The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917. f
3TT-..ii m " 111111 "MU.gJLLM
r n
The Farreil Tractor
for Itself!
The 12-25 Tractor that made good at all
Past Power Farming Demonstrations.
Easy to operate, simple mechanism, three point
suspension frame, high wheels, direct drive from
the motor, upkeep cost small, four cylinder motor,
two speeds forward, one reverse, speed 2!2 miles on
low, 4 miles on high. This Tractor is the ideal
road tractor.
See it at work dragging roads, pulling three
plows, tandem disc, shelling corn, grinding, sawing
wood and all other work requiring power on a farm.
Row Operating on My Farm!
Tractors on Hand for Immediate Delivery
Papillion, Neb. Distributor for Nebraska.
The announcement of the formal
program lor the dedication exercises
of the New Methodist Epicopal church
of Louisville has been issued to the
friends of the church in that city and
throughout the county. These ser
vices will open today at Louisville
with prayer meetings in both the
morning and afternoon at home of
rhilip Kahler and-C. M. Seybert and
will be followed ia'the evening at the
church by evangelistic services. Ser
vices will be held Friday and Satur
dnv at the church. The Easter ser
vices will be held at the church and
will be verv interesting, commencing
at 0:30 a. m. with morning prayer
service and the service at 11 ti'clock
will be in charge of llev. Cettys, con
ference evangelist. At noon there
will be a basket dinner at the church
in which the members will join in a
great love least and rejoicing over the
dedication of the church. In the
evening Charles Ilobel of Puluth, will
reside at the services. This church
has been completed largely through
the efforts of liev. A. E. Wachtcl and
the energetic members of the church
and is a snlendid monument to the
church members.
Local Kews
lay s I Mily.
K:a:.k I Sheldon, of Nehawka, was
H il.c ity for a few hours today look"
after oir.e business affairs.
V. K. Fox and wife returned last from Lincoln, where they
.ae been for a few days visiting with
.ilativcs and friends.
;e--rgi- Oldham departed this morn.
: f. r Omaha, where he was called
-.- after a few matters of busi-
: and to visit with friends.
.J.irr. -s Terryi-eiry motored in this from his home in Eight Mile
i:ove to look after some trading with
the rr.ti chants for a few hours.
County Commissioner Henry Snoke
imph' in this morning from his home
Eaide to attend the meeting of the
; ! f commissioners being
F. -I. Her.nimrs ani wife came in
.id- ni- niir. from their home in Eight
MiY tirovt- to visit for a few hours
v i;h fiii i. Js and look after some trad-
i i:h the merchants.
"h.ii '.s Fvtrer and wife of Louis-
. i. 'e arid Henrv Fetzer and wife of
I n o n were in trie city toiiay in at
. !;. iaiie at tie funeral of the late
"!:s. Joseph Fetzer, wnich was In Id
" ; .- i.f tt rno n.
Aithur Young of Murray came up
thi- in company with Lloyd
C;.pv!i and departed on the early Bur-i:'-:'.i'n
train for Omaha, from where
uaes lor Colorado and Wyoming,
locate in that section of the
co ,!.tv to make his future home.
Mis. Nellie Orr Vool of Minneapo
a former I'lattsmouth lady, is in
city visiting with friends, a guest
at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. C.
iVteisor.. Mrs. Wood spent her girl-)-.-
in this city and her many old
fn- n.U v.cie greatiy pleased to enjoy
witn ncr.
i-22-I "I-I-I-Z-I- 'M-K"? -I-X-H-S
The old "Senate" building is agtun
to be occupied as a saloon by George
Edgci ton.
Livingston's black pony ran away
with the children s cart and cleared
the street, yesterday.
Sam Barker has gone to Chicago
with cattle airain. Hone hell have
better luck this time.
B. S. Kamscy, Esq., of Louisville,
. . . i , i ii. .
called last weeK to see now cue oiu
Herald is coming on.
Mr. George Mitchell and Master
Charley Parmele took passage on the
steamboat E. II. Purieo, one lor be-
dalia, the other for Kansas City.
Timothy Clark, Esq., former county
it i . i it..
commissioner, called ycsienia. n,
Clark is extensively engaged in breed
ing pure swine these days.
The new ferry boat steamed up, and
tried her engines on Thursday a lit
tle: Friday, she moved up and down
the rher, and will soon be a complete
boat, in good running. order.
The Episcopal church Easter Sun
day was very handsomely adorned
with flowers, the arrangement being
nrincinallv the taste of Mr. Llewellyn
Moore, which is a guaranty of their
beauty. An exquisite cross stood in
the front with a fringe of smilax and
fu.-chias below it and vines below that.
Pink geraniums and English ivy
adorned the communion table, smilax
our xj&us
Spring things are ready all through the store
and we're going to keep "open house"
All this Week!
tradincr and calling at the office of
County Assessor Farley.
Charles Gradoville, who is employee
... .i i .
at Have lock in the machine snop
came in vesterdav afternoon to spent
a short time with relatives an
Hamilton Mark came in this after
noon from his home southwest of the
city and departed for Council Bluffs
uhpvp hp will secure some repairs for
farm machinery.
Charles Miller came in this after
noon from his home south of the city
and departed on the afternoon Bur
lington train for Omaha to visit .with
relatives in that city.
Mrs. Fred H. Ramge of near Mur
ray, who has been visiting for a short
time in Omaha with relatives and
friends, returned home this afternoon.
She was met in this city by Mr.
Thomas Ruby and children came in
this morning from their home near
Mynard, en route to Omaha, where
they visited at the Swedish hospital
with Mrs. Ruby, who is taking treat
ment there.
Mrs. I. J. Homan of Omaha is in
the city to spend a short time at the
bedside of her mother, Mrs. James
Higley, who is quite ill at her home
in the south part of the city suffering
from gall stones.
C. G. Mayrield and James Stander
of Louisville were in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business and attending the
ccuntv convention of the Modern
Woodmen being held this afternoon
Baltz Volk and Philip Weyrich,
from Pierce county, were in the city
over night visiting with their rela
tives and old friends in thic sity, de
parting this morning for Omaha. Mr
Yolk is a brother of Mrs. M. L. Fred
erich and Mrs. Jacob Tritsch, and
being in Omaha, took the opportunity
to visit in this city for a short time
This afternoon Chief Barclay was
called down on South Thin! street,
where an inebriated gentleman was
reported to be making a decided
nuisance of himself and the chief at
once hurried to the scene and gather
ed in the offender. The was found
to be decidedly under the influence
of John Barleycorn, and announced'
to the chief that he was an I. V. W.
and also some lighting guy when he
-.s- i:n :ir.( troinir but this chd ne pre-
vent his iron g to juii a no i me
:ie was ;;c the city bastile he was les-
ulike end perfectly willing u sie-
. i i - . . i .
repose on the liixun-Mis sior.e com ne.
which the city furnish in their prison
He will be allowed t re t up from oi
ii' Ix ioie ieinr sent on his way - ut
o! the citv.
a vi-
; t i ! i-s.i.i y's I .ilv.
l.-sds Leiiar was among those go
Jo Omaha thi afternoon for a few
':...- i-it.
Will Pmmcli was in tin- city today
r a few hours looking after some
An Easter card makes a pretty re
membrance to a relative or friend, and
The Journal will be able to supply
your wants with a full line of the
handsomest and latest designs.
If you have anytning for sale adver
Use in the Journal.
The Nehawka Ellills
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
y n
0 4
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line of By Products!
C. D. ST. JOHtsJ, Prop.
JOE MALCOLM, Head fVJillcr.
Per ale by AH Dealer
The Cm: iheatev today had
1 L' . 1-
moving iciure maciiiiie oi me
type installei! by the m;mag;-r, (
reterson. tnr.t will h 1ound
provemont ov- , the maehim
in use a-iti vnicri win oermit ot
leels being run tln-ough with
stop, as is necessary now
i v.:
i :.-t o'u
it of tw
ind Marechal Xeil rose the antepen-
i i . . i ... : 1 ..
i nim. am! t ie neauuiui sinnax
wreathed everywhere over the win
dows and arches. They have also cal-
somined the walls, newly oiled the
seats and fixed tilings up generally,
and whether it was the inspiring in
fluence of the r- v. surrouiuiinirs or
not we cannot tell; but the pastor,
I!ev. Mr. Ikrire-s. i:.:st i.hmo than
pieaciud a gnu sevr.ou on .uu!a.
lie reviiy g; vw at towards the
end. lr making r.ccdc i improvements
warme:l liie clergyman nyi s.) grandly
we advise the e:l : y to keep on mi-
Tiie ch.oir also did their
There's nothing fussy or frilly about the affair. Just drop in, find out what
well-dressed men are going to wear this Spring. We've arranged displays that
tell a lot in a minute, and you can slip on a few coats to see which of the new
styles suit you best.
Most of you men seem to think you'll bother Someone when you aren't ready
to buy that's the "why" of Spring Clothes Show Days to emphasize how
welcome you are to look things over any time you wish and to introduce the
new style notions.
Buy or don't buy suit yourself. We aren't going to urge you to spend your
money but you owe it to yourself to come in and find out what's what, and
we'll be mighty glad to see you.
We Want the Boys to Visit Us, Too
If "dad' or mother hasn't time to come with you, ask them to let you come
alone. We have a dandy boys' store here and we want to get acquainted with
you. Just come in and tell us you want to look around then we'll know.
Ask Us About the "American Boy" Club!
Wescott's Sons
New ties every week!
A Word to Mothers.
p; ov.n;;
icre Willi some line rnu:
V.ctpsr.g V.
.)1 met ting !
io-?s h-..-.
iter Notcr..
rxl Monday,
'.vone east
to t nicago
t a
The new
machine is o:ie of the best of its kind
on the market and combines many
features that will go far toward mak
ing the reproduction of pictures mueb
more pleasing, as it will do away with
the tendency to flicker that is often
found in all movies, and with the
longer runs will cut out the f rcquenl
changes necessary in changing the
to Ch
gill I
.ie u.-
y la: i
f his
1 i om
SOOl t
go to
Never can tell when you'd mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise or se; Id.
Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr.
Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist
sells it. 25c and f0c.
t 9 f-
1'rofs. IJrown and Hendricks attend
ed a Christian church convention at
Falls City last week.
Prof. Abba Ilowen was invited to
address a meeting of the I 'rock Civic
league Wednesday on "Co-operation of
Community Forces for Civic Improve
ment as Exemplified in Work Done at
Supei intendent Lee Henderson of
Ainsworth, who graduated from the
Normal in li7, was in Peru last week
looking for a commercial teacher.
The first 1,0(M) copies of the Summer
School Bulletin and Annual Catalogue
will be distributed Saturday.
The Normal will be closed on Friday
in order that faculty members and
prospective teachers may attend the
Teachers' association meeting at Ne
braska City. This will be "Peru day."
A special train will return to Peru
after the evening program.
Daughter in Terrible Shape.
A-. Mitchell, Bagdad, Ky., writes:
"My daughter was in terrible shape
with kidney trouble. I got her to take
Foley Kidney Pills and she is com
pletely cured." Foley Kidney Pills
strengthen weak, deranged kidneys;
correct bladder troubles; stop rheu
matic pains and backache; relieve sore
muscles and stiff joints. Sold everywhere.
with cattle.
AI Owen wer.t to Neb;::-Ua C
week to a;ten 1 the funeral
D: e Woo.iard and tan
I.inei v.. have ju.-'t n;u.!e u.
vi.-! i.
K. Kevi has g lie
buy v.i o ; .-.
Afow..,- ! i T tit.
tu D;:!l .Johnso'l'
.'in ('win ir
Tlie Red il l.:
The li ci ::: p.-!
i:rr ir -aid l
I": of. Poller
Inst wceu to alx'Ui rendertn
"Pinafore" .th.ere.
The Ibid tic Mic'.de ?.!an company's
nun have alt lett here except .Mel ee.
They have gone to Lincoln.
Weeping Water was treated to a
furt class pra'rie lire scare Ia-t week.
The 'ire caught from Mr. Wood's ash
barrel, it (the tire) m.ircnod double
quick i:p ov'. r the hiil ioward the
cemetery and made a flank movement
in the diicclion or s everal dwellings,
but it was pi-orij.t!y met by thirty
sir; men armed wih wet gunny sacks,
who soon compelled it to succomb, al
though it was backed by a strong
There seems to be more than the
usual number of children suffering
fiom measles, whooping cough and
other children's diseases this spring.
Do not neglect any cold, for a cold
weakens the system and makes a
child moie liable to attack of more
.c:iour. ailments. Foley's Honey and
T 1. 11 I
i :ci.'vi; coegas, coins aim croup.
Fold eve: "where.
'!' n ciu'o has revived.
!t! a of their last meet
have bet n very enter
went !o Nebrai-sa City
For Sale O-ie IJ -year-old hoise,
partly broke, Iobj h.ands high, weight
1,100 lbs., lu avy lone, good disposi
tion. Inquire of K. D. Dulten, or call
Phone 127-W. l-2-21d2twkly
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy
life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the
family system tonic. Price $1.00.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
Don't Mi.-s This Cut out this slip,
enclose with oc to Foley & Co., 2S'55
Sheffield, Ave., Chicago, 111., writing
your name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial package
containing Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound for coughs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley
Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere.
Call at The Journal office when you
are down town and look over our line
of Easter cards. The largest and best
line in the city.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
When you desire a card for
Easter, remember that The Journal
will be able to supply your needs in
any design or price. The line is new
and up-to-date.
L. W. Fahenstock, II. F. Maseman
and Carl Schroeder of Avoca were in
the city yesterday attending the Mod
ern Woodmen convention as delegates
from their lodge.
Had Trouble for Four or Five Years.
Many people suffer from bladder
trouble when they can be quickly le-
lieved. W. J. Furry, R. F. D. 2, Salem,
Mo., writes: "I was bothered with
bladder trouble for four or live years.
It gave me a great deal of pain. I
took different medicines, but nothing
did me any good until, I got Foley
Kidnev Pills." Sold everywhere.
1 -
rW " V
-1 "Njina3
Styles for Men
-..Tiisiit 1917
The Easter Parade is but a
section of the March of Progress.
Correctly dressed men in this year's
procession, as in past years, will wear
because these clothes represent the greatest forward strides in
clolhes-rnaking; in fashion and fit, in taste and tailoring, in excel
lence and elegance, in virtue and valus.
The new models are here in broad array, at
$25 $30 $35
And along with them, Hats and Furnishing to render the wearer
well set-up.
"The Kuppenheimer House of Plattsmouth
t ..1: