The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1917.
mu urn i.
gf;11 ' in.-"-' -1--- 1 - ' -----
The Parreft Traction Speaks
for Itself!
The 12-25 Traction that made good at all
Past Power Farming Demonstrations.
Easy to operate, simple mechanism, three point
suspension frame, high wheels, direct drive from
the motor, upkeep cost small, four cylinder motor,
two speeds forward, one reverse, speed 2!2 miles on
low, 4 miles on high. This Traction is the ideal
road traction.
See it at work dragging roads, pulling three
plows, tandem disc, shelling corn, grinding, sawing
wood and all other word requiring power on a farm.
Now Operating on Hy Farm!
Tractors on Hand for Immediate Delivery
And Surprise ' Womankind in Their
Efficiency to l'repart A Toast
Worthy of Epicurean Tastes
of the Ladies
Papillion, Neb.
Distributor for Nebraska.
NAVY TO 87,000
i M;,!is?.r.z Euitur Journal: Special
Washington, 1. C, March 2-. The
r.v-iiivnt last niht signed an exe
cutive order directing that the au
tl.":izetl enlisted strength of the Navy
U inc!eaed to eiirht y-seven thousand.
He was authorized by congress in
c...-e of emeiiitncy to divert such in-ei-ease
in enlistment. New ships and
-i. its in reserve are beinr fully com
n r.ei a rapidly as possible and
T;.e i:eed is imperative for a larprer
aii-tmer.t t man them. There has
Utr. a net increase of over six thou
sand rive hundred in enlistment since
congress recently authorized an in-eiea-e.
but many more are needed,
ii! d needed nv.
Will you not emphasize this need
I " yrivimr pecia! prominence Jlon
:ay on the iiit paye of your paper,
the president's order, and also by
. lal-.inir an editorial appealing for
: i vv recruits for the navy.
Ti e navy oaers an exceptional ad-v:i!-'-ave
t younjr men of stutf and
t ion to serve in the first line for
Xatio-'al defense. In this emergency
yu have the opportunity and the
ui-. ileire of this public service, and I
am confidently appealing to you for
your eoi dial and helpful co-operation.
GOOD new;
The Pneumonia Season.
Many PInttsmouth -Readers Have
Heard It and Profited Thereby.
"Good news -travels fast," and
many bad back sufferers in Piatt
mouth are skid to learn where re
lief mav be found. Manv a lame,
weak and achinj; back is bad no
more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills,
news of their experience with this
Our citizens are telling the juod
tested remedy. Here is an example
worth reading:
Jonathan Hatt, general storekeeper,
411 Main Street., Plattsmouth, say
'T highly recommend Doan's kidney
Pill.-: procured from Edward Rynott
Co.'s Di ujr Store, as I consider them
a most effective medicine for back
ache and other kidney ailments
Their use has proven their value to
me for such troubles."
The above statement was .stiver
April 10, VM2 and on Ecbuary 22
10m, Mr. Hatt said: "Doan's Kid
ney Pills are all rijrht and what I
ment holds good. When my kidneys
have said in my former endorse
are bad and cause me trouble Doan's
Kidney Pills soon put me rijrht."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy jet
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Hatt has twice publicly recom
mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
That man can prove his ellieicncy
in the sphere where womankind has
been supposed to rule was demon
strated Saturday evening at the ban
quet given by the men of the church
and congregation of the First Metho
dist church for the ladies. The men
uul recosrnized the fact that for sev
eral years the ladies had been drafted
to furnsh the many deliuhtlul ban
quets -riven in the church and ac
cordingly they decided that it was
time that burden was divided ami
the fair ones be allowed to act as
truest s at a function of this kind. In
addition to this it had been whisper
ed that the men would not be able to
produce a real first class banquet
and this served to spur them en to
take entire charge of the affair and
to banish all womankind from the
kitchen as well as from having ary
part in the servinir of the repast. The
general verdict of those who attend
ed was that the men had sprung a
complete surprise on the ladies in
every way and that they were splendid
cooks as well as entertainers.
The tables were set in the pa i '.: -of
the church and presented a pleas
ing picture to the eye with the array
of snowy linen and sparkling silver
while over the secr.e the M'i't glow or
i he candles and the electric lights,
.-haded in red, cast a pL-a-ing sre!! of
beactv. At each place a Xv.-y h :v.i -
President Is Convinced That (Jer-j
many's Course Is Hastening
The cold, damp weather of March
ems to be the most favorable for the
pneumonia germ. Now is the time to
be careful. Pneumonia aften results
from a cold. The quicker a cold is
g tten rid of the less the danger. As j
soon as the first indication of a cold
appears take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. As to the value of this
pieparation, a.-k anyone who has
u.-ed it.
From my farm near Union, four
head in all. One 2-year-old bay with
stripe in face. The other three brand
ed on each hip with the open 9 brand.
Information leading to their recovery
will be rewarded and all damage paid.
For Sale One .'J-year-oId horse,
weight l.l-'o; heavy bone, smooth,
vreoii disposition. Also good family
nag with foal. See R. D.' Dalton.
Phone 127-W. :)-15-2td2tw
Light Brahma eggs, $1.00 per lo;
$5.00 per 100. Telephone Murray 1124.
Mrs. J. W. Stones, Mynard, Neb.
A fresh cow, 2-year-old Holstein
heifers and some young calves. C. E.
Babbitt, Plattsmouth. 2td 4tw
The Wages of Sin is Death!
The Parmele!
one night only
The Thrilling White Slave Play
m firs
A Story of a Straight Girl on a Crooked Path
How Many Girls Go to Their Death on Account of Ignor
ance, "Cabarets," Dance Halls and White Slavery.
Excellent Oonany! Powerful, Yet Glean!
Prices 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Seals on Sale Monday A. M.
of sweet peas was placed thai
as favors for lie ladies pre.-v.a
The ladles asse' ! tlv.'
auditori'im cf li.e chinch waec
c ma i red until tne ann-'-un.-mer
the bar.ou'.vt vv await inu then
ed tunc p. to
On c:;:eri!iu- t!
were -.n'j-ri. .!
k-v and t'te wait.'
:.s it by nrvvic.
die.-' v. ear .-aa't a!
itc-aba;' strains o,
s l!.;-'.:ih
i ei. !y a. a: c i .h: r
;c:i. of the foxic-t
tout ha bc-a .
i e
"ill a .
Was'.dn.c'.on, 1. C, ilarch 2:.
Germany's latent affront in the tor
pedoing without warning o( the
American tanker licaldton will be
answerevl by spedine,- up prepara
litins for actual hostilities, which are
now revrarded as inevitable.
President Wilse.ji and Secretary
Lansing ;:!-c c mvinceil that Ger
many's present course is merely
hastening a clash. The president
and his premier are Known, from the
highest and most authoritative
sources, to have held to the firm con
viction even b.foie the sinking of
ihe l!e;dditon tliat the kaiser's gov
ernment is determined on forcing a
decl.u-ai i-!i of war from this country.
President Wilson meets with the
cabinet ted .y to consider develop
ments in ti e ir-tei national situation
ur.d to di-;-.;-s the progress ir.ade by
ail departments in preparing- for his-
11. nu .-.
There i -
deid. t.fu-v
.-tatta, '.civ
dniud S;;i?
.et ly oa.e a-' i
oi-k o,- i ra n. :.a ;
i po:ti;'dlo to ;.
auidti ''. maKi.'.L'.
Tins is u i.utivi
cu.'s.'. for il-.e p.
ed-' ( d to he ii.e
Do not miss the significance of this trade-mark. It means
I for Less Because We Buy for Less
Conforming to our policy of serving this community at all times
with the greatest possible values procurable we have affiliated
with the UNITED NATIONAL CLOTHIERS, comprising the
most progressive clothiers of 14 states, whose combined purchas
ing power enables us to supply you with merchandise of very
highest grades at lower prices. It means that this store now has
the buying power of the largest jobbers. These savings go to
you. Come in and learn more about this new deal.
Wescott's Sons
:a i , k
Co. '
'. '.'II
V : . vv
Now tics every week
; the prosi- i! &Rfij" Vf
has drthvd I
ay ard,
ne-nt ids
i cove:- t i:e i
! i 1 :
. v.-.-
ui 3ea-t, is
.a-.r. e of the
iitj' for war.
ib races sjcu
p:.i a s t !
rnd lia.t
aid tald.:
... i.
t a. o.-
la- ate
To I iic
f-oua-! .
e.- Ida nt ! :
ail ,;;
s !.
am .
!ieir .-
pvhel lo i
th.e I'.e-iir:
s-irj aisa of
f-)t- a f.".
just wh:
oo: i a ! i f !' I!
t:e s ,: 1 1 a ad
-Old lllack do--'
the rooms as siid
o ; ! e i'o!.--;i i i ta
coioivd '..'alter
.u-er: . r -nr. . :..
wail.'r.- precec'-ad t-; .-ia
aiui at its e'o-e v.a ; c-:ii-ie.--..r.d.
This fc-.i title
r wa lia' ir..-,t c.iitp:,'t
v en i ue s aoo
they !id !:ot hiiow
t . . : i ! as t'aa "e-' ! 'i'edi
. ! i . ; a. n
IV; 1
bani'iuet m a inost cieve:
- a .
manner an
wav. Ida
without a
waiters were attired with while cap
and lon.r flowing white aprons aaai
wliite trh'Aes to set od' their u:r
skins. Those comprising th.e wa.ii re:-.",
force were 11. L. Troh- t, U. II. J'at
ton, I 'on York, John Hah.- taom, Les
ter Daiton, Frank Ikirkus, YV . C.
Crooks, Jennirtts Heivers, F. A.
Cioidt, erdon X'rornan, Paul Smith,
Glen Elliott, J V. FrahiU, ('.
Wescfjtt, llidlie I'erry, l.yron ih'.llitt,
Charles Carlson and LKviht I'ropt.
The banquet was presided over by
Miss Kda ?.!arc,iuirdt as tr-astmist res
who introduced the different ladies
on the protrram with much cleverness
and those called upon responded with
real addresses that demonstrated that
the ladies are there on the oratorical
features of a banouet. 31 rs. T. A.
Truscott opend the banquet with a
prayer and was followed by .Mrs.
Yal IJurk'.o who welcomed the ladies
on behalf of the ladies of the church.
The first address was delivered by
Mrs. K. C. Hill who chose as her
subject "Callanccd Rations" and was
followed by .Mis. F. II. Cobelnian.
The Plattsmoutli ladies quartet juave
a most delightful number that was
e;reatly enjoyed and received an en
thusiastic response from the ban
quetors. Mrs. A. J. Ueeson and
Tdrs. F. H. Wescott each responded
to toasts which were received with
marked approval. .Mrs. (diaries
Kelinek favored th.e jratherinj with
one of lier usual delightful vocal num
bers which added to the interest of
the program. The main address of
the occasion was made by Tdrs. Homer
C. Stunt;:, of Omaha, wife . of the
bishop of the Methodist church and
was one of the most pleasing address
es that has been delivered in this city
for some time and one that was well
received as it showed deep thought on
the part of the speaker. The toast
list was closed by a reading by Mrs.
Eaird which was a fitting final to the
evening or rare enjoyment.
After the banquqet was closed the
men proceeded to do up the dishes in
the most approved style that won the
commendation of the ladies as com-pletm-r
an exceptionally pleasant
evciiii;- that, demonat rMed
that the men were there and over on
the banquet "stunt."
c :-1 a , I .
! - : i :
. na'
as r
, i-
1 a
: :ue-
a ai .
t . i e
-.v . :
Omaha, Neb. March lio Although
a.o eJort has been made by the fed
eral land hank of Omaha to adver
tise the federal farm loan bonds,
which will be issued upon the secur
ity of its mm te;a;-es, voluntary ap
oiications for these bonds are being
ttivedi every day at the offices of
the a-iak in Orr.ahn.
.eco: dinr to Secretary Frank G.
(iaill subscriptions for the first is
. va of bends had i-jen received up to
a - . h e f on March 22 in
: :.r.- a'. , f .a;:l.()0t, the largest
a airai heir.-- SI 0,000 and the
a-- i a;
Id ., ei" the bank express
- . . - 1 Ait-
a. .v.-'.s as mPiy jrratuiea at tne
;:ui!c. t ahown 1.V the investigating
v idle- in. these securities and antici
i a t j that a very large 'proportion o.
:dis to be issued bv the Omaha bank
1 1
All pa.-
ica to iaa
-. ;;aas. amnu;-rterrna.-tev
l,'nK" I during the present year will be tak-
I t:i within the t'aue territory imnte
y tributary to Omaha. lnese
d. farm lean bends are secured
uosi: Kit!;; ir.
lie.-t idrain; lc ili:
dl.nO f..r r, f.,,-
U:iion. 'ai! oa write.
Union. Noi).
John l'
. ei
' v li. . t mortgages upon .improved
faitViS having a value of twice the
amount of the mortgage and the
5o:a!.' are further secured by the
a.uarantae of the national farm loan
a-soeiaiions et inposed of farmer bor-
: wers, the guarantee of the bank of
issue and all of the remainder of the
Iv. l,pton. j (v,tp,c ;.:;n;s n the federal land bank
;M:-tfw ) .y:,tem
These bonds bear interest at the
""'"'vX :ate of 'our and one-half per cent am
r 1 i . . . . -.r r.l..,..,l 1 .. i.n
ov ine" ie-1 ii:.- oi eiie- leui un i.i .n -
made exempt from all taxation.
v ttuaranf .-od: I
J00, !'. O. JI.
-- f-j
Sells the Champion Cresir: Sever
TIti:R17 is r.-y -nrrhim in:'.j: ii m
innr. va.itly iiTij.nrt.a-l t,ci:,
i. in .t i risini r.i' T. . r-:-a.i-
r:it.r thnt is i:-.: i. -; .riy eiiie.l will
turn li.a.l :ui.J Mi.n v.ur out.
Tho oM-r.oli: no ! i-r-tlmil of oil
In through a laiTi l.'-i' .f l:'t! '- s
Willi a Miuirt-i-Mti vas u;is:iti-faetory-
f r thn r -'ii t!i:a ::. se
li?T3 wonlj oil t. ii iin.l tixi
often, wliilo otiierj wouil uut oil
oftea enough.
The NEW Do Laval is
automatically oiled
tii flon't liavi (.- f ,i-9 sr )imd a NK'V
ro I.avitl n i; !i ;i snuirt-i-iin. dimply !. j
tliosiu'lit-lc-.J tn!.i'ti-;itoron top liilf.l witii
oil :;ni the automatic oiliri" system
will sfo that ocry jrcar anJ brarin
in the m.iciiiiio has just the right
rii. mi nt of lre-bli, clean oil at all
M'tif rr T-.irnl oiling rysf?m 1ms
l't ii crrratly inmrovt'd liy the nil'li
tion in the NKW Ie I-aval "f an
: litoma: ie.illy oiip'l ncU lrariii
p til the -onrriiont rliniinntion of
the tube tliat foriiicrly carried oil
to thH most iai
porlunt isirt.
Tio-ro (vor has
s liiM-ii a '-ren'ri u p-
850,000 TONNAGE
4 ' S
'-?carT-'-.,cr---. luwiiril en man
Vfl r,-;."''- Imi.ri.vrtiinit
Ni k'.' us tiu :;i;w i)
l'Tli . Comf in aaa bit
-l 1-1 JllS the
i!eiiin. ahr.cli 2'). Entente losses
i'i warships have iuw reached a total
f ;-.:.'itiiao tens, says an Overseas
i was : ne-v annoijiie-ement. This
: .rapulntion includes the French bat-
tieshi!) of the lanton class recently
announced to have been sunk by a
(ieiin.iii submarin" in the Mediter-
i'a.rcan. The statement says:
"idy tlie destruction of a ship of the
Danton class, the waiship losses of
our enemies, excluded of auxiliary
ahips, have reach in round numbers
fcoO.OOO tons displacement. This is
e'lutd lo the combined tonnage of
liussia and Japan nt the betfinmnff
of the war and is only (J(J,()00 tons less
than the tonnage of the United States
navy, which was the third largest in
the world at the beginning of the war.
A Iiillious Attack.
When you have a bilious attack your
liver fails to perform its functions,
you become constipated. The food you
eat ferments in your stomach instead
of digesting. This inflames the stom
ach and causes nausea, vomiting and a
terrible headache. Take Chamberlain'
Tablets. They will tone up your liver,
clean out the stomach and you will
soon be as well as ever. They only
cost a quarter.
Omaha, Xeb., March 2d. Deef
steers established a price record to
shoot at on the live stock market to
day, when a bunch of thirty-two
heavy corn-feds sold for 12.40, 30
rents higher than the highest price
ever paid before here. A few mo
ments earlier a bunch of sixteen had
sold for v;12.3.", which would have
stood as a respectable record, if it
kandn't been beaten a little later.
From Saturday s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral
services of little Roy, the thirteen-months-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Cole was held from the home con
ducted by Rev. T. A. Truscott of the
Methodist church and was attended
by a large number of friends and
neighbors who gathered to share the
grief of the bereaved family. At the
close of the services at the home the
body was conveyed to Murray where
short services were held at the Pres
byterian church in that place and the
interment held at Mt. Pleasant ceme
tery west of Murray. In the hour of
grief and sorrow the parents will
have the deepest sympathy of the en
tire community.
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday C!uy W. Morgan return
ed home from .San Diego, California,
where he was called by the illness of
his mother, Mrs. E. S. Bogard, who
passed away at her home in the Cali
fornia city, Tuesday evening at 10
o'clock. The body of Mrs. Dogart
will be sent back to the old home at
Glenwood where it will be laid to
rest Monday afternoon in the ceme
tery in that city, the departed lady
having for a great many years made
her home in Glenwood. Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan will leave for Glenwood to at
tend the funeral and the store here
will be closed all day Monday. In
his sorrow Mr. Morgan will receive
the deepest sympathy of lis many
friends in the loss of a kind and lov
ing mother.
2.2 per bushel, at Oldham Stock
Farm, Murray. 2td 2tv
Otto Schafer came in this morning
from his home in Eight Mile Grove
and spent a few hours with his
friends in the city. While here Mr.
Schafer called at the Journal office
and renewed his subscription to the
Old Reliable.
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any car-o of Catarrh tliat cannot be
cured by Ila'l's Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine haa bpen taken
by catarrh sufferers for tin past thirty
five years, and has become known tho
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood ori
the Mucous surfaces. ?xpellin the !'':
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will seo a
sreat improvement in your ceneral
health. Start taking: Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and pet rid of catarrh. Sand
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by all Druecists. 75c.
A Good
Km Investment
A pair of Hansen Gloves is not an ordinary pur
chase. It is an investment. It cives you daily dividends in
protection, comfort and hand-efficiency. There's the satisf letion
loo, m knowing that Hauscu always means style with correct fit
Double-Up Pocket Gauntlet
ITanscns for motorin? include Cloves,
iat-ntlcts and Mittens, lined and unlined
all sizes and colors. Thpy wiil sur
prise you with tlicir "tailored" net to
your hand. Not a movement ot wrii or
tinjrer is hindered. Handle the wheel
or tool use your keys almost any
motion is free in a Hansen.
also tliat popular Van Patch a niarvl
rf durability with stylc-for driving and
Kencral wear.
Ask to see any kind of t'lovc you want
and we vdl bUow j ou a llas-jca.