The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
.MONDAY, MARCH Lr,, 1017. PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. he Plattemou tb 'Journal riBLISIIKD SEMI-WKKKLY AT Entered at Tostofflce at Plattsmouth. R. A. BATES, rBSCKIPTIOX PIlICEl THOUGHT FOR TODAY "My policy has !een to cul tivate peace with all the world. I moist sincerely and i!couty wish that the exer tiins of those having this ob ject in iew may effect what human nature cries aloud for a general peace." George Washington. :o:- Oh. for Jays of peace and plenty. :o: It always sounds louder when some body else slams the door. :o: I.ove is yelled from the house tops and whispered in the valley. :o: It's next to impossible to break broad or break inio society unless you have the dough. :o:- Many an invalid wife has been re- stoivd to good health by prescribing a new Easter bonnet. :o: There is an eastern sanitarium who.-c patients are cured by absolute sik-nce. That's better than divorce, anyway. ' :o: With complete freedom of the seas enj yed by every country that okl joke about the Swiss navy may yet come true. :o: A stei.atie-al operator".-; definition -f marriage is .-imply an opportunity f- ; ;ri ii to throw herself away on si'ie ; ; i f ' i ". g man. :o: "t)..c good turn deserves another," and that is one good reason why Jess Wargu should be re-elected for city clerk, ile has made good in every articular. :o: Th ie- don't st'. iii to be any use f r ne v. -pape rs to warn people against frauds, they stiil g right on getting taken in for their dollars :md cents by soirie fake aifair in the cities, and never hear of their money again, or the articles thev send for either. :o: The poto!;ice department is go ing to rip up the postmaster business on a iee'-rd making tour of physical and mental economies. It is almost certain that a radical reduction will be made in the salaries of some post maters, and clerks also. : o: Instead of building a new state Louse in thy near future, the legisla ture simply wants to build the east wing now, and complete the other piece by pkre. The taxpayers are not going to be given anything to say alniut it. "Damn the people," any wav. It's interesting to hear that the nearly unanimous vote for Caranza as president of Mexico was largely due to the slogan that proved so ef fective for President Wilson "He kept us out of war." Most Americans Lave supposed that Mexico wanted war with the United States. :o: The taxpayers and business men of Plattsmouth, who seem unconcern ed about the city affairs, never even attending the ward piimaries or the g neral convention should either take more interest in selecting candidates or fei ever hold their peace in refer ence to the matters in the city and what legislative affairs arc conducted through the city channels. :o: The editor of the Hastings Tri bune, Adam Urcdc, has been sued for tv. -oty mousanu oonars because o! f e Use of a wrong initial in connec tion with a man's name. Don't worry, Adam, there isn't a newspaper nH:ce or ntv-t paper in the state but what sucli misiaK -s occur every day, almost, but they an- n--t ail damphool to holler about su h -i " tnk' s. I LA TT S M O L' T II , NEBRASKA. Neb., as second-class mall matter. Publisher PER YEAR IS ADTASCK Easter will soon be here. ' :o: Colored eggs will be in profusion. :o: ; Warm days make the hens lay and cackle. :o: IJixby says jingoism and prohibi tion aren't even first cousins. :o: You will soon be looking at the other end of the thermometer . :o: Anionic the earthly possessions of a worthless man you can always find a wife. :o: The French are on the road to Ham. That's where many of us would like to be. :o: It matters not how short a woman's skirt may grow, the bill gets a bit longer just the same. :o: It will soon be time to go after the weeds. Cut them early and they will be easier kept down. :o: Every citizen should have all the L.atden he can. That's the way to reduce the high cost of living. :o: Some men walk as though they owned the whole earth, when they could not pay for a town lot even. :o: Next week is "Pure Food" week and recognition of this affair by all agencies is recommended by Gover-ev:!.'- :o: Xo matter how soon the European war is over it will be many years be fore the laxpaying subjects lose in terest in it. :o: Human nature is thy same e very- where. It is the variety of the pack age in which it is put that makes it so interesting. :o: The fellows who opposed prepared ness three or four yeais ago, can now see where they made a prand mis take in eloing so. Luck means being an early riser, living on a dollar a day if earning nly two, minding your nwn business and letting the other fellow do the same. :o: The coal barons have robbeel this this country about long enough, and something should be elone to check them of completly robbing the con sumer. :o: : Garden making time is getting nearer and nearer. Lvervone who possesses a garden spot should plant every inch of it, in view of still fur ther increase in the high cost of liv ing. :o: "There will be little change this year in mens clothing says a lasli- lon papei. Mie will probably not take the word of the fashion paper for it, but will insist on going through them as usual to make sure. -:o:- Xow they are going to make mu nitions of war down in Mexico. They don't want to put the plant near where Villa and his gang can get to it or he will blow up Mexico City the first thing he does. -:o: Since the "Lyme tlry" law has been in operation in Kansas, it is said the police have been pretty busy Ureal ing up ginger ale bottles. And now the police have been instructed to arrest druggists who sell soft drinks that contain Jamicia ginger. :o: If the capitol is to be located it should be located by a vote of the people. While we are of the opinion that it would be located by the re ferendum at its present site it would prove a great satifaction to the peo pie of the western part of the state to even have the privilege of voting on the proposition. AMERICA'S REAL ENEMY President Wilson has called con gress to meet in extra session on April second, instead of the sixteen th of April. But why April second? Why not sooner? In fact why didn't President Wil son have the new congress take up the work where the old congress left off? He knew the conditions then as well as he knows them now. He knew that the United States must be prepared he preached it but failed to put it into practice. If the United states is not proper ly prepareel then it could be very easily destroyed by a foreign foe and without congress in session the work of preparation can not go on. The United States has a little over one-tenth the number of officers that were killed ami captured in the first eleven months of the Russian of fensives anil defeats in East Prussia. It has been pointed out that we have not enough officers in service and in reserve to officer an army of three hundred thousanel men, and we will need at least three million men. That is why we favor the proposed universal training measure. At this very time the United States fleet is short twenty-six thousand m licet is short twenty-six thousanel men and officers and our battle ships anil auxiliaries are without of ficers and men to man them. This is the predicament the United States finds itsylf in at this very mo ment. If a state of war exists today be tween the United States and Ger many, as Washington news tells us, then it is high time we were keep ing our eyes on the Pacific coast. It is not Germany that we should fear. For about all that Germany will do is to sink a few more ships that are caught in the "barred zone." Hut the movements of Japan are what we are interested in. Those who think that Japan has no grievance with the United States should disillusionize themselves at once. It is an open secret that for three years past Japan has been in secret alliance with Mexican revolutionary k-aders, anil with Carranza. And while we have slept Japan and Mexico have prepared. That is why that huge cartridge plant is being erected in Mexico to day. It is known that Russia and Japan have formed an alliance for the con quest and division of all Asia, as well China, and possibly the Phillip- pines. This is one reason why Russia be gan talking for separate peace. And it would not be surprising that at any time now Russia will withdraw from the entente. Already China has been doing just what Japan dictated. That means that China will soon belong to Japan. And Japan has been doing the same thing in Mexico that she has been do ing in China. Why does the United States shut its eyes to these facts? Why have the newspapers failed to give these facts to the public? It has been openly charged in con gress that English gold has bought up the press associations and twenty-five of the leading papers of this country and there is every gootl reason to believe that there certainly is good foundation for such serious charges. England's gold is making the peo ple of the United States believe that they have much to fear from Ger many, but the real truth is that Jap an is the enemy that we should fear and prepare to meet. Hastings Tri bune. -:o:- After the censor gets through with some ol those Kussian newspapers, they sometimes have more white space than printu matter. Jn view of the cost of white paper the cen sor should be more considerate. :o: The biggest news events in the history or the world are occuring daily now, and the metropolitan jour nals are grasped more eagerly. TRIUMPHANT DEMOCRACY. It was admirably fitting that the first government to recognize the new government of Russia should be our own. There is one issue, we take it, up on which all Americans, whether na tive born or naturalized, can and do agree. They are for democracy as against absolutism. They are for gov ernment of the people, by the people and for the people as against gov ernment resting on the claim of "di vine right'' which formulates its law regardless of the will of the governed and imposes it regardless of their consent. When the French people deposed Napoleon III in 1870 and proclaimed a republic the United States was quick to recognize it anel President Grant, in his message to Congress, said: "The re-establishment in France of a system of government disconnected from dynastic traditions of Europe appeared to be a proper subject for the felicitations of Americans . Should the present struggle result in at taching the hearts of the French to our simpler form of representative government, it will be a subject of still further satisfaction to our peo ple. While we make no effort to impose our institutions upon the in habitants of other countries, and while we adhere to our traditional neutrality in civil contests elsewhere, we cannot be indifferent to the spread of American political ideas to a great and highly civilizeel country like France." With the Russian revolution Ameri can political ideas have found a home in a country far greater than France in area and population, though far below it in the scale of civiliza tion. But it is the element that re presents the apex of Russian civili zation that is in control of thy new government, and the ideals that in spired it were feelingly told by Dr. MilukofT, the foreign minister, when l.y said to Ambassador Francis: "I have been more than once in your country anil may bear witness that the ideals which are represented by the provisional government are the same as underlie the existence of your own country. I hope that this great change which has come to Rus sia will do much to bring us closer together than we have ever been be fore. We are proud to be recognized by a country whose ieleals v.e cherish." There are many and serious ob stacles to be met and overcome be fore it can bo said that the rule of the' people is established, in Russia. It is only the beginning that has been made. But that movement will move forward with moderation and wisdom toward an assured success must be the hope of every good Am erican anel of every friend of de mocracy everywhere in the world. And with all the dangers that con front the liberal leaders of Russia, with all the internal weaknesses that must be dealt with, there is yet gooel reason to expect that this rev olution will not move backward. For the very stars in their course are lighting against absolutism and for the growth and spread of the demo cratic ieleals. It is less than a century and a half ago that the founders of the American republic pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the ideals that had then but few friends in the world. They spoke for only a few million people sparsely populating an almost virgin continent It was from France alone of the na tions of the earth that they drew any substantial encouragement. And even France had before it almost a hun dred years of struggle, of alternate progress anel reaction, before it was destined to give stability to its own republicanism. Today the democratic ideal lias spread to the four corners of the earth and is planted, predominantly, in every continent. Great Britain, France, the United States, with Chinaa a re cent accession to popular rule, now joined by Russia, comprise together an area of more than a billion and a quarter of people. Contrast with these the important nations that are still ruleel by emporers Austria Hungary, Germany, Turkey anel Ja pan with a total population of only a little more than .00,()00, and an area of less than a million and a half square miles! Six times the po pulation under popular rule and near ly two anel a half times the terri tory! And even in these the power of the people has been and is rowing fast. The House of Hohenzollern has survived the democratic storm thus far and only because the erficiency and honesty of thegovernment it has given, and the close and respectful attention it has paid to the popular will. The most powerful part in Ger many today is the socialist, and its leader, Scheidemann, says in the so cialist organ, Vorweats: "It does not require many words to ej.lain why almost the whoie world is arrayed against us. The answer is quickly given. The whole world sees among our enemies moie or less de veloped forms of democracy and in it sees only Prussians. We have al ways answered by referring to the ab solutism of Russia, but now Czarism is gone and the emperor's successor is to accept the throne only if the re representatives of the people agree. These representatives are to be elect ed on the basis of universal, equal direct and secret suffrage.'' And the conservative Berlin I,oka Anzeiger sees in the Russian revolu tion the strengthening and unifying cf the entente powers. It has put a:: end to the antagonism between Brit ish and French democracy and Rus sian absolutism. The perils threaten ing Germany's future, the Lokal An zciger forsees, will be "formidably in creased if a state with a democratic constitution were to ari.-e on her east ern frontier." Yon Bcthmann-Ilolhveg, the great tie; man chanceilar, ha:; bowed before the storm. "Woe to the slate-men,'' he warned the Prussian diet, who, af ter this war is over, attepmts to "put new wine in old bottle s." And he re -billed to their faces the Prussian ro net ;nat ies who were cor.teniiing rgaiiist measures to equalize electoral lights in the empire. The leaven is working, working fast. Democracy may hone, and with goo : reason.that after the war is ended, if not before, its deals will be accepted and established in the central Euro pean powers even as among thei: neighbors.' When that day comes the ene great standing menace to the peace of the world, and to the amity and co-operation of nations, will have been swept entirely away. World -Hehald. -:o:- After which comes fine weather ma vbe. -:o: Letter files at the Journal office. The world seems to by going crazy over the war business. War is noth ing but the murder of young men who become soldiers. Europe has murdered millions of men, only for gain. :o:- Only about one out of l-very fifty in business succeed. In other words, forty-nine out of every fifty are lack ing in the business ability and gooil judgment necessary to succeed. -:o:- The near approach of the spring season has aroused our people to the necessity of opening the "clean-up" campaign early to make Plattsmouth cleaner and better in every way for the summer months. :o:- Plattsmouth can't afford to over look any move that has a tendency to make better roads. Some autoisls in this old town would rather stand back on their oars and let the farmers do all the fixing. :o: William Jennings Bryan says: "Colonel Roosevelt declares that what this country must do is to go to war with Germany at once, and when it strikes to strike hard. If we do not go to war with Germany the colonel wi .i-.iii-i hr lirwtintff :idmiralion LUlllW - 1 ' ' 1 ' ' -- v - ' j of the allies if he would slip them j the tip where to strike." I Easter Sunday, April 8. j pa v H m, w M vi zm w 'iiie L'in.l Yen Have Always Bought, and which has been is. ii2u for CYC over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made unir-r his pcr- j t- r' 7"7 sond. supervision since i:s infancy. ''MCZ. aiig-vv no cne to deceive yv. in this. -II Couiiteifeitj-, Imitations and Just-as -joy :l " are but 'Lzi.r.i imencs that triHe with and endanger the health of Ii'.-i.:xV.v anel Children Experience against Experiment. Vu'imai is CAS & OH$A Catena is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, P.-rer;eriv:? Drops and Seething Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains :i:ic-r Crlun, Morphine nor other narcotic suharv..--. -re is ii.: guarantee. For more than thirty yo;:is it has Vrii. in c.-siant us 3 for the relief of Constipation", i'iatulency, vViad Cjli: and Diarrhoea; allaying Fevcrishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and 2ov.-e!s, aids :h assimilation cf Food; giving healthy and nature sicap. 'Iho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. mmmE CASTOR I A always Bears the .4 r? -r s as use roi Th2 Kmd You Have A! ways Bouori T m r: C F" nxau COM Clean ii) your premise.-:. Don't de lay. -:o:- The i-priiiL': fever will .sf.-ii lie wit! of us. Speaking of l'iower gardens, tl.e potato lias blooms. :o: One niure wee!; and the legislature, is done. TIu:i.k the Lord! lien 's Ii ' i ; f t-. it oeeans and -eaiis ;' Ml it- . ; v. i!l he planted Jlis sea-'M. 'file electric fan a-d the ba.-e ban fan come in about the same time in the season. :o : Next to wisdom the ability t h !-. like ready money is probably the !nt to he desired. IKneei'oith l!ie lower hoax: oi" the legislature sevves without pay, and the senate has another week to ro m. :o:- a jrroiK'ii is one of life.-; nool'est oecU)atious. Tile eonijielisa lien is all in the form of knocks, and kicks. :o: Any sportsman will till you that man cannot always do Ids best, hut there is ro reason why a man should not try his best to do Ids best. 51 10x35 12x35 1 4x40 1 6x45 58 Tons 90 Tons I 38 Tons 215 Tons 1 housando in use. Warranted 5 3'cars. cmerdoan Silo Supply Co., No. 213 Traders Building, Kansas City, Mo. -s WELCOME NEWS For If Glloivsfona Park Tourists! Commencing this Summer all toui ists transput tut ion within Yellow atone Park will be by automobile. The White ten-passenger cars thai were so serviceable during l!)Id over the Cody Scenic Road will he u.-ed throughout the Park. Park tickets will cover a complete five-day tour, in and out the same gateway, or in one gateway and out the other, whether via Cody, Cardiner or Yellowstone. All Park .tourists, whether patrons of the hotels or the permanent camps, will be carried in automobiles. Touring the Yellowstone Wonderland by automobile will, indeed, be a combination of ediciency and luxury. Nothing in the travel world could he more scenic and satisfying than touring Yellowstone by automobile in connection with the Cody scenh-route. will U.V" irilimiii'iill I I if Signature of S7 m v n fw yoctk citv 1 OU SALH Etrs for hatehinir. Single coml IJuff Orphinjrten, 1.00 per setting or j ..". 10 per luo. Samuel Goodman, j Mynaid, Nebraska. A slight !y used player piano, very sjx eia! bargain eash or terms. Write oi- phone A. IIope Co. lol.'J Douglas j t Om;ih:i Win- "tivL-lv Doinir the Work. W. T. Xanney, Noel, Mo., writes, "Your 15. A. Thomas' llojr l'owcier is doinc; the work down in this part of the world. It pr ved to he what we needed to prevent and cure ho cholera and expel worms." II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & (oinsemer. i:;(;s rou hatciiinc. "i oin S. ( '. IClnule I. land lieis and t'. White Oi pinions, si. 00 per la; S5.C0 per 100. Local delivery. A. O. Ramjre, Plattsmouth. Phone 33 1C. 2-12-tfwkly W. A. ROBERTSON, Lawyer. East of Riley Hotel. Coates' Block, Second Floor 30 feat's AMERICAN HOLLOW TILE $184.00 198.00 256.00 325.00 None Beller. INonc tseller. m ft Arrcnts Wauled. fejHgwfeJUh, This early news is jriven to the public that has lony; waited for it. Illustrated publications will later be furnished on request by the under signed. R. W. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, Gemrii! Passenger Afont. 4 5 i V V i . : : : r