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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1917)
MONDAY, MAY 14, 1917. PLATTSMOUTn SEMLTVEEKLT JOURNAL. PAGE 5. 'WE UJilVER'SAl CAR Wherever Ford cars have pioneered, Ford Service has kept pace. It is the fac tor which strengthens ihe personal rela tion between Ford owners and the Com pany. To get the best possible service from your Ford car, bring it here when it needs attention and get the benefit oi Ford supervision throughout. We use the genuine Ford parts and give you the benefit of the regular standard Ford prices. Touring car, $360; Runabout, 345; Sedan, $645; Coupelet, $505; Town Car, $595 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by T, olSock Auto Co., FORD Authorized Sales and Service, 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb, Office Telephone No. 1. Shop Telephone No. 58. ENGLISH GAIN ON ROAD TO GAMBRAI setback as beinp on a small scale and such as is bound to occur from time to time, provided the enemy is willing: to stand the losses such assaults en tail. Haiti's Forces Viciiiitv Make Progress of Bulleeourt. in the London, May 10. Progress was made by the British last nijrht in the neighborhood of Bulleeourt east of Grieourt and south of the Souchcz river, says today's official announce ment. Correspondents at British head quarters in France, referring: to the situation at Fresnoy, say the village had been difficult to hold ever since the Canadians captured it last Thurs day. As the British were not in pos session of the villapes of Acheville and Oppy, respectively, to the north and south, Fresnoy was greatly ex posed. Standing out from the line like a bastion, the Germans made strong: attacks daily on each side of the village to prevent the British from getting: forward to strengthen their position. In their final assault the Germans employed vastlv more men than the Briti.-h used in taking the village, i Their losses are declared to have; been j "so severe that if we had used up every man we had on the field we should not have approached them in numbers, and if the operation cost us some ground, we have a large credit in man power to balance it." The Canadians apparently were not the main defenders of the position, the brunt of the attack falling on South England troops, whose stub born resistance is highly praised. It is said that they were worn out and compelled to give way before over whelming strength. Nevertheless, it was the same men who, after an hour's breathing spell, reattacked and recovered a large part of the ground. The correspondents described the STOPS MAY WHEAT TRADING AT CHICAGO Humor Abroad Government Action Influenced Board of Directors to Order Practice Discontinued. action by the the last few earlier in the action of the Chicago, May 11. Trading in May wheat was ordered discontinued at meeting of the board of directors of the Chicago Board of Trade tonight. The directors also decided that ex isting contracts should be adjudicated cither bv delivery of the property or at a selling price to be fixed by committee appointed for the purpose The committee is headed by James A Fatton and will meet tomorrow morn ing. It was rumored that federal authorities in days and particularly day had hastened the board of directors. None of those at the meeting voulc confirm or deny that it had been inti mated to board officials that some ac tion to curb soaring prices of wheat should be taken or government offi cials would close the board. It was admitted that a number of board of trade members had been summoned to the office of the federal district attorney in the morning and others again in the afternoon, but it was said no threats had been made or intimated. It also was admitted that government agents had been in the trading pit for several days taking notes on the trades. ENTENTE FORGES ENSIVE IN MACEDONIA ON OFF NAVY NEAR FULL STRENGTH OF HONORED THOUSAND HEN Sofia Reports Violent Artillery Activ- ity Along Whole Line and Repulse of Enemy. FIGHTING IS UNABATED OH THE FRENCH FRONT Washington, May 11. The navy will reach its full authorized maxi mum war. strength of 100,000 en listed men Thursday if the recruit ing ratio of the last ten days is maintanicd. - An official statement issued today .shows that the service now has a total of 95,028 men, the recruiting campaign inaugurated April 3 hav ing produced 31,341 men up to date. Bills pending in congress authorize the adoption of 50,000 more men or a totla strength, including: hospital corps apprentices and unorganized of rJb,ovv men. SEPARATE PEACE IS IMPOSSIBILITY odziankc The State of Nebraska,) ("h.-is County, ) ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT. n the siat lci- ot the instate or jienry c Miller, Deceased, to the Creditors of said estate: Paris Reports Divisions Four Fresh German Identified on the Aisne. London, May 11. Furious assaults along;- practically the entire jjuigar- German line in Macedonia by the al lied forces are reported in a Bulgarian official report issued on Thursday. The leport claims the repulse of all at tacks but says that the most violent artillery action is proceeding day and night. In the neighborhood of Makova, about thirteen miles northeast of Mcnastir, the Bulgarian war office says that a vigorous attack was opened after a heavy bombardment, but collapsed with heavy lo-?es. It was followed by another attack which, the report says, was completely shat tered. Further to the east the allies as saulted the Bulgarian lines in the di rection of Stravina and Gradeshnitsa, but all attacks, according to Sofia, were repulsed. Fidelity to Theme Great Idea and to Allies of Duma Celebration. DECISIVE VICTORY ONLY You are hereby notified that I will j said it at the County Court Boom in . day Plattsmouth in said County, on the Sth day of June, 1917. and on the 8th day of December, 1917, at 9:0i) o'clock in the forenoon of each day, to receive and examine all -lairr3 against said Estate, with a view r-i their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is six months from the feth day of June. A. D. 1917. and the time limited for payment of debts is One ear from said fcth day or June, 1SD. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this fcth day of May, 1917. (SeaH ALLEN J. BEESON. 4vvks County Judge. SETTLE THE ISSUES i units, GREAT ENTENTE ADVANCE BEGINS Russian. British and Serbian Forces Sweep Forward as Ma;ty Bloody Ualti-'s Are Being Fought. i i lit: v i t k. . vii v. i.i t v iii.i . . . ....... 1 "Integrity of Country and Honor of Russia Shall Be Entirely Maintained." ti FctrograJ, May 11. Thursday be ing the anniversary ot the opening of the first duma, an extraordinary session of delegates and ex-delegates held at the Tauride palace. The of the provisional govern foreigrn diplomats were also Applause greeted an ad President nodzianko, in repudiated "any idea ot a fronts apparently has with full vi'jror. From i ear iwi-.ra to the region' biir cn- tne Paris, May 11. French troops cap tured a German position in the region cf Chevreux yesterday evening, ac cording to an official statement issued by the war office this morning. Heavy counter-attacks by the Germans were repulsed. Four fresh German divisions have been observed on the Aisne front since May 7, says an official summary of the operations on May 4 to (. The statement adds: "This is irrefutable proof of how rapidly these effectives are being used up. German losses in these three days exceed all estimates." Berlin, May 11 (Via London). Mu tual artillery firing of the greatest violence prevailed over the entire Ar ras front in France yesterday, says the official statement issued today by the German headquarter' staff. Eight een British and French airplanes were brought down yesterday on the west ern front. TEUTONS, CHEERED BY U-BOATS' VICTORIES, STIFFEN PEACE TERMS American flags, from 5c up, at the Journal office. re 8 ? 1 E. W. THiMGAN, Murdock, Ticb., Cass County Agency Also agency for DODGE BROS. CARS for Elmwood, Stove Creek and east half of Tipton precincts. For demonstration of either car call or phone 35-B, or write W. thimgan garag IV5URDOCK, NEBRASKA, c: MIU G&UER, Oedar Greek, Nebraska 13 & ti 8 ti ti ti ti Copenhagen, May 11. The cooler attitude of the German socialists ami the German government toward the peace conference as manifested by the discussions in the German press appears to be the result of the real ization by th esocialists of the diffi culties in the way of securing present and positive results in the direction of peace through the Stockholm con ference and of a growing optimism as to the possibility of more German peace pressure of the subma- camnaiern. The announcement in April 1, 000,000 ton's of ship- in Germany .obtaining a through the rme that the Mecad been starteu Lake Och about Lake iKran numerous battles are in progress with the tente allies the aggressor.--. Southwest oC Lake Duiran the Brit ish have captured Bulgarian trenches at one point on a front of two miles to a depth of 500 yards and held arid consolidated the ground gained spite heavy counter attacks. Northwest of Monastir, in Cerna river region, and on various other sectors the entente forces carrvinr out heavy operations be with artillery and j In the famous Cerna liver bend the Russians have captured sever,.! en emy trench element?, while in the up per valley of the Mogleneia river the Serbians have struck hard at the in vaders and taken from them two points of support and a number of prisoners. The Germans are great intensity theit the 'British arou the cai hard held bv r ie!d .Marshal Jiai forces. The village of Fresnoy remains in tho hands of the Germans after its recapture Tuenlay, but the Canadians and South Englanders are still holding vantage points around it from which the Germans are en deavoring to expel them. East of Bulleeourt the Germans are striving to pusn back the Iriti.-n to prevent the capture of the southern end i of the Di ocourt-Queant line, which would prove of great menace to the important town of Cambrai. The visciousness cf the battle is in dicated by the German official com munication, which announces the fight for the village is of a fluctuat ing nature. The British evidently have pushed a step forward toward the capture of Lens and the important coal fields in its immediate vicinity. South of the River Souchez during a night attack another portion of the German front and support lines together with a number of prisoners was captured. For the mo?t part the line where the French arc facing the Germans is undergoing a period of comparative calm, except for artillery duels and small German counter attacks, none of the latter meeting with success. was members ment and present, dress by which he j separate .peace. "The war which J J j forts and that the aim f af.e j are struggling, the triui 011 - , , ... - , , 1-1. keeping vm with offensive against Fresnoy and to of Bulleeourt, but are being Art 1,,, T.';,1,1 V-i-ch-,1 T?-i apparently Ding was destroved bv tne subma rines and in reports of growing dis organization in the Russian army have greatly strengthened the feel ing of confidence in the German pub Jic and evioentlv are tending to counteract the feeling of depression over the long continuance of the war and to encourage hopes that peace with profit may be obtained. Imperiol Chancellor von Bethmann Ilollweg also, according to indica tions in the speeches of Vice Chan cellor Hclferich and in the report of the deliberations in the bundesrat committee on foreign affairs, is trim ming his sails to the new breeze. His reply to the interpellation concern ing peace terms, which is expected now to be given on Tuesday, appar ently will be decidedly stronger than would have been the rase a month The Celebrated Stallion FOR SALE. Ncmetz & Co., confectionery and ice cream parlor. The well known ice cream and candy kitchen, established fifteen years, better known as Xcmctz' Candy kitchen. 5-14-2twk!y3td CCCC last. New flags, new stickers, new bows, and emblems, just received at the ! Journal office. Buy them while they fV ;V. r. .V. .ff 4K-...-i1AVto? 1 was forced upon ur. which we did not desire and for which we arc in no wav responsible ! rtUL-t be brought to , successful tei mination. in such a manner that the ... . . 'integrity of the country and the na tional honor oi Kussia shall be en- i tirelv maintained.' said President dzianko. "Ihe innumerable sacrifices we have laid upon the altar oi this war tiemantl that the peace should corre spond with the immensity of our ef- or which we lumpns oi the ideals of justice and liberty be as sured us. "The Germans oppose to these splendid ideals their own program which is totally different the hege mony of the world and the enslave ment of the nations. The struggle for principles so mutually contra dictory cannot terminate in a draw- but only with a decisive victory bv one cr the other of the adversaries Only the complete defeat of German militarism wul assure the happiness of the world. A Great Gulf Fixed "The gulf separating the Germans the devastators and destroyers of civilization from the allies is too deep for the war to be concluded without the realization of the ideal 1 have mentioned. 1'eace in the pres cut condition would be only an armis tice of greater or less duration. Do not forget that the working classes of Germany however socialistic they be, ardently desire victory, for Ger many cannot reduce her vast indus try and her defeat by the allies would be like the blow of a club for the workers of Germany, who natu rally support the imperialistic asp rations of their government. "That is why I declare emphatic ally that the Russian people must make every sacrifice to bring the war, in concert with their allies, to a complete victory, all the more be cause such a victory would conseli elate forever the liberties we have just won. Cannot Betray Allies. 'Russia cannot betray the allies by whose side she has been fighting for three years and she will remain faithful to them." Prince Lvoff, the premier, also ad dressed the duma gathering. "It is not the wonderful, almost magic character of the Russian rev olution; it is not the power displayed and the rapidity of development which astonish the world, but the idea which directed only the interests people, but thevse of the premier. "It olution ZVOTICn TO CREDITORS. r.hoelen, filed liei petition In the Dis trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, the prayer of which is to obtain a de cree of divorce from the defendant upon the grround of extreme cruelty and that her maiden name be restored to her. The defendant will make answer to petition on or before the 18tU of June ,1917. JENNIE V. KHODEN. Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. IX THE (OIXTV (OlKT fir THE COl.VrV Or WiS, AEIIKAMv.1. n the Matter of the Estate of Dora Oldham Moore, deceased: This cause came on for hearing upon e application of (ieorgre J. Oldham, xecutor of the last will and testament of lo:a Oldham Moore, deceased, piay- ins for a license to sell L.ots nine i and ten (10) in DIock eleven (11) outh ark Addition to the City of riatts- niouth, Cass County. Nebraska, or a ul'ticient amount of the same to brins he sum of $1,160.00 for the payment of debts allowed aKainst said estate, and the cost for the payment of debts ana epacies and the cost of administration, there not being s-uthcient personal ropertv to pay said debts, legacies and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said esiaee appear efore me at tiie District Court in tne Court House at I'lattsmout u. eass County. Nebraska, on the IStli day of .In tie. 1!17. at 10 o'clock A. M.. to show cause why a license siiouki not t-e granted to said administrator to sell so much of said above described real estate of said deceased, as .shall be nec- -sary to pay said debts and legacies :n.l expenses. Notice to be given by publishing this order in the I'latts mouth Journal for four successive weeks before the date of hearinir. Dated this 0th dav of May. 1!U.. JAMES T. BKULKY, hvks Judge District Court. OKDEH Olt IfKAItINf; A M NOTICE or iMioovTi; r will In tie County Court of Cass County, Nebraska : State of Nebraska, Minty of Cass, ss.: jo all persons lnieresieo in tne esiaie of I'riscilla A. Noyes, deceased: ( n reading the petition of Charles Noyes, praying that the instrument tiled in this court on tie 10th day .f May, 1117, and purporting to be the last will and testament oi the said deceased, may be proved and allowed. nd recorded as the last will and tes biment of I'risrilla A. Noyes. de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the administra tion of said estate be granted to harles E. Noyes, as executor. It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons interested in s:id matter. mav and do. appear at tne county Court to le held in and for said conn tv. on the 4 1 li dav of June. A. D. I'Jl'i :.t ten o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if anv there be. why trie prayer "i tlx' rutitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be Kiven to all persons interested in said matter bv publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper prjnted in said countv. lor three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness mv land and seal of said court, this Hth day of May. A. D. 11)17. ALLEN .1. P.EESON. (Seal) County Judge. NOTICE OF IlF.Altl.M;. Notice is hereby given that an ap plication lias been made to tiie Gov ernor and the Advisory Board of I'ar- dons for a e-ommutation of sentence of the sentence of Tsador Sitzman who was on t lie ."tli day of December 1!1. sentenced by the District Court within and for Cass Countv to serve a term of life in the State Peni tentiary for the crime of murder. Said " application will be heard be fore the Advisory Hoard of Pardons at the State Penitentiary on the lst day of Mav. 1917. Dated this 10th dav of Mav. 1917. (Signed 1SADOK SITZMAN. TIIE DISTHH'T ( III ItT OF COI X'I V, KI5H ASK A. CASS compels it, embraces not of the Russian all nations," said is true that this rev us to endure the LYSSE, 6605 Will make the season of 1917 at my home, three and a helf miles west and one mile south of Murray. Ulyssc is an extra good Belgian draft horse, weighing 2200 poundo, a beautiful dark bay in color, age seven years. Ulysse is well known in this section of Cass County, and has the reputa tion of being an excellent foal getter. -grim specters of anarchy and despot ism. Rut you representatives of the ! nation may be sure that the work 'you inaugurate and have pursued de spite al lobstacles, disillusionments and hostile elements will not have jbeen in vani. Tiie work of the great revolution is not concluded, but every day strengthens our confidence in the creative forces of the Russian people and the greatness of its future." Terms $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. When parties dis pose of mare:- or remove them from this part of the county service fee becomes due; and payable immediately. All care will be taken to prevent ac cidents, but owner of horse will not be held responsible should any occur. L 0. EAST, Owner A want ad will bring what you want, cents a week. THE IIIiTi:iCT tOlltT OK ( III T, .NEIIHASKA. CASS David Plaintiff. Z. Mumrnert, vs. Frar.k L. Tague et al.. Defendants. NOTICE to I'red O. Tagiie. defendant. Voii are hereby notified that t lie plaintiff has commenced an action I against you in ti:e District i.ourt or Cass county, NelirasKa, ror the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of a tax sale certificate on Lots 3, 4 and Z in I'.Iock 7, :ri South Park Addition to the City of Plattsmouth. Cass County, Ne braska, and for equitable relief. Von are required to answer said pe tion on or before the i'5tli ilay of June, 1!17. ami in failing so to do. your le- toult will lie duly entered therein and as prayed ror in David Z. Mumrnert, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph A. G. Strickland et ah. Lefend ants. NOTICE TO Joseph A. G. Strickland and Mrs. Joseph Suickalnd. his wife first anil real name unknown, the tin known heirs, devisees, letratees. per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Jo senii A. G. Strickland, dec-eased, an the unknown heirs ard devisees, letra tees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Joseph Strickland, deceased and Lots ITO. L'l ami ZZ, Hlock 1. in ttie Vill.ige of Alvo in Cass County Nebraska: and John V. .?. Siefrniund and Mrs. John Siecrmund, his wife, first and real name unknown, and the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the. estate of John V. .1. Siegmund, de ceased,, and the unknown heirs, de visees, legatees, personal representa tives and all persons interested in the t state of Mrs. John Siegmund. de ceased, and lots liir. l."6 and 157 in the Village of Louisville, in Cass County, Nebrnska. You and each of you are hereby notified that the plafntiff has filed an action against you in the District Court ef Cass County, Nebraska, in the First Cause of Action for the pur pose of foreclosing the lien of a tax sale certificate on Lots HO. l'l and in DIock I. in the Village of Alvo. in ("ass County, Nebraska, and for equit able, relief. And in the -Second Cause tf Action to foreclose the lien of a tax sale cer tificate on Lots 1.1.1, 1.1(5 and 1.17 in the Village of Louisville, i:i Cass County, Nebraska, and for equitable re! ief. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the ;.'.1th day of June, 1P17. and in failing so to do your default will be duly en tered therein and judgment taken as prayod for in Plaintiff's petition. DAVID. Z. M L'M.M EI1T, Plaintiff. l:y A. L. TIDI). 5-lJ-lwks His Attorney. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant?, Their Heirs. Devisees, Legatees. Personal Kepresentatives. and All Persons interested in Their Es tate. William Williams, if livnig, if ele eeased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and nil persons interested in the estate of William Williams, deceased; Joshua Brown, if living, if deceased, the un known heir?, devisees, legatees, per- onal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Joshua Brown, deceased; Noah Layton, if liv ing, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all persons interested in the estate of Noah Layton. deceased; saae G. Allen, if living, if deceased. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of Isaac Allen, deceased; the unknown heirs. devisees, legatees, personal represen- atives and till persons interested in the estate of W. D. Merriam, first real name unknown: deceased: Nancy E. Kowler, wife of A. S. Fowler; Ellen Fowler, wife of Charles Fowler; Mar tha Ann Williams, if living, if de ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Martha Ann Williams, deceased; Ed win I3. Brown. ir living. It deceased. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all per sons interested in tne estate oi j-.uwin Brown, deceased: Abraham Smith, f living, if dec-eased, the unknown ieirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all persons interest ed in the estate of Abraham Smith, de ceased; Samuel Williams, if living, Jf deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Samuel Williams, deceased; Isaac li. Watkins, if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all per stns interested in the estate of Isaac K. Watkins, deceased; the unKnown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all persons interest- d in the estate of Anselino j:. milii. leceased; Michael Betts. if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. egatees, personal representatives an" ill persons interested in the estate ot Michael Betts, deceased; Sarah Betts, f living, if deceased, the unKnown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all persons interested in the estate of Sarah Betts, deceased; the unknown heirs, ilevisees. legatees, personal representatives and all per sons interested m tne estate oi einia- tian Betts, deceased: Tootle, first real name unknown, if living, it de ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives ana all persons interested in the estate or -Tootle, deceased; i-aneign. first real name unknown, if living, ii deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of - Farleigh, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all persons inter ested in the estate of D. T. Thacker, first real name unknown, deceased. !enry DuBois. if living, it deceased. the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of Henry DuBois, deceased; John Clemmons. it living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and all persons lnteresteu in the estate of John Clemmons, de ceased; the unknown owners and oc cupants of all lots and parts of lots and sub-divisions in me town or j,n ertv. and in any and all additions thereto in the County of Cass, Nebraska. You and eah of you are hereby notified that William F. Campbell, as plaintiff, on the 26th ' day of April. 1917, filed his petition in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, wherein you and all of you are de fendants; the object and prayer of which petition is that the claim, in terest, right, title and estate of each and every one of you in and to The Northeast Quarter of the South east Quarter in Section five (5) and the East half of the Northeast Quar ter of Section five (u), all in Township ten (10). Uance fourteen (14), Cass Countv, Nebraska: also the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section thirtv-two (32). all in Town ship eleven (11). North Bange four teen (1-1). Cass County. Nebraska, be declared invalid, and of no force and effect. That the title of said plaintiff in and to said real estate, and every part thereof, be epiieted as against you and each and every one of you, as against any and all " claims of any person through or by you, and that they bo adjudged anil decreed that each and all of vou whose names are above set forth, if living, and if deceased, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentntives and all other persons in terested in the estate- of each and claim or interest in and to said real estate or any part thereof, and that every one of you, have no right, title, eacli find all of said defendants, those named, and those whose names are unknown, and not stated, he forever barred from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest or estate in and to said real estate, or any part there of, and for such either and further re lief as to the court may seem just and eejuitable. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the 11th day of June. 1917. WILLIAM F. CAMPBELL. C. A. BAWLS. Plaintiff. Attorney. sw-4wks-com Apr 20 1917 I THE IHSTHICT COUIT OF -o i .vrv, M:mt vsK.. CASS David Z. Mumrnert, Plaintiff, vs. Axel Abel et al.. Defendants. NOTICE to Axel Abel and Mrs. Axel Abel, his wife, first and real name unknown, and Francis M. Hood, ami Lot a. in Block 2. in Kitchie Place Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby notified that the plaintiff has com menced an action against you in tiie District Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, for the purpose of foreclosing the lien of a tax sale on Lot 5 in Block 2 in Bitchie Place Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebras ka, and for equitable relief. Vou and each of you are required to answer said petition on or be f tire the 2.1th day of June. 1917. and in failing so to do your default will be duly en tered therein and judgment taken as praved for in plaintiff's petition. DAVID S. ML'MMEBT. Plaintiff. By A. L. TiDD. His Attorney. T.-14-Iwks His Attorney. HEFEKEE'S SALE. judument plaiiitir'w taken petition. DAVID LEGAL. ?OTICE. I 5-14-iwks S. MUMMERT. Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD. His Attorney. Nellie M. Thomas, et al.. Plaintiffs, vs. Oscar Jennings Sweem. et al.. Defendants. Nllr of Sale. Notice is hereby fciven that by vir tue cf an order entered in the fore going entitled cause on the 12th day of April 1P17. by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. I, the un dersigned. Thomas Walling, sole Refer ee appointed by said Court, will on the. 21st dav of May 1917, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the South door of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth, in Cass County. Nebraska, of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-W'it: The west half of the northeast quar ter of Section numbered four (4) in Township Eleven (11), north, in Range Nine (., east of the (5th P. M... in Cass County. Nebraska, containing 77.(53 acres according to Government Survev. Said sale will remain open for bids for one heur. THOMAS WALLING. Referee. JOHN M. LEY DA, Attorney. First Published April :', 1917. NOTICE TO CHEDITOHS. r Jennie V. Rhoden, Plaintiff, vs. Frank L. Rhoden. Defendant. The defendant Frank L. Roden will take notice that on the hth day of i January, 1917, the plaintiff, Jennie V. ' The State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Eva K. Prettig. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said Countv, on th 2Stii day of November. 1917. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentat ion of claims against said estate is six months from the 26th dav of Slay, A. D. 1917. and the time limited for the payment of debts is One Year from said 2fcth day of November, 1917. Witness my hand and the teal of said County court, tills 24th day of April A. D., 1917. ALLEN J. BEESON. 4-wks County Judge.