The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1917, Image 1

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you xxxiv.
No. 20".
Tragedy Culmination of Steadily In
creasing Street Car Violence.
Fmm Tuesday' Daily.
The Jacob Miller famny in this city
last evening received a message from
Lincoln from August Sitzmann and
Frank Streets, brother-in-laws of Will-
iam Miller, stating that they had
identified the body in the Lincoln
morgue as that of their relative. The
tragedy has come as a severe blow
to the family in this city and since
the first message was received yes
terday morning, they had been hoping
that it might be some other person
that had been killed rather than the
son and brother, but this hope was
dashed when the message was re
ceived last evening. The Lincoln Star
of last evening gives the following
account of the tragedy as far as could
be learned:
"William Miller, a barber, was found
dead at Twenty-seventh and Fair
streets at 11:20 Sunday night, after
a University Place car coming to Lin
coln had passed the spot. The body
was found close to the track, with a
bullet above the right eye. Witnesses
tell of shots coming from the car.
"A short time later, the police ar
rested Calvin Lambert, 129 North
Twelfth street, conductor on the car.
He was found conferring with General
Manager Bramlette, in the offices of
the Lincoln Traction company. Lam
bert has refused to make a state
ment. "Three boys reported the shooting
to the police. They were Charles
0Dell, S3; North Twenty-seventh
street; Joe Shepherd, f22 North Thirty-first
street, and Freeman Roberts,
8.7 North Twenty-sixth street.
The boys tell of hearing a shot. The
boys were on the north side of the
track. Miller was on the south side of
track. Heated words had ensued.
Another shot, they say, and Miller
turned and walked about twenty-five
steps east and fell. The car went on.
The boys telephoned for the police.
Miller was dead when the officers ar
rived. .Two Different Stories.
"The motorman on the car was Clay
Hester. He told officers of having
heard shots, but he was watching the
track ahead and did not know who
fired them.
"The police claim that two witness
es, passengers on the car, say they
saw the conductor fire the shots. Their
names are withheld.
"Sheriff Simmons says Miller, ac
cording to witnesses, was standing on
the sidewalk intersection on the east
side of the street, when the firing oc
curred. He was ten or a dozen paces
from the spot where the car stopped
to discharge passengers.
According to the sheriff, Miller
walked about sixteen paces east and
fell dead, after the shooting. This, the
sheriff says, was about twenty-eight
paces from the street car.
"One of the witnesses on the car
was Dick Hyatt, of University Place,
a traveling man for Grainger Bros.
The sheriff savs he saw the conductor
" 'Take that, vou " a man and
a woman close to the scene heard the
conductor say, according to the sheriff
Inquest on Today.
"County Attorney Peterson will hold
an inquest probably Tuesday, he says.
Lambert was taken before him this
morning to be questioned.
"Lambert was not a deputized offi
cer, the sheriff declares. Only depu
ties are authorized to carry fire arms.
"The police say Miller had taken a
Ilavelock car from Lincoln and had
gotten off at Fair street. The car on
which he rode out passed the Uni
versity Place car coming to Lincoln
at University Place. He was alone.
"Minor street car disturbances were
reported to the police earlier Sunday
evening at Twenty-seventh and Vine,
Twenty-seventh and Fair and Twenty
seventh and Holdrege.
"Officers say that rocks and stones
were found close to the spot where
Miller fell. They believe he may have
been helping create disturbances.
Miller had been drinking Sunday
aftternoon, the sheriff says. His em
ployer, F. M. Francisco, on 'North i
Twenty-seventh street, told the sheriff
that he had been a strike sympathizer.
"Miller's body was taken to Brown
& Doyle's."
Frnm Tuesday's Daily.
John Bauer, the local agent of the
Overland and Willys-Knight automo
biles, was a passenger this afternoon
for Omaha in company with Albert
Tschirren, one of the prosperous
farmers of this leoality, where they
go to secure a fine new Overland car
t t m i m i yv i
101 -r. lsenirren. ine uvenana car
j is one of the favorites in this section
of the country and several of the new
style machines have been disposed of
by Mr. Bauer to the residents of this
From Tuesday's Dnily.
The citizens of Plattsmouth who are
interested in the county defense coun
cil which nas been urged in every
county of the state by Governor Ne
ville, should by all means be present
at the meeting Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock at Weeping Water. It is im
portant that' this meeting be well at
tended as there will be formed the or
ganization that will direct the work
of the council. Hon. Richard L. Met
calfe, of Omaha, will be present at the
meeting and will outline the proposed
conscription act for the benefit of the
persons present at the meeting, and
which will give them a clear idea of
what the people of Cass county will
be expected to do in the defense of
their country, both in a military and
industrial way.
The meeting will be one that will be
of unusual importance, and already a
large number are proposing to attend
and hear what Mr. Metcalfe has to
offer, as well as to take part in the
formation of the organization of the
county defense council. Let everyone
who can possibly get away be present
at the meeting and take part to repre
sent in the proper manner this section
of the county. It is something that
concerns every citizen of the county
and should be largely attended.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The sounding of the fire whistle
last evening shortly after 8 o'clock
aroused the residents of the city and
the fact that it was announced that
the oil house near he Burlington was
on fire in a few minutes brought to
gether a crowd of several hundred
persons, who hastened to the scene ot
the fire, but by the time the crowd had
gathered at the oil hour,e the blaze
was extinguished. The fire started on
the roof of the small frame shed that
houses the pumps used in getting oil
out of the two large tanks and it was
evidently caused by sparks from a
passing locomotive. The fire was dis
covered by several boys who wei'e
passing near the house and as good
fortune would have it Fire Chief P.
F. Field was at this time returning
home and the boys notified him of the
blaze and Mr. Fields hastened to the
oil house, where a few minutes' work
served to tear the burning shingles
from the roof of the building, and
before the hose cart reached the scene
the excitement was all over. It is
most fortunate that the chief was
near the scene when the fire broke
out, as a few minutes' start would
have caused a fire that certainly
would have been one of the most de
structive in the city's history.
From Tuesdav's Daily.
Eugene Lister of this city, who has
been in the employ of the Burlington
in their shops here, has entered the
ranks of the defenders of the coun
try and enlisted in the navy. Mr
Lister will depart Friday for Omaha
and from there go to the Great Lakes
111., training station to spend a short
time before being sent to the training
ship for the completion of his instruc
tions. Plattsmouth has made a splen
did showing on the recruits for the
navy secured and the number now
veaches fifteen who have entered that
j department of the service.
From Tuesday's Daily.
County Clerk Frank Libershal, as
well as Sheriff C. D. Quinton, have
received notice from Governor Neville
of the forthcoming conscription or se
lective draft that is to be made a part
of the war program of the govern
ment. As will be seen by the letters
sent out by the governor, there will
be need of a great many in each
precinct to act as registrars, and this
service must be without recompense
and as a patriotic duty. Sheriff Quin
ton has already secured! a number of
volunteers for this work and others
will be needed so that those who may
desire to take up the work should
notify County Clerk Libershal or
Sheriff Quinton as to their willing
ness to serve. The letter of the gov
ernor is printed that the public can
know just what is expected at this
time, and is as follows:
Lincoln, May i, 1917.
County Clerk, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir: An act of congress, re
cently passed, gives the President of
the United States authority to call
upon the state and county officers and
citizens for such services as he deems
advisable, as follows :
"Section 5. That the President is
hereby authorized to utilize the serv
ice of any or all departments and any
or a;l oincers or atrents ol the united
States, and of the sevearl states, terri
tories, and the District of Columbia,
in the execution of this Act, and all
officers and agents of the United
States and of the several states, ter
ritories, and the District of Columbia,
are hereby required to perform such
duties in the execution of this Act as
the President shall order and direct,
and officers and agents of the several
States shall hereby have full author
ity for all acts done by them in the
execution of this Act by the direction
or request of the President."
Under the authority vested in him
by this act, the President of the
United States has directed me to
communicate with the sheriffs, county
clerks and county physicians in every
county in Nebraska, advising them
that a military census will soon be
taken for the purpose 'of registering
citizens of the state. It is the Presi
dent's intention to issue a proclama
tion within a short time, designating
the age limits and containing other
information. All citizens of the
classes named will report for regis
tration to their accustomed polling
place on a day designated by the
President. The law carries a pen
alty for a failure to so report.
The services of public spirited citi
zens should be secured to act as regis
trars, two being assigned to each pre-
cnict. County defense councils, where
organized, can render great assist
ance in taking this census. It is
hoped that this work will be accomp
lished so far as possible without cost
to the government, but the federal
government is prepared to pay neces
sary expenses.
Registration blanks and necessary
information will be mailed to county
sheriffs and by them distributed to
the polling places. It is hoped that
preparations will be completed for the
taking of the census within fifteen
days after the issuance of the Presi
dent's proclamation.
You will take immediate steps to
organize the machinery to carry out
the President's program as outlined
above, and for further information
communicate with the Secretary of
the State Council of Defense, Lincoln,
From Tuesday's Daily.
The Plattsmouth garage has moved
into the new building erected on South
Fifth street just north of the resi
dence of Adolph Geise, and hence
forth Ed Mason, the owner of the
garage, will be found in this new lo
cation. The new building is made as
near fire proof as possible, with con
crete floors and the walls of concrete
tile, and will make a splendid place
for Mr. Mason and his force of work
men. The garage is so situated as to
be handy to all who desire to use it,
and being strictly modern and up-to-date,
will be a much appreciated ad
dition to the auto owners of the city
and will take rank with the other well
equipped garages of the city.
Dawson Wiii Fix It.
From Tuesd.iv's Daily.
Col. J. II. Thrasher, who during the
past winter was employed in the state
senate as one of the assistants to
the judiciary committee, at the dost
of the session interested Senator Jchn
Mattes of this district in a proposi
tion to have the flag that floated over
the senate wing of the state capital
sent to this city to be presented to
McConihie post of the Grand Army,
Senator Mattes taking the matter in
hand, secured the consent of the sen
ate to the giving of the flag, and it
will soon be sent to this city for pre
sentation to the local post of the G.
A. Ii. The flag is of large size and
will be a token that will be held in
high esteem by veryone of the old sol-
liers who has fought beneath the
stars and stripes on many a bloody
battlefield of the great civil conflict.
From Tuesday's DaHy.
Last evening the members of the
Shakespeare club met at the beauti
ful Gering home on North Sixth
street to enjoy a social evening which
marked the close of the year of study
of the members in 'the works of the
bard of Avon. The members of the
club, together with a few of the for
mer members, enjoyed one of the most
delightful evenings in the history of
their organization.
The home was charmingly deco
ated with sprays of the sweet-
cented plum and pear blossoms that
ent a touch of springtime to the
scene and made a fitting setting to
the pleasureable gathering.
The evening was largely devoted to
contests that tested the knowledge of
the members of the club in the differ
ent works of the great English poet
and dramatist, one room of the home
being arranged with some fiftv p:c-
ures, each of which represented a
scene from the works of Shakespeare,
the members of the party being re
quested to name each picture and the
work from which it was taken. An
other of the pleasing contests was af
forded when the members of the party
were given letters that placed to
gether represented a quotation from
some of Shakespeare's dramas. In
the contests of the evening, when the
points were judged, it was found that
Miss Hazel Dovey and Mrs. W. A.
Robertson had tied for the honors of
the evening and in a drawing Miss
Dovey was awarded the prize, a hand
some volume of quotations from
Shakespeare for each day of the year.
A number of very delightful musical
numbers were also given by Miss
Verna Cole that added greatly to the
enjoyment of the members of the
The dining room of the Gering
home, where the dainty and delicious
two-course luncheon was served, was
very pretty with the springtime blos
soms, while at each place as a pic
tured repersentation of a scene from
teh plyas of the greatest of all poets
that proved an interesting feature of
the evening. At a late hour the mem
bers adjourned for the year, feeling
that the time of study had been
brought to a close in a most delight
ful manner.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Paul II. Roberts of Cedar Creek
and Edwin Fricke of this city have
had their applications for positions in
the officers reserve training school at
Fort Snelling, Minn, ated upon fav
orably, end will be called to report
at the fort by May 14, -when the
course of instruction in the handling
of an army will be given by the
United States army board. This is a
very high honor as a great many ap
plications are rejected eadi day by
the examiners. The officers' school is
to prepare the men to have positions
in the new army of 500,000 that is
to be raised under the selective draft
of the government. As soon as the
draft is made the men and the offi
cers will be sent to the training camps
where the army is to be brought up to
the standard that will enable them to
take the field when needed.
Says Street Car Conductor Fired Shot
Which Terminated Fatally.
From "Wednesday's Dailv.
unuc-r me nnoing oi a coroner s
jury last night, which returned a ver
ik-l naming conductor Calvin Lam
bert responsible for the death of Wil
liam Miller, a barber, Lambert will
be held and a complaint filed against
him, County Attorney Peterson said
The jury's verdict:
"That the said William Miller, de
ceased, came to his death as a result
of a bullet shot from a revolver about
11:10 p. m., on May (5, 1917, at Twen
ty-seventh and Fair streets, Lincoln,
Neb., having been fired by Calvin
Lambert, a conductor on a University
Place car, said car having been
stoned by William Miller and com
panions, alter which said Lambert
fired the shot which killed Miller."
The jury consisted of C. W. Beans,
I. J. Brinegan, G. M. Porter, Don
Critchfield. Fred Cornell and L. S.
Conductor Lambert heeded the ad
vice of his counsel and did not testify.
Testimony to the effect that a gun
was given the conductor on the out
going trip was given by Motorman H.
C. Hester and an eyewitness testified
to seeing the conductor pull the gun
ut of his pocket and fire out of the
window, which had been shattered by
i fusilade of rocks.
Sharp's Testimony.
President W. E. Sharp and Man
ager Bramlette of the traction com
pany testified to a conversation with
-ambert in Mr. Bramlette's office late
Sunday night, during which Iimbert
admitted firing one shot. The officials
said the carmen expressed surprise
when informed a man had been killed
at Fair street.
Doth Mr. Sharp and Mr. Bramlette
estified carmen had been warned re
peatedly against carrying weapons,
but in his testimony Motorman Hes
ter denied having received any such
nst ructions.
Mr. Bramlette said Lambert had
been in the empiove oi tne traction
ompany about three weeks and that
e came from Omaha, where he was a
onductor for six years.
A Shower of Rocks.
Mr. Sharp said Conductor Lambert
eported the car had been stoned on
mict it-ally every trip Sunday night
uid on the last outgoing trip some
broken glass struck a woman passen-
er. When a passenger boarded the
car at l wenty-sevemn anu rair
streets, he "ducked" and in an in
stant a shower of rocks came through
the window. Mr. Sharp said Lambert
stated he saw no one at the time he
fired the shot.
Clifford Hans, Duckling ball player,
passenger on the car, testified to see
ing the conductor fire one shot and
then leap from the car and fire a sec
ond time.
Drs. Sawyer and Shoemaker testi
fied to finding a .38 calibre bullet in
Miller's head and that the wound had
caused instant death.
William Bruchman, of Firth, car
passenger, told of hearing some one
remark, "111 get you,' t-elore tne
shooting occurred.
Three bovs, Charles Odell, Freeman
Roberts and Joe Shepherd, who ad
mitted being Miller's companions dur
ing the evening, confessed to stoning
the car on its outgoing trip and fir-
ine: another deluge of rocks as it re
turned past Twenty-seventh and Fair.
Boys Tell Story.
The boys at first refused to give
any reason for being at Twenty-sev
enth and Fair, but later took the wit
ness stand and told the whole story of
the affair. They said the conductor
a University Place car fired one
shot at them at Twenty-seventh and
Orchard streets forty minutes before
the fatal shooting. While on the stand
the first time young Roberts refused
to state what subject was xinder dis
cussion just prior to the shooting, and
also whether he had thrown any
rocks. County Attorney Peterson or
l.TPr! thp witness taken to jail bv the
j sheriff, but the boy was brought back
i later.
Roberts said the second shot was
fatal to Miller. The boys admitted
Miller had been drinking during the
evening. The boys all told similar
stories of meeting early in the even
v r r
ing and of the activities against the
street cars. Odell said he was six
feet away from Miller when he
chopped dead. The boys said the shots
were fired from the back end of the
car. The boys said a man told them
before they took the stand that if any
questions were asked about stoning
the cars they should refuse to answer
Gives Gun to Lambert
Motorman Hester said he gave his
pun to Conductor Lambert after the
car had been stoned the third time
Hester said the gun was borrowed
from a teamster. Hester said he
carried the gun behind the controller
box on the car. After the incident
he took the weapon and placed it in
his locker at the traction company,
After the shooting at Fair street,
Hester said Lambert declared he shot
to scare the stone heavers. Hester
admitted toting a gun, but not con
cealing it, since the aoutn lentn
street occurrence several nights ago.
Other witnesses examined were
Sheriff Simmons, Fred W. Ruckert,
1905 North Twenty-eighth street; G.
S. Cooley, 1925 North Twenty-eighth
street: Attorney E. J. Haines, J. II.
Losey, University Tlace;
Shields, a student.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Last evening the body of V llliam
Miller, who was shot and killed in
Lincoln Sunday night, was brought
to this city on No. 14 over the Bur
lington and taken from the station to
the home of the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Miller, where it rested until the
funeral services, which were held this
afternoon at 2:30, and the body laid to
rest in Oak Hill cemetery. A large
number of the old friends of the young
man were at the station to meet the
body and al'o in attendance at the
funeral service to share with the fam-
i the grief that the sudden and
tragic death has brought to them.
The coroner's jury at Lincoln yes
terday morning, at the inquest, held
Calvin Lambert, a conductor on the
University Place street car line, for
the shooting and killing of William
Miller, at the corner of Twenty-sev
enth and Fair streets, at 11:40 p. m.
May Gth. The evidence of a great
many witnesses at the inquest brought
out the fact that the shot was un
doubtedly from a revolver in the
hands of the conductor of the street
car, as both passengers on the car
and the companions of Miller testified
as to this fact, while Lambert him
self did not testify at the inquest on
the advice of his attorney. It was
shown at the inquest that the street
I a x ?
car had been stonea several times,
and just prior to the shooting a show
er of rocks had been heaved into the
car. The officials of the street car
company testified that the employes
had been warned against carrying
weapons, but this was not borne out
by the motorman of the car, who
stated that he had received no such
instructions. The matter is now in
the hands of County Attorney Peter
son of Lancaster county, who will
file a complaint against Lambert
charging him with the responsibility
for the death of Miller.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Our base ball foes ot years gone
by the Armours, the fast representa
tives of the Omaha packing house sec
tion, will be with us next Sunday, as
the game has been arranged by Man
ager Johnson, and the fans will once
more be given the opportunity of see
ing this organization in action. The
Armours this season have a number of
new players and a few of the old fa
forites have retired from the lineup
of the team, but it is still one of the
fastest organizations in the greater
Omaha league and one that can be
depended upon to show the goods in
the base ball line. With warmer
weather, the game should be one of
the best of the season, and will un
doubtedly mive a good crowd to wit
ness the tangle between the Red Sox
and the visitors.
Do not forget to buy your cotton
batting at the Big Fire Sale Saturday
afternoon, May 12th.
The need of the most intensive cul
tivation of the soil this season is be
ing brought most forcibly to mind
every day and the lateness of the sea
son is giving not a little anxiety to
the farmers and those familiar with
the agricultural conditions in this
state. The work of the farmers has
been retarded and now, when the
corn crop should have been nlante!
i - - -
there is still a greater part of the
land that is not yet ready for the
planting of the corn. This condition
has led the farmers to feel the need
of all possible aid to assist them in
the work and the civic organizations
in the towns are preparing to lend
their aid in providing men to assist
n the planting and securing of a crop
this year. The Plattsmouth business
men and citizens are prenarintr to
end what aid is possible in this way
and a large number have enrolled
through the medium of the C ,.;mcr
cial clu,b to be ready to get o"t into
the fields for a few days each week if .
their presence is needed in carrying
on the work.
Yesterday at the residence of
Father M. A. Shine, rector of St.
John's Catholic church, occurred the
marriage of Mrs. James Conn and
Miss Emma Grauf, both of Murray.
The beautiful marriage service of the
church was celebrated bv Father
Shine in a most impressive manner.
oining for all time the hearts and
lves of these two estimable young
people. The wedding ceremony was
witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Campbell of near Murray. Following
the wedding at the parsonage, the
young people returned to the home
of the bride's parents, east of Mur-
ay, where a reception was held for
the members of the bridal patty, and
the newlywed.s received the congrat
ulations of their friends on the pleas
ant occasion.
Both of the contracting parties are
well known in the vicinity of Murray,
where they have been making their
home since childhood, and none are
leld in higher respect than these two
estimable young people. The bride
s a aaugnier oi Jir. anu .mis. r ranK
Grauf and is a young lady of talent
and charm of character and well be-
oved by a large circle of friends.
The groom is one of the young farm
ers ol the .Murray neighborhood and
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc-
Natt and a gentleman of the highest
ntegrity. Mr. and Mrs. Conn will
make their home on a farm near Mur
Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
S. J. Reams, of Cedar Creek, were
in the city for a short business visit
and to call on their friends in the
county seat. Mr. Reams states that
he has just disposed of his business
interests in the confectionery and
barber shop there to Mrs. Hans
Schroeder. Mr. Reams has during his
thirteen years' residence in Cedar
Creek made many friends and has
been one of the most active men in
the community and his friends will
regret very much to see him. retire
from the active business life. How
ever, Mr. Reams expects to assist in
the barber shop in the evening, for
the present at least, and will in all
probability remain as a permanent
resident of Cedar Creek. Mrs.
Schroeder expects to continue the
business along the same lines that Mr.
Reams has followed so successfully.
A. Palmer & Co., of Beatrice, Neb.,
have bought the Zuckweiler & Lutz
$20,000 stock of goods, and the entire
lot will be placed on sale, next Sat
urday afternoon, May 12th. Every
thing must be sold in ten days.
The Fire Sale
$3.00 per sack.
is selling flour at