MONDAY, MA 2G, 11117. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE S. The Celebrated Percheron Stallion JaLO COMMENCING APRIL 1ST. Will make the season of 1917 as follows: On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Adam Stoehr farm five in-les west of Plattsmouth; on Thursdays, Fridays and Sat in daps at the George Kraeger farm, three miles west and one-half mile south of Mynard. Jaloux is a beautiful black Percheron, weighing 1950 lbs., foaled March 5, 1909. Dred M. Durand, Department of Orne. He is a good foal ,eUerk, standing seventy per cent breeding test. TAJ.i.rX (i..!'')) was irported October, 1911, by E. J. Ilei.-rl, F re tro it. and is recorded by the Percheron Society of America No. s i-7.. Sive PatTon o'.;i72)- bv Artilleur (.20:J.V, by Regulator 2." 027 i l.y Jaks (;'.7:t7, bv Yidcrs 1X169 (8081), by Mriard .VJIT (lOO'.M, b, Priiiia-'t :271 tTo.i, bv Brilliant 18'.)!) 750 , by Coco III (774), bv Y Ch-.s'.in bv Coco (7122), bv Miirnon (715), by Jean le Plane T::.'t. lu.ui r.ivorit;-" i.-.-2). by Nectar 21994 42303 . by Ea.7ab (:.::-"2!. by J.av.-.tor 11412 14373). by Champeaux 0218 (221S, by Iajro ;-.-. t 7t: i.'bv Viimia 7S' : 7:'. 3 ' , by Superior 154 (730), by Favori I (711. bv Yi-uv fh:-i;'i 7i:i, b-- Oeo (712), bv Mirnon (715), by Jean lo Plane ,'::;:. 2.1 l;.r.; "lalicv -"- S . by Kodrijrue. 922 (10020), by Vall'iini ( bv P r.-j -t v 8:;. ) . by Peciue S:2l. by Vieux Pierre (8'.4). by Ce-coc i 7121, by Miirrtop (71"t. by Jean le Blanc (739). "d Dam Sophie (23500), by ! a i-i oi ; v"'s 7i?. by "Superior 45 1 (730), by Favori I (711), by Yieu.v ( ' t713i. by Coco (712). by Mignon (715), by Jean le Blanc (739). Ia:n Bijou belonging to M. Duval. TERMS $15.00 to insure coit to stand and suck. Ci-re will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be re-spc-risible for any that may occur. If mare is sold or re moved from county servicec fee becomes due and payable immediately. AUGUST KLEEVlfj LOUISVILLE Courier ... 4 Pal Temple-, sr., is on the si-k .:, surTV:1 injr with the eripp. We are sorry to report the illness ' Doi; Urwin pneumonia. air. ai'.'i Mis. Ernest Drtinkow of 1' ; Stone. Mii.n.. isited wit h rcla t.cs here last week. Arthur was at Omaha Tues day where lie wmi to buy a caiio-i;1 ..:' eat tie wh'.ch were shipped heie Wednesday. Wliliam LchnholT came down from I.".: . '.a Wednesday morning to look after hi is farm interests and visit a few days with old friends. I.-,uis Mielenz of Omaha, a close petsonal fiien.i of the Palmer fam iiv. came d. wn Tr.cs day to attend the THE CELEBRATED DERBY 5085! wid make the season of 1917 at my ;..!! in Cedar Creek Nebraska, for r-rvue every day. DvrOv is an iron rray Jack, eiyht years "M, .-land 15 hands hi;h and vii! weit.-h loiM pounds. He has a e--e!!e!it reputation as a sure foal L.-ter. He is without doubt one of t! jacks ever brought to Ne luka. A .-. '2. r -8 X 4 -V- J,V.. i fur . : ";. V- ': W i. S ?t"rv-,".' S3 a Uiiney, the Black Breiieli (Jrade Stallion, will make the season with Derby. TEB.MS: For Derby .S15.oo, and f -: Barney S19.O0, in both cases in- si:i ir.y cult to stano and suck. Parties di.-.po.:r of mares or removing from 1; :o ceir.riiunity, service fee becomes dt!" and pa able immediately. All rare will be taken to prevent accidents., Ip-.i'i owner will not be responsible s!: n;Id fecur. SIMON SEILLER, Owner 63 ux funeral services of E. F. Palmer. Mrs. E. D. Stevenson was caller: to Omaha last week on account of the illness of a little grandchild at the home of her son, R. C. Stevenson. Louisville is to have a base ball team this season. A meeting was held Wednesday night and an organi zation was perfected with C. E. Wood as manager. ( A. Richey of Omaha drove down Thursday for a few hours in town, looking after his sand busi ness, lie was accompanied by Mrs. Ritchey who was a gruest of Mrs. P. C. Stander. Earl Maytield has purchased a new Ford and is puttintr in all his spare lime iearnir.jr to operate the critter. He has made it climb a few tele Tiaph poles but aside from that is ettinp: to be quite expert. Louisville friends of Mrs. E. F. Pettis will be sorry to learn that ?-he has been seriously ill at her home in Lincoln, but at last reports, she was improving. Her mother, Mrs. Amos Keiser of Louisville is still with her. but is expected home soon. WEEPING WATER REPUBLICAN. .... M's. Fred Garrison and the chil dren retained Saturday from Elm wood where they had visited rela tives several days. Mrs. John Murphy of Melrose, la. visited at the home of her brothe Michael Slattery from Monday until Tuesday morning. Mi s. B. F. Miller came down from Omaha Saturday to see her father C. M. Che' ry, who had been poorl but was reported better the fust of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marshall of Lincoln were visiting at the A Laiston home and with old time friends here from Friday until Mon day evcninjr. G. W. Dorsey and three childrc! were Tuesday niht visitors with hi: brother J. W. Dorsey. G. W. is mov inr from Missouri to Idaho and r topped off here over nijht. Mrs. E. J. . DeWolf who returned last week from R'-d Cloud where she had been rarinir for her aed moth er was called back Monday morninjr, her mother not beinjr so well. Mrs. (ieorpre and childrc n who had been visiting1 her parent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker left Fri day for her home at Wray Colorado. Mrs. Hagerman's visit was cut short on account of the strike situation. Mrs. D. H. Noddinsrham and link child who had been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cappen re tuuieci to her honr at Tobias Satur ' ay. She was aceonmanied ;m f.-irsis Lincoln by her mother. Dick Koester drove 700 sheep thru town Wednesday morning that he was shipping to the Omaha market. An estimate as to what the bunch of rheep would bring on the market at present prices was in the neighbor hood of $10,000. S. V,. Oiton returned Wednesday eveniag from the hospital in Omaha where he was taken last Friday for treatment for nose bleeding which he had had for 24 hours and caused him to be quite weak. He was feel ing quite well when he returned home. L. W. Gregory and his brother Carl Gregory and B. L. Philpot loaded a car here Monday and Tuesday, with machinery, stock and household goods to be shipped to Imperial, Chase county, where the Gregory bovs will farm. The wives and the children will be out later. Mrs. H. B. Wolcott left Tuesday morning for Pasadena, Calif., for a couple of months visit. She will make her headquarters at the George Car ter home. The plans are that she wi'l be accompanied home some time in May by Mrs. G. W. Norton who has spent the winter in California. t ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. . . 4 . J. M. Stone of Nehawka was in own on Tuesday and Wednesday isiting with his son, Chas. S. Stone anil wife. Hern Stanford who is in a hospi vd at Omaha for treatment of his .yes is improving slowly and ex "ecis to be home soon. James Turner, who has been layed ); for some time was in town the :rst of the week. His many friends . eie glad to see him about again. V.". H. Hardin is confined to his onto on acfcunt of sickness. He was hreatered with pneumonia but is ome belter at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jeary who avo b i n making an extensive trip n Cl'.!.:. and other points returned o their home at Lincoln the first of he week. Mrs. John Moiford who has been r.:".r.eJ to her home on account of .ai;i:r broken her leg was up town he time on Tuesday for several ?:::. Dr. J. M. Neely returned on Wed esday afternoon from Lincoln where e had been at St. Elizabeth's ho.-pi-a!, having undergone an operation, le is getting along fine and the peo ple of Elmwood will be glad to see around a:rain. On Wednesday Mrs. Emma Cook nd s".i Earl Cook took little Harry ot u to Omaha where they placed im in care of a specialist. The it lie fellow has been sick for some :me and k is hoped that it will be jr.t ''end to him and that he will be ;-d -O heailh soon. Ti.e rtaii : .-rvice between this place id i i was considerably chang- d Ti.ui- L by taking ot7 the mail ,: the train going west in the fore uor. and the one coming east in the fternoon. As we get it now we have rly ore train a day each way that .-.rrics mail, the passenger service re" lainlng li e same. Mrs. Lo:ia Willcockson, who has en spendinc- the winter with her or, W. TL Vv'illcocl-.son, at Houston, e-:., returned last Friday to Elm- 'oou. She reports that .she spent a e:y p'easr.nt winter and had intend d sta ?p.g ri few days longer but on ccount of the threatened strike re urned about ten days earlier than he h.-.d expected. 9 UNION Ledger . . . . L. E. Reynolds came down from )iru.h-.i t spend Sunday with his arents Mr. and Mis. J. T. Reynolds. Mr. K. D. Clark and wife from .Veeping Water came down Sunday visit C. W. Clark and family. Miss Mur.n who has been teach" .ng the Sciota school has resigned ir,d Mi-s Cle from Weeping Water s taking her place. Everything is already to commence vork on the new warehouse at the Farmers Elevator, as soon as the frost leaves the ground. Ilarley Thomas, who has been see ing set vice on the border in the capac ity of Uncle Sam, is visiting his brother, Herman in Nehawka this wee!:. Ira Clark went to Omaha Thurs day afternoon to return Friday with his father who has been confined in the Lord Lister Hospital for the past five v. eeks. Chas. Hall and R. B. Stone of Ne hawka wore in town a short time Monday. Mr. Hall was returning from Omaha where lie purchased an auto truck for his dray line Another real estate deal was closed bv Joe Felt hiiiis(r 1 h. rrvil ot(-,(n ----- - - - . v.. i v.tiuh. man of Nebraska City last Wednes-j day when Ray Frar.s purchased the quarter section of land three miles northeast of Union, known as the' i old Wm. Pell farm. This farm was owned by Wm. Ost. W. B. Banning was busy with a four horse team Monday afternoon putting the roads in better condi tion with the road drag. The farm ers of this vicinity seem to be very good about this also and if a few more would commence this we would soon have the roads to talk about. V NEHAWKA. NEWS. W Mrs. Frank Sheldon returned to Omaha Tuesday for further medical treatment at the Hospital. Miss Margaret Rodgers of the State University spent the week with her friend Miss Gladys West. The stump land that Mr. E. M. Pollard had advertised for rent in this paper has been leased to Elmer Mor ris. Harley Thomas, who has been see ing service on the border in the ca pacity of Uncle Sam, is visiting his brother, Herman, in Nehawka this wek. Dr. Thomas and Miss Clara Kuntz man and Mrs. Edwin Shumaker of Union went to Lincoln on the early Morning train uesday to purchase a new piano for the Rebekah lodge. This piano will arrive in a few days. Chalmer Fweitzer has purchased the well business, equipment and sup plies of Lou Ingwersen, and invoic ed the same Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Ingwersen is forced to give up this line of work by reason of plans he is making to go west. Theodore Nelson loaded his emi grant car today, and it and himself are now speeding toward Imperial, Nebraska, where he wll follow farming. All join in wishing him suc cess in the new country he has select ed as his future home. Lou Ingerwersen returned Monday from Monta Vista, Colo., where he had gone several days since to look after some land he has owned there for several years past. He is highly elated and impressed with the possi bilities of that country as a farming section and is planning to return mere in dune to get nis larm in :-hape to irigate. Chas. Hall returned from Omaha Monday afternoon where he secured the agency for the Ford Auto Truck. He will soon have these trucks on exhibition and will use one or more of them in his dray and livery busi ness here. There is a bright pros pect ahead for ligt auto trucks and Mr. Hall is fortunate in securing the agency for this class of truck. SUCKERS WILL STILL BITE EVEN AFTER BEN6 WARNED From Friday's Daily. It seems strange how eagerly the public will fall for some proposition that offers something for only a small investment and the more crude the proposition is the more eagerly it is grasped at by the gullable men and women even if it is manifestly a fraud and snare on the fact of it. The United Etates government through the postoflice department has repeat euly sent out notices that a concern operating in Minneapolis- had been placed under a fraud order by the postal authorities and that mail sent to this concern which was known as the National Mail Order Brokerage should be detained by the postmasters. Despite this fact there a large number of letters being sent to this company and the postoflice in this city has constantly to be on the watch to stop letters addressed to the Minneapolis company and a large number have been secured almost every day, that are necessary to be sent back to the parties writing them. DOING W ELL IN DAKOTA The Journal has received a card from John J. Wcoster, now located at Reliance, South Dakota, in which he renews for his subscription and also sends a few words in regard to the condition of affairs in that state. Mr. Wooster states it was a very se vere winter in Dakota with the tern peraturc reaching -12 below zero sev eral times and several blizzards. He reports their crops good last year and ecellent prospects for the coming sea son. The friends here will be pleas ed to hear of the success of the Woster family in their new home. J. R. Vallery came in this morn ing from his home west of Mynard and departed on the early Burlington train for Omaha where she will visit his brother, C. H. Vallery at the hospital. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth, Neb., March 20, 1917. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment; present, Henry Snoke, Julius A. Pitz and C. E. Heebner, County Commissioners, Frank J. Libershal, County Clerk. Minutes of previous sessions read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form : Petition of J W. Honer and 32 other resident free holders of Center precinct, Cass County, Nebraska, pe titioning the Board of County Com missioners to grant Edward Kelly a license to operate a Pool and Billiard Hall on Lot 5 Block 3 in the village of Manley, received together with proof of publication and license fee of $30.00. The Board on motion voted unanimously to grant said li cense as prayed for and Clerk in structed to issue said license for one year, dated from February 13, 1917, to February 13, 1918. As advertised bids were received for building wood, steel, and wood and steel bridges, concrete arch and box culverts andother concrete work, such as wings and abutments for one year commencing March 20, 1917, from the following companies: Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City, Missouri. Western Bridge & Construction Co., Omaha. Ncbr. Canton Bridge Co., Canton, Ohio. Monarch Engineering Co., Falls City, Nebraska. The above bids were opened and listed as advertised, and by unani mous vote of the Board, contract was warded the Monarch Engineering Co., of Falls City, Nebraska. A petition and communication was reeehed from the Chicago, Burling ton & Quiney R R Co., relative to some alterations in its grade and trackage from Ashland to Greenwood, through Cass County. Same was granted and approved by the Board. County Assessor, Geo. L. Farley filed his appointment of Frank E. Cook as Assessor for Greenwood pre cinct to fill vacancy and same was approved by the Board. On motion the Board adjourned to meet Friday, March 23, 1917. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Neb., March 23. 1917. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment with all memlK'rs present when the following business was transacted p regular form. The following resolution was adopt ed by a unanimous vote of the Board of Commissioners: "Be it resolved that the County Board of Cass County, Nebraska, at said meeting, at the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on this 23rd day of March, 1917, hereby make ap plication for a State Aid Bridge, un der the provisions of sections 2977 to 29S2 inclusive, of the Revised Stat utes for 1913, across the Platte River, between Cass and Sarpy County, Ne braska, said bridge to be either of Concrete or Steel construction, the approximate cost of said proposed pridge to be thirty-five thousand dol lars. Be it further resolved that this res olution be made a part of and consid ered jointly with a like resolution to be made by the County Board of Sarpy County, Nebraska; and the County Board of Cass County, Ne braska, does hereby pledge the above County of Cass for one-fourth of the total cost of said bridge as completed, and ask the State of Nebraska to pay for one-half of the cost thereof." There being no further business the Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, April 3, 1917. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. NOW AT (KM A HA HOSPITAL C. II. Vallery who has been quite ill for the past few months suffer ing from a cancerous growth on the neck is now at the Imrr.anua! hospi tal in Omaha where he is taking treatment in hopes of giving him re lief from his suffering. Mr. Vallery's many friends are hopeful that he may recover from his affliction and soon be able to return home relieved of his suffering. Money in Eggs. Eggs are not bankable but the money from their sale is. This money is yours for the effort. How do you treat the hen that lays the Golden Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy will keep the poultry in good j condition and increase the yield in jeggs. We guarantee this and refund lyour money if not satisfied. H. M. Soennichsen. Pals & Gansemer. BUSIKES MEN GET INTO RANKS QF ri ZfCiiLVi Kj-oni S;i t r iiKi y's P;nl. The campaign for new members for the Plattsmouth volunteer fire de partment seems to be meeting with a hearty response from the business men and clerks along Main street judging from the visit of the com mittee of the Commercial house to the different stores yesterday, and in sures the fact that there will be a ccmpai y here on Main street that can be on the job in short notice and take part of the burden of the fire protection of the city from the shop boys upon whom the city has been dependent for the last few years for men for the iiie de aitment. This en listment of new material in the de partment is a good move that can not but add to the efficiency of the depaitment and will recruit the de partment to somewhat its rightful membership. There should be at least fifty members in the depaitment and as a fact there are only twenty-two at the last report given on the mat ter. A greater part of the older men have served their five years in the department an 1 retired as life mem bers and this makes it necessary to constantly keep adding to the ranks in order to maintain the department as it should be. The citizens in gen eral have a keen npp: eeiatin eftke fire boys in the pa-t and dt.-irc to encourage them in their work and to this end the additional members arc being secured to help keep up the department to its full strength. Wiih the new members to assist in the work there should be no belter vol unteer department in the state than in this citv. OLD MISSOURI ON ml i ill.! The Mis-cu'd river at this point has several feet in the last forty-eitrht shown in the past two days the fi' st signs of the :-pring raise follow ing the npu;h;g jji :f the stream to navigation and the water has risen ror hour-. Th river is due to make a further raise from row on from all indications from the western country wl:-rw the rivers and streams contri butory to the Missouri are comment1-' ing to empty their surplus flood wat er into the main stream. The small er rivers, the Flklu r'i and Niob'-:t-a, corn lo I t gi :::g the :vi' ;.te ,t a?:xi rty in regit i d to the food conditions. ? : these streams are coming up rap idly and in the low lands thi eaten to make troub!: for the residents a'ong the streams. The Platte river which receives the outpouring of the small er streams has not yet diown any iangerous signs of Hooding although :t has risen a great deal in the last few days I ut the width of the river bel can take care of a great volume of flood water. At the bridge over the Elkhorn on the new Yutan-Chal-co cut off the Burlington is fee ling a great deal of apprehension for fear the false work of the new bridge might be swept away by the raising waters of the streams. II is not thought by thoe familiar with condi tions that the high water will do any trreat damage in this locality how ever unless an unexpected valume of water from the west headwaters is poured into the Missouri river which might cause a slight oveibow of the lands on the bottom east of the Bur lington right of way but this does not look probable at this tini. i. o i ! r: In 'I !ie mi:i; Mirt The State of .V I . ra ska, "ass ( 'ouiity. ss. Ill the Matter of Sarah l. Voin .- I ii-i i i!:-w. To the freditors of said i;-:- le: Vo'i are .-m i,v noiined. Tlat I wil; sit at the ('oniity "oi;!l il'ioi,! in i i o 1 1 s t , 1 1 i i h in said i'hhi.iv on tie -'1th 'lav "f April. I'M 7. and o., tl.. L'llh day of let o her. J 1 7. at la o io. k A. y eaeh day to ii-ieive .Mid exami.v all claims atiainst said esl.'t'-. wit., a view to their ad.i t : -1 n t; t and allow ance. T!ie time limited f,,r the (!.--senta'i'.r of eia rio ,tL-a;i,-t va id e.-lat-is six months from tie L'lt:. da;- ot April. A. I . j:il7. and T!e t:tm li.Mit'd for payment of d( hts is iiv,. Viat iiom said nuh day of April, :I7. Witness i,;v land loel a ! of -aid County Court, this Utdh dav of yfareh 11'17. ai.lkx .r. i:i:!:s' .v. ( sea 1 ) "on 1 1 1 v i i.d l-irsl J'nhlished Mai . !: 1 : J V . I.Will, mitki; !m Tin- timif ( om I The Siate of .Nelr:is;a, "a.- s I 'mi ut y. ss. Inthe Miitier of Kmniii Alia .lo, n.-oji 1 ei eased. To the Creditors of -aid; XOU ire hereby- notified. That 1 will sit at t'c Count;.- Contt Itoom in I 'hi tl.-moi, t h in sa.d ("oatitx on the :.' ? 1 1 1 dav (f A!-il. tl'17, and on (!,- 1'itli uax of .'ctoi.ei . ai in n, Im k A. ..!. -a' , day to receive and examine al! claims s;iid i-'.nli-, w i 1 1 1 a i i"XV to tit 'i' ;id.i i.-tnicnt and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentaiion of claims a 'tisl s.-.jd istat" is .-is iiiouMis from tin- liiii ihi- of 'oril. A. i . P'!7. ; nil ti e time limited for pavmcnt "f debts is One 1 com Mlltl .1111 UJi "I ,llll, l.'ll. Witio-s my h:i mi ami seal .,f sa i i I'olllltx- ('oelt ttils "lil'i dav ot l I I e i I i r 1 7 . ..LLi;.v .!. i;i;i;s)N. tscall Countx- jijUue. i-'irst fulilibLtd il&rch o, l'J17. (N'otico for service by publication) !N Till-: IIMIIICT rol'HT U CAS3 (OINH. M;iK.MiA. A :: tii js.ii.uta, l'litilitiiT, vs 15. A. i:i.ei sole. :inl Lis vil. I :i.ei-yt... unknown owner anl iJuitn- lir.-t ; i r l I it .i I limine niikn"u:i. el.i i in i nir ;iri interest in lot two luin- i eO forty tlo-ee :;)::. in tlie i!lmr? i'f J.onisvilie, (."ass t'olinty. Nelr;i:--k.t. .'.ml the unknown asineos. heirs nl law aiul next of kin arid divisees. personal represent at i',! ii:.i other persons interested in the est;ite of It. A. KI.ersole. and Ki.elsole, if doeeased, or HIIV persons interested in any manner in said real estate hereinbefore Jc scrihed ; Defendants. Vo'.i and eat h of you nff l erd y mti!i-d that Anton s-'ohota has tiled in i distrirt court of t'.iss County, Nebraska, his petition in equity tditit you and each and all of you as claim uiii to have some riht. title or inter est in and to certain lands lereinlie-tn-e ieseri 1 ,ed. and as l. inn the un known ownet and claimants of Mmo riirht. title or int rest in said land, and as l.einn the unknown I its, or oTiur unknown parties claiming to have son, i t i : . t , til I - or jnteiisl m ai d to said 'and ly reason of the .!.--tease of ai'i It. A. Khcrso; and I ! e. if and all other patte - int'i-est-d in any wav concern imi said iai estat.1 iir.iii.own to plaintiff and his n t -toi!i".;.-. The patiiro, oh.icit and pui-:..-, ,,f saio petition is a 0:11 i:i e.;iuty to n;; ,et title aid perteit title in plain tiff to the following i'. Mill . I rial state, and to temove therefrom ail etieiiml. ranees. !;t-ns and clouds upon the title thet.-nf. to wit: l.ot two 1 i, tidi ed forty t I (I't:: io the illaue of I.on i s i i ;.. Canity of Ca.-s and S-ta'e of l.nKa. Vo:, and e,, h of aw M.Uirl to an-wir the petition ot s,,j.l Anton so!,,,ta hied in the i'isiii, t ..f 'ass Conntv, Nel.raska. as :ilioii.l, on or i iit. the .nd d-iv Apr:'. 1M7. ANTN Sop.oTA. l.y I is attorney l.i:i K. l'IiOi:. Fi:t I'Lih'i. a! ion ::-1 l1-1 : 1 7. .TI S: ill 4 Klllll l Olio Stale of ;;,-. raska 'avs '. . .1 n t , ss. IN Ctd'NTV I'ul'ilT I a t'e mat tef of the 1 state .,f 1 1 hd1 am M .0! e. dee. -as.. 1! Notice is he,. t. II to I 1 -to. li ters o, . id a d la .. 1 in-.- s v: '. : 1 I-.- I ;,, upon , n;. .1 a ao,-t si- id I a ' -. I,. 1 .i e in. . 1 . , 1, t .1 1, - . of ';. .- s ' 1 ' ! ' , ra - ka . at t I 1 -. 1 out t I 1 i :. I ' . t ' - - 1 ... t I . ;, said Cool t v. ot, t oe I'M,. !,! of . I li. 1 : 7, a ad o-. tie 1 "I o e f I, I. . I.. I , ! ! ' 7. a . 1 " ..VI, . k A. M .. 1 a-- da r..f e:.a tmnat h -n, a.l.i; t:a at ai. i .1 1 lov- A ! I 0,1 - mu-' I ... id. ! in s.ild u r t 01 or I... -for" said last ;;..i;r 01 -i a . Wil ne -s .ne I...:. 1 and m-., 1 of -aid I'.-liMtv '"o'llt. at "I a I - ". 111 t ! . Nei,.,-- ka. this i,l h .'a v of M., n a. T- ! 7. 1 SKA I. Al.KKN .1 i:-:i:s'n, ly ,J 1 1 i I " . 1:0 11 Mi nt 1: To : 1 W .om i 1 .Ma v C . 1, : 'I'i i'.oard of o ..t' C,a,ii,:l-sioie.-s :; j; of tl .- opinion tl a; in,. piM,:j. ve-.d 1 en 1. ires a pit hi o- I i:;! nv fni -j c I P'l feet in -width he o. ta hi is hei o. tie seat 10 1 1 1 :.e, c o ! - . ! a e , , - t t..e Nor; heast era, : f t Northwest - ,a i t . 1 of s.., t i,.n t i 1 . 1 :: p . '!'. w 11 -1 . 1 o l n (l"i, Kanne Ti.ii te. t, 1 1 :: . and ra n n i u ; I n vest on :- 1 hmi line on.. Illile. t l tl e N -It ii W es l 10! la i- of ti N'Mlhea-t O'lal'tef o Section l-'oil,- I h. To'.'.' is 1 1 1 i Teti lllll. I;, !!.-; 'I'I tteitl I 1 .". I . !-:.- I "f the lit h I '. M . ! a X e II,,-, .- f. . re" o: dei.-d t-at s:,,, ( ..-i.ii.- I IS I led. ,.!,.! all ! -. i..e !,,.,!.. 01 1 il' mi-- for ihimaues. m'i-t he tile in tie- 'o-'iit ' Cli i k s 1HI111 or ,i i,i, n "i on ti,.- 1 ; t I, da of Ma a. A . I 1.'17. 01- si;el, road will l.e s ' a h 1 1 s 1 , . , i V. i I I ' o U ! 1 C 1 e 1 e !. e here! ". ll..K .1. 1 .1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 A I Co : ., 1 . i ;, , 1, I a I I ha 1! si.,..:; t I,. Nela .. s 1 :; ! , da x . f .Ma-ah A. I '. 1 :M7. Cii!.si i Tim..--. first 1 ;; ii .' -1 -i-l : ; 7. i.i-iiiti. muki: Notice to N'ofl- Kesid, f 1 ,, t ! I 1 r II I its, I e jsees, l.e - t . I VI - so :,a i I 1 a o ese l. t a 1 i X s and ii 1 1 pi I -sons I n t I es t ed in their 1 7-1 a t . . To Sidney fc.i-ifer and Ki.t-lii-- I'. Ilal.'in. mlii pos i n u the 1 1 till of S. '.;!- s i ii t- .v 'on 1 1 a n x-: the unknown I i -. devisees, liLi.itei.-, pel . Oia ' II ,i -I I, till i i'.-i and a 1 1 o i, s 1 1 . 1 1 s t .-d in the estate of S'dl.ev l'!llst,l; tie l,.-ktiox-:, l.-iis. .Ii x, . .. t es, pel . sot, ill I e pres. 11 ! a t 1 es alal ;:M pes,.,,, i 1 1 t I s T . 1 I'I tie state if Ktilsti.s I i llpi.iii': c.inl i;ii: the unknown lair-, devisees, !eiite..s. personal lepre-en-latixis ;:!al all persons !i-.-Ii-di-i in tho esliite of Ctiel I ; ' j . I ;ind Compiinx: t e iitiktioxxn claimants of the XVI . t half of the No! I h X . s ( I 1 1 a ! I I I" of iiie Noitoxxist Muarii-r of Section ott. eh I 1 ; I ToAtislij, tx-.elXe I 1 J North I tan tie ten I K.i-t of the m Ii 1". M. Cass Coantx, Ntloask.i 'o I and each of Voll a t'e 1 etllx- t,o- titied that fanl ll;i-i r as plamtirT ei the nth day of M.inh i:!7. filed ! ts ltiti", in the iMstrid ..;: r t of C,, s -Countx, Ni'l nidiii. wherein on and all of oil are defendant-; tie ohieit and piaxer of w.hiih pititio'i is tnat the .!;'.:m, interest. rint. title and .-stale of each ;:tid I'Vi-rv m f o.i in and to the West hillf of the .Northwest j.;v v of tin N'ottcwest o i.uti-r ot Section sit'-en 1 1 I Tout-hip tuelw ill') Itane ten 1 u I M. iI( 'ass- County. Nehtaska. ie. land in Xi'lid. and of no fone and effect. Tliat the title of said ph.mtilT in and to said leal estate, and oirv pait thereof he iiiled as aiait, -t nil are I each and exerv one of oi as a a 1 1 -t anv and all claims of ;, n xr per-ori through or ! om, and tlat t h. x l... i i j a. I !.: ed and decreed tlai i-m-l and al' of X oil Who-e lliitlli.- ate ahoxe s,t forth, if lixini:. ami if d. .-cased, tie ; !' -. de ,-so, -, h "ati s. ,, ,.-of,al ! p resi utatixcs and all other I I I i - I ei i i u l he estate of ,o i i a te I rvi ix on.- of xou, haxe te- ri;i;t, t 1 1 : . (lain or i f t . .- t it. aid to said e-iat--or iiiiv part t hereof, aim t ' it eio I, arm all of sail d. t.-inl -mm -. t'o.-o i,iuii. a, I : 'id tl'O-e X I is I 1 1 a 1 1 1 s ill. 1 1 1 1 k 1 1 o ' I and i.ot .-tatid. le- hitio-i halted limn i 'a i u : i : i --r i ; a -.- t t . n i; a n r i u h t , lit;., lllll I e 1 Of I t a t in and I Ml id I ea I estaie. ei- at.v part th'tcif, and f-x s,uh other and futther iilnl as to tho co'M t ma'.' s, ,-in just atel i 'j i.tiih i . Vial and i .n h of aiii ale I u t I Ii' t untitled t! t on ate re.pi.n I to i,iimh r said petition oil o hi foe .Iotidi the IP'th oa- of April 11'17. i-Afi. i;.;i:!:, f. ai tit if. A . I : I S. A t I oi ne v. ft;, t lh.! h.-h. d .Man ! lit I . It' 17. Milk in Winter. Why do your cows v,ive less rnilk in winter than they do in i.umrner? Just because nature tines not suji p!y thorn with jrrassej and irrcc:: food. I'.ut we have come to the ii -sistancc of Dame Natuie with D. A. Thomas' Stock KePH'dy vhi'. h cn tains the very ingredients that the. jrreen feed supjilies in season, ordy, of course, in a more highly concen trated form. We jr-iarantee that this remedy will make your cows pive more milk, and better milk with the same feed. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. Wi!!iain Puis came up this moni- . r .. . - f . "UT ' 'om li;s home at .Murray to look tiftor a few business matters ap.d : enjoy the. day vibiting with hi- nu av oid friends.