The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1917.
r :Jfc
Cbc plattsmoutfo journal
Eitrd tt Postofficeat Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
rBSCKiPTio.x fricei um per year ix adtasce
Men are polished, through act
and speech, each by each as peb-
. hies are smoothed on the rolling
beach. Trowbridge.
Stand by the Stars and Stripes.
Don't believe everything you read.
The reason is here for swatting the
The "Done dry" proposition is one
of doubt.
Kaster Sunday and colored eggs
come next.
The clamor for a censorship has
about died out.
Wouldn't the food speculators look
jt-hvI on the firing line?
In these troublesome times be
guarded in what you say.
The young men are joining the
army by the thousands in every state
i:i the union.
"If any man attempts to haul down
the American flag, shoot him on the
.!..t." John A. Dix.
Ti:.e strenuous days a man has to
c some t get away from what's
coming to him. tr to escape it.
The mt serious objection to a real
polite gentleman is that he always
wants to sell you something you don't
want and don't need.
Mr. Rryan has a poor way of sup
iting President Wilson's adminis
tration. He can't carry water on both
shoulders. He has done that long
The nation's ice cream bill last year
was $"00000,000. There is such a big
demand for ice cream that the price is
naturally going up. A popular slogan
in this country is, "Swat the con
sumer." :o:-
When boys of ll are arrested on a
charge of burglary it is a sign that
there are plow handles in the coun
try that are neglecting their duty.
Plow handles can save many a boy if
they will get busy.
The man who leaves his team
landing in the middle of the street
untied should be made to pay a fine.
No matter who they be. There is an
ordinance against such carelessness,
and it should be enforced.
The sifting committee consigned 11"
bills to the waste basket in one hatch
the other day. Think how much time
was spent in preparing those bills.
Hut this is only about one-fourth of
the bills that has gone that way, and
more are ready to go.
Somcl ody has figured out that if he
received a dollar a minute for 2,000
years he'd be as rich as John I
Rockefeller. The reason John D. is
as rich as ho is, is because he never
wa.-tcd any of his time figuring out
fiol propositions like that.
According to the government's eti
mate on January first, 1017, the total
number of swir.e in the United States
was placed at C7, 1 .".'5,0 (0, valued at
?11.73 a head, or a total valuation of
701.42.000. Nebraska is credited
with na-ly one-thirteenth of the en
tire valuation, being credited with
t0(0 at 21 a head, a total of $G(,
n2"'".?i,0. Iowa and Illinois arc the
...:ly states in the union haing an
excess of swine over Nebraska.
Give us a world at peace.
A good rain would be acceptable.
Champ Clark again elected speaker.
All eves seem to be on Washington.
Civilized people don't really want
Universal training is the proper
Bock beer is on its last tour in Ne
braska. :o:-
It don't take much to encourage a
hopeful person.
After Easter, we may have some
warm, spring weather.
In these trying times people should
use more caution in what they say.
Artiiicial roses are never so orna
mental as when they bloom on a girl's
The more alimony a woman gets
the greater the attention other men
pay her.
Just aiiout the time a man thinks
he is deceiving his wife, and getting
away with it, he wakes up.
If you have anything good to say to
your friends, say it today and don't
wait 'till next week to say it.
Now is the time to think about
beautifying your own property, and
thereby help beautify Plattsmouth.
Push along the good roads move
ment. The mail who owns an automo
bile should be greatly interested in
keeping the roads in good shape.
A couple of fellows up at Fremont
were sentenced to the penitentiary the
other day for stealing an automobile.
That is the quickest way to get rid of
automobile thieves.
Deadbeats will get into the legis
lature as well as any other place.
And the biggest deadbcat is he who
makes a practice of borrowing money
from the unsuspecting members (new
members) and never paying it back.
A reputation of this character is
We used to talk about a ring in the
state house when the republicans were
in control of the state. And there is
just as big a ring of democrats in the
stale house as there ever was under
republican rule, if not more prolific.
We never had any love for rings,
either in state or county.
Every succeeding day since the war
in Europe began lias wiped out a lit
tle of the American prejudice against
universal military training. The near
er we are drawn to a war of defense,
the more the parent feels that if his
boy must go to the front, the more
he knows about how to sustain and
defend himself the better.
The young men of Plattsmouth are
thinking of organizing a company for
war. The whole country, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, and from
Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico is be
coming arouse!.
When the real test comes to protect
American rights on land and sea, The
Signal predicts that all American citi
zens, regardless of their previous sym
pathies in the unfortunate European
war, will loyally and in an effective
and practical way support our gov
ernment. In the meantime, we also
predict that many of those who are
now shouting the loudest for war will
be among the last to offer their serv
icas when actual fighting is in sight.
Platte Center (Neb.) Signal.
It is a diversion of small minds to
abuse and decry congress, as if it were
the scavenger department of a pro
vincial hamlet.
lhe truth is" says one of those
hypochondrical slanderers, "that the
two house machines have grown to
be much alike; each exists for the
spoils of office, and their appetites for
pork appear to be practically the
There is nothing in the record of
congress to justify such a wholesale
muck-raking of its entire membership.
The American congress comprises the
finest aggregation of men to be found
anywhere in the world.
Sometimes one gets disgusted at
exhibitions of partisanism that seem
to set at naught the public welfare,
but of late there has been less of that
than usual. A good many congress
men have within the past two years
arisen to admirable heights of mag
nanimity and patriotism. Only a few
have seemed to be vote-hunting in
the attitudes they assumed with re
spect to the stupendously important
questions confronting them.
To assert that as a body they are
controlled by an appetite for "pork"'
and the spoils of office is an indefensi
ble libel upon a really splendid body
of Americans and upon the citizenry
that elects them. It is an exudation
of filth from a diseased mind.
Is this bespattering of congress
with mud merely asinine, or is there
clever design in it? There are great
issues in congress. One of them re
lates to taxation policies. One set of
congressmen believes that wealth
should bear the greatest burden in
meeting the cost of government, and
has enacted laws accordingly. An
other set believes that any other itv
enue producer than a so-called pro
tective tariff law is sinful and out
rageous. It would undo the laws that
have been enacted. Spurting slime
over congress as a whole may help
the latter set some. Lincoln Star.
One of the aspects of war which
denirocratic peoples have most reason
to dread is its tendency to rob men
of their reason and deprive them of all
tolerance for opposing opinions. This
thing has already happened in some
parts of the country under the stress
of the present situation. In such
places some of the people call oth rs
traitors and in response are dubbed
grafters and dupes of Wall street.
When the Princeton university denies
the eminent and venerable David Start
Jordan, himself a college president
emeritus, an opportunity to speak on
its campus because he holds a certain
view of national policy, the mind of
the country must be in a serious state.
For if a university, under stress of
war spirit, loses faith in reason and
refuse to hear both sides of a grave
question, what is to be expected of
plain, unlettered hoi polloi like the
rest of us?
Ilecause this frenzied blight has not
stricken the middle west, those under
its influence have questioned our loy
alty. It is well enough that we fur
nish a demonstration of western loy
alty, though the west itself knows
that this can safely be taken for
granted. Hut above everything, it is
the business of the west to ke;-p its
For it must not be forgotten thai
the present questions or'-' two, not one.
The first onestion is, spall we go io
war? The second question is, can we
unite in strong support of the gov
ernment if the answer is war. The
confusing of these two questions
makes of our present misunderstand
ing and unpleasantness.
The first of these questions is a
political qjjstion, on vhich men have
a right and a reason to divide without
without compromising their citizen
ship. The question of war is th':
most v:fiii a nation can face. We
should be a strange democracy, in
deed, if only the affirmative, of that
question could be argued and agitated.
America has always stood for the
freedom of opinion on the issue ot'
war. Americans freely opposed the
Mexican war, and in the light of his
tory many Americans now justify
that position though the war was
fought with military success. The
same was true of the war of 1812, of
the civil war and of our Spanish and
Philippine wars. In all these cases
there were on both sides elements
speaking for base or selfish purposes,
but these were net the whole of any
side. Similarly in the present case,
there are business interests selfishly
for war and others selfishly against
war. There are persons who think
more of the interests of Great Brit
ain or of Germany, in taking one side
or the other of the war question, than
they think 01 the interests of the
United States. But that is not ground
enough for calling all peace advocates
traitors or all war advocates grafters
and militarists.
On the second question there is no
room for controversy. The fact that
we remain in this country commits us
to its support. American history
gives us a right to take American loy
alty for granted. Lincoln Journal.
It was a great victory for the peo
ple that was won in the decision of
the supreme court on the Adamson
law. It not only gave the bi other
hoods the increased pay they desired,
but it gave the public an assurance
that congress lias power to hereafter
summarily prevent a general railroad
strike, declaring that the right to
strike is limited by the public inter
est. Now come the railroads to suggest
thafrlhe people ought to pay for the
advantage they gained by allowing the
railroads to increase rates from 10 to
1" per cent, to compensate them for
the increase in the cost of operation
due to the eight-hour day.
If the increased cost to the rail
roads prevents them from mjoying
adequate returns on their investments,
it is obvious that the pco:I? ought to
stand for the suggested i jiich. It ir.i
been reported, however. tr.u .he
road profits for the pus: year reached
a billion dollars or more. If be
true, then it is tunc for th publk to
begin figuring on the adequacy ( f
such a return to reward, the in- c: r
ment involved. If the rail.-c;.?' are
already making a fair dividend ove
and above the additional cost, certain
ly rates ought not l be increased
Even though it is the contention of
these great corporations that they
ought to be allowed to build up great
surplus funds against the need of ex
tensions and betterments which the
near future demand.
It may be a selfish suggestion, but
it does seem manifest that if the peo
ple, paying excessive rates now, must
provide surplus funds for future rail
road building, it will be the people
who will be making the additional in
vestments, and they ought not to be
taxed with rates high enough to pay
dividends on such investments.
There is going to be no deafening
clamor for the suggested increase of
freight rates. Lincoln Star.
"Plant plenty of potatoes,'' should
be impressed upon everyone who tills
the soil. The only way to make them
If there are times when your blood
is in urgent need of resistivity, then
surely it is now, when the seasons are
changing. The sickness lies upon the
hucii, in the face of dav i's well as
in the dead of night. You can avoid
it only if you tone up your languid
blood to full capacity. Triner's Amer
ican Elixir is the best tonic for such
emergency. The ingredients of this
bitter wine speak for themselves; the
bitter herbs clean out the intestines
and together with the pure, strong
red wine tone up and fortify the
stomach, the blood and the nerves.
Triner's American Elixir removes the
constipation and helps in headache,
nervousness, loss of appetite and en
ergy, general weakness, etc. Its ef
fects are lasting. But. refuse imita
tions! Price S1.00, at drugstores. Tri
ner's Liniment is also ready for your
call. It will help you quickly in rheu
matism, neuralgia, accidents, sprains,
swellings, stiff neck, etc. If you rub
your tired muscles or feet with this
remedy, you will be surprised by the
refreshing result. Price 23c and 50c"
at drug stores; 33c and GOc by mail.
Jos. Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333-1339
S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Fresh Vegetables and
Fruit for your Easter;')
Head Lettuce,
Leaf Lettuce,
Grape Fruit,
Call 'Phone 53 2nd 54
M. L. Puby, a 'former ie.-idcnt oi'
his locality and at prt.-t.nt living
near McConk, was in the city Satur
day for a -bort lini'- iitii;g with hi
old frifnd-;. 3!r. Ruby was cailcd t
lids city by the illness of his daugh-
c ;--iu-k:v.". Id is. Tom Ruby, who ba
been taken to the ho--pi(al in Omaha
for treat t:tont. Tvlis. liuby ha.-, not
been in t lie 'nest of health for soul
time. , 'o' i.elius Ilc.igen and wife
-..ere at the hospital with Mrs. Puby
Saturday, and Sunday, . r. Kuby vis
led there cm route back homo to Mc
(.'00k. si: 1 1 kks a si:i!im s i ai i..
Charles llitt. the cni !. :;t or. is l.ii.l
i:p at his home in the south j -art of
1 lie lity sulTerin;; from the elloe's of
an accident that bofcll him Saturday
while he was engaged in some wort
at the Air Dome. Mr. Hitt was s
unfortunate as to fa!! from a ladder
on which he was working and in in do
ing so sii lick one of the wooden seal. ,
inflicting a severe braise to his side,
lie was taken home, and has since
been suffering quite a little from th -tfi'ecls
of the in.ia.-y, although it i
not thought that the injury will re
sult in any permanent disability to
Hitt, although it is quite painful.
M. W. Thomas, who has been in
very critical condition for the past few
lays, is reported as being much im
proved and the prespects seem voiy
good for his complete recovery if the
p:ve:a rate of improvement continues
for .he next twenty-four hours. Thi ;
will be most pleasing news to his
many friends, who have aaixiously
awailed wort! from his bedside.
Prom Avoca comes the news of the
deatli at that place of Cornelius Po
gard, Ul years, and one of the pioneer
residents of that locality. Mr. P.ogard
was found dead in bed Wednesday
morning at the home of his son, John
Pogard, north of Avoca. where he had
been making his homo for the past
few years. He is survived by t h
rons and three daughters. His death
was due to the burden of the years
and was peaceful, passing away dur
ing the night.
tor kali-:.
House and two lots, between ".lh
and 7th on Locust street, .'? blocks
north of Main street. Also, all my
household goods, together with com
plete set of carpenter tools. Inquire
at property. Mrs. C. A. Perggren.
3-31-1 wd&w
We have a number of second-hand
gasoline engines for sale, including
Fairbanks Morse, Charier, and other
standard makes these engines taken
in exchange for our "Honest John" en
gine, made in Plattsmouth. All our
engines are in first class working con
dition. Western Machine and foundry, Inc.
i j. c. sua up.
Modern house tor rent. Inquire of
T. M. Patterson. 3-13-tfd
Sound, Conservative and Progressive
Wo are anxious to assist lhe farmer in feeding and
handling hiy live stock for market
Deposits la This Bank
are protected by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the
State of Nebraska, which has reached nearly $1,
000,000.00 It is back of us and protects you!
WM. SCKUEIDER. President
W. H. LOHNE5, Vics-President T. J. SHANAHAN, Vice-President
J. F. FOREMAN, Cashier
Cedar Creel
Cedar Creek is booming.
Easter cards at Reams'.
Philip Stoehr has bought some lots
f 1 cm Simon Clark.
(Jeorge I leanings delivered corn at
Cedar Creek Monday.
lien. ember the dance at Sayles' hall
Sai'.rday, April 7th.
For good, fresh Candy, Fruit and
ri:ts, see S. J. Ileamcs.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Keil were among
the Plattsmoulh visitors Saturday.
Farm Loans, Insurance and Real
Estate. See J. F. Foreman.
Sam shelled corn and
delivered it Tuesday.
A i'ow houses to rent in town, the
!ir.-t that have been vacant in many
Miss (ieitie Mol.-ir.ger and brother,
Irven, were in Murdock Friday visit
ing w itii friends.
Jake Lohnes and family of Manley
v. cie i.-it .ng Pete Schroeder and fam
ily last Sunday.
Mr. John Pu.-che returned home
Monday after vi.-iting with Omaha
fi ierds for a few days last week.
Mrs. Peter Keii and daughter, Mrs.
A. F. Si y belt, were Cedar Creek vis
itors la.-t Thursday for a short time.
Some farmers ha o already sowed
their o;it., while many of the resi
dents have put in or ;:re preparing to
plant gardens.
Try the raspberry punch at Reams'.
It's a drink for summer. Will also
have it in gallon jugs. A fine drink
for hot weather.
We a;e glad to report that Mrs.
Charley Keil is much improved and
v.iil leave the Immanucl hospital in
Omaha soon for her home near Spring
field. We aie very sorry to state that
John Mei-ir.ger, sr., is very ill at this
writing, but that his many friends all
hope for a speedy recovery from his
Pev. Pcinhart ami wife of Omaha,
our minister, was royally entertained
at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Meisinger, jr., last Saturday and
Ed Wagner bought a new Chevrolet
car last week,
when he sees it
Ed knows a bargain
and he has fully de-
We have taken up the sale of
in connection with the
in Eight Mile Grove, Plattsmouth and Rock
Bluffs Precinct, and are in position to offer
our customers cars for $635.00, $940.00
and $1,180.00, f. o. b. Detroit. Have just
unloaded a car load of the Maxwells and can
make immediate deliveries of Touring or
Roadster bodies with 30 h. motors and the
new ignition system, which is a great im
provement. Let us demonstrato our cars to
Cedar Creek
tided that the Chevrolet automobile
is the best one for the money.
Ernest Tritsch and sisters and a few
friends were over from Iowa visiting
at the home of Will Kiel and family
Sunday. Ernest says that he will come
to good old Nebraska to farm next
Frank Salsburg had the misfortune
to run a stick in his eye last Wednes
day while he was engaged in some
carpenter work. The injured man
was taken to Plattsmouth, where a
physician attended the injured eye.
His friends in this locality are hoping .
for his recovery. ' f
Special Notice.
I'olcy Cathartic Tablets thoroughly
cleanse the bowels, remove undigested
waste matter, sweeten the stomach
and tone up the liver. Do not gripe
nor neuseate. Stout persons praise
Foley Cathartic Tablets for the light,
free and comfortable feeling they
bring. Will not addict you to the "pill
habit."' Sold everywhere.
Six-room house, all on one floor,
with ample closets; good barn and 8
acres of ground; good cellar and cave;
some fruit. Just west of M. P. tracks.
Price $-1,000 if taken at once. John
Hiber. 1-5-tfd
When baby suffers with eczema or
some itching skin trouble, use Doan's
Ointment. A little of it goes a long
way and it is safe for children. 50c a
box at all stores.
Make Your Kiddies Laugh
Children smile when they take
Foley's Honey and Tar
1st, It tastes good.
2nd, It makes them feel good.
It will turn a feverish, fretful, cough
ing child into a happily smiling one. . 1
Because It put a healing, soothing'
coating on a feverish, inflamed, tickling
throat. It help snuffles and stuffy,
wheezy breathing. It stops coughs
quickly, and it wards off croup.
It contains no opiates, docs not up
set a delicate stomach, and the last drop
in the bottle is just as good as the first.
Try it.
n C7T3