The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
How Does He
Stand at the Bank?
That question often is asked,
is it not? If a man stands well
his words carry weight. He is
a factor in the community.
Everybody will stand well at
the bank if he or she deposits
surplus cash.
We are opening new ac
counts daily.
Our system of loans and in
terest is liberal and simple.
We invite a call.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
A. L. ttaker was a Plattsmouth vis
itor last Sunday.
Mr.--. I). C. Khoden was a Platts
mouth visitor Tuesday.
('. V. Chriswisscr was visiting: with
Murray friends Wednesday.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. W. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barrows moved
into their new residence this week.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured by J. V. Holmes.
Mrs. Henrietta Creamer was in
IMattrmouth visiting with friends Sun
day. Miss Jessie Barrows spent Sunday
v it'n her cousin, Miss Dee Garrison, in
K. S. Tutt was looking after some
nu tter of business in the county seat
Two cars of grain from each of the
t levators in Murray were shipped out
th's week.
Charles Carroll has gone back to his
faim near Weeping Water, and will
take un th? work of putting in his
crop? right away.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker and
Miss Beulah Sans were Plattsmouth
visitors Tuesday afternoon.
Elmer Boedeker has been busy load
ing his car and preparing to move to
his western home. He expects to get
out feme time this week.
Dr. B. F. Brendel went to Omaha
Tuesday with Roy Spangler to consult
a specialist in regard to Roy's eyes,
which have been troubling him a great
deal for the past few weeks.
W. B. Virgin and Ben Dill were
county seat visitors Wednesday morn
ing. Mr. Diii spent a short time with
his father, A. Dill, who has been on
the Mck list for the past few weeks.
Ladies' Underwear
Poros ICnit Union Suits 50c
V-Neck Cumfy Union Suits 50c
V-Neck Cumfy Vests 50c
Setsnug Fine Yarn Union Suits r . 50c
Misses Union Suits 25c
Infants' Wrappers 15c
Mens and Boys Unions 50c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25
This is a very good time to anticipate your wants
while stocks are complete at these prices.
The people of Murray are putting
in their winter coal this week.
Grandma Lambert has been num
bered with the sk for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Iliatt were vis
iting with friends and relatives in
Plattsmouth Sunday.
Raymond, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Kellison, has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Mrs. Nellie Gomel, of Amazonia,
Mo., is visiting in Murray this week,
a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Emaline Kniss.
Mrs. B. F. Brendel and Mrs. Will
Seybolt will entertain the Ladies' Aid
society Wednesday, May 16th, at the
home of the former.
L. D. Hiatt was called to Weeping
Water on Wednesday of last week,
owing to the illness of his parents,
who have been visiting at the home
of their daughter in that city.
There is still quite a number of
young men from this locality that are
considering upon enlisting in the army
within the next few days. George
Small enlisted in the navy last week.
Murray will be well represented at
the Cass County defense meeting to be
held in Weewing Water Friday aft
ernoon of this week. This meeting
should be well attended from every
part of the county.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Patterson and
family of Delta, 111., are visiting at
the home of their brother, William
Patterson and family, west of Mur
ray, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Patter
son are on their way to California via
the auto route, the trip being made
owing to the ill health of their two
sons. They will take up the westward
journey within the next few days.
for Summer
at the Old Prices!
County Physician Dr. G. II. Gil
more, of Murray, was in the city to
day looking up some matters in re
gard to the new conscription act that
his office will be called upon to act
upon in conjunction with the sheriff
and the county clerk. Dr., Gilmore,
with a large delegation from Mur
ray, will be in attendance at the
meeting at Weeping Water when the
county defense council will be organ
ized. The meeting will be attended
by a large number from this city to
hear the details of the conscription
and the selective draft through which
the army of defense will be raised.
The interest in the conscription act
is quite intense and the offices of
Sheriff Quinton and County Clerk
Libershal have received a number of
offers to act as registrars for the cen
sus that will be taken of all the nun
of military age as soon as the age
limits are decided upon by cor.giVs,,
and the act is proclaimed by Presi
dent Wilson.
Just what the local officials wilM
have to do with the passing or rejec
tion of the men chosen from the reg
istration has not been determined,
but this will be taken up by Richard
L. Metcalf at the meeting tomorrow
afternoon at Weeping Water, as well
as the industrial features of the de
fense act.
Anderson Davis has been quite sick
for the past few days.
Theie will be a bake sale at the
drug store next Saturday.
Rex Young was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
Wednesday afternoon.
After the moving picture show last
Saturday evening, a number of the
young people held a social dance m
the hall.
Miss Clara Young has accepted a
position as bookkeeper in the planing
mill of the Burlington shops at Platts
mouth, Oldhams' are reran ing and remod
eling their residence this week, which
will add a great deal to the comfort
and enjoyment of the home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitmvn have de
cided to remain in Nebraska for the
coming summer, and owing to the
scarcity of farm help. Sam will assist
i his brother, Dick, in the farm work.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Nickels and son,
All" Nickels, motored to Plattsmouth
Thursday afternoon to attend to some
important business matters and visit
friends for a short time.
Rex Young met with quite a mis
fortune Tuesday evening of this week,
when he lest" one of his very best
horses, the animal taking sick very
suddenly, and died soon after. This
leaves Rex rather short on horses for
the farm work, and will corr.pell him
to buy another one.
Frank Mrasek met with a very seri
ous accident Monday morning of this
week. He was hitching up his team,
preparing for farm work, v hen one of
the horses kicked him on the left arm,
br?aking that member in two places.
The accident was a very painful one
and will lay him up for several weeks,
right in the very busiest of all seasons
for farm work.
We have been making Murray most
every week for the past fifteen years,
but never were we in that flourishing
little city before, when we found the
farmers just as busy and the town so
quiet as it was on Wednesday of this
week. We could hardly find anybody
that had time to even talk to us. much
less tell us anything that would make
a news item.
Dear little Roland, we loved him so.
And now he is lying under the snow.
Under the snow, so cold and white,
We cannot kiss him or touch him to
night. Roland Richard Schomaker was
born March 20th, 1017, at Murray,
Neb., and died April 30 th, 1017, at
Murray, Aged 1 month s-.nd 1 day.
We kindly thank our friends and
neighbors who so kir.dly assisted us
during the sickness and death of our
little son and brother. May their kind
ness never be forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schomaker and
I? any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
thts vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ai
pear tinder this heading. 'e
w ant all news items Editor
The Plattsmouth ladies are show
ing lenewed interest in the proposi
tion to establish a branch of the Red
Cross society in this city to work in
conjunction with the Omaha chapter
of that organization. This was taken
up some time ago, but so far there
has been no active steps taken to
make the organization an active one
and to get into touch wh the Or.isha
chapter that will have charge of the
.work in this-section of the state. The
Red Cross is one of the most import
ant auxiliaries of the army and the
great work performed in equipping
and furnishing supplies to the society
on the field has made it one of the
most laudable things that could be un
dertaken. The different church socie
ties of the city, as well as various fra
ternal organizations, are showing an
interest in the chapter, and some of
these should take the initiative i:i
getting the organization of a chapter
here, so that the gvod work can be
commenced at once.
From Tuesday's Ini!y.
Arthur Sullivan, one of the enter
prising farmers south of the city, in
the vicinity of Rock IV.vdT, has pur
chased a fine new Dodge car of John
F. Gorder, the local agent, and will
in the future be found traveling over
the hillo of old Cass county in his
new machine and enjoying the new
Rock Bluff road that the county and
the public spirited citizens are having
Set dr. That Grow Recleaned alfal
fa. 00.'. 8 per cent pure. S1.7." per
bushel; timothy, $,:'..-; kalr.i
cane, JvJ..; German millet, S2.-10 ; se
lected seed corn, in ears, $2.i-"; rape,
1 !c per lb.; chick feed. :.."' per cwt.;
Red River seed potatoes, $X.27 bu.
Johnson Bros., Nebraska City, Neb.
5-10-It wkly
800 hedge posts; nine second-hand
windmill. Inquire of O. A. Davis, Mur
ray, Ni b. 4-:j0-lmo wkly
Fruii Y-,.(inl:iy's Iaily.
Mrs. Rasmus Peterson has far the
past few days been quite ill at her
home on High School hill, but is now
showing" some signs -of improvement
that is very pleasing to her family and,
many fiiends. Mrs. Peterson was
taken sick Sunday and for a time was
iii very serious condition, but now
seems to be slightly improved. It is
to be hoped that this estimable lady
may continue to improve and scon be
up arid around as usual.
Frank Marshall and Monroe Batt of this city are the latest of the
patriotic young men of the city to
join the ranks of the military arm of
the national defense, going to Omaha
yesterday afternoon and enlisting in
the machine gun company of the
Fourth regiment, Nebraska Federal
militia. The young men will leave to
morrow for Fort Crook, where they
will be stationed with the company
until further orders as to their service
is received. The friends of the two
young men ..will be pleased to learn
of their patriotic attitude.
For a mild, easy action of the bow
els, try Dean's Reguleas, a modern
laxative. 2oc at all stores.
Remember the big fire sale of the
Zuekweiler & Lutz $20,000 stock will
only last a few days. Talmer, the
Fire Sale King, is in charge.
Flag stickers for your collar deco
rations at the Journal office.
For Sale Span of mules, 4 years
old, weighing 2.200 pounds; well
broke and worked all last year. Mark
White. ' 5-1 0-1 1 wkly
How's This ?
V7e offer One Iliin'lro'l Dollars Ttcward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot bfc
cured by Halt's f itrrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh ?,Iedicine ha3 been taken
by catarrh sufferer's for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Halls
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, oxn'ullncr the Pol
eon from the Blood antl healing the dis
eased Dortions.
After you have taken nail's Catarrh
Medicine pr a short time you will see a.
qreat improvement in your KCneral
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and-get rid cf catarrh. -Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by all Drurslsts. 75c.
The 18th episode of
in two reels
Pat's Pastying Ways
one reel Imp special
Behind the Scene
in Japan
Powers educational
Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp
The b-'ard of education of the city
at their last meeting held the election
of the teachers in the city schools for
the ensuing year and selected those
who will have charge of the work of
the school. The list of those elected
will of course be liable to changes due
to resignations before the opening of
the school year, but the board is hope
ful that the efficient corps of te.achers
selected will he retained for the com
ing Year. Those elected were:
Superintendent W. G. Broolys.
High School Charles Richardson,
principal; C. A. Spacht, Jessie .Moore,
Pearl Staats, Estelle Daird, Maurine
Hughes, Flossie L. Bute, Lillian
Grades and Departmental Anna
Ileisel, Elmer Frans, Mae Morgan,
Clara Weyrich, Goldie Noble, Alpha
Peterson, Teresa Ilemple, Ivah Sut
Iey, Claire Bookmeyer, Crete Briggs,
Amelia Martens, Nettie Hawksworth,
Valeda Woods, Irene Scott, Vesta
Douglass, Florence Rummell, Alberta
Thomas. .Margaret Wohlfarth, Chris
Prochaska, Anna Rys and Miss Marie
tina Hansen, Marie Svobcda, Rose
Kaufman, penmanship.
Wanted Anyone having alfalfa,
timothy, millet sejd or hay to sell,
ratify Johnson Bros., Nebraska City,
Neb. 5-10-lt wkly
Big assor tment of all kinds of soap
at the Big Fire Sale. Sale opens Sat
urday afternoon, May 12th. Be on
hand for your share of the bargains.
Eggs for hatching. Single comb
Buff Orphington, ?1.00 per setting or
S5.00 per 100. Samuel Goodman,
Mynard, Nebraska.
Remember, the big $20,000 stock of
goods in the Zuekweiler & Lutz store,
must be sold in ten days. Palmer, the
Fire Sale King.
Boot &, Parks,
Contractors and Builders
No Job too Small cr to Large!
Phone 40 or 25
Murray, -:- Nebraska
Stop! Look!! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
w. it. mum
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse All Galls!
Rates Reasonable
FiSiisir.aufh,: Hcbraska
Route No. 1 .
And What It Means to You
We show you the real implements Not Merely
Pictures of Them.
A picture often hides a multitude of flaws which would be
quickly detected by inspection of the
pictured object itself.
Suppose you want to buy a horse.
Ane man bringsto you a picture of a
horse; another man brings a real
horse. Which interests you the most
the picture or the real thing?
The picture tells you onthing ex
cept in a general way. What you
want to know, as a prospective pur
chaser, is in a particular way. You
want to know whether the horse is
sound of limb and body; how old,
sturdy and active it is, and something
definite as to its spirit. The picture
telis you none of these things. You
can learn them only by inspecting the
horse closely and seeing it in action.
Murray Hardware
For any itching skin trouble, piles,
eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald
head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Ointment
is highly recommended. 50c a box at
all stores.
B. W. Livingston was among those
going to Omaha this morning, where
he will visit for the day looking after
some business matters.
For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts
and bruises, mamma's sore throat,
grandmas lanunes? nr. i nomas ec
lectic Oil the household remedy. 25c
and 50c.
Remember the Journal carries the
finest line of stationery in town, and
can please all in this line cf goods.
!w 410 -448
AN office sanitarium fully equipped
with every modem electrical and
scientific apparatus useful in the
treatment of all non-contagious diseases.
I7sr"c'al-y helpful in rhetimatim,
neuritis, diseaFes of the kidneys, liver,
stomach, and otic- internal organs.
All treatments and baths piven under
direct supervision of physician by grad
uate men and women nurses skilled in
sanitarium work.
Careful examination of all cases made
before treatment is undertaken.
The Solar S-n;tari-jm offers treat
ments equal to any along gin-.ilar lines,
and may be had at moderate cost.
Endorsed by leading physicians.
Write for full inform ation. Address
410-418 Brandei Bid. Omaha, Neb.
fa. ! Pv & ,
Puis & Gaesemer,
Drs. Mach & P.n.ach, Tha Dentists
The lurgest and best equipped dental offices in Oman. Specialists in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate PHcea. Porcelain filliaga,
just like tooth. Instrument carefully sterilized alter ubing.
Send for fbkb sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment.
ssMsmnni 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA
anostnetic used- a cure guarantees i n every case accepted
for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more Una 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
Its just as unsatisfactory to buy a
farm implement from a picture as it
is to buy a horse from a picture. You
can't tell from an illustration whether
or not the implement shown has mate
rial bf inferior quality in the con
struction of some of its parts. You
can't tell whether or not it has op
erating faults. You CAN tell if you
closely inspect the implement itself
and .watch the operation of its parts.
We have a high-class line of imple
ments for your inspection. Call and
see them and satisfy yourself as to
their operating capabilities. That's
the safe' preparation for buying.
We'll be mighty Luad to see you.
and Implement Go.,
The Celebrated Stallion
Saw - '
UL.YSSE, 6605
Will make the season of 1917 at my
home, three and a helf miles west and
one mile' south of Murray. Ulysse
is an extra good Belgian draft horse,
weighing 2200 pounds, a beautiful
dark bay in c!or, age seven years.
Ulysse is well known in this section
of Qass County, and has the reputa
tion of being an excellent foal getter.
Terms ?lo.00 to insure colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove them from
this part of the county service fee
becomes due and payable immediately.
All care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but owner of horse will not
be held responsible should any occur.
A. G. HAST, Owner
The Fire Sale will not deliver any
Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was
in the city today for a few hours vis
iting with his friends and looking
after some business matters.
Rust-Proof Corsets
in Back and Front Lace
SI.SI.25, SI.51HSI.75
They are truly extraordinary
corsets at ordinary prices.
They are authoritive in style,
light in weight, most attrac
tive in appearance and fit as.
a part of the body.
Fistuta Pay When Cured
A mild system of treotnient that cures Tiles. Fistula acd
other Recta 1 Diseases iu a short time, without a severe sur
gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general