The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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i -
!-- t
P.. GF 3.
XiS- '
1,. ?W
y-' .
PRICES 10, 20 and 30c
The Incomparable
Opening 66
Pretty Peggy O'NeiF
Vaudeville Between Acts!
Parmele Theatre!
Five Nights Commencing
nionday Evening,
Seats on Sale at Weyrich & Hadraba's Drug Store Saturdaj', March 1 0th
One lady admitted free with each 30c ticket Monday night only.
!j SI 4 20 Reached in Omaha,
Ji Market Wild and Demand
"s made another lrne jump to
v . ?1" yesterday.
I Omaha market was topped by
s I of fifty-four head, averaging
f.unds. which "Web" Mills of
1 turke-P.ickley firm sold for $2.
I 1. or at the rate of $14.20 per
fed. the highest price ever paid
cgs in Omaha.
j Chicago top quotations were
J C. and Kansas City gave a top
exits lower. St. Louis quoted
cp at $14.4.". Receipts were on
oderate, and the I ig demand war
for heavy hops. Packers and
pers alike have been competing
the biff hops for weeks, and the
e Las steadih been climbing,
an, a few days aro it was sujrjrest
ted the SI 5 mark would soon be
reached, some commission men thought
the mark was set a little hiph, as they
looked on the $12.T." fieTare then quot
ed n:: about the li-.;;.
j None of the we men undertake to
amount for the conditions that .irov-
' ern in the ho?- market today. It has
por.e "wild," and the men who handle
the business are as much at sea now
as ever. Heavier offerings in Decem
ber. January and February were ab
sorbed, v. ith the price steadily goin
up. and row that the run has slacked
off a littk' the demand shhis to be a:
urgent. For example, the market
closed at SKJ.BO top on Monday. Just
about day break Tuesday morning the
first sale was made at the Omaha
yards, ?14 being the price, a 2Went
raise to open on.
Sheep and lambs have felt the ex
citement, too and arc going up in
price, while the beef market is re
sponding slightly to the impulse.
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per IT,;
$.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. O.
Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3"13.
St. Louis, March ;. The sale of the
St. Louis, Iron Mountain &. Southern
and the Missouri Pacific railroads at
foreclosure on February 21, was con
firmed by United States Circuit Judge
Hook here today. The court referred
to a special master the claims of sev
eral hundred shippers that the salt
be set aside. These shippers claimed
that the railroads were indebted to
them for ovei charges during the
period the Missouri Pacific rate laws
were in litigation. The master was
directed to report cm April 1"., wheth
er the shippers are to be considered as
preferred creditors. The two railroads
were bought by the reorganization
committee and the property is to be
turned over to the new Missouri Pa
cific company, which was incorporated
under Missouri laws, yesterday. It
is understood that E. F. P-ush, now
receiver, will be elected president of
the new company, which will absorb
all the Missouri Pacific and Iron
Mountain lines.
From WV.Inostkiy's I:iily.
The members of the Odd Fellows'
Iode of this c:iy held one of the most
interest 'Jig meetings in the history of
the order last e.'; j:nd the rooms
of the rder wcie li'U-d bv a verv
ti e members of
Wanted A man and wife, without '
children, for farm work. Apply to F. '
H. Johnson, Weeping Water, Xeb., I
Route 1. 2-2G-tfd&w
Dr. Bleick, T?,2 World-Herald build
ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases, will be at
Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at p. A.
McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses
scientifically fitted.
.v v
W-yWy ,v; .; WJWS JW1 Wwy JJ
iKaS i v.' ..- .v,v
;tt nx'W V--
.v:aV .v. ..:':...-
Evfy Ssvage mileage maker g-cts full credit for good
v.-crk because all work is "keyed" to the serial numbers
on the tires. We know in every case just who is respon
sible for "Heap big mileage."
This plan creates a strong sense of personal responsibil
ity and pride among our workmen, and there is keenest
rivalry to see who can produce most mileage per tire.
You can help us to produce even greater mileage for you
you will send us full details of all Savages that run
ovef 7000 miles
Please be sure 'to give Serial Number, size of tire, date of par
chase, name of dealer, and actual number of miles run.
To help show our appreciation for this co-operation, we will send
ar. inner tube patch free of charge to all who report. "Heap Big
Watch for the
red Savage sign
HesP big miksge
PlatisEtioyfh .
S Brag8 )
Casmou Nebraska "C""
tit .1. 1 in ii
the local lodge, as well as visitors
from Nehawka. Weeping Water, Lou
i.vdle. Cedar Creel: and other of the
rxurhy towns to v.itr-vss tne degree
woik as exemplified bv :i team from
the Omaha lodge of the order. The
w.;rk was pronounced very impressive
by the members and leautifu! les
ror.s of the Odd Fell-jws were given
m a manner .that could ni but be im
"ssive to every one or tVie members
pjesent. The members of the degree
(earn arrived on No. 14 at '.:"Q, and
we it mot by jn escort at the Uurling
to:: f-:;'.tion and escorted to the i corns
rf the I. O. O. F., v.luie the se.-sion
of the lodg. was opened. The work
the lit; t (iisutned several hour.s
:inl it w:i 11:1st the mi ! -,;ght hour
whin the v 01 k was cor..p:eted and the
merabers j.eriiiitted to enjoy a lunch
eon. The rif crmg was one that was
very ir..-pirin,r in every way to the
n-.-mLe: sl.i of ihe order in this city
and the greatest of interest was mani
fested in the vrrk of the degree team.
From Wednesday's lnily.
Last evening the annual election of
officers of Plattsmouth lodge No. C7i
B. P. O. E. was held and the meet
ing quite largely attended by mem
bers to participate in the choosing of
the officers for the ensuing year. The
following were selected to fill the dif
ferent stations:
Exalted Ruler, Henry A. Schneid
er. Leading Knight, W. E. Rosencrans.
Loyal Knight, Dr. D. I. Reynolds.
Lecturing Knight, Guy H. Reese.
Secretary, B. A. Rosencrans.
Treasurer, II. (i. Streight,
Tyler, Claus Jess.
Trustee, William Hassler.
Following the business session of
the lodge and the election of officers
the members were treated to a very
pleasant luncheon which was much
enjoyed by those in attendance. The
new officers will be installed the first
week in April.
The only t:bss that have graph
ite vulcamjrd into the surface
trevnts deterioration, sticking
!s:one unnecessary. Length
- "-i n 1
From Wednesday's Ijaily.
The country home of F. A. Parken-
ing west of this city is being improved
greatly by the installation of one of
the fine Delco lighting systems which
are becoming so popular throughout
this section of the county. The light
ing system will make the home of Mr.
Parkening one that is complete in ev
ery way, and a source of much com
fort to the members of the family, as
it will give them the advantage of
perfect electric lighting and at very
little cost.
Itching, bleeding, protruding or
blind piles have yielded to Doan's
Ointment. 50c at all stores.
Girl Wanted For general house
work, small family; good wages. Call
on Mrs. C. D. Quinton. Tel."254.
William Becker, Charged With Mur
der of Parents at Mason City,
111., Last December.
From Wednesday's raily.
Another chapter in the murder
mystery of the death of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Becker, at Mason City, Illinois,
has been brought fourth by the
grand jury in that city who have
been investigating the story of the
crime, as the grand jury ordered the
arrest of William Becker, a son of the
aged couple, charging him with a
part in the crime, that will go down
as one of the most brutal in the state
of Illinois. The aged couple were
murdered in their home near Mason
City on the night of December 17th,
and the person committing the crime
attempted to burn the house. The
husband and wife had been shot and
beaten to death. The crime aroused
the entire country where the old peo
ple had resided for years and the
mot skillful detectives from the large
cities have been on the ground seek
ing to fix the crime. Two young men
Sesiding in the vicinity of the Beck
er home were arrested for the mur
der but the investigation by the
grand jury has resulted in the son
cf the murdered couple being held.
William Becker who has been arrested
was the confidential secretary of his
parents and handled hundreds of
thousand of dollars for them in the
last few years when their feebleness
did not permit them to look after the
business themselves. As soon as'the
news of the arrest was learned at Ma
son City a great mob gathered deter
mined to lynch the son and it was only
by the clever ruse of Sheriff Close of
Mason county, that it was prevented.
The sheriff was enroute to Havanna,
Illinois, with the prisoner to place
him in jail when he learned of the
comingfi of the mob who were deter
mined to visit swift justice on the
prisoner. He turned his automobile
toward Pekin but a messenger warned
him of the approach of another part
of the mob. The sheriff then backed
his car into the brush along the road
way and thus concealed, the mob
failed to locate the sheriff and after
they had passed in automobiles he
was able to reach Lincoln where the
prisoner was lodged in the Logan
county jail under special guar and
beinyr held for trial without bond.
As will be remembered the murder
of Mr. and Mrs. Becker attracted a
great deal of attention in this county
where a large number of their rela
tives reside and where they have con
siderable property interest.
From Wednesday's JO.iily.
A suit has been filed in the district
court entitled Paul Rager against Sid
ney Pulsifer and Erastus D. Hardin in
which the plaintiff seeks a decree qui
eting title to the west half of the
northwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 16, township 12,
range 10. C. A. Rawls appears as at
torney in the action for the plaintiff.
A valuable book giving a most com
prehensive explanation of cancer and
its successful treatment without the
knife will be sent free to anyone in
terested. Address O. A. Johnson, M
D., Suite 528, 1320 Main St., Kansas
City, Mo.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated on
the 18th day of May, 1916, and duly
filed in the office of the County Clerk
of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 3d
day of August, 1916, and executed by
Charles E. Dasher to C. L. Stull to
secure the payment of the sum of
$200.00, and upon which sum there is
now due the sum of $108.00 with in
terest at 8 per cent from date, default
having been made in the payment of
said sum and no suit or other pro
ceedings at law having been instituted
to recover said debt or any part there
of, therefore I will sell the property
therein which I have been able to ob
tain possession thereof, to-wit: One
brown horse, named Tom, weight
about 1,200 pounds; one S-inch
Peter-Schultler wagon, at public auc
tion at Fifth and Main streets in the
City of Plattsmouth in said County
and State, on the 26th day of March,
1917, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated this 5th day of March, 1917.
C. L. STULL, Mortgagee.
Local News
Luke L. Wiles and wife were among
those going to the metropolis this
morning to spend a few hours in that,
city looking after pome business mat
trs. J. W. Polin, from south of the city,
was among those going to Omaha this
afternoon to spend a few hours with
friends and look after some business
Mrs. Ida Tritsch and Mrs. W. H.
Wehrbein were among those going to
Omaha this morning to visit for a few
hours in that city looking nff-r some
business matters.
Mrs. Jack Patterson of Union was
an Omaha visitor today, spending a
few hours in that city at the hospital
with Mrs. T. M. Patterson, who is tak.
ing treatment thei-f.
Fritz Vallery came in this morning
from his farm home and departed 011
the early Burlington train for Omaha,
where he goes to secure some repairs
for his wood-sawing outfit.
George II. Meisinger of near My
nard was in the city for a few hours
today en route to Omaha, where he
goes to spend the day with his wife
at a hospital in that city.
Consult J. V. Johnson about your
eyes. 15 years experience. Shur-On
eyeglasses, moderate prices. Special
service this Saturday. WTith Cres
cent Pharmacy. Telephone 36 3--2td
William Wohlfarth of near Mynard
was among those going to Omaha this
morning to spend a few hours visiting
with Mrs. G. II. Meisinger at the
hospital and looking after some busi
ness matters.
William Otterstein and son, Richard,
came in this morning from their farm
home and departed on the early Bur
lington train for Omaha to spend a
few hours in that city looking after
some business matters and visiting
with Mrs. Meisinger at the hospital.
1 TI1F. niTIW'T (Ol IIT nr HIT.
ui 'vi v i ts vi:nitiMv t.
OTHT. TO t'ftr.lMTOIl
State of .Nebraska
Cass Countv, ss.
In the matter of the t-stii t- of I ora
cihlliam Moore. deoeas-d.
Notice is liereby Riven to tlie credi
tors of said deceased that hearings
wlil he had iiion claims tiled against
said estate, before me, County Jude
of Cass County, Nebraska. at the
County Court room in I 'lat tsmou t li. in
said County, on the 10th driv of April,
1H17. and on the 10th dav of (Ktober.
19J7. at 1 o'clock A. M.. each day fi.r
examinat ion. adjus-imc-ut and a llow
ance. All claims must be filed in said court
on or before said Inst hour of heat
iiir. Witness my hand atid st-al of said
Countv Court, at 1 'la t tsmou t i. Nebras
ka, this 0th dav of March. 1!17.
csn.l. ALLEN J. HKK.ON.
County .ludg-e.
at the
Pealed bids will he received
o..ce of the County Clerk in
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska.
NOON on Saturday, March 17
for building: wood, steel, and wood and
steel bridges, concrete arch and box
culverts and other concrete work, such
as wings and abutments for the year
1117. as provided by law.
Plans and specifications now on file
in the of the County Clerk at
1'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
Separate luds may he filed for each
class of bridge work and for concrete
arch and box culvert work.
All bids to beopened at in o'clock A.
M., of Tuesday. March i:". 1?17.
The Hoard of County Commissioners
reserve the ritjht to build all bridsres
and concrete culverts costing JOuu.OO
or less.
The Board of County Commissioners
reserve the ripht to reject any or all
bids, and in lettinp: the contract re
serve the right to let Fame in whole
or in part.
A certified check for J.'OO.OO must ac
company each bid.
Countv Clerk.
First Fublication 2-12-1517.
CO I N TV, . K 1 1 K A S K A .
In the
change of name of
matter of
e Onde.
On this 17th day of February, 1117.
this cause came on for hearintr upon
the petition of George Onde alleging
that he has been a resident of Cass
County, Nebraska for more than one
year prior to filing said petition and
that lie desires to change bis name
from (ieorge Onde to Ceorge O. Corley:
that he lias resided with .1. I. Corlt-y
in said county ever since he was s
years of age and that bis parents are
deceased and that he is called and com
monly known as Ceorge Corley.
It is therefore ordered that a hearing
be had upon said petition on the :Mth
day of March 1917. at 10 A. M.. at
Court House in City of Plattsmouth.
Nebr.. and that notice of said hearing
be given to all persons interested by
the publication of this order for a per
iod of thirty days prior to said hear
ing in the Plattsmouth Pmi-Weekly
Journal, a newspaper published and of
general circulation in said county
and state anil that all objections to
said petition be tiled on or before said
Judge of the District Court of Cass
..County Nebraska
C. E. Tefft, AttorneV.
First Publication 2-19 1917.
15-year-old boy wants work on a
farm. Inquire at this office. 3-8-tfw
The State of Nebraska
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah
E. Young. Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Arthur M. Young praying that Ad
ministration of said Estate may be
granted to Lloyd Gapen as Administrator.
Ordered. That March 12. A. D. 1917.
at 10 o'clock A. M.. is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter mav ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted: and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in The
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said Countv for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of hearing.
Dated February 17. 1917
County Judge.
First Publication 2-19 1917.
"William H. Rainey. PI., In iff.
Samuel Halm, er al, r'-fer,d.-. r,t--.
Notice of Suit to cuj.-T Tiib
To the d-feinlaM Sarin. -I ll.-iim. Mr".
Samuel Hnhn. tic-t re: I r . f, it..- u'.-knmv-i:
the nnlcFiown h;r 1 1 , r :.
Ic.CalH.'J p-t"I,;.l 1 i -pre- -(, i ;, ' 1 v
all oth-r persr.rr1 interest t, 1 .
of Samuel ll.'it.i,. ii. .1 . 1 1 .
known h'-ir-;, d i v . -;"..-, . "'at'-. .-, p. r
al r"pr--eiita t i ve-j and w !!.!
ons inter,. steil in tin' est;, of
Samuel Halm, firt real in.'
known, deceased; William 'huri
Mrs. William Carrison. t.r-t v. :il r
unknown: th- unknown h"ir--. I i j -legatees,
persona) representatives
all other person iriteieteii ir,
estate of William hi 'fi m, decease
the unknown he:r. 1 i v i j- . leat.
personal representative-; an.! a!! ..
persons i Merest el in the e-tat.- .if M
William Garrison. In-t i : 1 1 1; imh- 1
known. ! - iis,., : lln.itn i" l;Tr,
Mrs. Hiram I. l'.."ii'et. 'ir--' :-al rar
unknown: 1 he unknown heir-, .fie;.-...
legatees, personal r --n t r t 1 -.- ;,i
all other persons- i n 1 -.--1 .- 1
;. f.J
t ;. 1
i It -
n -;-
r -.U
r -.
m. -
-' r, ;
I ?!
t i...
tate nf Hiram P. Hcnm t, 1'
known heirs, devis. !:
soti.-il reiireeeni rtt i -' at l
persons interested in it..- . -Hiram
P. Hennct, Urst Hi,
1 the
.se.t ;
.1 i ees.
.1 '
I at of
t -
1 1
M t
.1 a i rn :--
W 11
o It'
Tin s (..-.
Neal: 1!
Signs Ol George . C.lvill
ceased.; the unknown heii
legatees xf-ronal r f :-f
all oti.ef- person: ir.teieste
tate of J.i iru - I-:. N a i.
unknown miis. as. i -j
sonal 1 pres..1.!a 1 i-. - and
J. .-., Us- i Meres t . . I 111 1 In'
Catherine Neal. .l.-c.-a-c.l M
honey; Mrs. Miche;,i Mai.or.e-.
name unknown: tla- ii'.ki
devisees-, legatees, p-rs(nnl
lives and .nil t ' r u-i r
in the e-tate of Micheai
ceased: the unknown I;
legatees, personal r pr.
all other persons it.t'f
estate of Mis. Mid.tal
real name unknown. dc
.-. .1.
i : a r.
n t 1 -
a:--e.l. t'
lee-, pei
ill ot: .
-tat- .
1 .
known owners ;n,.i t;o
ants of ".oveiMuent
four ( 1 and five " 1
east quarter (S1-; 1- l
iua ft er 1 S W 1 -- t an
(S l-.'i of the south.
v. l.t t
iwri ! 1 r -',
I .-pi es.-T.t a -
.r - .1.1 ef. - I'd
Ma nor,. -.-. ... -it
. .leyise. -.
't 1 1 1 1 ves arid
! 1 in t
Ma ii,i.; (i. st.
"a .- e l : he 1. n -
' I!!
lot s
; : ! - o
of ti,.
I the
-.1st .
1 - I (
t owns
1 hirte
the ('
nil in section
hip thirteen 1
en ' 1 :; 1. a - 1 .
OlltitV of I'ilf
t ! . : r t v -
". . 1.
wn claim
htee ,::.
r ( . . o 1 : 1 ! . -
- o a t ! . e - t
so it h I. a :f
i;ill'T 1 .-" 1 ;
ht.-e ::::i.
1I1 r a r. v
the (.it, 1 , . ,'i
Nehr.-.-ka. '
You and each of v.m are ):r-r
notified that on the i'ii!!i dav of .Inn 1
ftry A. I . 1917. plaintiff h:--d a rial .fl
Use District Court or tne County .,f
Cass. Nebraska, to iiuici plnihtin's tin."
lo the above described lands. lo-jt:
Goyernment lots Ihii .".(. i ll and
live (.".): also the soiithea-t ouarter
(SH 1-lt of the s-.MitliWi-.-t oiiatt.-r
(SW 1-) and the south half IS 1 - ;
t.f the southeast i urn ter 1 Si; . t all in
section t hrit -1 hi ':::: 1. t..wn-!
thirteen i::i, north ran ire Cm teen
i::. .!st ..r the ;th i'. M. in we
''militv of ';iss. Nebraska, because .f
his pus ...-j. u, s . itns.-if and
his grantors lor mote than t 11 teats
prior lo the commencement of .;.! suit
and to enjoin eat I. and ail .f mi from
having or tlaitaini: anv rirht. title,
lien or i 11 ter. -st , either lenai or nuit
able, in or to said lands, ..r any pa 1 1
thereof; to reouire you to set f..Mh
u.ur right, title, claim, li. n and itil- t -est
Iher.-in. if ant. cither legal or
eq u i t a hie. and t have the s;, nie a I " n! 1; -ed
inferior to the tit!.- of pl.miiiii iin.l
for geiiertil equitable relief.
This notice is mad.- pur.- ian! to 11 .
order of the court. Voti ale requited
to answer said petition on ot .ef. -re-Monday,
April .'lid. A. 1 . 1 : 1 7 . or vonr
default will he duiv . titer, d t! i n in.
U'll.I.lAM n.
I -hi 1 nr i!T.
w. a. l:r.i:i-:i:TS N. Att..n. t
First Publication 1M7
Til I
for service bv
: llltiTllKT t OMIT Ol
co 1 n. m;uk -s. .
publieation )
Anton Sobota, plainti:!,
V.. A. Eh.-rsole. ritid l.i'
J-. iiersoie. 11 n k no v. n
ant. first an 1 r.-ai
c laim:ng an i ate re
df. d forty 1 1. fee- 1 rj
of Liouisviiie, 'ass
. tv i-:
ir :
. i 1
Ci.'.i t
Ka. and the unknown
heirs at law and next
divisees. persoim! r ;
and other persons int'U.
estate of p.. A. Kb. 1 sol,-,
Kbersole, if deceased,
persons interested in at
said teal estate here,
Scribed ;
I ef.-nda nts
and claim it t ".t o ( 1: 11 -
It.e villa ire
!'. NCta.--a
ss 1 L-ne.-s.
of kin and
1 .-si-ntati es
'.-tf.l in t ! .-
r any
v manic
il- fol e
t l.-r
1 ; ri
You and etch of y
notilied that -Anton Sobot
the distiict court of '.:ys
Nebraska, ids j.elition In .-quit
you and -.n h and all of - on
1 in
l et. .v
S tiled m
"olltit ,
y iiu.-iiti-t
as t a 1 111 -
; to
est in
fore d
have sum.- tiiht. title or iiit.-r-and
to certain lands ) . re , n i .
scribed, and ;.s i..-ing tin- m,
owners ami claitnanis of mia
title or interest 1:1 said land.
and as being the unknown heirs. ..r
other unknown pat ties laitiutii: t-
have some jiglt. title or int-i.-st in
and to said land by reason of the de
cease of said P. A. Hb.-r.sole and wife,
if deceased, and all other parties inter
ested in any wav concert ing said
estate unknown to plaint 1 fl and I. is at
torney. The nature, obj. ct and pur
pose of said petition is a niil in .-in.t
to quiet title and p.-rlect title in plain
tiff IO the Kdlowiilg ibstllhed leal
estate, and to remove th.-wfrom all
encumbrances, liens and clouds upon
1 he title thereof, to wit:
Lot two Inindr.-d forty three in
the village of Louisville. Counts of
Cass and State of Nearaska.
You and each of you ate require. 1 in
answer the petition of said Anton
Sobota hied in the Distiict Court -f
Cass County, Nebraska, as alot. .-,;. i.
on or before the -Jlid dac of April. 1V17.
r.y his attorney 1. 1:0. 1 :. PKYoj:
First Publication 1'-1 1 1 7.
roi'RT 01
xi:iut siv
i t e
CO I .XT!.
State of Nebraska.
County of Cass. ss.
To all persons interested in the eM;
of Emma Alta Johnson, dci eased:
On the reading of the petition X
Charles S. Johnson praying that the
instrument filed in this i-.o.rt on t he
10th day of February, 1 1 7, and im
porting to be the last wlil and testa
ment of the said deceased, may l"
prove.d and allowed, and recorded a
the last will and testament of Enitn.i
Alta Johnson, deceased; that said in
strument be admitted to probate, and
the administration of said estate
granted to Mary It. McP.ride as execu
tor. It is liereby ordered that you. and all
persons interested in said matter, mat.
and do. appear at the County Court to
be hebl in and for said court v, en tr
Uth dpy of March, A. I . 117. at t- n
o" clock A. M., to show cause," if an
there be, why the prayer of the
titioner should not be irranted. and
that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and that the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing 11 copy of this
order in the Plattsmouth Jorunal. a
semi-weekly newspaper printed in said
county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my band ami seal of said
court, this 17th dav of February, A. I .
( SEAL 1 county Judge.
First Publication 2-19-1917.
For Sale The Sherwood property
on Chicago avenue, at reasonable price
if taken soon. Inquire of Omaha
Realty Co., 520-21 Paxton block, Oma
ha. 2-19-tfd
Cobs for sale. $2.00 per load. Call
Phone No. 3411. 2-12-3twkiy
t -'