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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1917)
iPn Tfrtrtt Alt frN 3 0 W-CiBilil fit VOL. XXXIV. PLATTS510UTII, NEERASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 2, li17. No. 1!I. M3IMITV OS 31 EIGHT MILE The Members ("cm posing This Club Enjoyed a Most Interesting Meetng Thursday Ninhl rrm Friday'" Pnilv. The coram ifV.ity center club located in the community eight mill's vest of t! i.- city held a most interesting meeting last evening at the Triteh s. '.. ,,1 house ar.d it proved one of the no -t interesting meetings that 1 Keen held this season.' Or.e of 1 f'-ature- of the evening that ?ervfd to entertain the large crowd was y "corn -how"" in which a large number of specimens of both white and yellow field corn was shown by the farmers attracting much attoni ion and it re quired some time for the j udge?, Henry Ibiii, Henry Jicil and Otto Sehafer to determine the best spec- mer.s of tr.e cc In the white ! co.n contest 1. A Horn w frst pri::e while F. ?d. Ma av-.trded the second priae. ; given i Vc IOV gi ea corn class J. W. i ritsch was l:rst and J R. C. Gregory sec- r.nd i'i i;:e and those who viewed the ! exhibits of corn were unanimous in v..'ine- h:A the iud"es lia.d shown d"'es 1 for.d iudL'-ment m their selections their Following the corn show a debate was enjoyed, the subject being r.esoived, that the boys of today have a better opportunity for success than the boys of fiitv years ago." In this debate the a' n miative was taken by Frank ' W arc1. Alex Manger while the neat:e side was represented by Arthur Howard and Daley Wood. The discussion of this question proved vt-ry interesting and the debaters shoved much thought and earnest ness in the presentation of their re spective side of the argument. '! be judges composed of Messrs H i-n. Heil and Schafer after due de- liberation found in favor cf the af- firmative that the boys of the present clay have far greater opportunities than those of a half a centry ago. These meeting are constantly grow ' g in interest and the attendance em braces the farmers for miles around r- 1 j , 1 4. 1.,U v. no hoci tr.e social ceniei nuu tribune where the r.eeds and desires he ! oi the neoiiie can oe u. u..-a tton , i l i - i a great deal of good accomplished for j the community in which they are, - located. This is the first organiza- tion of its kind in this portion of the J county and is more than making good as one of the greatest education al mediums that could b its benefits reaches into in the district where it is found and every home located. THE DEATH OF EARL CLARK AT HOUSTON, TEX, Fi"m Sat i;rlav". Dailv. Earl Clark, son of Byron Clark, the Burlington general attorney, and a young man born and reared in this i.iir rrt.t -ii5 iertb on We.b'esdflV at ,. " ' i i i ' Houston while engaged m nis worrt -or the Southern Pacific in the ra'I- road yards in that place. The exact particulars of the accident have not as yet been learned by the friends of the family in this city and all that is known of the sad affair was the news conveyed in the message to the father in Omaha. Mr. Byron Clark left as foon as the message was re ceived for Houston to arrange for the funeral and if possrble will bring the body back north for burial but this has not been fully decided upon. Mr. Clark, the unfortunate victim cf the accident was still in his early thirties and had been married only a few jears, leaving to mourn his death the widow and one child, as well as the father and one sister, all of whom reside in Texas with the exception of the father. To the many friends of the Clark family in this city where for so many years they were residents, the news UUIVU! GEN LI of the death of Earl comes as a shock and doubly so to the bereaved . .ll... . . .1-. ...Til V. .-. .- 4V.A c---r-i fj, juuitr: nu hi nac ut.jtjt pathy of the entire community in t the sorrow that has befallen him in the loss cf his nn. "BSE GIRL'S MISTAKE" A THRILLING PLAY M .thrr-, how many girls' liver, are ruined because ol their ignorance? Arc you to blame? The forth com ing production of the great white slave pley "One Girl's Mistake' will toil the tale. It's the story of a straight girl on a crooked path on ac count of her ignorance of the ways of the wearied, a stor.' of a 1 1 tic frirl who comes to the city and is taken in by the white slavers and is finally rescued bv her lover. If is n rvp;,t. ' . . . . . ' may, which teacnes a lesson. Seat' ' i e "J -ale ; ".0. .T rt Wyiich i'c Iladrava. and i2." cents. Prices TRIFLE RANGE TO BE OG00P1E0 BY THI OMAHA GAB From Snt:irlav"s r:ii:v. One of the tig events in the eastern J portion of tiie state of Nebraska is the a'-nua! encampment cf the high school t .ulcts and tliis event is one a wasjtnat is looked ior.vara to Uv!pf manar Df the team for the com in the: every student in the Omaha schools. ' ,..,n,-;,u..-,).in Ihis event will be held the first part of June and some GOO cadets will 1 spend a week in camp and drilling in reirukit?on miutavv stvle. There are thr wo jdaces strongly suggested for; poiiion for lhis season, as his ar scene of the encampment, the . ,,v, n t m.,i-- j rifle range r.orth of this city and the I ,snianci ranee, ana the se.ection ot me aeai mis (in - ceitainn certamlv corns the logical j int for the camp The cadet will travel to the camp in a special train and carry with them their own band and on visitors dav the re severe thousand visiters present to spend ihe day with the boys in camp it make a very gala occasion. The visitors are also brought to the camp by special train. There has been no definite arrangements made as u noHin.g uie encampment out u l. 1 l : - a v ... - v.. a is U.ougnt tnat the matter will be . t'-'-Ken up witn tne supermtenuent oi the Omaha schools and the Com7 j me:c:ai ciuu una government i j cii i:i i.;n iu mteiesL me On-, aha locaiin: . ehocd in the proposition of j iiieii ciinip r.v n xms season. i. rom the standpoint of convenience liris range through its nearness to ' - " 1"-" r--. 4 K f-k ' l tV it tini l-nis -! Omaha is one of the best that could found. The nearness to the rai'- ' T . . : j- . . j i. : . : . . . i urn: i::e mi ill iroiri lius ciiy to Omaha would be all that anyone could ask and if the Omaha school authorities want a real place for their encampment th?y should come to Piatt mouth. ULL STAGE OF THE HIGH WATER NOT YET REACHED The condition of the rivers and ii i i i i i I streams ' throughout tne state seem to indicate that the full stage of the high water lias not been reached and ! that further records of high water in.-.v be looked for hpfore the water I begins to subside. The Platte is now at a very high stage and the main portion of the river has reached a -ihigh point with constantly increasing i b . v'lier "u r'e iaci- tnat tne ice nas entirely moved out does away witn one of the dangerous elements that might tend to create flood conditions, In the northern part of the state the high water seems to be receding and Norfolk is being relieved. The Keya Paha river in the northern hart of the state seems to be the chief element of danger at the present time in regard to floods and the washing I morning by Mr. Moore to catch the away of a bridge at Brocksburg, j train for home. Mr. Parriott is feel caused the death of three persons. ing very proud over his new grandson The Missouri is raising rapidly and reports the little one as being the and the stream is filled with debris finest boy in the world. Mr. and Mrs. and waste that marks the flood stage Glen Parriott are now residin"- at cf the river and from all indications further high water may be looked for in this stream. Near Folsom the river has not become a very danger ous factor for the railroad, but a large number of men are on the grounds to look after the work of re inforcing ihe rip-rap and preparing for any sudden rise that might threaten danger to the work that the Burlington has carried uut to pro- A . 1.1 : a 1 a . 1 . i mi j lei-t uneir tiiicivafje ui mis point, ine j river must raise a great deal to menace the tracks of the K. C. line of jlhe Burlington at this point. BASE BALL MEETING FRI DAY EVENING The Bc3s Met and Elected All the Officers Except Henry Schneider Refused the Managership Frnm Saturday's Paily. The opening fun of the base ball season was fired last evening when the I first nridimin.-.rv cten toward the or- "". 1 . . " iganization of a team for the forth coming season was taken by the mem bers cf the team last year and a goodly representation of the fans who assembled at the lc-t room in the Riley block to discuss the plans for the year. The meeting was presided over by Ed Weaver, one of the third degree fans cf the city, and the meet ing soon got down to business with a motion to elect the old officers for another year. This was carried and resulted in the selection of Thomas Walling as president: C. S. Johnson as vice-president and custodian of the ball park; II. X. Dovey as secre tary and treasurer. On the question discussion as Henry A. Schneider, ,,. i,ct . i,'r,.r vo. Lt. .amx. kt,i; i aii ciiii at") v. i t su n (i3 v j iiitiit mi in,T,oss;Kii;tv and he urired the selectk:n of SOmeone else, as th ere ...i,i i, tbinn- Hmntr in votnin 1 u, his pijotiriff theteam for this year. A discussion was had by the members of the team and the fans and it was decided that Charley Johnson, who was for several seasons the manager, should be drafted once more to as sii the team by acting as the man ager, and Mr. .Johnson was selected by a unanimous vote of all present. It was the desire of everv one that Mr Johnson take the position and a cosrmiUt.e composed of Walter Con- r.ors, Clarence Beal and Peter Herold three of the members of the Red Sox were appointed to wait upon - i iu-.r J .... a jumii.'.uii aiiu ii uiiu iit. ctii ti' op h?m to accept The meetinsr took un a general dis- - ssion of lh nrosr)rt fnr the vear . . and it semed the general sentiment of the oi.l members of the team that an opportunity for working out should be given the younger fans who have taken a part in base ball to demonstrate just what they could do as members of the team and accord ingly it was agreed to have all of them possibly out Sunday afternoon at the park to see what could be done in the way of getting the team under way. It is expected to have the first game en Sunday, April 15th when a traveling colored organization will visit the city and open the season with the Red Sox, and the boys will have to unlimber their bats and get hu-y fur this event which is only a ?w wes on. it win require con- e !r fe. Vlri n t Mr i rt crafl Inn? t rt a it - m ivc-iv- '"" um started ott right and everyone of the fa'-s should do their utmost in seeing Uc Sox are put right up in the nmuih-; with the best teams in tne stale. VISITS WITH OLD FRIENDS From Saturdav's raiy. Our old friend, Ed Parriott, was in j the city today to spend a few hours j while enroute back to his home at ! Peru, and of course was a caller at 'the Journal editorial rooms for a short visit. Mr. Parriott has been visiting since Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore, east of Murray and was brought up thi Peru and this gives Grandpa Parriott a fine opportunity of enjoying the so ciety of the little one. LOOKING MUCH IMPROVED From Pattirfla v's Pall. The office of Dr." E. W. Cook very much improved by being repa- pered and decorated and fitted out in first class shape and now presents a most attractive appearance. The work has been looked after by N. K Peoples and the doctor can now boast of a very fine office. WAKDERER RETURNS TO GGOiiTY FARM! From Saturday's Tr.!!. Herman Findet, who a few days since made his exit from the county farm west of tie- city tahir ;' with him $7 in cash of the J, aid earned savings of his wife, a! :o reidi pg at the farm, is once ir.-;v domest icated on the fairn and guest beneatli tne noppiiaoie roo: ,i me county in-i stituticn. Last evening County At- J tornev Cole and Chief of I o-ice liai clay weve called by telephone to the farm home of Henry Kaufman south of the city where Fiidcr had faaiiy iaiuitu in jii.- v.a.noe; .lig smce ni f - 1 - - I' - rr- 1 , i i.-.cape j i om uie iarm. i :e autnori- ties at. once drove out t mar.n farm and brougl-t hack to town and took I ho Kauf- r.e rur.ii him ou ny to the farm. lie hai blown his ?tor of wealth which he -ceurtd cn lev ir.g, and was all in submit to roing bad; It is needless to say there was no killing calf for the prodigal' farm where it had b:- would net be trouble:' tleman any mere. and na-iv to to the i arm. h.'.wever that of tile fatted return at ih:' n thought t!:"y wi:h the ger.- FUNERAL 0 3 t ' it ' 3 k m L U X M b!3 S iOii-i From Fri.l:i . T:. :Tv. The funeral services of the late Mrs. Julia E. Thomas were held ye. tt ruay afternoon at 2 :.'') from the Methodist church and the structure was well filled by a Jarge number of :i.e old friends and neighbors gath ered to b;d a last farewell to all that v ,s mortal of the one thev liad l:nown and loe e ;g ihe manv The casket irch Let.veen ; ears of was born? association, into the ci tire open ranks of the members of tiie Woman's Relief Corps which acted as the guard of honor for the deceased, and around the casket in the church the American flag wa s placed at ea;d: side, in honor of the memory of the widow of one who his country and as liad fought for a tribute to ihe departed lady who has been one of ine active members ei xthe ltciie: Corps. Rev. T. A. Truscott, pastor of the church spoke briefly of the life of the departed and the usefulness that she had been to the community in which she made her home for more than a half century and to the sorrow ing children and friends the pastor held out the comforting thought of 11 1 v a meeting m another woria m wnicn the grief and suffering of this mor tal life should roll away, where, the true Christian might attain his goal in the sight of the Master. During tne services three solos were given by Mrs. E. H. Wescott consisting of the songs so loved by Mrs. Thomas dur ing her lifetime, "Beulah Land" When the Mists Have Rolled Away," and "Nearer My God to Thee. At the close ofthe services the mem bers of the Woman s Relief Corps held a short ritualistic service in memorial to the departed sister that they were soon to consign to her last long sleep. BOTHERS GUN TELL THEIH DAUGHTERS The thrilling white slave play "One Girl's Mistake"' will be at the Par- mele Theatre Wednesday night. This play was written so that a subject of tremendous importance could be handled in a manner that, while it treats the subject in hand in a de finite, rugged manner, is yet so con structed as to receive unanimous ap proval of every class. Powerful, yet clean, absorbing, yet subtle, it deals a terrific blow at our great human frailty, the allowing our daughters to grow up in utter ignor ance of the world's pitfalls. Seats on sale at Weyrich & Hadrba's. Ben Eeckman was in today from)., his home near Murray. Mr. Beck- man has been visiting at Omaha for the past week and just returned home'v.-s much harder 'to deal with than Sunday and reports a splendid time with his friends in that city. Office supplies at the Journal cilice. rp4 x.- ,-: r V7 : 2 -lii iBI -1 It Kl i mil n t i k U ioi; It i t a ire in Tia ir I!a'. -n,ent Hiscovered Aht.iit Nia- O'.iork .in 1 tha Eui!:l ing partially Saved liai (Jaods K'tiiiud bv Water i ;us mo: i m o " V.i r siiort'y after o'clock del ivory ram for the iler ic I.uiz, on Souti) id or'fa.'i m to go down of the building ar.d a great cloud of srpoke ;at of tiie cellar and first Intimation of the Sir: i ; tr( the V.':". : i v. h ih !(;! a: ed lit. :. a great ileal of ;ng and the prac- I; .if .'vo 1 de !o-s of the stook in the n merit of the -toie. The i once t ':: red in and the (.-: onded to try and save r.' i. : or g from do-ti i'ction but on cr-.cemer.t, the dense clouds rolling out of the building, .ei-v difficult to locate the aie c -rra i" smoke aade it ; i v to place the line of .oie it could do the most -f- '.V,., k. i ne dense c.ouus ot oiling out of the rear doorway r.ioke rol at,) tl'e d: the embers ' , . . o .Hey vr.s siioh as to drive !.'ve":v.en and one of the of the department, Emil as overcome by the smoke .1 u c. rrii-i: i -fVi"n 1 . -! hoeVIin'v le 1"m: arrival of the sec- no st run of hose allowed a stream i into the building from a la toth the t rent and the rear, and the cemd alarm brouohc the hose carts i-o.v. west Muin f tvect and Winter- ?on oi.: ;-ean- -g and ! noe nouses and gave tnre thi'i .' i.'ich phi' ed on the buiid lly were enabled to drown v.t . i : ill o so that it could be gotten contrtl. - --The blaze seems to i"e s. -large ta; d from the cellar near ii of ;i! ami burned up the tairway from tho cellar, catching the wooden partitions and finally breaking out on the roof of the build ,rg v. here the fire boys attacked the 1 - im! i"-p .twiii1 in (h'x'icin'T its e :proad. har.c The fire was one of the worst that has occurred in the past it h: sprc a i .t . ... i. The oi -; several months and for a time olied as though the blaze might . d to the nearby building occult;.- the Fcrd auto agency and the .-tailing rooms cf John P. Sattler. :a:vomol;: of safe; removed . - h- d s were hurried to a and the stock of sup in the face of the dan truetlon of the build- ii-. ss. fiie d.termined work of the fire i .:vr, depart;?"-, nt in handling the fire was j City and Peru, while they were mak such as to conrine it to the Zuck-Jing their way southward. The cap wei'.er ic Laiiz building and after an j t tire of the two men and the women hour oi verv stenuotts worK tne are i wa s subdued and tha building saved. A great deal c-f wafer was used in ti e lire as it was impossible to reach the source of the blaze and this did sortie damage t-j the dry goods de- of t: ore as v. s in the grocery elenartment. The loss is hard to determine at this time, but v ill run into several thousand dollars as practically all but the canned goods in the grocery department was damage-:! by the fire and water and in the drj- gods department of the store the smoke and water did a great deal of damage. The loss is parti ally covered by insurance. The members of the fire depart ment are deserving of commendation for their efficient work and although several were partially overcome by thc some from the building, stuck to their posts and saved the structure as well as the neghboring buildings. Tiie building was closed after be ing thoroughly' drenched by the streams from the different lines of hose, to await the arrival of the in surance adjusters and apparently all signs of fire were extinguished. At 2:45 those passing the building were rtartled by a muffled explosion and in an instant great clouds of smoke poured from the roof of the building and from all indications the large tank of kerosene in the cellar exploded and burst into flames as the great volume of smoke seemed to be from burning oil. The alarm was turned in and in vcrv few mjnutos the firemen werethat 13 suc" a EtronS leature oi me;visjt with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph cm t;.e Fround and resumed the fight to cavP tha founding. The second fire , the first as strong wind was blow-! t ing ar.d fanned the blaze so as to i make the task of the fire fighters one !of difficulty. The blaze spread over Ihe entire building and required four i reams of hose to play on the build ing. The firemen worked like beavers i i trying to check the biaze and have ; o'clock, seemingly gotten the blaze .-no'i contiol. The building is prac 'ical'y gutted and the contents as a i- alt of the secood visitation will i'i.c"! "e,d!y be a toial loss. A number . I: ',' bovs were worn out bv ihe e oid-al tiir .ugh which they iboied and the smoke and water lle-ir lot a most di -a'.ereoable laid ! r-.rde PRISONERS IREAK IAIL AT NEKRASKA G!TY, SHOOT JAILER From Frl'lay's Tiaily. The three parties Ben Mallow, Jo seph and Virginia Dudaley, who were charged with having pulled off the robbery of the Petering garage at Nebraska City as well as the theft of nr. automobile from Kansas City, and who were arrested at Union two v.-eks ago by Deputy Sheriff Roy Fischer of Otoe county, seem to have been real bad actors. The three pul ed off a jail delivery last night at Nebra-ka City where they were be ing hold and made their escape after . hooting and beating up the jailor, a : n an named Swanson. The jailor was making his rounds in the jail short ly after 10 o'clock and on visiting the po!ti:m of the jail where Mallow and Dudaley were confined the two men jumped on him and overpowered him, taking away his gun and the keys to the jail. They then proceeded to put the jailor out of commission by shot irg him through the arm and beating him insensible. They then released their female companion and unlocking ihe main entrance to the jail made g-od their escape and at last reports were still at large. It had been practically decided by the Otoe coun ty authorities to allow the parties to be taken back to Kansas City for trial for the theft of the $3,500 au to from that city and after their re lease from service for that crime to have them brought back to Nebraska to face the robbery charge. These parties when arrested at Un ion were brought to this city by Depu ty Sheriff Roy Fischer and kept here until, it was possible to have them taken to Nebraska City and from their general aspect were not new hands ai the game by any means. A message was received in this city this afternoon by Sheriff Quinton from Sheriff Ed Fscher of Otoe coun ty announcing the fact that the . i . - i : . i ' l . 1 l : .... ii.iree parties m:tKii:g iiie jan ueuei had been captured between Nebraska m the case was maue Dy ueputy i.oy Fischer and thev will be brought back to Nebraska City to be lodged in jail until their hearing occurs which is set for Monday. THE EAGLES HAVE G9G0 TIME WITH THEIR FAMILIES The Eagles Saturday evening en joyed cne of the pleasantest gather ings at which the members and their families were premitted to enjoy a very delightful time among them selves and one that will be most pleasantly remembered. The rooms were filled with the members of the party and the evening spent in games of various kinds which served to en tertain both young and old. Dancing was also enjoyed by the members of the party until a late hour and in the delights of the dance everyone had a most pleasant time. The music was furnished by the Svoboda orchestra and was all that could be asked by the lover of good dancing. These so cial gatherings are very pleasing to the members of the Eagles as well as their families and serve to bring to gether the members in the fullest en joyment of the fraternal relations order. 1 he lodge nas given a numDer of these events during the winter, I season and each one has proven most pleasing in every way to the mem- bers and their families. Dawson Wiii Fix It ! GAVE SHOWER IN HONOR OF MISS The charming home of Mr. and Mrs. George KafTenbcrger west of the c ity was the scene of a very delightful gathering Friday afternoon when Mrs. KafTenbergor and Mrs. O. M. Kintz entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Mary Kaf fenberger, who is to be one of the brides of the spring reason. The home was very prettily decorated with sweet peas and carnations and presented a mon delightful appear ance and a fitting setting for the happy event. The afternoon was Fpent in a social way by the ladies and the bride-to-be showered with nu merous and handsome gifts from the friends and relatives that she will cherish in the years to come as tok ens of the dear friends. At a suit able hour a dainty and delicious four course luncheon was served that add ed greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. Those . in attendance at the pleasant gathering were Mesdame.s L. B. Egenberger, L. W. Egenberger, Theodore Stark john, Jocab Trit sc h. O. Knitz, Ida Tritsch, Will Qehne, August Notling, Adam Stoehr, Albert Tschirren, John Wehrbein, Henry Born, Fred Bucchler, Chris. Tschir ren, C. F. Vallery, John KafTenbc r ger, sr., Will Rummell, Christina Rummell, W. A. Wheeler, John Mei ringer, Will Schultz, Phillip Hirz, Fred Baumgart, John Kaffenberger, jr., and babe, Fred Kaffenberger, Au gust KafTenberf,er, Jacob Buechler, Misses Emma Tritsch, Dora Nolting, Alice T rchirrcn, Tillie Halmes, Ella Tschirren, Ida Tschirren, Emma Buechler, May Mand, Margaret Kaf fenberger, Sophie Ilild, Fh nee Rummell, Emma and Lizzie Hirz, Edith Baumgart, Gilbert and Kathe rine Hirz, Frederick and Grace Schultz, John Glen and Delores Kaf- fenberger, Norene Kaffenberger, Rob. ert Wheeler. DAN CUPID HAS A BUSY DAY WITH JUDGE BEESON Saturday was a banner day in the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson, andJLhe genial judge was able to make six hearts happy by uniting them in the bonds of wedlock and this was carried out in the usual pleasing man ner by the court. Fred A. Lynch and Marie E. Leman, both of Omaha were joined as one by the judge and departed for their home rejoicing. Another couple to be united was John W. Connally and Mollie Connally, both of O'Neill, Nebraska, and who for a great many years made their home near Murray, and their friends throughout the county will be pleased to learn that they are to join their lives as one in the future. The third couple was Purl Wright and Miss Luella Wardell, both of Chicago who sought the seculsion of this city to become united as man and wife. This record is one that is very pleasing to the marriage license clerk as March has been a decided light month in the marrying line and the break may mark a rush of spring weddings that will make up for the lethargy of the last few weeks. RETURNS FROM OKLAHOMA From Sati relay's Daily. Last evening Mrs. J. M. Young re turned home fro.n a visit of some nine months in OH homa where she has been staging for her health and vis iting at the home of her son, Dr. Walter Palmer at Blackwdl. Mrs. Young is feeling very much improved in health as the result of the treat ment received and enjoyed greatly the stay in the south. She reports her son doing nicely in the practice of his profession as an osteopath and meeting with great success. On her return Mrs. Young came by the way of Omaha and stopped for a weeks Godwin. For Sale The Sherwood property Cn Chicago avenue, at reasonable price if taken soon. Inquire of Omaha j Realty Co., 520-21 Paxton block, Oma- ' ha. 2-19-tfd