The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Children iy fos- FJeichess
Ed Cpsey did bu .in -Saturday.
in Lincoln
E4 e.
Ed Casey vm.-Vfdiv.-d.ty.
South Om d,
'M. TO j 1 tJ &
X C- v. . . -S- -VOW
. v s. v -u V V i. "k'"W?
Y ; IiuTO .I'.vay3 Bought, and which has bsen
i.e f-r ovur Cvr 20 ears, has borne tha signature of
.7 , , .,. and has been made under hi.; per-
"V .yvV" - son:.! supervision since its infancy.
- '--. :-v. --::- Allow no one to deceive vou in this.
J I O"-.; erf .-it:, Imitations and " Just-as-gcod " are but
L-irci-Hiciits th-it trifie with and endanger the health cf
Ili-vj-. did Children Experience against Experiment.
' What is CASTOR I A
Cu:i : i a h irmJess substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
L-.v.v; ?...: S-.'iu:hin Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
OpJ.iUi. Irlorpbiue nor ether narcotic substance. Its
iz its guarantee. Fur more than thirty years it has
K-en ia o.nut n.T e icr the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Tin;' Colic and Iiarrht,c-a allaying Feverishncss arising
tLc.-trrcm, and by reguluik'g the Stomach and Bovels, aids
the assimilation if Food; giving healthy and natural gicsd.
CLilc:i Panacea The Mother's Triced.
Bears the Sitmature of
TVTW"1 -
r . 7T T1 l
bu m over ati lests
V-'C Kind Voa Have Always Bought
i 4 K 'IT A CO T F . V rt f f V O F X CITY
assks.oi: i nn i.orisvn.M-:.
Cv.nstipation causes headache, indi
r't:c i, di"i:iness drowsiness. For a
mi;J. ojHninjr medicine, u.-;e Doan's
Heirulots. 2."c a box at all stores.
1 !. If-trd --.villi y '.nr.?i -si -ne-s
r.l lii'. ir i:it 1 1 :nr il.i. .p'..inte i
t t !:. pi-it! ! ;' - ). f Lcuis-
vil!,- p:vvi:H l, u i: v- J.4i:r: V. Hr.b.--T.
T) f....-it!-:i 1.:.- ;.t-..-:i V-dd for the few ears i y John fJ:r:i;p, L L
?:iir t ill 1 -:;:th he f 1 1 it "'.cc
;;y to u-r, irr his r.-Hcnr.tion, and the
1- ! ::. d-'ckVJ m;on V.v.
-t ti. ' ..! .;;,,. Tr... ik"t ' J;'in s- ?c?v.vart, who is ttikint-
:'d . -. ii: ,' : in ! ---meiU at the St. Joseph hospital
Mrs. T. J. Will and Miss Dora Will
v.vre ar.iuntr the Omaha visitors to
d;;y, .oiry," to that city on the earlj'
C;:; l:r'rten train this ir.orninc: to spend
a few hours. -
A w.:nt r.d v""i ;.:r:;
mi n !.!iv."r
in Omaha, came !-ivn this afternoon
! ! vi-it here fr a short time with
' MS 1 I K 'HI--.
"troVo; o.c iV-ar cs r:e fJcues t els photic"
r.-( i
7.- -,-V rAt -2c V XLil JSad l:;f
tv tLn?.tfr f!lcI:!rV Will ?nnn lv- rpnrlir nrrl
- . -I . ..... . " -7 , u.iu u ui
co"dia!!y invited to inspect the fine collection of Plants
and Mowers whicli it will contain. Do not buy any plants
until you have seen ours.
You can readily select the things that will best
suit your purpose for the home, or for friends
you wish to remember at Easter times.
If more convenient, telephone your wishes will receive
our painstaking personal attention.
See our Easter display at Nemetz's store Friday,
Saturday and Sunday
Greenhouse Phone 1 5 Plattsmouth, Neb
3 a to
0 B Ja rBBiB-
Sunday, April 8th
Dancing will commence at 3 o'clock and
continue both afternoon and evening.
Admission Gents, 50c for both afternoon
and evening. Ladies, Free.
Everybody Cordially Invited
Music Furnished by the Holly Orchestra
Constitutional Amendment lo Reduce
Size of Legislature Gees Through
Four Election .Measures.
Lincoln, Neb., Rpril 4. The senate
Tuesch y passed the McMullen city
manager bill, applying to all cities
over 1,000 population, excepting Oma
ha, the bill eliminating names of presi
uontial electors from the ballot and
the bill to submit a constitutional
ame Miment reducing the size of the
legislature. The bills passed were:
S. F. No. CJives constables
sheriffs powers in serving processes.
S. F. No. 2H8 City manager plan
f(r citie:; of more than l.OoO.
S. F. No. 142 Re-establishes su
preme court commission with three
stenographers-, at $1,000 a year each.
S. F. No. 287 Amend.-? Torreus land
registration act.
S. F. No. 140 Provides for non
partisan election of school superinten
dent in counties and state.
S. F. No. 320 Raises salary of state
veterinarian from $2,400 to $3,000 a
S. F. No. 321 Requires annual pub
lication of county personal tax lists.
S. F. No. 300 Provides for road
work bv convicts.
S. F. No. Ill) Constitutional amend
ment reducing senate to sixteen mem-
ers and house to fifty members, to
f-crve four years each and receive
$1,000 salary.
S. F. No. 212 Increases per diem
allowance for county boards in small
S. F. No. 203 Provides that mis
representation must be material to the
risk to invalidate an insurance policy.
S. F. No. 122 Permanent employes
and pension bill for city of Omaha.
S. F. No. 1S1 Constitutional
amendment providing four-year term
for county judges.
S. F. No. 308 Provides that voting
fouares shall be placed on left of ini
tiative and referendum questions on
S. F. No. 323 Provides separate
allot boxes for ballots on constitu
tional amendments.
IL R. No. 193 Eliminates names of
presidential electors from ballot.
Nebraska Senator Rebuked for
fens' of f Germany During
'Tries to Put Kaiser's Picture
United States Flag," Declares
This morning the appearance of a
war' balloon in the skv in the east
aused a great deal of excitement
nicng the residents of the city, who
gathered in the street to watch the
air cratt as it moved along: on its
course, but being several miles away
t was not possible to distinguish much
f the balloon. This was one of the
observation balloons sent up by the
United States government signal corps
frcm Fort Omaha to get in practice
for the work in the war, should neces
sity require it. The balloon was in
sight for over an hour before it dis
appeared in the southeast.
A want ad will bring what you want.
ents a week.
H RILLS, swift
action, baffling
mystery, a
romantic love affair
in a most unusual
setting, these are but
a few of the absorb
ing attractions of
It show life ia high
society, and in the mysteri
ous underworld of Paris.
A bis company headed
hy the two most popular
serial stars in the world
If you want perfect
nhotoilav entertainment
see every episode of this
great serial at this theatre.
T Saw through this ad hert. Be-'X
I to. ten tht I to parts thus sepa- I
I rated put tl.tatrt name, dart, I
I rated put tl.tatrt name, date,
Commencing at the
Gem Theatre Q
Friday, April 13th
Washington, D. C.. April 1. ''Whil
I am most emphatically and sincerely
opposed to taking anv step that will
force our country into the u c-le :-s at:
senseless war now being vag red in
Europe," said Senator Non is, .speak
ing1 against the war resolution in tin
senate today, "ytt if this resolution
passes, I shall not let mv feelings of
opposition to its passage interfere i
any way witn my dutv, as a senator or
as a citizen in bringing success am
victory to American aims. I am bit
terly opposed to my country entering
In .u I ... J. J F i 1 , t
nil.- v.ui, oul ii, noiwiinstanding my
opposition, we do enter it, all of my
energy and all of my power will be
behind our flag in carrying it to vic
IMtoats Re'.ter Than English ."times
senator .onis said that the be
ginning of trouble lay in the two
blockade orders issued by Oerrnany
ami England early in the war. Me d;-
ciareu i?ie United States had h.rgelv
acquiesced m the Enirli.-h o.-dcr .-.1
.iivj..ji, t:ii, u mere was anv
cnoice oetween English floating mile?
and (Jerman submarines it lay in fa
vor of the submarines, which can ex
ercise some discretion in atta kin
lie asserted that an wiilmrm (i ii,,
shipment of supplies from this coun
try would have broken both block
ades. "England would have been cm
polled to take her mines out of th:
North sea in order to get any supplier
from our country," said Novri
"Whon her mines were taken out of
the North sea, then xhe Oerman po;-i
upon the North sea would have been
accessible to American shipping
Oermany would have been comj e!!c '
to cease her r.ui. marine warfare in or
der to get any supplies f i om our na
tion into German North sea ports."
Says L S. Was Not Neutral.
lie asserted that the United State?
thri'.Ul have pur Girded a c rre o'
stiict neutrality and that l..-id t!ii
been done this country wouhl not r.ow
bo on the verge of war.
"I have no quarrel with the mar
who does not desire our country to re
main neutral," ho said. ''While many
people are moved by selfish motive
and hopes cf gain, I have no doe!.:
that in a great many in tance--.
through what we believe to be a mi -understanding
of the real conditions,
there are many honest patriotic citi
zens who think we ought to engage
in the war and who behind the
president in his demand that we
should declare war against Germany
I think such people err in judgment
and to a great extent have been mis
led as to the real hjstory and the
true facts by the almost unanimous
demand of the great combination of"
wealth that has a direct financial in
terest in our paiticipation in the war."
War is Wealth's Mandate.
"Enormous loans to the allies," he
said, "have been instrumental in bring
ing about a public sentiment in favor
of our country taking a course that
would make every bond worth 100
cents on the dollar and making the
payment of every debt certain and
Norris declared that Wall street was
demanding war "and that, we are go
ing into war upon the command of
gold. We are about to do the bid
ding of wealth's mandate. I feel that
we are about to put the dollar sign
upon the American flag."
This statement produced profound
excitement and was promptly chal
lenged. Norris said he intended to re
flect on no one.
Ralph Wbb-y spent,
hi.-, family.
Glenn Da is was. in
on b i. iness.
Fav Parsil! Line
Mond'iy night.
Mrs. 'C. R. Jordan was. in Lin
last Thursday.
in coin Fu'd.tY
in town
Mrs. Jack Davi.-- w
Lincoln Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. White
in town Saturday.
L. Lauriisen was
ne i iv of List v.i."'!:.
.opping in
i tirdi
in Omaha W d-
Mr. Henry .Miiier li ;d hu iiKs-; i.i
OifiMi Wec'nesd.iV.
Cl'.a-:. Edwards v;r: io ha :h'
"I .!:!.'! y on !,:i.-;p s :.
Fr,-t! Ch.rk b:;-; is. n on the si k
list fo- lkv: W'-ek.
TI:" Staie Cr.iver-iity .stndi-nts.
hoi'.iO on a ' i T io tins week.
Mr. and Mrs. ike wolfe wer" trad-iii"-
r t'-.c cept.l it .' Thursday la-t.
Mr. Phiipot was entei by
Mrs. (L P. Fo; en:".n Frid-iy ver.iug.
.Mr.! Mrs. Qel'l-.orst's little son
i.- improving nively and v. ill soon be
.i'lV'Std agci'n.
Ii Aoore retu -i:cd fn.m Kansas,
last Th-.i rsdav wliere be i.U nded bis
ni.'i.i'-rs i!.
S..f'. Rayles shipi'dl two car 1-iads
f cattle :iod one of bse?; South
i )niaka 'J n-.i : Ml::y.
M:-s. Sir.. ill oi' University Place wa -visiting
Mrs. Kirl.patric!. the l.iite
iart of the Week.
Pr.i'. Ui'flev was eft; 1 (sincd
f wre-Come laSee St
tq3SI'IMr.Lrt IA.i-Tm rtT fT-- T-tf - TITti i i 'im'i iSTgJ kiiHSMSSSSal
The Wevv Type Z"
Fairbanks- Morse
Economical Simple Light Weight
Substantial Fool-proof Construction
Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore Leak-proof
Compression Complete with Built-in Magneto
:; ;ki'
Vlis. G
Tue?:t!.ty evening by .Mr. and
. P. Foreman
Ivan Armsi'.r-ng v;i; surnrised bv
is classmates Tuesehty i-in;r. A
o id Iiio was reported.
Jas. Pivkirvton rturned la South
v. m re.
.on r
e i-; ph
ib.n. E. M. P.Jlard, of Ne-f'i-jf.
Gaines, of University
f imer County Sujierin
:, Smith of Univertity Place,
nd .Iiio. v:i!coek?on, a former teach-
vh ich
:i; W is ;.
of N )
(!', g-;;v" talk
which were very much
For Rent o-room cottage,
of II. Davison, P. O. Lox f.;7.
Glad to Learn of It.
Coughs that follow lagrippe, or any
deep-seated hacking cough, will wear
down the strongest man or woman if
allowed to continue; C. Smith, 1421
12th St., Augusta, Ga., writes: "I got
one 2Dc bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar and my cough and cold is about
well. I was glad to learn of a great
medicine like that." Sold everywhere.
-Li i Mi'.-;
Harry Long Monday.
Don't fail lo see "Tt-e Tn
- ; nie Fine" at the
v i S.d !irday id.-lic April 7
Mi Ei!:s Ct.-.;i w,-: t io
ii Si.nda.y l. viil with Mr
i i !r !t V i r a i '.' i:
a noiHe
il of ihe
a hou-e,
r-o'ii n
Me v
i i::::ie
;i..:e to
:its Mi-Frank
; ratsiv
Mrs. G .
it m !.!ne"i'!.
o visit, he1;" p:r-
P. :'; -emr.n.
;oi-s meet i re'
Tiinrsi: iv
be t ! i e
1 ,e
Is si
? r. --. -
tJ i t.l tA 1 t .......
" ill vM fhi
t w , ...... 11.11 II. b I V ' 11.1-
I ' I I i I V ') V.-
: .'day.
and Mi
of Lire
Ge -.
!d I-'isbr
M r.
3 V?f(o)
5 Jk t A i 53
fore 1 1 art of
e wsj
;'; is.
11 ei vs
H. s't W.
M-Msbali. of
. .Tames Ibu.,-, fc
ck and broke lie
i I
v- r a.
hsy& i
Corsets Fitted infH
; cii:'rvie t
Mr. Ovasy II
i! Tiiur-d
1 1 .
tntie theyi
R. L. Iloman will lecture Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the A. O. U.
W. hall. The subject will be, "The
Different Planes of Life." Seats free.
No collection.
How's This?
Ve offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine-.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
tha Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
Af'er you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will se? a
crrcat Improvement in your Rencr.a!
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and pet rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free."
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by all Drugeists. 75c.
V-Veii. it was I
u siel in several cai s.
Mr. and Mrs. Nueiy and children
On. aha, were visiting Mrs. Nicely'--
r. other, Mrs. Eliza Craig ami Dr.
Imors iamiiy iasi wee's..
Mr. and Mrs. ITud (J rove, of Ilave
'ock, were visiting the first part of
he wee'-' with the hitter's psivnts
Mr. and Mrs. Dan MeOendy.
Vac merchants and business men
f A'vo i;;iy' nie.ihe arrangements -.sith
the Anderson Anuisemert Co. to give
i free entertainment for the public.
Mr. and .Mrs. Faii-nckl, Sr. who
inst fiioved from Ccresco to Univcr
;ity Place are visiting their son's "airi
ly who live on 'ike Leile Loafer
Mrs. -T. A. She.tVer started for
S'oi th Platte to atten 1 a Yeeman state
neeiing last week, ;tnd will stop at
Listings and Sutton on her return
rip home.
Is 1 1-. and Mrs. C. F. Curyea and
laughter Lillian, were entertained
'ast Saturday ar.d Sunday at the
inco';n Hotel, by Representative J no.
.lurUy anfl wife.
The villlage election was held in
Stewart's Hall. The vide cast was as
follows: Chas Kirkpatritk, 24; P.oy
Coatnvm, E. D. Friend, 10;
II. Woidmun, '.K
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Foreman and
.hiid-en. Miss Lobbitt, Aliss Orde and
Charley Ileg autoed to Valparaiso to
visit with-relatives Sunday. Return-I
ing via w: y of Lincoln where they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman.
.The corner stone of the new con
solidated school building was laid at
Alvo Friday, March .",0, 1)17, at 2 p.
m. Dr. A. O. Thomas of Lincoln, j
giving in impressive adores.?, alter
which papers were presented by the
different school class organizations
and school board and the same was
deposited in a copper box especially
prepared for the occasion. There was
a large attendance from home folks
and abroad and during the evening
Special frlatinee at the
Saturday, April 14th
A treat i? in store for the ladies of this commun
ity. Through special arrangement with The H. W.
Go.ssai'd Co., we will show an intensely interesting film
story entitled "The Social Key" produced by the Es
senry Film Company of Chicago, picturing
on Living Models
See how nine women with ordinary figures obtain
charming, graceful figure lines with correctly fitted
G( . sard Corsets. See how Mrs. Allen and her three
daughters were cruelly snubbed and then how their
triumphant entrance into society was made possible
through the kind offices of Mrs. Stuyvesant.
Mothers are urged to bring their daughters as this
picture is equally delightful to young girls.
Complimentary passes are being issued by us and
3 011 can obtain as many as you like for yourself and
3'our friends by calling at our Corset Department. The
demand for seats will be great and even though we have
engaged the Gem Theatre for the entire aftrnoon, you
are urged to secure your seats early to avoid disap
pointment. Call and get your tickets today.
G, Dovey & Son
a program was given in the hall at
They Lace in Front!