PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PA HE 5. THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1!M7 (Murray Department wmm I E MOVIES I Jf I J . JL j s.v N -AT MURRAY -1 si Iff jG I want ailiicwslterts Eujtok 1 :? t ,, jm,,,, tu.uinii . i n ? ?'-.' iff . - I Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers . ' J j "j 'l w suffers . "Lberty" I ,AdSBWT?SK-st 5flni rAmrUL Abb Den I fe . . , Eli wiir-nnlM 0 -in two reels nil I lOfefff - "The Burglar" VW 1 ifJt tit MB I MVio cir-lr iY.- Jhc nact fpv I 1VS. " I PC " In vj -gLLirf"." . r y IS I Lfc Your Bank Account Take time by the forelock. Don't be satisfied with a small balance in bank. Deposit every dollar that you dont require for your actual needs. Money is safer in the bank than in your pocket or in your home. You 11 be more loath to draw a check than spend the cash. Sez us about an account. XVc do all kinds of banking. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Oar deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAftK .Si.rwav ii: ) .Mrs. Arthur Hansen spent with home folks Offer ?lOf.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. .liss era Yard ley isspendinjr a u day with her aunt, Yennie Iiho- 31 r. and Mrs. Charley Creamer rnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V.'. ker Sans. x Mis. Fr: nk Cam:ell spent the af-U':-i!.'s nr.e day this week with Mrs. C:.a-. Woifc. Mr. G. M. Minford and Mrs. Chas. 5ia;;.irier were visitincr friends in Weepinjr Water one day this week. Mr. Mrs. Holt. Shrader came v v r from Weeping Water last Sun c:.y ta spend the day with home folks. Mrs. I'.ert Rout has been numbered v. nil the sick for the past week, but :cporu d ;-s improving for the past A w diiVs. CI .u ley Creamer delivered his corn tr tr.e Farmers' Elevator Co. Mon ;iay uf this week, receiving ?1.:J0 per Ku-hel for it. Mrs: Dave O'liicin, of Plainview, Nebraska, has been spending a few :...- wit!: Mrs. Georgia Creamer, al-.-'j Mrs. Jennie lihoden. Mrs. O. A. Davis entertained the Tl iir.ile Ilee at her home last Fridav ! Fred Condon was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. Lee Farris is numbered among: the sick this week. II. II. Nickels was a Plattsmoutl visitor Tuesdaj1. Mrs. Arthur Hansen is numbered among the sick this week. Goldie Biel has been numbered with the sick for the past few dnys. Mrs. John Hendricks was eallimr on Murray friends last Saturday. G. E. Nickels was looking after business matters in Union Monday. Chas. Good was transacting busi ness in Omaha last Saturday even ing. France Pace and family were vis itincr with relatives in Plattsmouth Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Val Gobelman were visiting with relatives in Plattsmouth Tuesday. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Speck have been sick for the past week. Mrs. E. S. Tutt and Mrs. O. A Davis were Omaha visitors Tuesday of this week. Ederar Creamer has been suffering Last eveninc: Mrs. F. M. Younr, jr., of Murray, su;Fen.'d a very painful in jury at her homo" as the result of fal! ip. (".own a fli.uht of staiis. which caused quite a painfjl contJ-:-,a and wound just over the riuht eye. Tvlrs. Youn was just completing the eve ning work, an 1 f i ii 1 i i . r occasion to jinproach tht cellar stairway, missed her footing and fell. Although suf- t'.-'i'ii- :i !-. -it d"ll f"f.-i ih ttH.i'l- sh:' aide to ro to neighbor, whe:-e md' was summoned, and it bviZ Iter to this city aminatioii failed t broken bones and the parent was that in the forehead. Mrs. Younjr wa taken ic!: home but it :t'. i i . in' the hous:1 of a 'al a.- - vtance was decided to . where an ex tiisclose ar.y only wound aj;- cov:rs from the effects of iuiies received in the fall. the 1!!- TIIE LADIES' AID S;11LTY At Motl.oi "The Bandit's Wager" a one-reel Big U comedy HALLS Saturday Evening:, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp Are you going to need a corn planter this spring? If you are let us call your attention to the new John Deere No. 999 planter with a few of its many distinctive features: Well braced steel frame; quick detachable steel runners; entirely enclosed oil-tight gears; durable roller clutch; var- ible drop; foot drop; simplified chectc heads; reversible pul ly, in fact this is one of the best planters for this locality you can buy. We have only a limited supply in stock and will be glad to supply you while they last. 19 oun i!'n,e in ftern ! oen M II ! - pvil a. te. noon. rain in Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday. Oldham's bejran shipping their spring pips Thursday of this week, which shipment covered the territory of Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri. James Terrvberrv and familv. Otto Despite th fact that it j Schafer and wife, Nick Opp and wife, vas ra;n:nr and theiweather very Frank Boedeker and wife and John bad. sixteen members braved the j Hansen and wife were Murray vis- to te in attendance. itors iast Sunday, jruests at the home Charley Wolfe, who has been in the I '.-pital in Omaha for the past few v ak. has returned home, and is feel ii ir f: ii:y well. He is jraininir in .- ' i.'."' h. Iut very slowly. The many u-iiii- h'ipe that he wiU son be re-t-l red to his former jrood health. ;ir. and -Mrs. L. I), lliatt were Plattsmouth visitors last Sunday. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. Elmer Hallstrom was visiting with relatives in Plattsmouth last Sunday. Misses Laura Puis and Henrietta Ci earner were Plattsmouth' visitors last Sunday. Fred Meisinrer has been shell inp: and delivering his crn to the Mur ray maiket this week. Louie Puis and family were Platts mouth visitors last Sunday, quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hild. Miss Anna Jirousek has been at the home of Mrs. L. I). Hiatt for the past few days, where she is engraved in sewinjr. H. C. Creamer is now driving a fine new Dodjre car that he purchased on April ISth, a nine p und baby this week from the Gorder Agency -iti. n0th mother and little one are in Plattsmouth. doing mcelv. M.r. and Mrs. S. O: Pittman, Miss Miss Gertrude Long returned homo Gertrude Long, Miss Etta Nickels ' froni Omaha la.-t Sunday w here she and George and Lee Nickels were h;is hn viitir!- with hrr sistr. Mrs. Robt. Shrader. with an attack of appendicitis for j r.;v i.n the past few days. :. j.j m,.s. Uovd (I II. C. Lonjr was looking after seme ( v.'ai -re n Wiley assisted by .Mrs. Anna business matters in Plattsmouth White, entertained the Ladies Aid Thursday of this week. . j Society of the Christian church, also Mrs. Myra McDonald drove to j the Missionary Society of the Pres Plattsmouth Tuesday afternoon for a byterian clitirch. it wi.s indeed a short vi.-it with f j iends. 'most pleasant afterr.oon f.r both so- I .; ..: . . . .1 . 1 .. 1 l , . The little babv of Mr. and Mrs. ....e uc.M.ue: ,.i-.-ei.. Ed. Shumaker has been on the sick ' J'c-port one list for the past few days. John Hobscheidt, Jr., and family were calling on Plattsmouth r.ier- S r-'iijints hist Saturd:iv eveniaLT. I The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenton, who has been sick for I"--11 . . i ii;'r were tho.-e in Dili, wI:o has been on the sick l:.-t J Mesdames M lor tne past lew wet-Ks, out impro- lu-ndriCKs. V ing slowly for the past few days. Donald Services at Lewistor. church J-v.m- j D. A. day afternoon at three o'clock. AjJ.L'd. cordial invitation is extended to all. ! A . S. Ben Dill and Chas Tucker were Platsmouth visitors Tuesday, Mr. Dill making a visit with his father, A Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pittman, Miss ot tne m;.-t enjoyable cc- easions of the season. Ice 'cream, ca! e and c:fTee was se rved, anJ the afiernoor. spent in i ..' way. Miss Esther litce enteif air.ed the ladies r vi 'iy s,eiect;ons, sang a Foilow- i wnn K--!ard lhe i numbei a nuifii.jr c.f piano Mrs. Harry ('.-fame ot excellent .-i.o: (" ria Gapen, V"m. !.m. Bri.wii. .Myra Mc !. X'iiai.i, Wrj. Wiley. ii, .. Y. WiTnedy, ('assie as. Cra.iit'eT, Win, Sporer, W. noi II. Etta Nickels, Lee and George Nijk- ''" ' .i n:.... ti, H. I. VIS were 1 iailMliUU'.ii hi; . Saturday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton, Gape::. V. G. Boedeker, Get.. Pari s. D. C. Rhoden, Joseph Dictl, Ona Law tor.. J. F. iirendei. Rev Tartan. T. S. Barrows, Iva Long, E. O. Ly Dak.. Lloyd Gupen. Will Sevbolt, J. W. Jacks, n. J. Baxter. W. F. .m i'utn-.ai1 v ci ! O, . 'ream i iumurtis V. Ban Eliza Y.ui.'.r. :vs, B. F. mcr. II. G. Twdi W. E. Dull, C. Bre.'Hiel, H. C. , Janes Holmes, lattsr.n II. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boedeker. Mr. and Mrs. Boedeker expect to de part the fore part of the month for their new home in Wyoming. Cars haye been ordered and they are pre paring their goods for shipment this week. Martha Washington" a name which sounds ood and the shoe it applies too, is as good as the name. It's solid comfort for the ladies' tired feet. Made in many styles, and carried exclusively at the store of VTTT i Tutt. MURRAY, NEBRASKA Wil 1 Oliver and wife and Miss Marie Hutchinson were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Hendricks. Elmer Hallstrom has been talcing a few days layoff from the Murray State Bank, making a business trip in the western part of the state. i. K. S. Tutt. Frank Reed. T II n,,-a- O A Davi.'. Chas. Spangler, Joseph Cook, T. J. Breruhl. J.tmes fhitchelt, L. D. Hiatt, Albert Wheeler, John W. en Wik v. Anna M. White, Margie Walk- Noeii, Wan .Misses Etta Nicl- or, Mattie G.iien. Henrietta Creamer, Ciara Y"unu rdarga.rct Moore, Es ther Rice, Margaret Spangler, Leona Davis, and last but not lca.-t, the dear children, Sarah Elizabeth Wil ey. Margaret Wiley. Margaret Long, Marv Lvman, Stardey Lyman, Elea- : ' Mi!.w.,l rT..-.n-...f Flo At:.. T- X- :. 1. 1 m . .1 . i Iim V i til .llfl , ." i,av j v. ., .hiss L,ua -ieieis uuiei Luini-u i . , c. , ,. . r , , sie Eve ivn .oeii. Murritu Sundav dinner Harrv L. C reamer and i ',!-! t:... t...,i,.. -;,a-..i. vi:..- i.i I Ricnard Lrendel, Chas. Spore! Noell, , Lvle Good, Chas. Gooel and G. E. Nickels. L. D. Hiatt was in Weeping Water last Tuesday, making a brief visit with his parents, who have been quite nick at the home of their daughter in that city. They have been improv ing for the past few days. Oliver Lloyd sold has saw mill out lit this we'ek to Elmer Boedeker, who loaded the same with his goods and took it to Idaho with him, for the purpose of cutting up lumber for erecting buildings on his ranch. Mrs. Nicholas Opp met with a very serious fall at her home in Nehawka, last Monday, in which she suffered a broken arm. Her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Beodeker, has been with her mother since the injury. Owing to Mrs. Opp's advanced age, her recov ery will be very slow, Mrs. Jennie Rhoden has been seri ously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. It. C. Gregory, west r a: t ,i oi jiurray, sunenng witn a severe attack cf diphtheria. Her little daughter, who first contracted the trouble, is getting .along nicely at this time, with every prospect for speedy recovery. White. dioer fer Jim Hill. On last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Glen Yailerv and Mrs. L. McYey gave a s:vver The afternoon was .'jK.-nt in a social way and rial ing fancy work. The articles made and presented to Mrs. Hill were placed in a basket and she was requested to guess theVontents vl each package. A very pleasant tiTTo was enjoyed by all. Mrs Yal lery and Mrs. McYey served coffee, cake and fruit salad. The guests were certainly entertained, and those present were -Mrs. Louis Young, Mrs. Parr Young, .Mrs. Harmon Beck, Mrs. Cameron Cathy, Mrs. Will Renner, Mrs. Charles Mutz, Mrs. Glen Rho den. Mrs. Harve Grugg, Mrs. Ben Dill, .Mrs. Jamrs Campbell, Mrs. Ray Davis, .Mrs. ritz Tigner, Mrs. Glen Vallery. The afternoon was a very pleasant one for all. for Mrs. Jim Hill. United Presbyterian Church Not'-.s, The Sabbath School wiil meet next Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. m., and the pastor will preach at 11:00 a. m. and also at 7:30 p. m. All those wkase obligations do not call for their wor ship elsewhere are invited .to join in these 'services. A want ad will brin what you want, tents a week. VERY PECO- LiHfi HKU oiint I f 6 , ACCIDENT Rc.bc rt Shrader. While Removing Family to Fort Croak, Loses A r to and Contents From Fire. A very ur.u i:al incident that led to the desti uctir.n of an auto-truck be longing to Robert Shrader, is reported hom Omaha, where Mr. Shrader is now located, and engaged in the trans fer business. It seems that Mr. Shrader was engaged to move a fam ily ftorn South Omaha to Fort Crook and, last Monday, started to make the trip. One load had been sent on and Mr. Shrader' loaded the piano and a number of rugs and other smaller ar ticles in the auto truck for hauling to Fc t Crook. It seems there was a a ox containing reveral Hat irons placed on the truck, and someone care-le:-sly-th'ew a box cf matches in this hox with the flat irons. The jar and movement of the truck along the road caused the irons to toss about in the box and caused the matches to ignite. Mr. Shrader, who wasr' driving the truck, did not notice the fire as the wind was blowing from the direction he was traveling and prevented the : moke from attracting his attention. He noticed, however, that several par tics residing along the road were try ing to attract his attention, but thought they were just waving at him for a joke and kept right on traveling alen. Finally when near Fort Crook a farmer and his wife came rushing out to the road, and their frantic ges tures and cries caused Mr. Shrader to stop, when he discovered that the rear of the truck with the piano and other articles was all abke, and just as he jumper! from the burning truck the gasoline tank exploded, complet ing the work of destruction of the Hoot & Parks, Contractors end BoitrJer Atito Turns Over. No Job too Small or to Large! Phone 40 or 25 ftlurray, -:- Nebraska ifiOi 72 1 B tat". oki Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so w. r. Yoone Henry Rice came very near meet ing with a very serious auto accident la;:' Sunday when his Ford car turn ed completely over, breaking the top and windshild from the car. Phil Lambert and Earl Barger were in the era- with him, and were driving at a pretty fair rate of speed when they came to the corner near the res- of Chas. Carroll, the car be came unmanageable and landed on top of the occupants, without the slight- pf 3?f rftnffc- flft&rfiSlffl s still in the ring You will find on the Murray Exchange. ' Reverse ill! Galls! Satisfaction Guaranteed Rates Reasonable l Address t est injury to any of the boys, and on ly as above stated to the car. iurray Hardware and Implement Go., MURRAY, NEBRASKA truck, and it was by a fraction of lews than a minute that Mr. Shrader es caped with his life as he certainly would have ben killed by the explo sion. The auto truck with the excep tion of the trucks, was a complete loss as well as the contents that were be ing conveyed to Fort Crook. Hcw ccr heavy the loss to Mr. Shrader he feels fortunate that his life was .-pared a." a few minutes more would have co?t him his life. Mr. Shrader is veil known in this counfy, having been born and reared In the reighboihood of Murray, where he resided up to a short time ago. Christian I hureli Chimes. ART BAKER GOES TO HOSPITAL. Route No. 1 The many friends of Arthur L. Baker, of Murray, will regret very much to learn that he is at the Pres byterian hospital in Omaha, where he was taken Monday evening to under go an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Baker was taken suddenly with the attack and to secure him relief it was decided to have him placed in the hospital. Mr. Baker has many friends in all sections of Cass county who will most earnestly hope for his speedy recovery from his affliction and to have him back with them, re stored to health. The Rihle class had a la:vc increase in attendance last Sunday. The Je--sons are intensely interesting i.o' and you can't afford to nibs their,. Come to Sunday Seh.-o! neit Sun day. 'm.e topic of the moi !iii.-' Iiscoar. will he "Seeing the Invisible" or "Lessons Suggested by the X I !..-.' It will be shown that mo-'.en: .-ci.-i.-tific discove-ies refute the claims of infidelity. The evenincr subjt :'A be "Rightly Divining the W.-rd Truth. The Bible School will oh- rve Chil dren's Day on June 1". Tki- wdl j he in the interest of foreign n:'.-i:. I The children who wiil take ;ait in I the service arc a-ked to v: et a ! c! i!i'c;i at 2 o. m. Sat'i'div to l -l . I gin practice. FLAG STICK ERS. The Journal lias just r.-ceiced a new line of American flair sti- la r- j that are so popular over the co..vt:y at present. Call in at e : ce and se cure your supply while they last. Buy your stationery at the Journal office, .where the line is the best and largest in Cass county. Edgar, the little son of Mi. ; -! Mrs. Charles L. Creamer, who .,, been si Jerinir with a sevi re attai I. of appendicitis, is reported as beiaj very much improved, which will !. pleasing news to the f nerds f the Creamer family. , Just Arriving!! ur LB Ml ft Geeos! CONSISTING OF Very Splice Patterns cf Thin ods as well as, Percales, Ginghams and Calicos! New and Up-to-Date Line for Men, Women and Children. Remember OurGrocery Stock is Always Up to the Standard! Pols & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Drs. ftlach & Fiflach, Ths Dentists The largest and best equipped dentil ofnee ia Oman. SpecialiiU ta charge of all work. Ldy attendant. Moderate PHce. Porcelaia fili-a, just like tooth. Instrument carefuby bten.ued alter uan?. Send for fbek sample of Sani-Pycr Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA Fistula-Pay Wfcen Cured ti'i. F ii pi f's?. A M cystrm of treatment that ceres run. Fistula and til L3 t2 "iiSVCSV acastLptic A cure Cu&ranreedir, every car cx-:.trJ for trcetment. and no tnonev to h paid unti I cured. W ritefnr book on K-ta I P.ein. itii crr.t and testimonials o! mere tti3 10;0 prociincnt people who havs bees prmsDrntiy cur?l. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 See Building CMAHA, fiCCRASKA