The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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    neu oiaio HUlorlcal Soc
No. 194.
1 Great Plattsmouth Audit-ace Taken
By Surprise, and Delightfully
( Captured By a Woman
yri Tulay's Pnilv.
There has never Len an audience
i Plattsmouth, or perhaps any where
pi-e so taken by surprise, and delight
ed by brilliant and effective oratory
as was the audience at the Presby
terian Church lat nicrht.
T!ie mee' had been extensively
advertised for Ir. Sam Small, one
of the jri-eat platform speakers of
America, but on account of sickness
Dr. Small was unable to meet his
engagement, .and it was not known
until five minutes before the meeiinjr
was scheduled to commence, whether
any one was cominir t rill his place.
The time had almost elapsed when
the meetinjr was to commence, when
a little woman appeared at the door,
and inquired of the ushers concern
ing the meeting. The Usher brought
her to the chairman of the meeting,
and she introduced herself as Dr.
Caroline P.eissel, a members of the
medical starf of the Sanitarium at
Battle Creek, Michigan, and that she
would till the engagement of the even
ing. It was a most difficult position for
any one to have tilled, to say nothing
of a stranger, and she a woman. As
she stepped upon the platform a wave
of mingled disappointment and sym
pathy passed over the face of the
audience. Five minutes after the
introduction of the chairman of the!
meetinjr a complete and sweeping
change passed over the audience and
it was at once apparent that Dr.
Heissler was a master before any
audience. For two hours, in a scien
tific address from a medical stand
point on the question of temperance
she held an audience of 4 '"'" or ";"0
people spell bound.
In the subject matter of her ad
dress, in the intensity of intere.-t it
aroused, in its educational effect, in
its beauty and pathos and genuine
oratory, never has it been excelled in
the City of Plattsmouth, indeed as she
progressed in her argument and ad
dress, she seemed an inspired proph
et nt-.-s cominir upon a great mission,
and v it a a irreat message to men and
In her address it was declared that
as a pupil and student she had sat
at the feet of the most learned men
of the m?dical profession in the
wo: Id, not only in this country, but
in Paris, London, Berlin, Heidelburg
and St. Petersburg.
The great facts of the discovery of
science concerning the effect of alco
hol she wove into her address so beau
tifully that ic seemed almost like a
fairy tale. Until the address last
night by Dr. Reisslcr, it would appear
impossible that professional knowl
edge, scientific learning, the drama
and word painting: could be so woven
and interlaced into a master piece of
oratory. "It was remarkable!" "wen
derful!" and a mot interesting edu
cational and effective address such
were the expressions you heard from
tht lips of those in attendance as they
passed out of the auditorium.
The meeting was opened by a se
lection by the Methodist quartet;
prayer by Rev. YVachtel, of Louisville.
The quartet then pave a second se
lection which was splendid even for
this quartet. Attorney C. A. Rawls
presided ovor the meeting.
From Tuesday's Paily.
The many friends of Rev. R. M
Dungan, former pastor of the Chris
tian church in this city, were very
agreeably surprised Sunday when he
dropped in for a short visit with the
old friends. Rev. Dungan ha been
located at Grand Island for the past
several years, but of late has been in
such poor health that he has been
compelled to give up his active pulpit
work, and is now engaged in field
work for the W. C. T. U. of Iowa and
is located at Des Moines, where the
society maintains a home lor tne
fallen women. From here Rev. Dun
gan goes to Glenwood to continue his
woik for the society.
From TuPFtlnv's Pail v.
Action was commenced this morn
ing in the district court by
C. Miller in which she seeks to se
cure a divorce from Jacob C. Miller
The plaintiff in her petition alleges
that they were married on August 2,
1SS5. in Rooks county, Kansas, and
have resided in Cass county for the
past twenty years. In the year 1910
the plaintiff states, the defendant in
diregard of his duties as a husband
deseited her, and has since made his
home apart from his family. The
plaintiff asks for a decree of divorce
and the custody of three minor chil
dren, the result of the marriage.
From Tii??ilay's Paily.
The matter of the organization of a
company of volunteers to enter the
armv in case that the call to arms is
given by the congress of the United
States in session at Washington, has
been discussed and taken up by sev
eral of the young men of the city, and
in event of the call being given action
will be taken in all probability to
send a company from this locality to
join one of the Nebraska regiments
that will be mustered in.
This city and county has always
supplied its full quoto of men for the
ervice in the defense of the country,
and at the outbreak of the civil war
in 1Y,1. the first company organized
in the state came from this city, and
during the Spanish-American war In
1S;'S. a company of the Third Ne
braska was sent from this city.
The shadow of war always brings a
greatTegret to everyone, as it means
a great sacrifice in almost every
home in sending to the front some one
of the family, and in other means of
aiding in the support of the nation in
the conflict, but there has never been
any hesitancy in making the sacri
fice, great as it might be.
John Palasek and Emery DeWolf,
both members of the Fifth Nebraska,
n;m this city, are agitating the for
mation of the company if it is needed.
ind from their experience in the serv
ice at tne .Mexican tne past
summer and fall should be able to as-
ist very materially in the handling
of the comnanv rhculd one be formed
in this city for service.
War is something that is a great
burden, but the American people and
the residents of Nebraska are always
found ready to take up the cause of
their country at any time the call
mght come.
Yesterday afternoon at the office of
County Judge Allen J. Beeson occur
red the marriage of Mr. Alfred E.
Edgerton and Miss Vernice Hobson,
both of this city. The young people
were wedded in the usual impressive
manner of the genial judge and the
ceremony witnessed by the mother of
the bride and Miss Agnes Edgerton,
sister of the groom. Both of the con
tracting parties are well known here
where they have resided for practi
cally their lifetime and eaeh possesses
a host of warm friends who will learn
with great pleasure of their marriage
and extend to them their heartiest
wishes for a long and happy wedded
life and one free from cares and sor
row. The groom is a young man of
industry and held in high esteem by
those who have the pleasure of his
acquaintence as a young manof worth.
He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Edgerton The bride is a very
accomplished young lady and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hob
son and her pleasant personality has
won her manv friends
Cards for Easter in all designe and
prices can be found at The Journal
office, where the new line has just
been placed on sale. Call and see
Sattler Mayor, Tie cn Clerk, and II. M.
Scennichsen City Treasurer, Car
rying Every Ward.
From Wednesday's Paily.
The city election yesterday was one
characterized by a light vote and lit
tle interest and it was only an hour
after the closing of the polls when
the result was known throughout the
citv. I he closeness of the contests
for several offices will make the offi
cial count necessary to determine
just who is entitled to the ofnee. This
is the case in the office of city clerk
where J. F. Warga, the present city
clerk, was tied for the election by
George Sayles and in the first ward
councilmanship there is a tie between
Mike Mauzy the present councilman
,nd William Schmidtmann the ivpuh
'in candidate.
In the city offices the democrats
were successful with Mayor Sattler
securing a re-election to the office he
has held for the past several years
and City Treasurer Soennichsen once
more being returned to office. The
majority of Mayor Sattler will be in
the neighborhood of 45 while that of
Mr. Soennichsen reached the figures
of 1S5 and made him the head man on
the ticket. The clerkship is so close
to require the official count to de
In the list of cottncilmen the re
publicans were the mme successful
as three of the new members of the
board will be of that complexion with
one tied, while Vondran in the third
ward is the only democratic member
of the council to reach through the
republican wave in that ward. In
thr second ward William Webber, who
for several years represented the
ward in the council was elected over
Mike Bajeck, the present democratic
candidate by a majority of 33. In
he third ward, John Vondran was
elected by 26 majority over J. W.
Holmes and in the fourth ward
George Luschinsky came under the
.vire by a majority of 33. In the
fifth ward John Beeson, the republi
can candidate was elected by 10 votes
over George Klinger his opponent.
Mayor Sattler was succesful in the
first, second and fourth wards, while!
n the third and fifth wards M. S.
riggs his opponent was the winner
carrying the third by 8 and the fifth
by 25, but this was not sufficient to
overcome the lead given the mayor in
the other wards of the city. II. M.
Soennichsen carried all of the wards
oi tlje city and City Clerk Warga car
ried only the second ward, which roll
ed up a majority of 55 for him while
the largest majority for Sayles was
n the third where he received 20 and
lis lead in the other wards was quite
On the school board there was no
contest and the present members E.
I. Wescott and J. A. Schulhof were
re-elected with a large number of
scattering votes going to various citi
zens. The vote in the different wards
is as follows:
First VVrard
Mayor: Sattler, 5G: B riggs, 45;
Treasurer: Soennichsen, G8; Egen
berger, 33. Clerk: Warga, 45; Say
les, 56. Councilman: Mauzv, 49:
Schmidtmann, 49.
Second Ward
Mayor: Sattler, 130; Briggs, 73.
Treasurer: Soennichsen, 155; Egen-j
berger, 40. Clerk: Warga, 130; Say-!
les, 75. Councilman: Bajeck, 85;
Weber, 118.
Third Ward
Mayor: Sattler, 94; Briggs, 102.
Treasurer: Soennichsen, 144; Egen
berger, 84. Clerk: Warga, 86; Sal
les, 112. Councilman: Vondran, 112;
Holmes, 86.
Fourth Ward
Mayor: Sattler, 56; Briggs, 46.
Treasurer: Soennichsen, 53; Egen
berger, 48. Clerk: Warga, 49; Say
les, 50. Councilman: Trilety, 33;
Luschinsky, 66.
Fifth Wrard
Mayor: Sattler, 25: Briggs, 50.
Treasurer: Soennichsen, 42; Egen
berger, 33. Clerk: Wrarga, 29; Say
les, 46. Councilman: Klinger, 32;
Beeson, 47.
500 hedge posts for sale. Inquire at
Soennichsen's store. 3-29-2twkly
Lincoln, Neb., April 3. Joseph
Kloss, a German farm laborer, was
arrested at the state capitol building
today on the chaige of cursing the
president ami the United States gov
ernment. Complaint was marie to
the police station by a state house em
ploye, and a detective arrested Kloss
He denied to Chief Amies that he in
tended to denounce' the government
saying he only intended to express
regret that the nation was going t
war. tniei Amies turned him over
to Adjutant General Hall of the Ne
braska National Guard.
From Wedif-stlay's Paily.
The Journal has just received a let
ter from a former resident of Platts
mouth, who for a great many years
was one of the active residents of
this community and from whom the
old friends will be well pleased to
near, lne letter is as lollows:
"Dear Comrade, Editor of The Jour
nal: As a reader of The Journal we
note with lamentation, the passing of
many of our old Plattsmouth associ
ates. We can call to mind but few
that now remain who were our friends
and neighbors in fhe years twenty-five
to thirty-five years ago. Surely the
passing call is everywhere about us.
The past is expressed in song, 'I would
not live always, I ask not to stay,
where storm after storm raises dark
o'er the way.
"The Journal in its reminiscence of
forty years ago calls to our mind
more items of interest that has slipped
w . . 1
our memory, it is a very catcny iea-
ture in the paper to the old-time resi
dents of Plattsmouth and Cass county
who read the Journal. We would feel
no doubt like a stranger in Platts
mouth if it so happened that Provi
dence would favor us to visit the city
again. We would expect that every
nine out of ten we would meet on the
new paved streets and cement side
walks would be asking, 'What old non
descript is that?' for old things have
passed away to give way to the new
and strangers take the place of those
we knew in the long ago.
"I am very much elated at times at
the Journal's manner and loyalty to
Plattsmouth. On paper Plattsmouth
s the ideal city in the great common
wealth of Nebraska to live in and do
"Well, we agree with The Journal in
respect to some people who now live
in this ideal town or city. We always
admire the man or woman that has
the courage to stand up for their con
victions as to the right things to do.
W3 lived in Plattsmouth longer by
several years than in any town in our
eighty-five years of life. Because we
like the town and so many of its social-minded
people. But there comes
a time (like Abraham of old) that we
were compelled to move on and seek
a new home. But our sixteen years
of hard knocks in the Burlington shops
will never be forgotten, and we held
dear the associations with many of
our shopmates, many of them foreign
born citizens. We hope now in this
crisis of our beloved country's cause
which they have adopted as a refuge,
that they will stand as a man behind
the president and our government to
the limit of every demand that is loyal
to its support.
"Back to mortality our G. A. R. post
has been hard hit, four of our com
rades having answered the last roll
call just within a few weeks of each
other, some only a few days. Our
post is fast passing to the beyond. I
wonder aften how it is with McConihie
post, of which I was a charter mem
ber. Who can tell me how many of
the charter members are remaining.
I still hold an interest in 50 per cent
in the church and Sunday school work
of Plattsmouth, and 100 per cent in
their souls' salvation.
Light Brahma eggs, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Telephone Murray 1124
Mrs. J. W. Stones, -Mynard, Neb.
Last evening was a very pleasant
occasion in the ranks of the members
of Mt. Zin Commandry, Knights
Templar, of this city. The members
of the commandry assembled at the
Hotel Riley at 7 o'clock where a sump
the banquet table the soft glow of the
handsome dining room of the hotel.
The tables were arranged with decor
ations of the beautiful Easter lillies
that added a pleasing touch to the
scene and over the dining room and
the banquqet table he sof glow of the
candles added to the beauty of the
occasion. The banquet was presided
over by James Robertson, eminent
commander of the local order. After
the banquet the members proceeded
to the Masonic temple where the busi
ness session of the evening was taken
up. The annual election of officers of
the commandry was the chief feature
of the session and the following were
chosen to fill the different positions:
Eminent Commander, James Robert
son; Generalissimo, Dr. Frank L.
Cummins; Captain General, George
W. Thomas; Treasurer, Carl G.
Fricke: Recorder, J. C. Peterson.
The members of the commandry
were then called upon to confer the
degree of the Temple upon Oliver C.
Hudson, which closed one of the most
pleasant meetings that has been en
joyed for some time.
The members of Mt. Zion Com-
mandrv have decided to attend the
Easter services at the Methodist
on next Sunday morning as is the cus
tom of the order.
The funeral services of the late
James Fleming were held this after
noon at the Mt. Pleasant cemetery
west of Murray, and the body of the
unfortunate man laid to rest amid the
cenes where he had first saw the
light of day and had been reared to
manhood. Mr. Fleming had for sev
eral years been residing in Omaha, and
on Tuesday morning, was fatally in
jured by being struck and run over
bv an auto truck while he was cross
ing the street. The unfortunate man
passed away Tuesday evening at the
home in the metropolis. At the time
of his death he was 50 years of age,
and for the greater part of his life
time had been a resident of Cass
county, where he was born. lie had
for a time been engaged in conduct
ing a laundry in this city, and left
here for Omaha, where he had since
resided. Mr. Fleming was a brother-in-law
of Commissioner C. E. Heebner
of Nehawka, and was well known
throughout the southern and eastern
portion of the county, and his many
old friends will learn with the great
est of regret of his untimely death.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The movement f(5r a clean-up day
in the city and a general dusting up
cf the business houses and private
residence property over the city ' is
still going on, and a great many have
taken advantage of the nice weather
to get busy with the rake and clean
up all rubbish that may be scattered
around the premises. The lawns
around a greater part of the homes
hava been raked off and the debris
gathered has been burned to clean up
out of the way for the summer, while
the tin cans and other articles that
have accumulated during the winter
have been carried away. Those who
have not yet looked after the im
portant -work of cleaning up should
get busy at once. The street com
missioner and his force of workmen
will be ready to assist in the good
work by hauling away the rubbish
that may be gathered up around the
homes and business places in the
Henry Heebner, the genial manager
of the Cedar Creek elevator, in com
pany with Harv ey Stockholm of- Cus
ter county, were in the city yesterday
for a few hours, and while here were
callers at the Journal office.
Your lad and my lad
And how he lives today
In your land and my land
And half a world away.
Your joy and my my joy
His eyes forever gleam;
Your boy and my boy
Some little mother's dream.
Sky blue and true blue
His eyes still gleam aright;
Oh God be his guardian
His protector thru the night!
Your lad and my lad
And may he live to be,
As were his good forefathers,
A son of liberty.
Your hope and my hope
And may he never lie,
And honor then next to his God
His flag that waves on high.
Your heart and my heart
Most breaking at the sight
When "Old Glory" calls our lads
To help her win the fight.
Your price and my price
And oh how high it seems
To send my love and your love
Out where "Old Glory" gleams.
Arms ache and hearts ache
For lads gone from our side,
But your boy and my boy
Shall save our country's pride.
Your God and my God
Still rules his world below,
And you're glad and I'm glad
To send our lads I know.
Cuara Mae Morgan.
From "Wednesday's Paily.
Funeral of Mrs. Joseph Fetzer was
held yesterday afternoon at 2:30 from
the late home on North Eighth street
and was largely attended by the neigh
bors and old friends who had known
and loved the departed during her
lifetime and had gathered to pay their
last tribute of love to the one who
had passed from them forever. The
services were simple and very impres
sive, being conducted by Rev. H. G.
McClusky, pastor of the First Presby
terian church, of which Mrs. Fetzer
had been a member for a great many
years. The pastor spoke of the deep
sorrow that the passing of this splen
did lady had occasioned throughout
the community and of her life as a
Christian woman and loving and kind
wife, mother, sister and friend, whose
gentle ministrations would be sadly
missed by those whom she held near
and dear. He held out to the bereaved
ones the blessed promise of the life to
come which the Christian faith holds
to those gothered in its fold, and the
dawning of another day, when hearts
long separated might gather on the
farther shore to be at peace and part
no more. During the services a quar
tet composed of Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Farley, R. W. Knoor and Miss Ma
thilde Vallery gave two of the well
loved hymns that brought to the
wounded hearts a peace and comfort.
The floral remembrances were lavish
and beautiful and attested the deep
feeling of regret that the death of this
lady had brought to the community.
At the close of the services the body
was borne to Oak Hill cemetery, where
it was consigned to rest. The pall
bearers were old friends of the family,
Philip Thierolf, Carl Kunsmann, E. A.
Wurl, H. M. Soennichsen, V. M. Mullis
and William Hassler.
From Wednesday's Daily.
The three bungalows on West Pearl
street owned by the firm of Peters &
Parker have just been disposed of by
the owners to W. E. Rosencrans, the
real estate dealer of this city. These
three houses are among the most at
tractive pieces of property for rental
purposes in the city and the new
owner feels that he has secured a very
fine bargain in the three houses. The
deal for the sale was closed yester
day, and Mr. Rosencrans is now the
owner of the property. These three
bungalows were completed during the
past summer by the contracting firm
and have been g reatly in demand for
rental purposes since that time as they
are well located and just far enough
from the business section of the city
to make ideal homes.
Dawson Will Fix It.
Every Section of the County Repre
sented, and Delegates to the
State Convention Sele tt-d.
The county convention of the Cass
county Modern Woodmen of America
convened in this city yesterday after
noon, and despite the unfavorable
weather conditions that kept many
from out in the county from attending.
there were present delegates from
Avoea, Louisville, Muiray and South
Bend, as well as a large number from
the Cass camp of this city. The con
vention was presided over by Judge
Allen J. Beeson as chairman and
Frank J. Libershal as clerk.
The meeting was called for the pur
pose of selecting the three delegates
that will represent Cass county at the
state camp to be held at Norfolk, May
1st and 2d, and for the purpose of
giving each section of the county the
proper representation it was decided
to divide the camps into three dis
tricts, embracing the north and south
portions of the county and Platts
mouth, where the largest camp of the
order is located. The delegates pres
ent decided upon the delegates and
alternates as follows: John Cory,
Plattsmouth; C. G. Mayfield, Louis
ville; L. W. Fahenstock, Avoea, dele
gates, and Dr. E. W. Cook. Platts
mouth; John Campbell, South .Bend;
and K. L. Kniss, Murray, alternates.
The convention also adopted a reso
lution commending the administration
of Head Consul A. R. Talbot for the
past three years and expressing their
Appreciation of the splendid work that
he has done for the upbuilding of the
society during this period of time.
The sessions of the convention were
held in the handsome building that is
the property of Cass camp of this city
and which is a standing monument to
the energy and push of the members
of the organization that has made it
possible to have this home for the
Bert Coleman, the contractor, has
secured a piece of machinery that
comes about as near doing the work
of two or three men in the carpenter
line as can be found. Thi3 is the
"Ever-ready" machine table, and which
is equipped to handle several different
parts of the carpenter trade. Thr-.
table is equipped with cross-cut and
rip saws and gig saws, as well as an
adjustable sanding device, as well as a
planing device that operates perfectly
and permits a great deal of work to
be done. The different tools are all
operated by machines and the power
to run them is furnished by a small
gasoline engine which is placed just
under the adjustable top of the table
and causes the different parts of the
machine to revolve at 3.200 revolu
tions a minute. The work table is so
arranged that it can be moved to any
location and is invaluable in getting
out work, and Mr. Coleman feels that
he has a splendid machine to add to
the equipment of his workshop.
The new Melady Brothers base ball
team in the Greater Omaha league
this year will be under the leadership
of John Dennison, formerly with the
Luxus. John has secured a number
of the fastest rlyers in Omaha for
his lineup, inuding "Chugs" Ryan,
last year with the Armours, and
Tracy, the fast third sacker. John
Shields of the Hollys, a former Platts
mouth lad, will be seen in the Melady
lineup this year, as he is scheduled to
assist Ernie Rushenberg with the re
ceiving end of the team, and will make
a valuable addition to the team that
Dennison has rounded into form.
Mrs. Thomas Walling, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Mary Margaret,
and son, Edmund, departed this morn
ing for Omaha to visit for a few
hours in that city with friends.