The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PL ATTSTuO Li x ii SEail- vr i. t t jOUBHAL.
in iiiwri ii iv
S3S3 Make an Automobile Out of Your Ford!
Ford Owners Bead
J:i'k Mulford who represent. Picl;
:v ii Co., traveling: hi territory in
1 automobile met with a peculiar
:. ! accident ahr.ut five
. i!e- east f Bradford. It seems
iii? a .-udden trust of wind blew off
:- h.-it :ml in Mt'-mptintr to catch it
i- I'-t iso of the steering wheel. Un
.; -r-inatf-ly at that moment the
i.-f1-: struck a rut, th- car turned
.r'i'j it slid into the ditch l.'iry
M --.Iftrd hf-r.ath it., etc.
Tie most, valuable accessory yet
li Hit it for tiie Ford car. I!e
i! .v-s the strain of driving. Gives
' rrplet control of car, ovor 10,000
.-.!! to date, your car is next, come
t-- :. r'-al machine shop and have one
j.-.t '::, t ry i: if you don't like it,
v w:'! take it off and refund your
r.-.' -'-v. Price ?! ."..fio.
W. H. Countryman shipped cattle
I,, the maha market the first of the
v. t-eL.
Ci.a-. Stone, the Elmwood hanker,
v.;: transact business in the Queen
( it y ,!
.:.v. .-( n Shtldon. of Wayside, iIiss.,
arriveil in Nehawka Wednesday morn
:nL a vi-it with relatives and
?dr-. II. L. Thomas returned from
Omaha Sunday, where she had irone
on Thursday to consult a physician
in it-L-ard to her health.
A Miscellaneous shower for Mrs.
Harold Todd, (formerly Miss Flossie
l.i.lke was triven at the home of
Mrs. Nicholas Kkuu ense last Satur
day afternoon. Hesides numerous
i:-ent presented to the bride, the
hoik-- invl'ilired in ref reshments.
Me.-d.umes Ci. Hoback. L. W. Ir.jr-v.i-rv:i
and M. A. lloback. visited
Mr.-. Fiank Anderj-.r. in Union last
F; i'.ay. Mrs. Anderson's health has
K-en r.,.r,v (,i late and her condition
( n Tuesday of this week was report -e.i
wor.-e, but not to the extent as to
be alarmimr.
Me --dame.- (k C. and V. P. Sheldon
and children, who have been visiting
th- family of Ex-Governor Sheldon
at Wayside, Miss, the past month,
jetui :-ed to Nehawka last Sunday
r.ih'.. While on their Southern
tij- tiit-y vi.-ited the Mardi Gras at
New Orlean.-. and while here took a
.--am boat trip on the Mississippi
river where they saw two of Uncle
Sam'.- submarine boats ready for duty
at ar.y moment.
('. p. Richards, of Plattsmouth,
well known in Nehawka, as the con
tract.. r and carpenter who built the
da-. Palmer residence, was so unfor
tunate as to lose the forefinger and
a part of the thumb on his left hand
while x i atinfr a buzz saw last Sat
urday afternoon. The hand was
'!.; -tiiy dressed, and Mr. Richards is
rtp .rted as jrettintr alontr with the
painful members as well as could be
The Nehawka Mills was closed
' n the first of the week for the
p. of the old enjrine.
i he Nehawka Mills
are now Rolling and Manufacturing the
The Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
Also a Full Line of By Products!
C. D. ST. JOHN, Prop
JOE MALCOLM, Head Miller.
For Sale by All Dealers
Steering Gear for Ford Car
actiine and Foundry
which failed to meet the require
ments -of the constant errowinr busi
ness. A new Murray Corliss engine,
the last word in engine construction
fur up to iate flourinir mills has ar
rived from Burlington, Iowa, and will
be running just as soon as the connect
ing pans are properly adjusted. The
mill is now completely equipped with
the best and latest machinery and
Mr. St. John is to be congratulated on
having the most, modern mill in east
ern Nebraska.
C. J. St. John of the Nehawka mill
was down Friday afternoon delivering
flour to Chas. F. Morton.
Mrs. Will Donaldson of Chapin, la.,
visited from Thursday until Monday
with Mrs. B. A. Taylor of this place.
About the next entertainment on
the docket is to be an old fiddlers con
test, which will he given here in the
near futuie if th? present arrange
ments go through.
George Edmison and family of
Hartington, Neb., arrived here Mon
day afternoon. It is said they are
contemplating making Union their fu
ture home.
Little Dathd Young-, who was re
ported as being seriously ill last week
with pneumonia, is recovering nicely
at this time. The trained nurse who
had been attending her for several
days, returned to her home in Omaha
Monday afternoon.
L. J. Hall left Monday afternoon
for eastern Minnesota and western
Wisconsin, where he went to buy three
car loads of graded cattle for a man
in Iowa. It is in this same locality
where Mr. Hall purchased those which
he sold at public sale here a short
time ago.
From the latest reports it is prob
able that there will be a good wrest
ling match here before long. The
participants will be a few of the
Union men against some from our
neighboring town of Nehawka. Watch
for further announcement.
C. W. Clark, who was operated on
in Omaha several days ago, is report
ed as getting along in fine shape.
About the onlv kick he has is that he
. i
err Ml"
is not petting- as much to satisfy the
inner man as he does when in his
home at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Montgomery of
Auburn, 111., came in Thursday and
visited at the Mrs. P. A. Taylor home
until Monday of this week. Mr. Mont-,
gomery is out locating- the heirs of
Joshua Lynde and his trip is taking
him through Iowa and Nebraska.
Mrs. O. K. Parmele of Plattsmouth,
sister of I.. A. and I). L. Tyson, ar
rived lure to attend the funeral of
Five Tysoo, last Sunday
Pen Uus'.er will leave Ashland for
Callaway, Neb., the first oi the month.
Jie has vented a farm at that place.
This will be news to :u- friends here.
Dr. J. M. No- ly is c-v fined to his
home at the pr sc -t time and is suf
fering with a bad cse of pneumonia.
At the present time a r.urse is em
ployed to help care for 1dm.
In the mairiage i.n-fs in Thurs
day's Stat" Journal 'senses were is
sued to Ralph Shreve of Emerson and
Deligh C. Schlanker of this place.
Also to James F. Wheatley and Cara
M. Winch, both of Palmyra.
M-s. Edith Miller was reelected a
teacher in the intermediate depart
ment of the public schools of Trum
bell. Neb., for another year. She has
made good at Trumbell and her many
friends are glad to hear the news.
Mrs. R. W. Bailey of Milford ar
rived last week on a visit to the Chas.
Bailey and B. I. Clements families.
She will spend several days here after
which she will go to Nehawka for a
short visit before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Henderson of
Clayton, Neb., arrived Monday on a
visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Durbin.
Mrs. Henderson is a sister of Mrs.
Durbin. Their daughter, Elma, was
married on the 14th. She is well
known here, having attended the Elm
wood schools.
Erven Carroll who was matched
with Ded Dow in a handicap match
Tuesday night at the opera house, in
which Dow was to throw Carroll in
fifteen minutes, held out and won the
match. Carroll showed good science
and pluck. Skinner of Alvo lost the
match with Dow on Wednesday eve
ning. G. A. Nenstiel and family left on
Monday for Chappell, Neb., where
they will make their future home. Mr.
Nenstell has a nice farm in that coun
try, about fifteen miles from Chappell,
and they will live on it. They hare
the best wishes of a host of friends
from Elmwood which goes with them
to their new home.
The latter part of last week an
other old-timer of Elmwood visited
here. It was Wralter Kenniston of
Keapa county. His father was a doc
tor of this section. He visited his two
friends, William DelesDernier and
Chas. Bailey, and they talked over
the old times and of the base iva.ll
games that they played together near
ly forty years ago. He went from
here to Wabash for a short visit be
fore returning home.
On Thursday of last week, A. II.
WTeichel was quite badly injured when
he was forced to jump from a scaffold
where he was working at the Al Wal
linger place. It seems that while at
work on the scaffold it gave way, and
when Mr. Weichel noticed this he
jumped, striking1 the ground with such
force that he sprained both of his
ankles. He was brought home and
was layed up for some days on ac
count of his injury.
Mrs. William Neuman, an old and
highly respected citizen of Murdock,
is leportrd very ill.
Miss Esther Hart of York, Neb., ar
rived Friday to visit until Monday
with her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Dicrs and
Miss Joyce Loveland, manager of
the local telephone exchange, was in
Lincoln on Friday and Saturday of
last week
Mrs. Rose Brunkow has been grant
ed a divorce from her husband, Ed
ward Brunkow, with alimony and
the custody of the two children.
A. L. Masters has purchased an
interest in the dray and transfer busi
ness at O'Neill of Eugene Mayfield
and will move his family to that city
at once.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonin are
the proud parents of a little daughter,
which arrived at their home in the
country south of town on Friday, Feb
ruary 9.
Peter Gakemeier returned home
from Pasadena, Cal., Tuesday evening,
being- called home on account of the
illness of his sister, Mrs. C. J. Gaebel,
whose condition is said to be very
.... jtM
. . . . . ...., . . . . ....
.-...... .-...-.... ........ ...
Miss Ruth Jacobson visited her
three brothers, Bert, Paul and Emil, in
Omaha over Sunday. She reports the
latter, who is receiving medical treat
ment in Omaha, as getting along nice
ly with steady improvement.
Elmer Anderson has just com
pleted a. course in electrical engineer
ing at the state university and is at
home for a short visit. He has been
offered a good position in New York
state which he is considering and if he
accepts it, ho will leave March first
to enter upon his new duties.
Mrs. William Worthman and son,
Eldon, arrived last week from their
home in Seward for a week's visit at
the Dr. E. H. Worthman home. Her
husband drove down from Seward for
a day's visit during her stay in town.
They are on their way to Chicago,
where they expect to make their home
in the future.
. ???S!?W
4 4 4 4
r .....
The Olson stone quarry closed a
contract a few days ago for 17o more
carload of rip rap stone to be fur
nished the Northwestern railroad.
Mrs. Martha Stevens, who has been
spending the winter at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Davis, re
turned Tuesday to her home at lola,
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben, Attig and
children of Metamora, 111., arrived
Tuesday morning for a visit at the
home of Mrs. Attig's sister, Mrs. J.
At Charles Gilmore's sale last
Thursday chickens topped the market,
selling at $14. "0 per dozen. A young
cow brought $S7..r0, while potatoes
sold for $2.f0 per bushel.
John Gorder and family of Platts
mouth were Sunday visitors at the
home of his brother. Mayor Gorder.
Mrs. Gorder accompanied them home
in the auto, returning by train Tues
day morning.
Grandpa II. J. Philips enjoyed a
short visit with his son, Reed, of Port
land, the first part of the week. He
had been to the Omaha market with
porkers and came down this way to
see his father.
Mrs. F. E. Boone of Saskatchewan,
Canada, is visiting since Saturday at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Hiatt.
Mrs. Boone had been to Denver to
visit her mother and stopped off here
for a visit.
Walter Powers, father and mother
and a sister, Mrs. Critchfield. and lit
tle daughter, aiirved last week from
Murray, la., and are now located in
the Giberson house. The wonder as to
what Walter was renting a house for
has ceased.
Sing Look of California arrived Sun
day evening and will take charge of
the laundry of his cousin, Jim Look,
while Jim will take a trip to Louis
iana, Colorado and California. Jim
says he has worked hard for seven
years and saved his money, now he is
going to have a vacation. He will
leave in about two weeks.
J. A. Hiatt, who has been at an
Omaha hospital for eighteen weeks,
being treated for injuries received
when he fell from the M. P. railroad
bridge at Plattsmouth last fall, re
turned home Saturday night. Mr.
lliatt's most serious injury was to his
hip. While he was able to come home
he is a long way from being- over the
injuries. He has no use of his limb
yet and can only navigate by the use
of crutches, but he was mighty glad
to get home.
m-H' -x-i-:- 'i-i"!-:-:- h-i-W'
Mrs. A. II. Vanlandingham spent
Saturday and Sunday at Plattsmouth.
Clyde Trumble came in Sunday
from Fairmont to spend the day with
his parents, G. C. Trumble and fam
ily. R. W. Robothairi and family of Lin
coln and Glen Robotham and family
cf Walton spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mamie Hudson.
Walter Stack was over Sunday from
Panama, bringing with him his oldest
son, who received treatment from Dr.
Longacre for an injured hand.
"Shorty" Armstrong, who has been
assisting at the Eagle print shop for
the past few weeks, left Thursday for
Lincoln. He expects to go to the home
of relatives near Curtis.
A deal was made Monday in which
Jay Peterson becomes the owner of
Carl Price's dray line, Carl having
sold out to him. Carl expects to go
in business with his father.
Herbert Crabtree, who has been as
sisting Mrs. Brantner at the restau
rant, was taken suddenly ill -Monday,
and was compelled to return to the
home of his parents at Lincoln.
Word was received from Rev. L. J.
Dornseif, who left last Monday for
Decatur, Ind., on account of the seri
ous illness of his mother, that she died
on the following Thursday. He ar
rived the day before she passed away.
Mrs. F. W. McManus is still suffer
ing from a severe attack of quinsy
which is causing her considerable pain.
It was necessary to have her tonsils
lanced a couple of times. Miss Emma
Sutton is assisting her with the house
work during her illness.
From Fri Jay's Dally.
"The District School" which was
given last evening by the members of
the Epworth Leaugue at the parlors
of the Methodist church, proved one
of the most pleasant social event
which has been held for some time,
and about eighty persons were pres
ent totake part in the occasion. The
young ladies came to "school" attired
in the old time school girl costumes
and with braided hair and the nod
ding hair ribbons presented a strik
ing picture of the old time schoolt
while the young men, not to be out
done came in overalls and knickers,
taken altogether the scene was one
that certainly provoked much pleas
ure as each new pupil made his ap
pearance and was assigned to their
classes. The school master was very
dignified in appearance with a tall
silk hat and flowing grey beard and
mustache, and it was not until later
that it was discovered that the school
master was Jennings Seivers, one of
the active members of the Epworth
League. The members of the class
were put through a very severe or
deal by being called on for recita
tions and while a few were able to
carry out this part of the program
in a manner that would be a credit
to a real school boy or girl others
produced much enjoyment by being
prompted by the kind hearted teacher
in their effort? and these stunts aided
very much in the enjoyment of the
evening. Rev Truscott; who was as
signed to the primary class was
given the honor of carrying the flag
for the school. At the close of the
school a real old time "spellin' bee'
was enjoyed by the members of the
party and the war of words contin
ued for some little time but was
brought to a hurried close when the
school girls begin to unpack their
lunch baskets for the "feed" that had
long been anticipated by the hungry
school boys, who were so thoughtless
as not even to bring an apple with
them, and as a result each lad was
required to "dig up" twenty-five
cents for the honor of enjoying lunch
with his school girl friend. The oc
casion was one of delight to all of
the party and it was with much re
gret that the party departed for their
homes feeling that it had indeed been
a most enjoyable time.
From Saturday's Faily.
Last night shortly after 9 o'clock
our neighboring town of Pacific Junc
tion was visited by quite a spectacular
fire, which wiped out of existence the
old Davis & Anderson mule barn in
the north part of that town, and which
was owned by parties in Council
Bluffs. The fire raged with great in
tensity and it was with difficulty that
a number of horses were rescued from
the building, including a valuable
stallion, worth $2,500. The barn was
used largely for storing of hay, thirty
tons of which was destroyed by the
flames and which added to the in
tensity of the fire and made the dan
ger to the rest of the town very
great for a few minutes. The only
losses as far as known is the hay and
a goat that was quartered in the
barn and which it was impossible to
rescue before the structure caved in
and buried the animal beneath the
ruins. The blaze from the burning
structure leaped high in the air and
was clearly visible from this city, and
for several hours was watched by the
interested citizens. It was thought at
first that it might be the Burlington
depot at the Junction, but a message
from that place brought announcement
that it was not the passenger station.
The Junction has had a number of
very disastrous fires in the past few
years, and had the wind been as
strong last night as on Thursday, the
whole north portion of the town would
have been wiped out by fire.
From S. C. Rhode Island Reds and
S. C. WTiite Orpingtons, $1.00 per 15;
$5.00 per 100. Local delivery. A, O.
Ramge, Plattsmouth. Phone 3513.
Had a fire,
Left town,
Sold a farm,
Had a baby,
Been arrested,
Come to town.
Bought a home,
Cracked a safe,
Robbed a house,
Killed an officer,
Been assassinated,
Fallen from an aeroplane,
Telephone the Journal.
A want ad will bring what you want.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
yVillinm H. nainy, Flaintiff,
Samuel Hahn, f-t al. nfri'lantp.
Notice of Suit to Qui't Title.
To thf defendants ,-amucl Hahn: Mrs.
Samuel flahn. lirst r-ul tianii' un
known: th unknown heir. tlivise-s.
li-pat-s. pf-rponal representatives and
all other person.-: interest in the estate
of Samuel lla hn. deceased: the un
known lieirs, divisees. legatees, person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Samuel llahn. first real name un
known, deceased: "William (larrison;
Mrs. William (larrison. first real name
unknown; the unknown heirs, divisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of William Harrison, deceased:
the unknown heirs, divisees. legatees,
persona! representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
William Carns-on, lirst real name un
known, deceased: Hiram P. Hennet:
Mrs. Jliram i P.ennet, first real name
unknown: the unknown heirs, divisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Hiram I'. Hennet, deceased: the
known heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Mrs.
Hiram P. Hennet. lirst real name un
known, deeeased; TJeoree W. Colvin.
Trustee; Jaints Tl. Neal: Catherine
Neal: the unknown successors and as
signs of C;eorge Y. Colvin. trustee, de
feased; the unknown heirs, devisees.
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the es
tate of Jairus K. Neal. deceased; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Catherine Neal. deceased; Micheal Ma
honey; Mrs. Micheal Mahoney, first real
name unknown: the unknown heirs.
devisees, legatees, personal representa
tives and ail other persons interested
in the estate of Micheal Mahoney, de
ceased: the unknown heirs. devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estate of Mrs. Micheal Mahoney. first
real name unknown, deceased: the tin
known owners ami the unknown claim
ants of government lots three c: i
four (4) and five r.l; also the south
east quarter (SK 1-4) of the southwest
nuarter (SW 1-4) and the south half
(S 1-2) of the southeast quarter SH
1-4) fill in section thirty-three ".".),
township thirteen ir,. north range
thirteen (l"l. east of the Clh V M. in
the County of Cuss. Nebraska.
You ami each of you are Viereby
notificd that on the "Oth day oT Janu
ary A. . 1917. plaintiff filed a suit in
the lMstrict Court of the County of
Cass, Nebraska, to quiet plaintiff's title
to the above described lands, to-wit:
Government lots three ( ), four (4) and
five 5: also the soutneast quarter
ISR 1-4) of the southwest quarter
(SW 1-4) and the south half (S 1-2)
of the southeast quarter (SH 1-4) all in
section thrity-three (?,.',). townsluj
thirteen 13), north range thirteen
(1?. ). east of the Cth I. M. in the
Coutitv of Cass, Nebraska, because of
his adverse possessions by himself and
his grantors for more than ten years
prior to the commencement of said suit
and to enjoin each and all of you from
having or claiming any right. title.
lien or interest, either legal or equit
able, in or to said lands, or any part
thereof: to require you to set forth
your right, title, claim, lien and inter
est therein, if any. either legal or
equitable, and to have the same adjudg
ed inferior to the title of plaintiff and
for general equitable relief.
This notice is made pursuant to the
order of the court. iou are required
to answer said petition on or before
Monday, April 2nd. A. 1). 191 1, or your
default will be dulv entered therein.
W. A. KOBEP.TSON. Attorney
First Publication 2-19 1917.
In the matter of change of name of
George Onde.
On this 17th day of February, 1917
this cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of George Onde alleging
that he has been a resident of Cass
County. Nebraska for more than on
vear prior to filing said petition and
that he desires to change his name
from George Onde to George O. Corley
that he has resided with .1. I. Corley
in said count v ever since he was s.
years- of age and that his parents are
deceased and that he is called and com
monly known as George Corley.
It is therefore ordered that a hearing
he had upon said petition on the 24th
dav of March 1917. at 10 A. M., at
Court House in City of Plattsmouth
Nebr.. and that notice of said hearing
be given to all persons interested by
the publication of this order for a per
iod of thirty days prior to said hear
ing in the 1'lattsmouth Pmi-Weekly
Journal, a newspaper published and of
general circulation in said county
and state and that all objections to
said petition be tiled on or before said
Judge of the District Court of Cass
..Countv Nebraska
C. K. Tefft. Attorney.
First Publication 2-19 1917.
The State of Nebraska.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Farah
E. Young, Deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Arthur M. Young praying that Ad
ministration of said Estate may be
granted to Lloyd Gapen a Administra
tor. Ordered, That March 12, A. D. 1917.
at 10 o'clock A. M., is assigned for
hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held In
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted: and that notice
of the pendency of Baid petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons Interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in Tiie
Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in said County for
three successive weeks, prior to said
day of bearing.
Dated February 17. 1917.
' County Judge.
First Publication 2-19 1917.
Kt:if- of Nebraska.
To u) irSMfi- ilill-sle.J in lle 'l:ilf
of nmrjifl .lit;, .loaiison, .l.-.i ..!
ri i ii i n .l th' iJ.iiii'.'i
'h:tlies S. .1 " 1 1 ij - n .i : v,uf. t liu I I I
j n st t nmr. t lil.l i r rhis i ..m l ...i t:
l'tth .i:i of FeM-,jir. 1M17. i.r.M l-i;
fiuMir.P to Uc tin- i : t " t ..T.-l -
rn-rii il fl.- s:ml 0-r-:i !. in .. (
.f.1-il !ir..l 1 l-.V. t-.l. iltl-l . . .. !... I ., .
the lust u ill iiiiU I 1 ii. 1. 1 ! i. .
llr. .l.lirs..ri, l---n-.l . u,; t ..I h.
situini-nt li- :icmittfil L i.tai,.,!.,
jitl n.i? i-l in t i. n i.f s;ij. !.,!
rifiMt..l l.i M:ir 1: M'Tlii-!'- -. i-
11 is l.r-rMiv r.r.lT-.l that v. hi. :..i1
n-rsons ilili-i i-1-.l in vai-.i Pi.-MI'i. rrav.
inl lo. appi-ar at llii- uniiv ' ii
c h'll iri nr. A 1r sai.l -"' i n i . ii I .
ll'tti ilav of Mat-h, V. I . T'lV. :il t-n
f l.if-k A. .M.. t-i sh'.w laii-i-. i: a v
tlu fi' I.", why th' ).taf i -r I : i" -liliori'r
sli'.'il't in. i iiranti.!. .-. i I
Ihat noli' f tl-- ) tpl.ii. y !' s.,,,i ,..
tit.'f.N a'nl l!::iT t 1 . I 'i ti z t(--"-.f
given to .'ill I" rsnn- i .i 1 ! -s ' I -i i i !
rnatti-r l-y jm t , : i v n i n n a .. .! m.i-
fui-r iu 11. I J .j. 1 1 --in. ..n l. i,-.:.1. ' i
seri.i-wef-kl v Tnw j.a p. r nir.1'-.l -i a i-l
ount v tor- t ':? - in x. v w-i I: v
prior to v.'i il ..: v of '.. at in-.
Uilr.r---: rtv !,riTnl at..! a ! i-I -a -I
f-OHI U 1 hi - l"th of I . . I i. a ' . 1 .
AI.T.KN .1. T'.r.r..--. . .
ISKAI.I "-. til.. .In-!--.
First I i l.Uf t ion l' - l ;. -1 ! 1 7 .
(Notii. e for scivi- e ),y pu hi i . a 1 1-. M I
l Tin: DMniCT roi n r of
( III vi . i:hh k .
Vnt'.n Sol.iva, plaintiff.
R. A. Hbersole, ;i,-l his Wife,
Jili.-.'snif, unknown own-r and la in
an', lirst an-! ).-al name i. liii- a t
claiming i-n interest in i-it tun t in
dre.l forty i ' ! . i.-i tie . ; ; ., .-
of l.'i'l i-V i ! ''a--- I' Nt-i.' :. -
ka, anl tie unknown ii-'-t:
heirs at law and t.-xi i k:n it.
divisees. rep t e-i-. .; 1 1
and other persons inlet e-te i in 1 :.
State Of H. A. Ci..'! ,-ole. 111,'!
Hbei sole, jf ii.-iea-.--l, or anv ot!.
persons in i e!i-t e.i iii a-i.' nia i'nr
said real estate 1 r-1 n 1 " !
scribed ;
J efen.lfi nt s.
You and
aeh of oil
i re
l ei , l.v
hi.-. I in
'.-r.nt .
a u a 1 1,-1
notified thai
Anton Sol. ota has
co, li t of Vis
jieti t ion in i u i i y
the district
Nebraska, hh
you ami each and a. I l von
ing to have some rinht. title
est in and t certain lan is
fore described, and as h.-iii:
a - da i in -or
i n I i -het
c: I,!,. -
; ti.- un
known owneis and claimants f s-.ito'
rieht. title or interest in said land.
and as being the unknown h-irs, or
other unknown parties claitnintr !
have some livil.t. title or inteiest in
and to said land by reason of the i! -cease
of said P.. A. I'.l.ersole and dt.
if deceased, and all other J.alti' - inti-l-
esie.l in any wav i-om .-niini -ah! t .-al
estate unknown to plaintiti s.n.i his at
torney-. The nature, object and 1i.i -pose
of said petition is a bill i i ei lutv
to quiet title and perfect title m J ..m-
tltl to the lollowintr (l.-Mlll't-.l teal
estate, and to remove .ill
encumbrances, liens and doc. is ij.ou
the title thereof, to wit:
Hot two hundred forty three 2 1 i
the Village of Louisville. County
Cass and State of Nebraska.
You and each of vou are i -. uirc.l
answer the petition of sai.l Anton
Sobota tiled in the I i - 1 r i ' t Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, a- a I . t sa id.
on or before the Jnd dav of A mil. I'M 7.
Ry his attorney .!;. C. PI:Y!:.
First Publication - 1 L' - P' 1 7.
MI'MCi: TO f O 'I'll i "!' I It
Sealed bid- W ill l.e :, :,t t-,e
O.-ce of llie Connt..' k in
mouth, Cass County, Nchr-r J-.-i. up 1 1 ' I
VlVlX ..n s- 1 1. ?.'. . Ma I. 'l 4. ".'1T.
fur buil.linu wood. .-teei. and W.....I and
steel bridges, concrete an h i-i. b.
culverts arm other coTMntc w.i.k. - e -i
as winfc.s and a It ?::-. f.-r - : cu
ll 17. as provided by law.
Plans and y-i Pica t i--n s now or, ,:
in the o..ce of the County Clc. k at
I "la ttsmoul h. Nebraska.
Separate bids mav be filed for cm 1.
class of bridge work and !; n-iii i - i
arch and box culvert work.
All bids to beot. eiied a t 1 ) o'cloik A.
M... of Tuesday. March -i. 11-17.
The P.oa.rd of County Commissioners
reserve the right to l.i.ii.l all I-' nli s
and concrete culverts costing f.".n-.i"i
or less.
The P.oard of County Commission, r
reserve the right to reject any or all
bids, and in letting the contra, t re
serve the right t let same in m !,;
or in part.
A certified! check f..r $"m1 mu-t ac
company each bid.
fkanic j. unrnsiiAi..
'ount v ".el li.
First Publication 2-12-P-17.
Notice to non-res'dont defendants:
To Lund Land Company a 'or;. or
ation. Oscar Lund, Fri.nk II. Yaincr.
and 11. C. Aamotli. first and real name
unknown, defenda nts :
You will take notice that on the ".th
day of December P.'ltl. Daniel an
doing business under the firm nan..
and style of Linahan Realty Company,
plaintiff herdn, filed his petition in
the District Court of '.,ss Count .
Nebraska, against said defendant-.
Lund Land a ot .ra t n.
Oscar Lund, Frank II." Warner, and H
C. Aamoth. first and real name en
known, the object and j.ravcr of who ii
are that the said Daniel,.
plaintiff, recoverer from the said de
fendants and each of them the .-1 ; ' 1 1
of Jl.221.00 due and paahi t" the
plaintiff from said defendants a- com
mission earned and services rendered
said defendants under the terms of a
written contract whereby sail de
fendants and each of tiu m became in
debted to the said l.mie! I.inal an 1-e
said amount, above ref. i re. 1 t.. t ' .-it
on the 19th day of December pn;.
pursuant to an order of atta. ! incut is
sued by proper authority "til of said
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, the Sheriff of said i-'
County, Nebraska made a levy nj.-.n
certain real estate, the prot.ertv ..f
said defendants, within s.u.1 countv
Lots one 1. two (2'. three :: .
four (4). five 5, seven 7. and eil t
(8). and a strij eight rods wide "-T
the West side of lot six. also know n
as lot cloven ll, and the southwo.-t
quarter of section live (5i also, the
southeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section six ' and all -if
that portion of the northeast .juariet
of the nortliesat quarter lvinir moth
and east of Chicatro, P.iirlinnloti A.
Quiney Railroad right of wav of s.-. -tion
six ) all in Township tweleve
(12), Range ten (10) east of the nMh
6th) principal Meridian, Cass .'ountv.
Said defendants and h h of tl.-m
will take notice that they and cadi
of them are required to appear s-nd
answer the petition of the plaintiff
herein on or before the :th day of
April, 1917. otherwise judgment will
be taken against them and each of
them and the property herein at
tached will be sold to satisfy such
judgment as may be rendered by said
Ry Arthur C. Pancoast
His Att-jrney.
Februarj" 5-4 weeks.
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