AGr 6. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, APRIL Spouting ! Roofing ! Guttering ! Z2l3 SvSoidS all 1 "i TeSephone 400 AMD WE WJLL BE RIGHT Oil THE JOB! Al! Work Guaranteed A "si t-asa ifflri '-VT jf (Successor to Warga Q. Schuldice) -Healing. Plumbing, Wiring and Sheet Mstal Work! Repair Work of Al! Kinds "No Job too Small -None to Large" EXPLAINS MEANING OF 'BONE DRY' LAW Definitions -Riven of Points Apt to Cause Confusion of Misuntler . standing. If IlfCmrUM AUIATHD AmLlilUHi? HilMIUiiO DEFEAT GERMANS IN BATTLE IN CLOUDS raii-. April "J.1. American aviators a train have merged ieturiou f -ni a Tattle in the clou.!- with German air r.di, it was learned here today. The heroes of the encounter were Willis Huvilard of Minneapolis an.l harh ('. Johnson of St. Louis, who are un.ier the command of Lieau nar.t Thaw. Flyinsr tcethev i:i separate ma chines, the Americans encountered a gicup t.-f German airplanes. Ilnviland foit-e 1 one enemy craft to an of !.(' 0" feet, where he engaged it in After a spb itcd fight the German machine, riddl'd hy marhir.e gun fire, col!;, i-ed and fell. Al'p.o.-t at the same Johnson lie: men mac hine, which he put to fliuhi in distress. Its fate is not de it trained. Several other German air craft lefusec. holt to ami escaped. A want ad will bring you a buyer. Lincoln, Neb., April 28. Because of the widespread demand for informa tion covering the newly enacted Ne braska bone dry prohibition law, the following extracts are Riven, covering the points most likely to cause con fusion or misure'erstrnding. , Under t,he definitions given, drinks for any purposes other than mechan ical, sacramental or medicinal pur poses are apt to get the drinker and drinkeo inter lots of trouble. The words "intaxicating liquor," are constructed to cover all malt, fer mented, vinous or spirituous liquors, 'wines, potter, beer, ale or any mtoxi- ! eating drink, all malt or brewed drinks, which will produce intoxi cation, and all other liquors capable of us-' as a beverage containing more than one-half of 1 per cent alcohol. Dwelling House Defined. The term, "private dwelling house," construed to include separate dwel lings, room or suite of rooms in apaitment house or block. It is made unlawful to sell, keep for sale or barter, give away, barter, exchange, transport, purchase any in toxicating liquors except for me dicinal, mechanical, scientific or sacra mental purposes. It is lawful to keep or tell sweet cider, unfetmented wine, wood alcohol, denatured alco hol or vinegar. It is unlawful to be found in an intoxicated condition, to drink in pub lic places, solicit orders or tell any- tf. lo Uur Customers: I take this method cf thanking the people of Plattsmouth and surrounding country for their liberal patronage and courtesy extended to me the past 9 years. As Nebraska Will Be Dry after this date, the Budweiser vill be a thing of the past, but I will still continue business at ""3 Kt 11 B T IS and you will find Mc catering to the public a temperance beverage, containing no alcahol. This drink is called Pablo, cf which 1 have the agency for, and is a strictly pure and wholesome drink. Along with this I will carry a full line of temperance drinks; also tobacco and cigars. In connection in my east room, will put in an up-to-date bowling alley. SvyeDAlMSEL -3 " - oise where liquor may bo secured, to advertise, or for any club to have liquors in its possession. Keep Ethyl Alcohol Only. It is lawful for licensed druggists to keep ethyl alcohol. It is unlawful for any person to have more in his private dwelling "than a reasonable amount for his personal use anil needs." Th possession of liquor at any place is prima facie evidence of violation of the law. It is unlawful for any person or common carrier to transport or de liver any intoxicating liquor to any person except pure ethyl alcohol to druggists or wine for sacramental purposes. Injunctions and penalties: Any building used for the unlawful manu facture, use or sale of intoxicating liquois are declared to be common nuisances. Violation punishable by a fine of not less than $:200 or more than $1,000, or imprisonment of three to si:: months or both. Governor is Responsible. It is mad'. the duty of the governor of the state to enforce all the provis ions of the act. Any citizen may file complaint against any delinquent officer in the enforcement of the act and if he is found guilty shall be ousted from of fice. For ths first offense of violations of the act the penalty is a fine of $100 or imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty days or more than sixty; for the second offense, im prisonment of sixty to ninety days and for subsequent offenses, imprison ment in the penitentiary for six months to two years. The sum of $."0,000 is appropriated for use in carrying out the enforce ment of the act during the biennium ending March 1, 1911). DRAFT BILL IS PASSED DAY IN 0! of Senate Vote, 81 to 8, and House Vote -i ';!)7 to 21 for Conscrip tion Fore;'. THE AGE LIMIT IS FIXED Stldiers lay Nearly Double Confer ence Wil! Hush Hill in 1'rcshhnt for Mis Signature. Washington, T). C, April L9.--Uy overwhelming majorities boih the :; n ate and house passed late !:i t i i"!;t the administration l.iil to raise a war army by selective (haft. Thr final loll cad iuouuht inf- !i;ie n.tor and r TO TliADK. Forty acres of unimproved land, southeast of Lincoln, to trade for town property; about 2." acres in cultiva tion, balance in timber. Price, $S0 per acre; will carry back on land to suit purchaser. Call Phone 42S. C. E. Haney, Plattsmouth, Neb. 4-28-Ht American flags, from Journal office. "c up, at the 3 S Coughing Tires the Old Hard winter coughs are very tiring to elderly people. They mean loss of sleep, and they deplete the strength, lower vi tality, weaken and wear out the system. Foleyjs Honey and Tar stops coughs quickly. It is a standard family medicine that contains no opi ates, and is noted for its quick effect on coughs, colds, croup, bronchial and la grippe coughs, and the chronic coughs of elderly people. J. B. Williams, Trenton, Ga.t over 73 years old say: " 1 have useJ I cJey's Honey Tar for years with the best and surest results." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( i ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ... si 0f ijy , .... rp ...AJjfmlK Comfort A ride in any of the Wiltys-Overland models will enable you to understand the luxurious riding qualities of these cars. AH details h aving bearing? on the comfort of these cars have been har moniously balanced. ample wheelbase and large tires shock-absorbing cantilever rear springs deep soft upholstery roomy body with with side scats proper balance in construction Each one of these features does its important part in absorbing the jolts of rough roads. You ride smoothly in solid comfort. Every model in the comprehensive Willys-Overland line is built to a rigid standard of performance, appearance and comfort. Each car is, we believe, the dominant value among cars of its kind. 1 Lij;ht Fours Touring $905 Roadster $80 Country Club $795 Rig Fours Touring $900 Roadster $885 Coupe $1250 Sedan $1450 Light Sixes Touring $1025 Roadster $1010 Coupe .(. $1385 Sedan $1585 Willys-Six Touring $1425 Willys-Knights Four Touring $1,395 Four Coupe $1050 Four Sedan $1950 Lour Limousine $1950 Eight Touring $1950 Advance in price, llig Four and Light Six models, May 1st next de ferred until that dale account too late to correct advertisements appearing in magazines circulating throughout the month of April. All prices f. o. b. Toledo Subject to change without notice. vK JTO-iHN r.r.-'-' "... t kit i i a -v Plattsmouth, : : : : ' ny My m vu m in j ngyxEsr !.LT Nebraska D behind the bill many sc- reser.tatives who had ftr-jght t!. volunteer system until ror.ted by Ic cisive defeat of volrrte . r air..r.d:r.v::t earlit i- in the day in both hcu The -enate, which had voted .::'.'.: the volunteer jiian, (.': t: V-', j ; .-. : the bid !;y a vote of 1 l, X. In th house the vote against the v;.t.intt. plan was 3!3 to J'.:, and that i ; which the I ill itself was ra-. il v;; 397 to 2-J. As passed by the scr.ate i;ie rreas ure provi ie:-: lor ti.e '..-,,att oi me;i t". tween the ages. t' 21 and L'7 y ars while in the hoj.-e mea'-uie ihe ..r limits are fixed r.t 21 :tr,d.4". This and lesser discrepancio be threshed out in ronfe: c nee this week, so that the tii! nta.y me nanus ot tree president as possiide. The war department aire u n completed idans for carrvimr it eiTcct. Raise Pay of ICnlisted Soldiers. Roth senate and l. r ;r:oi" amendments just lefoie the fi r.ul i call which would greatly in;:- are ; pay oi enlistc! men tiuiin"- tr The house provi --ion would inak pay $30 a month, and that ; ; by the senate would fix it at month. The present ray is oi.'.y In the h - use at the last 3: Chairman Fit:-.geralu of the pi iations commiLtee objec ted vi;r- -i ot:s ly to the approviation of $3, (;;.:' ,'; carried in the bill for the pir pe:.e c f the new army, and the ?ec:hn iinahy was eliminated. Mr. Fitzgerald declare: il this vast sum in the bran !r retary of war would ir.a'.e t,; a "meie autorr.a.toa," a:id that if the sec t ion were o the committee would ev piomptlv in a scm;i! ate me:; Speaker Clark Vttcs f)- DrafJ. Among the amendments ad-ep-ted in :. i3i :-.r?'v- ra. k? wer flow is the tSme to select your lawn mower while wc have a complete line. The prices are to i T!:esG are all high-grade mowers. Pester k Sw i-. '.fa i-.i La ICS s xxiil ear' v . ! " in i as (jtiiekly has into 11 SEE 7 8 5- L2 p. p tin n me$mn f 0 m m utcn space for further particulars. vr. r. .: a nest at to i of the if c-or.L : ee- Krr- s 'cruised il down. .e fund, . re. the senate wr one which, would per mit Colonel Kooseve't to t ecru it a volunteer force for strviee in Fiance. A similar proposal had been : ejected by the house.' Speaker Claik, Democratic Kitchin and Chairman Doit of the military committee, who had. favored the volunteer rystein, all voted fVr the diaft bill en the final roll cull. Re publican Leader Mann also was re corded in the affiimitive, as v.t Rankin, who previously had vot the volunteer advocates. x'ith Constipation and Indigestion. These arc twin eviic. Persons suf fering from indigestion are often trou bled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111., writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great sufferer from injigestion and constipation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heay weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a good part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. RIcheiSn and Kelly- prmgfleld Tires 6 i-H it I a :lv i insurance SURETY BONDStr UsidtHire Masonic Home. Telephone No. 313 i rtn, inn . We Med the Room and J ed the Goods' Go Use Your Head and Save Your Pennies. THEY COU.HT! Extra Large Size Jars Jam 30c NOTICE TO RFRLIC. I desire to notify all persons that my wife has left my bed and board and that I will not in the future be re re sponsible for any debts contracted by her. LEROY COVERT. DR. BLEICK. Dr. Rleick, 532 World-Herald build ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat diseases, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at R. A. McElwain jewelfy store. Eye glasses scientifically fitted. 5 For Infants and Childrca" In Use Foi1 Over 3 G Years Corn. Peas. Large Lew is per can per can can Raking Powder Lve, 3 cans for. . . . 12 12 Asjiaragus, 2 cans for. Macaroni, 3 packages.. Ten Rars Laundry Soap. l-2c Large cans Pork and Reans, 2 cans for --c Table Salt, 3 sacks for Ke Matches, per box 5e Anricats and Peaches. 2 cans... 35c "r,c Large cans Beets Ke -"'C Canned Milk, large cans, 2 cans 2.V 50c Flour i l-2c .20c .25c Every Dish We Savc in the Store at and 1 5c Each 3 9 These prices are way below anything you ever heard. We must sell this in order to make So first come first served. room. Always beam the Signature of PLATTSMOUTH FRUIT and GROCERY STORE Opposite Journal Office, Plattsmouth, Neb. tezr&ujjj,ir& - 1 j-Ztj:yjZ..?Ls: V; r.'L:-!-. -t.,-i - ,c hth ruia.'iii ' """""