The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 07, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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MONDAY, MAY 7, 1917.
Children Crj?
Ziio Sini You Eave Always Botlght, and which has been
in vzz for over over 30 years, has borne the signature c2
and has been made nndpr Mq n.r-
,,&T7 .
s C-?6'---- . sonal
- - 4iinw
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " are but
Lx-?r?oier.t3 that trifle with and endanger the health cf
jLifiirjto and Children Experience against Experiment.
What Is CASTOR! A, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Psrer-cr:.:,
i'rrps and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
-:iiLsr Opitun, Morphine nor other narcotic subctasre. Its
o.zs is its guarantee. For more than thirty ysars it has
r :sn in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flcfjieacy,
TViai Colic end LMarrhoea ; allaying Feverishnec; arming;
taercfrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Bcvels, aioS
thj assimilation cf Food; giving healthy and natural cleerj.
Iho Chilircn'3 PanaceaThe Mother's Friead.
n 5C?E
MO !
jEears the
is use tor liver lesrs
The Kind You Have
Count r
'.:. i.-.;c-iikoj' r-t'.ii m-:. home Mon
' ' ;i few i';;y.;' vi-il with rola
i' L'ricln.
Jjyi'.f!"! 'ri:-e--ente'! the let-al
- :rr- camp at a state lV!cetin;r at
'. i ! i : v. i'ck.
: in: f.ime down from
''':'.' u V.'i -!i.e: r'sliiy nit.i for a
.. vi.rit with relatives.
? i .- C. ('!', iiie o fTcpeka. Kan.,
te: cf ?.!:-. IJe.M I. Hoover, was
i:- 1 :".;.-; of Mr. an-1 Mrs. Hoover
'. ; t week.
' '. V;i:'-.-oy.v;- l.can this week
: f-U!i'a;i"n for the hnni-orr.e
. . !. ''(' which 1'. Vv. Sfhlirferi w:!i
y. ; i the suth."a -t yn rt of town.
A '.. r.orrsher of ic::vtives an -J
' of Fiwkrich Stolilman came
i . .-. ; - : :: him cr. his lifty-first
. y Sir.iiit'y aft?: noon. A fine
; - !.' t '.! .
T'.p' Mk Pari fie pnssentrer train
' ?t"-i f: Orvah-.i an-I At:iuin chanced
r--y lay. Train troinfr north is
It: ' ::: I-owi. ville at V:n,$ a. m. instead
r' ::2-:. Tiic southbound train is due
at ) in. instead of ?: W.
Dui: the "pre pave-1 nesV plan
t : i . r. advai:ti .re of hy hr.ndreds be-f--"
i Trial elosinjr of the saloons
;k. -.-k'-iit Nebraska, it is not unlike
ly tltat there vi:1 be an occasional
'::.i:.k . en until s uch a time as the
: ply sh;.!i become e.heusted. Then
,4 l.-: -ka u ill be dry for fair.
i: 1- .i'li regret wo announce the
Hires-: of Mrs. Aucust Stohl
it';,n at iier home jouth of Louisville.
h:r:;n i.; suffering from an at
t;.'; ..; ..-,aeh i: ub!e and has had
- . v hrm.vhnr"?. Her condition is
!' : i' :s an I i. eauinu: her fam
ily ! W. nd; a jrrcat Jval of appre-l:,-:-'..-!:.
rsv at r. rvm
Also agency for
U fcr Elmwood, Stove
Tipton precincts.
For demonstration
phone 35 -
IT- .
er JQHH BAUER, Cedar Greek, Nebraska
for Fletchers
7 . -
supervision since its inianrvv
Tin nnf Tr iprpira trnn in ..-.
pi b r
Signature of
Always Bought
M SJ T- -,
von t r :ty.
,T.?-. .'...'..
Led ire r
Ludie Ciawford came in from Oal
ial'a Wedne-dav, lutt will remain here
only a ::hort time.
L. J. Hall and R. E. Smith returned
from South Omaha, where they trans
acted business Tuesday.
Mrs. D. V. Dennis and Mrs. K y
Heii).-t from Falls City, came up Mon
day to make a short visit with rela
tives and friends.
Kir.jr Clark, who is the telepraph
operator at Irvinrton, came down
Wednesday to make a short visit with
friends and relatives.
Last Wednesday A. L. Anderson
and Joe Bauer shot a coyote and cap
tured rive pups on the Pittman farm
north of town.
M: s. M'nnie Anderson an 1 daughter,
Lela. left Sunday afternoon for
Piatt -mouth, where they will spend
the week with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Mrr. Hannah Li.trhtfoot came down
from Omaha Saturday afternoon to
visit relatives in this place. She is a
resident of Pennsylvania, but has been
spending the winter in Omaha.
Joe Lidsrett, a brother of John Lid
jrett, arrived from Chicago over a
week aero to make this his future
home. They are buildiiv a neat little
cottajre one-half mile north of Union
for their permanent home.
Dan P'oster was a visitor at school
one day last week. While he is jrettinjr
to be an aped man, he is still very
much alive. During opening exercises
he spoke to the hiprh school, closir.jr
with Lincoln's Gettysburg1 speech. His
talk was good and much appreciated.
Sill liedrze posts; one second-hand
windmill. Inquire of O. A. Davis, Mur
ray, Neb. 4-oO-lmo wkly
Hfiurdock, Neb.,
Am m
Creek and east half of
of either car call or
E,"or write
Mrs. Frank Massie called on her
daughter, Georgie Ilobac-k, Monday
Parties well known who voted dry,
have laid in a supply of wet goods to
last them for several years. .
The Boy Scouts are going on a hike
every Saturday, weather permitting.
We will have boat races at Rosc'3
Some of the farmers planted corn
about a week ago, but this cold spell
will be somewhat of a drawback and
cause much replanting.
Mrs. J. F. Stout of Lincoln, who
has been here some time visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Vilas Sheldon, returned
to her home in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs- Chriswisser of Platts
mouth, who w?re visitors at the home
of their son, Chas. in Nehavvka since
last Friday, returned heme Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd who have
spent the winter at Long Beach, Cal.,
arrived in Nehawka Tuesday. Mrs.
Todd stopped off in Wabash to visit
a sister there. They have not yet de
cided whether they will remain in
Nebraska or return to Long Beach.
The infant baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Opp. which has been sick the
past two weeks, was taken to Omaha
Sunday for an X-ray examination.
The examination levealed inflamma
tion of the lungs, but it is thought
the malady will .yield to proper treat
ment. A. F. Strum received a telegram
from Victor at Cambridge, Mass.,
where lu is attending law school, Sat
urday morning, stating that he had
enlisted in the Officers' Reserve, U. S.
army. Judd enlisted some weeks ago
and expects to leave for th? front in
France some time in June. Mr. and
Mis. Strum ate to be congratulated
'"or having two sons who are so will
ing to sacrifice themselves for Good
Old Uncle Sam.
C. S. Stone was a business visitor
to Kansas City, Mo., from .Monday
until Wunesday.
Mrs. Herman Penterman and son,
Morris, returned on Tuesday from
Colorado, where they
week or so with her parents.'"'
We hear Mrs. Equircs and Emma
went to Weeping Water on the train
and while there found out that one
of the children was broken out, s
were ru sited home in a car ard quar
antined for scarlet fiver.
The latter part of last week Mr.
and Mrs. (Tapp returned from Cali
fornia, where they had spent the win
ter. They are both looking find and
report thai they spent a very pleas
ant winter there.
Roland Tyson, of Peru, and N"cl
Tyson, of Wahoo, were over Sunday
visitors at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson, ar.d to
visit with their sister, Mis. Robb, of
Montana, who is iiting here.
Claude Swindell, of Lincoln, Neb.,
open to meet any featherweight in
the world, has challenged Erven Car
roll through his manager, II. 11. Car
roll, to meet him on the mat for a
finish mutch in Lincoln on May IS,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raymond Har
rington, 2I-10 Dudley St.. Lincoln,
Neb., arc the parents of a fine baby
ill born to them on April 2. Mrs.
Harrington is the daughter of Mrs.
Ellen Kear, and the baby came in
celebration of Mrs. Harrington's
Announcements were received in
this city on Wednesday of the birth
of a daughtr on April 27 at their
home to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Current
at Seattle, Wash. The little lady
was given the name of Eiiic Ruse.
This will be news to the friends of
Pa ul, who is an Elm wood boy.
Last week Mrs. Jack McCabe ac.
companied by Dr. O. E- Liston lift
for Rochester, Minn., where she will
take treatment at the Rochester In
stitute for an ailment of which she
has been troubled for some time. Dr.
Liston returned the latter part of last
week, Hut Mrs. McCabe remained un
til she should be benefited by the
Wm. Lefler was in Omaha on Tues
day, having taken John Phelps, of
Louisville, a brother of Mrs.'er,
who was badly injured that day when
he became tangled up in a belt at
tached to a corn sheik r and drawn
by a six-horse engine. One arm was
completely destroyed ar.d had to be
taken off at the shoulders. He also
has a bad cut on the skull. Mr. Lefler
returned Wednesday and says Mr. j
Phelps is in a very serious. condition. I
Dawson Will Fix It.
George Towle returned Tuesday
morning from Hindley where he has
land. He reports sony? very good
wheat there and about 75 per cent of
a stand .in Furnace county.
Mrs. C. R. Davis, who had been vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lacey,
and other relatives here the last three
weeks, returned to her home at Cas
per, Wyo., Tuesday.
R. D. McNurlin shipped his house
moving outfit to Elmwood Monday.
He is going to move two of the school
hcures near Alvo that are not used
now on account of the consolidated
schools at Alvo.
A move is on foot here to re-organize
the Rebekah lodge. We understand
a meeting has been called for Friday
night at the I. . 'O. F. hall for the
purpose of talking ever the matter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis returned
Monday night from Tcxford, Kan.,
where they visited two weeks at the
home of Mrs. Davis' brother, Charles
Bates. Jesse says, while the wheat
crop is damaged in that locality, there
will be lots of it left to make what
it will.'
Frank and Howard Boyle were in
town Tuesday with six wolves they
had killed. It was the mother and five
young puppies. The capture was made
after about twenty feet of digging.
This nineteen wolves the Boyle
boys have captured since they have
been on the farm four years.
Mr. and Mrs .1. D. Harmer, their
five children and their chauffeur,
Harold Dunn, returned Sunday morn
inc from their auto trip to California.
They report a very fine trip and en
joyed the winter spent there. They
were gom? seven months. The trip
going was made in abouttwo weeks.
Thomas Crozier has sold his south
side residence to Mrs. M. J. Fitzpat
rici: a nd will build a new home on
lots adjoining the John T. Crozier
home. The new home will be a cot
tage. 24x24 fert, with front and back
ranches, a full basement, modernly
equipped with furnace heat, bath, etc.
Work will commence on the new struc
tu:e at once.
Grandma Colbert had an experience
last week that she will long remem
ber. While she was fastening a loose
shutter the window came down and
caught her hand in a manner that
she couldn't get loose, and it was only
by pounding on the window to passers
by for help that she was freed from
her trap. Had no one happeneel along
whom she could summon she might
have remained trapped all night. As
it was Grandma feels very fortunate
to have been rescued and to get off
with a badlv bruised finger.
Washington, D. C. May 1. The es
pionage bill was passed by the house
late today with a modified censorship
provision after administration lead
ers had lost an insistent fight for re
tention of the original section aimed
at the publication of news of value
to the enemy. The final vote was 2G0
to lOo.
Consideration of a similar meas
ure continued in the senate during
the day and there, too, the adminis
tration suffered a defeat. An export
embargo amendment, about which the
tight in the senate has centeied, was
modified so as to substitute for the,
general authority proposed a provision
' empower the president to restrict
exports in specific cases when Ameri
can goods are reaching the enemy.
The new censorship provision would
permit the president to prohibit pub
lication of news regarding the na
tional defense, but would provide spe
cifically for a-jury trial for offenders
ami make conviction dependent upon
proof that matter published was of a
character useful to an enemy.
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.C0 per 100. Local delivery. A. O.
Ramge, Tlattsmouth. Thone 3513.
Best Remedy for Whooping Cough.
"Last winter when my little boy had
the whooping cough I gave him Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs.
J. E. Roberts, East St. Louis, 111. "It
kept hir. cough loose and relieved him
of those dreadful coughing spells. It
is the only cough medicine I keep in
the house because I have the most
confidence in it." This remedy is ajso
good for colds and croup.
Lincoln, Neb., May '4. Urged by
Chancellor Samuel Avery to "fight or
farm," 1,000 or 2,000 male students
at the University of Nebraska will
go direct from school to work on
farms in the middle west. Of this
number 500, attend the school of ag
riculture here and the branch agri
cultural school ,at Curtis, Neb., will
be trained, scintific farmers.
The university will close early in
June. There will be a summer school,
but very few, if any boys will attend.
Students who enlist or go to the
farm have been promised full credits
for the year if it is necessary to leave
bfore the schuol year closes.
Nearly 500 of the 1,000 students
who will not farm have enlisted in
the various branches of the service.
A number have passed examinations
and been admittd to the officers' re
serve training camps.
Altogether, university officials say,
the "call to the colors and the call to
the farm" will be answered by more
than 1,500 of the 2,200 young men
at the school.
Chancellor Avery expressed confi
dence that the remaining 700 would
give such account of themselves that
there would be no occasion to call
them "slackers."
Clarkson, Neb., May o. Fourteen
Bohemian boys left this morning for
Omaha to enlist in the army.
Business throughout the town was
suspended during the hour of de
parture, and they were given a rous
ing send-off. Their railroad fare to
Omaha and a $5 gold piece to each
was presented by the Commercial
Following is the list of those going
down: Richard Karel, Anton Luxa,
Louis V. Hanel, J. B. Makousky, Ed
Vitek, Frank Tolacek, Cyril Chrastek,
Frank Zelenda, George Homola, Al
bin Vraspir, A. J. Svoboda, B. J. Bu
kacek, William Bozmartin.
Flag stickers for your collar deco
rations at the Journal office.
The Stat of Nebraska. Cass County,
s. In tli County Court. In tlie
niattc-r of tlie estate of Kva K.
I'retti'-r, deceased. To the creditors
of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I Avill
sit at the County Court room in
t'lattsinouth. in said County, on the
"tli day of November. 1917. at 10
o'clock si. in., to receive and examine all
claims ajrainst said estate, with a view
to their adjustment and allowance. Tlie
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is uix
months from the L'Hth day of May, A.
1). 1H17, and the time limited for ihe
pavment of debts is One Year from
said L'Mh day of November. 1117.
Witness niy hand and the seal of
said Countv court, this 24th day of
April A. !... 1!07.
J-wks County Judge.
m-:g vl otici:
Jennie V. llhoden, 1'laintifT, vs. Frank
L. Ithodeii. Iefendant.
The defendant Frank K Kodcn will
take notice that on the 8th day of
January, 1!17. the plaintiff. Jennie V.
Kliodon, tiled her petition in the Iis
trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
the prayer of which is to obtain a de
cree of divorce from the defendant
upon the ground of extreme cruelty
and that her maiden name be restored
to her.
The defendant will make answer to
said petition on or before the lSth
day of June . 1 ? 1 7 .
The Celebrated Stallion
Will make the season of 1917 at my
home, three and a helf miles west and
one mile south of Murray. Ulysse
is an extra good Belgian draft horse,
weighing 2200 pounds, a beautiful
dark bay in color, age seven years.
Ulysse is well known in this section
of Cass County, and has the reputa
tion of being an excellent foal getter.
Terms $15.00 to insure colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove them from
this part of the county service fee
becomes due and payable immediately.
All care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but owner of horse will not
be held responsible should any occur.
A. G. MAST, Owner
v t r s v
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants,
Their Heirs, Devisees, Legatees,
Personal Representatives, and All
Persons Interested in Their Es
tate. William Williams, if livnig, if -deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate of
William Williams, defeased; Joshua
Brown, if living-, if deceased, the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all persons
interested in the estate or josnua
Brown, deceased; Noah Lay ton. if living-,
if deceased, tlie unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interested in
the estate of Noah Lay ton. deceased;
Isaac O- Allen, if living, if deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of Isaac
d. Allen, deceased; the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interested in
the estate of W. L. Merriam, tirst real
name unknown; deceased: Nancy K.
Fowler, wife of A. S. Fowler; Ellen
Fowler, wife of Charles Fowler; Mar
tha Ann Williams, if living, if de
ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate of
Martha Ann Williams, deceased: Ed
win P. Brown, if living, if deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of Kdwin
P. Brown, deceased; Abraham Smith,
if living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, oersonal rep
resentatives and all persons interest
ed in the estate of Abraham Smith, de
ceased: Samuel Williams, if living, if
deceased, tlie unknown heirs, devisees,
lmrntees nersonal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate of
Samuel Williams, deceased; Isaac li.
Watkins, if living, if deceased, the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of Isaac
1 1. Watkins, deceased: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all persons interest
ed in the estate of Anselmo B. Smith,
deceased; Michael Betts. if living, if
deceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons interested in the estate of
Michael Betts. deceased; Sarali Betts,
if living, if deceased, the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all persons interested
in tlie estate of Sarah Betts, deceased;
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of Chris-
li.i'i Betts. deceased; Tootle, first
real name unknown, if living, if de
ceased, tin:- unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all persons interested in tlie estate of
Tootle, deceased: Farleigh.
tirst real name unkuown, if living, if
ilcceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all. persons interested in the estate of
Farleigh, deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all persons inter
ested in the estate of 1). T. Thacker,
lirst real name unknown, deceased;
llenrv luiBois. if living, if deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all per
sons interested in the estate of Henry
loiBois. deceased: John Clemmrms. if
living, if deceased, the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interested in
the estate of John Clemmons, de
ceased: the unknown owners and oc
cupants of all lots and parts of lots
and sub-divisions in the town of Lib
erty, and in any and all additions
thereto in the County of Cass, Nebras
ka. You and each of you are hereby
notified that William F. Campbell, as
plaintiiT. on tlie th day of April.
1 ! 1 7 . filed his petition in the District
Court of Cas County, Nebraska,
wherein you and all of you are de
fendants: tlie object and prayer of
which petition is that the claim, in
terest, right, title and estate of each
and every one of you in and to
The Northeast Quarter of the South
east Quarter in Section five i u ) and
the East half of the Northeast Quar
ter of Section five ii), all in Township
ten 10, Hange fourteen (ID. Cass
Countv, Nebraska: also the Southeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of
Section thirtv-two C12. all in Town
ship eleven (111. North Kange four
teen (14). Cass County. Nebraska,
be declared invalid, and of no force
and effect.
That the title of said plaintiff in
and to said real estate, and every part
thereof, be quieted as against you and
each and everv one of you, as against
anv and all claims of any person
through or by you, and that they be
adjudged and decreed that each arid
all of vou whose names are above set
forth, if living, and if deceased, the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of each and
claim or interest in and to said real
estate or any part thereof, and that
ever-.- one of you, have no right, title,
each and all of said defendants, those
named, and those whose names are
unknown, and not stated, he forever
barred from clajming or asserting any
right, title, interest or estate in and
to said real estate, or a.ny part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as to the court may seem just and
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
dav, the 11th day of June. 1917.
C. A. P. AWLS. Plaintiff.
sw-Dvks-com Apr :!0 1917
Nellie M. Thomas, et al..
Oscar Jennings Swcem, et al..
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby- given that by vir
tue of an order entered in the fore
going entitled cause on the 1'th day
of April 1917. by the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska, I. the un
dersigned. Thomas Walling, sole Hefer
ee appointed hv said Court, will on the
lst day of May 1917, at Ten o'clock
in the forenoon, at the South door of
the Court House in the City of Platts
mouth, in Cass County. Nebraska, of
fer for sale to tlie highest bidder for
cash. the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Tlie west half of the northeast quar
ter of Section numbered four 4 ) in
Township Eleven (11). north, in Bange
Nine (fl. tast of the 6th P. M... in
Cass County, Nebraska, containing
77.6:? acres according to Government
Said sale will remain open for bids
for one hour.
First Published Ar"il lyl7-
li-;;ai. aoticio
In the County Court of (dm t'uuut),
State of Nebraska.
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in th es
tate of Clarence Eugene Babbitt, de
ceased :
On reading tlie petition of Maude H.
Babbitt praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 17th day of
April, 1917. and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of Clarence Eugene Babbitt, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of said
estate be granted to Maude 11. Babbitt,
as executrix.
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in taid matter,
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and tor said county,
on the l.",th dav of May, A. D. 1917. at
ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any
there be. why tlie prayer of tlie peti
tioner should not be granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter
i - roiblishitiir a cotv of lids Order in
the Piattsmouth Journal a semi-weekly
j newspaper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks prior to EaiJ
day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of Fnidl
court, this lst day of April, A. D.,
(Seal-) County Judge.
First Published April 22, 1917.
i,i:t;Ai, aotici:
In the 'oinity Court of Can ( uuult,
State of Nebraska,
Countv of Cass, ss.
To Bertha Marks. August Stark,
Mollie Dillion. Johann Stark,
and William Stark, and all person in
terested in the estate of J0!ia.uu ti.
Stark, decease!:
On reading the petition of Johann
Frederick Stark praying that the In
strument filed in this court on the "lft
day of April. 1917. and purporting t
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will and
testament of Johann C Stark. ! ceased:
that said instrument be admitted t
probate, and the administration of said
estate be granted to Henry A. Tool as
ex ecu to .-.
It is hereby ordered that oii. and all
persons interested in said matter, nmv.
and do, appear at the County Court !
be held in and for said countv. on tl.
19th day of May. A. D. 1917. at I 1 "
o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if anv
there be, why the prayer of the pcti-
fWl.r W llkll 1.1 1... lrv.till..l ...! tilt
I notice of the pendency of said petition
J and that the hearing thereof be gleu
j to all persons interested in said niat
j ter by publishing a ropy of tl is rd r
in the Plat tsniont h Journal a seini
i weekly newspaper printed in said
i county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness mv hand, and seal of said
court, this 'lst day of April. A. D..
(Seal) Countv Judge.
First Published April I'::, 1917.
In the District ouri of (im Count..
Cyril Kalina. Plaintiff,
Plattsmouth Ferry Compariv. -t at.,
1 fend. Hits.
To the Plattsmouth Frrv I'omp.inv;
'the tnknown Heirs. Devise, s. Lega
tees. IVrsorial Beprese n t a t i and
i All Other Persons nterest.-d In the
Estate of Joel Solomon. d-i.;'cd: Mrs.
Mathew Boyd, First l;.-al N'tio- I'n
known. Wife or Widow o! Math-w
Boyd; pobert II. Bovd. if living. if
deceased. The I'nkiiowri Heirs. l-i-
' sees. Legatees. Personal I represent a -
I lives and all Other persons Interested
ill the Estate of Kobelt 11. Boyd, dc-
I ceased, de f eiwla Ii t s :
I You and each of vou are heicbv noti
fied that tin the 1 till dav of April,
1917, the Plaintiff herein. Cyril Kali
na. tiled Ins petition in ii,.- Distrb-t
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
wherein you and each and of on
are made defendants, the object, purpose-
and prayer of which .-,;, d p, titioit
is to obtain a decree from said Court
removing elc-nds from and quieting Un
title to the following described real
estate in Plaintiff. t-wit:
Lots numbered Three I " and 1'mir
4 in Block numbered i im- K indr ed
Sixty-Seven (lt;7 in tl- city of
Plattsmouth. in Cass Ciuntx, Ne
braska, according to the puhlisbcd aiei
recorded plat thereof.
As against you and each and all of
you, and t refotni a certain coii-v-ance
made on March l'ith, I .'. hv one
Joel Solomon, (since deceased to .
H. Solomon, recorded in Book "I." of
deeds at Page a." of the records of
Cass County. Nebraska, to conform to
the intentions of the grantor therein
and have same de reed t ave convev
e.l lot in said block 1!7 ! 'i.ittsmout ,.
Nebraska, to said grantee, notwith
standing that said roil ve v;i lire omit!.. I
to state where said pr. mi.-e-. were lo
cated, and to exclude and en ioin u
and each and all of mi from ever as
serting or claiming anv light, tito-.
estate or interest In and t the real
estate oescribid in said petition and
before described, adverse to plaint;::,
by reason of Plaintiffs adverse pos
session of said premises, by him-o-if
and his grantors for more than ten
years prior to the commencement f
thi.- a.-tion. and for sm i oti.-r and
further relief as equity -nay loi'iif.
This notice is given and published
pursuant to an Onlt r of sid Court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the -J v 1 1 1 dav of
May 1917, or default will be taken
against you therein.
At torn-v.
First Publhh.d April Pit'i. 1917.
li:m. tui( i:
In the IHnlriet Court of the 4'ouuly of
iinm, rbrnkn.
Charles 1 1. Shopp, Plaintiff,
Walter C$. Lctning, et al. Defendant-.
Notice of Miit to Unlet 'I I lie
To the defendants. Walter- G. Leminu:
Axuhak Jan.- I.,mins; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all K. r persons in
terested in the estate of Waiter G.
Leming. deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees. p( rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of A.ubak Jane
Belli nig. deceased; Gcotte Varebr
mant". Mrs. George Vandcirnant. tirs-t
real name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisers, legatees, personal i p
res ntat ives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Georg" Yan
dermant, deceased; the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other net-sons in
terested in the estate of Mrs. George
Vandet ilia lit. tirst real fame unknown,
deceased; Mrs. John i. fit's-1
real name unknown: th- unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal I p
rescntatives and all other persons j r i
lerested in the state of John G.
llinchman, deceased: T. S. Collier, tir-t
real name unknown: Mart ia Ann Col
lier; the unknown heirs. .b-M. -s, lega
tees, personal representatives and all
other persons interested in the estate of
T. S. Collier, first real name unknown.
deceased; the unknown .ir. itti ,
legatees, personal repres n t a t i es and
all other presons interested in the . -e-tate
of Martha Ann Collier. is,d.
Francis J. Peter; the unknown In its,
devisees, legatees. pel sonal i eue
sentatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate el Frai'. js J. peter-,
decea-sed; the unknown owners an!
the unknown claimants "f the north
east quarter INI) 1-4) of the north
east quarter i X l-I 1-4 of -.-.linn i
tj. township eleven 11. north rang"
fourteen (14), and of the imiiliui-t
quarter NE l-O of the nortln-i
t.N'E i'f section t h i i t . -one ::!.
township 1J). north tango fouttceii
(14). all east of the Mh P. M. in the
County of Cass. Nebraska.
You are notified that on the 1:tb
day of April. A. I . 1917. plaintiff ti U-.
his suit in the District Court of the
County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiff's title to t'e above des. ribe.i
lands, to-wit, the north east quarter
(NE 1-4) of the northeast cE 1-H of
section six (til, township eleven (II.
north range fourteen (14i and of the
northeast quarter (NE 1-4 1 of tie
northeast (NE 1-D of section tt'.;it.
one Gil), township twelve (p.'i. north
range (II), all cast of the Mb P. M
in the County of Cass. Nebraska, be
cause of his adverse pa.-scs.-iori by him
self and his grantors for mote than
ten years prior to the i-umm"t:i"ii'iii
of said t-uit and to enjoin each and al!
of you from hnving or claiming a n
right, title, lien or ir.tcicst.
legal or cquitHbN, in or to -a.d latins
or any part thereof: t teiuit- ipii to
set forth your right, title, claim. I:n
or interest therein, if any, either 1- ga.1
or equitable, arid to have tie sam
adjudged inferior to the title .f plain.
tiff and tor general equitable iclief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to an-wer r-aid pe
tition on or before Monday. Mav L'Mh.
A. D. 1917. or your default will be duly
entered therein
First Published April 15. 1S17. ,f