The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, APRIL .. 1917.
First Security Bank
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
We are anxious to assist the farmer in feeding and
handling his live stock for market
Deposits In This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCHNEIDER. President
W. H. LOHNES, Vice-President TV J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
Singular Pertinacity in Shifting From
Known Evils to Those of the
On Saturday morninp; the town was
startled by the report that an un-l
known man committed suicide at the
Platte Valley House during the night.
The Herald reported repaired to the
.-pot and found only too truly that a
) (Jerrnan, about 48 year old, had ar
rived there the night before from the
Omaha train. He enquired for a Ger
man boarding house and had been di
rected to the Platte Valley. He retired
at once to his room, after giving the
clerk about 00 in money, for safe
keeping. In the morning the clerk
went up to get an extra basin from
hi.- room, and found the man dead.
By his side were found four bottles of
strychnine, two empty and two about
one-half full, and a 4-ounce phial of
chloroform, nearly one-third used.
He had taken off his boots, hung
his watch on a nail, evidently took the
poison, prepared the handkerchief with
chloroform, then blew the candle out
and stretched him.-elf outside the bed
clothes, fixed the handkerchief over
his chin, crossed his hands on his
breast and apparently died with
scarcely a struggle.
The sheriff and Dr. Richmond were
at once notified, and later, Dr. Living
ston and others. After a brief ex
amination by the surgeons a jury was
empanelled by Sheriff Hyers, acting
coroner, as follows: W. D. Jones, H.
W. Sage, Alex Schliegel, Jas. W.
Woodson, P. P. Gass, J. W. Johnson.
The following witnesses were subpoe
naed and testified to the facts briefly,
as follows:
E. P. Waterhouse (clerk) sworn.
Told when the man came, about going
to room, etc., gave him room 12; man
came down about 10:30 and wanted to
see clerk or landlord, wanted some
4. water, took water up and he handed
me his pocket book and told me to
take care of it; asked how much there
was, he untied it and counted it
about ?28 in bills and some silver, $30
in all; turned it over to Mr. Bons.
Next morning wanted the basin and
Auto yyeir
with present conditions at the various factories exist
ing and the scarcity of freight cars in which to trans
fer autos, it is a cold fact that a great many buyers will
be disappointed at the inability of agents to secure cars
with which to fill orders already sold. We anticipated
this condition early and bought a supply of cars of both
"Studebaker" and "Maxwell" autos and can make im
mediate delivery to you. Think this matter over care
fully and call on us or write and we will be pleased to
give you a demonstration of either make.
There is a raise in price of both makes which we
can avoid if you will act quickly. Subject to stock on
Studebaker 6-50, f. o. b. Detroit
Maxwell 4-40, f . o. b. Detroit
Maxwell 4-30, f. o. b. Detroit
Cedar Creek - -
went up, found man dead and note on
(The note was in German, and says,
his name was Herman Rheinfeldt,
born in Hanover, been in America five
year?, often sick, and had been out of
work three months, had not much
money and would rather die than
Irving Hill, P. H. Thornhill and Wm.
Splain, who had adjoining rooms, all
swore to about the same state of facts.
P. B. Murphy told that he was called
to room 12 about 7:30, saw man dead,
One More.
Scarcely had the hearse passed
from our sight with the dead body of
Rheinhardt when we were again called
on to listen to the despairing cry and
view the dead body of another poor
unfortunate. The cry sounded up
Sixth street, by the Herald's house,
'Come, doctor, quick, a man has shot
himself." The voice was Charley War
ren's and we learned that the cry but
heralded the ugly truth, and the story
of yesterday had been repeated with
slight variations.
Some three months ago a quiet,
youngish man came to J. G. Cham
bers' harness shop for employment
and got it. He had worked there
steadily since, disturbed no one, was
not of the drinking habit and minded
his own business. He always seemed
rather sullen and morose, it is true,
but no one knew any harm of him.
His name was J. K. Weir, and, last
Sunday morning, June 1st, about 7
o'clock, he shot himself twice with a
revolver and died in half an hour. No
particular cause was assigned except
that he was "tired of living." Mr.
Chambers says he seldom held any
continued conversation except about
the civil war and on religion. Pic
tures of Tom Paine and Bob Ingersol
were found in his trunk", and it is said
he was avowedly an infidel on re
ligious matters. He had been a mem
ber of the 102d regiment of Illinois
Volunteer infantry during the war.
Saturday afternoon he seemed low
spirited and felt bad. Chambers asked
him what was the matter and if any
thing he had done affected him. Weir
answered "no," and added some
gloomy remark.
When told of Rheinhardt's suicide
he said "he (R.) was better off dead
than alive, and that he wouldn't mind
going to hell himself if he was sure of
having the company of two or three
ahead of him."
A jury was duly empanelled and the
; 635.00
Sl ayLT
- - - Nebraska
following persons gave their evidence
accordingly as they saw deceased at
or about the time of his death: Mrs.
Chas Warren, Chas. Warren, Dr.
Schliddnecht, Dr. Livingston, Richard
Newell, Daniel Robinson, J. C. Thomp
son, E. K. Parmele, J. G. Chambers,
Henry Herold, Byron Miller, P. B.
Mrs. Warren said she got up fif
teen minutes to seven Sunday morn
ing; heart groaning, went out of house,
heard groaning again and looked in
shop and saw Weir lying on the floor.
Told Charley (her husband) to go and
see what was the matter. Charley
went in and found him lying down
with blood on him. Charley went out
for a doctor and heard a shot. I
heard him say "I am tired of living."
When I last saw him his brains were
running out. He was a quiet young
man as far as I know.
Chas. Warren testified: Came in
and asked him what was the matter.
Said he "didn't want to live." I said
Hold on, old boy, I'll get a doctor."
As I left the door I heard the second
shot. Came back when I heard this
shot and found he was shot in the
head. Saw no weapon first time;
must have shot himself -in side the
first time. Went in back door.
Weir came here from Leaven
worth, Kansas. Chambers says he
had the blues all day Saturday. He
paid him about $11 Saturday evening.
Had said he didn't believe in Hell or
Heaven. The revblver belonged to
Chambers. The man was a Mason.
It is singular that both men de
stroyed all the letter and memoranda
in their possession, evidently to avoid
being recognized any further or to
prevent word being sent to friends.
There is no doubt but that a morbid
sympathy and infatuation induced
Weir to commit suicide just at this
particular time, right after the ex
ample of Reinfeldt.
We hope sincerely that this closes
the epidemic of self-murder in Platts
mouth, as we wish to record no more
such tradgedies.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church held their regular
meeting yesterday afternoon in the
church parlors, and were entertained
in a delightful and industrious man-,
ner by the hostesses of the occasion,
Mesdames Nellie P. Agnew, Elizabeth
Travis and J. W. Johnson. A short
business session was held, at which
time various business matters were
transacted. After the business ses
sion the ladies proceeded to clean ths
auditorium and parlors of the church,
which furnished plenty of amusement
for the ladies and considerable mer
riment along with the dusting. At
just the right time the hostesses in
vited the ladies to partake of a tempt
ing luncheon, which was most highly
appreciated after ,such "strenuousity."
A little further cleaning and dusting
and then the ladies dispersed, well
pleased with the result of their labor,
and declaring Mesdames Agnew,
Travis and Johnson to be most. excel
lent hostesses.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Judge J. E. Douglass, the city at
torney, is wearing a very pleasant
smile this morning as the result of a
message received last evening from
Bloomington, Ind., and which an
nounced that he was for the second
time a proud and happy grandfather.
A fine little daughter was born yes
terday at the home of Mr., and Mrs.
E. O. Steihm in that city, and the
message states that both the mother
and little one are doing nicely, and
the good news certainly has been
pleasing to the Judge. Mrs. Douglass
is at Bloomington with her daughter,
Mrs. Steihm, and was able to greet
the new granddaughter with a hearty
From Tuesday's Dally.
The, front' windows of the Bud
weiser saloon in this city gives a
warning of the conditions that will
prevail throughout Nebraska one
week from today. In the window a
number of empty bottles once filled
with the foaming Budwtiser are
placed with a number of dry bones
and the lover of the sparkling and
foaming drinks can see a warning
of the days to come when Nebraska
will be "bone dry" for the first time
in the history of the state.
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. O.
Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3513.
American flags, from 5c up, at the
Journal office.
Office supplies at the Journal office
New German Position East of Arras
Is Scene of Fiere. Fighting
What is apparently the bitterest
fighting of the present Anglo-French
offensive is raging today along the
Wotan line, the hastily organized po
sition east of Arras to which the Ger
mans retired when the nmthern ends
of the Hindenl.urg line was turned
by General Haig. The Germans are
putting forth a supreme effort to hold
this vital portion -of their defenses,
the crumbling of which would expose
Douai and Cambria and bring into
prospect another great retreat.
The British have driven two wedges
into the German position?, forming
sharp Salients in the region of the
Scarpe river and north of the 15a-paume-Cambrai
read. The head of the
first salient has been thrust within
four miles of Vitry, the nio-1 im
portant point on the Wotan lire, but i
the tenacity and .rvr with vhi:-h the
Germans ar? fighting leaves the issre
for a time in doubt.
The little news that trickles acro -the
German frontier indicates thai tin
authorities have ' gained the upper
hand in the stnke s'tuation by the
drastic method of niilita: :zi?,g the mu
nition industry and forcing the strike
leaders into fighting lank-;.
The only news from A -j stria in son."
days is to the effect that the pan
German leaders have emerged vic
tors in the struggle for control of the
Gain on Cambrai Pond.
London, April 2 i. The Ihi'i.-h
gained ground on a wide front la t
night south of the Bapaume-Cambri-.i
road. They reached the St. Qu-.-r.tin
canal at one point. Further north' the
villages of Beaucamp and Villei-.--Plouich
were captured.
The positions gained on the French
front yesterday, says the cCIei-l
statement today, were maintained an 1
further progress was made ea--t cf
Monchy and near Recti v.
Turks Driver. Back.
The Turks have be.n driven from
their po.-ition between Samara and
Iztabilat. the war office The
British pushing them occupied Sa
mara station yesterday, captu r:r.r six
teen locomotives and 221 railway
100 acres of land, 10 miles front
Baldwin, Mich., in Lake Co., ?Ai miles
from railroad station. Price $1,2-30.
Address Louis Stava, Plattsmouth,
Farm Loar.s, Insurance and Real
Estate. See J. F. Foreman.
4 a t
Lawyer. v
J East of Riley Hotel.
. Coates' Block,
J. Second Floor
T 9
,.1 I i . .
The Celebrated Stallion
k .J
ULYSSE, 6605
W7ill make the season of 1017 at my
home, three and a helf miles west and
one mile south of Murray. Ulysse
is an extra good Belgian draft horse,
weighing 2200 pounds, a beautiful
dark bay in color, age seven years.
Ulysse is well known in this section
of Cass County, and has the reputa
tion of being an excellent fcal getter.
Terms ?15.00 to insure colt to
stand and suck. When parties dis
pose of mares or remove them from
this part of the county service fee
becomes due and payable immediately.
All care will be taken to prevent ac
cidents, but owner of horse will not
be held responsible should any occur.
A. G. uAST, Owner
E. C. Vallery of Gias; Rane, Mont.,
who has been lure visiting his father,
II. Vallery, is preparing to return
to his home in the west as the father
seems to be showine; much improve
ment. Mr. Vallery has become a real
nthusia.-tic booster for the future of
Montana, ami feels that a great future
i.- in stoie for that section of the
United States. The crops have been
the section of Mor.tar.;
which Mi-. Valkiy is located, and the
wheat this yt ar promises a big yield,
that will heip a gieat deal towa-u
stopping tin' shortage throughout the
United State.. Not only in wheat
but in other ciop- is Montana show
ing up spN-r.-lMly. and the prospects
were never hi iirhter than they are at
pie:-'-nt foi a big and successful year
in all lines, of agriculture. W. K.
Shc-pherdson and. family, foi irer resi
dents of near Murray, are also locate 1
near. Grass Range, as is aim Fran";
Boyd and vif.- an 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Boyd, all f irmer Plattsmouth people,
. r. i they a'c enjoying much success in
thei - r-.-w hemes and are strong l.-co. t
e: s for Montana.
Arrangement Made for Placing Large
Sinn in British Hands Brush
AsiJt. All Red Tape.
Washington, April 24. The Unit
ed States will lend Gieat Britain
S.-'i.o.iiuo.oiiO pro! v tomorrow, as
'he first loan to any of the entente
,vr.vt rnments under the $7,' " m,
U'.cc law signed t day by President
The nor.ey for this loan will be
av: uh.'ih' (ij; of the pio-.-eed-j of the
2' ...'. citi ..' ,-,f t!eaury ecrthieates of
iruh htednc ss. due June "' and ju.-t
piaceM with the banks of the coun
try throe-'-') the federal reserve board.
Secretary McAd-oo will call for
the i recced-- of the issue tomorrow
!. )! nine- rrd as so..n as the money is
deposited in the various federal re
sei'.v h.'.nh.- it will be available for
the govt rnm.em-. purposes. The
Briti.-h loan will be maee as sen
thereafter ;.s the recoesury formali
ties of trun.-f-.r c.n be completed.
S- -called red tape will be eliminat
ed wherever possible and the money
" hi he ph.ced to tin; British govern
ment's credit speedily, proa ably with
out waiting for the arrival of the an
swer fm London for the bonds to
Ve placed in America as security.
In thai event the United States
pi bab-y will take some other tem
porary for;-.-; f securi'tv, pending ar
rival of the bonds.
Negotatums v.-ere completed today
at conferences participated in by Sec
retary McAdoo, Lord ("uniitfe, gov
ernor of the Bank of England, and
other orficials.
Yashinrto:t. D. C, April 24. The
conscription bill was the center of at
tention today and veil' be for several
days. Iowa members are taking an
active hand, and Representative Hull,
who is on the house- military com
mittee, will speak tomorrow in favor
of trying the volunteer system. Mr.
Hull said last ni.eht the volunteer plan
in the house bill was praininu ground.
Rep escntative Good will insht strong
ly on pay of enlisted men bcim?
Senator Kenyon will seek to have
the aire limit in the senate bill raised
to 35 or 40. He said, i :o, that if men
wore to be conscripted bir incomes
should be conscuipied io finance the
war. Another phase of the army
question Senator Kenyon is studying
i elates to officers.
Senator Kenyon is considering a
plan under which appointments will
be made to West Poiiit and officers
chosen from the enlisted personnel in
stead of by the present system of
favoritism. His view is that if the
country is to have a really democratic
army of men in the ranks they must
have a real chance to rise on merit to
the top, and democracy must apply
from private to jreneral.
Representative Hull has letters from
Iowa City and elsewhere askinir
whether provision will be made for
raying: men who enter the officers' re
serve and ro to training: camps. He
predicts there will be and favors some
provision to pay men who g:o to such
camps, do prescribed work, but fail to
pass examinations.
For pood, fresh . Candy, Fruit and
Nuts, see S. J. Fweames. ,
:KrR". sw.n.
NV!li- M. Ti.onKi.--. or al..
f.K -'; Jerrtinirs F"vc-m. t al..
I U'-no.; 11 1.
"Vol iff of Salt-.
Xotl. e is' 1-f-i (! ; i --1 1 i!:at ly vir
tu' !' 01 il-r -nii : I'd in il- fure
.illiu; entill'M an.-.- ell the Huh dav
i-f "V j 1 - j I 1!'1T. 1." liu- Intrii t Court
ff 'a. County. Xel'i-iiskii, J, lie- un-iUjr.-
oj Tliomus Walliiiir. nU- Keft-r-
a U"nit'-.l I'V saiil Cmn f, will u 1 hi
Jlsi .lay ol' May J!U7. at Ten e..k
in llf ion-noon, n t tj.e South !.or of
1 1 Coert IIimi.m- in the City of I'latts
nioiijn. in ("ass ('.unity, Ni-liniska, of-l.-v
for sal- to th- highest 1 .i .1 i r for
a.-ii. tie- 1 "I low in i;- ea-s cfi !.. 1 real
1 ' t a te. t o-W i 1 :
Tl'.' w. st I a 1 f of the northeast .piar
t r of S-i li-'M r j i . t 1 1 -!-. 1 four 1 in
Town.-! io Kl-vui !!, nottl.. in l.'aimc
Xir.- Ol, east of ti..- litli 1 '. M ., ill
'a -s 'oi;:t.-, ! !a c'k a , "ti t a i ri ' i u
TT . air.-s a i-.-oftl inn' to ( nv-i nne-nt
Saa! sa'o will nmain -n for Li. Is
for on.- i mi. if.
T!e:.!.S W.M.T.TNCr.
JOHN- m. i.i:vn.,
t i .,: a- -.
Kit st I'.hiNia-l 1M7.
In tfie Comity ( .rt of C jixh oiint,
N t'liriUii.
S'ta1- of .v,'.l.ra.-ka
( 'a s --' "ol. n t , ss.
To H.i.ii.-tta llalia.-r, Mary Ilalavs
Thi.-s, l'.!r tla'aes. l.-aa lal;ii'-s
l.i'it..-. i;osa in.lin.-s SUutz. Cfoi-i;.- .1.
l.'a!na-s alol .Jos'-Jia A. Ilalne-s aid all
I - o i : s i n . i 1 ' 1 in Tie- .stat- of
.U. lailis ". Halm--.-, .I.-.' ascl :
O; li inliim' tie i'-tiiion of Xi.-ho'as
C. Ilnl!n ;layi'i a li-ial s 1 1 I '! 'U-'i t
:i:,. ::!!-. nin e of !.;- a.-.-onnt til.-U in
! f- is irt on the 1 ; t n .lay of
1U7, an-! for .li:-ti i h'it ion of tlif i.-sj-
!a- ni ti .--tat.- in ac.-.o Ua :; ill;
tta- t.-rt!IS of,t!a- will of sai-l !-
. .:-'-! arnl t . law. sin. I P i. II
that ma:- o- n -.--.-a i y t fully t.-nuin-a;-
tin- j.roi-a!- -roce. i i. j's on .-ai-l
. . tat.-.
It i- l.ei-'-n.v o:-.1.-r.-.l that ymi aiel
i--!'o;.s iatei-.-si-.i in saiil iaattT
ma-. an.l '.o, api' at 1 h- Ciamtv
C..i;it !o 1..- In l-t : in for saiU
(': -r.. ui Hi.- L'!!'l 'inv of JI.-iv, .A. 1 .
i:i'T. .it 10 o-.-U.k I; A. to sho.v
:. !.--. if a:.'." th.!.- h,.. v',- the Jifa". er
of t:.- Tut i t ioa--r .-I on!,! not he c. iant-..
ai'U that noti.-e of t h' -li.!'l!-y of
.;!!! ;i--t,'ion ail the l.-'avito.;
he e; v,. i,, persons int. rest.-. in
t-a.a matter l.y p!i 0! is h ; li a i-hiv "f ..I-.;. in th.- J - a 1 1 .- innM t h Jonrt.a'
a v-.-e.-kle .-v.aper pnnt-.! in sai.l
io-.: a t fo: t..j i . . s - i u lis
pri.r to saiil i la ' of p.-a rirjer.
(S-al Ai.l.KN .i. l:i:i:S"X.
Co nitv .la.) -re.
Ki--t I'nl.Ks! -.1 Aie-il in. 1M7.
M-:; !. MITM I'
ll! tlif Coiinly ( oi;r of ( jiis Comity,
i-1. ! :i. k i.
State of N. ! l : ka.
County of i 'a --.
To per-oas ii.i.'V'.-h-.l iti the s-
oi Kufiii' Jhihlnt,
1 'n ! in!:!''-' t'e- p.. -.iiion of Min,.. H.
lr.! Pit i pra;. P.": t hat th" instrument
th.-, p, tiis loan on tie 17th, !ay of
April. 1V.7, an-1 pu rp. i i : ti s; ' I 1 ie-la-l
' ii ai,. I t --ta rr, . a i of tl,.- .-ai.l !
e.a.tU. n:a- h'- proe.-.l aiel aii'.we.i, aiel
i r,:,-.! ,.s tlo- ia.-l will an.l te- t,.n,eiit
of ( "la -!,. -.- ih: llahhit'. ..-. . a .- I ; .-ai-i : a -I r, o a. !. t I.e ahmiTt.-.t to
prohate. an.-1 IS'- a ! :n ,' i; i s t ra t :o;i of sahl
-state he e.ia:.l..'i t" ."-laiel.- II. llahhitt,
a - nr.
!l is l.-i.-ay or-h-r.-.l that y..u, ami
all ; i . o.: int.-;-, .-t.--l in sa.i-i i..;it!i-r,
oi-iy. ami h. app- .ir at tin- County
'mi it to l.e ciil in ami lr .-ai'l en nut v,
n th-- lhtii ea of .Mae. A. 1'. :-17. at
ten o i-!.,. k A. .h, to shoe.- .-ruse, if an.v
th.-ie why tie- pra'.er of t I p'-ti-
ti-.n- i- si to., 1 i,..t l.e uiaati-.l, anil taat
noti.e ,-f t;.e peiaien.--.- of said petition
ar,.l that the i eariiiLi- t;,, !.-..:' 1... iv-ri
to ali p.-r.-o-is i-itei est. .1 in .--ai.l mattei
'..;.- on Li is hit: ;t py of this ir.ier in
th.- i '. a 1 1 s;... o' 1 1 h .lonrnai ;i s.-m i-w.--kl
;i-v. "spa ,i, r prii.t.-.l in said ceintv, f-r
three Mil-. -iv" wee its pi'lur to all
In'" of h-arin--r.
W'iia.-ss i'i.c !an.!. ami seal of sa h
. ocrt. tliis i-lst day ef Ajiri!. A. I
aim.t:x .t. in:i:s x.
( Seal Cn.i'ity .1 liilire.
I- iist 1'uhlish. il April j::, HUT.
i.i-:; " i. Mrrif
In tlit County ( Hurt of t ass ( Oiinty,
Stat- of X hrasha.
I'.'inlv of Cass. ss.
To Mertha Marks. August Stark
Mollis Pi' .Im anii Kn uei i lc Stark,
ami William Stalk, pml all persons ln
t -r. -teil in the estate of .iohann Ch
!;.!!:. .h-a.-aseii:
I'n rea.lini;' the petition of .loPann
-ie,,, Stark prayir.ur that the in
sii'iiiii.-'i! tile.i in this eoiirt on the ls
'ay of April. 1 n 1 7 . aial tu rj ft i ua to
a.- the iat Will ;t!iil testament of the
said liee.-a sed, he proved atid al
low.. I. ami re.-oided a s the last will and
testament of .!' aim C. Stal k, deceased:
that said instrument he admitted to
prohate. and tin- administration f said
tstate I..- e;antd to Jl. nry A. Tool as
e e.-1: t o r.
It is l.uo l,v ordered that yon. and all
pfisons interested in said matter, mav
and do. appear at the County Court to
h.- ' .-id in and for said eounty. on th
I'-th day of May. A. I . !U7. at U :ni
-.'.Ink A. M.. to show tans.-, if anv
there he. why the prayer of the t.eti-
thoo-r -,i, j,,,t he granted, and that
until- of ti e p. mh n y of said ix tition
and that the l'-arinir thereof he driven
to all p. rsoas int. rest. -.1 in said mat
ter I'.v p'lhl ishia'JT a eopy of this (: d. r
in th- J 'la 1 1 -nioii t h .lonrnai a smi
weekly newspaper printed in said
eoi.nty. for three S'iri essiv- tvei-ki
prh-r to said dav of heariny.-.
Witness mv haTid. and sea' of said
eoart, this L'lst day of Ai.fil, A. 1 .,
Ai,i.i:x .t. i:i:i:snx.
( S. a 1 I Ceil n i v ,J ude;e
First I-nh'.ished 1'::, r.tlT.
From Tuesday's aily.
A number of those who have made-
trips out in the country in the last
few days are very much pleased over
the condition of the roads, which, de
spite the rain and wet weather of last
week, have been kept up in line shape
and but very few muddy places where
there is any annoyance to travel are
to be fcund. The extensive use of the
automobiles is largely responsible for
the good roads, as the travel with the
autos has a tendency to pack down the
roadway and not to cut it up into
tuts as used to be the case with the
waron and hungry wheels traveling
over the roads. The road supervisors
in the different districts are also be
coming more proficient in handling:
the road work and applying: scientific
methods that aid in making: pood roads
throughout the county.
Charles Parker cf Villisca, la., who
has just tecovered from an operation
in one of the Omaha hospitals, was a
visitor for a short time with his
brother, Joe Parker, in this city, de
parting: last evening for his home.
In tin rNtrlct Court of th County of
t . rlrnkii
IIHDI'.II 141 .l(l l r.
Tn tin- matter of the sunrdiati-hip of C. ChM.-ott. insane.
TI is ciinsf on fur lifnrlnjr upon
the petition of Wesley Chileott. eiia,,I-
an of the estate of Anna C. ChiPotf.
nsane. praying for license to s.-ll the
nterest of hi- said ward Anna C. Clnl
ott, in atnl to the following d.-sori P-l
-a ; a; to-wit :
The Xort Invest on.irfer of the North
east (Quarter of S'-ction 1 w-nl y - foil r
I 1' 1 I lownslnp eleven (II) Kan-:- thir-
een c 1 " in 'a-s Countv. N-hra ka. 1m t t ha r als.j all.-i'iif II i,t tl
wife of petitioner. Anna '. C'.ih-ott,
was a l w I ir.-.l insane en the j.dli day
f Apiil ll'i'.'. and has ever since re
mained insane, and is now conlne-il in
the Insam asvlnm of the State of X-
hraska. That petitioner is t!- ow tier-
iii fee simple title of the ahove d--
-crihed real estate, and the Court is
isked to ascertain th present vain-
of the interest of petitioner's wife, ami
to authorise petitioner t sII th-- satm
at pnl. lie or private sal'.
It is "I 1 .-!. fore (irdtil that all per
ns interest.-.! j the estate and ini t-
c-T ni' said ,nna C. ("hiicott. in
ltd to th- a hove il.'-i rjl'i',1 rou state
t'ptar ticfolo lae at the office .,( tee
hik of ..--ti-it Court at I ': :i 1 1 - t.i.mi t h.
'ass I'mintv, Nel.iaska. on t he :, t'i .l.e
I" .Mav, A. I . 1 :i I 7 . at 1 t o'.lo. k A. .M .
to s'ow a use why tl eoiirt shoahl
not .h-t. rmine the present va! o- of 1 1
interest of said Anna ( . Chil.otl, oi
ind To the real estate h.-rei n - .?-. .!--crihod.
and wliv li.etis,. shoahl not I."
IZ' a n t e.l to W'e-Icv, n i la r I I a ri
f Anna C. iti-ane. to .!l t he
int. i. - t ..I .'s ward in and to the
ih..e ih si lit.. -I I-al e-tat-.
This ot !e -hall he -olved V pilli-
li-hine; th.- sail.- i -i the I -la 1 1 - in., it h
loiiinal. for at P-ast three saec.-se
w.eks prior t tl- .'.th d::y .f M.iy,
1!M 7.
ii.ited thi-- nist dav ,f Manh. T-lT.
.1 ami:s T. i:i:ci.i:v.
.1 11 dee I l --f r !'"f l'..'11't.
First r ihlic;it ion April V. T 1 7.
'i it i:.
In the IMwtrlet Conn of ( n f'omitj".
Cyril Kalina. 1 "h. i n t i .T.
1'h-. t t.-m..a h J-'.-rry Compar.v. -t ah.
I . f-ii la n t a.
T. the I'latt.-moiith F.irv Com;, an- ;
the I'nkliown ll l's. Ii. i-e. s. 1.. ca
lces, 1'ersonal 1 :. -pr'-s.-n t a t i . .imI
.Ml ' l-.-r-ons nt. -e-t.-.l in the
Cstate of .J,.. Solomon. .!.-.. i-e,: Mr.--.
Math-w !:. I, l"ir-t l.'oil Nam.- I ri-kno-.ti.
'i!'e or eid.u- of .M.ith.w
i:..vd: l:.i . rt If. I:..-, d. if liv tnir. if
I. -.eased. Tie- I'TikmoNn II. i-. Ivi-
s s. Legatees. 1'ersonal I : . I t's i, t a -
tiv. s and all (ither l-.-i-ons h t.-n-'t"!
i-l the INtate of Koh.-It 11. llo.'-d,
ceascd. ni s :
You ami incn of vim are h-r-!.y rioti-
lie.l t,hat on the IHh day ..f April.
1!17, th.- l':a::itit; h-rem. ( ril Ivili-
r.ri. tileii his p. tition m the ic-rin r
nirt of Cass ('o'inty. .Vo.ia-k.i,
wii.i.-in oi and a. h and : I ! .. i
ir.- made defendants, the ol. .-. t. pur
pose and prayer of which said p. tit en
i- t ohtain a decree from saal 0111
lemovinL; ( lomls from ami i;n i.-t i n u t:,.
tit'e to the followitn. des.iih.d tal
stat- in i'laintiff. to-wit:
1... is 11 11 m he re. I Thn-e 1 :. 1 and l'-.'ir
1 ; t in lPo.-k n a m I r-d in- 1 1 a nd r -l
Si t e-.-;.. . n ilr;7 iri the ';ty of
I'i.ittsmont !i. in Cas I'mntv, N--hra-ka.
aeeor.linjr to t'e ) i !-i j-and
re. m deil I-'a t t hereof.
As jiirai!. t 01 and a.-'i a .1 all of
oa. and t" t.f.'im a c-rtai" c..ii--.i:i'
.. made on Man h "th. 1 I.v or--
So'-itnon. nui.e :..-, a-. -d 1 to I .
H. SoiotH'-n. recorded in Ih.ok "I." of
deeds Ht i'iin' l"'i of vl... ....r.'s ..f
i'i.s.s Count. v. X(hra-ka. to ..nfoini to
the intentions f the lanl-r thr.,ti
and have same il."r 1 to haw cm we
ed lot :; in said hh.. k 1'7 I "ia 1 1 s m ..a t h.
X.-hraska. to said grantee. i,otvith-staidin-;"
that sail con . , a oinitt.-.l
to state u here said pr.mi-. s w.-re lo
cated, and to cN' lmle and 0,1
and oi' 11 and all of on from .-.-r is-sc-itin
or !ainiintr an-." i.cht. tit!-.
state intei . st m and to tie 1 a 1
es'at" 1;. -1 1 i!i. J in sai l petition arid
ln-f.iiv d.-siiih.-d. advei-s,. t p!aiiit.:i,
fiy reasin of l lamtia s adwis.- t
ses-i..n of said pr.-mi- -. j.v I ims.-!f
and Ins f.rrniit"i .- for mm.- t ' n Pu
a !.- prior t the 1 otn n 1. e.-ia.-n t of
this a. to..-!, and for -- h oih-i and
fiiith.-i idi.-f as inity may t , n 1 re.
This potii-e is Lriv.-n and a.hli-i
pursuant to an t 11.h r of .-aid Cntt.
Yon are rt-'piir.-d to I'tion-r said
t ' t : 1 1 on or h.-fi,r.. the Jx"h ia .f
May !'17. - U-fau!t will he taken
aeain.-t vmi tl.iein
1'laii.t iff.
A 1 1 orne v.
First I'uhlit li. d Aj.til 10th, K'17.
1. Ntrrici:
In the listrl-t Ctiurt of I lie fount? of
Chmh, elirsinkii.
Chailes II. Shop., riaintiff.
s .
Walter I. I.etn i ii ir. -t at. I ef,-nl.i n t
Notice of i:it to lnlrt 1 Itle-
To the ilefemh) nts. Walter I. l-m :
Axuhak Jan.- I.'-mm:: tl,- iinknown
heirs. i- ise-s. legatees, p. : serial n p
t es'ii ta t i -s and all other persons in
terest! .1 in the est ale of Walter ;.
Iv minr. d-eeasel : th-- unknown
heirs, devise s. legatees. J, ."si. rial .-l-
resent a t i ves and all oth"i i-cisou- in
ter! std in the estate of Aioihak .lane
I. emintr. .l.-c.ased: ;!. V.neU-r-miitit;
.Mrs. (P-oi t;.- Vand-: rnant. hist
r.-al name unknown: the unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal c-re-"
n t a t i es and all othei .ersons in-ter-std
in the estate of h-niL'.' 'an
le: rnant, d. c aseil; th- uiiktiowii
heirs .I-vise-s, legatees, rep
resentatives and all other in
terested jn the e-tat" of Mrs. ' t -ire
"a n d. rma n t . tirst r. a I rano- unkiiown.
deceased; Mrs. John 1 1 1 r. ! m.i n. tirst
real naine unknown; ti.. urikri-in
hi its. d.-visees. lor.itet-s. personal np
I sen t a t i v.-s and all other persons in
terested in the estate of .loPu I.
H iii'hman, deceased; T. S '"oi:i r. !;t-t
real unknown; Maltha Ann ('oi
lier; the unknown heirs. l- is.s. lega
tees, p.-rsonal r.i cs.-ri t a t i s and all
oth.-r persons interested in t i - estate of
T. S. ("oilier, first r.-al name unknown.
-eased ; the unknown l't. d. v i.-.-.s.
leirate.-s. personal re pres. n t a 1 1 v es and
all cther presoiis interested i-i the es
tate ..f Martha Ann Colli, r. . !.- .-a - d :
Francis .1. I'eters: the unkiiown t.-os.
devisees, lee;at es. n Im'M.iI I. ; 1.'-
sentaties and all other persons iri.i
ested in th- estate of Fran .1. I -. t. r-.
il-r.iis.-.!; the unknown n.-r" and
the unknown ilaimants of t-.e tiotti.
east .piartei- iNIi 1-l of ti..- n..i i ;,
east 'piartcr iSl-l 1-1 "f f-.-iti.... mv
Mi), township eleven '11 , moth'
fourteen ( 1 4 , and of ti,.- north., i-t
ouarter f.S'i; l-4 of the north. ..-t
iN'i; l-ll ef seel ion thiltv-onc l':h,
township (l.'i, north ratine
(Hi. all east of the : t h I'. M. in t'.
County of Cass. Nel.raska.
You are notified that on th.- I'd
day of April. A. I . l'I7. jhifrititT t. e.l
!iis suit in the Idst.j, t Co a it of I h
County of Cass. Xehraska, to "lui.-r
plaintiff's title to tie- ahove ..v, i 1 1 I
lands, to-wit. the north a-t ouait.r
Ni: l-ll of the northeast 'i: l-li of
s.-i t ion six (;, towiishio iev. ri i I 1 .
north ranre fourteen 14 ami of tee
northeast ipiarter i.VK l-t of the
tiorthea-t i X K 1-4) f section thirtx
one c;jli. township twelve (l.'i. laot'i
rantre (14), all east of t'e 1'. M.
in the County f Ciss. Xehra-ka. p,--t-ause
of his ji.lverse possession ,y him
self ;i ml Pis rat.tois lor than
ten years prior to the .nimencein t, i
of said suit and to enjoin indi ami all
of you from havintr r claiming anv
ritrht, title. lien or interest. either
lc,al or e. ii i ta hie, in or to said lands
or any part thereof: to re.piire you t-
set forth your riirht. title, ila'm. li.i
or interest therein, if any. either I.-tral
r e.piita hie. and to have the sarn
adiude.l inferior to the title of plain
tiff and tor general equitable relit f.
This notice is made pursuant to t !
order of the court.
You are required to answer said pe
tition en or before Monday. Mav th.
A. D. 1517, or your default will be du'.y
entered therein.
cHAni.Ks ir. siiorr.
I'lai nt iff.
w. a. noKnr.TsoN,
First Published April Jt 1017.