THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1917. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Murray Department f3wEBi I'lUJiJ : i i ! in ls! If any of the readers of the Journal know of any social event or item of interest in this vicinity, and will mail same to this office, it. will ap pear under this heading. We want all news items Editob IM3 i 1 i! "-- sr : , ' ; i i 1- lam 'jTmmmm mm -AT MURRAY - The 10th episode of "Liberty" in two reels .j Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers A Bank Account Is the Gibraltar If you are a man of family you must have a bank account. A BANK ACCOUNT IS THE EULVARK, THE GIBRALTAR, OF YOUR HOME It protects you in time of need. It gives you a feeling of independence. It strengthens you. It Is a Consolation to Your Wife to Your Children Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE leif IJrenuel is sporting a new Ford c this wt k. V-'. y. Hamilton, of Omaha, was I aft-.-r sonic business in Mur- : this wi'i k. Ti ;n Huhm'H w;s loosing after business matters in Nebraska City Wi ilr.esuay. Mis. Clinton Toiten will make her l. !!.e at Hotel Derger in Murray for the next few months. X. W. Shratler shipp-jd ."oO head of .-hep to the South Omaha market 'uj.-.:ay of this week. Mi.-s ;en, of Casper, Wyoming, i in M Mr ray this week visiting with ister, Mrs. Daitlett. .Mis Lliki Phil!ot went to Platts ii'.uiitli Tuesday evening, where she pcnd a ftw days visiting the h:..e of Miss Helen Hunter. Mrs. Louie Ft ie hich, who lias been in the Lii coin Sanitarium for the !;. wet-k, returned h-,ir.o last Sun !ay f:eiing gieatly improved. ! : : s ''a.i' l! returned home from Y . i?:g Water Tuesday, where he h: 1 I nn assisting his son Ern in ii'.M' ir.r o the new liome down near A.eic Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fritz Lutz and Mr. ami .Mrs. Philip Hill and families, v : e Mm-: ay i.-i being gi;e-t at l!; ors last Sunday,) homo of Mr. and ! Mis. Wm Puis, sr. There was a g"od crowd in attenel :ir.e.: at the picture show in Murray Tuesday evening of tiiis week, and a!'., l the show there were quite a :'-.;! remained for the social dance l i n dv av .-e in attendance ( 'has Fngelkemeier was an Omaha vi-ii ! Wednesday of this week, '.eling th:- day with Mrs. Kngel kemeier at the hospital, who is im proving vriy rapidly at this time, anil wi'! be ah!-.- to return home the lat ter part of the pre.-ent week. A Rake and a Hoe a Straw Hat and pair gloves and you're ready to BBAKE GARDEN all but the Seeds and we can furnish them. -RED AND WHITE can, Pea, Corn, Radish, Lettuce, Cabbage, and ail the rest of good things for the garden. Seed in some varieties are very scarce, so buy early while the buying is good. PwlURRAY, : of the ome! Seed potatoes for sale. Oldham I Stock farm. The little foks at tin and Mrs. Fred liamage have been on the siik list for the past few days. Dr. Fred MeYey of Ohio, has been in Murray this week visiting with his uncle Jesse 11. MeYey. He ex pects to return home Saturday of this week. We have a few bushels of choice home grown clover seed that 'we will sell for ;? 10.00 per bushel as long as it lasts. Murray Hardware & Im plement Co. Dr. P.. F. Brendel was in Avoca 'a couple of days the past week, looking; after his son Will's practice, while Dr. Will was looking after some busi ness interest in Omaha. Mrs. George Lloyd went to Platts mouth Tuesday ecniag for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cole. One of the children of Mrs. Cole has been quite sick with nneunvmia this week. Dan Gapen, of Alberta, C.nada, has been in Murray this week visiting among old friends anel relatives. He is an uncle of Lloyd and Oscar Gapen with whom he is making a visit. Jesse R. M'-Vcy arrived in Min ray last Thursday from Windsor, 1 1 1 i nojs, where he has been spending the winter. He will make a visit with friends in old Cass for a few weeks. He is looking hale and hearty, and feeling fine. The Murray Commercial Club held a meeting Wednesday evening of this week, for the purpose of re-organizing and preparing for a busy sum mer of work for the betterment of .Murray and community. They were also to make arrangements for an other big banquet in the near future. Particulars of the meeting will be published next week. e '13 it I Utt NEBRASKA Anderson Davis has not been so well for the past few days. Harmon Heck was a business vis itor in Lincoln this week. W. J. I'hilpot spent Tuesday nip;ht with Dr. C II. Gilmore and family. Scotton ic Young are carpentering at the Cameron Cathey home this week. Miss Clara Young is visiting with friends and relatives in Iowa this week. Little Helen Terry is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pit man this week. Elmer Hallstiom was a business visitor out near Lincoln on Saturday of lrut week. Uncle John Chalfant, from near visitor in Union, was a business M urray Wednesday. Z:ick Shrader was a business vis itor at the South Omaha stock yards Wednesday of this week .Mrs. Jessie Snyder, of Fairiand, Iowa, and George Oldham, of Platts mouth, were guests at die Oldham home in ?.I urray last Sunday. Miss Austin, the Pleasant Hill school teacher, had her eye operated upon by Dr. G. II. Gilmore for a tu mor, it is quite painful but she keeps on teaching. Dr. J iskson has been confined to his heme since Thursday last by an at of lumbago. He is now some what better ar.d hopes to be able to preach at least once next Sabbath. One day last week our genial sec tion foreman was given a calf that was born on the train between here and Union. Hill tried to save the calf, b.'.t as luck would have it in those times of high prices, it had to Mrs. Gien Thorr.ason and little son, )f Sheltoii, Neb., was visiting with .er parents, Mr and Mrs. George Kav v.c-' She returned home last ..iinu.'.y .'Horning, auu .hv.ui:i- o.'.y p.-'.nied as far as Omaha by her par ents. i ho annual business meeting of the --.....i p, eslivlerian congregation v. iil be held next Wednesday after r.oon and may be preceded by a con gregational dinner. Every member r.r.d adherent should atteml this meet irg. Stephe n Merrill Ikckner has been nude sick tne past weel: !' e little fellow has more than his .i. e of sickness. Circumstances : u: rounding his father's tragic- ik-ath has eaused the little fellow's i health to be quite fragile. Wore! has just been receiveel here from Alt' Nickels who is taking treat- ro.-ni ill a::i springs, .vrK., ier rueei-i m.'.ti.-m, t!uit lie is feeling about the same, ami that the baths have failed to benefit him as much as he cxpecteel. lie will return home about the lirst of April. The Library Association, the Aid Society and the ?dissionary Society have uniteei in putting on a Lyceum course for next winter. This is a livj number course, and is an extra go-el ene for talent. The prospect was never better for Murray in all lines of progressiveness. Our elevators were once more able t eiispuse of a small amount of their grain, receiving one car each week. It is hoped by all concerned that the railroad company will be able to sup ply cars regularly in the very near future, otherwise there will be a lot ef farmers hauling grain this spring when they ought to be in the fields?. The Sabbath School at the United Presbyterian church will meet at the uual hour next Sabbath anil since the weather is now becoming spiing- like it is hoped that there will be a full attendance of all who have been enrolled, anil that others will come iii for enrollment. A new class of boys will probably be formed next Saooatli morning. The Ladies Misionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, will hold a bazaar at the church on April 7th. During the afternoon such articles s apron.-, sun hats, porch pillows and fancy articles will be offered for s.a!e. Supper will be served at six oYVck. Sherbets will be served and a homo made candy booth will be con ducted by the ladies. You are cor dially invited to attend. Chas. Wolfe was operated upon at the hospital in Omaha Monelay for gedtrc. The operation was a very painful one, but the patient with stood it nicely. It is said that an other one will be necesary for relief. The work on the new home of C. N. Haroiws is progressing very nice ly at this time, anel it will not be long before Mr and Mrs. Barrows will be at home again. Young & Scotton are doing the work. Lon Adams and family moved to Pethany this week where they will make their future home. Mrs. uertie uecKner and son, Stephen Merrill, went to Omaha Mon clay of this week on business. There is considerable agitation along the line of permanent sidewalks leading up to school house. Such agitation should be continued until the desired effect is brought about, as this is one walk that is certainly needed, and will not only be a benefit to the public traveling these walks, but to the property owners as well we trust mat tne latter win see their way clear to put them in at once. Don't knock, but boost, and see what can be accomplished. Mrs. L. R. Rusterhotz and Mrs William Patterson of Murray depart ed Monday morning for Colfax, Iowa, where Mrs. Patterson will en ter a sanitarium for treatment for rheumatism. Mrs. Rusterhotz goes to rest up and recuperate after a long illness and it is thought that the waters from the springs will be of great benefit to her. Mrs. Gertie IJeckner went to Omaha with the la dies to help them on their train : afely as Mrs. Patterson was scarce ly able to walk. The St. Cecelia Club, of the Tar kio, Missouri college, will be in Mur ray on Friday night of this week, . ml will give one of their choce con certs at the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the ladies so cle; y of the church. The St. Cecelia Clan is composed of twenty young ladies of rare musical talent, also in r a:ings ar.d recitations, and as eir teitainers they come to Murray most highly recommended. The price of admission will be loc and 25c. They are deserving of a full house. COUPON IKJOKS The Puis Garage have elecideel to issue coupon books to their customers I in connection w ith their newly adopt ed cash basis business principals. These books will contain $10.00 in coupons, redeemable at the garage in any line of goods carried for repairs, oils and gasoline. These books are sold for cash anel a eliscount eif five per cent will be allowed the purchaser making the book cost $l.50. This is certainly quite an inducement to con el tie. your business with the Puis G;i rage on a cash coupon book basis Theve books will be ready for sale the j l itter part of the present week. CHRISTIAN CHUHCH CHIMES i hp atti'iit ancc at Sunelav scnool last Sunday was somewhat disap pointing. We hrpe for a larger num ber out next Sunelav. Parents see that your children attend Sunday school. The pastor was gratified to see so many out at the morning worship. The members are urged to attend at J least one sermon on Sunday. The sermon topics for the Lord's elay are as follows: Morning "The Mission of Christ."' Evening "A Foolish Young next the Man Who Became Wise." The young men of the community are especially invited to hear this sermon. For sale A lot ot block cotton- wood at loc per load at my farm. James Brown, Mutri. INSPECTED BAD PLACE ON THE ROCK BLUFFS ROAD Stale Engineer Johnson, County Commissioner Pitz and County At torney A. G. Cole yesterday after noon were out inspecting a bad place on the Rock Bluffs road near the farm of Major Hall to determine just what, would be the best means of dealing with the proposition. A deep ditch has been worn by washing which crosses the roadway twice in a short distance of each other ant has formed quite a ditch on the land of .Mr. Hall. It has been thought that if a small ditch was constructed on the opposite side of the roadway that it might result in the country being able to check further washing cf the old ditca and permit of its being filled up and save further cost to the countv. The state engineer vieweel the washout ditch and wil assist the county board in arriving at i-omc "-olution that will allow them to stop further washing away of the toad and the adjoining land. "A Surgeon's Revenge!" a two reel L. Ko. comedy PULS & GAHSEtlER Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp 3SE npT,y.p.!'Wit.w.w Incubators, any make, factory prices, less $1.00. Johnson Bros. 3-L'2-ltwkly. A slightly used player piano, very special bargain cash or terms. Write or phone A. Hospe Co. 1513 Douglas St., Omaha, Nebr. 3-2J-2twkly. The Celebrated Perchcron Stallion 1-''.i! 4t' - i TEDDY n. 87886 Teddy R. is a fine Percheron Stal lion, black with white hind feet and right front foot while. He was foal ed .March 30, 1112, and weighs 1750 pounds. His sire was Morton, G7203; by Epateur 5183G (04310); by Boli var, 40111 (-16402); by Amilcar, (11)979); by Sultan, (4713); by Bay ard (9495), by Estraba, 187 (73G) by son of Jean Le Blanc, (739). The Celebrated Young Jack San- elors. Sandors is an excellent young Jack, coming six years old, weighing 1050 pounds, plenty extra heavy bone, black with mealy points. Sandors, (5298) was foaled June 2, 1911. His sire was San Salvador 2d, by Salvador, imported from Spain. Sandors was bred and owned by Frank Busch, of Villa Ridge, Missouri. Teddy R. and Sandors will make the season of 1917 at my home six miles west of Murray and six miles east of Manley, every day in the week. Both arc sure loal getters, and have been inspecteel for 1917 and found perfectly sound. TERMS : For Sandors $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. For Teddy R. 12.50 to insure colt to stand anel suck. Parties disposing of mares or removing from the locality, service fee becomes due anel must be paid immediately. All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but owner will not be held responsible shoulel any occur. A. J. SCHAFER. Stop! Look! Listen! You may need an Auctioneer if so W. B. 000 8 still in the ring You will find on the Murray Exchange. Reverse All Galls! Sati&factionGuarantccd Rates Reasonable Address Plaitsiraoutb, Nebraska Route No, 1 .:.-tJi . , I 4 r'l 1 Select a Coat for Your House As You Would For Yourself You wouldn't select a coat merely because the color appealed to you. You give careful thought to wear, style and texture. You should be just as careful in selecting a coat for your house. I'aint must keep its smart appearance and receive harder wear than any faliric ever received. You can gel this wear and weather-resisting result if you paint with Sherwin Williams House Paint. SWP (Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared) is prepared of the ingredients that have proved to lo best by a long experience. You can have jut llr.' color you want and have the most distinctiv e Iioum. in the neighborhood. The Murray Hardware and Empiemeni GO., Murray, Nebraska ' Wanted A man and wife, without children, for farm work. Apply to F. II. Johnson, Veeping Water, Neb., Route 1. 2-20-tfd&w SINGLE COM II REDS. ix;(;s rem hatchinc; Am Ireedine: from Scott Covalt's best strain of Reds this year. 'Only one breed;' $1.00 per setting at the house. $1.25 per setting by mail; $" per 100, by express. Phone Platts mouth 4021, W. R. Porter, Mynard, Neb. a-8-diw FOR SALE Eggs for hatching. Single comb 3uff Orphington, $1.00 per siting or 55.00 per 100. Samuel Goodman, Cuff C-.0u per Mynard, Nebraska. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lead to chronic constipa tion. Doan's Regulets operate easily. 25c a box at all stores. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you arc insured by J. W. Holmes. Just Arriving:: Our Ladies' CONSISTING OF Very PJice Patterns cf Thin Dress Good s as well as Percales, Ginghams and Calicos! r3A T S New and Up-to-Datc Line for Men, Women and Children. Remember Our Grocery Stock is Always Up to the Standard! Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Drs. IVIach & Rlach, Tha Dentists The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialist In charge of all work. Lady attendant. Price. Porceiala fillmga. just like tooth. Instruments carefuby sterilized alter uiing. Send for frkb sample ci sani-i-yor 13 DR. E. R. TARRY 240 i. i .5-a ic-..i-v. E 1 ' MAY ROOK ON CANCER. This book gives a most comprehen sive explanation of cancer and its suc cessful treatment without the knife. Rase. I on actual experience' of more than sixteen years and laboratory re search coveiing more than ten tl;u sand cases. The book wiil be sent free by adilressinir O. A. Juhnx.n, M. I)., Suite 520, lo20 Main St., Kan -as City, Wo. Send f r a copy today mnl lea; n t ome facts about cancer. SEEDS THAT ('ROW Home grown Red (.'lover $ 1 en- j ,'Uiu'L ccU'a, t'1 lInvu':' 'ti0' AlfaU fa i :'"' B,uo Gril -t' (,ir,,:in Ml"t: $!.i0, Can" ia!Vir $'... River See l Ohio, an I Six Wen k , tatees. Sumji's sei r. Ask To- cat l..g of CJarde i S 'e.l. . '" -t Paid I'i . s. Johnson Pros., N-'br. City. o-'JJ-!t Aklv. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, I if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. 1? Nebraska. ryorrne wBiimein. Dress Goods! ii 3rd Floor Paxton Clock, OMAHA Uq liloney.Iil! Oured rimtula and All Recto! Disease cured with eutthe knife. Permanent cures cunrattteed. Writ ter Free Illustrated boek on Rectal Dlvease and teatlmonial f hundred ef cured ptlnt In Nebraska aad lw. A Doe Bide. Omaha. Neb,