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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1917)
BAT, TTBBUAET 26, 1517. PLATTSMOUTH 3EJII-7VTECLY JOURNAL. ViG .1 PAGI . L.-jT eill 3 "ti 3 "Si AT u i. mm- m Mti rl nil! ilfAIII Ft i-J .tfTJa r DILL t si El n t V age fr?m the merit of 1 n fit? I rooery (Depart- . 'Soennichsen's: 3 Quarts Canberrics 1 Pound broken Rice 1 Pound of Flake Hominy 1 Found Crackeit Hominy I Cert Oil iSp.rr I Can Sun-BHte Clenr.zzr 1 Can Mustard Sardines 1 Large Can Ik be Milk 1 arge Can Pumpkin 1 Pound Oalmeai 3 Packages of Macaroni 3 Packages wax wrapped Corn Flakes 10 Bars Mascot Soap 8 Bars Laundry Queen Soap 6 Packages Hippo Washing Powder 2 Pounds Dried Peaches 2 Pounds Prunes 1 Large can Tomatoes 1 Pound good grade Coffee (ground) 1 Pound Monarch Cofiee 25c 05c 05c 05c 05c 05c 10c 10c 10c 05c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c 15c 35c Pounds Monarch Coffee $1.00 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Grang2S. per dozen 15c to 40c Armies, Ben Davis, Yeiiow Newton, per peck 50c Leaf Lettuce 05c Head Lettuce, 2 for 25c Onions, per lb 10c Cabbage (Wisconsin solid), per lb . . . 10c Celery, per bunch 10c H. M. SOENNICHSEN, y Phone 53 and 54 ! the ger.eial foreign I moans 1' handling it ! iuI jc-ni n -. situation and after congress f 3 0 2 i.- w - I"ptct Hcrdy i'ri.n Al Ia Ilrinu Nt- :'rui ("i-irr plvai r.-. r; i Added t: ri i ; expected i. reply to this '"it. ' v : virtual ultimatum on the t'h.e ;UC --tii:i. :e tcj !; wii! I-! in to ahrunt head ;'l .-vivo to 1 1 !iVi i t e all danger hrtak fo- the; being. :ip-..;' ui;ikcly Unight the r-'-.'-i-'ent will lc i-al'.cil upon to an i f.,.:ce a !.j(-ak wi-.h Austria. In Aus trian cirtks it is freely predicted that i i: nt i-y'.l make such a reply as to rr:.'.;' a iuj ture unlikely. MESSAGE FROM JAPAN i ! Wii -Lit. et' ll. I ':. r n'.en. tsday ei it " n keTi r-lati"i e iiiirii' f the most ci itical hi-t'.ry. I'lt-.-i.'.tnt Vi!s..r. ar efoiv a rX ..' vz the comi: S. As this .ov :d its fuui t h week WOODMKN flliCLK NOTICK. V 1 1 II e:q ; -.-.en '.' ' r u i ''. and v- n-.any. t.r'i p. ;i:e r.a ed to a.p- discus Th.e "Woodmen Circle lode will hold :. , L-iiular moetinjr tomorrow, Tues day evoidnyr. After the business ses if.p there will he a social with pro ram. Kach member is requested to in;r a friend. lialtimore, .Md.. Teb. The (.'. S. Ileifsnider, president of St. Paul's college, Tokio, Japan, in :n a.ddross here today delivered a message which he said the Japanese vice minister of state had hidden him t jrive the American people: 'Japan." reads the message, "will never eo to war with the Unitec Mates unless the united Mates mi- puntrns Japanese honor." Uy "honor," Dr. Keifsnider sai' the minister had meant such things as the alien laws in California ant restrictions on immigration. "I did not consider the messapre as a thieat." said Dr. Reifsnider. "It impressed me as the expression of desire to placate the United States. nrn ULATE COUNTY Lincoln, Xeh., Feb. ()n.- salary raise bill now before the legislature seeks to elevate salaries which have not been touched in twenty years, and makes it impossible for the increase to be gained by the otlicials until its equivalent shall have been earned in fees of the of'ice. This bill, then become.; the fairest and most unique salary bill that lias been before the legislature in two decades. It affects a portion of the clerks of the district court, a part of that class of otlicials wno have nut been benefitted by increases throu.!i ' ' I many years pan, and in the lace o! the fact that practically all other classes of county oflicers have been raised in that time. The present law makes no trradut- ed scale of pay for clerks in counties of from lC,00i) to 2..,00ii population. The intention of the pending bill is to provide for this in a new scale which runs as follows: Undr') Jopulation. $l,o00 a year; between lo.OOd and 18,)im, Sl.SOf) a year; be tween 1S,OUO and 20,0W, $2000 a year; letween 20,0on and 2.",000, 2,."00 a year, and in counties ol greater size thati that the salaries shall le the same as now provided by law. The present salaries are suilicient for clerks in the larger counties of the state, friends of the measure say ut in the counties atfected by the amendment, the salaries are whollv inadequate. Ilecause the bill is ap parently haseu on strict needs and does not contemplate a wholesale in crease, and affects in oflicers rai-ed in lecent years, there is hope here that the bill will be put through with- uit any consideraal-k- amount of oppo sition. TH E FUNERAL it Pioneer Lady Laid la iic-i ,ii l.ast ITiday. She L'ad Live! to a Wi.i- Old ;c. a ss e tM m m a B d p 1 PLAXXINd i;k; auto cailwax. a Dawson Will Fix it. UJHVSKSA2, CAR ' I la !i Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since Au gust I, 1916. These figures 320,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by us since A.ugust 1st, 1916, and delivered by our agent to retail bu3rers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes it ne cessary for us to confine the distribution of our cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rat-icr than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford car.. If, therefore, ycu are planning to purchase a Ford car, we ad vice you to place your order and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our author ized Ford agent listed below and don't be disappointed later on. PRICES: Kunabout, Touring Car$3 '0, Coupelct ?505 Town Car iXC. Sedan i4o. f. o t 23 ra U a Office Telephone No, 1. b. Detroit. i I? Ford Motor Co. Authorized Sales and Service, 25 Gth Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Shop Telephone No. 58. n Saturday Miss Margaret LTIcn Brown (state secretary of the Xo- raska State Sunday School as sociation and W. II. Kimberley. busi ness manager of the Association, were in the citv for a few minutes enn.ut y automobile to the state line i:i order to inspect the Omaha-Kansas Cit auto route with a view of con- luctinjr an automobile caravan from this section of the -i::tv to Omaha in June on the occasion of the Sunday scho! ccnver:t: n. It i.; pected that there will be 2.ijnn cars from south.eastern X'ebraska in th: caiavan and it is tp itd that the route selected will be over the Omi.ha- Kansas Liiy route. l ne nuid is re ported as excellent with the exception of the portion from this citv to th bridge over the Platte l ive". Tt,.. r ........ 1 r . . . , on: luiii'i.u oi i.i.'imim.'i ii"eiiner was held Friday afternoon at u o'clock at Uie home ;f lu-r .-.leji-son, ,J,,hn 1L ehner, i'iv- miles southeast of town, where she had made her home, and was very largely at.tei:d'-d by rela tives, neiri-hhors ar.d fric-nd:-: w.ho v. ere de.-iious of pnylti).? their la-t respects to the e-rand old lad v -. ho - i .iTncnr tiiem so many jears. neial services were in char;. V. M. Klled-re, pastor of til 'i h' f u- of ii-v. 'i,n.', re- ieiii:i)is wtne of her hu. V 1:01 h v--1 of national church. Tin lit ii i to rest by I lie sid in 1 'ne (lei man ceim-i ; Nri:av.ka. Amona; the relatives attend:!:;-; th-.-fimoiai were rJ'andehiid.reu and tv. t Kreat-ev-a::dc"?:i!i!i-eii. :',;cn(js from a distance we:e .Mr.- and ?vi ? . Uenvv K;o5) of liertraii.l and -Mrs. Kiplin of Walton. Obitiiary. Mar:rarei.ha IVj'u! v.a.s b cm, Cermai.y. July Is", lv:;7 ruaiy 1 lib, 1 1 i T. ave 1 ' montlis and ;a s. At the ave of lis years s!n ned to 31;-. .John W'ora! tni. Cermany. To this childrt n w-. re born, one vt Ily . d I-v-b- s ea t .; r, Va.s ,i;r. :!;. h at liy i;:;i.n tiu-ee if wiiich :-!!!- araiciiicli ' ivcs, Mr. John V. hav.!.a. in IS 70 her hu.-.han.I was killed in ;: ra.ii -ea 1 a; ident in Cerm:!ny, as al s t was itie fat- ef her e. ot ,1 ,t:s band. Mr. Ib-ni-y He.'bne!, who was d biidav r , .. l ! .. 1 . .. -1 !.n.;.i i.ijaiea on a laurea :'.'.-ar Xehawkn. Sh was married to 2S7l in Cei-many and h 'la'thc-r of -ice cai'r 'vhcni cinic to .Air.eiH 1SS0. Mr. Fret i . Mrs. I i.--e Lehrra'.n te- a!'d Mr. 1 1-.. , a! ia-r n;e t ie .--U ihiee '!' Oi f W -. bra ; th in Xel:awka. eaia-; V.'a -of Wet !'- ,1 Great Dairy Invention 5':..; a vvcrnlcr a .separator which will : ':.-.:;. i !.-un l(v .speeds that would hi-avy loss of cream with any o'.hr t-emralor. fciesides it gives cream t.'.nt Js.t-s not c!.aii!;e when you change t::e -atd of the- crank. Vf want you to see and try for tfc 1 1 thii; latest improved model introduced .y oldest manufacturers si sep.iiatorj in America. T-52 MEW' Ccporutof frets a new profit for dairymen, a big one, which no other . xi.-;tir;;: Geparator gets. Another fine feature, you can turn faster and : w.i.h the j .b qukkti. It' the only separator that can be hurried. Think how much work the Sharpies will save the women folks. No rj:sy 'aiscs to wash, or to get mixed up. The bowl has just one simple ;.i .t e b-- it. The supply can is large and very low. Your boy can easily ..r.visy heavy pails of milk into it. 'i f. tl.i'j wonderful machine right in your own dairy. Evy member I the ia.::y v ill w-m to set and try it. They 11 all be delighted. 'Phone L- t vu i.ji oj cill when in town. 3 Genuii-.e Sharpies repairs and cils carried in stock a a d D U a n a a u n u a a a a TWICE PROVEN if you Miifer backache, sleepless nights, tired, dull days and distressing Uiinai-y disorders, don't experiment. Uead tin's testimony. It's I'ialt. -mouth evidence doubly proven. Hen l'ioo!;.-. Main street, I'latts mout!i, say: "As th.e result of a ba cohl, it left me with a severe attack of kidney complaint. I had pain in my b;-ck and hips aavi at times it extend ed int(( niy shoulder blades. I jrot ccmpa t ly ast jceinc and was laid up PETER CRUDER IS THROWN FROM HORSE AND KILLED The vicinity of Union was thrown into sloom Friday when Peter Gru ber, one of the young1 farmers of that community was thrown from his horse and almost instantly killed while rid ing home from Union where he had. been looking after some trading. The W'a'.e-, with whom ? home ince the death of in li.'Ol. The deceased v. ;n the (Jerman Luthersm !-e maaa- ae r hurhan 1 confirmed ircii at. an i , i a : ' v a L e t'" the years. ti-atain-;:: vo one a. ad a. 1 iicipitar IliMai Iiii!. m which. i :nd haii ke:.t laiili through istler a : lie was a m.'T i.t .-re v liif-r of .- 1. ii" Vears duties a : : i . ago. she v.-; a i a. d .a tl. i, ;he ! h ,.1 A-i- OLD I RIKNDS. her friend of trouble alrea.dv it. :ind neigna li n 1 son aw. uiv with a ' t- ile;ested i:i ard in tim a o:r i'vs. wa ha ml o. Mrs. Fred Truesdell of New York, formerly Miss Ethel Dovey, the cleve actress, who is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Dovev ol 1'iattsmouin, win spend tne weeK in Omaha at the Fontenelle with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Homer I. Ma son, who cameto Omaha this week to present the one-act play, "Married," at the Orpheum. The Masons have a wonderful sum mer home in Connecticut, where Mrs. Truesdell spent three months last summer. Omaha News. seivice, and ruick tea s y m : ' a 1 1 ; y . e i i n g lica.n. - a i l wo; ds Water l;ep of DAXCK AT AN IIOMK. V There will be a social dance give at the German Home on .Saturday eve liing. Marc:'1, "d. t which tl;e pulai is cordially invited. The I -est musi and a good f;nie assuivd to all w!u attend. o weeks. My head ached for I tragedy occurred on the highway about half-way between the town of Union and the home of Simon Gru ber, father of the unfortunate young man and with whom he resided. The tragedy occurred late in the afternoon and no one was present when the un fortunate accident took place. The horse on which Mr. G ruber was riding evidently became restless and threw the young man to the roadway and then the animal fell and crushed Mr. Gruber in a terrible manner, causing almost instant death. The body was found by passers by and taken to the home of the parents where it re mained until the funeral services Sat-urd-j Mr. Gruber was thirty-three ears of age and unmarried and had made his home with his parents as sisting them in the conduct of the farm. The death has caused great regret in the locality where the un fortunate victim has long resided and his parents have the deepest sym pathy of -the entire community in their loss. la ea.s at a time and I was subject to '-..- s;; 'lis, during which my sight became hhirred. Half a hex of Doan's Sidney Pills checked these troubles, ar.d after i"aiur two boxes, procured fr m La ward Lvnott t Co.'s drug sto;e. 1 lagan to regain my health." ( .Su;uv.-.ent give:! April 10, 1!12.) On I-V!,:naiy -1, LUC, Mr. Brooks a.i 1: '"1 couldn't speak too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, for it was this old. leliablo medicine that fixed me up ai lit-" shppe when 1 was down with Knr.bago. I haven't had one of these attea ks i-ince. V ire 7-,1-c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get 'Van's Ki laev Pills the same that Mr. Brooks has twiee recommended. Foster-Milbiirn Co., Props., Buffalo, X. Y. .MM) OP THANKS. I wish to thank my neighbors and friends for their assistance during the car contest at Dovey's store. Mrs, Kalph Barthcld. 2-2(Mtd&w CAKD OP APPRLCLVnON. FOR SALE. Will sell or trade for Cass or Otoe county land, an up-to-date general merchandise stock and building in an eastern Nebraska town. This is a clean, money making, old established business. Best of reasons for selling. Western land sharks need not inquire. Address, Plattsmouth Journal Otlice I desire to take this method of cx pressing to my friends the deepe-t :.p preciation of their aid and assistance in the automobile contest at the l)ot A til W store, anu ty whose assistance 1 was enabled to secure the car. The kind ness of these good friends will long be remembered with gratitude. MRS. FLED MAJORS. About Constipation. CARD OF THANKS. I take this means of publicly ex pressing pny appreciation of the as sistance which the kind friends gave to me during the automobile contest bieatl promote a movement of .the at the E. G. Dovey store and for their Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels. The most common of those are cheese, tea ami boiled On the other hand, raw- fruits, especially apples and bananas. also graham bread and whole wheat aid I feel very deeply grateful. Ruth Grybsky. Mrs. bowels. When the bowels are badly constipated, however, the sureway is to lake one or two of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. FOR SALE. JUNIOR GUILD NOTICE. One hundred and sixty acres of land, well improved, six miles from Murray. For quick sale at $17,f00. Call tele phone No. 3.125. Plattsmouth. lwd&w The Junior Guiid of St. Luke's par- isn wiii meet witn jirs. j-uitn uovey Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. All mem bers are requested to be present. Herbert Sherwood departed this aft ernoon for Omaha to visit his brother, Ralph Sherman, who is at the hos pital in that city suffering from pneu monia. THANKING OTHER SOCIETIES. For Sale 1. acres, with good build ings, 1 mile west of court house; price ? 1.0'K). Inquire of Joe Hekrdle. Platts mouth. Xeb. 2-2!-d(vw Attorney Ikvo S. Boyles of Alvo was in the city today for a few hours looking after a few matters in the probate court. John Gauer of Cedar Creek was in the city today for a few hours visit ing friends, driving in from his home bv automobile. THE SPECIAL SALE AT DOVEY'S STORE A RIG SUCCESS Attorney C. II. Taylor of Omaha was here today to look after some litigation in which he is interested in the county court. The automobile contest which has been conducted at the store of E. G. Dovey Son for the past nineteen days closed Saturday evening and for sev eral hours around the closing time the store was filled with the workers for the various contestants who had been entered in the contest. The re sult of the outcome of the event at tracted a great deal of attention and for the past several days there has been a great effort made on tho n.v'i Of the f I'iontu u , . Ed Barker was among those going see that 7 ."l"1 t0 to Omaha this afternoon to attend the flIi Art u 7 success . . . . iui. Alter the finnl nnun r u u,mc !, sho- that . hem, hoi,! , lots ha been made - - that city this week. ,i , . awara- lea to JUrs. Fred Mnint-e nuu leceiv- ea a larce mninritxr u -x- Wanted-A man and wife, without The s Ph "1 CaSt' children, for farm work. Apply to F. charge f Col W IT T? i- ? II. Johnson, Weeping Water, Neb., Hosbarg Sales P J f th Route 1. 2-26-tfd&w ZT, "?d P.rVed a -- olul evens ior the store both in the snlo r i j . J. II. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek ing up account, Jtu V " CIS was in the city Saturday for a tevLtuf S?! The ii- a, .1 was as lollows lours looking after some matters of Mrs. Fred Majors . fi nVoVoo .usiness with the merchants. Mis, !,. t! .,022,G00 - ouyuer 4.4'?:? 000 Rev. ii. c. Mri.,. ,r,-.M: Will Troop of near Nehawka was in Rev. Pontion, U00 the city for a few hours today look- Mrs. Ruth OrvlwiA,' r'-.r'r". after some business matters and Rev. W. S 4y,uuo 0J.c!UU m calling on his friends. Mrs. Ralph Barthold Miss Nita Cook . . . 424,900 54,100 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years The Fraternal Order of Eagles de- ire to express to tne memoers or other orders and organizations giving dances their hearty appreciation of the good feeling shewn in giving the Eagles an open date for th'-ir mas- oacraito. ar.d in ot nor organisations re fraining from holding dn?tces on tins Catarrh Cannot Be Cured LVn ArPLlCATIONS. as they DR. BLFJPK" iru.iii me ui me uisease. -r Catarrh is aa local disease, preatly in- - .luenced by constitutional conditions, and Dr RIaiVV wo tTr in order to cure it you must take an . "leick, 532 World-Herald build. cine la aken internally and acts thru sPeCiahst in eye, ear, Hu- blood on tao mucous surfaces of the nSe and throat Hispocoo ,;n t.. ' sysiem. ii:irs Catarrh Medicine was Plitf cri. ' Lie at rr. .cribed by one o the best physiciaM Tla"smouth every Tuesday, atB A" m country ior vmrs t? L , MfTTlro: , ' A- posotlofKanof tho Wt tonics knownl U- C Fy. Stre passes vwn i-njni wuii some ol llie i.c&t l-lr..i "-"-uiitaiiv nr.r.Prl r , i . .- .... 'I-; . . . . . w i " - or e of the lies hlnn.i For Sale A dpsimMn Always bears the Signature of Call Amick if you want service. 9-8-tfd -A i r- Prps- Tie. o. t''';."-"-i Phono lSi. Halls 1 1 - 3 for consUpation. -- i . ... ...... ;--j-tiu date. ."s""u i,i nans catarrh Medi- -:r..- is -what procu?:-s such wonderful