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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1917)
h 1 f - ' r t - THURSDAY.' MAY 17, 1917. PCATTSMOtmi SOU-WEEKLY 30URNAC TAKE 3. I I : y it. i i ' "2 ! V 1 i Ik I V ' ' a0 i 'A i l. r V 7c!ch fcr tr.e red Severe sign COMMUNITY SING AT METH ODIST CHURCH Larue Audience Delighted With Most t harminsr Musical Event of the Season in This City. The conmv.inity sinr at the Meth od i.-st church hiit evening proved one f the rao.-t delightful evenfs of its kir.d that has htcn held in the city in years and the audience, which filled the church, joined heartily in the sinsr inr, and the tones of the dear old and the in-pirin. hymns brought a t; ip over the sea of memory to the older members of the audience, while to the younger ones present the oc casion was a rare treat. Th2 choir of the church, under the 1 ! d --ship of Mrs. E. H. Wescott, led th sinjrin and were assisted hy the ;:uditnee in a splendid manner. The opviiinr nu mbers did not brin the full st:enKth of the voices, but as the riimlicrs were given out the audience jfir. d in and made the church echo with the notes of the melodies that are dear to the hearts of everyone. THE REFRESHING i'N.-.v . c .i 'sX ' f ii mi m Contains No Alcohol Absolutely Pure! Made by the fon Toxo Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota , Distributor for Savages are "keyed" by means of serial num bers. And are distributed by our own organiza tion, not sold to middlemen in huge quantities and carried in stock sometimes for a year or more. We know just where a casing is and how long it has been there. The minute a tire reaches the the doubtful age, the point beyond which there is possibility of deterioration, it is replaced by a new casing. You are always sure of getting live tires, full of "pep" and miles, when you buy SmmmE TIMES Heap big mileage The Plaftsmouth Garage Plattsmouth, Nebraska SGVaGE GRGFINITE TUBES The only tabes that hae f raphite vulcanised Into the tuHaee. Prevents deterioration. sticking, friction and beating- Make, soapstone unnecessary- Lcnfthana the Ufe of the tub. "The Home Over There," the opening number of the program, brought the vision of the years and of the kindly touch of vanished hands long gone, and of the future life of joy and rest. The notes of the old war song, "Marching Through Georgia," stirred the hearts of all the audience with the love of country and the glories of the nation's bravest sons upon the field of battle, while the tender song, "My Old Kentucky Home" brought recollections of home and loved ones "when the sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home" and the kindly southern songs of long ago. "Yankee Doodle" was an other of the patriotic songs that was thoroughly enjoyed and the men in the audience assisted by whistling the refrain while the ladies sang the verses. The high school glee club was requested to sing the verses of "Old Black Joe" with the audience joining in the chorus, and this, with "The Old Oaken Bucket," proved one of the most delightful numbers on the program. Many of those in the audience who ( came to listen and enjoy the singing of the others, felt the inspiration of the occasion and in a few minutes after the opening of the program found themselves entering into the spirit of the occasion and giving vent to their feelings in the old songs and hymns. It was an event that was a delight and a revelation and it was the universal wish of all that other community sings might be given in HEALTH DRINK Cass County. the future, and it is safe to say that at the next one there will be a much larger number present to enter into the event. The work of Mrs. Wescott in leading the singing was such as to put the audience at their ease and brought everyone into the singing with spirit. The free will offering taken donated a neat sum to be applied to the Red Cross work, and will be used in the formation of a local chapter of the Red Cross to aid in the work of help fulness during the war time. SUNDAY SCHOOL CON VENTION A SUCCESS The convention of the first district Qf the Cass county Sunday School as sociation held at Union was one that was quite largely attended from the eastern partion of the county, dele gates being present from Plattsmouth, Mynard, Murray and Union, and the greatest enthusiasm was shown throughout the proceedings. The meetings were held in the Methodist church and were filled with the dis cussion of the Sunday school work from all standpoints and with a view of creating a greater interest in the work throughout the county. In the evening the delegates were entertained at supper in the basement of the fine new Baptist church, the ladies of the Baptist and Methodist churches having provided a feast that certainly was appreciated by the visitors from out of Union. At the evening session of the convention Rev. H G. McClusky of Plattsmouth wras the principal speaker, and he gave a very able ad dress along the lines of the the work of the church and Sunday school that was greatly enjoyed by everyone pres ent. A NEW SOFT DRINK. F. G. Egenberger has just received a consignment of the celebrated "Non- Toxo" beverage which is manufactured by the Hamm company of Minneapolis and is considered one of the best of the temperance drinks on the market This light and refreshing drink wil be handled at the "Luxus" in the fu ture as Mr. Egenberger is the agen for the beverage in this county and the surrounding territory. It is a rea refreshing drink for a hot day and be ing absolutely free of all intoxicants makes a drink for everyone, young and old. The new thirst quieter is very pleasing to those who have tried it out and seems to hit the spot. American flags, from 5c up, at the Journal office. MELADY MAVERICKS CON TEST RED SOX NEXT SUNDAY As the attraction at the Red Sox park on Sunday next Manager John son has secured John Dennison's Me lady Mavericks, one of the best teams in the Greater Omaha league, and one which numbers among its members the best in the line of amateur players in the big city. Dennison was at the head of the fast Luxus team the past two seasons and his new team is just as good as the former city champions and in a number of positions the team is stronger. "Smoky" Grant, one of the star pitchers of the Greater Omaha league, is on the staff of the Melady Mavericks. This team last Sunday defeated the Polish Merchants' team, by the score of 9 to 0. They will find, however, what a real team is when they tackle the Red Sox. ANOTHER WARNING TO TRESPASSERS ON RAIL ROAD RIGHT - OF - WAY The dangers that lurk for the tres passer upen the right of way of the railroads have often been brought to the attention of the public and the "Safety First" departments of the great railroad lines have time and time again sought to impress upon the thoughtless the fact that walking n the tracks or being on the ri;:ht of way when trains are passing is some thing that is not only contrary to law, but is also a habit that is liable at any time to result in the death of the trespasser, and if this occurs they have no one to blame but themselves. A striking example of how careless people, and especially children, are in regard to attempting to board mov ing trains, was shown Monday after noon in the Burlington yards in this city, when Ben Rummei field, a bry of some twelve years of age, at tempted to board a moving east bound freight train, just south of the pumping station of the water com pany. It seems the boy had been at the railroad dump in the vicinity of the water station seeking to pick up junk and had a pitchfork with him for the purposes of stirring up the debris and securing junk. lie had gathered quite a good deal in a bas ket when the freight train from the west came in sight and the young man decided that he would beard the train and ride to the depot. He still carried the fork in his hand, and as the train, moving at a good rate of speed, came by. he made an attempt to grab the handholds on the side of the car, but was hurled back from the moving car and fell with the pitchfork, one tyne of which was driven through the left thigh, in flicting quite a painful wound. The young man was taken to the office of a surgeon, where the injury was dressed and the victim made as com fortable as possible. This should be a good example to keep away from the tracks and avoid trespassing on the railroad proprety. BUGS ON VEGETABLES. Cucumber, tomato, and squash vines seem to be the feeding place for bugs and worms, but B. A. Thomas' Louse Killer kills them at one application. We guarantee it. II. M. Soennichsen. Pul3 & Gansemer. The Celebrated Stallion ! 4. ULYSSE, 6605 Will make the season of 1917 at my home, three and a helf mile3 west and one mile south of Murray. is an extra good Belgian draft horse, weighing 2200 pounds, a beautiful dark bay in color, age seven years. Ulysse is well known in this section of Cass County, and has the reputa tion of being an excellent foal getter. Terms; 15.00 to insure eolt to stand and suck. "When parties dis pose of mares or remove them from this part of the county service fee becomes due and payable immediately. All care will be taken to prevent ac cidents, but owner of horse will not be held responsible should any occur. A. G. HAST, Owner i WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. VAL BURRLE The ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps were entertained in n very pleasant manner yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Val Burkle on lower Main street, and a very large number. of the members and their friends were present to enjoy the occasion. The hostesses of the. oc casion were Mrs. Burkle, Mrs. George Dodge and Mrs. J. C. Peter son. The rooms of the home were decorated very tastefully in Hags and the flowers of the early spring sea son that made a very pretty setting for the gathering and added much to the pleasurs of the members of the party. The afterrccn was devoted to social conversation, with a numoer of the stirring war songs given by the members of the corps and a few of the Grand Army members, who were able to be present to join with the ladies in the happy occasion. The members of the party were also treated to two very pleasing vo cal duets by Misses Delia Frans and Mina Kaffnberger that served to add to the delights of the afternoon. The ladies of the 'corps are plan ning to assist in the Red Cross work in this city and will endeavor to raise funds to r.pi'ly i:i the work of mercy of this givat organization that cares for the sick and wounded on the battlefield t.s well as the unfortunate of the nation. MEDICINE S. FOOD. Do not buy somethinj which you alreadv have. You huva fcod which you feed your horse-, cattle and sheep, but wh.-n you want medicine, buy only medicine. That is what you get in B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy. We sell it and cruarantee it to be medi cine. We i oil you tnat it v.uu tone up the entire system of your stock and aids digestion, thereby causing them to get all the foad value out of the grain that you feed them. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100. Local delivery. A." O. Range, Plattsmouth. Phone 2513. 2-12-tfwkly A war.t s.d will bring what you want, cents a week. i.i:; i. no 1 1 i:. M. Pdliso-i. M1..T1 P. Coii.v. diaries P:ih! 'U. 1. . Dett-- i whose ":: st name jS -j k now :,, Sarah A. Wilihon. Kd'nond A. lrs ionde ;i:a: William II. Taylor an I the unkiM.wn heirs, devise,.-.-, legatees, p.-r-sonal 1 e; r-es.-ntati ves. and. all other pets-ins; interested in the estates of Join .McCoT-mick. Joel AT. Johnson. Kt..i F. folly, Ciiarles IhihlutV, 1. W. p.tts. Saiah .. Willison. l-ldmond A. I'eslondc, and William H. Taylor, de ceased, 'respectively, will take notice ti:at on the 'lay of - , P'17. An, we Stevenson, a -widow, ;',.-; S'.oeris.,Ti T'r.mas IP S t e Venso 11. .lolill SleVensr.e and Antii-1 Ste,oison rih.-.f th-ir t'.tirioti in the District C.oirt of Pass f;iriv. N. hraskl. tt.e olii'ect and out n se of which was to exclude yon and nidi of vi.ii, frmn ti-.e llasf half i1-) of tile West half I 'a i of Section Tan! y -fatir t".4 Township T.-.-v !" Pance Twelve i 2 1 and from the V.Yst half of the West half i ' t of the Past half ( t of .-ai l section, ti e last tract beimr'also known as l.ot.s ( ne ( 1 . Two ( J ) , Tlir. e (ill arol l-'our of said section, and exclude you, and each of you. from any inters t in, Pen on. or claim to said land or any part ther. of, and to i;iet the title to .said land in themselves, as against yu i-t.d ail other persons ciaiminsr tinder, Ihrotmh or lv you rr.d also to ati-t'y and cancel of record it certain merl uiu'o upon iart of i-aid land iriven by Solon M. Johnson, to tlie above named U i'endant, John r.IcCorrr.ick, the said mot was tiled on the oth !ay of .la-. ls"7. and recorded in IJook "A ' of the 1 K-ed of Ca,-s County, Nebraska, at puj?e rait thereof. And also to satisfy and cancel o! iecor.1 a icttain tiuir; cntro coverin;- a part of the above described n.i'l of land from Solon f. Johnson to .lefend ant. .I.i.-l M. Johnson, dated on the Itrd dav of i etober. lVd. and recorded in I'.ook "A" of the M..rt u-.i-re JP .ords of f.lSs Poiintv. Nebraska, al pa vre :: , 2 Pi.-reof, on itcfober I's.".!!. And al-o to can--el of re d ami iodd vni.l a certain " d for a part of the above dcs'eti icd latid driven by Solon M. Johnson .-md 'Wife. Ii. Jlll't Joius'.'a. to ileliOHlailt. I'ben p. ('olio-, winch dce.l Was H.'llel March 10. s"). and tiled for rei-oi.l on the I'lli dav of January. P-71'. and re corded ill book ""T" of 111,' I'lol Kee ord.s of Pass County, Nebraska, at paip .VN th.Cleof. You are rciuired to answer said pe tition in tire above oiuilhd coint aii'l cause on or before tie- 'nd dav of July. PUT. or a decree will be ctUei-cl t c in as pra.-d in said pctiti oi. Imted ti'is' dav of .V.iv, PUT. a nn 1 1: stev i :ns )X, A Wido.v; itl.LA STFaVE.VSi N", Tlln.MAS 1!. STKV PNSON, JOHN STPVENSoN" ami ANN Hi STJiV HVSON. Plaintiff 3. PA PL P. JKSSKN. .Mtoiney for Plair.tliTs. IN HIE 1JITIIIPT OlTtT OP P.WS POI NT , INEIlltASKA. David V. M-.iinmert, Plaintiff, vs. Prank I... Taspie t ih. referi.M r;t .NuTiCK to i'red i ). Tauue. deftndant. Von ar-- hereby mdiiied that Pie plaintiff has t-ouini'-need nn fiction CKainst j-ou in the J)istrict Court of Cass I'outity. Nebraska, for the pur pose, oi i ore; ti.e lien of a, lax s.iie crtiticate on Lots ., and in Pluck 7, i'l South Park Addition to the Pity of Ida ttsmouth. Cass County, Ne braska, and for equitable relief. .You are required to answer sai l pc t j . i n on or before the 25th day of June, lt17.,and in so to do, your de fault" will be duiy entered therein and judgment taken a prayed for in piaintir's petition. DAVID S. Ml'MMRKT, I'laintiff. By A. L. TIDU. 5-H-lwks His Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, The State of Nebraska,) Cuss Countv, ) sp. ix thc county coit.t. In the- Matter of tlio Instate of lUnry C Miller, 1 eceaseJ, to the Ci-oUitoid e paid estate: You are hereby not:fi?'l that I will sit at 1 1 1 County Court I:oo:t hi Platti-miuth. in sai-l County, on t! e tli day of June. 1917. and on the St!i dav of December, If 17, at f:00 o'clock in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all claims against saM Kstate, with a view M their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims Estate is six months from The tli dav of June, A. IX lyl", aril the tin.o limited for payment of debts i.-j One Year from said ith day of June, l'jl7. Witness inv ha nil ar.d the i: ak of said Countv Court, this sth av of 2.1a v, 1H17. ..:-al ALLEN .T. r.r.n'X-, 4vks County .1 idi,'.. IN THE COI TV OI KT OP THE Ctll .MY OP CASS, .MIllllAMvA. In the Matter of the. Estate of Dora Oidham Moore, deceased: This cause came pri for hearintr upon the application o ("eortrfj J. nldhaiu, executor of the la.-t wiil and tes-tanr nt of Dora C-idham Moore, deceased, pray in for a license to sell Lots ni:je ('.) did ten 1 ') iri lUock tdeven Cll.i -"it!i Park .d.iition to thfi City f Plans- mouth, (ass County. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount of the saino to hrin-C ti-.e siim of $l.l''et.0i for ti," payment of dehts allowed a-iinst said estate, arid t! e cot for the pavmont of il l-ts and legacies ,-irel the cost of administration, t! .-re not l.tdni? sutti.'ient personal -e-op,.-rty to iay sai-i d.-Lts, it jjacies and ex oetis-s. It is t! -I'ore order-d that all per sons interested in said es'ate appear i.ei'ue me ;j tie L)is'icT Court ia the urt M. eise nt l'iflttsn,--u!li.' i'miMv. X. 1 r:.i- ka , on the ltii !av .f !.. . iHlT. ill M oh lo-.k A. M., to Slie-.V cans-- w:e,- ;i li.erise sl,oa!.'i tea he .-.tnt' I t.. .-aid administrate- to y.-n I.r- 1 el' s:il a'.ee dei-crlh-d real; estate of said d- e.-i i. as s::ri'l be re.-- j essnry to pa v mi id ".ei-ts and leC'.ciest a n-t e pc rs. :-. Pi 'd i--hii t : ; ; mot to .1 e .-!.( ; Weeks i ie ;" le t I i-ateJ ti.js r.!i h tie to I e L-i'-i-i OI-..h r iTl tie- JO; for .-. d. 1 1 e of i r.-i J. d.-v of Ma -. P'17. JAM T. r.::M.i:Y. J i.el- 1 jet i k s tiiuihii op: upr;iN(; imi Norsci: c riii.'ii 1 1: Hi' v. i ii. C-e,;.. t.ttt- w ;.l t ' i.t t I 1 - , ! : a id t ' :.-i;t. d t . oi t i I 1 of ; i . i Pa, 1 It -'at at-d I ' , - ' 1 ! S i 1 A O - e I i is i . r. ;.. . all p- r-; 0:S ma ii'.iy a:: 1 do. a d i r I 11 aitv . i i - l i T . and Co art t-: he ! ,i,i m ate t v. on t ! .- i'l .'a a 'i .1 at ten o'o.- .; A. M .. t a -i ?. 1 1 re 1 e. v h v t :. p. t it ioi er si.e lid r, : ; t h-t t.f.tUt.. Of tie I - Ti.-titee. T ; rt t l'"- i- - -. 1 to a 1 -! -aid ma tef le'- pa 1 I is tnis i o .er in i ! e Pia' t a -en :-" e. kh. t .-v.a- : : A. e la a I'j pt 1 in s.l id -o;, ;. ; . for t ; Us ; t e . r t ,i -ti ; l it i;e.-s ! a -id : eon! I, t.iis 1 Ot a- e.lV P'lT. Al.I.ihN" a 1 :: 1 of A. i ; t ' : t y Mn u'i: op he iiim;. Notice Id: -ati-o el M r ar .' fo of the T.'ia . , ;a i'.'Pt. Se w it i. in : a term tar t a t a s ' v ; -. . ii t : a f ,;.s !', ;i r mde to 'ae ta A.i Is.-: a Poard "1 a com m ,; ! ; i j a ,, ;" .-. ; !!'. f hi :or Sj. i i o,.a V . -! e r. en: I f I - I 'mi -1 ; " of I Msrn ,t ha tl ('ass ll ' i : s:iil app.ia; - the .dvi it ! M I . aid be- ir d of I 'a re,.;; -- a ! i a lie i - l i ; a ;.- of ?!.'. r. !7. h; SITZMaX. Stat-- Penitentiary M:n. P'17. I.'uta.l this p-'lh .'a ( Scrr.e,; i IS A I in tup. niMiib r o i kt op pass avid V.. Mummert, ..s.-ph a. sti-K-k; ll : s. Ni iTii 'li T ' J. --.-; l'!ai;!ti;r, :.d . t ah, h A. ".. S 1 .-fe!ld- : e . . s " a S th-t a-id rea! nam-' i.liu known io-irs. d,- is, sonal re;.-.-. n t a t i es. : person" '-s'a ! in I 'a :-o -i. t r I, . y ,,.-- . ial "all .state I ,1 e -,,' , h V I s -as. I oil .lo am! .- pn A. i. St i". . a n the I'rkiuiivn he!!-- a! lees-. j. rsenal t'-r r s-n t a t i ve s aial ; ii other person- i;il--ri sn , in tl." e-tate of Mis. Joseph St r;. khli.'i. d.-ca-id, iand (."Is 2k. 21 and 22, '.h. k 1. in the Yiilaire r.f Alvo in ( ass foor.ty, Nh b; aska ; s rid Jonn P. J. Sh -nium"! and Trs. Jvhn'd, his wife, rlrst ar.d rea 1 nani" unkn iwn. ar.d. the unknown i, ii-s, de visees, i,'isfi!:iil vi-; a .---n t a -fives, and all p.-rsor..-- in t re-p-1 in I a estar" of John P. J. S:.Jiiu'oi, i-eas. ,!., and the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, per.-oaa! r ; on sen' a -lives and ai! ptr.-on- i n t . res I , ! ia the estate of Mis. Jot-n S r 1 1 1 r,d. de ceased, ar.d hits 1 .".... . and 1,"7 in the 'i!hije of i.ouisxihe, in Cass I'.itiMty, Nebraska. You and i- i' ii of y ,u are P.ereto-notita-d that th" jdairtt ff 1 ,.s rib d an aiiio'i a-ain-t '.on :i tl..- lOstrht I'o'-.rl of 'n.- s p..:;-..ty. N'-i rasha. la tlie Pii-( I'au-e of ...eiiin 1 1 r tie jur ),ose of f..ic- b..-iti r tie hen f a hi vi ',. , -.. id i ;,-;! -' oo ! ' I and rj 2. j in lo.'.k 1. in tie ilhiuc of Alo. in J ':i -s (ho:a;. Nebraska. ;ind for cn-iit-, a r.-li. i. A ad in l; " s, . o u-o of .e-h,n t-l I'o.e P.--,. !h- ! I Of a lax S.;!- . . f- tiihate on lads t...,. P".; and P",7 in the V; !.-'-- "f I.onis ;lb , i-i ',is Pot.nt v, Nebraska, and for M:ita!de relief." Von and en h of you are r"i;:ap',l to answt i- said petition on ,-r before ti e L'.'lh dav of June. Iil7. and ia f a i ! i n so to i to your default v.-il! le ij-iiy eii-lci-,-,1 tne.'.-in ar.d inciil Inker, as pra-i-l fi'f in I 'in : n t i :f '.s i-titum. PAVlh, Z. Ml'MJIKIlT, Plaint iff. r.-.- A. Ti. Tl I H . l-h'.-i,-- His Attoriuy. IN THE DIMKK r nil r op '; lOl T, NEIlit Mv . Pavid ',. M -mmci t, 1 h-.tnt iff, Vs. ' - - ' Ael A hid rt al., Iirbrdanh-. Mdii'll to Axel Ab.l a:cl Mts. A vol Abel, Pis -wife, tirst and r a I name unknown, and Franci.s M". :eod. niel Lot ll, in Plo'-k '-. in Pifei.i- place Adiiition to ti,. c,ty of Piatt-smoutn, Cass lour. It, Metir.-is ka. Vi'i and e,i r-h of you arft Y.r-vl-y t;otiiicil tiiat tit! jr'siiiff con.-m.-naeii rn action nun. h. at v.,u in the li.-trbt I'niat of C.i.-s 'oa r, t v, ..".-ijrrs-ka. for t!e purpose of -foi- iosir2- t;.r Len of a tav salr; on Lot 'J ia Ihofk 2 in Pitchie JMaco Addition to t i ' Citv of Piattsmoutii. Cass Omrity, .chis ka. an I for fpiitnljio rtdh'-f. Yoii a;i 1 cac-ii "f yoti are rentiirel to answer suid petition "n or i ef,,re the ."t!i day of June. I'tlT, and in l'.iilir.i? m ft do your default wiil bo duiy en tered therein ami i n d t t.ikvn uj placed for in plaintiff.'. petition. DAVID rf. MDiMlalT. PI lint. iff. Br A. L. TIDi.t. n-ll-iwl;? His: Attorr-v. lluai, noticl:. Jc-nnlo V. Ithodon. I'hiintiff, vs. Frank L. Ithioden, Defendant. The defendant Fiar.k L. Toder. will take notice that on the Sth day ofl January, 1Sj17, the plaiatfl, Jennia V.I rthode-n. filed her petition in t! o IJis trict Con rt i-Z s ('"'inf. N-t.ra ie I "'' v !. i ' ' tfi tu a de er,. ; . . .. t t and t: ; I :. to her. The ilef. Fa id pel:t; !.. t l..;ioh :-. i:.- : i -I ant wil! M or to til day of J JENNIE V. j.i:;ai, Nonti; Xoti-- t5 Xon-Kesident ! ?':.. Tl-e'r lieirs, L'evis-ec, I.. ;j . Personal Kepresen 1 3 1 i ves. "Persons Interested in Ti :r tare. Vv'ilUam "Win ".let, if livni-jr. : eeaseii. t!: heirs, d '. legatee--, personal reprf.-setitati. all persor !?..- sted iti the William Willia us. deceased; .i Kruwn, if livinc, if decease, 1, the knOWU 1 f i ! s, devisees. legate. -;, sonal i''"'! i'( ;ita: i vt s and al! " interested in the estate of ,P ar.d , of .-in a. un-pt-r- :.t. Erovvn, i'-v-jsc,!; ?7e;ih I.avtnn, if l'v-itii.-. it' dee..)..-..!, tl.o unknown h-i -. devise.-.--, Ieirate s, j.rr...ti.l r pres. :. -ta fives Mid all perso:..s inters .- -ted .:i ti e estate of ,'.,,:, I.a ton. d c-ei-.-i; Isaae C. .Mien, it liviri'-r. if tie- unknown hirs, hi.-e---personal represeiita t !Vc:: an sons i n eres t.-d in ti.e esta: !. -M'en, dee.-ji s.-ij ; t1 - ual-.ti ,;, ...,, 1- ; U t . f o: . a .:-, I- pt - levi-ees, le ,i t jutshv:!! tut iv-s and all y 'rsntii i a .-.- i in '. M- rria in, t: r.-t r-a I d-', : ; :,e- i-;. . S. r-v.-h-r; Joh'tt nil! les I'.e.x 1 r : Mnf- t!.e ...,t - t. of , 1 ha me Tjnknow v ' i-'o. 1 1 r, v t e of i'o-.v i. e. i I e I tii.i .nn Williams, if livia-, e'a--rd, the ii n !, i;. w n 1 :rs. legatees, pers. u.-.l f ore - r.f "t: all t-e-.-o; ; i!t. f- : 1 i:i t ! . if do- S jsee-", s and :.ite of 2-1 .lit: a v- in 1 '. tie u ! : pefson; ..tin . 1 :r..wn. I repr. : it.:.-. .-a----d: Ed jf h e.-ns, -I, . r s . evi.--.-. , . - an 1 all pcr- e - t - 1 e f ;' IMtt in Ahra i nni Smith, . t ; S"!;.f ialfffs-t-! 1 P. Pro ,vn, --( if l:in jr. if -.-hi i T .-. c ev j-ees. I r nt a t i v s a r i , i - :--h ti.e -. -. t. wti i -. t-.-rs. a 1 r. I' ll l ..- r- r. . i r, t e r, - t - d i'l t . e rat. of .t.;,-i ,u,i S;-:th, d- i::d "i 1 i it l.ViiiJ, if -a i ' e e. le v,! , 1 p. rs.i -,a 1 r. --pre--, -t a 1 1 and o,- int. r--s;--il in the - state of V. ill;;:";-, decease,:; s;i ,c K. if i' vinir. it" d eej-e.i, t he . !-.-; i s. -. h-j-ate. s. W k a ,!--is. n ta t i v.-s and all pcr- s--r, s n; Ste-l I'l the ,. - T : ! . .. ea s. d : tie a r I all ; - 'i - - 1 : ! e . . f ' ; e I ; a , I Mi.-' a- 1 Ie t !.--. if I ' ; e i ; k n ,: n i i i s ; rs- :( ri p r. .-. n -. s in t -st . d :-i tie 1 ee. ;j ,- ei ! ; S;i ;. - !. t e ot i-i-if known .-" '"ii r.-p-iniif'T-p.. S-r.ith. 1 I:--, if :. d j -.,.-.-. la ; v. - a n -1 r.-.h Petta, a r. k now n -Tial rep inter st .-1 de.-e.ised ; I 'zi'f : s , 1 ai! : r of CI ns o t le. hrst 111. if .'.e- .ia"; , t '; .1 I e... I ! - M .; ' i : ii.ii . nt ativ. ,M ; p p-! -s -i : .1 :i : ! p-t -.a- of S- rah I Set's ri t : . !l ! pro -t---i tliil, vie- -entat i" l J a:: i : ! . . : . . . I ll !i: uri. if ne. n I. .1 I 11 - .-I'd in i - and -i:t ( ( "a - 1- i:;'n '. i i n jt, if , V s' Slt.! o; it,. f i n i.'i-.vii - i ; ! in't-r-;"' ack -. . i ".V l i st.-d I ! 1 I ; i . h---e:-.sodt P -Jate-s. a 1 i ;a r- s .,ial of ir.-r.r-- e.nie!:. if a. a-a l . its, I i - t--:-. stn ' . -1 - - J in co - and ca rt : ' 1 O S v. :i of Pih 1 iie liti -ns Nehras- ah ' l Vi : r k: : 1 b P h! t! d a : ii t of C. I'r h da. v t i : at a :.; -d his ; t!;i"!i in t of as- ', ni l; . in vn i and all of e, i re t Near a.- ''. a . i ar- de- nt:-: the o!.j.- t and ;-r;niT of l t it ; .".1 ! tnat tie - hi ,m. i - ; st, Tla i I'jVT, title a;,. I ( t.-it H taa.i e ,,f ;. ! l!l ' , t t' l.-t ijna. !tr of the Soy, th '-ft! . a t i.t I. I 1 ! ' . ai- . ;T t -l !; ' ai l ail' of t' e N"ri :i-t O'atr ien live ( r, i, a .1 ia ":"- w i , s h i i i:. n-e I'. 'in.- n i 1 ! '. ,Cas rht aska : !i-o tia Sou 1 "a as !' tie Southeast Qua! t-T of hr.-tv.o t:,2i. a1' ia Towu n ill'. N-o-t :i fje t-.ur--;s ',a;nt-. Nebraska. .1 invalid, and of no forco l".:-.s .11" to :i ( 3 4 . ll'.l - 'i ' : a ind t. tl .. t't'e of snid r hi in t ; :": i-t aid real estate, an 1 eery part ie as a-ruir-t J.m and d !" d Till , , ( ' , V d at i ou ia ,,r - ol:. ;.s a-ainst i ".aims of anv p..-ton ;,r..'. t' nt f "V b" d-cteed that ea-h ar.-l - iia;e--s ar- ,,r, o r. , a -d - if ii--!. t , o leara l e.--. p- rsona.! rep d all other persons in e e.-tnt-- of ea.ii fir.,1 st in and to .-aid real t ,n t-t thereof, a r. d t ! at ou. h'tve re T!!;t, tit sai l ".::.-:! i.ints, thoso ;..s.. v.; a-.--.- iiartcs ar" not state, i, ha- fore vi r ilmir.j; or a s se rt in-; air' a r. " ! 1 I e ', 1 'J -rta l: s ate .--,,! in t! . I i.t or inleri . ; 1 1 )' a i V v- t'. or ii . Vi e o n aid a 'L nan-ied. and tl: or, k a i vo. and I - rr. L f rem eh: r . h -. title, ;:.t to .-a i-1 r. al e-t or ' -late in ant . or a-v part then - ,.,.i f cm ii other atel rurtl - r i- 1 -f as to tile c i.irt may s - ni j.;.-.t and .-. ; " : t a I !,.. Von and en- h of yen nr-- fnrtl r nii-ite 1 on a. re ivfnr."! I" ati sv , r said pet it ion on or l-d'oro Muti ,li,- p.- 11th dav of June. 1--17. WILLIAM 1". C'AMi'hl'.r.L C. A. PAWLS. ihuiuurr. A 1 1 orney. P'.v-Jv, ks-co u Apr ni P17 itppp.itpii's jmi: M. T H'l'.u:-, 1 1 ah. N-l'i Plaintiff, V:?. h'si.nir Jt t.t. rt .-1., J ""fen. knit - Notice of Snip. Nefiic Js hereby -iven that by vir tue of an ruder entered in the for.--Uoi.l'-r entitled catrse on t-e l.tii da-.-' i" April 1 : 1 7." bv '.If 1 '..-arh.t Cou: t of pass Coiui tv. Nei-raska. I. the un- r-i-;-i-".i. '-'u..m;l Wal titter. s-Ie : fo ( .ipt-oiute 1 Pv said I'.jint, will ti ti o L'lst dac -' May PJlT, at Tcti o'ch" k in th- foroioon, at the Soith door -f ti e ('mat lba.:.-e in tho City of Piatt--loo-' a. in C.i.-s Poutit v. N-r-brask.-i. of fer f-.r s ilo to th- ! ih- t bidder f -- ash, the following dc-rtbt..l ial estate, to-v-h: Tile v..---t 1-ailC of the no"t; ".o"t - let- of Soeti,IM ri'i' i! '-f'-'l four ( I . -n T.',UaKl;i ill- V.-M llll, ll "1!l, 'hi Pl.iae Nine tl", east of the ilti I. I I'iiss r.uiTit... Net -1-a.ska, fint ii: ' T 77. til acres according to Gown.-:.- -.c , ; i- v v. Said f:il- iti't rcni.'.In cr-Mi f-.r l ' .s foi oa- Ik. u r. TIIOilAS WALT. INT. Pcf.. : -. joiin" :r. z.t:yi . I'i st Publi; he. I .'vp:;l 1'. 1517. miiki: to ritiiLiiio Ti o at. r.f in tl X. Vir h t- ha. C . nf- ra.l'. i 1. :itr t . of p. mat t t t! J'tettHr. rh "v i e j. To the er t Mi i i esta'-: Tou are here, - no til" 1 t':rt T .' pit. at ti" County P tart, r'eau i Phi t .ii. in sail Co j fit v. on 1 t Mh day of November, lti7. at I ii'i i'i'k a. ri., to receive an 1 xam.tie ; I ela in: 3 said i-stal.-, with a v. . to their adjustment and a'.Io-.vsi.c-. v. tirre Ihiiite-l t 'ir tho pr-;-ser.tat : in : claims against Faid e rtaie is s: : liiunt'is ii, tn i::o -'.in r.-iv or .".iv P. l17, and the time l::.ut-d foi" pavmont of debts i.s Ore Year f said - 'th day of Novem". er. 117. "Witness my hand and t' - sefi p-id County ci'irt, this 2it!i day . . ji.t t f c I Apia a. v., yji.. .I.t "7 t. Ttni:h:, 4-vkj C:r:r"' ?tr- D f; .- ;jc- l 6