The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAT 3, 1517.
itjr to Xnn-Iiesident Defendants,
'fuf-ir Heirs. Ifvis-es. lfiates,
1 vrsdnal Oprcsp r.t a t ive p. and
Ivrsons 1 ntfi-est'l in Their Ks
I :i t .
William William?, if livnig1. If !-,-.-:(!,
i'nf unknown heirs. devisees,
i.i: at es. i''rsn:! .representatives anil
si ! j.-rsoi;s i meresteil in the estate of
V.'iiiiiitn Williams, l-oense il : Joshua
llmwn, if liviiiir. if deceased, the nn
knuvn heirs, ileviseo.s. If tees, per
(.tio1 ifTiifSf ntatives anil all persons
l'.tt-i est.M in the estate of Joshua
C.ii'Wn, i:i-rcascil ; Xnali h:iyt(in, if liv
il !--asi!. the iiiikn'iwii heirs,
,t.. s, l',ur;il"rs, jirrsonal represen
tatives atnl all jursiins interested in
t: state f N:iii Lay ton. deceased:
I. Allen, if livinij, if dec-eased,
tie i ti k ri i wn heiis, devisees, legatees,
representatives and all per
interested in the estate of Isaac
; Alien, dei-eased; the unknown heirs,
,;.-iee-. legatees, jicrsonal repiesen
i.iiif aid all persons interested jn
t e-ial" of V. 1 . Merriatn, first real
..i!i:e aaknown: defeased; Nancy K.
t'-.ul.r. wiie f A. S. I-'owler: Kllen
I-.uii r. wife of fharles Fowler: Ior
i i Ann Williams, if living:, if Oe-t-a
-!-.!. the unknown heirs, devisees, ieroiul representatives atld
; T--r.-ons interested in the estate of
w I
t t ;
Ann Williams, dei-eased: Kd-I'.i-own,
it" livinsr. if deceased.
. ' i ti '! ?i i.eirs, devisees, lesratees,
-t-- r i it i representatives and sill per-
- ir ti rested in the estate of Kdwin, .leieaseil: Ahrnham Smith,
i. vim:, it' defeased. the unknown
its. levisees. W-iratees, nersotial rep---n";.tiv.
s ami all persons intejest
! in ti.e estate of Abraham Smith, le
.. -!: Sam-i'd Williams, if livinfr, if
... el, tie unknown heirs, devisees,
;tes, personal ri pres. mat i ves ami
' ; person.- interested in the estate of
m.U'I Williams, deceased; Isaac 11.
kins, if iivinir. :1 deceased, the
'ikfown heirs, ilpvisci s. lesratees,
-ona! representatives and all per--r;s
interested in the estate of Isaac
': Wat kin.--, deieas'd: the tir.klKiwn
i t s. d - is- es. eustfs. personal rep
r --;ta t ives and all persons interest
ed tie estate of Atiseimo f'.. Smith,
.. .a-ed. Mn !:;! ll. tts. if living-, if
i .:. The unknown heirs, ih-visees.
, personal representatives and
!. . T- .'is interested in the estate of
.V:t.;el ltts, deceased: Sarah IJetts.
: ; ; v:iii;. if deceased, the unknown
:.--::s. i. visees. h-iratees. personal ivp
. -.-i.tatives and all pet sons interested
': lie estate of S.i la li lletts, deceased:
i -iuknowtl hei.-s. devisees, legatees.
Prsorial representatives and all per-
-":;s interested m Tie estate of I'iiris-
li-iM lietts. .u-.-.-ased: Tootle, first
)-al n.ime uiikiiown. if livinsr, if de-
i ; 1 1 k n's. personal teprest
: ji.-isniis interested iti
Tootle. deceased;
r-t t-al name unknown
. e.iseil. the unknown
ir.itees. t'eisonal
at i ves and
estate of
if living, if
h-irs. devisees.
representatives and
i-- lnteiestetl in tile estate ot
eisrh. deceased; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees. persnal rep
t sentat i es and all persons inter
ested n the estate of 1 .. T. Thacker,
first teal name unknown, deceased:
llet:'-'. iMiliojc. if livintr. if deceased,
the unknown heirs, devisees, leiratees,
personal representatives and all per
s..Tis interested in the estate of Henrv
l':i:o:s. defeased: John flemmons, if
i . imr. if deceased, the unkiiown heirs
i;, leiratees, personal represen
.t :
It V
all persons interested m
of John (Vmniuns, de
'unknown owners and oc
all lots and parts of lots
es an
edl t!:-
. :.ts of
su h-d i visions in the
. and iti any ami
to in the County of
town of Lil
all additions
Cass, iNehras-
7i"t Hit
i i t
W he!-
1 en.ia
w I. if !
t. 1 est
t ' :e
l-f e
t- n
yni are hereby
t . C ampliell. Jis
and each of
d that William
i:T. on the day of April
tiled his petition in the District
of Cass County, Nebraska,
in vmi and all of you are de-
Ms:" the t ami prayer of
jietiti-m is that the claim, in-
. riuht. title and estate of each
verv one of oil in and to
Northeast Quarter of the South
I'tiaiter in Section five and
:ast half of the Northeast Quar-
Section five iJi, all in Township
lni. Kan ire fourteen (14 1. Cass
three successive Tveks prior to said
y of hearing-.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this lst day of -April, A. Li.,
Seal) County Judge.
First Published April 2?.. 1917.
:t.i. Nebraska : also the s-outntast
.c.:i:ter of tlie Southeast Quarter of
.-'t Ion thirtv-two i"-J. all in Town
. ., eleven ill'. North Kanire four
t. . ;, (14 i. ,ss Cour.ty. Nebraska.
;.. .i.-.iaied invalid, alid of no force
atid e'Tei t. the t:'tie of said plaintiff in
atid to sai l real estate, and every part
i i : he ouieted as atrainst you and
a. 1, atid every one of you. as atrainst
an. ii Ti 1 all claims of any person
l.Toruh or bv vmi. anil that they be
;i,!:.iir-il arid decreed that each and
a.; ; ou whose names are above set
;"..!ti., :f Iivinir, and if deceased, the
! ; . . .U visees. leiratees. personal rep
i -.-,;;. ti s and all oilier persons in
terested i:i the state of each and
n and to said real
t thereof, and that
.a im
l ave no risrht, title,
r interest
r an- p:
:;e of you
i ai il a 1 1 of said defendants, those
lied, and those whose names are
unknown, and not stated, he forever
halted from claimniir or assertintr any
r -:i t. titie. interest or estate in and
to -aid r.-al estate, or any part there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as to the court mav seem just and
Vmi and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
!a. the Ilth ilav of June. 1417.
c. ,. i:.WLS. Klaintiff.
sw-4wks-em Apr r,0 lftit
itKKKimirs s.i.n.
M. Thomas, et ah
ar Jenninjrs
m. et ah.
I (efendants.
itlee f ale.
N'oti-e is hereby (riven that by vir
tue of an order entered in the fore-(roin'-r
entitled cause on the Uth day
of April l'.'l". by the Iistrict Court
of Cass Countv, Nebraska, L the tin
ersiirned. Thomas Wallins. sole ICefer
ee appointed by said Court, will on the
"1st dav of May iyl7. at Ten o'clock
in ti.e forenoon, at the South door of
the Court House in tiie City of Platts
mouth. in Cass County. Nebraska, of
fer for sale to the highest bidder for
cash. the following described real
estate, to-wit:
9 The v.-i st half of t!,e northeast nuar
t f of Section r umbered four f4 in
Township Kleven i ' l , north, in Kanire
Nine (!!. east of the I. M... in
Cass County, Nebraska. containing
77.;:: acres according to Government vev.
Said sale will remain open for bids
for one hour.
First Published April 1', 1917.
In ilie County Court of Conn County,
State of Nebraska.
Conntv of Cass. ss.
To pertha Marks. Auffnst FUnrk,
Mollie Dillion. Joiiann Frederick Stark,
and William Stark, and all persons in
terested in the estate ot Joiiann .
Stark, deceased:
On readine the petition of Joiiann
Frederick Stark prayintr that the in
strument filed in this court on the 21st
dav of April. 117. and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will and
testament of Joiiann 1. Stark, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of said
estate be (Trained to Jlenry A. Tool as
execn t or.
it is hereby ordered that you, and all
persons interested in said matter, may,
and do. appear at tiie County Court to
tie held in and for said conntv. on the
1Mb day of May. A. 1). 1!H7. at 11:00
o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if any
there be. wiiy the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be fr ran ted. and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing; thereof be (riven
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this Order
in the piattsmouth Journal a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearinfr.
Witness mv hand, and seal of said
court, this rist day of April. A. 1 .,
(Seal) Count v Judire.
First Published April 2", 1H17.
i.i:gl mitk i:
In the County Court of Chmm County,
Slate of Nebraska.
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Clarence Kugene llabbitt, de
ceased :
( n readinsr the petition of Maude IT.
Paid.itt prayimr that the instrument
fled in this court on the 17th day of
April. 1917, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of Clarence Euirene Habbitt. deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of said
state be Granted to Maude 11. P.abbitt,
as executrix.
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in said matter,
maw and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said county,
on the dav of May, A. 1. 1917. at
ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any
there be. whv the prayer of the peti
tioner should not he granted, and that
notice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said matter
bv publishing a copy of this Order in
tiie Piattsmouth Journal a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
otic n.
Court of CaMM County,
et al.
In the nutrict
Cyril Kalinn. Plaintiff,
Piattsmouth Ferry Company
1 lefenuants.
To tiie Piattsmouth Ferry Company;
the Unknown Heirs, lb-visees. Lega
tees. Personal Kepresentat ives. and
ll Oilier Persons nterested in the
Estate of Joel Solomon, deceased: Mrs.
Mat hew F.oyd, First Keal Name l'n
known. Wife or Widow of Mathew
P.ovd: Kobert H. Pnyd. if livin.s-. if
deceased. The I'nknown Heirs, lievi
sees. Leiratees-. Personal Kepresenta
tives and all Other Persons Interested
in the Estate of Kobert 11. Iloyd, de
ceased, defendants:
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that on the nth day of April,
1H17. the Plaintiff I erein, Cyril Kali
na. filed his petition in the Iistrict
Court of Cass County. Nebraska
wherein von and each and all of you
are made defendants, the object, pur
pose, and prayer of which said petition
is to obtain a decree from said Court
emovinsr clouds from and iuietinsr the
title to the following described real
estate in Plaintiff, to-wit:
Lots numbered Three (3) and Foul
1 4 in Klock numbered One Hundred
Stxtv-Seven (167 in the City of
Piattsmouth. in Cass County, Ne
braska, according to the published and
recorded plat thereof.
As asrainst you and each and all of
vou. and to refoim a certain convey
ance made on March 20th. lsOO, by one
Joel Solomon, (since deceased to 1
H. Solomon, recorded in Look "L" ol
deeds at Pajre 10a of the records of
Cass County. Nebraska, to conform to
the intentions of the -rrantor therein
and have same decreed to have convey
ed lot :! in said block 107 Piattsmouth,
Nebraska, to said srrantee, notwith
standing that said conveyance omitted
to state where said premises were lo
cated, and to exclude and enjoin yoi:
and each and all of you from ever as
serting or claiming- any ri.sht, title,
estate or interest in arid to the real
esfate uescribed in said petition and
before described, r.dverse to plaintiff
by reason of Plaintiff's adverse pos
session of saiil premises, by himself
and his grantors for more than ter
.ears prior to the commencement of
this action, and for such other and
further relief as equity may require
This notice is given and published
nirsuant to an Order of said Court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 2Sth day of
May 1917. or default will be taker,
against you therein.
First Publirhed April ICth, 1917.
In the Plulrlet Court of the Couuty of
Cbhm, .'Nebraska.
Charles II. Shopp, Plaintiff,
Walter G. Leming, et al. Pefendants.
otiee of Suit to Quiet Title
To the defendants. Walter G. Leming
zubak Jane Leming; the unknowr.
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Walter G
Leming. deceased: the unknowr
leirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of Azubak Jane
Leming. deceased: George Yander
raant; Mrs. George Yandermant, first
real name unknown: the unknowr.
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of George Yan
dermant. deceased: the unknowr
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
Terested in the estate of Mrs. George
Yandermant. first real name unknown
lee-eased: Mrs. John G. Hinchman. first
real name unknown; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives anl all other persons in
terested in the estate of John G.
Hinchman, deceased: T. S. Collier, first
real name unknown: Martha Ann Col
lier: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega
tees, personal representatives and al'
tlier persons interested in the estate of
T. S. Collier, first real name unknown,
leeeased; the unknown heir, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other presons interested in the es
tate of Martha Ann Collier, deceased;
Francis J. Peters: the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees. personal repre
sentatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estate of Francis J. Peters,
deceased; the unknown tiwners and
claimants of the nortli-(XI-:
1-4) of the north
(NE 1-4 of section six
eleven (11, north rang
and of the northeast
1-4 of the northeast
section thirty-one t:;i
the unknown
east quarter
east quarter
t 6 i, towns hi i)
fourteen 1 4 ,
qua i ter i N H
NE l-l of
townsl ip (12, north range fourteen
U4. all east of the fith P. M. in the
County of Cass. Nebraska.
You are notified that on the Ifith
day of April. A. I. 1917, plaintiff filed
his" suit in the Pistrict Court of the
County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet
plaintiffs title to the above described
lands, to-wit. the north east quarter
INK 1-4 1 of the northeast NK 1-4 of
section six (B), township eleven (11),
north range fourteen C14) and of the
northeast quarter (NE 1-4) of the
northeast l.NM 1-4) of section thirty
one (."ID. township twelve (12). north
range fl4), all east of the 6th P. M.
in the County of Cass. Nebraska, be
cause of his adverse possession by him
self and his grantors for more than
ten years prior to the commencement
of said suit and to enjoin each and all
of vou from having or claiming any
right, title, lien or interest. either
legal or equitable, in or to said lands
or any part thereof: to require you to
set forth your right, title, claim, lien
or interest therein, if any, either legal
or equitable, and to have the same
adjudged inferior to the title of plain
tiff and for general equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday, May 28th,
A. L. 1917, or your default will be duly
entered therein.
First Published April 1G, 1017.
Ledger v
......... .w',.MT
Everett Hunt, who joined the na
tional guard a few weeks apo, came
down from Omaha to spend Sunday
with his friends and relatives.
Mrs. Mellisa Keyser, who had been
visiting at the home of Mrs. Jennie
Frans about a week, returned to her
home in Omaha last Thursday after
noon. V. B. Banning has finished planting
his forty-acre apple orchard east of
town, and with this out of the way,
he will commence work on the new
garage in full force.
Clarence Heebner came down from
Lincoln Saturday, where he had been
attending the state farm. He finished
his course this spring and will remain
here this summer.
The wheat in this community is
being plowed and the ground all plant
ed to corn. If some of the other sec
tions do not have boomer crops, it
will be up to us to eat corn dodger
next year.
The beautiful new Baptist church
of this place, which is new receiving
th? final touches, is to be dedicated
Sunday, May ". Watch next week'
Ledger for full particulars and com
plete program.
Mrs. Will Marks went to Omaha
Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Harry Graves. Mr. Graves is now
employed in a printing office at Cen
tral City, Neb., and his wife and
daughter will move to that city in ths
near future.
Mrs. A. L. Becker, accompanied by
her son, Henry, and daughter, Mary,
autoed to Omaha Tuesday, where the
tatter underwent an operation at the
St. Joseph hospital for nasal trouble
She expects to be able to return home
in about a week.
A small railroad bridge about a mile
and a half north of Union caught fire
2arlv Tuesday morning, and had
gained considerable headway before
it was discovered by John Hansel, who
ives near. It was soon extinguished
before much ommage was done and
lid not conflict with the service. The
origin is unknown.
K"5-H- K-S-K" -i-H-H Hv v
John Griffith left for York, Neb
Wednesdav to visit his mother, who
is quite poorly in health.
The George Harshman eighty-acre
."arm was purchased this week by a
.nan from near Talmage.
Clarence Pool and family of Weep
ng Water, visited at the Cunningham
wme Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West and
laughter of Belvidere, Neb., visited
it the home of D. C. West over Sun
Jay. Mrs. F. R. Cunningham recently
pent several days at the country
wme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
cl. Vallery, near Murray.
J. R. Vallery, from near Murray,
notored down Sunday in his Stude
oaker for a short visit with his daugh
ter and family.
Frank Stout of Lincoln, was a vis
tor at the Vilas Shedon home Tues
lay afternoon and night, returning
lome Wednesday morning.
Mrs. A. C. Didke, who has been
naking an extended visit with a
laughter at York, Neb., returned to
Vehawka the latter part of last week.
Gus says he was hoping she would
-ome down pretty soon.
The new Lundberg garage is going
ip fast. Mr. James Miller and Ben
ton W. Quick are laying the walls, and
.vith the assistance of two helpers
lave been laying more than three hun
Ired blocks each day. Speedy work
men. School meetings called for Friday
and Saturday of last week resulted
n a great victory for the boys and
?irls of districts 4, 15 and 18, when
an affirmative vote made them a
part of the consolidated district of
Nehawka and vicinity. The children
Df these districts can be cared for
here without the necessity of putting
up a new high school building. Auto
transportation will be provided, and
the new board should have the busses
nick up the children at their homes
and leave them again at home on the
return trip in the evening. This is
extremely important.
To Prevent Self-Poisoning.
Bowels clogged with waste matter
poison the whole system. Foley Ca
thartic Tablets work gently but sure
ly; do not gripe nor couse nausea.
Recommended for indigestion, consti
pation, sick headache, bloating, bil
iousness, sour stomach, gas on stom
ach, coated tongue, bad breath or oth
er conditions caused by disordered di
gestion. Sold everywhere.
Hverybocly K
" V alve-In-He
Means iS
1 D Y
"" ' ""-'-..--4JS..-J.iS i m Mijjil 1 1 mJi flT
Buick Model D-Six 45
With five-passorcer touring car.$liT0
Witli two-passenger road.-ter. . ..104
With thre'.'-passengcr coupe. . . ')
With seven-passenger sedan. .. .1-V
Buick Model D-Four 35
With five-passc-r.gcr touring car.
With two-passenger roadster . . . . s','.o
8 w
Suick "V alve-in-Headw
Complete Line
-x- in all things having to do with motor cars, has definitely ac
cepted the valve-in-head moter as being the nearest to perfec
tion in internal combuston motors that has yet been achieved.
The experience of thousands of Buick valve-in-head owners has taught them that this type of motor
gives the least vibration, the greatest flexibility, power and efficiency.
For sixteen years Buick has been steadily building and perfecting valve-in-head motor cars, with the
result that to-day it is generally understood that valve-in-head means Buick.
The line cf Buick six-cylinder valve-in-head automobiles now offered the buying public is a complete
one a car to suit every need, and day in the year.
With a Buick you get service that is built into the car at the great Buick Factories, where the best ma
terial is accurately made into parts carefully assembled into the complete car, assuring a minimum amount
of attention to keep your Buick in condition to all times give complete motoring pleasure and satisfaction.
Piattsmouth, Nebraska
. - . a . I
J. F. Hoover shipped a car load of
cattle and sheep to the Omaha mar
kets on Monday and r. car load of hogs
to Nebraska City.
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hylton and little
Josephine, of Table Rock, visited at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Hylton, lust week.
Mrs. Herman Stege returned on la&t
Saturday from Omaha, where she had
undergone an operation. Her friends
are glad to hear that she is much
Lloyd DelesDernier, who has l eer,
attending the military school at
Kearney, Neb., is home fur a visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Fleming Robb and two children
of Billings, Mont., arrived on Thurs
day for a visit to her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Tysfn. Mr. Tyson
motored to Lincoln to bring them to
this place. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prentice are re
joicing because of the arrival of a
bouncing baby girl on April 8, 1917.
They have named her Margaret May.
Mrs. Prentice is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Reader.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Helms motored to
Auburn Sunday to see the father of
the latter, who is quite sick. They
returned that evening, but Mrs. Helms
was called back owing to the serious
ness of her father's condition.
Henry McCartney of Central City,
Neb., arrived Sunday evening on a
visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James McCartney. His father has
been very sick but is much better at
this time. He returned home on Tues
day. B. I. Clements has purchased a fine
hearse body and is having the same
mounted on his Willis-Knight Over
land chassis. This is cne of the latest
models of hearses and will make a
very fine addition to his undertaking
establishment at this place.
Representative and Mrs. E. E. Good
motored down from Lincoln Sunday
to visit and look over the town. Mr.
and Mrs. Good will be remembered
here by many as they taught school
here a good many years ago and lived
in the house now occupied by Mrs.
Paddleford. Mr. Good is a banker of
Peru, Nel)., and is serving in this ses
sion, of the legislature. They took
dinner here, motoring back to Lincoln
that evening.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rath
bun, Sunday, April 22, 1917, a girl.
Mrs. J. W. Kennison of Omaha vis
ited her daughter, Mrs. Scott McGrew
and family, over night last Friday.
Emil and Rudolf Jacobson went to
Omaha Saturday for a short visit
with their brothers, Bert and Paul
E. O. Mayfield, chairman of the
state board- of control, accompanied
by Mrs. Mayfield and son, Claude,
wer? Louisville visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Duerr and
little son, Lawrence Arthur, drove to
Alvo Sunday to visit Mr. Duerr's
brother, P. E. Ducrr and family.
James Ramsey, who came here from
Colorado last week, has moved his
family in the A. J. Peitrich house on
south Main street. He is a son of
John Ramsey and left Cass county
for Colorado fourteen years ago.
John Group underwent a serious op
era tion at the Methodist hospital last
week, at which tim? his gall bladder
was removed. The operation left him
very weak, but his condition is hope
ful and he is getting along as well as
could be expected.
Mrs. Denis Gardner of Golden,
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Rathbun of
this city, who underwent a serious
operation last week, in Omaha, is re
covering rapidly with all conditions
very favorable. She will probably
visit her relatives in this vicinity while
Mrs. Amos Keiser returned home
Saturday from an extended visit in
Lincoln with her daughter, Mrs. E.
F. Pettis and family. She reports
Mrs. Pettis gaining steadily after her
recent serious operation and expects
her to be able to make a trip to Lou
isville in the near future.
Mrs. Retta Muir and daughter, Ag
nes, of Perry, la., were here Sunday
to attend the funeral of C. E. Pribble.
Mrs. Muir is a sister of Mrs. Pribble
and, strange to relate, just four weeks
before to the day, she buried her hus
band. Mrs. Muir was formerly a
teacher in the Louisville public
Mi s. John W. Ruhga returned Mon
day from York, where she had visited
over Sunday with her daughter.
Henry Haslam hoisted a, flag last
week that he has had sin-e 1. The
condition of the flag brought to the
mind vividly the hard times in those
Mrs. Anna Thomas arrived Wednes
day morning from Longmont, Colo.,
for a couple of weeks' visit and to
look after business matters and her
property here.
S. W. Orton went to Omaha Thurs
day afternoon for an over night visit
with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Smith
and family, and to look after some
business matters.
Don Walker of Dunbar, who has
been attending a veterinary school
in Kansas City, arrived Friday and
will work for Dr. W. II. Tuck again
this summer during vacation.
W. J. Doty returned Sunday eve
ning from Ohio, where he had been
since last year. He reports crop con
ditions in Ohio as not the best. Wheat
and clover and alfalfa are badly win
ter killed.
Mrs. L. W. Gregory and children
left last week to poin her husband in
their new home at Imperial. She was
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Opal
Giegory, who will also make their
home in Chase county.
Mrs. Frank Bokilman returned
Tuesday evening from the Omaha
hospital, where she had l-een
treatment for the burns on her hand
and arm. She is getting :dong nively
although the one finger that wa-
badly burned had to be taken off.
Elmer Smalley and wife of Lo:pf
City were over Sunday vi-itors at the
John McKay home. Mr. Smalley had
been at a hospital in Omaha for an
operation for appendicitis. He got
along fine and it was only three wicks
from the time he left home until he
The pathetic scene of a mother and
father giving up their only on for th
service of their country was witness. d
at the depot this Thursday morning
when Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lehman had
to say good-bye to their only S"!'..
Harold, as he boarded the train to
serve in his country's call.
Albert George Stoll died at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mr.
Joe Stoll. near Eagle, Saturday night,
April 21, 1917, of pneumonia at the
age of 17 years 0 months and 10 day-.
Funeral services were held at the
home Monday afternoon, and inter
ment was in the Eagle cemetery. The
Stoll family are well known in thi
community, where they formerly lived.
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