The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 08, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 4.
fj h f t iRtUi
for waists, skirts, undergarments, and children's dresses.
Organdies, plain and fancy.
Linweaves, plain and fancy.
Yolies, plain and fancy.
Embroidered Swiss, dimity, clc,
have the exclusive agency
DeBevoice Brassiere, car
rying a complete line of all styles.
The Brassiere is an indispesable
item to the woman who would ap
pear neatly gowne
. . . . i 1 - ... ...... 1
u iu suiuvv you
YOU want.
Dry Goods Phone 53
.-peak in
"i- I.niwn, mad of the de-
f rural education, will
Cedar Falls, Iowa, on Fri-
n la.-t Saturday
eveninir I'ref'es
. ! Civyir spoke to the Normal train
ing t!a.-s ii Wilher on "Vitalized Hy
i:cne Teaching."" On Sunday after
li'X'H he spoke to tire men and boys of
tl : t town on "Personal Hv
Tit- lecture jriven by
l'u-ly of the State University on
Friday evening was well appreciated
by the .science club and others inter-i:-u
in oramunity improvements.
Piof. ssor Paisley spoke on the "The
Impnj tam e of School (iardeninjr in
the Scheme of Education."
at -the Exclusive Paper and Paarst Store of
ff n
bt h as I
Hotel F2iJGy oiocK, VZorlU foth Street, Ptatisrnouth, Nebraska
1?r'!lW&l?T 'JW'T'.K'JSy TTnT7T?T?r'Tp7 ' .vvj'yr? r
are now uppermost in your mind, and you have seen
enough of the Spring fabrics to know that they are in
comparably beautiful. Never before has there been
such a varied and beautiful range for selection.
We are showing all the newest things endeavoring
in our selection to give you the acme of good taste and
Chiffon Taffeta, 36 inch, plain and fancy, per yard
$1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25
Satins, 36 in., plain and fancy, per yard $1.65 and $2.00,
plain, per yard $1.50
Pongees, 36 in., Geometrical designs per yard. . .$1.65
Pongees, 36 in., striped and checked per yard. . .$2.00
Georgette Crepes, best quality, all shades, 40 inches,
per yard $1.65
Crepe De Chines, all shades, 40 inches per yard. .$1.65
Tub Silks, original quality, 32 inches, per yard. .$1.00
Cotton Bedford Cord, mercerized
Black and White Novelty Skirting
Poplins, Mercerized
a ue
mens, wnite ana coiors.
1 . 1 1
. .,-.! .
We Like to Serve
The Dramatic Club gave their an
nual play on last Saturday evening.
They presented "Cousin .Kate" in the
finished and artistic style character
istic of the work of this organization.
The parts were very well curried by
Hazel Frye. of Panama, Karl Craig,
of Bancroft, -"Myrtle Harris, of Au
burn, Kuth Cone, of Wahoo, Wilber
Emmert of Jordan, South Dakota,
Henry Amende, of Syracuse, and
Lula Burkett, of Beatrice.
Mr. Ceo. M. Verity, who has fp'-nt
twenty-live years in China, gave a
very interesting talk Monday on An
cient and Modern China. Mr. Verity
"set forth in a clear and forceful way
the industrial and political conditions
in China.
A committee is at work with a view
to securing ample accommodations
for the large number who will return
to Peru for the Semi-Centennial cele
bration. Practically all of the homes
Ah & Ak. : 4 FX fCJH
T'!? C jCn. jifs. n
7 . 1 tVJ
Grocery Fhones 53 and 54
Peru will be thrown o:en
for the
entertainment of the visitors.
An Hcnest Letter From an Honest
Enos llalbert, Faoh, Iiul., writes: "I
contracted a severe cold this fall and
coughed continually. - Could hardly
sleep at nights. I tried several reme
dies without relief. Cot Foley's
Honey and Tar and the first bottle re
lieved me, curing my cough entirely.
I can recomrr.r.nd k for ail coughs."
(Jet the genuine. Sold everywhere.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight, good
health and purify the blood, use Bur
dock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug
stores. Price $1.00.
Home grown alfalfa seed for sale.
Inquire of S. O. Cole, Mynard, Neb.
H-S-lmo wklv
"3 T7
ver oeeis
io - vv jrar.
1 i.rl'3 M
New York, March 7. Massacres of
Armenians were inspired by the de
sire of the Turkish ruling class to
eliminate- from the empire all sects
and creeds except that of Mohammad,
according to Lord Bryce, former
British ambassador, in a cable mes
sage to the American committee for
Armenian and Syrian relief, made
public tonight.
"During these recent massacreas
when ever any Christian would turn
Mohammedan he was spared," said
Lord Bryce in his message. "Many a
Christian child was torn from its
parents to be brought up as a Mussel-
man. Thousands of Armenian Chris
tian girls were sold in the market or
distributed among Turkish officers to
be imprisoner for life in Turkish har-
ers and there forced into Mohamme
'But many more thousands of Ar
menians, women as well as men, were
offered their choice between Christ
and Mohammed and when they re
fused Mohammed were shot or else
drowned forthwith' For days and
days together the bodies of Christian
women who had, thus perished were
seen floating down the Euprrates."
Lee Cotner, one of the employes in
the freight car repair department at
the shops, this morning was the vic
tim of a serious fall from the roof of
a box car on which he was working.
Mr. Cotner was handling a heavy
thirty-four foot plank and while on
top of the car became over-balanced,
with the result that he fell to the
uround, quite a distance below, strik
ing the ground with much force and
knocking him unconscious for several
minutes. The heavy plank fell on top
of Mr. Cotner and inflicted several
gainful bruises on his legs and body
me cniet injury, however, seems to
have been to his back and hips, which
compe'ls him to get around with the
aid of a crutch. He will be compelled
to enjoy
few day.-
an enforced
at least.
vacation for a
One of the new building enterprises
4' ll. . - . .
mi- me coining season mat is prom-
eu win lie tne erection oi a new
,.n;ge nuiHimg Dy Atioipn tieise on
l is lot between Main and Pearl streets
. l l l- i i i .
and directly r.ovth of his residence.
TK ,1 . ...
ne new garage truu Mr. ijeise is con
templating having erected will be (iOx
C A C ... ....1 ...Ml 1
ovr ti'i-L aim win nave an entrance on
l inn sireei near tne anevwav. it is
expected to make the building lire
"proof and absolutely up to date in ev-
"ry way, so that the cars can be han
('led in the proper manner. This will
make a pleasing addition to that sec
tion of the city. The work on the
garage will in all likelihood be started
early in the summer.
Much Extra Work in March.
It's between seasons, when few per
sons perspire as health demands. The
result is double work for the kidneys,
to throw out waste eliminated through when persons perspire. Over
worked kidneys need help. H. B
Stone, Reading, Pa., writes: "When I
need a kidney remedy, I rely on Foley
Kidney Pills."' Sold everywhere.
Having concluded to discontinue
breeding Duroc swine, 1 will sell the
following stulf, cheap: One forty-gal
Ion feed cooker, one ten-barrel tank,
one feed grinder for two or two and
a half horsepower engine, 100 rods of
3'J-inch heavy hog fencing, almost
new; six portable 10-foot gates, hog
feeders, markers, lingers, etc. One
share of stock in National Duroc
Record association, entitling the owner
to record animals at one-half vote. See
me at my home hi Muard, Neb. W.
B. Porter.
Light Brahma eggs, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Telephone Murray 1121.
Mrs. J. W. Stones, MynarcL Neb.
For Rent The Elizabeth C. Wiles'
Catarrh .Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a loal disease, sreatly in
JJuenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in tliis country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine, is what produces sueh wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
U J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O.
All DruKgists,
Hall's Family fTAs for consUpaUon.
George P. Foreman has a new Ford
Mrs. T A. Shaffer was in Lincoln
C. II. Snavely went to Lincoln
J. II. Foreman was a Lincoln vis
itor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. EdSasey were in Lin
coln Friday. ,
Roy Stewart and wife were in Lip
coin Tuesday.
Ed Casey was transacting business
in Lincoln Tuesday.
Mrs. E. M. Stone visited her son,
La Verne, in Lincoln, Friday.
United States Revenue Collector
Critchheld was in town Tuesday.
Harley and Sherman Wolfe and L.
D. Mullen motored to Lincoln Tues
day. S. C. Boyles spent Thursday and
Friday in Lincoln with his brother, W
0. Boyles.
Frank Daugberty's children are out
of school this week,' being sick with
chicken pox.
Kev. and Mrs. Wagner ami little
son visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Cashner.
Air. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer spent
Sunday with Fred Weaver and family
at South Bend.
Miss Marie Stroemer came home
Friday on No. 14, visiting home folks
till Sunday evening. ,
Ernest Wood came in Tuesday from
Star City, Canada, and surprised his
uncle, Thomas Stout and familv.
E. M. S:c'". shipped a mixe 1 car of
stock 1(. South Omaha Wednesday. Mi.
Stone accompanied the shipment.
The Misses Emma Sutton and Plsie
Stout were in Lincoln Saturday to
witness the Taylor-Sutton nuptials.
Thomas Stout and family spent
Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Ilollenbeck at their home ir Weeping
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashmer and
Fred Prouty and family took dinner
Sunday with George P. Foremin and
Hogs are coming to market today
(Wednesday) despit the dust storm,
anil the high prices for pork are surely
Harry Parsed and family are mov
ing this week onto the Thiol farm be
tween Alvo and F.agle, which Mr. Par
soil will farm this year. .
Miss Mary Olson of Waverley and
Eddie Johnson were married Saturday,
March and w ill reside on the Robert
Hamilton place, west of town.
W. E. Fairfield and family moved
here Thursday from Cresco. They will
live on the Belle Keefer farm, which,
they purchased some time i";o.
Ed Uptegrove of Sidney, Neb , after
visiting his parents here a few days,
left for Omaha, where he purchased
a new Jackson auto and motored
Pi of. John Wilcoekson. formerly
principal of the Alvo schools, was in
town from Thursday to Monday, visit
ing friends. He went from here to
Grand Island.
Mrs. G. P. Kahler received a mes
sage Monday stating that her brother-in-law
at Haddam. Kan., had died.
Mrs. Kahler left Tuesday to attend
the funeral.
Isy Rosenthal of Plattsmouth was
In town 1 iifcsday evening. He sold the
I'd-.) light system to August John
son, wi r v il'. build a line- r.e
in the near Tuture.
Uncle George Cook started for Sv,-h-cuse
Monday to visit' his daughter,
Mrs. Fred Tarns. Then circled ariuuid
to Nebraska City, Plattsmouth and
Mynard, and home.
Mrs. Seldon Trott of Missouri, and
nephew, Conductor Frank Bishop of
Lincoln, paid a short visit to Mrs. I)
A. Vincent last Wednesday. It had
been some thirty -wld years since the
two ladies had met.
Miss Hazel Bol bilt came down from
Lincoln Tuesday lo meet her mother.
Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt, who returned from
Chicago Tuesday, w here she had been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Paul
Thureson and family the past month.
Mrs. George Ehlers and sons,
George and Herman, of Barneston,
motored up Friday to visit Mrs. Fill
er's brother, J. II. Stroemer and fam
ily, and nephew, Alfred Stroemer and
wife. They returned home Sunday.
Orvillc Ingwerson and Mi. Wal
ter llathbun motored to Louisville
Wednesday morning to get Mrs. Ellen
Rathbun, who will keep house for John
Foreman. John is moving into t'.;e
Noel Foreman house east of town this
Mi. and Mrs. Ilaivy Miller ai J
daughters, Mrs. Jesse Ilardnock and
Mrs. Sam Ilardnock, attended Jie fu
neral of Frank S. Brinkman. whj was
killed hy a train in the Burlington
yard? in Plattsmouth last Thursday
night. Mr, Miller and thy deceased
were half-brothers.
A Mice
We have the new knit
ted coats they are light
in weight, yet warm and
snug. Beautiful grey,
heather and brown mix
tures quarter lined.
$23 and $25
C. E. Wescoif s
"Everybody's Store"
Have you seen the new green caps?
Abaft 1 hi! ty friends a bi idi.l
: bower to Mrs. William Tayicr at her
home Tuesday afternoon. Mir.. Taylor
icceived many beautiful and us. fid
presents, including seceral nice di.-hes.
towels and cooking utensils. A de
licious lunch, consisting of sandwishes,
pickle--, cake, coffee and f'uit was
served from 2 until i o'clock.
Miss Katherino Sutton and William
Taylor were married in Lincoln Satur
day, March .. They visited over Sun
day with the bride's -brother, Charles
button and family at Riving City,
Neb., retaining on No. 11 Monday.
They will make their heme in Alvo,
where the groom runs a garage. Their
many friends extent', he;
Monday afternoon as Orville i i i i 1 1 -horst
drove his car up to the gasoline
pump in front of Weidman's store, he
did not notice that a lad on a bicycle
was r iding alongside and a little be
hind his ear, and in turning around
: truck Willie Ingwevson. knocking him
ff his bicycle and running over hi-;
leg with both wheeh-. Fortunately the
hid was not sei iotisly injured. It has
! oen the custom seemingly for lads in
the early teens to follow on their
bikes and ride abieat with automo
biles, and the dangerous part is that
the chauffeur doesn't sec the cyclist,
and the cyclist doesn't know when th
chauffeur may turn his car.
A largo crowd of merry-makers,
both young and old, married and sin
gle, surrounded the home of the newly-
weds Monday night about 10 o'clock
and nrocceded to chrivari the happy
couple with the aid of all the anvils,
tin pans and horns obtainable. After
rcveral minutes' demonstration they,
marched into the house and took pos
session. The girls took the groom
rnd marched him around a block up
town, and made him treat them to
candy, whle the boys marched the
bride around another- block. Then
they put the bride and groom into a
buggy anl hauled them out north of
town and made them walk back home.
All during this time Emma Sutton and
I.yal Miller were planning to elope.
The first conveyance they came upon
was Miss Malde Stout's buggy, but
her pony, "Roxie," heing too slow they
were overtaken before they got out
of town.
Must of the pupils are taking ad
vantake of the nice weather and spend
;uite a bit of their noon hours out of
ctoors. However, tne moLoor games still very popular.
We are much better equipped now
for better wor k, since we have several
new tables. This relieves the cr owded
condition to quite an extent.
The eighth grade lias taken up the
study of agriculture, having complet
ed their work in geography of Ne
braska. Several of the parents have been
showing their interest in the school
work by paying us a visit. Let the
good work continue. We are always
glad to have you come.
County Superintendent Miss Mar-
quardt was with us for a short visit
Tuesday morning. She showed a great
deal of interest in the school work
here and gave the pupils a very in
teresting talk on "Concentiation."
Explaining that keeping the mind on
the wo; k in spite of oth . :- things go
ing en around one, is v. hat makes a
succe.-si'ul .-tudent and a suvo.-sful
man or woman ''out in life" alter lin
ishing school.
A Good, Oid-FaHiioned Physic,
ley Cathartic T: Nets, a vhok-
j seme physic, thoroughly cleanse the
bowels, sweeten the stomach, tone up
the liver. For indigestion, billious
ness, bad breath, bloating, ga.-, or
constipation, ro remedy i more highly
recommended. D- not gripe nor nau
seate, (live stout persons a !kht. fiee
y ceding. Sold everywhere.
A program and 1 - : social will be
given at the Ro;-e-Ya!lery school, dis
trict one mile north and one mile
cast of Murdoch, Friday evening,
.March '.'th. Everybody invited.
Dean's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily,
without griping and without bad after
effects. '2c at all drug stores.
17 -pTT'S
a wonderful
M season for hats.
SL Never before have
vc seen such an ap
preciation of style.
Crowds of men are slop
ping in front of our win
dows unci scores of them
come in to try and to buy.
A sale of two soft hats
ind a derby to the same
customer is setting i0 be
quite the regular thing.
It's a young man's season,
btit there's a range that
makes it easy for anv one
to get a becoming lint.
Anyway, you are invited
to try them on-and you
will not be urged to buy.
Chamois $3.00
Chamois Dandy's 3.50
Stetson $4.00 and 5.C0
Qpfiilip STdorcciL
f 1
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fin 1
it . a
?!!! ll
Sobs I