The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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i. S. Hathaway, Well Known Resident
of Liberty Precinct, Died Sudden
ly Sunday Afternoon at
Yesterday afternoon B. S. Hatha
way, one of the best known residents
cf Liberty precinct passed away very
suddenly at Union where he has been
making his home. The death of Mr.
Hathaway came as quite a shock to
his friends and relatives in its sud
deness. He has not been feeling in
the best of health for the past few
d.,ys, but yesterday left the Union
hold where lie was boarding to take
a short stroll, and stopped at the
barber shop to visit with his friends
ar.d enj..y a short chat with them.
Mr. Hathaway had seated himself in
or.o of the chairs and had been there
or.Iy a few minutes when he was taken
suddenly sick and complained of suf
ierir.y great pain. The friends as--i-ted
him to a couch where he was
alaeed. but in less than five minutes
e died, suffering from a sudden at
: .ek of heart trouble. Medical as-.-i.-tar.ce
wa. summoned but before it
reached him he was beyond the need
of mortal aid. Mr. Hathaway has
re.-ided in the vicinity of Union for a
-rial many years, his parents, Mr.
.md Mrs. Abram Hathaway, coming to
:hat section of Cass county in pioneer
days and prempting a homestead, and
:t was in this locality that B. S.
Hatha 'a ay was reared to manhood
ar.d has made his home since. Mr.
Hathaway was .seventy years of age
ar.d has led a very active life in farm
work that gave him a strong consti
tution and enabled him to continue
his active work up to the time of his
death. He possessed a large number
of friends who will regret greatly the
news of his death and he wen a great
many warm friends by his pleasant
and genial manner and affable treat
ment of those he met. He leaves to
mourn his death three brothers. A.
I.. S. C. and George Hathaway all
lesidir.g in the vicinity of Union.
The funeral arrangemnts have not
Ucii completed as yet but will prob
ably he held at Union and the burial
lie'd at the cemetery near that city
white the other members of the fam
ily are tlteping at rest. 'Mr. Hath
away was never married and leaves
tn!y the brothers in his immediate
family, the parents having passed
away a number of years ago.
About N o'clock Saturday evening,
fi iends and neighbors armed with well
tided lunch baskets, gathered at the
..ouv.try homi of Mi. ar.d Mrs. J. R.
Lev, west of the city, and tendered
thtm a very plea.-ant farewell sur
pi ise. The evening was most delight
fully spent in various games and mu
sic, and a splendid reading was given
l y Grace Schulz, which was enjoyed
by all. At a suitable hou a delicious
I-r.cheon was served, to which all did
ample justice. It was long past the
midnight hour when this jolly com
pany journeyed homeward, feeling
'J at each had had a jolly good time
und wi-hing the Lees happiness and
success in their new home in town
liu-c present woie Medames Ed
Tiit-ch. Will Hummel, C. F. Vallery,
John P. Mtisinger, Will Schultz,
Gandnv.ther Rummel, Misses Ella
and Ida T.-chirrcn, Adelia Tritsch,
G'-ace Schultz, Louisa Hummel,
Gladys Lee, Messrs. Ed Tritsch, Will
Kummcl, C. Vallery, John P. Mcis-
ingtr. Will Schutz, Victor and Ralph
Mcisinger. Frederick Schutz and Paul
J. II. McMaken is one of the resi
dents of the city who believes in be
ir prepared to handle the moving
and drayir.g business in the most up
to-date manner possible and has ac
cordingly purchased a line new moving
van that is the largest ever brought
to thus city, and is equipped with a
piitr, so that in case of storm it will
!. possible to transport goods without
the danger of getting them damaged
from the snow or rain. The new
wagon will be put into service as soon
a- icsible to assist in handling the
business of the company.
Light Brahma eggs, $L"0 per 15;
..-,.0J per 100. Telephone Murray 1121.
Mr--. J. W. Stones Mynard, Neb.
The masquerade ball given Satur
day evening by the Woodmen of the
World at the M. VW. A. hall on South.
Sixth street, was one of the largest
from the point of attendance of any
of the dances given by this organiza
tion, and the dance floor was crowded
by the large number of handsome cos
tumes which were worn by the dan
cers, who were entertained by the mu
sic furnished by the old-fashioned or
chestra. The grand march found a
large array of character and comic
costumes in line. W. H. Bunch was
awarded the first gent's prize, and
Mrs. Amelia Everett received the first
ladies' prize, while Mrs. R. C. Thomas,
as a negro flower girl, was given the
second prize. The second men's prize
was won by Earl Murray as a cowboy.
The members of the Woodmen realized
some $60 as a result of the ball and
desire to express their appreciation
of the patronage given them by the
dancing public.
The friends in this city of Mrs.
Victor Zucker will be pleased to learn
that she is now located in Omaha
where she has opened a modern and
first class millinery store at lt'tlO-lT
No. 24th street and hereafter the
Zucker family will make their home
in that city. Mrs. Zucker is making
the store one of the most up-to-date
in the metropolis and being a lady of
excceptional taste will give the ladies
of the mertopolis an opportunity of
enjoving the benefits of a strictly
modern store of this nature. The
Zucker family are quite popular in
, this city and their friends will bj
j pleased to learn that they are to io
! cate so near the old home where they
j can visit with them and enjoy the
jleasure of their society.
Lit 11.11 1H!
Friday evening at the home of -her
mother, Mrs. Lottie Englc, on Fifth
street Miss Opal entertained,
a number of her friends in honor of
her fourteenth birthday anniversary
and who joined in making the event a
most delightful one to all those fortun
ate enoungh to be present. Tho
guests on their arrival showered the
hostess with a large number of very
attractive and useful gifts in honor
of the event which will be treasured
in the years to come. The young peo
ple spent the time in games of all
kinds until a late hour, when dainty
refreshments were served by Mrs.
Engle assisted by Mrs. Mollie Hanson,
which were much enjoyed and at the
homegoing hour all departed wishing
the hostess many more such happy
events. Those present at the gather
ing were Misses Clara Johnson, Viola
Archer, Florence Hanson, Beatrice
and Ray Herring, George Thomas,
Wayne Hudson, LaPue Williams and
Willie and Opal Engle.
When You Have a Cold.
It is when you have a severe cold
that you appreciate the good qualities
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs.
Frank Crocker, Pana, 111., writes:
"Our rive-year-old son, Paul, caught
a severe cold last winter that settled
on his lungs and he had terrible cough
ing spells. We were greatly worried
about him as the medicine we gave
him did not help him in the least. A
neighbor spoke so highly of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy that I got a
bottle of it. The first dose benefited
him so much that I continued giving
it to him until he was cured."
We will rent you a home of any
size from a single room to all 8-room
home. Call on us at corner of Locust
and Fifth street, or Phone No. f70.
F. M. Welsh imer & Son. 2-22-ihl
New ('.-room cottage, fully modern.
Price $2,500. Incumbrance 1,500.
Will take young stock, horses or cat
tle for equity. Address Box 57, Platts-
mouth, Neb. 4-19-wkly
For Sale Tho Sherwood- property
on Chicago avenue at reasonable price
if taken' soon. Inquire of Omaha
Realty Co., b20-2l Pax ton block, Oma
ha. 2-19-tfd
Alkali Lakes Yield Great Output
Nation's Production Increases -'
Ten Told.
Washington; D. C,, Feb. .22.-r-A re
markable expansion in the American
potash industry has resulted from ef
forts to make the United States inde
pendent of foreign sources for the pot
ash used in munitions and for other
nut-poses, and although the boom did
not get under way until late in 101 1,
production during the calendar year
reached a value ten times as great as
that of Ivlo.
The li'it! production is estimated, in
a preliminary report published today
by the geological survey, at 10.000
tons, with a value of iV00,U0O. The
estimate is based on incomplete re
turns, which to date have accounted
for 8.S:0 ton-.. In 1017, the report
says, with the boom in full swing, a
much greater total will be shown.
Of the 8,S3' tons reported. r.7 0
were produced from mineral and li.OO
from organic sources. Natural suits
and brines yielded 3,S.0 tons; alunite
and silic-vte rocks, 1,000 tons; kelp,
1,110 tons; penrlash. 220 tons, and
miscellaneous industrial wastes, l.T.'.O
"The large.--1 output," the report
says, "comes from the Nebraska alka'i
lakes, but the natural sa'ine deposits
elsewhere are now ju.-l beginning to
make important contributions.' The
recovery of potash from pcarjash is an
oh! established industry. A grot
deal of publicity has attended the ef
forts t; obtain potash from V.dp. but
r. similar arganic source of high-grade
! potash salts has bet. n quietly di.vel
! oped, whkh has proved more prcduc
! tive. Indeed, the '.onorted production
of a single establishment ouU-atihe i
tho "entire nroduct of potash from
keln plants."
a fi
i v
Veniv.g, Feb;".!: rv
iij;, iiie o; .Mi. . i : .s. ...
. i i r - i .. ... 1 t - . i ! .
ilao.i. n was the .-cone of a ery p.eas
: n irulhei i i n the occasion ' k-ty-iirs:
birthday .;' Mr. RheJ.-:
arid in honor of the event Mrs.
iihode!i prop;;! ed a very pit aai! s'.ir-
nri-e for iu-r husband by havii
neighbors and i'iioros m to
a. 1 1
I he evening. The eveniii'- as sp n'.
in playing games and enjoying a f:r.e
social time until an appropriate Ivor
when a delicious repast was served o
which all did ample justice. Tl.ta e
in attendance were Messrs and Mes
dames J. R. Vali av, T. W. Vallery.
G. W. Rhoden, Allle Leonard. .Jan.;.
Lohnes, Charles Mutz, Leslie Gregory.
Tom Til.-on. Glen Vallery, Carl Greg
ory, Fred Beverage, Frel Tigner,
Earl Terrybery, Albeit Satchel!. Mr,.
J. R. C. Gregory, G. M. Murk. A. V
Grcgorv, James Tigner, Alt
Gaiien Rhoden, Fred Terryb . r! ,
Otho Gregory. Harry Loiines, John
Terryberry, Lloyd Grcgoi-y, Cl arl'e
Vallerv, Dailv Wood, Vlovis Greg
ory, Dorr Tilson, Lawrence Leonard.
Miss Margary Vallery. Miss Fay
Gregory, -Miss Ella Lohnes, Miss El
sie Lohnes, Miss Grace Vidlcry, Miss
Helen and Marie Vallery.
A Hint to the Aj;cd.
If people past sixty years of age
could be persuaded to go to bed as
soon as they take cold and remain in
bed for one or two day?, they wouki
recover much more quickly, especially
if they take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. There would also be less
danger of the cold being followed by
any of the more'serious diseases.
Chamberlain's Tablets.
These Tablets are intended especial
ly for disorders of the stomach, liver
and bowels. If you are troubled with
heartburn, indigestion or constipation
they will do you good.
Wc oil your harness for 1.00 per
set, and now is the best time to have
it done. Also first-class repaiiing of
all kinds at. reasonable prices. Ten
per cent discount on horse blankets
and robes. John. F, Go.rdcr," Platts
mouth, Neb.
Remember the Journal carries the
finest line of stationery in town, and
can please all in this line of goods.
T. W. Vallery -was.- among'' the vis
itors in thc.citv Saturday, driving in
to look after the week-end shopping.
Mrs. J. A. Mick, mother-of R. J.
and J. A. Mick, Mrs. C. C. Cooper
and Mrs C. C. Price of this city
passed away Thursday, February
22nd, at 10:M0 a. m. at her home here.
She has been in poor health since
last spring and during the past eight
weeks has been grdually growing
weaker At the time of her death she
was 81 years, -i weeks and 5 days old.
Mrs. .Mick has been a resident of
Cass county for over SG years and has
resided in Eagle for the past eight
ears. She was a good Christian
lady and had a very kind and loving
disposition, ar.d was loved and re
spected by all who knew her. Her
deatli will be deeply mourned in tbe-S
ciiniinii n i t - ' i
Funeral services will be held at
the M. E. church in Eagle Sunday,
February 2oth ai llioO a. m., con-i
ducted by the Rev. A. B. Shepard.
Ip.terment will be rnudo in the Alvo
Jer.ftery by the side of her husband,
-.ho preci cded her over two ye:irs
ag'o. Eagle Beacon.
ta? j f iiii i s
.'"i r
i'i'3s Viclcry v .!:s;v;
t.'ui'.il' I'sdcss
Girn.nii Submarines Arc Swept
I ro-ti J.c Seas.
L;!idon. Fe!.. 2 . 1 e:.-.:er L:-d-''toi
'.'v! ;;i a i e.'c.'i tin a y tnal ti:e
I-ill't'l-.-S ly ! if.l'
;e:H n !
jc:;ng th
on the ability t ;
.-h o ; t a ge w 'x h -. .
ordi nuy needs of t
tary e; l"e'.c;es. '1
a:;-! rr.i
'or itie grave-
tr.- r.siir. -.
aid liu re wa.
e 1 1 ic ;- .
iO so
wav to vlctorv without
vu! ):;;. 'in r-.s from tho dee;-1.
En r. n:or.: . .: . . . ware iuc s.-;" y
li;e liiitish li.ildic. said M".
L'-yd-Gvo: gv. lie stated ti'.e g-er:'.-r.i.
:.t p:-on.-. ad to da- "o;;e with a:!
r?c --entiri in--
i talieps to t --na'.va
Kit 1 or st'pa
M a
- ho- i -'ge :
i 'll v.b
I .
-ge :n the
post,-. Tie
: o!'0.t -y w !
l : i ;
iii ! it ions were.
! v.
c:ii:f iai.e !.
r..: ; i me
!.e oi l l ic in a. a- .-. l.a
.' e c:u: ca i v. i ' h tiu s..b
ac 1 i!t if t!i- rati-. mi is
m-t i aepave.i to acee
ares for tieaiing vhh
t.r'.e " is-oei ore a-.
"Tho eovei "mo: :t b
1 1 2 ; 1 -1 1
he nuj-iace, di-;-
ii ipi f u1. of liia
:rg ;::var.s
dealing wit!
the suh
giilty ef
i aoM t ' ,
ma; i':o. but we
.A dy i f we ia ' t
"yja. ota ion of t
iioj 0. Wa ha-
' 1
, iraa..;;
!e rea!;;
l:-oi of t'.gil
-a ' a: .1
; proldom I'--
jrromat v wli
measures wl
iiaoa upon l!
There ate
;oh itaao.e
three sots
g: .
! moa-uiies:
! escribed by
h.rd of the
building of
Fii ; t, by the navy, as .
Si- Kd-.vt'id Cars .;: !irst
admiia'ty): second, t lit
merchant shi
di.-pensing witii
ces'iry commodities from abroad,
and production of as much food as
nosiih'.c ;
The undcrsigred will sell at pul
Auction on the YV. B. Spcace farm,
four miles southeast of Cedar Creek,
ten mile ? southv. est of Plat tsmovth,
at 10 o'clo
snarp, on
March 1, the f ollow in;
property, to-wit:
One span of mules, gray and bay
seven years old, weight 1,000.
One gray rnaie, six years old, weight
Three biood sows, live head of
One lumber wagon.
One spring wagon.
One top buggy, nearly new.
One sleigh.
One cultivator.
One three-section harrow.
One hay rake.
One lister.
One dihtc.
One disc sharpener, new.
One forge.
One liori-o clipper.
Other articles, too numerous to men
tion. Terms of Sale All .sums of .$10 and
under, cash; on sums over ' $10 six
lo twelvej months' time will be given,
purchaser giving note with approved
security at 8 per cent interest. Prop
erty must be settled for before its re
moval .from' premises. ' ' ';"-''
. -. ; II. W. BAUGHMAN.
Vv'. R. Young, Auctioneer.
F. M. Bestor, Clerk.
"JMc( ;;!,i:v ;
-..n call". I ; ,
Kew Authentic Styles
in t-Crsox and Stetson
4. Jr u..o
Just now we're featuring distinctive new shapes n
shades that will make an
groomed men, who realize
the first to wear the latest
a fr-Lf s z
'Everybody's Store'
liir"gryO P ? 'Q l? i
WlilhU O t55S0'
F : . . . :
': id.;.y, the Manse cf t're Presby- j
lei iv.n cIh;:c'h was i he sec!)',' of one
ii v !!i'; i l.ut" esung ;:;.u liiuoue
celi!:u-s cf iiie ,'omaii"s
jic v i'r thv c-'ili "eh that
has evi r
t 0
i .
, .i i:v!d. The !aei.- i.i.d d
to s: end the eritire day i.-j ti'.e s.tu!y
uf the Pi .;:!;,'. v ; ie:.i !..; "A
i;:g, i'.i-i" To;- i.aiii! America. '"
A n: ist ir.tcre:-ting pr.igi iu:d bci
an-ai-ed. this p.'ogi am lo .-.-r.ln at 10! j:.,pe..s this afternoon reflected the se
oVlo k in the ' i- "t I i . :us vicw of th-. Butch nation on
o'e!- -'- in ll.e alter, :. !. Aiii rs. 1 . (ri:Hn:,-'s sinking of seven of its
y'-'Y J-- leader. '1 1 v.- mor.jirg ' .i.jj. lvpoitt.,i yesterday morning.
I.t.u..- veie vi'.ote(I lo ti'i' vi'.!':V 't
t he in. -i . n..;t -r, at w.uea nme rs
e . s
:cc ie
( "
.iiaant; "W vcr
t Vv
i Far
r.,r.;. G. L
id I'ian's'"
i a
- ' .
t - -
F v.-i. :
Will ;
i.V Mi:-
v . . c ; i .
Natio-r:! Ib.-.-eU! crvs M r a
: i t ; ;h:. ; "Ze-.-.e : a:.d ( 'limate"
. 1'. U. S'n;!. This c'ostd
dag ..i'd'a- Mil an-i an hour or
do .Mi ad I ' : eci e. it ioii
ir the h .;: were i real, d
o ai.-u-a- ea;t hen p:-. diii
.... iney ei. hi. ad o i'io fulie.-L
la.r'y ii tie afLi-iaa.ou tie
r.- iirivd their siady :aii pr -.ah
lag up the .t-eond c-'iaptea.
the eiiur- a of tho aftei iv n
I . v l i V S
i g.rin:
0 iss g;.V a Spg K'.lt!
lr,e E,d;: ati-n a;ii (."(!:;, ao- ; of
Sou til Ante: ic .11 coatin. at ;" Miss
a . ! a : o'j:i : at
n th
t duca.tioiial
.-o-iditio'i ; :::!stoar in South America
.i- iay; Rev. .'viciitisky "Latin Ameri
ca of T iiay;"' .'diss Arnold read a
paper oil the wo: k b?ing done in
the mission ileitis of South Air.eriea .
-ii--ioi of this vol
'. O;
-.dies eiij yd
mission, a
m taen a utile paacaai wa.-
gi eii iy M r.-
Soil:-;;, i!
MoCiaahyV; Sunday
isted o--
Hughes which brought out the dece!-
opmont of th.e South Amerkr.n conti-
i. oat from 1 Ioatheiiisin t 1 - ' :
, iu,s i.iue ,!.i xas ntou
hig'ily appreciated by tortunnt;
pageant was most
oir!ii lo be present to hear it. The
l)ivser.t to near
I'ageant closed the day's program and
ab oat 1 o'clock the ladies dispersed,
iY-aling that they had spoi.t a very
profitable as well as deiightful day
and very much indebted to .Airs. Mc-
Ciuskv for her kind hosnitalii v.
Will roll or trade f-r Cass or Otoe
county lard, an up-lo-dale General
Merchandise stock and building in an
eastern Nebraska town. This is a
clean, money making, old established
business. Best of reasons for selling, i
Western land sbhrks need not ijmuire
Address, Piattsmouth Journal Oflice.
Mrs. O. II. Nystro'm anil sister, Miss
Scva Johnson, came down Saturday
evening from Omaha to enj'y an over
Sunday visit in this 'city with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Johnson
and family.
Joseph Lake of Tacomah, Wash.,
was ii the city over Sunday visiting
with his old friends, and the occasion
of his visit was much enjoyed by his
former acquaintances. Mr. Lake was
called to Council Bluffs to attend to
some matters for the Milwaukee rail
load and took advantage of the oc
casion to visit the old home.
Six acies, all level, deep rich black
oil; new S-room, . some fruit.
Lsave word at this office. Will be in
town tomorrow all day, or call 3212.
C. B. Schleicher. 2-2o-ltd
for S
exceptional appeal to the well
the importance of being among
See our
it's S
rt v vr
o mi I en.
m hi Iku'A
Declare Sinking cf Ships is Greatest
Hurr.iliaticn Since the War.
.ntiniied Relations Between Nether
lands and Gcrmanv Strained. 1
Amsterdam, Feb. 2.". Dutch news-
greatest humiliation the war began," declared the
v ' Amsterdam Telegraaf. "We confess
we do not dourer spp bow Holland's
j horsr.r is to be upheld by protests."
! trol in the face of such acts of war."
I . . i - ii. x-: i' t i
i :. e. leti ir.e .sieuue anuenoug.
"The sinking tf seven thips show
the submarine warfare is prosecuted
hv (Ifimnnv in : m:imnr ;il;nl of pi v
- - ---------- - . . - - -
, I i jjiuous lo iiie iijiiis it on !i:ui-
gi O.
Holland." declared the llan-
doisbhid. "Certainly America wouldn't
talei-aie sucli acts."
The Hague. Feb. 'do. The aculeness
' f Holland's lelations with Germany
was emphasized last night by general
e.p! CKsions of indignation at news of
the ainking of seven Deutcli sfyips in
t!io Gertra'ai submarine zone.
The tern-ion was accentuated by an
r.mmcoment of the foreign minister
that Geimany hail some time, ago
tacitly agreed to exempt Beutch ships
from attacks up to February 22, "but
could not guarantee absolute safety."
The seven ships sunk all went down
on February 22. They were the Hoi-
buid-Amoi ican line s Zaadijk and
Noordc-di ik, the Eottcrdamsche
Lloyd liners .Tacatra and Menado, and
the Femland, tiaasterland and Ben-
doeng-. The total tonnage represented
in the seven ships is over 27,000.
i Emphasis was laid tonight on the
ware ot
o $8
iroduction. Come in and see how
you feel in a Kuppenheimer $25.0036 Serge.
zPliilip cItiorc
Stetson Hats
Manhattan Shirts
: -1-
l'V'New ties every week!
fact that four of the ships were not
bound for England, but were en route
borne with cargoes of grain. Two oth
ers were en route for the United
States. The cargo of the Bandoeng
was reported here to be entirely non
contraband. Stocks on the reflected tho
geneial feeling in Holland, dropping
off rapidly on receipt of the news;.
I'roin Sntei'l.-iv's I'aiiy.
Frank York of Chicago, who has
been at the Mexican border as a mem
ber of the First Illinois infuntry, is
in the city to enjoy a with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. York and
family. Mr. York was employed as a
telegrapher at the outbreak of the
Mexican trouble, and when his regi
ment was caller to the colors by
President Viiscn he responded and
laid aside the pursuits of peace to
take up the work of training as a sol-
dier. For several weeks his regime at
I ....- ..,,.,,,.-,.! .1 e,,, .1,1 ig
.1 . IjlldlllllU v . ' J ' 1 - - w. . . v . , . . - -) ...-v.
then was transported to the border,
where he has since that time been
serving Uncle Sam. His visit here
with the home folks is ope that is
much enjoyed by eery mem'nr of the
family. Like all of the soldier boys,
who have been in training on the bor
der, Mr. York is mighty glad to be
able to be back home.
A. G. Sitzmann has just disposed of
his residence property in this city to
his brother, Joe Sitzmann and rc-
j moved to Omaha, where he will make
his home in the future. Joe will move
into the new place as soon as possi-
Headquarters for pipes. New lino
just received. Call and see them.
Herman Spies.
Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen,
if you are insured bv J. W. Holmes.
wheao eiue
serge usts
Price should be a secondary con
sideration. It's Value thai Counts!
We invite you to an inspection of
our serges, numbers, 5 1 30 at $ 1 6.50
and 4 130 at $20.00.
The two popular priced suits have
stood the test as to wearing quali
ties, excelling all other garments of
i like cost.
For Spring and Summer, nothing
is so servicable or neat as a blue
serge. Suits in our west window
are but a sample of those in our cases.
i. k. imnAnknir,,.. Til 1
Car hart Overalls
Hanson Gloves