The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 30, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    P.AGE 3.
fLATTsxiotJTH semi-weeely JOURNAL.
To Owners of Ford Cars
The Ford Motor Company, of Detroit,
appointed us authorized agents for Ford
cars in this territory, to properly repre
sent Fort interests, to give service to Ford
owners. The Company in return de
mands that we equip and maintain an
adequate service station, employing com
petent Ford mechanics, using only genu
ine Ford-made materials and charging
regular Ford prices.
This is the service we are giving to Ford
owners. Material workmanship
prices, the standard of each guaranteed.
When your Ford car needs attention,
bring it to us, and get the benefit of ex
pert Ford mechanics. We give you the
assurance of genuine Ford service, with
genuine Ford-made parts.
Ford cars Runabouts $345; Touring
Car $360; Coupelet $505; Town Car
$595; Sedan $645, all f. o. b. Detroit.
undertaken. The officers' training
camps to be established within a few
days in each district will begin at the
end of three months pouring new offi
cers into this organization and the en
listed men selected from the ranks of
the regulars for commissions will be
given special instructions to fit them
for officers.
Until the army of young men pre
sents itself at the camps in August
or September the regulars and guards
men also will pursue a vigorous course
of training.
The plans call for the transfer to
the first 500,000 men obtained by
draft of from 150,000 to 200,000 non
commissioned officers trained in the
regular and national guard regiments.
It is here that the opportunity lies for
men wno volunteer now as enusieu
men in the ranks of the two services.
On them war department officials,
even to a greater extent man upon
the commissioned officers, will depend
the efficiency of the new armies. The
backbone of any military organization
is its noncommissioned force, and in
the months that precede the calling
but of the first 500,000 officers of the
general staff hope there will be found
in the ranks of the regulars and
guardsmen such a supply ot men
competent for these positions that the
future o fthe later armies will be as
sured beyond doubt.
mnm n ni
Hollweg Advises dcrman States to
Adopt Policy ot Ruthlosncss
Toward Thm.
Hunger and War Weariness Continue
to Work Ferment in Ger
man Masses.
Amsterdam (Via London) April
27. Chancellor von Ilethmann-IIoll-
weg has addressed a letto:- to the gov
ernments of the different German
states denouncing the recent strikes.
He urges the authorities to punish
strikers and strike agitators as spvs re-
lv as possible.
T. H. Pollock Auto Co.,
FOR D Authorized Sales and Service, 6th St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Uf t ice telephone no. i. anop leiepnone wo.oo.
And Germans Fail to Dislodge Haig's
Hosts From Heights on
Arras Front.
Copenhagen, April 27. (Via Lon
don) German newspapers today in-
dicate widespread apprehension of i
possible May day strike.
A proclamation from Chancellor von
Bethmann-Hollweg, addressed formal
ly to th? federal states, but really to
labor, contains both appeal and a
stern warning against iuitner inter
ference with the munitions work.
A manifesto from the four big min
unions warns their members
against reckless and regretable action
because of unsatisfactory food condi
tions. "Don't permit yourselves in
these grave times to be dragged into
rioting and strike,"' is the key sen
tence of the manifesto, showing that
not merelv an orderly demonstrative
From Saturrlfsy's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon E. M. Avery,
oi Lincoin, representing tne lyceum
association that is to furnish the at
tractions for the coming chautauqua
to be held in this city, came down to
look over the field and prepare the
preliminary plans for the handling
f the different attractions. The
loriiiconiir.g series oi eniei lair.niems
wnl he field in tins citv tiurmg tne
week ot .June Mh, and will oner to
the people of Plattsmouth an oppor
tunity of enjoying some of the best
md most pleasing attractions that
can lie secured in an entertainment
of this nature. The committee in
. cnarge oi tne Handling ot tne cnau-
tauqua will get busy at once in per
fecting the preliminary plans and to
str.rt the ball rolling for the success
ful handling of t he entertainment
that will be one of the best ever held
in Cass county. The program as
printed in the Journal some time ago
will be carried out in its entirety
and on it can be found some of the
mest plea.-ing musical organizations
on the road today, as well as some
of" the leading lecturers and enter
tainers and public speakers. Wher
ever tnese Kind oi entertainments
have once been held there is s-ldom
iinv question aoout repeating tneni,
. . J I 1 1. T ...1 . A
as tnev represent tne very i:iene.L
. - i i
type ot public entertaining and ripn-
ss people are secured to handle
the dirierent teatures. l'!att:nov.rn
has never held a chautauqua, al-
tiff to Non-Ties ident refendant.
Their Heirs, Legatees,
I'ersonrtl representatives:, and All
Persons Interested in Their
William Williams, if livnis". if de
ceased, the unknown heirs, devisees,
li't-iitM's. personal represent a lives ami
all iHsiiiis interested in 1 1;- estate of
William Williams, d.-o.a sed ; Joshua
P.iown, if livintr, if deceased, the 'in
l;n.iw;i heirs. dev is. es-. l.-.ili'i'H, per
sonal reuresonialives nml all
interested in tie- estate of Joshua
down. 0M ,..tsfii ; Noah Layion. if liv
ins, if .Ii'cuph.I, x 1 1 - unknown heirs,
devise. -s. to s. i.ersonal i "MO es.- 1 1 -
t:ilif.-i and all persons i n t .-rest d in
the estate of Noah Lnyton. , lot . a so. I ;
Isaac :. Allen, if iivinn. i I ' ease. I,
llif unknown heirs, devisees, lesra t e"S,
personal representatives and all per
sons inter, sted in the estate of Isaac
:. .Mien. .l.'e.-as-d : tile unknown heir.-.
,!c is-. s.' legatees, personal represen
tatives and all persons interest I in
ll. e.-iat- of W. i . M. rri.i m. hist r-al
name unknown: deceased: Nam -v I..
Fouler, wife of A. S. I'owl.-r: l.lbn
l-'owier. U'jle of fl all's l-'ov!ei Ma '-
inn Oliams, li living, -..
I. l!,e unknown heir-s. d- is.-es.
leat-Ms. jiof-onal representatives ami
all persons i!ile!est.-, in the estate. C
Mait!. a Ami William:-. o--a s. d : I'M -win
1'. in-own. if livimr. if .Ua-.1,
the unknown heirs, devise. -s. l.-i;al.- .
ner--onal !' pre.-n t a ! i es and :rl P-r-int..
i v.Ih! in the .-slate of IMwm
llit po sue res-i"e
(la' of p.aiinv.
j,,i,.s ui h.tnd. and of
ffuirt, this ;Ms-t day . April, A. L' ,
1 1 7.
.-M.i.r.x .t. r:r.ns 'X.
(Seal) n t J. i. !,;.
l'ir-t rnhb-hed Apiil 1'1T.
i.i:i i. oTifi:
In I lie on nl ( ourl tt Inn foiinlj,
Slate of N l.rn-lca.
Count v of 'as?, f .
To l:.rtha .Mark-, Ausrnst Stark,
M.Oiie liiilioa. .loi.arm Kre.lei i k .-talk,
and William Stark, and all tij,s I ft
t.V-t.'.l m the i'I
SI a 1 k. dei .-a se.l :
en reading tin1 t.'-tilmn of ...haiirl
Fie.l.-ri.k Stark iniijini that t'.e , n-
striiim nt nl.-.l in this unirl on t i..- i-r
I.l'. d Apiil. 1:!7. and puipoit.-ru
e the lat "ill and t.-taim-nt f 1 1 .
aid de. eased. ma pro.-.l a'd al-
..we.l. an I r,-..r.l..l a-, tiro li.-I v i ' 1 and
t na
a se
i 1
.1 in
.-a .- e
! I
1 h
d ;
lllow;:, .leei-aseil: AI.ra.:ain s-mrii.,
'. j v i i. -: . ' if .eeae.l. th" unknown
is. .l. is-. . 'e-ate. s. p.-rsona! i-p-
tativ.s ami all persons iih'm-m-
siate oi AO'.auam ."-mini. !
in ... Will iams. if I i in'. i T
.;.c., the unknown heirs.
aTees. Ii.-1'sonal r.-i'i nnilio i n I .-les 1 e.l in
Sa niuei illlams. .le. -n.-.
WatkiTis. if livinii-. if d.-.e
irikiM.w n heii s. devisees.
Ii esentat i ami
M.-d in th-- estate
del cased : tlie
iatees. p.-rs
,11 persons
1 An--c!mo
. i s,,.,., i !
iii..- int.-r.
Watkins. .!
cits. deViseeS. 1
e.-ntaiives and
1 in lh" e-'taie
walkout, but actual violence is feare
OF 2,000,000 MEN
Ten Pays After Bill is Signed Town
ship Clerks Will Begin
to the state adjutant-generals for dis
tribution among county officials.
No Excuse for Slacker.
Wide publicity is planned, so that
no man liable for registration will
have a good excuse for failing to re
spond. On a date to be set every
citizen affected by the act will be re
French Gain Some Ground lurks
Retreat Further in Mesopotamia.
Desperate efforts of the Germans to
drive the British from the captured
heie-hts on the Arras front have failed
Sites for Camps and Arrangements
For Troops Are Decided
F pon.
Washington, D. C, April 27. With
enactment of the selective draft bill
apparently assured, the war depart
ment is preparing to set machinery in
motion without delay to produce un
der the measure within two years a
trained army of 2,000,000 men.
Within ten days after the bill is
signed, every township in the country
will begin registering its young men
for duty, and work will have begun on
the sixteen training cantonments or
camps where preparation of the forces
for war will start in August or Sep
tember. Sites for the contonments
have been selected tentatively, and all
arrangements made for the concentra
tion of the troops assigned to each.
Decentralization of administrative
work will be sought by the depart
1 ment in every move it makes. Details
will not be disclosed until the bill has
passed, but it is known that registra
tion will be carried on through sher
iffs and other county officials, aided
by postmasters or other federal agen
cies where that seems desirable. In
structions and forms already have
been prepared and will be forwarded
after four days of the bitterest fight
quired on pain of heavy penalty to jng that the world has seen since the dent
present himself at the nearest regis- bloody days of Verdun.
tration place, where machinery will be Military critics expect the attacks
provided for classifying the recruits wjh be renewed if the German man-
and eliminating those exempt. Doubt- I power can stand the awful drain as
ful cases will be referred to higher Ug retention of General Haig of tha
authority. hills crowning the plain of Doual
When the rolls of those liable for cDeii3 almost certain doom to the
service is complete, the task of select- Wotan lines, the last protecting bar-
in the great mining and manufactur
ing districts of Westfalen and Silisca.
Finally, there is another official an
nouncement that a great combing out
of the war industries is necessary to
secure men for the army. This gives
the? government any needed justifica
tion for sending to the front muni
tion workers who yield to temptation
American Business Man's View.
All in all. a strong ferment is evi-
among the laboring masses,
tr.otigh others of the nearby towns
hae found them very successful and
pleasing, but this year they will have
, 1 1 i ' . ..
one tnul win ue a winner m ..eiy
.1. u i
wav and one tnat wm ma'ie toe
people wonder now tney came 1.0 uo
without a feature of this kind during
the years past.
German news-
ing the men to go in the first incre
ment of 500,000 will begin. It has
been suggested that this be done by
means of the county jury wheel. The
first man whose name is drawn would
go, and that plan, with the first 500,
000 men to be called out for train
ing within a few months, lhe sec
ond drawn would go with the second
increment, to be called six months
later: the third with the third in-
rier between Doual and Cambrai.
In the fighting important positions
between Roeux and Gavrelle and oth
ers near the Arras-Cambrai road have
been captured by the British, the war
office announces.
cursed ty food conditions and the ex
treme cost of living and weariness of
war. This view is confirmed bv an
American business man. who has just
ucceeded in leaving Germany and
who, though ignorant of the
tions given by the
papers of yesterday and today, told
the Associated Press correspondent
that Berlin was still seething with
strike feeling and that the impression
was widespread that there will be an
other strike outbreak on May day.
Persons here familiar with condi
tions in Germany, however, expres
the belief that the German authorities
will be able to cope with the situation
Socialists Refuse to Sign.
General von Stein, German minister
The French have captured several
trenches on the heights around Monon
villiers and have also gained ground
crement, with duty a year off, and so near Hiirtebise and Cerny, the war of- of war, admitted before the rekhstag
military affairs committee yesterday
that field nost letters trom soiuiers
at the front showed a certain amount
of discouragement, but that in general
the spirit of the troops was good.
The committee then sent assurance:
of solid support to tne army which
the radical socialist members of the
committee alone refused to sign. The
committee rejected a radical social
ist proposal to establish a committee
fice announces. One hundred and
Regulars Are Nucleus. f thirty cannon have been captured
Meanwhile the work of building since April 1G.
the cantonments will go forward. Reg
ular troops and national guardsmen I A further retirement of the Turks
will be assigned to them with each in Mesopotamia for a considerable dis
arm of the service so represented as j tance north of Samara, recently cap
to provide the framework of a com-1 tured by the British, is reported by
plete army division at each point. I General Maude. The Thirteenth Turk
The guardsmen will be selected J ish corps is entrenching in the foot
from the territory covered by the hills of the Jobel Hamrin range be-
training district so far as practicable. I tween the Tigris and the Diala, where of parliamentary control to supervise
the conduct of the war. Herr Stueck
lein, a socialist, complained that men
were sent to the fiont as a punish
Police duty at the cantonments will
become part of the responsibility of
each district commandant, and he will
make such assignment of his forces
as he may deem wise. Meantime,
both regulars and guardsmen will con
tinue recruiting to war strength.
Starts Rigorous Training.
With the new regiments assembled,
the British are in touch with it.
Hindenburg Fooled.
Paris, April 27. Under the caption,
"Why We Attacked," a writer in the
Matin points out that before the pres
ent forward movement began, the
German plan undoubtedly was to
escape from the grasp of the allies. He
The Celebrated Stallion
- Y A "i Mil t A '
a rigorous course oi training win ue i continues:
'To frustrate this plan the French
I flDltchell. siir
g E. W. THIMGAN, Murdock, Neb.,
Cass County Agency
ft Also agency for
S for Elmwood, Stove Creek and east half of
Tipton precincts.
For demonstration of either car call or
phone 35-B, or write
or JOHN GAUER, Gcdar Crock, Nebraska
and British widened the front of their
attack so as to overlap the front on
which the Germans were retreating.
The result was that the enemy found
both his wings involved. He decided
to fight on the first line and the
French plan was altered to suit.
"The result of the first and second
days' fighting was that the Germans
lost fully 100,000 men and what was
more important, were obliged to en
gage thirty-three out of their forty-
three reserve divisions. The dearly
1 1. 1 1 A 1 1. .
pougnc out. vaiuaDie operations are
"First, the enemy was prevented
from carrying out his own plan, thus
disposing of the famous Hindenburg
scheme which was to be followed on
the conclusion of the retreat from
No yon; second, the enemy was obliged
to order his troops to hold out on the
first line, but the whole line has been
captured, a tactful success to which
must be added heavy losses in men,
material and guns." '
n r n r a
from Saturday's Dny.
The definite action ot the city coun-
ci I upon tne pennon oi me icmuiviu-.
along Chicago avenue to have that
thoioughfare paved during the coming
uason is something that means a deal to the city and its people
and marks another long step in tht
wav ot improvement to ine city
streets. This avenue is one of the.
principal streets of the city and the
main entrance through which the
trade from the south and west comes
in. as a rule, and its paving to almost
the city limits means that in the fu
ture the farmers will have no kick on
the city over the condition of the
street. It will complete a line of
pavement on both avenues of almost
vo miles and it is work that is going
to last through several generations
. .1- ' 1 -A
as a monument to tne spirit ci prog
ress shown by the people of Platts
mouth. The success of the paving on
Washington avenue has shown just
what a great difference can be made
,i r- i j. ...1
in tne appearance oi a street wnen
it i.-. paved and made fit for travel
all kinds of weather. The cost fall;
heavily at first, but in the end the
cost is more than repaid in the con
venier.ces that the paving brings ant!
the increasing value it gives to prop
erty situated along the sections paved
The pavement on Chicago avenue
will commence from the ending of the
present paving on Pearl street an
extend south to Holdrege street,
block south of the Louisville road, and
this will furnish the city with one of
the most pleasing drives that it wouk;
b? possible to find m any city, and
over the best of roadways. The plans
and specifications will be prepared
once and as soon as possible the work
of putting in the paving will be com
MMirn to riu:iiToitN.
ULYSSE, sees
Will make the season of 1917 at my
home, three and a helf miles west and
one mile south of Murray. Ulysse
is "an extra good Belgian draft horse,
weichincr 2200 pounds, a beautiful
dark bay in color, age seven years.
TIIvssp is well known in this section
of Cass County, and has the reputa
tion of being an excellent foal getter.
t:itt- of Ni-l.raska, fuss County
ss. In tlif Cniintv Ouut. In th
i'i;tttr of thf -st;it' of Kva K
1'iettiir, deceased. To tin- creditor
of said estate:
Von an- liereM- notified that I will
st at tin- ountv (Hurt room
l'iattsmouth, in said County, on the
- n t h iiav of Nnveniln-r. 1 ! 1 i . at 10
dock a. ni.. to receive and examine all
I claims against said estate, with a view
to t heir ad just ment and allowance. Th
time limited for the presentation
claims auainst said estate is si
Months from tiie :ii!h day of May. ,
l. I!il7. and the time limited lor t
pavment of dehts is line Year from
sai.l lli day of Xovemher. 1 ! 1 7.
Witness my hand anl lhe seal
said Countv court, this !th day of
April A. li., laiT.
Al.I.CX .T. r.KKSON.
1-wks County Judso
i.i:; w, MiTicr:
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. O.
Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3513.
Terms $15.00 to insure colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove them from
this part of the county service fee
becomes due and payable immediately
All care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, Jbut owner of horse will not
be held responsible should any occur.
A. G. HAST, Owner,
ii.l.l r.etts.
1 ! II ti 1. IW 11 h
pi rs.iiia I repres.
s inti-resteii in t
.tts. .!.-r.-a-ii
s,-is. ie-;-at
s arid all i
itc ..f Sara:
T 1 ,
se.l. the
all per
f Isaac
u ti k now ii
i;. Smith.
livinur. if
.; 1 1 i s and
.tatc of
ra!i 1 1 1
ii ii k now :i
i a-e.l; .di.ha'I r.etts. II
.). s.-.l t!i.- i! n ti.'iown heirs
14 a I
1 iv
is ,l,- isi-is. ie-ratces. iier:ial fep-
-nt a t i .-s arid all p-;sons i ti o-i--X
. i ...... . .i .
M Ih- .-.-iai- ! .a:ai. i. .
. unknown l :. devi.-e.-s. . u.ue. s.
-rsonul representatives and ad p-r-
iriTef. 1 ill I : . o-tCT- of Crjs-
i"n i:.'tts, ,... -Hse.l ; To. .11... lirst
al nam.- unknown, ii" Mvinir. d d.--..w.-.l
lie unknown heirs, .l.wis.'.s.
ute.-s. Iiel-solKll lel.I.seli 1 .1 t i e -: a. id
I p. is,.. is ililetested ill 1 !'.e estate of
Tool!.-. decea-e.l; : I'arleiL'l.
nan:.- unknown, 11 nun-, n
tiie unknown heirs. h ise.-s.
uatee--. p. i el l est-1 , t a 1 1 ' ami
ill p.-ISons int.'-reste.t Mi lhe .-sv,ne ol
I- a -1 -i j. , .lecease.l; the U 1 1 K ! I o '. II
,.-irs. .I. vises. let;tef s. personal rep-esejiti'tii'.-s
ai;d aP p.-isons lnt.-r-st.l
in lire estate of 1 i. T. Tia.k.i,
ii .-t real nam.- "ii n known. d" cas. d ;
l. ii: -. I lull. lis. if living, if decease.,.
.'-.l 1 ees.
t es i ;1 n ,e u I ot .1 iil.ri I n . K, !
thai sa:! i nst ru ni-ti t he a.lmiM.
pi o I ia I e, a
estate lie
It is here 1 ,v or. 1. red t 1
persons 1 11 1 ei 1 ... I 1 1 1 -a:
and do. appear at lie-
he ):..i,l in and for said
ll't'i .i.iv of May. A I '.
o', !o. k A. M.. I s i.ow
i! t 1 ie a d in i ti i s I ra I i i
ranted to ll.-hty A.
a I ' on.
I piatl.'
. 1 1 , t v C
1K1T. .i
! :
t I. el
t iol.
not iee
aiid t'v
to ail
;! i v
in th-
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prior I
3 ' 1 7.
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pi i Ii t e.l i'I
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s.-rn r --a
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.1 I s .
Mi l in:.
In Ilie llitri't
Cyri! K..!:-.'. I
v .
I Xt :!" ; !i J-',
To the riattsm.
ti..- I'nknown II.-
1e.-S. I'elSoha! I
All oi!,.!- l-.-rson
l:-t,ll- of duel So'
Math.w l:..yd
known. Wife
I :-. 1 : Ihloel t
. i . i . a s d . T ! . "
sees. J,..
: rs.
n -in
. W 11 he
orial rcpre.s
: inter, -ted
owners and oc-
and parts of lots
t l.e tow !l of l.ih-
anv ami an ihki 1 1 .ons
I'MUIlty of Cass, .eh!as-
in the estate of 1 i. 1.
leal name -unknown.
I i a I ! is. if living', if
I... uTiUnown heirs. 1 1 v ise. s.
.eisonal representatives and all I..r
ons interested in the estate of M.-nrv .lecea.sed: John Clemnions. it
ivinu. if h case,' 1 1 unkn
h-Visees. l."-ratees, per:
:, tives and all -person
he estate of John
as. d : the unknown
upanls of all lots
Uul s i. !-' I I i s ions in
-rty. atid in
heii.tu in t!a
You and each ot you are n-ieo
notified that William r . lanii.n.n. as
lintiil. on the Jt.tii -lay oi .ipin.
TUT t.le.l 1: S tletltl.Ul II llie IMslllCl
n t of Ca.-s I ounty. .-seiu asKa.
wherein o;i and al! ot you i o--
feiuiants: tiie ami prayei in
... :.. h 1.. -t it inn is that the claim, m
eiest. liuht, title and estate ol each
ind - .-r otie of .mi in and to
The North ast tjua! t.-r of the South--ast
iinarter in Section live ( "i and
lhe Hast half of th- Northeast Quar
cr of Section live i .". i, all iii Township
l en i I'll. I la r ue f on
i "on ii t . N'ehraska: al
(Jliarter ot the MHUI
1 1 v s
in t!
cerl s
1 nri of t mi ii iv.
.- C. .m T'.i 1 v. it ah.
i i. f. rid.-ef--.
it !l K.-ri ' 'ii pa u . ;
! 's. le sees. ., .
:..ivi-li t a t i V -". a '. I
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mni'i', ii.-. . a s. .1 . M i s.
N.!'le !-
f Mat w
1 i Mii.-. if
, .
p. r. t a -I
. : r--1- d
J-'irst !:-
r Widow
li. l:..l.
1 'n k now n
. -..roil
1 1
m l all other I'.r-ons
,e i:-I.lte of l:.,i,.-!t 11.
d. d-i ,-n.ia r.t -:
i and ea . h of mi a r- ! a
th;it on the 14th dav
the ('la 1 ri t i I'!' Iiet.-in,
filed his petition In tl
i .
not i-
: i -
S II : p
tet n i 1 -t I. Cass
. the So lit 1 1 east
ast Quarter of
(.:.'. all in 'lown-
ven till. North Kam-e nmr-
County. Nehraskri.
uli.l, ami "f no force
lirty-t v.
d nr.
der!a r
am I '-ni' t. . .
That the title "f said piaintl.I 111
mil to said real estate, and every part
uuieted as against you ami
hereof, ne
f um, as ji:
claims of anv l
vim, and that th
decreed that eac!
Se llilllii-
:. and i
a l nst
V l,e
I re a luive set
deceased, the
ea. n a nu e -i
n y and all
thiouh or lv
id.iudi;ed and
ill of you wlii
"ovtii if 1 i vin;
heirs, ih vi.-t-es. legatees. pvrsonai rep
resent a t i s and all other persons in-tr.-sie.l
in lhe estate of each and
fln-m or iriterest in and to said real
or anv pan ti iereoi, a mi
one of vi u. liae no riyht.
;i;.d all of said defendants, those
1 an.', those whose names are
.wn, and not stated, he forever
1 HIT. t he I'I;. i ru iff liet .-in. C. I il
na. filed his petition In the ,
Co. nt of Cas ; Countv. N" hi
wherein you and i mli and all of ou
are mad.- .;.f. nda n t s. the ..t.i.ct. t.iii-
j'ose and pi a v er of wl.h h said p. ' 1 1
is to td.tain a decree from sa d C. m t
remiiviiitr from and ipintirii; t'"
title to tie- follow ing ll.-S. ni. I. al
estate in l'laintiff. to-wit:
Lots numheicd Three c: i j. nd I'
ill in I'.lock numheicd n- lluridi'd
SitV-S.-VeIl l'iT ill the City of, in Cnrntv. N'e
hraska. accordimr to the pi.hii-l.ed j.nd
lecvlded plat thereof.
As airainsl y.ei and each and all of
you. and to r f-.rm a c.-itair . -iince
made mi March "Ji'dh. 1'a'. Uv on.-
Joel Solomon. Isill. e deceased i to I .
H. So'orioti. recorded in I look "I." of
dee, Is at I'ilUV l'l". of the record- of
Cass C'.nty. N'-hta-ka. to ctifiu rn t-
th'- intentions of the irr.i lit' "
I. nil 1 le saril" lie. I, e.l . l.aVe loriV.'V-
ed lot :t in said Idoek l'-T I "la " t - mo it i ..
N'ehraska. to said uiant.e. notnit'.
standinn tl at said ionca'H" d
to state where sai.l premises w . i .
cate.l. and to . c!' de and nnu'i -n
and .ail, and all of von ti"'n ..r a--sertitiL;:
or c!;.iinintr anv riht. itl.-.
,.-tat" r. t- interest in and to the
cs'at" in se' ; In 1 ;u sail p. t it i-m
l.efole ill .i t il....!, adverse to p!a;
liv reason of 1 '!a int iT's adv-i-e
si ssion of said pieniis. s.
and his triantors for limn
years prior to tin- coiaui.
this action, a nd for s i. h
further relief : - . a d n
This led ii I- l; A n a i.
t-urs'uant to ;.n i i .i. r of
You are r.-. lir.-.l to answer sa d pe
tition oil or Pefol" tie 'Mh i lav of
May 1 : J 7. or default v.d t- t;.l.'ri
a " a i ns t v mi t ht r i n.
I'.a r.tilT.
At tot nev.
First rul.lhhed Aptil Kdh. 1!17.
a nd
than T.ii
1 "lie' t of
: her arid
. id
t hat
l-V -l;'
e;i c i !
r anie
nt) k in
hatred from
l l i 1 1 1 . titie.
to said real
of. and for
lief as to th
Vim and each of you are further
notiried that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mmi
i!a the 11th dav of June, l'.17.
C. A. KAWLS. riaintiff.
sw-4wks-com Apr ,.0 FU7
rl.iimiiiu' or assertint; any
iiileiest or estate in and
estate, or any part theie--i"
ii other and further n
e court may seem just and
v ir-
f ore-dav
Nellie M. Thomas, ft ah.
Oscar Jennings Pweem. ft fl.,
1 c fendantf.
oll-t- ff rul-.
Notice is hei-ehy p;iven that hy
tne of an order entered in the
L'ninL' entitled cause on the l'th
of April l'.-lT. hy the Idstrict Court
of Cass County. Nehraska. I. the un
dersiirned. Thomas Wallin-r. sole Lefer
ce appointed hy said Court, will on the
lst day of May l'.HT, at T"li o'c!o k
in the forenoon, at the South door of
the Court House in tne City of l'latts
mouth. in Cass County. Nebraska, of
fer for sale to the highest holder for
cash. the following descrihed leal
estate, to-wit:
The west half of the northeast quar
ter of Section numbered four (At in
Township Kleven lli, north, in l:an-re
Nine tin, east of the Cth 1. M... in
Cuss County, Nebraska, containing
77.f.: acres accorUIng to Government
Su rvev.
Said sale will remain open for Lids
for one hour.
At tornov.
First Published April 1017.
i.i:;i. otii i:
In lln County Court of Ciiwh County,
State of Nebraska.
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in tire es
tate of Clarence Ku-rcne llahhitl. de
ceased :
n reading th petition of Maude 11.
Labbitt pray-in"; that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 17th day of
April. 1 1 1 7. and purprirtinir to be the
last will and testament, of the said de
ceased, inav he proved and allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of Clarence Kum-ne Labbitt. deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
tion ot sanl
,,,.. I t -irol III.. ... imnKlr:
Jennie . Kho.ien, riamtii!, vs. I- ianK .... ...anted to Maude If. Labbitt.
Uhoileti, Defendant. J
The defendant I-rank L. Loden will i.,.pi,v ordered that vou. and
take notice that on the Nth .lay of I ,, int.,,,st(.,i in sai.l matter.
lanuary, 1!I17. the plaintiff. Jen me . 1 ln .i,ar :l t the Countv
Lhoden. tile.', her petition in the IMs- . ;,-" . ... . "., ,', -,,, fry:,,,i countv.
tri.-t Court of ( ass ounty, -NenrasKa. ,.,v. flf Mav nu:. at
thv praver of which is to ohtain a ie- . ...... ..... if .,nv
cree of divorce from the del enda nt J' " to" ;. : ,0-?- )- of t he neti
u pon the cru.iml of extreme cruelty there be. w hV the piayei ot the .Pol
and that her maiden name l.e restored tioner should no be .'a a d a
lU I'ti. I . 1,.01, io- fn..,--.of l-i" lriv-pn
Tt-ill ri q n nncwfr in ' rtl n hoil io oa.j.ib. .
i.i:; i. Mini i:
The defendant
said petition on or
dav of June .117.
before the lSth!to all persons interested in said matter
bv mildishinsr a copy of this order in
the l'iattsmouth Journal a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said county, for
In I lie IINtrlrl Court of tlir Cmmly of
Ciikn, pliriikft.
Chatlcs II. Shopp, I'laintiff.
Walter J. Ij-mln;', et al. I i.-fendn nt .
Noliee of Suit to Unlet Tifl
To the defendants. Walter I. L.-rni'iEr:
Ay.uhak Jan-- Letiuriu; the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, p.-isonal Mp
fesentatives and all other pi-..n m
teresti d i:i the estate f a 1 1 r C
Leminir. d.-t ea s.-.l : the unknown
heirs, devisees. louatces. person. tl rep
resentatives and all nti.-r --rs"li in
terested in the stat" of A-uhak Jane
L-minir. .b-cea si .1 ; ;-! t.-.- 'ai.d-r-
niiinl; Mrs. ii ; Vand rniatit. In -1
real name unknown: the unknown
h.-irs. devisees. i---."atc.s. personal ie
rcs.-nt ;it i-s and all oth-r p.-rsoris in
terested in th" .-state of ;. rtie V.iii
dermant, deceased: the niiki."n
heirs devisees, legatees. n ni;;il I p
I esehtu t i es and all oil it ' ism..- in
terest. -,i jn the estate of Mr- llcitre
Villi' id Tiiant. tirst real nann- in. k n- n.
deceased; Mis. John .. Him I man. tn-t
real iiame lijikimu n: the unknown
heiis. devisees, leirate.-s. pct-opal ft'-
resentat ives and all other i-"ia lie
tetested in the estate of Join 1.
Him T. man, deca-ed; T. S 1'oilier. Just
real tuime unknown: Martin Ann Col
lier: the unknow n heirs. i'.
tefs, personal repi -ri t a t i s and ail
other persons interested ill the .--tale of
T. S. Collier, Jiist real nan unknown.
ilt-oii.-i-.i; th.- unknown !: .v. i. i
leuratees. I e p res.-r . t a t i i e - and
all other t'lesons i li t e I -t I in the .--tat"
of Maltha Ann Colin r. ii... as...
Francis J. I'eters: the m, known ! r-,
devisees, legatees. pi lsnal l' l "'
sentativ.-s and all other perr-on- i i;..-est.-.l
in the estate of l-' i.- J. I ' I r -.
i. -cas.d: the unknown ..wro-is and
the unknown claimants of t)..- north
east quarter NK 1 - 4 of the north
cast quarter INK l-4i '! section si
(Ci, township i lfv. ii i 11. north ram-'"
fourteen ill), and of the ti' tth.-i-t
quarter INK 1 - 4 of th" noitlci-t
I NIC l-ll of section thlMV-oh" i.:i.
township (l-'i, north ran-" f'initii ri
(Hi. all east of the '.th l M. In ti"
Countv of Cass. Nehra-ka.
You are notified that on the
lav of April. A. I . l'.HT, plaintiff t.I'd
his suit in the lust if. t I'oint of II..
Countv of Cas-s. Nebraska. to qui. t
plaintiff's title to the above .u-s. , , i . t
lands, to-wit. the north east quarter
(Ni: 1-1) of the northeast i.M! l-li of
section six C), township eleven i 1 1
north ranire fourteen ill) and of 1 1
noitheast quarter INK 1-4) of th
northeast NK 1-1) of scili-m thirtv
one l n 1 . township tweiv.- 1 j i. rintth
ran ire (U). all east of tie Mli I". M.
in the County of Cass. Nebraska, be
cause of his adverse possession by him
self and his srrat.tors for more than
ten years prior to the comrmriccmeri f
of said suit and to enjoin each and all
of vou from having or claiming anv
riedit. title, lien or interest. either
le;;al or equitable, in or to said lands
or any part thereof: to require you .
set forth your ritrht. title, claim, lien
or interest therein, if any. either
or equitable, and to ti e same
adjudged inferior to the title of plain
tiff and tor Kenera! equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to th
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday. Mav Jth.
A. D. 1'J17. or your default will l Ouly
entered therein.
First Published April 1C. 1917.
I W 4
i '.-