Nestor comedy PULS&6A3SE53ER psa a 1 U Lob baa a Saturday Evening, Shovv Starts at 7:45 Sharp FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Single comb Puff Orphington, $1.00 per setting or Jo.OO per 100. Samuel Goodman, Mynard, Nebraska. Flag stickers for your collar deco rations at the Journal cflice. :?3 11 B li ii k Ctrl faa' It B A half million dollars' worth or periecilv good larm ma enmerv is thrown m the .scrap pile every vear in Nebraska. l airn work is the hardest Work there is on machinery. Castings break, bearings - . . .1 wear out. shalts bend and break. Things get dull and Dili hard, gears rattle, smash. ... . . bang and crash, paint gets dull. Many farmers throw away machinery and buy new, be- cause they are not aware that we can m nearly every case re- make such machinery equal nd in many respects better thein lit-W. We do rot rare how bad vonr TSifhir.orv w CnvKh,l nr wnm P.ev look 5,?i'-oo s- wP make them as good as new and save you money. a collar saved is a dollar earned; keep your money at home and you may get it back again, besides it nelps us to employ home labor. Put vcur machinery troubles to us; we have the best equipped machine shop in the country; if you don't believe it, call and see us. Visitors are al ways welcome e mane everything in metal. Now is a good time to overhaul tilings for the spring rush. WESTERN MACHINE AND FOUNDRY. L. C. Sharp. Plattsrnouth - Nebraska lioo Gontracfcrs and Builders No Job too Small or to Large! Phone 40 or 25 Murray, -:- Nebraska Stop! Look! Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so s still in the ring You will find I on the Murray Exchange. Reverse AH Galls! Satisfaction Guaranteed I Rates Reasonable Address PIsStsmGufh, Nebraska Route No. 1 A OK X jwWk win If you are going to use a two-row cultivator we have got them John Deere and Potter. If it is a one row cultivator, we have the John Deere, Badger, J. I. Case and Ovrland. Riding, we have the New Depart ure, Jenny Lind and John Dere. Walking Cultivators. Now is the time to get your order in. Come in and look them over and get our prices. MURRAY ware and MURRAY, HOHENZOLLERNS TOO POPULAR IN GERMANY TO BE DETHRONED Berlin (Via London), May 15. In lhe debate preceding Dr. von Deth- mann-IIcllweg's address, Herr Roe- sicke, conservative and president of - the German farmers' union, in bring- ln lorwaru.on benalt ot nis party an interpellation in connection with Germany's war aims, said maintain with streams of blood our 1 territorial Kams tlie socla democratic party - 1 imi'c"ai umiu-ciiui i --"i ! -1 ij iLnuut uy niuciuimi and without any annexation. The im perial government has met the social- jst democratic demands to such an pvtent that, this nnrtv Pninvs nrpfpr - r"" "J --- "k oeonu mat accorueu thn rtVOT rurf ioc o rwl t Vi imnorinl . . 1 A 1 A 1 1 J.1 A 1.1 ' " -" word 1 know no Parties ls rendered I V!ll!lDlflCC lierr vsicue uenounceu me social I TT T ?l 1 ist aims as sinister and antmationai and as tending to a prolongation of the war, since, he said, the entente based their hopes on German dis- union i "President Wilson " Herr RnpsiVkp continued, "wants no peace with the I IlnhpnTnUprn hut ihp mnniircliu i; LUU uee'-v luULeu 111 "- ueari!l . l.. l x lul Llle nauignity ul tue entente or I r il. i : r .1 a t ! of President Wilson to be capable of destroying it, Herr Roesicke said the Germans ac knowledged that Russia was maintain loyalty to her allies, while from Germany disloyalty to the monarchs was expected. Proceeding to denounce lusti-Prifcf IS? Liti Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Drs. Ellach & Wach, The Dentists- The Urget and best equipped dental offlcei In Omaha. SpecialiU ia charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prices. Porcelain filling just like tooth. IntrumenU carefully sierilned alter usinj. Send for rsxs sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. MMMMi 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA FT0 for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Writefor twok on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who havo been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 De Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA Implement Co., NEBRASKA the socialist aims and expressing doubts as to the government's "will to victory," Herr Roesicke continued: "The desire for renunciation of an nexation and indemnity gives our ene mies a charter to prolong the war without risking anything. A rejection of the renunciation proposals by the reichstag will be a manifestation of our strength and of our will to se cure an enduring peace which will safeguard Germany's future. The na tion demands a clear reply." The speech provoked cheering from the conservatives and hisses from the members of the left. PUBLISHERS HAVE THEIR SAY IN HEW WAR TAX CRITICISM Washington, May 15. The war tax bill provision to greatly increase pos tal rates on newspapers and maga zines again today was under fire in congress. In the house general debate on the bill, was nearing its final stages while before the senate finance committee newspaper publishers continued their attacks on the bill's postal rates pro vision. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, presented the protest of the labor press. In a formal statement on behalf of publishers throughout the country the committee was told that the publishers are willing to be taxed to any extent that would not destroy their business. Remember the Journal carries the finest line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets in Back and Front Lace SI.SI.25, SI.50aSI.75 They are truly extraordinary corsets at ordinary prices. They are authoritive in style, light in weight, most attrac tive in appearance and fit as a part of the body. Nebraska. Fistula Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Fistula and other Recta 1 Diseases in a short time, without a severe sur gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anasthetic nned. A cure fioaranteed i n every case accented