The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 19, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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PAGE il.
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The Celebrated Percheron Stallion
(A ' -
....... .vra . -
i A I P I w
Will rp.akc I lie season of 1917 as follows: On Mondays,
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Adam Stcehr farm five
m:!rs west of Plattsmouth; on Thursdays, Fridays and Sat
v.rr'aps at the George Kraeger farm, three miles west and
ore-half rni:c south cF Mynard. Jaioux is a beautiful black'
P.'ch-rcn, v.-einhirg 1950 lbs., foaled March 5, 1909.
fc: eiltil;, standing seventy per
X (...:" was irn'-itid
. 1 va, s ivi is recrrieti by the
... . . ' e
P.t'.f : (C". 1TJ. by Altf.ieur (.U).j.-, by Keulator .-"i-i
ill), bv J
s i.'T.r-Ti. hv iller-
1 (T".",i, bv IJrilliant
v ( ! ..sii:i '
). i ;a:.t Favorite
llil-J (l-i'iT-j). by Champeaux i21S ( 22 ) , tiy
i 7-o :T"!i, by Superior 44 (7."iM. by Favori I (7lli,
b-: ' -jo ('712. bv Miirnon (71".). by -Je;-.n le Ub'c
bv v ivuv 'ha
.'' .'. l- ; !
t .nil bv J'-.-
bv m:-.
t '!:. .: n 71 .'1
"'.hillce .''2'S
( S:: J i . by :
; ( 71") . by J i
an i(
7-4 i . b;.- Supevi"
bv o.-.. 732. Iv
u iielonuinj:- b .M. Duval.
TERMS 313.00
be t
to prevent
sponsible fcr any ths.t may occur. If marc is or re--moved
from county servicec fee becomes due and payable
r r-
":. iiilicix oi (. o tncil of Ni'tiiinal Dc
!Vne ill Talk With the Train
men and Managers.
lai!" !.
billet !
Man !i lo.--The coaii-f'cn.-e,
il( ludi'ig sev-
V'.: mbcrs. at a meeting
a the threatened nation
1 tiihe and il was indi
.m' actio? looking to a
1 1 1 i
cated that
p: t r.tion
tau v..
L-irike might be
Alter the cabieet had been in ses-
a rift-
n minutes Secretary Wilson
':. ayiiv.'
::!d i.-ue a
c railroad 1:
lb. i.e
i; t Secretary laKcr
sf.temer.t shortly on
ke . itutiti' ii.
;u-?-:.-.ed tliat a
trike '
mr t.""
coaht i
sai.i that
comm.'vce of the
? ;!Vt . ti !. Secretary
c- " :
u t I.
ih.L action decided
met Wii
hi a
tire approval,
i upon was .to
deci' ie
,es Lane
haw r ec
.d Wilson
I. ! Wiihtrd and Samuel dompers,
mi m'oia of the advisory commission
:' ihj
coaiaal of national defense
i i'
with representatives oi
i -H--s.
t the
, -a i'
.ted .a
d lb'
cent i f
Thi action was expected
aier.t an! his advisers to
a '
'itr.l s :aiv:oi
t whii he fa
of the men in
that was
"y a m-'i'iC' i., 'v.f. n iha men and
r. ads. Th" si' iati:o now. they
concerns t'.a- o.-errinie:it vitally,
t in si.;-!' a . .aai't!i the pres
g:fi tit- goverr.;:ieTts inter
o ersiiadow aiv; a.!! others,
ik "at ion wa ; givcu by admin
i oTt'-i!'; f' ,,- .-;ia,. dra-tic
( ;
r '.'-' whi'di l.iaht t-s ! ;i k a-; to forte
th- pci a. lion of the' radioad-: i: ca-c
I1 sti ike ;; -taal!y co'nes. One maans
.- i '-gv sled was fo - the govei rruent to
a h i.t receiver.-hlps, if neces.-ary. for
the i f ad a aaid uielertake tlieir cpera-ti-
n. Th.' (li. cus-ian was er.ti'-!y
tc r.tatiN e, however.
9 u yjzs
58 Ions
90 Tons
1 38 Tons
215 Tons
Thousands in use.
Warranted 5 years.
American Silo Supply C
No. 213 Traders Building, Kansas City, Mo.
Department of Orne. He is a creed
cent breeding test.
Uctcber. lifil, by r.. .). Heist i, rrc
Percheron Society of America No.' IWi), by .'lriaiti (Jo.; m,
1S?H t 7 ."" I , by Coco III (771-. by
Coco (7122), bv Mifenon (71o). by Jean le Blanc
'4T-J72), by Nec tar 21SI.U (42r0."), by Ibjffai
h-i-ues. !22t) lldoji;), bv Va!l;:.r.
ity Ykux Pierie ( 1 . by
M. :'.d Dam M.pme C
1"1 (7:;ui. by Fav " i I (711 , by
Miciion (71-", by .Jean ie I'.lai:c
7:;: )
colt to
stand anJ
accidents, but v.ill not be re
supposed mm
E! Paso, Tex., March 1'. A non
commissioned cilice r of ttie Fnilcd
States quartermaster corjis disap
peared from here n March 7 and se
cret service; agent are making an
investigation of any possible connec
tion he may have had with the Gerj
man government. Although enlisted
i under an American name he was
said t- have had the apnea ran"- of
! a (lei man. speaking I! with a.
derma n accent.
His uniform was !d"t behind, hut
every letter, paper and other docu
ment in his possession destroyed.
He had more than $."0 in the bank
here. Otticers say they believe he
fled to Mexico.
The investigation of the case of
Alexander Fruchter, a noncemmis olhcer of the Seventeenth
United States cavalry, was today
held while he was in the Fort Illis
guardhouse. A number of additional
papers and documents in code were
said to have been found among his
effects todav.
Frmn I'riilay's lilv.
The funeral of the late George YVag
t a- .as he'd yesterday from the St.
John's Catholic church in this ity and
was attended by a large number of the
surrounding relatives and fiF-nds from
his city and. vicinity to pay their last
tributes of esteem to the one wno had
passed from their midst. The impres
sive requiem mass ef the church was
ceh 1 rated by Kev. Father M. A. Shine,
lector of St. John's, and following the
services at the church the body was
borne to the Catholic cemetery, where
it wa- consigned to rest In the silent
ciith. To the bereaved relatives the
deepest sympathy of the commioiity
roes out in their Ies of :i kind and
loving father anil grandfather.
l.i-yct.r-old hoy wants wor
farm. Inquire at this
I; o.n a
fi WS
None Better.
Agents Wanted.
(hiKil-.a, Neb., March 1C. Vigorous
id searching investigation, is prom
ised Lv Fire Warden E. T. Morris of
the explosion -rind tire in - the Far-
;:am picture show Wednesday, which
coming relatively closely after a
similar fire in the same place, for
which the proprietor is under indict
ment for arson, is regarded by Mor
ris as d-vi'ily suspicious.
Nor is this the the only one being
investigated. Three others which
have occurred this week are under the
c e of Morris auu liis assistants, and
each of thorn, il is already declared
iic; i ti e rniiii.ifks of arson.
Tiie (ire in the I'arnam theatre be
u.:n w;;h ail explosion which shook
the I'axton hotel just before midnight
nr.-1 c
ascd lifty diners in the King
:'e, over the theatre, to rush
i'.Iv to the street. If the fire
cv c,
had broken through into the narrow
via iruay Lading to the cafe before
"he diners had made their escape,
'.'n y would have been trapped on the
upper 1"h- :s, say the firemen. As
it was the blaze was checked in irood
City, Neb., .March. l'". The
caucus held in the- court
st vening, was attended by
house :..s'l
jver bvj i
'.wrested in
Oid timers
.-.acired voters, largely ;n
the candidates for mayor,
say this was a record at-
l.yaance "or
a city caucus. . o.
1 eia. the prestni mayor, received
;72 votes and A. O. Maust 12.". Mayor
LcyiL; has incurred the ill will of the
locai ::;.! dealers because of having
sold about twentv car loads of coal
tile jo.i- at cost. He asked for ap
o ev
his course and received it.
ether ehner.l entered into the ie
uit. La.t week. Mayor Leyda and
Fx-Mayo Hoy Heacoclc, who is a lo
cal coal dealer, lul a fistic combat in
v-nich nnumher of blows were ex
: ha r. geek John Mullen was nominat
ed for ety clerk: Jean Drecht and W.
L. Kedwood, for memlcrs of the
s.-hi oi hoard; John Moisman, Tom
'di.-t, ;.rd A. Ilartnum, for councilman
far the first, record and third wards,
v-peviivcly. it i-. not thought that
. rr, other candidates will be put up.
.'iuv-r Le'tela announceel that with tl.a
i-i pera.:-n
ity would
of the people that Falls
be bone drv after Mav
i'y an .'Sji t a I '.: : 's T ; i t v .
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Ilctyy A.
Schneider ente. taitieil in a most
fhaiming manner at her hf-me at
1 :"0 luncheon, which occasion proved a
at dightfud ti-eat to tlie kudos present.
The oca . don was in the nature of a
.'t. Patrick's - ay jnitty and the deco
rati. as v.aa-e in keeping with the spirit
f the evert with green serving as the
gencial cohv Mheme. The table deco-;ati-u.-.
we o in Shamrocks and
green carnal i-'is and made a most
abeam'ng ;ip.pcarance ;is the settings
for tha tla.inty and pleasing four
course luncheon. The afternoon was
spent ve.y phasantly by the thirty
five kidi'-v- Tre-ent in a soehil way, and
v. iil h og ! v i-y pleasantly leincm
ered. Mrs. S hi wider was assisted
hi entertaining by Mesdames W. J.
St. eight. Kate Minor, J. YV. Purine
and K. A. Wurl.
i Kre'.a y's I a i I y .
The directors of the Platlsmouih
lluiidi-t.g A: Loun Association met last
e". ening to take up the matter of thi
election of tiie oHicers for the ensuing
year and t he present officers who have
assisted materially in Ihe success o '
the past jear were re-elected to then
(faces as follows : President, E. .'.
Lutz; Vice President, 11. A. Bates;
urer, Fied
T. M. Patterson; Treat-'-T.
Ilamge; Solicitor, J. M
From S. C. llhe-dg Island licds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
S-ti.OU icr 100. Local delivery. A. O.
iKamge, Plattsmouth. Phone C513.
From Fri Jay's laily.
Charles Lovell of near Mynard was
in the city today, and while here took
the occasion to call at the Journal of
fice and subscribe for the semi-weekly,
which will be sent to his son, Anthony
Lovell, at Chappell, Neb. Anthony and
his sister, Miss Alpha, are locating on
a half-section of latid near Chappell
which they expect to farm during the
coming summer. Mr. Charles Lovell
and wife will leave this evening for
Chappell to assist their children in
getting settled and will remain there
for the next two weeks.
Lincoln, Neb., , March 1(5. The ex
ecutive council, supreme forest,
Woodmen circle, is permanently en
joined from interfering with Su
preme Guardian Emma B. Manches
ter, in the discharge of her duties, in
an opinion of the supreme court of
Nebraska, written by Judge Sedg
The court virtually held the ma
jority of seven of the council in con
tempt, but since there had been nr
"Intentional or wilful diobedience of
the injunction," it imposed no other
penalty but the payment of the costs.
The supreme court, December It),
!!)1V, enjoined the majority from in-
teifcring with Mrs. Manchester.
A committee appointed by the sev
en "eported articles of impeachment
against her, February 1(5. 1017, con
tairing eighteen sheet of typewritten
matter, and embraeine: eleven or
f.vcievc alleged grounds for removal
Mrs. Manchester filed proceedings
to have the seven cited for contempt.
Pending action by the supreme for
est in altering its" bylaws, the su
preme court held itself responsible for
seeing that the status quo was main
tained between the contending fac
tions. The court, therefore, felt duty
bound to take no action that might
endanger the existence of the society.
Fremont, Neb., March Hk Mr. and
Mrs. James Me Duffy, who reside on a
farm, had a narrow escape when their
automobile ran off the bridge and
pinned them under it east of Fremont.
Mr. McDuffy was injured internally
and badlv bruiseel about the body. Mrs.
McDuffy suffered a sprained leg. They
were driving in the snowstorm and lost
the road. They were rescued by a
farmer and his son who saw the acci
Fi nm Vriilav's Taily.
Mrs. Monte Franks and little daugh
ter departed yesterday afternoon for
Omaha, where they wiTT visit at the
home of Mrs. Franks' mother, Mrs.
Julia Thomas, and the first of the
week Mrs. Franks will enter the Im
manuel hospital, where she will un
dergo an operation for appendicitis,
from which she has been a sufferer
for some time past. The many friends
of this estimable lady will extend
their most since wishes for her speedy
recovery and hope' soon to have her
back home with them.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated on
the ISth day of May, 11)11?, and duly
hied in the office of the County Clerk
of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 3d
day of August, l!)lb and executed by
Charles E. Dasher to C. L. Stull to
secure the payment of the sum of
?200.00, and upon which sum there is
now due the sum of $108.00 with in
terest at 8 per cent from date, default
having been made in the payment of
said sum ami no suit or other pro
ceedings at law having been instituted
to recover said debt or any part there
of, therefore I will sell the property
therein which I have been, able to ob
tain possession thereof, to-wit: One
brown horse, named Tom. weight
about 1,200 pounds; one 3 -inch
Peter-Schultler wagon, at public auc
tion at Fifth and Main streets in the
City of Plattsmouth in said County
and State, on the 26th day of March,
1917, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated this 5th day of March, 1917.
C. L'. STULL, Mortgagee.
Home grown alfalfa seed for sale
Inquire of S. O. Cole, Mynard, Neb.
3-8-lmo wkly
Originated and carried out by the
Young People of the School
Was a Great Success
From Sutirr Jay's Daily.
The 'carnival given last evening
at the High school building and which
was orginated and carried out by the
young people of the school, proved
one of the most delightful occasions
in the history of the school, and one
that everyone 1 enjoyeel to the utmost
in the . numerous and varied amuse
ments that had been prepared for
their entertainment. The rooms of
the high school -' building for the
event were transformed into a verit
able carnival ground with attrac
tions of all kinds to please the seekers
after amusement and the voices of the
"speilers" in calling the attention of
the auditors to the various attractions
was realistic ana the crowds were
kept busy moving from one interest
ing spot to the other. In entering
the carnival one was confronted by
an array of posters and stands of the
special concessions where pop corn,
hamburgers, candy, and other tooth
some dainties were offered for sale,
ar.d the audience given an idea of
what was in store for them. A booth
for the purchasing of "spooning" li
cense did a goed business as did the
weighing stand, but it kept every
one moving to avoid the police who
were active hauling guilty and inno
cent alike before "hizhonor" Judge
Raymond Cook and each one was sure
to recieve all that was coming to
them. The special police were not
confined to the boys, but a number
of ladies were on the "plain clothes
force to see that no guilty one es
caped. "The Pike" with the many
sideshows did a rushing business and
some real classy shows were staged
by the young people. The fiishinng
pend returned a great many hand-
ome prizes to the lucky fishers while
other? in going against the baby rack
and shooting galleries were given
suitable prizes for their skill. One
of the points of interest was "Fatima"
the fat lady, who has become quite fa
mous in smoking circles, and in this
role Henry Harold received many
words of commendation. At the for
tune teller's booth Marion Mauzy and
Irene Tuscott were able to peer in
to the future and give their patrons
an insight into what the future might
held fo rthem. The Japanese garden
arranged in a very charming mannei
was one of the feature spots of the
carnival ana mis section as m
charge of Miss Jessie . T(dd. In the
Japanese garden was also located one
of the most pleasing features of the
entertainment, the Haiwaian girls
who with sweet melodies and tinklin
ukalcles made the time spent here
most enjoyable. The young ladies.
Miss Helen YVooley, Elva Hartford
Mary Resecrans, Helen Livingston,
Mauriel Streight and 'Anna Hiber,
won the heartiest approval of every
one by their excellent entertainment
and with their costumes, made in the
manner of the Haiwaians made a
striking picture. Miss Wooley gave
a number of very pleasing solos and
also was heard in a duet with Miss
Livingston, all of which was much en
joyed and the young ladies demontra
ted their ability as musicians of more
than unusual merit.
The minstrel show which was taken
part in by some twelve of the boys of
the school was another of the delight
ful features of the evening and in
songs and jokes gave a very enter
taining demonstration of their marked
ability. George Dovey and Juno
Marshal as the end men were the
chief fun makers and gave a number
of very pleasing jokes.
It was to be regretted that more of
the parents of the pupils were not
present to enjoy the entertainment
that had been arranged by the young
people as it was one of the best seen
in the city.
For Sale The Sherwood properly
on Chicago avenue, at reasonable price
if taken soon. Inquire of Omaha
Realty Co., 520-21 Taxton block, Oma
ha. 2-19-tfd
for .service ly
1 Till
tO I t T V , A I : UK AS li A .
Atitoti .S.ibotu, plaintiir,
li. A. Kl.eisolr, and his wife,, unknown owner and claim
S1t.i fust u?id real name; unknown
t I : i in i ii ir alt intcrcKt in lot two hun
dred fortv tlircf (iM::, in tlie village
of i.iniisville. Cass County, Nebras
v-a and tlie unknown assignees-
heirs at law and next of kin and
divisees, personal . representatives
and other persons interested in tlie
-stute of is. A. Ubtrsole, and
Klierole. if Oeceaed. or any othec
persons iute rested In any maimer in
said real estate hereinbefore tie
Kcribed; Ue feudality.
You and each of sou are hereby
notified that Anton Sobota has filed in
the district court ol Cass County,
Net Cnnimn isriiiid Dra
. rnunt-S PER CENT.
F ti
I accrfalncssanaKww-.--nclfrxrOpiam.Morphlnjn
Mineral. NoT m""'
I ; Pumpkin 5
I; Mx Senna
j JtBcirllt Salt
f; horn
i Constipation and Diarrhow
;i facsimile Srtnatoreof
e- Zi
k 2
Voir :
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Nebraska, his petition in equity agrainst
you anil e-acli and all of you as claim
ing to have some rijrht. title or inter- r
est. in and to certain lands hereinbe
fore described, and as bi-ins tlie- un
known owners and claimants of pome
ritrht, title or interest in said land.
and as beinpr tlie unknown heirs, er
other unknown parties claiming to
have some iisjlit, title or interest in
and to said land by reason of tlie de
cease of said H. A. Kbersole and wile,
if deceased, and all other. parties inter
ested in anv wav concerning said real
estate unknown to plaintiff and his at
torney. Tlie nature, object and pur
pose of said petition is a hill in equity
t- qiiict title ar: I perteet title in plain
tiff to the following d.-seriheil real
estate, and to remove therefrom all
encumbrances, liens and clouds upon
the title thereof, to wit:
Lot two hundred forty t hreo' ) in
tiie village of Louisville, Louniy er
Cass and tt;ite of Nebraska.
You and each of you are required to
answer the pennon in sna iun
Soluta tiled in the listrict Court e'f
Cass County. Nebraska, as aforesaid.
on or before the 1'nd day of April. 117.
Ky his attorney LKi . K. I'JiYOi:
First fublication r-l--1917.
Notice to Non-Kesident Jicfcndants,
their Heirs. I e visee.s. Legatees, 1'c r
sonal liepresentatives ami all per
sons lntresfe.1 in their Kstate.
To s-'idliev I'nlsifer and llrastus I .
ilardiu. com pos in a tho brin of S. I'ul-
sifer A.- I (i:iii;inv : the imKiiown neirs.
devisees, legatees. ievsonal represen-
tatix'es and .ill persons interested in
the estate of Sidney I'ulsifer: the un
known heirs, devisees legatees, per
sonal representatives and all persons
intersted in the state of Krastus I.
Hardin: Guel lOli: the unknown heirs,
devisees, lepatee-s. personal reiresen-
i;ilifs and all persons interested in
the estate of Guel Kli: duel Kli and
Conipanv: the unknown claimants of
the west half of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northwest Quarter of Section
sixtteen K Township twelve (1
North KiiiiKc ten (10 lOast of the t'.tll
1". M. Cass County. Nebraska.
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that l'aul Hatter as plaintiff on
the 6th day of March 1917. filed his
petition n the IMstrict Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, wherein you and all
ef you are defendants : the object and
prayer of which petition is that the
claim, interest. rit;ht. title and estate
of each and everyone of you in and
to the Vest half of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of
Section sixteen (1SI Township twelve
1U Kanfre ten (101 Kast Kth 1. M. in
Cass County. Nebraska, be declared in
valid, and of no force anil effect.
That the title of said plaintiff in and
to said real estate, and every part
thereof be quited as a.Kainst you and
each and every one of you as against
any and all claims of any person
through or by you. and that they be
adjudged ami decreed that each and all
of you whose names are above set
forth, if livintr, and if dec-eased, the
heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of each and
every one of you, have no ritrht, title,
claim or interest in and to said estate
or anv part thereof, and that each ami
all of said defendants, those tunned,
and those whose names arc unknown
and not stated, be forever harrcd from
claiming or asserting any right, title,
interest or estate in ami to sjid real
estate, or any part thereof, and tor
sucli other and further relief hs to tin.
court may seem just and equitable.
You and each oi you are further
notified that you are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday the
SOth day of April 1917.
C. A. CAWl.S. Attorney.
First Published March Ulh, 1.U7.
1 "Jilt: IIISTltlCT m HI or CASS
In the matter of change of name of
George Onde.
On this 17th 'day of February, 1U17,
this cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George Onde alle-inu
that he has been a. resident of Cass
County. Nebraska for more than one
year prior to filing said petition and
that lie desires to change his name
from George Onde to George O. Corley;
that he has resided with .1. f. Corley
in said county ever since he was 8
ears- of age and that his parents are
deceased and that he fs caHed and com
monly known as George Corley.
It is therefore ordered that u hearing
te had upon said petition on the Jtih
day of March 1017. at- 10 A. M.. at
Court House In City of I'lattsmouth.
Nehr., and that notice of said hearing
he given to all persons interested by
the publication of this order for a per
iod of thirty (lavs prior to said hear
ing in the Plattsmouth Smi-Weekly
Journal, a newspaper published and of
general circulation in said county
and state and that all objections to
said petition be tiled on or before said
Judge of the l.i:trict
Court of Cuss
. .County Nebraska
C. K. Tefft, Attorney.
First Publication 2-19 1917.
ui i wl,ii my
w Rlk. WTW
I illlli
i iiniiinii ii
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
State of NeHraskk
Cass County, ss.
IN COUNT V cui:t
In the matter of tin- 'estate of lia
(HdhsiTu MtfTe. (ki'-asril.
Notice' is lteb- jriven to tie (- 1 i -tors
of said deceased that hea Ti lit; s
wlil le had upon claims filed avairit
said (state, before ni Court y .lud
of Cass County, Nebrnska. at Ide
Countv Court room in l'lattsrnoulh. ii
said Countv. on the 1'Jth ilav of April.
T.M7. ami n the 10th day of October.
Ill 17. at 1 o'clock A. M.. t-a'-li day for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must be tiled in said court
on or before said last hour ol heai
inir. YVitness my 1 and and seal of said
County Court, at IMa 1 1 miiou t b. Nelia
ka. this Cth iluv of March. JI'17.
si;ali allln .i. w:i:so.
County Judpe.
In the County
Court of Ca-
( "oil lit .
- Nebraska.
Stat., of Nebraska.
e'ass County, ss.
To the creditors and all
teres ted in the estate of
Craig, dec-eased.
en reading the petition
in -
r Ti
T. Young, administrator praying H final
settlement and allowance of his ac
count tiled in tlii Court on the 1 : : 1 1 1
day of March I'M 7. and for orcb-v of
Court fiNinit percentage of amount in
hands of administrator to .e paid ne
on the claims allowed said estate al
leged insolvent.
It is hcrchv ordered that on and all
persons interested in said matter mav.
and do, appear at the County Couit ti,
be held in and for said Countv. on tin
L'7tli day of March 1!'17 at ten o'clock
A. M.. to show cause-, it anv there be.
why the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that indie., of t In
pendency of said petition and the hai
inu: thereof be irivcn to all pcri-oris in
terested in said matter bv iiublishinu
a copy of this order in the I'lattsmouth
Journal a weekHv in wspaper printed in
said country, for one successive week
prior to said dav of hearing.
(SKALl "aLLLN .1. KKKSeiN.
Co u tity Jlld'e.
one issue :: -1 1 y 1 7.
itl mi i hi:
To All Whom it May Concern:
The Hoard of County "m m is.v jon-r"-being
of the opinion that the- public
goeid requires a public hmhwav foitx
i HI l fee-t in width be- e.-tabl ii-he-.l on
the section line, commencing at th.
Northeast corner of the Northwest
quarter of Section three :'.!, Townhii
Ten ( Kb, Can go Thirteen ii::i. and
ruiininir thence west on se-etie.n line- one
mile, to the Northwest corner f tie
Northeast quarter of Sec tion Four !.
Township Ten 1 . IIni.- Thirteen
!!.. Kast of the hth I M . have there
fore ordered that said road be estab
lished, ami all objection hereto, e.r
c-laims for damages, must be lile-d in
the County Clerks ofiie-c on or be .,i.
noon on the lltli dav of Mai, A. I'.
1!17. or suc h road will be c.tabl ish.-d
witliout relereiice thereto.
fkank J. lii:i:i:shau
( cm ii I y I le-l h.
1'oih- at I'lattsmoul h. Nebr..' tin., 1 .: f 1.
ihv of Man h A. I . J t 7 -l'ubli.-h
i Trees. First F ib. :: -1 : -1 1 I T .
H. (J. Creamer of Murray va.s in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some business matters and call
ing on his friends.
- Mrs. Joseph I'ctzcr, vho has l.e'-n
(juite sick for the past several months,
is reported as not being so well tealay
as she has been for the past few
weeks. This will be very reg-retaMe
news to the many friends of this es
timable lady, who have been hoping
for her recovery. Mrs. K. II. Ileitz
hausen of Portland, Ore, arrived yes
terday to jq at her sister's bedside and
assist in her care.
There will be no new class formed
'for beginners until September in the
primary room. Beginning at this sea
son of the year will be of no benefit
to the pupil as he would have to start
with the beginner class at the begin
ning of the next school year.
By order of the Board of Education,
District 56.
! r