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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1917)
1 K- urn VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. MONDAY, .MARC H 5, 1917. No. Ift'i. (I J FRANK S. BRINK MAN KILLED BY FREIGHT TRAIN The Tragedy a Profound, Shock to En lire Community, Where His Friends Art Log ion. From Friday's Daily. .- tragedy that came as a profound shock to the entire community oc curred last night at 10:0 in the west yards of the Ui.rIington in this city, and terminated in the life of Frank ?. Rrinkman, one of th-? best known and popular railroad men in the ser vice of the company. Mr. Rrinkman is a member of the night switching force in this city and has been engag ed in that service fur the past eigh teen years, ami last night was enquir ed as usual in his duties when he was killed by being: struck by a freight engine bound for Omaha and which had come upon him unawares until , too late for his escape from the track 1 on which it was approaching- The night crew of switchmen were engag ed in switching the local freight which , arrived at 10 o'clock and at the time j j the accident occurred were preparing to cut off the way- car from the train in order that the switch engine might take it. Mr. Rrinkman has looked after the handling of this train for a number of years and as was his cus tom, was present last night to assist in the switching. Conductor L. L. McCarty of the local freight stated that lie did not see Mr. Rrinkman in his usual position on the west side of the train at the time that the way car was cut off, but thinking that per haps Mr. Rrinkman was not working, lie had the way car uncoupled from the train and a.s the cars tailed ho saw Mr. Rrinkman for the first time standing on the west bound track with his switch lantern in his hand and assisted in the work of handling the train. It was at the same time that Mr. McCarty saw Mr. Rrinkman on the track that he also saw the freight train from the east approach ing on the same track on which the unfortunate man was standing and before he could shout or make a move the onrushing locomotive struck Mr. Rrinkman, knocking .him down and crushing him beneath the wheels, severing the body at the waist line. Mr. McCarthy signaled the freight train to stop and the body of the vic tion of the accident recovered and and brought back to the Rurlington station from where it was taken to the Streight undertaking rooms. The unfortunate man had evidently saw the coming lo motive just a few seconds before the accident occurred f as one foot was over the side of the track when he was struck but the warning was not in time to save his life, and his body was completely sev ered by the merciless wheels of the locomotive that ground him to death beneath them. The accident occur red at the west end of the yards, a short distance from the water pump ing station. Mr. Rrinkman was one of the most genial and popular railroad men in the employ of the Rurlington and was a gentleman who was universally f esteemed by those with who he came in contact and among his fellow workmen there was none held higher in their regards than the departed friend. He was fifty-two years of age and has resided in this community since a boy of sixteen years of age. ! when he arrived from Pekin, Illinois, and for the past eighteen years has been engaged in the yard service of j the Rurlington railroad. He leaves to mourn his death the widow, two sons. Charles and Henry Rrinkman of this city, and three daughters, Mrs. Nellie LaChappell, of Denver, Mrs. Alica Lacy of Glenwood, and Miss Hilda Rrinkman of this city. Mr. Rrinkman was a member of the Ma sonic fraternity as well as the A. O. U. W. order. To those who are left behind the tragic death came as a great shock and in their hour of grief the family will receive the deepest smypathy of the many friends in the loss of the loving husband and father, who was taken from them so suddenly and with out an intimation that death was soon to enter into he home. For Sale A copper clad range, used three weeks, and nearly new Ruck heating stove. Inquire of II. Davison. HOGS RUING GOOD PRICE. From Friday s Daily. Louis Hotfert and Mike Hoffert, two former Cass county residents, ami now located near Plainview, Nebras ka, were in the city today visiting with their old friends in this locality. These two successful farmers have been in Omr.ha disposing of two cars of hogs on the South Omaha market and which sold at $13.50 a hundred The two gentlement are among the leading farmers in their locality and have been very successful since locat ing near Plainview, and their friends here are pleased to learn that they have enjoyed such success since locat ing there. COST OF LIVING IN THE EARLY DAYS IN IOWA Everyone is talking about the high cost of living. Prices on all commo dities are soaring sky-high and there seems to be no relief in sight. In contrast the "good old days" seem al most Utopian. In the library of the State Historical society at Iowa City there is a rare little book entitled "A Glimpse of Iowa in 1846" where in the write sets down for the infor mation of prospective settlers a list of prices prevailing in Iowa at that early date. Loaf sugar was sixteen cents a pound and brown sugar eight to ten cents. Java coffee sold for fifteen cents and tea at from "six bits" to one dollar and a quarter a pound. Flour brought four dollars and a half a barrel. Good ham and bacon could be had for eight cents or less; twelve cents was high for butter; the freshest eggs only cost ten cents a dozen; the butcher was lucky if he averaged six cents a pound for fresh meat; while potatoes would seem to have been scarcely worth digging at sixteen cents a bushel. It should be remembered, though, that groceries in those days seldom came in fancy packages, nor were they delivered to the housewife.".-? door by automobile as the result of an order given over the telephone. Resides, wages were low from one dollar and a quarter to two dollars being the range of wages for skilled workmen in all the trades. FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. MARY CATHERINE EBGERTON The funeral services of the late Mrs. Mary Catherine Edgerton were held yesterday afternoon from the First Methodist church and a large number of the old friends of this well beloved lady gathered at the house of worship to bid a last farewell to all that was mortal of the one they had known so long and so well during the rears of her residence in their midst. The services were conducted by Rev. T. A. Truscott pastor of the church, and in his remark he paid a tribute to the long and jfaithful christian life and character of the departed, which would remain as a priceless heritage to the children in the memory of her kind deeds. The pastor also spoke of the uncertainty of human life, the short time that the human is to live upon the earth and the needfulness of being ready to answer the last call with true christian grace and with hope and faith in the Master as the rod and staff to assist one through the valley of the shadow into the light of the everlasting day. During the services several of the old loved hymns were given by Mrs. J. II. Don nelly and Mrs. Annie Rritt. The members of the V. R. C. of which de ceased had been a member also con ducted a short ritualistic service at the close of the service, the mem bers gathered around the casket which was guarded by the four Amer ican flags and covered by the beau- floral rememberances of love and bade farewell to the sister who had been such a cherished member of the or der during the years gone by. At the close of the service the body was borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it was laid to rest in the family lot in that city of the silent. The pall bearers were H. M. Soennichsen, F. E. Schlater, W. K. Fox, D. C. Mor gan, Wm. Starkjohn, John Richardson CLINT BILLINGS FREE FROM THE CHARGE OF DESERTION From Friday's Dally. Clint Rillings, the young man who was arrested here last Saturday night by Chief Rarclay for being a deserter from the United States army, has been released from custody by the fed eral authorities and is now once more free and released from all hold that the government might have upon him Under a recent law passed by con gress the limit of time under which a man could be held in time of peace for desertion has been cut down and this permits Rillings to go on hisvay. The friends of the young man in this city were very much pleased to see him return this morning a free man and be able to resume his duties as a citizen. He will visit here for a short time with the old friends and asso ciates and then return to his home in the west. Mr. Rillings spent his boy hood in Plattsmouth and has since been aiding in the care of his mother and younger brothers, and in this de serves, much commendation for the spirit he has shown, and his release from the charge of desertion which has been hovering over him since 1913 is very pleasing to all those who knew the young man and the family during their residence in this city. ANOTHER MAN PAYS THE PENALTY FOR FAST DRIVING From Friday's Daily. This morning David Dillinger was present in Judge Archer's court to answer to the charge of having ran his automobile at a speed exceeding the limit set by the state law, and for which he was gathered in by Officer Alvin Jones. The young man was given a fine of $2 and costs for the offense by Judge Archer. This is the first case of speeding to be brought up this season, and the police will see hat all offenders and violators of the speed laws on the streets of the city are gathered in and made to answer for their offense. The city council has taken the matter of speeding up several times and the police committee of that body is active in seeing that the law is enforced in regard to the fast driving on the streets of the city, so it will be well for the joy riders to keep their weather eye out for the minions of the law when they start forth in the gasoline propelled vehi cles to enjoy a ride over the city streets. The police expect to see that the law is enforced without fear or favor to anyone and will from now on see that there are no violations if they can possibly help it. The law makes even the path of the autoist very hard md rough and they will have to exer cise precaution and keep close watch of the speedometer. WAS THOUGHT "BOMB CONTRAPTION" Last week one day Wm. DelesDer- nier made a discovery. At his barn he found a pair of shoes, in one was a bottle with some liquid in it, in the other a package. He began to suspect that it was a "bomb outfit" and made the report to Justice Neihart. lie told Rill to produce the "goods." With the assistance of Ted Jeary they cautiously brought the shoes to A. W. Neihart. A chemical test was made of the bottle and the package. It was found that the bottle contained turpentine and the package, Epsom salts. Rill is not yet sure whether the analysis is correct but he feels safe since the stuff was removed. The shoes were on display at the justice ! court for several days. The joke must have been on Rill even if the package was labelled nitro glycerin. Just what the nature of the joke is has not been figured out. Elmwood Leader-Echo. TO RESIDE IN THIS CITY. TVrm Vriilnv's T"n llv- John L. Mayfield and family, who have been making their home at Crof ton, Neb., for the past few years, have once more decided to locate in Platts mouth and will make this citv their home in the future. Mr. Mayfield will be employed as telegraph operator at the Rurlington station, which position he formerly held when a resident of , this city. The many friends of the turn here to reside. STREET SWEEPER IS DOING SOME GOOD WORK From Saturday's Daily. Main street has been greatly im proved by the use of the street sweep er which Commissioner Mike Lutz had at work at an early hour this morning. This is the first time for several weeks that it was posible to use the sweeper and a great deal of debris had accumulated on the street that needed the attention of the street clearning department. The work was attempted yesterday morning but ow ing to the high wind and the dust it was abandoned until early this morning when the work was under taken and completed before shoppers and pedestrians were out on the street and it made it much more con venient for everyone. The general program of street work has been cur tailed to a great extent during the winter months but the time is draw ing near when the city will have to resume . the general overhauling of the streets that are not paved and put them in shape for the summer months. The paving and curbing and gutter ing of the streets has done away with a great deal of the street work and cut "down the expense to the city as well as given much better streets and it is to be hoped that other of the residence street can be curbed and guttered which is the real dope for the hilly streets of this city. FOUR GAMES OF BASKET BALL AT THE ROLLER RINK From Saturday's Daily. The lovers of basket ball were given their fill last evening at the roller skating rink, when four games were played between the different classes of the city schools and the Platts mouth High school and the Weeping Water High school. The game created a great deal of enthusiasm among the spectators and the different teams re ceived generous applause for their work. The second team of the high school and the Independents of the Central building staged a most inter esting game, in which the second team won, by the score of 30 to 18. In the game between the two Eighth grade teams, the pupils of Miss Anna Heisel won over the boys from the room of Elmer Frans, by the score of 18 to 12, and the contest throughout was one filled with great interest and much good playing on the part of the boys. The game between the senior and junior girls' teams proved one of the features of the evening, and resulted in a victory for the seniors, by a score of 8 to 7. This game was warmly contested throughout and both teams put up a fast and furious battle. In the game between the local high school and Weeping Water High the visitors were trimmed to the score of 25 to 7, and were outclassed by the fast work of the boys of the Platts mouth school. MARRIED AT HIGH NOON. A pretty home wedding occurred a$ the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rail in the east part of town Wed nesday at high noon when their daughter, Edna, was united in mar riage to Mr. Samuel Leard. Rev. H. D. Green, of Omaha, performed the ceremony. The groom has been em ployed at the Richey sand pits for the past three years and is a young man of good habits The Courier joins with, the many friends of the young couple in wishing them happi ness. Louisville Courier. Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelman. THE FUNERAL OF FRANK 8, RPINffM&tJ Laying Aw ay of One of Our Rest Citi zens Attended by a Large Con course of Sympathetic Friend?;. Yesterday afternoon the friends and associates of the late Frank S. Rrink man gathered at the Presbyterian church to pay their last tribute of esteem and respect to all that was mortal of their departed friend and to mingle their grief with that of the sorrowing relatives who were laying away their loved one. The church was well filled with the friends and relatives and members of the Masonic order with which Mr. Rrinkman had been identified for the past few years. The services) at the church were conducted by Rev. II. G. Me Clusky, pastor of the church, who in his remarks paid a tribute to the worth of Mr. Rrinkman as a man and a fr iend to all those whom he came in contact, and spoke of the cheery and indly disposition that had been one of the strong points of the life of the departed. The pastor spoke to the family words of eomfoie and hope of the future that promised another meeting with their beloved one in the better world. During the services several of the old and well loved hymns were given bv the members of the Masonic luartet. Messrs E. II. and C. C. Wescott, L. O. Minor and W. G. Brooks, and this quartet also assisted in the services at the cemetery. Af ter the, close of the services at the hu'.ch the bodv was borne to Oak Hill cemetery w'here it was consigned to the silent dust, the members of the Masonic order conducting their ritualistic services as their fraternal rothcr was laid to his last lomr deep. The floral rememberances were pro fuse and very beautiful and expressed the feeling of grief and sorrow that the passing of this good man had brought to the entire community. The loss of 31 r. Rrinkman is one that is felt keenly by all who had the pleasure of knowing him as he was one of those whose lives brought sunshine to his friends in his associa tion with them and his kindly greet ing will be mised by these friends in the days to come. Few men pos sessed more friends than did the de parted and these share with the sor rowing wife and children the loss that has befallen them in the untime- v death of the husband and father. THE COMPLAINT OF WIFE ABANDONMENT' DIDMT STICK Saturday afternoon the hearing of the complaint of the state of Ne braska against Jesse Vallery, charged with wife abandonment, came up for trial in the court of Judge Allen J. Reeson and was quite warmly contest ed by the plaintiff and defendant, and served to attract a great deal of attention from the persons who were in the court house at the time. The defendant claimed as a defense that ! the plaintiff had ordered him to leave the house and not return, and that he had done so, and also denied that he had failed to privide for her, and that at the time it is alleged that he had left home, there had been ample pro visions in the house. The state dc vloped in their side of the case that Mrs. Vallery had been kept at the county farm a part of the time, and also, that the defendant had been away from home for several months at a time. The court after hearing the testimony of both the complaining witness and the defendant in the case decided tiiat the issues were in favor of the defendant, Mr. Vallery, and ac cordingly he was released from the charges preferred against him. Ren Land came in this morning from his farm home near Mynard and departed on the early Rurlington train for Omaha to visit with his wife at the hospital, and if possible, will bring her bock home with him. ANOTHER NEW KNIGHT. From Saturday's Daily. Ed Tiitsch, one of the prosperous farmers of this locality, has just be come the owner of a fine new Willys- Knight tourrng car that he has se emed through John Rauer, the local agent, and will be able this season to enjoy a great many pleasant trips in the fine new machine, which is one of the new style "eights" and equipped in the latest and most improved man ne THE LATE MRS. MARY CATHER INE EDGERTON From Saturday's Daily. Mary Catherine McDaniel was born May 4, 1844, in Ruchanan county, Mis souri, where her parents, James II. McDaniel and wife, had been early settlers. Here the subject of our sketch spent her childhood days, com ing with her parents to Plattsmouth in June, 185.". Here the McDaniel fam ily decided to make their future home and settled in this locality, where the family was reared. At Glenwood, la., June 20. 1S;0, Miss McDaniel was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to William Edgerton, and after their marriage the young people continued to make their home in and near this city, where Mr. Edgerton , was en gaged in work on the boats plying up and down the Missouri river and in the handling of the transfer boats. To Mr. and Mrs; Edgerton six sons were born, three of whom, George W. Ed gerton of Hugo, Okla., Gilbert Edger ton of Wichita, Kan., and J. A. Edger ton of Plattsmouth are left to mourn the loss, while three, Will, Charles and John Edgerton preceded the parents in death. At an early age Mrs. Edger ton was converted to the church and had been a devoted and faithful mem ber of the Methodist church during the greater part of her life time. For sixty-three years a resident of this community, she bore an important part in the pioneer days, when it was a test to reside in the then unsettled west, and this noble woman bore the hardships with fortitude that her fam ily might enjoy the benefits of life that it was possible to secure them. The husband passing away several years ago, Mrs. Edgerton had devoted herself to the care of her children and by them was held in the deepest affection. Mrs. Edgerton leaves four brothers, John, Tom and Mart Mc Daniel of this city, and W. P. McDan iel of Omaha to mourn her loss. The brother, Mart McDaniel, has made his home with Mrs. Edgerton for the past few years and was at her side when the death messenger came to call her home to rest. THE ROADS IN CONDITION FOR TRAVELING From Friday's Daily. The farmers coming in the last few days from different sections of the country report that the roads are in good condition for travel and that the automobiles can be used on all the roads without encountering the hard ships that so often are met with dur ing the winter season. The lack of heavy snows has served to add te the excellent condition of the roads, doing away with the wet condition of the highways that causes them to be cut up and become filled with ruts. The reports of the good roads comes from all ever the country and there is hard ly a locality that has not been repre sented in the city in the last few weeks and all have come by automo bile. The work of the road overseers in the fall in putting their roads in good shape has enabled them to be traveled during the winter almost as extensively as during the spring months and despite a very few days this has been taken advantage of by the auto owners of the country. It is said that it is an ill wind that does not blow somebody good and this certainly is true of the past winter months when there should have been considerable moisture for the farmers but in failing to receive this they have had the advantage of good roads all winter for their traveling. Dawson Wili Fix It. PERHAPS A NEW INDUSTRY FOR PLATTSMOUTH Prospects Seem Fair for the Locating of an Auto Tire Factory in This City. The prospects of this city securing a new industry in a very short time appear to be quite bright from reports received by the officers of the Com mercial club. One of the large tin factories of the east has written to the Commercial Club of this city in regard to the possibilities of a plant or factory for the manufacture of automobile tires, and asking that all possible facts in regard to the situ ation be furnished the tire company. This concern desires to lease u tract of land on which it would be possible to erect a factory building with the privilege of purchasing the land if it is desired later. The factory as pro posed would employ a hundred and thirty men in its work, and would furnish employment to some eighty local men as a number of the work men would be brought with the plant to conduct the skilled portions of the work for a time at least, and these would number some thirty-five men with their families who would require accommodations in the way of suit able residences and this is one of the points brought out by the tire com pany in making their inquiries as to the location. A factory of this kind secured for Plattsmouth would cer tainly be a great addition to the in dustrial life of the community and one that would assist very much in the upbuilding of the city. The members of the Commercial Club and President Robertson of the organization will take all steps poss ible to induce the location of the pro posed factory, and in their effort they should be aided by the citizens in general as it will mean a great deal in the future welfare of the city. This city offers an exceptional ad vantage as a factory point owing to the excellent railroad facilities both east, west and south and in only a short distance from Omaha, one of the chief shipping points of the central west. The labor situation here has always been excellent with none of the disturbances that sometimes is found in the larger cities. If anyone was seeking an ideal spot for a small factory they certainly could not do better than to come to this city where :i! of the naturtl advantages can be fourd. The development of the fac tory situation will be awaited with in terest by everyone and the olliccrs of the Commercial Club will do their ut most to see that all possible to secure the plant is done by them. X-RAY MACHINE IN DR. LIVING STON'S OFFICE The Henry R. Gering company of Omaha, which is one of the leading supply houses for physicians in this section of the west, have installed one of the larresrt of the Campbell X-ray machines in the office of Dr. J. S. Livingston in this city, and it is one that is really a marvel in its work. The X-ray machine and the chair, equipped for 11 manner cf electrical treatments, is one that is used quite extensively in the cities by physicians, i-.nd it is as fino a machine as can be tound in any city in the land for the uses of its 1 ind. It is the first of its kind in this ciry and is complete in every detail for the handling of elec trical ticatnurt. VISITING FRIENDS. From Friday's Dally. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Waggoner of Elba, Neb., are enjoying a short visit at the home of Rev. and Mrs. E. II. Pontius, near Mynard. Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner have been in Omaha attend ing the auto show and where Mr. Waggoner disposed of a car of hogs on the stock market, and they decided to take advantage of the occasion to visit for a short time with their old friends. They were visiting in Flatts. mouth today for a few hours. r i i i' ."V i