The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 26, 1917, Image 1

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it. Ilictii.'lPi
No. 1H..
Inter e
ting Lecture by .Mrs. Harriett
Mac.Murphy at the Grand
Theater Last Night.
Fr-.Tn Friday's Daily.
Th" story of Chief Logan Fonte
nelle, chief of the Omaha tiibe of Indian-;,
is on- that is closely woven into
the history of the state of Nebraska,
and the teritory from which the pres
ent state was carved at the close of
the great civil war. Any fact in con
nection with the early history of Ne
braska i- interesting- to those who now
make this state their home, and last
evening- lh'e who wi re interested in
the history of the state were given a
pleasing- treat in the lecture given at
the Grand theater by Mrs. Harriett S.
Mac-Murphy on the "Fontenelk' Flap"
which she has in her possession and
which was brought by her to this city
for exhibition, and upon
rave a short lecture. The
vhich she j
flag- bears
:; the blue field but thirtv-one star.-
widch represented the states of the
Union in 1So4, when the flag was pre
sented to the great chief of the Oma
ha tribe at Washing-ton by President
Pierce as a remembrance of the sign
ing of the treaty between the United
States government and the Omaha In
dians, and which opened the lands on
the west side of the Missouri river
to settlement by the pioneers from
other states, and was the commence
ment of the plans for the territory of
Nebraska. The local chapter of the
Daughter? of the American Revolution
has been named after the Treat Indian
chief, and in remembrance of this Mrs.
MacMurjhy brought the flag- down
that it might be viewed by the mem
bers and the citizens of Flattsmouth
a- one of the priceless heirloom of
the Fcntenelle family. The flag- was
M icMurphy by
I.Vll 111 LI lJ . I. L ... .'li.. . .V--'i w j 'J i. '. j
Mrs. Henry Fontenelle, one of the last
of the original family living at the
time of the signing- of the treaty, as a
token of the esteem felt for her f ot
her years of wcrk in the interest? of
the Indians on the northern Nebraska
reservations. It was a great, pleasure
for the auditors to hear the story of
the flag and the chapter from the
early history of the territory. This
t!-atv. which the flag represents as a
f j
T;MlT. Wf;S the SlfTlM OT tMO lUStl O
hr meseckers into the state and it was 1 ciallon nas representatives, ine as
f.nlv a few months until the teritorial ! relation cf clothiers also selected as
oro-;tion was erfected and Gov- ! e president f or the enduing- year, F.
ernor Francis Burt of South Carolina
was installed as the head
the ter- j
ritory. that
part of the
then occupied a greater 1
northwest Th flair is i
well worth seeing- as a remembrance
of the many years ago since which
time a great many wonderful events
have occurred that has added stars to
the flag and preserved these that were
als cad v there.
Fiom Fntrifiay's Daily.
The Plattsmouth high school g-irl's
basket ball team last evening took
the team of the Papillion school down
for their second defeat this season by
the score of MT to IT and the game
throughout was one filled with much
interest to the fair sized crowd of
fans who assembled to cheer on the
Wal tH-im. For the Plattsmouth
team Freda Saltier proved the most j
successful in tossing the baskets and lhe last fow weeks are: A. W. lecn
secured a large number of the scores ard J- - Ward, Will Oliver, jr., C. R
made during the contest. From the
.;rr iha. W-.I toMiii w!.s tVio mnct
l"UIlillf, ll'l. V'V 4 - v ' -
successful and kept the visitors guess-j
11 1 iL.' 11 .
intr at an times uv men i'.ueiicn;
playing- and knowledge of the grame.
The girl's team of the high school
have made a splendid showing- this
season in the games they have played
and their friends feel that they are
deserving- of much credit for the
splendid manner in which they have
carried the colors of the high school
here to victory.
Will Spangler and wife of near
Weeping Water were' in the city Sat
tipday looking after a few matters
rf business and visiting with friends.
From Fri-'nv's T.'iilv.
j Ralph Haynie, the stock raiser, ve
.suling; four miles northwest of this
city shipped a carload of stock to
i South Omaha yesterday where they
topped the market and in fact brought
the highest price every paid for a
j single load of cattle shipped from
j Cass county to the market. There
were nineteen of the cattle averaging;
1,1ft) pounds and brought if 11. -30 a
i- . . i .1 i : . i - i i i
jiaiiureu, oemg uurcnaseu i) tne
Snyder, Malone, Coffman Co. Air
Ilaynie ooug-h.t these cattle on the
South Omaha market for $7.00 a
hundred, and they have been fatten
ed on the stock farm of Mr. Haynie,
averaging- a g-ain of tiiree pounds a
day in weight through the application
of scientific methods of Teeding-. With
splendid silo facilities and feeding;
shed Mr. Haynie has leen able to se
cure good results by feeding- a com
bination of conn, ground alfalfa and
molasses. At the time Mr. Haynie
bought the cattle for fatening he se
cured three car loads and the car
load sold yesterday at the price re-
t-eived, more than paid for the cost
0f the entire three car loads, the
greater part of which are still on the
From Friday's Pailv.
The Nebraska Retail clothiers at
their convention in Omaha on Wednes
day selected their officers for the ensuing-
year and in in doing- so again
honored one of the Plattsmouth mer
vtaiils, Mr. C. C. Wescott of the firm
of C. E. Wescott's Sons, by returning
him to the office of secretary-treasurer,
which position he has filled so
I l j l . . i . a
creuitaoiy tne past two years, or ratn-
cr, since tne organization oi tne re
tailers' association. There could not
have been a better choice for the po
sition, as Mr. Wescott has taken a
keen interest in everything that would
be of benefit to the clothiers' associa
tion in any way. He has by his en
ergetic work in this association
brought this city to the attention of
the merchants of the state and as
sisted in placing- the name of Platts-
month in all sections where the asso-
II. Barclay of Pawnee City, who has
been filling that position during- the
i T-i i : : r 1
Pasi- t'a'- im """S
was very interesting- in every way to
' the retailers of the state and much
good was derived in the interchang-e
of ideas in regard to the trad?. Those
who attended the closing- sessions of
the association from this city were:
Philip Thierolf. C. C. Wescott, R. G.
Rawls and Leonard Meisinger, all of
whom remained for the banquet at the
Fontenelle Wednesday night.
T. II. Pollock, local representative
of the Ford Auto company, has been
having- a good deal of success in disposing-
of the cars to the residents of
this locality, but has found it difficult
to secure the machines to fill the many
orders, as the output of the cars fail
to fill all the orders from the differ
ent sections of the country. It is
recommended by Mr. Pollock that
those desiring to purchase cars this
vear snoulu Poce ine,r oruerb aL vlKK
to insure getting them filled by spring-.
i i i i it . 1 i
The who have secured machines in
Hutchinson, C. D. Spangler, Chris
t Parkeninc F. T. Wilson. W. F. Gil-
I ' '
lespie, G. L. Meising-er, Philip Hen
! nlnrrc T A Tmn r. . A To,,1 Timn-
a.. n.iMiaiiiuiiuiauiuun6
Ralph Sherwood, formerly of this
city, but at present residing- at Val-
ley, eoraska, was taken to Omaha
this morning where he will be placed
in the St. Joseph hospital in that
city ior treatment lor pneumonia,
from which he has been suffering-.
Mr. Sherwood has a very severe case
t f pneumonia and it has been found
necessary to have him placed in the
hospital for care and treatment.
Mr. Joseph Myron Wiles and Miss
Jennie Livingston United in Mar
riage at the Home of the
Hride's Parents.
From Saturday's Pnilv.
One of the prettiest home weddings
of the season occurred last evening
at 0:.,0 at the home of Mr. and Mrs
B. W. Living-ston, south of this city,
when their daughter Miss Jennie
Livingston was united in marriage
tio Mr. Joseph Myron Wiles. The
parlor of the Livingston home had
been very charmingly arranged for
the happy event in a color scheme of
pink and white carried out in the de
corations of pink and white sweet
peas and ferns, which furnished an
attractive setting for the ceremony
that was to join for all time the
hearts and lives of these two worthy
young- people. A leautiful bower of
ferns and sweet peas was arranged
and here the contracting paties
plig-hted their faith, the marriage
lines being read by the Rev. Pontious,
pastor of the United Brethern church.
Preceeding- the wedding- Miss Rachel
Living-ston. sister of the bride sang
very sweetly, 1 Love inu truly
and as the young- people entered the
parlor unattended, the strains of the
Lohengrin wedding march was played
very softly by Miss Helen Livingston,
another sister of the charming bride.
The bride made a picture of beauty
attired in a costume of white Gor-
gette crepe trimmed with hand made
silver embroidery and underbodice of
pink silk messeline, and carrying a
shower bouquet of bride roses. The
only jewel worn was a platinum neck
lace, the grift of the groom.
Mr. Wiles, the gromm, was attired
in the conventional black. Following
the wedding- ceremony the members of
the wedding- party and the immediate
relatives of the contracting- parties,
were served with very dainty and de-
icvDtis refreshment. Mr. and Mrs.
Wiles departed at over the Mis
souri Pacific for Omaha from where
they will depart on their honeymoon.
The traveling- gown of Mrs. Wiles was
of Cipion colored Gaberdean with pic
ture hat to match the toilette.
Beth of the young- people are well
rtown throughout this section of Cass
county where they have spent their
ifetime and the friends with whom
they have associated since childhood
will rejoice with them in their happi
ness and with the wish that the future
years will bring only the brightest
touches to their dream of love and
The bride is a daug-hter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Livingston and is a
young- lady of rare charm of charac
ter and one of the most talented
young- ladies in the community. The
groom is a member of one of the
most prominent families in Cass
county and has been engaged in farm
ing- in the vicinity of this city where
he has made his home with his moth
er, Mrs. Mattie Wiles, and is a young-
man of the highest standing- in the
community in which he has been
reared to manhood. The young- peo
ple will be at home after May 1st on
the farm of the groom west of
Mynard where they expect to reside.
From Saturday's Daily.
The house and barn on the Andrew
Olsen farm two miles southwest of
town were burned to the ground
about 3 o'clock Monday morning-. Mr
Olsen who lives a helf mile south of
the place was awakened by the little
skift of hail that fell during- the
nig-ht and noticed the fire and hur
ried to the scene and it was only by
the assistance of a few neighbors that
tne nre was Kept irom burning- a
crib of corn and a granery. The ori
g-in of the fire was a mystery' as the
family that had been living- in the
house had moved most of their thing-s
away on Saturday. The farm had
been sold to Siren Skamris who was
to take possession on March 1st.
Weeping" Water Republican.
From S.itunlay's railv.
W. H. Seybert, who a few months
ago purchased the property of Henry
Hilbert, west of t.h" city, near the
Ritcchie place, is moving- in from hi.
farm near Cullorn, and in a few dnys
the family will be ettb in their new
home, and be prepaid to enjoy a re t
from the strenuous life on the farm.
The many friends of the Seybert fam
ily will extend to them a hearty wel
come to the city and their new horn--.
From Friday's T.ii!y.
Yesterday being Washington's
birthday the occasion was observed in
a titling; manner at the ..iasanic
Home by the inmates of the Home in
a short program v. nidi was patriotic
in its nature and vt ry pleasing-
throughout. The aged n-mbeis of
the Home family gathered to join in
the event and the different numbers
were received with a great deal of
appreciation by the assembly of all
those whose health would permit them
to attend. Mrs. II. J. Matthew.-. ne
of the oldest members of the home
whose hair has been silvered by
ninety years of life, gave a very interesting-
story of the American flag as
well as that of General Washington
and his part in the forming of the
republic. L. F. Sallee also contri
buted a very interesting addiess on
the life of Washington bringing- out
i great many points of interest in
the career of the Father of His
Country. One of the pleasures of
the evening was the
Evan K. Long-, who h
passed his
ninety-first year, and Mr. Long m a
very clear manner gave a portion of
the address of Ifcitdcl Webster, de
livered at the Boston common in
on which -occasion -Mr. Long, then
just verging into manhood, had been
present, and he grave the eloquent
words of the griant of the senate in
a very entertaining- manner and dis
played his wonderful memory of the
event of so many years ago. A num
ber of patriotic songs were also
,ieii i tiie nieiiiiei ox ioe
From Friday's Paily.
Two more popular young people of
the county have decided that hereafter
they will join their live:, as one and
accordingly on Shrove Tuesday even
ing at th rectory of St. Luke's church
in this city Mr. Cameron A. Cathey.
of Murray, and Miss Euphemia E.
Richardson were united in the bonds
of holy wedlock, the beautiful Epis
copal service being- performed by the
Rev. W. S. Leete, rector of the church,
in a very impressive manner. The
wedding was a very quiet one, the
bride and groom being unattended and
the ceremony witnessed by Mrs. W.
S. Leete and Madam Leete. The mar
riage of these two estimable young
people came as a great surprise to
their many friends throughout the
country, and in their new home tnej
will carry the best wishes of a host of
warm friends. The bride is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Richardson
of Mynard, and a graduate of the
Plattsmouth schools, and a lady uni
versally loved and esteemed by all J
vno nave tne pleasure oi i.nmwuK
, , . t i r l i
her. The rrroom is one oi the best
known young men residing in the
vicinity of Murray where he has been
engaged in farming- west of that
place, and here the young- people will
make their home. The young- people
will be showered with the well wishes
of those who know them for a happy
married life in the years to come.
From Satu relay's Daily.
Quite a large number from the
nearby territory were in the city to
day attending- to their week-end shopping-
with the merchants. Most of
those coming in with automobiles re
port the roads as excellent and espe
cially so for this season of the year.
It has, so far, been one of the best
winters for automobile travel that has
been experienced in this section of the
r--..ia Fi i.1.
's- I i!
i h.'s al terr.oo'j at '. o c!o;
Judge Begi'-y handed down
lis decis-
ion m tli'.
,r .-
C!l in
1 Ii
stri'-t No.
Educat inn,
1 avai.'ist th.- Board
questioning- the legality of the elec- Rowtn and J. W. Thomas. The result
tian that resulted in the carrying- of j of the examination is sent to the gen-tie.-
.ir,(i!io additional bonds for theieial office of the commission at Min
'onstrucii ,n of a high x hoo! build- ntapolis and the successful person ?e-
ii:g. The court found that there had
he-en eleven votes east for the bonds
lhat were illegal and that twelve il
legal vo;.e had b f n cast again-t the
i.oiid-. It was found that thoe vol-
ing- illegally had done so not knowing"
that thev were
entitled to vote.
It was further found that Fred Wvnn
a legal
uive ocen allowed to vote as
prorertv owner and that his
vote s
iou!d have been ca.-t for the
The election is declared legal
he costs of the suit will have to
be paid by the plaintiffs in thr
The il.' isin of the district
oi tne oi-tricL court
brings victory for the school board of
the U: s; ' school district who have de
fended the legality of the action.
h:A rutieii the plaintiffs in the case
will take is not ku iwn as they have
tv. nty das in which to prepare an
appeal and file the bono to cover the
: osts i') the case.
Fr.'-m Sati:rlfiv' I a
The pietty home
of M
nd Mrs.
Wm. Hunter on North Eighth
was the scene of
most delight I ill CV:
nir.g party last evening, when Mes
dames Mary Allison. John Gordernnd
Mrs. Hunter and daughter. Miss
Helen, entertained the members of the
Christian Endeavor society of the
Presbyterian church and their friends
at a charming- George Washington
bhthday party. In deference to the
birthday of the Father of Our Coun
ty, the pretty parlors of the Hunter
home had been made very attractive
with flag decorations, interspersed
with pictures of Washington, all of
v.hich were very artistically arranged,
and a number of the ladies powdered
their hair and wore the little lace caps
rnd fichu worn in Washington's time.
The hostesses had made various plans
for the entertainment of their guests
and the first one introduced consisted
of a guessing- contest. Pictures of
vaiious prominent men of different
nations, who were in the limelight
during- these perilous times, had been
placed at various puu-es in the rooms,
and each g-uest was tequircd to guess
the name. In the final summing up it
was found that Rev. McClusky had
guessed the largest number correctly
and he was awarded a box of candy.
As rn emblem of the occasion, the
guests wore little red cardboard hatch
ets throughout the evening. After lis
tening to several grafinola selections
the guests were invited into another
room, where a cherry tree had been
arranged, with a bowl of cherries on
the table. The guests were blindfold
ed and then asked to pin a cherry in
its proper place on the tree, and in
this contest Mr. Farley captured the
prize a Washington birthday favor
in the shape of a cherry tree stump
with the cherry decorations. The
guests were then entertained wnn
, wi.; ,-;tto oWiions
j . .. . , . ,
ano selections by Mr. McClusky, songs
and recitations by little Miss Cathe
rine McClusky. In the meantime the
hostesses had been preparing- a de
licious luncheon, and when all was in
readiness the guests were requested
to file out into the dining room, where
a buffet luncheon was served, and to
which all did ample justice and which
was not the least appreciated of the
many g-ood things the hostesses had
planned for the entertainment of their
guests. Just prior to the close of the
evening's entertainment Miss Bernice
Newell entertained the company with
some pleasing selections, which were
most thoroughly appreciated by all.
It being near the midnight hour the
guests extended their warmest thanks
to the hostesses for their most kind
hospitality and declared them the most
excellent entertainers, as every one
had a good time
Pi-fin S: terd.iy's l:iily.
The examination for rural mail car
riers at Union and Mynard was held
tiiis morning- at. the postoffk-e in this
city, conducted by Frank A. Cloidt,
local secretary of the civil service
commission. There were quite a num.
Irtr of applicants present to take the
namir.ation, including- Adam W.
Meisinger oi' Mynurd. Durwood Lynde,
Benjamin II. McCarroll, Clyde
and John L. Barritt of Union; Robert.
Wohlfa:th, Walter J. Olson, W. E.
lected there for the positions.
From T hlav's Daiiv.
county commissioners enryjthat Clint had been killed by a tram
Snoke. C. E. Heebner and Julius A. I jn western New York, and up until
Pitz came in this morning- to look up the time of his arrest here it had been
the matter of the application for the p-jpposed that he had answered the
opening up of several roads in dif- ast ron can. He has been in Omaha
ferent parts of the county, as well as for tne past two wf.el;s poking em
to estimate the cost end expense of payment and seems to have been
making these roadways. The board qUite successful as he was wei. sup
also spent some time in looking- over pl Ic?ci with money when taken int..
the proposition made by R. L. Mc- custody. It has been several years
Donald of Lincoln, representing the ?jnce the Billings family left the city
Gulion Iron Works & Mfg. CH of to make their home in the west and
Gaiion, Ohio, the largest manufac- j Clint has not resided here for a much
turer of good roads implements in longer time. leaing when a mere lad
the country, embracing drags, scrap
ers, ditchers and culverts, which he
is introducing into the state of Ne
braska. Mr. MacDonald has been
over several of the counties in south
eastern Nebraska, looking- over the
roads and taking up with the county
boards the need of new machinery to cities to secure funds with which to
assist in making the roads better, j asj;;st his mother and younger broth
The representative of the company cl. n getting- set led in thtir new
was supplied with a large number of , home in the west. The young man
photographs showing- the making of . was DOrn jn this city where his fam
roaas through the use -of the Gaiion jjy had resided for a great many
machinery and the showing made a vears and at one time the greater
very g-ood impression on the board of part Df the south portion of the city
commissioners who are thinking some- vas tne property of the grandfath
v.hat of securing supplies in the way er 0f the unfortunate young man.
of machinery for use in the different : an(j here Clint spent his boyhood un
load districts of the county.
From Saturday's Daily.
Quite a serious automobile spill oc
curred last night on Washing-ton av
enue which while it did not result in
serious injury to any of the members
of the party did a great deal of dan
the auto which was the prop- j
.f Joseph Skalak. The accident'
e to
ertv o
cocti'-ed near the Heisel residence,
just this side of the turn from Elm
street into the avenue. From what
can be learned of the particulars of
the accident it seems that the steer
ing- gear of the car become deranged
in some way as the car came around
the slight curve into the avenue and
before it could be stopped crashed in-
to the curbing- on the north side of
the street and after running a few
feet upon the bank the machine over-
turned, falling- on the right side and
doing much damage to the machine.
The front axel of the machine was
uadlv bent as the result of the acci-
dent and the fenders of the righ hand
side of the machine badly bent and
twisted out of shape while the wind
shield was completely demolished and
the frame twisted in a very bad man-
ner. The top of the car was also
torn loose and will require consider- has been visiting with a son at Trum
able work to repair it. The car was hull. She has been in very good
righted and towed to the Amick par-
age w here it will be repaired.
The members of the party are for-
tunate in escaping- serious injury from
the accident, for as far as can be
learned they suffered only a severe
shaking up and bruising- from the
Cameron Cathey and L. G. Todd, jr.,
of near Murray, drove in this morning
from their homes and departed on the
early Burlington train for Omaha,
where they will attencr"the automobile
F. J. Henning-s and two sons came
up Saturday afternoon from their
home in Eig-ht Mile Grove precinct
to visit for a few hours.
Clint Billings Deserted the Army l ie
Years Ago, and Was Captured
Here Saturday Night.
Yesterday morning- Chief of police
William Barclay toot: into custody
Clint Hilling's, who had drifted bad;
to the old home town after years of
wandering and who is wanted for de
sertion from the United States army
five years ago. It was in that
Billings deserted from Ft. Omaha and
since that time he has been waridei ing
over the country, visiting- first a one
place and another, but the t range
part of it was that he traveled under
his own name and did not attempt to
conceal his identity. Several months
ago it was currently reported
to shift for himself in the world.
Enlisting- in the army he served a
short time there, and in li12 wander
ed away from the post at Fort Omaha
and has since been on the go from
on portion of the coutry to the other,
remaining- a short time at different
L:i 1P ctaiied out in the world to
make his way.
Mr. Billings was taken to Omaha
by Chief Barclay and there turned
over to the federal authorities who
will have charge of the case. The
young- man stated at the jail that in
another month the time limit for his
apprehension would have expired and
that he could have enjoyed his free
dom unmolested, but was unfortun
ately caught before the time was up
and will be forced to face the music.
His boyhood friends will regret very
much to learn vt his unfortunate
plight and trust that he ma ocape
without a severe sentence.
message was received late Sat-
urdav evening bv Fred Majors of this
city, conveying the sad news of the
death at Trumbull, Nebraska, of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Majors, who
ej awav very suddenly. The news
came as a great shock to Mr. Majors
an(j family as thev were not aware
0f the illness of the mother and the
nrst intimation was in the message
that brought word cf her death. Mrs.
Majors was seventy-three years of age
an(j made her home at Friend, Ne-
braska, but for the past few weeks
health up to the last few daj-s when
j she complained of not being well, but
it vvas not thought to be anything- of
a serious nature until a few moments
before her death. The end :ame
peacefully, Mrs. Majors i all ing
asleep and passing- away pently. She
leaves to mourn her death seven
children, the husband and two chil
dren having preceeded her to the
Better World some years ago. Mr.
Majors departed yesterday morning
for Trumbull and will accompany the
body from that place to Friend,
where the funeral services will be
held tommorrow afternoon and the
body laid to rest in the cemetery in
that city. Mrs. Fred Majors and
children will leave tomorrow morning
to attend the funeral service.