The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1917, Image 5
I'LATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. IWttE 3. 32 S'ZtJ?A22-$ lilURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1917. J i Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal lieadera If a.njr of the readers of the Journal Know of any social event or itm of interest in this vicinity, anil will mail same to this office, it w ill ai Iear under this heading. We want all riewsiteuis Editor c m 11 -AT MURRAY - ra JipE Jro Ji Apply B In usiness Methods A bank account makes for HOUSEHOLD EFFICIENCY AND ECON CIIY. WLei you pay the bills of the grocer, the butcher, the baker by check ?-cu know just how much it costs to run your home. EESIDES, A CHECK IS A EECEIPT. r rt Hi ii eti oaven a cauiv Start One Today Account Mrs. Alf Gansemcr has botn on the 5ick list this week. Miss Ruse Kline was a Weeping Water visitor last Saturday. Mrs. L. II. Puis has been number ed anions the sick for the past few days. Lloyd Capen and Arthur Voting A-ere Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader at ended the play at the I'armeie last Friday nijrhL. Charley Creamer and Mont Shra ler were delivering iio.irs for Char ey Wolfe Monday, John Yallery and famiiy were vis ::inpr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. retf Brenuel last Sunday. Mr! and Mrs. W. G. Iioedeker at- Ienoeii use n.wc siiw in Mattsniouth last Friday evening. For sale A lot of block eottoii- vo d at T-.c jer load at my farm. Janus Brown. Murray. Mrs. Or.a Lawion antl little son, who have been in South Dakota for the pas-t winter returned home last week. THE VALUE OF A LIFE The 7th episode of u 'i Four per cent interest on time deposits. Oar deposit? are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAFSfC and Mrs. John moved to his farm Howard ha Murray. -y Scotton are workinjr on the V, (.'. i l.i P--r:;y Hr.e residence these days. (". II. Miiler, of Plattsmouth, was ;. Murray visitor Tuesday of this v.'.-e':. .Mi- Margie Walker attended a par'-."" of lriends in Plattsmouth Wed nesday. Mis. C. II. Gilmore and Miss Mae Lu'rhbridre were Omaha visitors Tuesday. C. M. (.'iiri.-wisMi- was a visitor at : V ' m;ih:i Stock Yards Wednesday of t.'ii- wek. M - Vertia Tl i-rp and sister. Miss !..;.' lie were Xebra.-ka City visitors S.ituiday. There were a ed many from this !"-a'ny in attendance at the Doujrhty -..le Wednesday. The regular business meetinjr of ti:. I.ibary will be held Tuesday even it. Everbdy eome. Alva Crejrory accompanied the I : i ! f ii c cattle to the South Omaha market Monday evening. The members serving luncheon at a week a;ro broke the rec- ir. attendance and the total pro amounted to nearly ?10.00. M!Vik-r. the entertainers, jravc tr.e iiorary "11 ft i ;rram Tuesday evening and :i food crowd in attendance, the renditions were extra nei e wa.: - i 1 V. . e "I T.n n:uie .-ale held by Wileon Bros. Vi the i Id Xick Klaurens place last .i-ii-ciay was well attended, and pood were paKl .or tnc stoek. the v.c price beinjr SI "". "0. Tmc Oldham Stock Farm made a "Icsaie shipment of hoys Wednes v. Thev shipped into Kentucky. Ji.:i i.- and Wyominy. This makes U n states that they have shipped hoys ir.t.. in the past six months. p! K .1. "Ben Xoell has resumed Ins duties in the Puis V.. S. Smith has been filliny ids ice house this week. C. E. Pettit was a business visitor in the metropolis Saturday. Frank Yallery was lookiny after some business matters in Plattsmouth Tuesday. VG. M. Minford was a business vis iter in the metropolis Tuesday of this week. C. M. Chriswisser shipped a ear of cattle to the South Omaha market Tuesday eveniny. Minford & Creamer shipped a ear of hoys to the South Omaha market Monday eveniny. Philp ot's shipped a car of cattle from this station to the South Omaha market Tuesday eveniny. Mrs. Wm. Hendricks, who was in jured by a fall a few days ayo, is yettiny aloiiy nicely at this time. W. Ik Bobbins, who was so pain fully injure! in a runaway last week is able to be around ayain, and is yettiny alony nicely. L. II. Puis is riyht up-to-date with his yaraye accounts, and has pur chased a new McCasky Beyister System, which was installed in his yaraye last week. W. H. Puis who broke his arm while crankiny his car last Satur day' is yettiny alony ery nicely, but he finds it very inconvenient when it comes to lookiny after business mat ters around the store. L. II. Puis, the Murray auto man, has started the 1017 season out riyht by purchasiny a car load of the Yelie liyht six cars that were unload ed here last Saturday. One of them was sold to O. A. Davis, and the otheii placed in the early spriny sales department, and will no doubt be sold before Louie will be" able to yet more. S2 wmMM The Standard of Dress Ginghams in aSI the very late designs for Spring dresses e per yard 1 Muslins, Sheetings, Tubings, India Linens, all under priced, accordingto market values. Buy now and save advances. It MURRAY, Tutt, NEBRASKA Hansen, from visitir.y this Mr. and Mrs. Mr. near Nehawka, were week at the home of Hlmer IVedekcr. Bav Ch 'isveisscv moved to the Bernei Chrisw . i.-cr farm this wees. viie:v Karl has liv for 1 .ar.cater the jias". few years. Lucille Bene.iice, of Omaha, was in Murrry List Sunday vi.-iliny at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bice, west of town. The cai-shortaye situation in Mur ray remains about the suir.e as last week. The elevators are all full and no cars for the past ten days. John is movin.y this week to the oid Morrow farm, now owned by G. M. Minford, ar.d will w rk for Mr. Minford this summer. Miss Morris in yave an entertain ment at her school house last Friday niyiit. It was laryely attended ar.d an ecellent proyram was yiven. Word hu been revived here from Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, who are in Caliorr.ia. that they were enjoyiny rooa health and havmy an ,-isit. By special arranyement throuyh tiie courtesy of local Modern Wtw.d men, the Puis t Gansemer hall has booked two reels of motion pictures, ifcj n featuring1 Georpe Gray, in a tru? aitd j realistic film story of his part in the 1 present war not of bloodshed but! in the fiyht ayainst and conquest of i that menacing monster of the human) flesh tuberculosis. Gray is ore of: the million members of the Modern j Woodmen of America. Discovering 1 13 that he is afflicted with the disease, 'f$ he takes advantage of the comforts,! care, and cure of the Sanatorium P owned, maintained, antl operated by ! that Society, free of charge to its j members. For several years that fra-j ternal institution has thus actively! and effectively cooperated in the : world-wide movement advocated by j the Bed Cross and medical author- i ities t- stamp out the dread "white! plague' and Gray is the beneficiary j of this Woodmen life-saving station. It is an intensely interesting and heart-gripping story of the leave taking of wife and children. Weak in body and hopeless in mind he iourneys to the beautiful Bockv Mountain region near Colorado Springs. Colo., where, in the rariiied ciimate and constant sunshine, at an altitude of 7,000 feet, he is destined in spend nine months at the foot' of .Mount etiar. m the care ol toe m.-1 n- .uern Sanatorium in the world, iiisj experiences in "chasing the cure."') his absolute rest from all cares and labor, his gradual return to health and strength, his "hikes" among ike fragrant pines and over the rocky trails of the U. S. forest reserve Liberty -in two reels Mash of Fortune" a Laemmie dama "I Got Yer Number a Joker comedy 99 Also a two reel Woodman drama, Var on Tubercu losis" six reel show fotHe regular price. MONARCH Ka!!cac!e Ranf.cs Fttlhj Protected Ainsi Rust Oamac pf by Vitreous Ensmeied Lmin&s f-7 V'4 WJ". 5 A Families who are using heavy afraid a Steel Banye will rust out Families who have had unfortunate e v-activ.g c.i- Ie"Siy SdtieftctjrRi-vjs es because they are .perieme with citap Steel Kaliges "i" before it was i oi;u 1 t':.'t t was serious PULS 3 GAUSEfliEB 1 Saturday Evening, Show Starts at 7:45 Sharp f. 1 A A those built in eailier lay l.roblem to be dealt with r:ery family, in fact, who cook ar.d want it done '.veil and economically HCBi: IS A MESSAGE TO YOU MOXAJCCH MfidC'il-ic litn.yc arc i.tatic j-r-nf v gain a1- l)a tn(U)-: iron lit lJ VitiTon Luhk I Fhif Linirgy.. j.t mr.r.-i v,,n can now eniov th.e tcoromy ami satisfaction of an air-tight Malleable kaiiir the quick s -vie; of time a luraboity giviter than a'iy t p :.' need to take this "on laitu. feel the Vitreous F.namel co-eri: You known what i "s-tee! i.ii of w ('(me in :mi sec t he oven and cri r itreous Fr.amel is. From :c" and at the same. er kr.own to have. f'T ourself see and flue w.dl. iiitfere::t household Mis Psther Bice has been number ed am.ny the sick for the past few days. Wm. Bice was looking after s -me busii t.-s matters in the county .-eat Wed'vsd.iy. T ' .e i- J.ii t u i .. oil r li fe. ; t tr.e 1 u:s .v i.i.,::mih uses vou kootr that it is mt en'ected by Bust. The Murray Hardware and Iraplemenl GO Murray, Nebraska n Church C'iin.e. NMJ.L Hi; BACK AGAIN. :;t Ja: ;1 t . on i . i, r I inov Ij :y. i'eb t amiiy J ti ll avi l'i A. :ip 'ike leased by and adjoining the Sanator ia is Joe Bobbins has been moving this week to the Scail Davis farm, where Will Bobbins has been living, ai.d Will moves down rear Weeping Water. Bobt. Young, who has been in the hospital in Omaha for the past few weeks recovering from an injured hip, leturned home this week. He is slowly recovering. At the last meeting of the M. W. A. delegates to the county convention in Plattsmouth to be held in April were chosen, and were as follows: Lloyd Gapen, K. L. Kniss and D. A. Young. See Charley Chaplin and Marie Dressier in "Tillie's Punctured Bo mance" at the Puis .t Gansemer hall Wednesday evening Feb. sh. The greatest picture ever thrown on the screen. Mrs. II. L. Creamer who has been in the hospital lvr the past few weeks returned home last Friday. She is impiuving and hopes are expressed by her many friends that she will soon be restored to her former health. Andrew Stohlman and A. A. Simo maun, from Louisville, were in Murray Wednesday of this week. Mr. Shoe niann was here in the interest of his nursery line that he has Jbeen plac ing so extensively over Cass county. Th" Llmer Bocdcker sale he8d Mon day of this week was fairly well at tended aiul the property, brought a fair price. Mr. and Mrs. Boedeker will soon move to Murray where they will make theft- home for a few months. From all appearances the robbers who visited Murray last week made their last ctdl at the Pitman elevator, as one of the stolen rings was found on the floor of the otlice. Here is where they probably made the "ilivy" of the sV'len goods. Wilson Bros. ; hipped two cars of cattle lo the South Om;ha market Monday of this week. The cattle were in excellent shape, and showed the result of careful feeding and topped the South Omaha market for the day. F. T. Wilson was on the market with them. The Del.avel Cream Separator Day at the Murray Hardware and Imple ment Co., store Wednesday of this week was a grand success. There iu at, result in his final return to fam iiv and friends, victorious over foe. "The Value el a Life" is a thrilling and dramatic story and absolutely true as well; indeed. Gray's experience has been duplicat ed by nearly :;.ooa of his fello-v Neighbors, who have already enjoyed the benckts of this justly celebrated insitution. This lilm is pronounced by competent authorities to be one of the very best in this age of highly developed motion pictures, and is in such great demand that it can be booked only for one day and night in each town or city. It is a rare op portunity one can not afford to miss. At the Puis Gansmemer hall on February 2-ith, in addition the legular program. '. reels in all. Dr. Gilmore was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday. Mrs. John Yardley has been on the sick list for the past week. Mrs. Joe Hathaway spent Sunday with home folks near Union. Fzra Albin shipped stock to the South Omaha market Tuesday. Mrs. L. Bushterhohz has been on the sick list for the past few days. Mrs. MaGee has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Leach has been quite sick for the past few days. Byron Bead, of Plattsmouth spent the day with his son Charley, last Monday. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bay Campbell has been on the sick list for t!ie past week. ("has. Wolfe, v.lio has been quite iJ! for the past few weeks, is improving during the past few days. Walter Sans shipped a car load of sheep lown from Omaha this week that were driven to his farm for feeding. Mrs. Alta Candy, of Ilavelock, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for the past few days, returned home Wednesday. Joe Cook, who has been sick for the past few days, suffering with a gathering in his head, has been im proving and is able to be up and around again. Frank Yallery and Tern Cromwell were in Peru one day last week and wlfile there Frank made a short visit with Grandma Graves, who is mak ing her home with her son Jule. This excellnt old lady is now !)7 years old, anil is nj, tying pretty good health, re covering from her recent sick spell. Vailery & Cromwell, the rustling real estate men of this locality, sent a number of men to Perkins, Chase and Keith counties this week on a land seeking trip. This firm have a lot of mighty good farms in these counties on their list and they are selling them too. There will be a' were quite a number of crippled sep- number of big tractors turned into arators that were brought in for re- this section in the early spring and a moved to Murray and will make this ti.eir home for the summer. Jal-e Miller, of Company F, Fifth Nebraska, of Fort Cook, was visiting with Dr. Gilmore Tuesday of t'.ii week. Miss Beitha Pitman. from near Xehawka, was in Murray this week isiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ik J. Pitman. The Libary Association and Scho 1 will ehe .! dinner and .-upper at the library room Tuesday. AH are in vited to attend. Wm. Bice and John Stones were -isiting with Piattsmoutii friends and looking after business interests in the county seat last Saturday. Bay Smith, from west of Platts mouth, was a Murray visitor Wednes day of this week, bringing his separ ator to th Murray Hardware and Implement Co. repair day. C not fail to see the best pktuic of the day at the Puis A: Gansemer hall, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 2th. "Tiliie's Punctured Romance" with Charity Chaplin and .Marie Dressier. Henry Shoemaker, one of the best farmer; of southern Cass county, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thicle. passed through Murray Tues day eni'iite to Plattsmouth and Oma ha for the day. The last number of the Lyceum course, which will be a male quartet, will be given tin Friday evening. .March 2d. This will be the best number of all, and should be well pa tronized. Let us all attend. Mo; mrg wors! Sermon toioc crease." Church to be present to cussed. Evening worship at 7 :". i -i senr. n: " l r.e .uatcuies- II umanity." Gome and worship with u 1. . it 11 A. M. oi iii- mcmbers are urged hear this topic dis- u eject Hero of , and we .;it try to ct o: root A GENUINE SI Bi'BlSE Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fritz Lutz celebrated iheii- seventh wedding anniversary at their home west of Murray, on last j Friday evening. The affair was a genuine surprise to .Mr. and Mrs. Lui., planned and carried out by a number of friends and relatives. There were a large number of friends and relatives in attendance, and a most enjoyable time was had by all. Plenty of good things to eat were brought along, ar.d at the customary hour this was the feature event of the occasion. lieu- is good news for those that were disappointed in seeing the great photo picture "Tiilie's Punctured Ro mance" at the Puis - Gansemer hall last week. It will be here on Wed nesday evening, Feb. -Jsth." in six big reels- featuring the celebrated Charlie. Chap'in. Marie Dressier and Mabel Norm; nd. The management of tbu theatre regret very much that the many patrons were met with disap-poinimti-.t on th.e former date, but it was no fault of theirs, and they are assured by the film company that there will be no repetition as on the. former date. So be on I, and, Wed nesda evening Feb. tir-th. Cemetery Notice. Big Special Picture Night for Murray! Wednesday Night, FEBRUARY 28th the world of this m broke'i land put into la oe pairs, and a representative of company here for that purpose was crops. Another trip west will kept busy most of the day. made Saturday of this week 6 REELS! 6 A Keystone Riot, RE" n 101111168 featuring Marie Dressier, Friable Normand ana Charley Chaplin One of the greatest pictures ever shown on the screen. r You Should Not Miss It! Regular Admission! t'nii.d Fri lei iu n '; Notice is hereby given that theie. wiil be no m ue lots sold in the Win. Young cemetery except to persons having near relatives buried there. I The price from this date will be .51 per lot. Py order of the trustees. S. G. LATTA, Preshhnt. D. A. YOUNG, Secretary. A. M. Preaching 1 1 : "U . M. Sabbath School at lOrbti A mm. M. A all a nc st '-vices corm i .il invitation is extended to those who can attend the ill 1 j heartily welcomed. Wanted Information a- to the ad dress of heirs of John C. Marvin. Ad dress was Cass county about 1874. Small recovery can probably be made. Address Edwin W. Spalding, Washing ton, D. C. -J-12-tfwkIy E3 r& LI li w ti y 3 Take advantage of our large stock and early buy ing, we will save you at least frfsi yy on every pair you of us.. We carry the three most celebrated lines, Viz: F. P. KiRKENDALL, THE HARLOW and NOYES-NORMAN SHOE CO. You will always find our grocery stock complete and of standard brands. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Puis & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska. Drs. Klach Gk EVtech, Tfia Dentists The largest and be equipped dental oTices in Omaha. Specialist la charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate I'riccn. Porcelain Cilia, just like tooth. Instruments carefuby storuued .ier u.Mn. Send for frks sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. M i i ii 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA FgSo FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured 8 M v5 A miJci EyStea of treatment, that cures Piles,. Fistula and "other Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac "cepted for treatment, s.nd no money to be paid until cured. -Write for book oa Rectal diseases, vitb testimonials of prominent people who have beea permanently cured. -QR. TARRY Bee Building Omaha.