The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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- '.'.. -lac:
. s. ' -? r
Ccrne to this store with any of your paint and paper
troubles. It's our trade, our life study.
ir5 TO
Hoiei Riley Block,
l tJi j L.raitm Jis
L 2 31W4
I. .-.,:::;;:'.", Match 2 1, via
j . . ; ,.j i v. y.-vi f . I ' : n internal
,.-- t: i !'.':. !t ms of recon-
. -; a", gtioi of Rus.- :a ha
:, !,.-'.- -'i ili-. rtfi to i new
..."..' ! v.' i.'1 .' from without.
; r. :.- indisputable evidence
t? (ifinrw s are massing great
r. :-. - .f t:onps ah-ag the northern
:,. fr ar. ttf .rt against Rus-
' T.;.' .;; -try 1 . s leen apprised of
r. w iv. ( : ac 1 y a series of procla-
u ii s ministers.
I...r:..n. Mreh 2. Router's Petro-'
!-.: e !- : -i . r.ilcnt says: "War Min-i-:
; v..; h-iT'.- statement that the
: ., i- ; : tl.v gate is i: mere figure
. . . '. '!":- .-1'ghtest relaxation
. .i;ii iv ami the enemy would he
at IVn,,-.!,!.-
Tiie i ' !-. .-p.. r.Ii-rt then cautiously
i-f eis ! the report ussive action on
t ..- ti" f ti.e (Mii.-eioa.-ness that
the army i ;i hct-n tlie iii Iier of Rus
; .'- V.y i-.-h litis mar.ife.-ted it- ;
!:" ia .ir.t-.r.iis incompatible with
!: '...: y a.-ciplir.e anil says that al
n aiy there is news from various '
f i i.; 's th' prevalence of "second
;:;" c- '.ti'iues the correspondent,
"v. here the r. ..?: ivr-pect their chiefs
ai I t!:e I'.rry is fiu tunate in its c-'.rn-r-...i:
:e: . it i a. -.likely that per.-i.-tence
in unti.Jtot .-1 ehiims will he allowi'l to
. ej i.ihi-i- vhe spring ami sunimer
Morsivi rcasur! rejioiis
h:f.e hi en re.civod from (leneral
R'i-'.-'-:y a.r.a (.--.eral -Ta lenich, wlio
r.:aarii- the Oaucsus army.
Ti.eio l;as hec-n much head shak-
i r.e'.erthele-s, aiaor.j; the more
t i ,,.. i inhabitants of Petrojrrad,
!.:r.r-:y a reflection of the greater
fre.I..m allowed the press, which has
jK-'ti-ii the flood urates ofthe paci
fists and :-hriekin.irs atrainst was
3 . i
'! ht c.-.t-i i --a'. noent!udes by de
il ;;!:' th:,t the republican form of
ernnn-nt r..v is assured.
The eiirar with the real goods in
them i the Exouisito, manufactured
by Herman Spies. The best oc cigar
c.-, the market.
Butter-Nut Coffee Prise
Cist Prize, No. 349, Coffee Percolator Mrs. W. J.
2nd Prize, No. 144, 1 3-lb Can Butter-Nut Coffee
Miss Kitty Cummins.
3rd Prize, No. 186, 1 1-lb Can Butter-Nut Coffee
Mrs. William Budig.
This ends the Butter-Nut Coffee contest.
Special sale on Hams and
Smoked Shoulder Hams at
Smoked Skinred Hams at
Smoked Sugar Cured Bacon
These are low prices considering the present cost
of fresh perk and beef. Get busy as we have only a
limited supply on hand.
The Big Meat and
or no
Don't Overlook the
Paint Store
North Sixth Street
Institutions already of colossal pro
portions and getting bi?ger they
Ihi eaten the community life of.small
towns and cities. These are the
Chain Store and Mail-order House.
Whether the home-town merchant suc
ceeds or fails is, of course a very seri
ous matter to him but the outcome is
of greater consequence to the city it
self, and becomes a matter of
iave public concern.
Ry reason cf their greater buying
power the chain store and mail-order
house are able to get better prices
from manufacturers than the smaller
dealer, who, as a result, is outstrip
ped in the competitive race and
gradually forced out of business.
The chain store and mail-order
houses have their heads and centers
in the great city their brains and
directing force are there, not here.
They give nothing to the small city
they take away much much besides
money. They drain the best life
Mcod of the smaller places and drive
out its natural leaders, its men of
mind and action, namely, its mer
chants. The United National Clothiers is a
co-operative body of retailers in four
teen states, who have pooled their
purchasing power and so are able to
buy from manufacturers as cheaply
as any of the mail-order houses of
the big city or the chain and depart
ment stores. Sincelocal men have a
less overhead expense, he really can
sell cheaper than his big city compe
titor. Buying direct from manufac
turers he has no jobber's profits to
pay. At a small cost the buying or
ganization of the United National
Clothiers does for our local men the
work of many expensive traveling
salesmen. Co-operative buying thus
puts this local merchant in position
to compete on equal terms with the
city store.
The more tremendous significance
lies in the fact that the smaller
I cities have through co-operation more
! than a fighting chance. Thev have a
future as definite as that of the on
rushing metropolis.
Have you tried the special Sunday
dinner at Hotel Riley? You'll be
Forty acres of land in Cass County,
Minnesota. Tor particulars call on
Fred S. Rice, IMattsmouth, Nebraska.
Bacon now begins:
at. .
Grocery Store
WMIJ"-"- -
Contracts Awarded for Twenty-four
Destroyers and Strict Censorship
Placed on All Military News
Washington March 2.". The Unit
ed States swung several paces near
er war today with big comprehen
sive preparedness moves.
The government bought twenty
four new destroyers, with orders to
hasten their completion.
It ordered Brand Whitlock to
quit his post as minister to Bel
gium and withdrew American relief
workers, at the same time branding
Germany with faithlessness even in
her pledges of protection toward the
giant errand of mercy conducted in
It ordered that two companies of
militia guard the big Four River
ship building plant at Quincy, Mass.,
and other establishments in the Old
Bay state.
Other steps near war were:
Announcement that the depart
ment commanders are getting ground
for big training camps like the
Plattsburgh, New York, site and that
millions authorized by the last con
gress will be spent on equipping
these tracts; information that defi
nite land defenses are under way,
though these cannot be revealed un
der a new censorship; notification to
Germany that this government re
tained in a request to reconstruct
the treaty of 1799.
New Censorship.
A voluntary consorship was clamp
ed on news, under an agreement be
tween the state, war and navy de
partments, and the big press associ
ations of the nation. Later, it was
suggested an actual wartime censor
ship will be imposed by legislation.
The national council of defense
delved further into preparedness
work while President Wilson, close
ly in touch with all preparedness
work, interviewed Secretary of the
Navy Daniels and Secretary of War
Baker as to the progress of work
within their own branches.
The navy ordered all the destroy
ers it could at the moment, using
money in the $115,000,000 emergency
apropriation to cover nine more than
had been authorized. The depart
ment wishes to gather twenty-five to
fifty more of these craft and will
turn at once to this task, though the
builders involved in today's awards
held they were doing a capacity busi
ness. Tonight Secretary Baker declared
that the army "is pressing ahead
with all purchases needed to equip
the army if called upon."
Entente government representa
tives are keen to have this govern
ment provide them a big loan as a
war step. This will be done unless
the nation opposes the idea. Spokes
men of the allies here express the
view that it would be inadvisable to
send an overseas army from this
country at once.
Plan Gigantic Demonstration to Stir
, Blue Blood for War.
Chicago, March 25. Plans for a
monster patriotic demonstration, one
that will rival the one held at Madi
son Square Garden in New York,
were laid at a meeting of represen
tative Chicago professional and busi
ness men this afternoon.
The conference was held at the of
fice of Jacob M. Dickerson, ex-secretary
of war under the Taft adminis
tration, and was attended by Dr.
Harry Pratt Judson, president of
the University of Chicago, the Right
Rev. Bishop Fallows and other noted
The following resolutions were
"Resolved, that our country is on
the verge of war. The crisis de
mands immediate expression by ail
patriotic American citizens of their
sentiments and desires. We urge up
on congress and the president that
they immediately take vigorous steps
to protect American lives, property
and honor by using every resource at
their command."
A mass meeting will be held next
Saturday night at the Auditorium.
Prominent speakers will be secured.
Santiago De Cuba, March 25 Re
lying on assurances of the ability of
the Cubans to maintain order, the
American commander withdrew today
the last men of the force landed two
weeks ago. The city is quiet, al
though skirmishes in the outskirts
are not infrequent. It is announce
a vigorous campaign against the
rebels will be inaugurated immediate
ly. The rebels are continuing their
campaigns of destruction.
Washington, D. C, March 25. Di
vision of the United States into six,
instead of four, military departments
was announced by the war depart
ment are the Northeastern, compris
ing the New England states, and the
Southeastern, comprising the states
in the old south.
Major General Leonard Wood is
transferred from the Department of
the east to the new southeastern de
partment, Major General J. Franklin
Bell from the western department to
the eastern department, Major Gen
eral Hunter I. Liggett from the Phil-
lippines to the western department
and Brigadier General Clarence R.
Edwards from the canal zone to the
northeastern department. Major Gen
eral Barry of the central department
and Major General Pershing of the
southern department remain in their
The changes were outlined by the
department in the following state
To facilitate decentralization of
command, the United States is di
vided into six military departments in
place of the four now existing. The
new organizations become effective
May 1, and comprise the following:
"A Northeastern department to
embrace Maine, New Hampshire, Ver
mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island
and Connecticut. Headquarters at
"B Eastern department: New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Deleaware, Maryland and Virginia.
West Virginia, District of Columbia,
the canal zene and Porto Rico. Head
quarters at Governor's Island.
"C Southeastern department: Ten
nessee, North Carolina, South Caro
lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama .and
Mississippi, together with the coast
defenses ' of New Orleans and the
coast defenses of Galveston. Head
quarters at Charleston, S. C.
"D Central department: Kentucky,
Ohio, Michigan, Idniana, Illinois, Wis
consin, iviinnesota, isorth Uakota,
South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Kan
sas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colo
rado. Headquarters at Chicago.
"E Southern department: Lousi-
ana (except the coast defenses at
New Orleans), Texas (except the
coast defense at Galveston), Arkan
sas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Ari
zona. Headquarters at Fort Sam
"F Western department: Washing
ton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Califor
nia, Nevada, Utah and Alaska. Head
quarters at San Francisco.
"Major General Leonard Wood will
command the southeastern depart
ment and Major J. Franklin Bell will
command the eastern department. Ma
jor General Hunter Liggett will com
mand the western department and
Brigadier General Clarence R. Ed
wards will command the northeastern
"Brigadier General Edward II.
Plummer will command the troops in
the Panama canal zone. Other de
partment commanders will remain as
at present."
Put In Your Bid.
We are moving to the country and
are offering the home place cheap for
quick sale. Three lots with dwelling,
five blocks north of Main street on
North Sixth, 7 rooms with closets
electricity, gas, water and drain, ce
ment walks, shade and garden. A
comfortable, convenient home, close in
and in good repair. Submit offers to
C. G. Fricke, Plattsmouth State Bank,
net later than Wednesday, March 28th.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
A capacity house heard evange
lists Hill and Streeter at the Chris
tian Church last evening. Every
seat was taken. Standing space was
at a premium and many were turned
away. The sermon on "Conscience"
was a clear-cut and urgent appeal for
people to be true to their knowledge
and conscience. At the close of the
message five people came forward to
accept Christ. There were nine ad
ditions luring the day. A number
were baptized in the evening.
The men's meeting was well at
tended. .1. V. Seiver, U. York,
W. C. Brwoks and F. A
rendered two quartette numbers. Fori
an hour the evangelist bulled '
auathemos at sin and heaped up
gument after argument for clean liv-j
ing and manhood. Several auto loads
of men from Louisville attended. Atj
the clore of the service Professor)
Streeter .ang "Mother's Pray i '.; :
Have Followed Me."
"Life's Ledver or How Cod Keep.-;'
Rooks" will be the lecture tonight. C.
O. Streeter will sing. "The Oi.enij,gi
of the Books." A t.arti.-mal service :
will Ijf held this (.veiling. The
viva! will nrobablv close next Hundav
- i j ? i
The Social Workers C'.,d i,kL
the pleasant country home of M rs. Ai.
(I. Stava, south of this city Wednes
day afteriaion. The hostesses for this
occasion were Mesdarncs I. e I'ick-
ler, Mrs. Cunningham and Slav:
ladies of this splend
t:on are verv much muda".! to
for the splendid afternoon's ente r- j
tainment afforded them. The anaii' I i
election of eiheers was. held and the
following ortieers were ekcied: Mrs.
F. W. Hull, president; .Mrs. Arthur
Sullivan, vice-president; Miss Nettie
Smith, secretary; Miss Ciara Mumm,
treasurer. Following the
session the ladies spent a few n: -ments
in a delightful sacial time.
It beimr the birthdav of the Presi-
,i,w- :t,. t v.' Ti.-ii .-.,-
ered with many pretty birthday gif's
as a reminder of the high esteem m
which she is held bv the n-embers
of this societv.
Prehus t- the shower, Mrs. M.
A. Hall gaw a few appropriate r?-
marks, which was in the form of a
poem which had been ccmposi d b;-
herself and
iiicu was c.v.A:
The guests wer th n i:ii'.d
n:rtake of a flaisity two cour.-o innc
eon, wnicn was served by me roster-
at a suitable time. It being quite
late, the ladies departed for their
homes, having thoroughly enjoyed
themselves. The next meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Arthur
iu;uvan, on Wednesday, -p:u
Police court was quite busy this
morning with a number of persons
on the carpet for violating the law
in some manner, w . M. Nautman de
faulted a cash bend of 5 and Fred
Kaufman, a bond of $10 as a result
of being drunk Saturday night. They
had been out in the south part of
the city and had their team tangled
up in a wire fence when Officer
Jones arrived on the scene and
brought them in. Bert Eiledge was
also docketed for being drunk and
given $5 and costs for the affence
which he will work out for the city
on the streets. Eiledge was arrested
by Officer McCrary.
Peter Ilalmes, one of the leading
farmers of this locality had a car
load of hogs on the South Omaha
market Friday that brought the top
price for the day, $14.80. These hogs
were raised bv Mr. Ilalmes and his
sons and are among the best that
has been on the South Omaha mar
ket and the price they brought is a
demonstration that the hogs were of
the best. The sale of the hogs was
made through the firm of Ralston &
Fonda, and John D. McBride, former
sheriff of Cass county, was the sales
man to dispose of this fine bunch of
Cass county stock. Mr. McBride is on
the Omaha market and recognizes
that Cass county products are among
the very best that can be found any
J. II. Meisinger and son Adam of
Cedar Creek motored to this city to
day to attend to some business mat
ters and visit with relatives and
riends. Mr. Meisinger, Sr., gave this
office a pleasant call.
C3 ii rcS ii Too
We have in stock a fine selcection of
Hand Cultivators,
and many other tools for the man that wants
to reduce the cost of living by raising a nice
3 r j
M s
S 3 U. 2
Fourkm Groups ol Guards Urdereu
to Poli-e Eastern District.
j Washington, D. C, March 25
i Pi esi i-jnt Wih'on took steps today to
i place the naticij on a war footing.
IP executing order h- directed that
the r.a" V be recruited without delay
to fuil authorized war strength of
j fcTVJ erd.-teu men. laKon in con
I nccticn with emergency naval con
j struct -vn already ordered, this means
that the president has exercised the
full limit of his b. gal powers as
mander-h.i-chief t prepare the
for war.
navy For
he army, the president di
rected that two new military d?part-
racnis ne enaieu m uie .-iuhiii;
. - j i . . i 1 1 . i : ..
fhe older means that
the ta-k of
armv congre:-
organising whatever
n: a v authorize will
' l"- U1VI among six departmental
j commnndors instead of four in the
:f speed an 1 efficiency in
third slop was to assume as a
i! duty the ta.-k of protecting
American, industries, from domestic
dhordcrs in the event of hostilities.
For this purpose eleven full infantry
regrncnts, two separate battalons and
ere separate company of the National
guard were called hack into the fed
eral service to act as national police
in important districts. Supplement
ing there troops, a regiment of Penn
sylvania guard and two companies of
Georgia infantry, enroute home from
the border for muster-out, were or
dered retained in federal service.
The president's orders were made
known in terse ofticiel statements is
sued by both departments. No ex
planation accompanied them except
the statement that reorganization of
the military departments effective
May 1, was designed to facilitate de
centralization of command.
Following is the executive order
bringing the navy up to war
"By virtue of the authority vested
in the president by the act of con-
he Plehawka Mills
arc now Rolling and
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line
. ST.
JOS MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
giess approved August 29, 1910, en
titled 'an act making appropriations
for the naval service for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1917, ar.d for
other purposes,' it is hereby directed
that the authorized enlisted strength
of the navy be increased to 87,000
The navy must enroll immediately
aproximately 20,000 men to reach the
lequired strength. Secretary Daniels
vupiemented the order tonight with
personal telegrams to newspaper edi
tors all over the country urging them
to aid the department.
Unclaimed Letters
Mrs. Ike Bates
Mrs. James Cagley
Mrs. Alice Cass
E. P. Kildow
Mrs. Ethil Tunner
B. F. Livingston
Above mail unclaimed and will be
sent to the Dead Letter Office April
:, 1917.
D. C. Morgan, Postmaster.
Yesterday afternoon a number of
the base ball enthusiasts of the city
assembled at the base ball park for
a workout as a preliminary step to
ward the formation of a team for
this year. A number of the young
players who are prospective material
for the team were on hand and worked
out with the veterans and the show
ing made was very pleasing to the oi l
members of the team and looks good
toward making a fast team for this
season. There is plenty of good ma
terial at hand that can be used for
he formation of the team if they will
turn out and practice and get ready
for the opening of the season. As
soon as the players get a thorough
working out and the team is lined up
the organization will be completed by
the election of a captain and the
boys will get down to business.
$1,000.00 FOR QUICK SALE.
Six-room house, 2 lots, well, cistern,
outbuildings and fine garden spot, be
tween Sth and 9th on Walnut St. J.
W. Holmes. 3-20-tfd
Manufacturing the
of By Products!