PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1917. Cbe plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WKEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA Eatered at Postofflce at Plattsmoutb, Neb., as second-class mall matter. A. BATES, Publisher UBSCniPTION PBICEl flJM FEU YEAR IN ADTANCB Looks more like spring. :o: We need warm weather badly. :o: Some corn will have to be replanted. :o: This is the kind of weather that the farmers like. :o: A few' days of sunshine will make vegetation hump. :o: Let's have a flag-pole raising on the Fourth of July. What do you say? :o: "Every person'' knows a heap of fool things they would do if hey had the money. :o: The business of confiscating great incomes has got our goat. We are worried stiff. :o: The maxim that "he also serves who stands and waits" doesn't fit the present situation. :o' Ten cents a pound is demanded for new potatoes, and yet, some people will have them. :o: When a girl has a genuine com ploxion she know; it; when she hasn't, everybody else knows it. -:o: When the whole history of the U-boat campaign becomes available it will afford ineresling reading. :o: Optimism is all right, but it cannot be used successfully as a substitute for a water-proof coal in a hard rain. : :o: Let';; delay the purchase of our new straw hats till we find out whether we will be wearing steel helmets this summer or not. :o: The average housewife doesn't wor ry when she hoars that cabbages are selling at $liO a. ton, because she fig ures that she doesn't buy them that way. :o: A considerable number of farmers were in town last Saturday, notwith standing the condition of the roads. Automobiles, however, were somewhat scarce. :o: That peace hath her victories no less renown than war" will be more impressive than ever after we have achieved our triumph in the present conflict. Having perfected a self-starter, it is now up to the automobile inventors to observe the number of collisions re cently and turn their intention to a self-stopper. :o: Modern queens touring the trenches are working in the hospitals and arc a marked improvement on the old fashioned kind, who spent the peo ple's money on having a good time. :o: The farmers arc doing everything in their power to save the people from starvation, and there should be no kick against them, even if they do get a big price for everything they raise. :o :- Now that the draft proposition will soon be in full force, some of the fel lows who became very patriotic when war was declared, are shaking-in their shoes. No matter how much they may roar, if they are drafted, they go. No hiring a substitute in thi; deal. -:o:- The high prices of building material has stopped the erection of many new homes in this city this season. Several who contemplated building new homes and improving others, have laid everything over for some time in the future. The new high school building could have been erected for $10,000 less last year than it can be his year and the school board is not responsible for this delay, either, I THINGS TO GUARD AGAINST. These are some of the things Amer- ica, being at war, should guard against: Bitterness. Lack of firmness, Sloth. Waste. Extravagance. Hysteria. O ver-confidence. :o HOW TO BEAT IT. The American public is being cast I for a fish in drama of life, and is playing the role admirably from day I to dav. Every time anyone who has com- mand of the source of supply of any of the oidinary necessities of life sounds an alarm that there is to be a shortage, everybody rushes out to buy a supply of that commodity, thus creating an abnormal demand for it and running up the price. I People got so freightencd over the flour situation recently that they I rushed out and laid in large stocks of it in their cellars, to last in some in- I stances for a year, without stopping to think that it is but a few days until J the southern wheat crop will be har- . . i vested. Py that very act they created an artificial demand for flour that ma- terially enhanced the price and l.oosted also the price of wheat for flour mak- the averice of the food speculator. Evcrv time lie tirnrl.iims ;i shnrDife I l " of a particular commodity consumers should register a vow to do without that commoi'ty oomehow unVtl th speculator gets anxious to sell it. In that vay they c m bring prices down instead of sending them up. The ordinary citizen is a kindei garten bomb in many respects. Lin coln Star. :o:- THIS CHANGING WOULD. Soon after his arrival in Washing- ton Mr. Balfour. British secretary of foieign affairs and head of the com- ... i mission now visiting the United States, said with respect to the trans- formations caused by the war: "I doubt if you can forsee what funda- mental changes the war will bring into your ordinary life. We in England look back with amazement at the vital changes during our last thirty months price far in excess of what the situa of mobilization and imagine that many tion warrants. If the president is of the changes we have gone through, so salutary even for themselves alone, will be repeated here." The world has changed much since the opening of the war at the begin- ning of August, 1914. Its institutions doubtless will be modified even more as a result of developments following the definite ending of the conflict. The trend of events due to the efforts of J the men who will direct the governing policies during the approaching period of national and international reorganization is likely to have a pow- erful influence on the human race for J centuries to come. ' Now, if ever, is a time for men of vision and high purpose to strive after iauu"dl "icaiiam in government, seek- ing thus to neutralize the terrible her- itoge of selfishness, suspicion and Vl'ill.n.l i ...1 ".l. , . . . I ......n. nun, wmcn manKina long has suffered and still suffers. Chicago News. N o: ' I A bill has been introduced in con- gress providing for a direct tax to meet the cost of war. It proposes to decrease the amount in the income tax exemption, making the exemption .$1,000 for single men and $2,000 for i . nuirneu men, also an additional tax upon incomes of over $5,000, a stamp tllY of V'ilo crnnn nnA : 1 i I - L, jjitiai waks upon liquors, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco PROTECTING THE CONSUMER. The report of the federal trade com mission on anthracite coal prices is timely and valuable. It should have s reassuring and steadying effect on the public and be of service in crystalliz ing sentiment, in favor of such neces sary steps toward government con trol of the food situation as are need ed, as a war measure, to protect the people from spoliation. senator xmcncocK, some montns a introduced the resolution calling r A TT'J 1 1 it for an investigation of the anthracite situation, the purpose being to dis close whether there was any sufficient justification for the steadily advancing price. The preliminary report of the commission is that the prevailing re tail prices are unwarranted by the condition of the market and that there is an adequate supply on hand for next season. There is no reason, the report says, why there should be a "buyers' panic," which simply play . 1 others who are grabbing for exorb- I Ti n,.r. .1 .1.11: J" 11 gllL J1U11LS rt"u mruicr 4 i t. : lu lUUi, PCi- Senator Hitchcock's comment that tho report discloses "the people have It ii ... .... Deen rouoeu is severe but justified, An(1 hift suggestion that consumers re- frain from hasty buying of next sea son's supplies seems good advice. If there is coal enough to meet the de- mand, and if there is no excuse for further advances if, on the other hand, there should be the usual sum- jmer discount, as the commission de- clai es then we can all afford to bide our time and trust to the government to protect us from further robbery. This is just what the government i5 preparing to do and what it is im- perative the government should do Not only with respect to coaf but covering also food, shoes, clothing and is asking congress to give the prcsi- i i wvjiii, uivii n I'lum i nit" consumers e , , , ... irom speculators ana manipulators who are ghoulishly making war an ex- cuse for prying upon their fellow citi zens, lhe Lever bill, introduced as an administration measure, gives the president the power, if necessary, to fix both maximum and minimum prices for such commodities and also for the articles required for their pro duction. If he deems it necessary he can requisition mines and factories; he can compel the holders to release excessive amounts they have in store, and can take such other steps as are called for to insure that tho nonnln will get the necessities of life at a fair price. This is a drastic and far-reaching grant of war power, but the situation is such that it calls for a drastic rem edy. Coal is not the only commodity there is every reason to believe, that is being doled out to the public at a given authority to fix prices, and even to take over mines and factories, the mere fact that he has such nower mav be enough to cure the evils that now exist. He may never have to exercise it at all. But if he does, the country will feel sure that Woodrow Wilson will use his power courageously as well as reasonably and fairly. He will consent to do no man and no in- terest any injustice. But neither will he be moved by the pleas and influ ences of those shameless and greedy parasites that, like leeches, suck the country's blood at a time when its strength is all nooAoA fo- df against a foreign foe. World-IIerald "The Girl I Left Behind," gives a realistic touch to the present time, and the old song will prove as popu lar with the boys today who are hik hng off to become soldiers and sailors. Ti. i j..: xi.- -r v. vva very jiupuiar uurui me civil war, and on the march nothing would revive the drooping spirits of the boys more than for the drums and ftfes to start up on "The Girl I Left Behind Me!" We know, for we left one behind ourself. Domestic gardening is not a matter of infallible inspiration, as is demon a , , . i M . sirateu py tne iact tnat even m a crisis the family rubber plant is quite inevitable. THEY CAN'T TORPEDO HER. "Sail on, O Ship of State! Sail on, O Union strong and great! Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years Is hanging breathless on thy fate!" : :o: Genial "Old Sol" is doing well. :o: The farmers are encouraged. :o: . How about that flag pole raising? :o: "A pull together" is what brings success. :o:- "Bone dry" does not necessarily mean dry bones. :o:- There are two kinds intelligence and just bull-headedness. :o: XTKnt.1.., :.. : i u i,t'J1"-JV'1 ' aiiauinj; iu puun.iM- a half-million dollars' worth of liberty bonds. :o: The German masses will find when it is all over that it was never a war upon them. :o: The lid on news from the war in Europe has been put on tightly by the 1 government authorities. . -:o:- The scarcity of booze Ls not iroincr i to frighten the people like the high priccs of foods, bv anv means. v All this CO-Ordllialing Ot resource? will be a mighty' good thing for the! American people even after the war. mi 1" , 1 I" .1 iiu int j iiivi iciin iiiau-ui -v di wci.-'n- t- r.. ..,,i. xt ii : ii-ui ttli 1 "IUM1IUUUI, i'-t 111 llOl, Under the supervision of John Paul under Jones :OI rrii - , . rl - . jlllVir.;.. U oeeeaseu, IMC li'lli I1MW1I l'e!S, The first UniOll flag Was UnfUliCl devisees, legatees, personal rei.r.sen- in the camp of the Continental army at Cambridge, Mass., on New Year's of 187G. o: The Bible tells us we .should pive one-tenth of our wealth to the Lord We know a lot of fellows with a will ing heart who endeavor to split a cent every time the contribution box is passed. :o:- A number of laboring: men of Beat rice have banded themselves together in the form of a co-operative company to combat the present high prices. They propose opening: a company store and buying; necessities at the whole sale price. o: Oftentimes it occurs that people in the haste of passing: criticism upon others find themselves a little later in the unpleasant attitude of knowing; that they have wrongred some one and these same people just as fre quently find it a matter of perplexity I io Know just now the particular l Wrontr mav be ritrhtcd. I "O: I The attacks on President Wilson avail nothing;, and does not annoy him in the least. lie p;oes rigrht ahead with his work, and the American peo- pie are going; to stand solidly behind him, because they know that he is right. He is today the most able man that ever occupied the presiden tial chair. -:o: EGGS FOR HATCHING. From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15; - nn inn, r i i i- ' ?o.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. 0.1 Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3513. 2-12-tfwkly I -votici-: to ici'di roits. The State of Nebraska. Cass Counfv. I ss. In the ("ountv Court. In tlie I matter of the estate of JOva K. Prettiir. deceased. To the creditors or said estate: I You are hereby notified that I will I sit at the County .Court room in I l'lattsmoutli. in said Count v. on the L'Sth dav of November. 1017 t 10 o'clock il. m.. tn receive n nil nviiminii nil claims nKainst said estate, with a view I io ineir adjustment ami allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate i siv I months from the 2tth day of lav. A. I I. 1917. and the time limited for the payment of debts is One Year from I said L'Xth day of November. 1 U 17. I Witness mv hand and the seal of said County court, this 24th day of inn l Ii loi. I i.i.t - - x.., 111. ' ALLE.N J. BKL'SflV. I 4-wks County Judsie. I Jennie V. lUioden, Plaintiff, vs. Frank I j. Klioden. Defendant. The defendant. Frank L,. Ko-Icn will take notice that on the Sth dav of Ta unary. 1917. the plaintiff. Jennie V.1'" Klioden, tiled her petition in tie Dm- trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the prayer of which is to obtain a dc- I crce of divorce from the defendant ociock a. .vi., u snow cause, u Hn upon th- ground of extreme crueltv there be, why the prayer of the peti and that her maiden namo be restored , tioner should not he granted, and that to her. ' I notice of the pendency of said petition The defendant will make answer to said petition ou or before the IStU day of June ,1917. i JENNIE V. KHODKN", - Plaintiff. . m:gal notice. Notice to Xon-Itosidetit Defendants, their lieirs, Pcvisi-os, Legatees, 1'ersonal 1 representatives, anil All Persons Interested in Their Es tate. AV'illiam Williams, if livnig. if de- .eased, the unknown lieirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives ami all persons interested in the estate of William Williams, de-ceased; Joshua lirown, if living, if deceased, the tin- known lieirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all persons interested in the estato ot .loshu; lirown, deceased: Noah I.nyton. if liv ing', if deceased, the unknown heirs devisees, legatees, personal represen tattve and all persons interested in the estate of Noah huytun. deceased Isaac .Mien, if living, if de-ccascd 'the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of Isaac ' -len. deceased; the unknown heirs, J devisees, legatees, personal reprcsen- tatives and all persons interested in the estate of V J . Merriam, lirst real name unknown: deceased; Nancy K. ir.iit'lr.f i f. .if A l.-- ,,-1 .- l.'ll,. I Fou ler.' wife of diaries Fou ler: Mar- iiiit -win v ii i ih ins, ii. living, 11. de ceased, the unknown lieirs, devisees legatees, personal representatives and fill persons interested in the estate of Martha Ann Williams, deceased; Kd- v.-in 1. Krown. if living, if deceased, the unknown lieirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all per sons interested in t he estate ot Kdwiri I'. Hi-own, deceased; Abraham Sinitl I it living, it deceased, llie unKliown ,eirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all persons interest ed in the estate or A lira ham "Smith, de c-eased; Samuel Williams, it livuiur. if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, personal representatives and all persons interested in the estate of Samuel Williams, deceased; Isaac K. Watkins, if living, if deceased, the unknown lieirs, devisees. legatees. personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate or Isaac K. Watkins, deceased; the unknown leirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives ami all persons interr-st- ; "!' 'J!1',10 Vf Vr'1"-!-' J-' s,"il1.'; I deceased; Michael lletts, it living, if deceased, the unknown lieirs. devisees I legatees, personal represent at lves a nd r1' .i''.,'l'V,,'.'.s 'nU'li,;s,.''1. '!'. ,li!...t'Isl,,I,."lf".f if living, if deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal ret I t sentatives and all persons interested I in the estate of Sarah ll'-tts. deceased: th - unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, I personal representatives and all per- s.,ns interested in the estate of diris- i ;.... i f - a i . 'r. ... t l . . name unknown, if living, if de- the iimL-imiu ii lii!': l,.-i-o I legatees, personal representatives and I :i 1 I Tiei'sotis interest it in llie i-vt-ih- of - ; Tootle, deceased; l'aiiejgh. i ursi real naioe uuivuoxs ii, n. jivmg, il ece.- scd, the unknown heirs, devise legatees, peisoiiai i ej ii ee n i n i i ves iiuo all persons i n teres t-d iu the estate of ' ' 1- ,1 l It-is M, oi-,i-l.--'-,l. llie lllillieIl i... ... i . .1 i . .1 i I pen's. oeVises. legaLecs, pcr.-ouul fi-p- I ,.,L...i. 1 ., 4 i t-... .,11 iw.i'v--..,.. 1 I'. . , '. ... .... , ! (SI' in the estate of I i. T. Tha c k"r, i; .. 1 ...... . i I.- . , . ,, ,, .1 Henry lmllois. if living, if deceased, th' unknown heirs, devisei s. gatei personal r.;ueseu i a t i ves and all per sons interested i:i the stai- of Henry lul'.ois, deeeaseil: .loim 'h-niliious, if tatives iiit'l a.!l persons int resied in lhe estate of John 'lenmions, 1c eeased: the iinkliown owners and oc cupants of all lots and parts of lots and s 1 1 1 1 - I i v i s i o n s in the town I" I . i ! i -i rty. and in anv and aU additions thereto in the Coiintv of (.'ass, .Nebras ka. 'i mi and cucji of you are 1-erebv notified that William 1". Campbell, as plaintiff, on the :p'ith day of Aoril. 1!U7, tiled his petition in the li-qri.t Court of - ("ass County. Nebraska, wherein yon an I all of vnu are de fendants: the oli.ii ct and prayer of which petition is that the claim, in terest, riiiht. title and estate of each and overv one of you in and to The Northeast (luarter of the South east "quarter iu Section tive i arid the Kast half of the Northeast (Quar ter of Section live i.'ii. all iu Township ten (10. Kan-e fourteen (II), Cass County. Nebraska: also the Southeast (Quarter of the Southeast (,'nait T of Section thirty-two i :',!'. all in Town ship eleven ( 1 1 . North Kanue four teen (ltt. ("ass County, Nebraska, be declared invalid, and of no force and effect. That the title of fa id plaintiff in and to said real estate!, and very part thereof, he quieted as against yon and each, and every one of ou. as against any and all claims of any pcio:i through or bv you, and that they be ailjudued and decreed that each and nil of ymi whose names are above set forth, if living, and if deceased, the lieirs, devisees. h-:atces. p r sonal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of each and claim or interest in and to ;aid iv;il estate or any part thereof, and that every our ot. you, nave no rint, title, each ai.d all of said defendants, thosi named, and those whose names are unknown, and not stifled, he forever barred from claiming or asserting any riiiht. title, interest or estate in and of, and for such other and further re to said real estate, or anv oa .-t tin-re lliei as to me court mav seem jusi an equitable I Von :lfnL p:li-ll o f v o 1 1 a rn f I! rf ln'l notified that you are required t an swer satil petition ui or oeiore .uun lav. the llth day of June. T.ili. I Wild. I AM 1". "A.i!'l:i:.T.. IC. A. i:.'l,s. Plaintiff, I Attorney sw- lw ks-com Apr v,0 1017 isi:i"i:iti:irs sm.i:. Xel,ie M- Thomas, et a1i",aintjffP( vs. Oscar Jennings Swcem. et al.. I lefendants. N'o(l"t f Sule. Notice is hereby triven that by vir tue of an order entered in tue lo:-e- troine; entitled cause on the lc!th day of April 1!'17. by the District Court of ("ass County, Nebraska, I, tho un- lei'siirnoil. Thomas Wall int;", sole Uefer- ee appointed by said Court, will on the 21st day of May lit IT. at Ten o clock in the forenoon, at the South door of the Court House in the City of I'latts- iiiouth. in Cass County. Nebraska, ef- r-- f'"' sale to ti..; highest bi.ber for cash. the following described ral estate, to-wit: ,'J b:;fwS'V::)zLV Tovtishlt i:ieven (11, north, in l.'an-re .Nllll I , 1.1.. I. 'i lie Hill a . ..., t., Cass County, Nebraska, con t a i n in 7 7 . C." acres according to Government Nil r ve-v. Said sale M-ill remain pen for luds for one hour THOMAS WAI.TJNC, Keferce. JOHN M. I,KVDA. Attorney. First Published April , 17 I.IAIW, .MITK'h I" ' '(iin(y Court tit 'iij.h Ci:iii(, - iinisKn. Stale or .Nebraska County of Cass, ss-. To all persons interested in lhe es- tate of Clarence ! queue itabbilt, d ceased On readincr the petition of Mamie If P.nhbitt. o.avinir that the instrument filed in this court on the 17th day of III1I. 1J1I. illlll KM nil mm 111 lie il." . . - i . r . . . i ....... l... ii. Inst will and testainerit of the said d ceased, mav be proved and allowed, ar.d recorded as the last will and testament. of Clarence laiKcne J.;ai)iili, ueceaseo that said instrument be admitted 1'Vohate. anu the au.n. nisi ai.on or s , k, lunmic ... ....... s exe. ut i ix lt ls hereov or-iered tna t vou. a mi persons lnteresieo in sain munei. "nd no. appear ii t ino (,oiini court to he pent m ami ior su in eoutuj , '"' t- lr,,l v "f Mnv, A. D. 1 ; Ii at and that the hearing thereof lie sivrn i to all persons interested in said matter bv publishing a copy of this Order in, the Plattsmouth Journal a semi-weekly j newspaper printed in said county, for j ' l HI wwr mim - I ' .first becurity CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. oand, Conservative and Progressive THE DANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and handling his live stock for market eposits In are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly 1, 000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you! ' OFFICERS: WM. -SCHNEIDER, President W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier thro succi ssive weeks prior to said da y of hea ri ng. W illi- ss my hand, and seal of said '"in, this .'1st dav of .April. .. 1 .. 1U17. -M.I.K.V J. liKKSON-. Seal) C.uinty Judge. Kirst I'uhlished April i,". J : 1 7. i.i;; m. .xjtiitj In ! County iurt r n.s Count. i";rxJia. State of .Nehvaska, County of Cass, s.;. i'o Ilei-tha Marks. Au-'ust St.n-U. Idllii.n. .lohanN Kn-.lericK- st.-n-k- tnd W'iiiiani Stark, an 1 all Kersons in terest, d in th,- e.-t;ae of .lohann tJ. Stark, i a st'd : ):i Vending the lxtitioti of .li.linnn i'le i. I i. k SinrK. l.raviii" that the in- -ti iaiH lit lih d in this court on the lilst lay "i April. I!'!?, ami purporting to " r!,e la-t will and testament "f the aid d. ceased, may I proved and al v.'d. and recordi d as ti e last v. il! and I' ! i of .lohann ;. Siark. deceased! t t ! a t said instrument he admitted to I . i i I i-i 1,1 I . . .- tale i,,- grante.l i.. ll-my A. Tool as nti It is herr-bv order, d that you. and all persons iiitt rested jn said matter, mav, .v:ul ii". aiq.e.n- .it the ("ountv Court in ! held i.i and for said c..i;ntv. on the 1'tii '!ay of .ia -, A. i . HUT. at 1 1 ;o.j " '!,.,!: A. M., to s,o,' , j'lise. if anv I-', why the. prav:- of the peti tioner ..-hnubi not be u-rant'-d. and that untiee ot the in 1 1 i . -1 1 ' .t said petition and teat the hiaiinv. I'eieo!' be iriveii '" .'M p r.-iii:. int. rested in said in. n tir by publishing a conv of this rd.f in th-- J 'bit i-mout q .1 0,1 rn.-1 1 a s-mi-w-(d;ly n.-w.s pa ner printed in said county, l-.r thi. e successive We ks prior i,, 1 h;v ..f 1 arinu. Witness in v hand, and seal of said c.-nj t, this "1st day of April, A. J .. It'll. ai.i.i;n .t. i:i:i;si in, 1 ' ( 'oiint v J ad-e. I''ir.-t I 'ii ! I is ht-.l April 1':;, i:U7. MiTici-:. In be llivirict Cotir: of Ca.sis County, c l r a k r . Cyril Kaiin.i. I'laintilV, vs. I'lattsir.oiith Ferry Company, it al.. i efi n. t s. io tne l '.. 1 1 r.-,o at h 1'i-riv Company; the 1'nliii'inii lieirs. Devisees, Lega tees, Persotial 1 U- i -sen t a ! i es. and other Persons ,. t -n .-1 e. I in the Kstate oi" .Kiel Solomon, deceased; !rs Mat hew i:..d. First Ib al Name I'n known. Wile or Widow of Matlo-w lloyd; l.'oli.rt IT. Povd. if living. if deei ascd. The I'nknowtt lieirs. Devi sees. I.eualiis. Pe' lb ptesenta livts and all other Persons Interested in tiie Kstate of Kobelt JI. J'.oyd, de ceased, de fenda lit s : You and inch of von are hereby noti fir 1-that on the llth dav of "April, KMT, the Plaintiff h-iein, Cvril Kali an, tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, wherein you and each and all of vou are made difeudants. the object, pur pose and pr.ixer of which said petition is to obtain a decree from said Court lemovine- ,-;u:,b from and unietin the title to tie following described leal estate in Plaintiff, to-wit: hots numbered Three ( :: an l Four I) in K'oek numbered oni' llumlrcd Sixt'-Seven (HIT) in the City of l'lattsmoutli. m Cass County; Ne braska, according to the Published and recorded plat thereof. As against you and each and all of you. and to reform a nrtain convey ance made on Jh-trch 1'Oth, IMP), by one Joel Solomon, (since deceased) to J). II. Solomon, recorded in Kook "K" of deeds at, Pn.tro 10. "i of lhe records of Cass County. Nebraska, to conform to the intentions of the trrantnr therein and have same decreed to b;ive convey ed lot iii said block 1 UT Plat t smou t h, Nebraska, to said jrrantce, notwith standing that said conveyance omitted to stat1 where said premises were lo cated, and to exclude and enjoin you and each and all of you from ever as seitiriHr oi claiminir any ri.nht. title, estate or interest in and to the real estate- described jn said petition and before described, adverse to plaintiff, by reason of Plaintiff's adverse pos- Attention with present conditions at the various factories exist ing and the scarcity of freight cars in which to trans fer outos, it is a cold fact that a great many buyers will be disappointed at the inability of agents to secure cars with which to fill orders already sold. We anticipated this condition early and bought a supply of cars of both "Studebakcr" and "Maxwell" autos and can make im mediate delivery to you. Think this matter over care fully and call on us or write and we will be pleased to give you a demonstration of either make. There is a raise in price of both makes which we can avoid if you vill act quickiy. Subject to stock on hand Siudebaker 6-50, f. o. l. Detroit $1,250.00 Maxwell 4-40, f . o. b. Detroit 940.00 Maxwell 4-30, f. o. b. Detroit 635.00 Cedar Creek auk This Bank s-essiiui (,f said premise's, l,y himself ; nd his grantors lor inure than ten years prim- ti, the coin men einen t of )"' -;, -tiou. and fer such oth-r and n.;i.ier reiiei as equity mav remiire. i his licit I ' is given and Puhlished lni' -u.ini u an rit r of said Court. i "U are required to answer said pe -;ti:i on or ln-fure the L'Sth dav of t ..lay 1H17. or lefatilt a:; you therein. iviii be taken CY1UL KAT.IXA. Mms M. I.KVl.A. 1-laintiff. -ttornev. First r'lhli.'Iied Apiil ItUh, 1917. i.i:;i, oiic i: Jn the llilri l ( iiiirt of (lie 'uiii(y ttt h, chriiKkii. Oharl II. hopp. Plaintiff, vs. Walter M. I.eijiin"-, et al, Defendajits. i f uil to (luiet 'II II.- To the deie,;,,,ts, Walter . l..-miuK; A.u i a ii Ja ne Kemjn..-.- the unknown icirs. de isees, legatees, personal l-p-le.--eiit.-i t i es and all othei- persons in- in the estate of Walter ( l.eniitifr. deitased; the unknown la irs, devise-.--, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in. t. r.-st. d in the estate of Azubak Jane Kemuitr. di-ceased : Ci-iii-w Vander-tna-it; Mrs. C or" Yandermant, lirst IS ia! name unknown: the unknown ! .( irs, d' Vi.-ccs, legatees, personal rep ri s utat ives and all other persons in terest..! in the (state of (iimrKC Vail- !. in. i Hi, deceased: the unknown h irs .i.-vKecs. l-e,a tees, personal rep resent a t iv s and all other Persons in- tere!-, ill the estate of "U IS. OeorO Vandci munt. first r(;;i ii.-mi,- unknown, de, . ,i; M!s. John ( i. Jliiicliman, first re:. I name unknown: tin- unknown heirs, devixes. legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terest, d in do (state of .lohn (J. Hincliman. deceased: T. S. ('oilier, first teal name unknown: Martha Ann Col lier; the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal reprcscntatUes and "all other persons interested in the estate of 'I". St ("ulliei- fiir e. 1 .. .!.., . - - - - ..... ., ii,, in,- 11 11 IV II' .vt ii, ! deceased; the unknown heir, devisees. lcv;atees. personal represen ; a t i ves and i all other presons interested in the es- " l;it of Martha Ann Collier, il'-coascil; l-'rancis .1. peters: tho unknown lieirs, devisees, legatees. personal repre- 1 ..11 .41.. .. - - i. . j-" 1 1 1. 1 1 . i i ,i . e i ,iii i u i.i pel sons llltt'r- esteu in i,ie estate ot crane is '- Peters, dei-.. a.-ed: The unknown owners and the unknown claimants of the north east ijaarter (NK 1-1) of the tioith ' a.- t ouarter I.VI-; 1-D of section six CD, township elev. n till, north ran.itfi fourteen illi, and of the northeast iiiavter (NK 1-D of the northeast (NK l-!i of section thirty-one CJI), township (li'i, north ramie fottrtei n till, all east of the f,th p. M. in the. County of Cass, Nebraska. You are noli lied that on the day of April. A. D. 1917, plaintiff tiled his suit in th' District Court of the County of ('ass. Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's title to the above described lands, to-wit, the north east quarter t.N'K 1-4) of the northeast N K 1-4) of section six (('.), township eleven (111. north ranjre fourteen (14) and of the northeast quarter (NK 1-4) of the northeast ( N K 1-D of section thirty one C;D. township twelve (12), north ran ye (14), all east of the 0th P. M. in the County of Cass. Nebraska, he cause of his adverse possession by him self and his ran tors for mole than ten years prior to the commencement of-said suit and to enjoin each anil all of you from having or claiming any right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to said lands or any part thereof; to require you to set forth .vour right, title, claim, lien or interest therein, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the sane. ad.iudged inferior to the title of plain t i it ami for general equitable relief. T This notjee is made pursuant to tho order of the court. You are require! to answer said pe tition on or before Manila v. May 2Mh. A. D. 1917, or your default will be duly entered therein. CHAKLKS It. SIIOPP. Plaintiff. AY. A. KOKKKTSON, At torne v. First Published April 1C. 1917. 4 3 llsza ii Nebraska i i V