i nUBSBAY, 2IAFCH I, 1917. i - , SM&T i ALCOHOL ;i PLW CENT. AVcy table Preparation, for As - - ; tirli.ciOmdisandBov-ctsor Ti;crrtiv 1'romoUnvi Digestion (-.i-c-c-incss and!tesXontitto neither Of.ium.Mpidnen; Mineral. Not Nahootic i ; - J..T.plar. jt'x Sriiact I -;c - E AhciURcmedyfof ConslipnlionnidD:arrftOia. ' awlFcvcrishnossand - i r.jE cent.m-bGompvot. Exact Copy of Wrapper. sF.criiEs t.k; contract. From Tuesday's D.iily. The !oail f education of York, yei'., prcpnrinir to ex end SJ.'O.OOO the erection of a new kiiih school an 1 two v;ml kuihlintrs, und have just secureii thv set vices ot the the firm of IJurlinirhofT & Davis of Lincoln as the ai cliitects for the thi ef huiMins, an 1 will have plans ir.-.l-.' for them at ince. This is the sarr.; ii'm that has leen preparing the plans f,r the Piatt: rri'Uth school .uil,!infjr i.v.d inli cate that their work has been very favorably received by tin- York School boa r,l. ! Cut This Out It is Worth Money. Don't miss this. Cut oat this slip, enclose with Ce to Foley i!t Co.. 2?"?-" ShePi!.! Ave., Chicago, IP.., wri',in;x you r nam'- and addicss cl?c.:!y. You will receive in return a trial package containing Ftdev's Ilonev and Tar ..,. .,!-.. -.1.1- .,,,.1 i cr. .up; Foley Kidney Piiis, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. PFIJCHASES ST E A IS NS-K IN V, I IT. Fi.-rn A'.'..lii.'-s.l.i V i.ii!v. V. A. Mockenhaupt a:i,l brother, .John, and Roma Miers of Wabash mo tored to this city yesterday afternoon for a short visit with friends and to attend to some business matters. Mr. V. A. Mekenhaupt and brother were pleasant callers at this office, and while he-o had the subscription of C. E. Mock'.'nhaupt extended for another year. The boys informed us they had prone to Omaha on Monday to pet a brand r.ew Stearns-Kniplit roadster, :.mi which was taken to their home t ar Waba.-h in the afternoon. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Snatch! The more you scratch, the worse you itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. FiOc a box. i lI'IIIWlIM FacVmilc Sitfnattf - - .J Farmole Theatre! one performance only SATURDAY NIGHT, Oan Girl Live an Honest an Upright g) Life on Sh Dollars a Week ANSWERED BY Couldn't 15? A Pcv.erfi.i! Play MEW YORK Buy Seats 25c to $1.00 .mum...' ji.mwm For Infants and Children. i ill in.i.n.i.! Mothers Know That Always Bears the Signature S 6 or over Thirty Years TMt ctNTAlJB company. MCW YOHK ilTV. AIJOl'T ALL SOLI). riut still have a CI as Rantre, sewinsr machine, oak sideboard, phaeton, complete with shafts and pole, 1 lawn mower. Inquire of J. V. Holmes or call Phone oil, or can be seen at the late Dora rioore home. 2-27-tfd. HOMES TO KENT. We will rent you a home of any size from a simple room to an 8-room home. Call on us at corner of Locust and Fifth street, or Phone No. HIS. F. M. Wi'l?himer & Son. 2-22-tfd Not Bothered Anv More. prt.op.iied rheumatic pains, prrippe aches, lamo back, sore muscles or still j';i"ts r.re the result of over-worked weak or lisordcred kidneys. E. L. Turner, Homer, Ky., writes: "Since takin.r Foley Kidney Pills I have not bH-n bothered any more.' Strengthen v.eak kidneys and help rid the blood of acids and poisons. Sold every where. Dawson Will Fix it. BIG PROFIT FOR YOUR DOLLARS Kvorj one wants his dollars to earn big dividends If it can be dona without risk of losing the money invested. I have a proposition for any one with 30.00 or more to invest that combines Bi? Profits and absolute safety for th money invested. Not a Kt rich quick scheme, but one of the very- rare opportunities that oc cur in the investment line. Kndorsed by eminent bankers, -Justice of Su preme Court, business men of the highest reputation, who have riot only invested their money but take part in the active management. Full particulars sent on request. A. I.. SUTTON, Droxel Kids.. Phil adelphia, Pa. ;ri iii Mf""i7 No mother or daughter, especially those who have to earn their own livelihood, can afford to miss this great play! of LH Seat Sale 7:30 Thursday Eve J F Es&s&i 8 nam Vjr U Mil HmU' SA Cm AS Local News Prom Tuesday's Daily. Adam Stoehr of near Cullom was in the city for a few hours today look ing after some trading with the mer chants. John Tarns departed this afternoon for Omaha where lie will enjoy a visit for several days with relatives and friends. C. Pi. Frans departed this afternoon for Bridgeport, Neb., where lie will resume his work after a short visit in this city with his wife and family. MrsIda Tritsch and little son were among those going to Omaha this morning, where the young lad will have his ryes treated by a specialist in that city. Mrs. Fred Majors and little son .de parted this morning for Friend, Neh., where they will attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary Majors, which will be held in that city this afternoon. W. A. Ileil and wife and JefT Sals burg and wife were among the auto show visitors from this locality in Omaha tolay, going to that city on the early Hurlington train this morn ing. Henry Born was among the auto show visitors in Omaha today for a few hours, going to that city this morning on the early Burlington train, and will enjoy the big event of the week in the metropolis. Joseph Sebatka and family, who have been enjoying a visit in North Dakota with relatives and friends for a few weeks, returned home this aft ernoon. They report the snow as be ing quite heavy there this winter and very cold. Hon. W. B. Banning of Union was in the city for a short time this morn ing and took advantage of the oppor tunity to drop in and enjoy a chat with the editorial department of the Journal for a few minutes. It is need less to say the occosion was a most pleasant one. Frnm Wednesday's Paily. W. G. Boedeker of the Murray bank was in the city for a short time today en route to Omaha to spend a few hours. P. T. Becker, the Hudson represent ative in Cass county, was in Omaha today for a few hours taking in the automobile show at the Auditorium. Max Vallery was among those going to Omaha this morning on the early Burlington train, where he goes to njoy the sights of the auto show in that city. W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was in the city yesterday afternoon en route home from Omaha, where he has been looking after some matters on the stcck market. Charles Vallery, accompanied by Owen Willis of near Nehawka, were among the auto show visitors in Omaha today taking in the sights of the big attraction. .Mark White and wife came up this morning from their form home south of the city to spend a few hours in the city locking after some trr.ding with the merchants. W. D. Wheeler and son, Percy, came up this morning from their home east of Murray to spend a short time en -ute to Omaha, where they will at tend the auto show in that city. Arthur Holmes, who has been here visiting with his brother, J. W. Holmes and family, and other rela tives and friends in this locality, de parted yesterday afternoon for his home. Rev. J. M. Eades, former pastor of the U. B. church south of this city, but now located in Howard county, 18 YEARS OF LIVER TROUBLE Finally Relieved by the Old Reli able Thedford's Black-Draught. Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of this town, says: "I suf fered for about 18 years with liver trouble, and doctored with many dif ferent remedies. At last, I was told that an operation was the only thing that would help me, but I heard of Thedford's Black-Draught, and took six 25-cent packages and it cured me. can recommend it to all who suffer from liver troubles. I have influenced several of my neighbors to take Black-Draught Liver Medicine, and I give it to my grandchildren. I can safely say that I owe my life to Black-Draught, as it put me on my feet after everything else had failed." You know that you can depend upon Black-Draught Liver Medicine for quick and permanent relief in all dis orders of the liver, stomach and bow els, such as indigestion, constipation, biliousness, headache, sour stomach. tired feeling, and many other common ailments, because, in the past 75 years, it has helped so many thou sands of people, whose troubles were iimilar to these. i Safe, gentle in action, and without bad after-effects, Black-Draught is sure to benefit both young and old. Bold everywhere. 25c a package. Costs only one cent a dose. NCB4 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI- W Jt ErlLT jOUBiiAL. I Never Put a Croupy . Child to Bed With out Giving a Dose of Foley's Honey and Tar Mothers know it stops croup because it cuts the thick chok ing mucus, clears the throat of phlegm, stops the hoarse me tallic cough, eases the difficult breathing, then quiet sloop. Mr3.T. Neureuer, Kau Claire, Wis., writes: "Foley3 Honey and Tar com pletely cored my boy of a very severe attack of croup. We know from exper lenre that it is a wonderful remedy for coughs, cold t, croup, whooping cough." has been in the city for a short visit with friends, departing for his home this afternoon. C. F. Shafer and family of Bartley, Neb., have decided to become residents of the best city in the state anil have removed to this city, where they have secured the Tyler property on West Rock street for a home. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was in the city today for a few hours en route home from Omaha, where he was present at the hospital when Mrs. Charles Engelkemeier of Murray was operated on this morning. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation, weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. .?? !-?!-? . FROM PERU NORMAL. A 4 Several faculty members are in Kansas City this week attending meetings of various departments of the National Educational Association. On the evening of February 22 the girls of Mount Vernon Hall gave their annual reception to all friends. The balls were beautifully decorated and many of the girls wore colonial cos t times. The basket ball team returned Sun day from a weeks trip. The boys did good woik this season, winning eight out of twelve inter-collegiate games and maintaining a reputation for fast ui;d ciean work. .Mrs. N. W. Calvin of the Depart ment of Home Economics at Wash ington, D. C, lectured on Tuesday evening before the Science' Associa tion. At chapel on Wednesday she gave one of the most interesting talks wj have heard this year. The class in parliamentary law un der the direction of Professor Gregg gave us last week a very interesting dramatization of our own state leg islature. On Monday the class as sembled on the chapel platform under the guise of the house of representa tives and we witnessed the introduc tion and passing of a bill. On Fri day we had the pleasure of seeing the same bill pass the senate. Both pro grams were very instructive as well as highly entertaining. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and S. C. White Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15; $.r.00 per 100. Local delivery. A. O. Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3513. 2-12-tfwkly FOR SALE. One hundred and sixty acres of land, well improved, six miles from Murray. For quick sale at .$17,f00. Call tele phone No. 3525, Plattsmouth. lwd&w DANGER IN OVER CONFIDENCE It is a belief that constipation is only an insignificant trouble. The people will say "I will get over it' and commit a grave error. A con stipated oodyls always a sign of sick ness. Without the least delay take Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which will clean out the boweis r.nd restore the normal function of the body. It aids appetite and strengthens the nerves. In many fe male troubles, caused or aggravated by constipation, in nervousness, me grim, headache, general weakness, etc., you can depend upon this excel lent remedy. Price $1.00. In drug stores. Triner's Liniment enjoys the same popularity. Here is a letter of Feb. 5th: "Your Liniment is indeed good. After a sprain I could not raise my hand for one year without great pain, but now Triner'6 Lini ment helped me and I can move the hand at my ease. I recommend it to everybody who has stiff joints. Yours truly, Frank Novacek, White Mouth Lake, Man., Canada." Price 25 and 50c at drugstores, by mail 35 and 60c. Jos. Triner, Mfg. Chemist, 1333-133;! S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. mat ALVO NEWS ITEMS W. W. Bird went to Omaha Tues day. Dale Boyles was in Omaha Satur day. Isaac Wolfe is not so well this week. L. Lauritscn was a Ruskin visitor Saturday. John Murtey shipped a car of mix ed stock Tuesday. Miss Hazel Bobbitt, returned to her home in Lincoln Thursday. Geo. P. Foreman shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha Wednesday. Harry Long, of South Bend, called on Jake Shaffer Wednesday morning. Wm. Rosenow and family visited Sunday with hLs brother Chas. Rosenow. Miss Pearl Le Grant of Peru spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Clara Dickerson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bucknell of University Place, spent Sunday with relatives here. P. J. Linch left Wednesday for Colorado taking a car of goods for his farm with him. Aug. Rosenow and wife of Elm wood, spent Sunday with his brother Charles and family. Oswald John who lives southeast of here shipped 2 cears of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spangler, of Weeping Water took dinner at the Thos. Stout home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Curyea went to Elmwood Tuesday to visit Dr. Nealy who has pneumonia. John Foreman returned from Chi cago, 111., Wednesday on No. 5, having spent the past ten days there. Mrs. J. II. Foreman returned from Omaha Monday where she visited her son J. H. Foreman, Jr. and family Mr and Mrs. Wm. Powell of Lin coln, visited over Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and Mr. Shaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Foreman, of Lincoln were down Sunday to visit the former's parents Mr. and Mr-;. Geo. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Rosenow were in Lincoln Thursday where Mr Rosenow attended the Rural Mail Carriers convention. Ralph Uhley visited his wife and son here Monday ' night, leaving Tuesday morning for Elmwood, where he has work in the M P. office. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hollenbeck and children were in Louisville Sun day visiting their sister Mrs. Albert Shellborn and Mr. Shelborn who have a new daughter. Fred Weaver and family autbed up from South Bend Sunday after noon in their new Ford automobile, spending a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. Mr and Mrs. L. Uhley, of Elm wood came over Sunday and spent the day with their daughter-in-law, .Mrs. Ralph Uhley and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse. Mrs. Julia Greer writes her sister Mrs. Geo. Foreman that the weather is fine there in Canada and it thaw ing, which is more than we can boast of here. Charley Wolfe and brother, Sher man, are moving to Charley's farm north of town this week and Elmer Bennett, the present tenant will move to the old Lou Keefer farm. Mr and Mrs. F. M. Grove and children of Havelock, are spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here while Mr. Grove is regaining his strength after a six weeks siege of pneumonia and liver trouble. ALVO SCHOOL NOTES. Grammar Room Deputy State Superintendent Dick son paid us a visit Friday morning and gave a talk to the pupils of the high school grammar room which was very much enjoyed by all. Corporal Fred Alexander of the Nebraska National Guard visited our room a few minutes Monday. He told the pupils a few of his experiences on the Mexican border. We are able to do much better work since we have . several new tables thus doing away to quite an extent with the crowded condition which formerally existed. The eighth grade had quite an in teresting argument on "Woman's Suffrage," Monday in history class The: suffrage side won. Much Extra Work in March. It's between seasons, when few per sons perspire as health demands. The result is double work for the kidneys, to throw out waste eliminated through pores when persons perspire. Over worked kidneys need help. II. B. Stone, Reading, Pa., writes: "When I need a kidney remedy, I rely xn Foley Kidney Pills." Sold everywhere. A want ad in the Journal will bring results. CABINET MEMBERS WILL FIGHT FOR WILSON'S DEMANDS Washington, Feb. 28. After to day's cabinet meeting it became known that the administration will oppose any vital change in the pro posed legislation to authorize Presi dent Wilson to protect American lives and rights. The administration expects that while a number of changes may -be suggested, the bill as now framed will be adopted by both houses with out material alteration. For Sale The Sherwood property on Chicago avenue, at reasonable price if taken soon. Inquire of Omaha Realty Co., 520-21 Pax ton block, Oma ha. 2-19-tfd iv thr nismicT cornT op Tim lOl.VTV OK CASS. m:iiiisk. William II. Tlalnpv, Plaintiff, VP. Pamuel Hahn, ft al. Defendants. Notice of Suit to Quiet Title. To the defendants Samuel Hahn; Mrs. Samuel Hahn. first real name un known: the unknown heir?, divlsees, leeateep. personal representatives and all other persons interest In the estate of Samuel Hahn. deceased: the un known heirs, dlvlpees. legatees, person al representatives and all other per sons Interested in the estate of .Mrs. Samuel Hahn. first real name un known, deceased; William ciarrison; Mrs. William (larrison. first real name unknown; the unknown heir.c. divisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of William Garrison, deceased; the unknown heirs, divisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested in the estate of Mrs. William CJarrison, first real name un known, deeeased; Hiram I. Hennet; Mrs. Hiram 1. Hennet, first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, divisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Hiram J. Hennet, deceased; the known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Hiram P. Bennet, first real name un known, deceased; Oeorge V. C'olvin, Trustee; Jairus K. Neal; Catherine Neal; the unknown successors and as signs of Oleorge W. Colvin, trustee, de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of Jairus K. Neal. deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Catherine Neal. iJereased; Mieheal Ma honey; Mrs. Mieheal Mahoney, first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mieheal Mahoney. de ceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. Mieheal Mahoney. first real name unknown, deceased; the un known owners and the unknown claim ants of government lots three CI), four (4) and five C); also the south east quarter (SIO 1-4 of the southwest quarter iSW 1-4) and the south half (S 1-1') of the southeast quarter (SK 1-4) all in section thirty-three (33) township thirteen (13), north rang-e thirteen (13). east of the Cth P. M. in the county or caps. .enrasKa. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 20th day of Janu ary A. I). 1917. plaintiff filed a suit in the District Court of the County of Cass. Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's title to the above described lands, to-wit: Government lots three (3), four (4) and five ("): also the southeast quarter (SK 1-4) of the southwest quarter (SW 1-4) and the south half (S 1-2) of the southeast quarter (S12 1-4) all in section thrity-three (33). township thirteen t!3). north range thirteen (13). east of the 6th P. M. in the County of Cass, Nebraska, because of his adverse possessions by himself ana his grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of said suit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title. lien or interest, either legal or equit able, in or to said lands, or any part thereof: to require you to set forth your right, title, claim, lien and Inter est therein, if any, either legal or equitable, and to have the same adjudg ed inferior to the title of plaintiff and for general equitable relief. This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court, lou are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, April 2nd. A. D. 1917. or your derault wjli be duly entered therein. WILLIAM H. ItAINKV, Plaintiff. W. A. TlOBEriTSON, Attorney. First Publication 2-19 1917. IX THE DISTRICT COIRT OF CASS COl.NTV, EHIt.VSKA. In the matter of change of name of George Onde. ORDER On this 17th day of February, 1917, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of George Onde alleging that he has been a resident of Cass County, Nebraska for more than one year prior to filing said petition' and that he desires to change his name from George Onde to George O. Corley; that he has resided with J. 1. coney in said county ever since he was S years of age and that his parents are deceased and that he is caneu and com- monlv known as Georee Corley. It is therefore ordered that a hearing be had upon said petition on the 24th day of March 1917. at 10 A. M.. at Court House in City or Plattsmouth. Nebr., and that notice of said hearing be given to all persons interested by the publication ot tnis oraer tor a per Lod of thirty days prior to said hear ing in the Plattsmouth Smi-Weekly Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said county and state and inai an oDjecuons to said petition be tiled on or before said hearing. JAMES T. BEG LEY, Judge of the District Court of Cass ..County Nebraska. C. E. Tefft. Attorney. First Publication 2-19 1917. IX THE COUNTY COURT The State of Nebraska. Cass County, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah E. Young, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Arthur M. Young praying that Ad ministration of said Estate may be granted to Lloyd Gapen as Administra tor. Ordered. That March 12, A. D. 1917. at 10 o'clock A. M., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons Interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Plattsmouth (Journal, a semi-weeKiy newspaper printed in said County for three successive weeks, prior to said day or hearing. Dated epruary u. iai7. ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge (SEAL-) First Publication 2-19 1917. PAGE 3. iv tiii: county roi iit or css COI .VI V. MilllUsKt Slate of Nebraska, County of Cas. ss. To all persons interested in Ihe epfale or Km ma Alta Johnson, de.-.asu: On the rending of the lwtiti.n f Charles S. Johnson praying that I h instrument tiled in this i-ourt on it- 10th ilav ot February, lttl". and pur porting to be the last will and testa ment of the said deceased. m:iv Im proved and allowed, and recorded ;is the last will and testnmer.t or l-.inrn.i. Alta Johnson, deceased; that said in strument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estato granted to Mary R. McRrldo as execu tor. It Is hereby ordered that you, and all persons interested in said matter, mav, and do. appear at the County Court to be held In ami for said county, on tlio 12th dav of March. A. H. 1!H7. at ten o' clock A. M.. to show cause, if any there he, why the prayer or the pe titioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of s.iid pe tition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in y. matter by publishing a copy oi ims order in t)i Plattsmouth Jorunal. a semi-weekly newspaper printed in s:tld county for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness rnv lniml and seal of said court, this 17th day of February, A. I. 1H17. . ALLEN J. HKHSMN. (SEAL) County Judg. First Publication 2-19-1917. (Notice for service by publication) IX.THH DISTRICT COURT OP CASS CO! VTV. .VEIIIIAK. nton Sobota, plaintiff, vs B. A. Ebefsole, and his wife, Ebersole, unknown owner and claim ant, first and real name unknown, claiming an interest in lot two hun dred forty three (243 1, in the villago of Louisville. Cass County, Nebras ka, and the unknown assignees, heirs at law and next of kin and divisees, personal representatives and other persons interested in tho estate of Ii. A. Ebersole. and Ebersole, if deceased, or any other persons interested in any manner In said real estate hereinbefore de scribed; Defendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that Anton Sobota has tiled in the district court of Cass County. Nebraska, his petition in equity against you and eacli and all of you as claim ing to have some right, title or inter est In and to certain lands hereinbe fore described, and as being the un known owners and claimants of some risrht. title or interest in said land. and as being the unknown h-irs, or other unknown parties claiming to have somexiight, title or interest in and to said land by reason of the de cease of said 11. A. Ebersole and wife. if deceased, and all other parties Inter ested in any way concerning said real estate unknown to plaintiff and his at torney. The nature, object aim pur pose of said petition is a bill in equity to quiet title and perfect title in plain tiff to the following described real estate, and to remove therefrom all encumbrances, liens and clouds upon the title thereof, to wit: Lot two hundred forty three (243) in the village of Louisville. County of Cass and State of Nebraska. You and each of you are required to answer the petition of said Anton Sobota filed in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, a aforesaid, on or before the 2nd day of April, 1917. ANTON" SOBOTA. Bv his attorney LEO. 1-:. PRYorj. First Publication 2-12-PU7. XOTICF. TO COTRCTOIS Sealed bids Will he received at the o..ce of the County Clerk in Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, up till NOON on Saturday, March 17, 1917, for building wood, steel, and wood and steel bridges, concrete arch and bov culverts and oilier concrete work, Mich as wings and abutments for the year 1917, as provided by law. Plans and specifications now on file in the o..ce of the County Cleric at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Separate bids may be filed for each class of bridge work ami for concrete arch and box culvert work. All bids to beopened at 10 o'clock A. M., of Tuesday, March 20. 1917. The Hoard of County Commissioners reserve the right to build all bridges and concrete culverts costing $000.00 or less. The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and in letting the contract re serve the right to let same in whole or in part. A certified check for $."00.00 must ac company each bid. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL. County Clerk. First Publication 2-12-1917. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice to non-resident defendants: To Lund Land Company a Corpor ation. Oscar Lund, Frank II. Warner, and H. C. Aamoth, first and real name unknown, defendants: You will take notice t lint on the 6th day of December 1916. Daniel Linalian doing business under the firm name and style of Linalian Realty Company, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendants Lund Land Company, a corporation, Oscar Lund, Frank H. Warner, and 11. C. Aamoth, first and real name un known, the object and prayer of which are that the said Daniel Linalian, plaintiff, recoverer from the said de fendants and eacli of them the sum of $1,221.00 due and payable to the plaintiff from said defendants as com mission earned and services rendered said defendants under the terms of a written contract whereby said de fendants and each of them became In debted to the said Daniel Linahan for said amount, above referred to; that on the 19th day of Dec-ember 1910, pursuant to-an order of attachment is sued by proper authority out of said District Court of Cass County, Ne braska, the Sheriff of said Cass County, Nebraska made a levy upon certain real estate, the property of said defendants, within said county, to-wit: Lots one (1). two (2). three (3). four (4). five (5), seven (7). and eight (8), and a strip eight rods wide oif the West side of lot six. also known as lot eleven (11). and the southwest quarter of section live (G) also, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section six (6) and all of that portion of the northeast quarter of the northesat quarter lying north and east of Chicago, Burlington AL Quincv Railroad right of way of sec tion six (6) all In Township tweleve (12), Range ten (10) east of the sixth (6th) principal Meridian, Cass Counts. Nebraska. Said defendants and each of them will take notice that they and each of them are required to appear and answer the petition of the piaintirr herein on or before the 9th day of April, 1917. otherwise judgment will be taken against them and eacn or them and the property herein at tached will be sold to satisfy such judgment as may be rendered by said Court. DANIEL LINAHAN. By Arthur C. Pancoast His Attorney. February 5-4 weeks. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE "Omaha's Fun Centre" tSSSZOZ MUSICAL FXTRAVABAWZA CIa. Clauy EntrtalamnL Crybodj fiwi; Art Anybody. LADIES DIME MATINEE DAILY OONT OO HOME SAYINQ I I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY