i THURSDAY, 3IAY 10. 1917. PLATTSMOUTH SEiWI-WEFKLY JOURNAL. PAGE ?.. V IX PLATTSMOUTH . FORTY YEARS AGO. Knows veryooay rv r"-"'T" "'' - -UJ:" l.TT'rrrr''W I. IT i' l-in wi ...... ! H w... '.ntTii,, j ! 4 i 1 s n i ( alve-Ii i-n 199 ieaa ST ivieans X.... t. Willis Sharp and wife, from Colo rado, M'c visitintr home. Cajii. Palmer v.-as out very near the Ute Indian war ia.-t week. J. C. Oldham, of the old FriK-n II; i.i feeding 10. " steer?. Jolly old man. is Oldham, too. Ti;e steamer Gen.. Custer left I1a;:n;ouih .fuir.r he low on Sunik.y Buick Model D-Six 45 Willi five-passer.jrer tov.r:r.pr err. 210" L;t and tool: down a lart-e quantity Gl ! of v. heat an;t cm for our erain men. With t w f : -pa? ; e r. c; e r ith t!i:'ee-passen Willi ? ( v e n - p a s s e n u f r oai. tor cr coupe. .1P .X! 11') fec Afoce D-Four 35 With five-pa.-frcor touria With two-na.-en.crcr rc-a'l- eai'. . Buick "V Com plete Jfm 5! fhij.'cd 2 ca.rload.-: of i.-:;'jo .Saturday and 17 I'iavt.--:r.'vitii from the v.e.-t. lh" !'-y to rar.dio .-"tt.ek. .7. II." L-.-ckor, of ELirht Mile i expeotid hor.".e noxt e!:. - li--.-n vi-itinf at Peoria, Ma- I T;.zowell countv. 111., her for- r hc.rne. f.r several veeks. Ml.--- ("ti-'iie Dennett retuineil f;-oir. vi-St to Atchif !!, Kan., m Fr'.dav S:. Hi I;uise fat eatt'e to $4. -fs $i kit i $ z Tl) Hisd Yen Have Always Bought, and T,a::"a has been la vlc fjr over ever 20 j-caris, has borne the sinsture of ? and has been, made under his per- VvVvS .Uo.y no one to deceive you in this. AH Cctinterfeitf, Imitations and 4i Ju.r-as-go?-3 " ere but i.xp;r:mcnts that triiie v.-Itb, and en-Jan jer the health cf 2niar:t3 and Chiidrea ZxDcrivince cr'-inst 1: T?rjn:eat. CaLtoria is a harraloCi; cubititate f .r Caet.-r Oil. P.-.:ccor;. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is p:?aiaat. It contains ....... .'.1 l.'ltll,C .'JjI Ul..'.. ..it.' t.. I'iii'jlulJlt. 1 - . it U-ft A' tv q-HE MOTERING PUBLIC, THE COURT OF LAST RESORT -1 in all things having to do with motor cars, has definitely ac cepted the valve-in-head moter as being the nearest to periec- tion in internal combuston motors that has yet been achieved. The experience of thousands of Buick valve-in-head owners has taught them that this type of motor, gives the least vibration, the greatest flexibility, power and efficiency. For sixteen years Buick has been steadily building and perfecting valve-in-Lcad motor cars, with tbe result that to-day it is generally understood that valve-in-head means Buick. The line of Buick six-cylinder valve-in-head automobiles now offered the buying public is a complete one - a car to suit every need, and day in the year. With a Buick you get service that is built into the car at the great Buick Factories, where the best ma terial is accurately made into parts carefully assembled into the complete car, assuring a minimum amount of attention to keep your Buick in condition to all times give complete motoring pleasure and satisfaction. If nc.c day for Omaha, 1 at Brown-?!! 1 1 all Miss Carrie's erad- F. P. Lohr.hor: .-tr.vted vostcr- en i.-c n -in rvtv.vn Lrir- w h- .me V.'e are Tire! ' to learn po.-t: III:' card from E. A. Kirknatrick heue and contents humeri to tlie pr--utul en Monday last, lwss al.ort This is a pretty hard. l!ov for Kd.iy. v.-ho has l.een but a few years Catherine- his household ootids f.hr-ut him. ton. a i. .i r. Ph"oded IIogts. w vears ao and M"r. LP- Vm. Ih Porter nr. J a f.'.v others in the eastern end of the countv showed all the fine sv.hie we had. Lately Mr. Timothy Clark, of Weepinr Water, has de v..l i.( d ir.to a very extensive breeder or Poland China hoes. lie has a verv K1 r2 v I - a fo.V?l tiae 5 .i. ? a line Pri stat( 10 I'M th? head of winch .-:and:- !iee Rayah" th.e finest hoar in the , at least so sa.v the committee the State Fair Ground., for he the i:rst premium there. C'aik t. oh two first premiums at t' e State Fair and two second premiums, and v.'e cnsidor the showing the re ran i-t have had excellent pi.-s. At "ur en.ntv fair 31 r. Clarh took five first premiums and one s-actinil, al-o swecp f takes in general here. Married. v nurca. -day. evening. Sept. A. Chamberlain, 31 r m ill.- city. . by Rev. ha-ene P. Plattsmouth, Nebraska . n i -e Crepe and fancy de.-iaT.eJ paper for corative uses can be found at the ane ever .rout l-T c:tv. Tho popular American flae; stickers can now be secured at the Journal One block from Main office, so do not fail to jret your sup- Call on William Barclay. ply early. For Rent Five-room house. All modern exceot heat. Will be vacant the lai aet after May 1st street . W txH fe-rpL hV IvuvUsP h; tat Mi e P.a K. M-r 5 t'vv? R:- .rT-L. A vjr-VaVs.u Ki! iaxl ,Vfc-4 p-vtl:-- 4' feil fe NoR-AIcoholic zgi xsTjs&m - IM (E-.J-tJ'l - Ilemns stucit-nt : loted an were sa: i w. lead. X. Y., 3Iav ' :iviatois -,-h.o had never pi nirpiane luf(re and who d to liaee he -run a fieht is, of Tlattsnv.uth, Neb., and Miss T.rls, of this city. A lai'Le audience jtrathcred in the church to witness, the ceremonv and at ei.'.'iit o'clock, all being in readiness, thv bridal party marched down the aisle .f Hie church to the sweet si rains of the wedding march, played by Miss Ada Rartlett. and took their place before the altar, where, in im pressive ceremony cf the M. E. church, they were made one. Mr. Lewis was attended by Mr. E. M. Pushnell, editor of the Plattsmouth Enterprise, and ails b .Vary White, of Ridiny Prairie. The bride's dress was a. trr-'S irrain silk of electric bronze, mane, princess, en tiain trimmjd with brocade anc without perroissa a. at th.e r--mer.t aviator, school at Mineo err.-to- : r i n e'e i v.-it kid same shade, "loves and elbow slevee: Si!ipe'-S. were killed aiU fall feet. The." were Ransom Merritt. '2') years old, of L"ckport. X. Y.. for. mei-iy a Cornel! student, and Ar.tliony Stiieno, ::" Roosevelt. X. Y. Th( irm en assigned only The Happy loppy l.ii-'. Vi' i nj Here is a real treat that you will enjoy. A cold bot tle or two of PABLO, cheese, crackers and some sandwiches. PABLO added to the lunch or dinner means more happy fellow ship. Its delightful'hoppy" flavor adds a snap and zest that everyone enjoys. Get PABLO, ice cold, at any place that sells drinks or by the case You'll like PABLO. if is healthful and refreshing. MaJe by Pabst at Milwaukee J. E. McDAXIEL, Di ributor. to try out a self-starting device. They were eilserved climl-intr into the bi plane they were ml-a:" but it was net thought they planned to attempt a fduhi. Their machine suddenly be jvan climbing at a steep a.nple a.nd rose to a height of 2.-" 00 feet, where cross-currents caught it and it betran a descent, reaching the l,0'0-feot level before it collapsed. The skulls of both occtipants were fractured and th.e machine, worth :?1L000, was destroyed. ara white snk tic, natural bowers in iter hair. Miss White, a white tarletan, trimmed with pirating and white rib bon, white kid edoves and slipper- and natural flowers. Immediately after the ceremony they repaired to the residence of Mr. Ira Searls. father of the bri'le, where they partook of a splendid repast. They were ma.de the recipients of a number of fine pres ents, amoner which were the follow ing: Silver berry dish. Dr. arcl Mr? nimman: suver mekle caster and fork, 31 r. and 31 rs. F. L. 3Iandeville; silver mustard spoon. Lillie Mande vnie; silver castor ;.ni per mum e case. -Urs. v.. Leva?; silver parior ! thermometer. 31r. and 31 rs. D. II. Wheeler; silver salt cuj V. Wheeler, Jr.; silver butter dish. 3i"r. "VT, n,v f'.,r.V: Vnil -.'H Ol TV 1 r . ' spoons, ru nawKir.s; ' t r IT T .1 x Knue, ..irs. v m. r.iancoesiei , sum- e i ?!ir nwnv mo1r,.v w: nn;:t . - - . - a verv handsome line cf 3Iethers Cards at the Journal cilice. Either home cr certainly enjoy one of these from her son or daughter. in and pee the line. You will find crreetincr cards for every occasion in and 31 rs. Jas. Brooks; set silver tea- silver butter cards Jut drop our line at this time. You will be surprised at their beauty and appro priateness for every occasion. V . . a .... -I Bring: in your iron. Will be V loading soon. E. IIANKKsSOX. couiuei pane Mr. and 3Ir: Wm. Chapman; bread and pair silver cups, 3Irs. L. a c Backus; silver butter eli.-h, Chas. J Hall; counterpane. 3Iiss 3Iary Xebel- thau; do::en napkins, Ida and Anna Ncbclthau: pair vases. 31-s. X'ettie Chapman; chint cheese plate and ma jolica teapot, 31 r. and Mrs. F. II. Goddard; dressing case, Mr. and 3Irs. Geo. Chapman; bridal quih. 31 rs. Hettie Chapman; waiter, crumb pan and brush, 3Ir. end 3Irs. A. F. Board- . man; ar.cn table ciotn, r.irs. .iartin '"jand 3Irs. Fowler; pold pen and case, 3iis.s Tiny Riiey; silver napkin rin;r, We ate prepared to serve large or : vm. Vv'hite; pin cushion, Jlis small cinners, banquets, etc., at any Smith; tidy, 3Iiss price to suit you, at the Riley Hotel, tiiver " naphin ring:, Itia Kitty McCurdy; Mrs. Ira Searls; f.gc- 12 its guarantee, icr more taaa ihirty Teon in constant use fer the rclir ef Ccnsiip.iii.-n, F.'utulen", "Wir.il Cclic t.nd Diarrhoea ; allaying Fcvoiirhntrs r.riricc: the refror.;, anJ by regelating the Srr.itua.i an-:, -.vtls, aielj tL-? assitilatiua of FocJ; T.vir.e; hcaltny a:.J ii-ttuial slttp. aa. . ... w x. Mt...i, . a. ' i j l . i i .e v-:c" e F - &3 r A " - r ? 7 Bears tha Sicrnature o2 Ii Use For ?er S Years The K.?nc! Yqu Have Always Eought fancy inkstand. Mi-s Alire Gllhird; A want ad will brinjr what you want. book mark, 31 r. Knight; set jwelry , ;ents a week. from father and mother of the biide; , . necklace and, locdat from the ::ro'm. I - Autcmo'ii'e Insurance Wanted. . r 9 r "TT m vrr. m. mm m v -f .n..t v ...). A-i. ti,...im; r A Very low rate-, per hundred fcbi ''V.r.'r 'f" KV.'.W for lire and tornaoo. be: t automo- ) , t. a . t r; i;i rsi vtrns bile insurance company m state, .-at-: v ; ...- r.-.,;e ... . .-a. 'u-, V !j "C ri C 'iv urnr , - it L-i-? .nti.r A0Sk aTH n i-.-i-.-A rfSri Ox r?i- tr-iSs' 1J p?"v r? A a-; . i 5 i . V-' .i ' : ' V- V: J . V . ;. t i . . . hi r? s. I y v .. .... ?. V : - j m m MAY 13th fife P B P E3 Plattsmouth, fJcb. A S ll S J rl If W 'f j i r ?. s . e ,11 R f ' - --;r j-?'?r The Armnurs r.re the ( hamjiions of the ;rcaliT Omaha league, and this year are c. en n.ronarer than last sea son, with s?eral r.e-.v players in the liner p.. Cerne cut and see the it a me and the n tc-k of the Or.ialia (Jiani-pions. Game OaHsd at 3:00 affQirjnfifr iarege- m ?mw QUARTERS- On and after Tuesday of this week, we will be comfortably located in cur new and up-tc-date S3 FV r - zT" l " r e just corr?p!eted on fiorth Fifth St., and will be prepared to fill your every need in the garage and storage line- IP wr- & ipi irl Garage Phone 394 Residence Phone 229