The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
'- ir- -r; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. OFFICIALS FEAR FURTHER RIOTI State Department to Aid in Fighting High Food Prices in New York. New York. Feb. -JO. The eity au thtnties toiiay renewed their efforts to curb the rising cost of food which was responsible for riots yesterday in thiee tenement districts. Joseph Hatrigan, commissioner of nei-us measures, appealed to --.ate commissioners cf agriculture and -jte departments of food and markets throughout the country to co-operate ir. bringing feenl supplies to the New market. The indignation of housewives over-r.-.ved when peddlers quoted pota : fruni . to 7 cents a pound and or ions from lo to IS cents. The po I iee estimate.! at least 1.000 women . k part in one iiot. Pushcarts were overturned and set afire and vegeta- were doused with kerosene oil. Ti.iv were similar scenes elsewhere :::-.d the police were kept busy dispers i::ir the angry women. Dealers here said that within a year the wholesale price of potatoes had :isv:i from $-'.2" to i for a sack of pounds, anil the price of onions since it'Ks from ?3 to ?15.o0 for 100 UNCLE SAM HELPS GUPIO OUT AFTER DOMESTIC TANGLE Omaha. Neb., Feb. 20. Uncle Sam really has a heart, and a big one, too, as has leen demonstrated at the office of Immigration Inspector M. A. Coy r.t r dull in the federal building:. I.a-t November, Jovica Miljust and Helen Kenezich came to Omaha from Mor.tieal and have been living: to gether in South Side as man and wife ttr since. Miljush secured employ ment with the Swift company and they v. ere very happy. It developed, however, that the Ke woman had left a husband and a H-vear-oid child in Montreal, and s the government took a hand. They wire arrested here and were booked :"" deputation on the grounds of im-t;-rality Miljush to ge back to war st ricken Serbia and the woman to Mont: eal. Helen was able to show, however, that her husband had been cruel to her and had threatened to kill her, so she alleges. These facts were present ed at Washington and the imnigration authorities there have now permitted her and her mate to be paroled by the Lev. IVtar Ostiyachich, of South Side, until she can secure a divorce. FRENCH LINER EVADES SUBMA RINES AND IS SAFE New York, Feb. ID. British and French passenger steamers, each with a pun on her deck as an ever-present r minde r of submarine peril are mak ing scheduled sailings from this port :i;,d ariiving from Europe. The Or duna. which left Liverpool with pns seriirers and cargo after the German M kade was declared, came in today. The Fiench liner Chicago sailed yes- t.v.Jay for Poidcaux with ninety .:h i icans in her cabins. Ait.'irc-iner eight vessels departed V' sUrday for European ports. The lo hr.i. the first American vessel iin zone, lias reported to her owner-; here her safe arrival at Gibraltar. She is bound for Genoa. Th Fiench line steamship La Jo'irame left bordeaux at 1 a. m. to ddy, according to a cablegram received by the line's agents here. Her destina tion is New York. I have made a study of the cause of ye- strain for the past fifteen years, and can correct it with proper lenses SjK-cial for Saturday only a fine ten ear gold-filled frame or eyeglass, large first quality lenses property httcd to your eyes, for $.'J.75. Opto metrist, Crescent pharmacy. OfTer is good for Saturday only. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use ForCverSO Years Always bears G Local PSews From Tuesday's Daily!. ' . John Fight was a -passenger .for Omaha this afternoon "vhere he will spend a few hours looking after busi ness matters. Attorney C. E. TefTt of Weeping Water was in the city today for a short time looking after some legal matters at the court house. Ed Fitzgerald departed this morning for Louisville, where he is supervising the cutting of several carloads of brush for the use of the Burlington. Karl Sattler and wife departed this morning for Ashland, Neb., where they will enjoy a visit for some time in that city and vicinity" with relatives and friends. Ralph Haynie came in this morning from his farm home en route to Om aha, where he will spend the day looking after some matters on the stock market. A. G. Sitzmann and wife departed this morning for Omaha,, where Mr. Sitzmann will be employed and where they will make their home for the present at least. Mrs. George E. Dovey and daught ers, Mrs. R. F. Patterson, Mrs. Fred Truesdell and Miss Edith Dovey were among those going to Omaha to visit for the day in that city with friends. Dr. C. A. Marshall departed this morning for Lincoln, where he goes to accompany Mrs. Marshall home from the sanitarium, where she has been for the past eight weeks taking treat ment. W. E. Countryman of tkl.- Nehawka Nehawka was in the city today for a few hours, en route to South Omaha, where he goes to look after a consign ment of cattle which he has on the stock market. Albert Shelshorn and brothers, John and Fred Shelshorn of Louisville, mo tored to this city yesterday afternoon to attend to some important business matters. Mr. Albert Shelshorn was a pleasant caller at this office. Harry Thomas and wife of Montana, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Thomas' sister, Mrs. D. O. Dwyer and family, departed this morning on No. (5 for Keokuk. Ia., for a short visit before returning home. From VYilne.-;aj Ia:ly Julius Pepperberg of Lincoln was in the city for a short time today looking after the sale of his celebrated line of cigars. Joe Hunter and wife of Havelock are in the city enjoying a short vioit with their relatives and friends for a few days. P. H. Meisinger was in the city yes terday afternoon for a few hours look ing after a few matters of business with the merchants. F. J. Hennings and wife drove in this morning from their home in Eight Mile Grove precinct to look after some trading with the merchants. Dr. J. F. Brendcd was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after a few matters of busi ness, motoring up from his home at Murray. County Treasurer Mike Tiitsch de parted this afternoon for Lincoln to be present at the meeting of the county treasurers being held in that city this week. Mrs. B. W. Livingston and daugh ter, Miss Rachel, were among those going to Omaha this morning for a few hours' visit looking after some business matters. Leonard Meisinger was among those going to Omaha this afternoon, where he will attend the banquet served to the members of the Nebraska Retail Clothiers at the Fcntenelle hotel. George M. Hild and wife were among those going to Omaha this morning to spend a few hours in that city attending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. Charles M. Chriswisser of Nehawka was in the city for a few hours this morning, departing on the early Bur lington train for Omaha, where he will look after a few matters on Un live stock market. Marriage license was issued yester day to W. E. Sharp and Miss Clarence A. Babb, both of Dalton, Neb. The young people are to be married this week at Louisville, where relatives of the bride reside. C. S. Francis and wife aid little daughter of Broken Bow, who have meen here for a short visit at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Per Let, departed this morning for York for a short visit before returning home. Mr. arid Mrs. Francis, are. theerents of Mrs. PerLee. : --tt.- a- a : - t . .... Allie Meisinger of "CedarCrtek mo tored to this city this morning to-attend to some important business mat ters and visit friends for a short lime While here Jlr.- Meisinger . took -time to call at Uis. office and tiave his name enrolled on our Semi-Weekly list-in order that he may be kept posteel on happenings throughout the county. BIG PROFIT FOR YOUR DOLLARS Every one wants his dollars to earn big dividends if it can be done without risk pf losing the money Invested. I have a proposition for any one with $f0.00 or more' to Invest that combines Bis Fronts and absolute safety for the money Invested. N'ot a pet rich quick scheme, but one of the very rare opportunities that oc cur in the Investment line. Endorsed by eminent bankers. Justice of Su preme Court. . business men. of. the highept reputation, who have not only invested their money but take part In the ax-tive management. Full particulars sent on request. A. I.. SUTTON. Drexel Bids-. I'hil adelphia. I'a. ROCK OF GIBRALTAR. Tho "Key of the Mediterranean' Hat Had a Stormy History. England has been in iossess'on of the rocky promontory of Gibraltar since 1701. From that time to tins it has been a crowu colony under the admin istration of a governor. Fy reason of its important strategical position it is called the "key of the Mediterranean." Gibraltar has had u stormy history. In 711 the rock was taken by the Arab chief Tarik, who called it Jebel-al-Tar-ik (Hill of Tarik) ami built n fortress on the promontory. Part of these ruins is still extant. In 1309 it was taken by the Castilians, only to bo recaptured by the Moors in 1"J33. It was held by them until 1402. Following the tak ing and sacking of Gibraltar in l."40 by Barbarossa. extensive military works were built there by order of Charles V. In 1704 the promouotory "was cap tured by a combined force tinder Sir 'cerge Rooko and the Prince of Ilesse Pnrmstadr, lighting for the Archduke Charles of Austria. The moment it fell into their hands the British admiral threw off the alliance with the Aus trians and took complete possession of the works. British possession since that time lias been unbroken, although it was under a Spanish sitge for nearly three years and eight mouths, beginning in 177:'. Twice the garrison was on the point of falling because of the starvation of its defenders. Line and Staff Officers. Broadly speaking, the distinction be tween a line olllcer and a staff oflicer is that between the fighter and the nonnghter. The staff etlicer has ihu military duties. lie may. for example, be a member of the medical corps, an instructor nt a military institute or have charge of some administrative elepartmeiit of the army er navy. Tht word is also used for those rueu at-ta-he 1 to the staff f the coir. mandol in chief. A lino nfiieer is literally that; he is the man in the Held r on a bat tleship t Jo the actual lighting. New York Sun. The day of hersh physics is gone. People want mild, easy laxatives. Doan's Regulcts have satisitenl thou sands, at all drug store. Henry Aid of Louisville came down to this city this morning ami spent the clay attending to some important business matters. Mr. Al 'Ahl was a pleasant caller at this olllce. Women love a clear, rosy complex ion. Burdock Blood Bitters is splen did for purifying the blood, clearing the spin, restoring sound digestion. All druggists sell it. Price $1.00. ' Simon Clark and wife were among those going to the metropolis this morning on the early Burlington train. where they will spend the day am where Mr. Clark will take treatment of a specialist. Mrs. P. E. Tiitsch ami son, May nard Jacob, were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some matters of business with the merchants, and while here called at the Journal office and enrolled for the Evening Journal. For croup or sore throat, uie Dr. Thomas' Electic Oil. Two sizes, 25c and .0c. At all drug stores. Offer $100.00 for your car if stolen, if you are insured by J. W. Holmes. Kemembcr the Journal carries the finest, line of stationery in town, and can please all in this line of goods. COUGHING . The simplest and best way to stop coughs, is . to take Foley's Hciiiy and Tar 1 on et the oiKatue influence of the pine balsam together with the mollifying effect of the honey, ao J othe.r healing ingredient. - It leaves' a s nothing" coat 5 ins on-its tnflaratid ticElin throat. ":. iaies pli'ej'ni easily; aqd puts' a quick vnu i nara wearing coughs. R V'. Mall Mjbe, Va.. writes: " One bottle of "-ley's Honey oud Tar stopped a trouble bouia brotciiiul .ccjiaU juid irrkaiioa that had bothered me for Luicca years." Your dealer eeits it. Try it. 1L - - t i FUNERAL TRAIN BEARS FUNS1WS ODY WESTWARD Soldiers and Civilians Pay Tribute to Late General at San Antonio. BURIAL AT SAN FRANCISCO Impressive Scenes Mark Occasion of Services in Texas City. Emporia, Kas., Feb. 20. General Funston's mother, Mrs. E. II. Fun ston, will leave here at 1 o'clock to morrow morning for San Francisco, where she will attend the funeral of her son. She will be accompanied by her youngest son. Relatives said tonight that the general's mother was much disappointed because efforts to bring the body of her son to Topeka had failed. Mrs. Funston, whose home is in Iola, Kas., recently has been ill. San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 120. A funeral service of military simplicity, in which regulars at Fort Sam Hous ton, national guardsmen at Camp Wilson and thousands of civilians from San Antonio joined, was held this afternoon for the late Major Gen eral Frederick Funston, commander of the southern department, whose sudden death occurreel last night from a heart atfectieut. The culminating honor paid the dead general here was the placing of his body within the Alamo, the first time that historic structure has been used for such a purpose. The only religious services hole! to day were at General Funston's ofii cial residence at Fort Sam Houston, Chanlain Barton V. Perry of the Third field artillery read the regular army burial service. "'Leael Kindly Iis' t," was played by the Nineteenth infantry band. A procession form ed at the residence after this brief service in order as follows: Police, mounted orderlies Nine teenth infantry band, Thirty-seventh infantry, Battery E. of the Seventh field artillery; Squadron A of the Alabama cavalry; Jleneral Funstm's body, carrieel on a caisson. Genera rum-dons horse, pahbearers oihccrs of General Funston's staff and of the southern department. A continual procession tiled m am; out of the building and many were unabie to gain entrance. At S o'cloc accompanied bv an honor guard of Company C, Thirty-seventh infantry the casket was taken to the Southern Pacific station, where it was placet in an observation car. In the car surroneled by flowers and with two soldiers standing at attention by the casket, the body will make the jour ney to San Francisco. Captain Fitz Hueh Lee, General Funston's aide, a sergeant and nine enlisted men wil accompany the body. The specia train consisting of the observation car and a sleeper, left the station at S:l" o'clock tonight. The route of General Funston's funeral train for more than 1,000 miles will skirt the international bolder over which the late command er kept a watchful eve for eleven months past. Some time tomorrow the train will pass the edge of the Big Bend country, later reaching the route taken by the first troops rush ed to Columbus, after the raid of last March. I lie private soldiers standing at attention beside the casket will be re lieved every two hours so that a con stant guard will be maintained until the train reaches San Francisco. At the service this alternoon not an ollicer attending was in full dress. Like the enlisted men, all wore the regular Khaki service uniform, the only distinction being the designating stars, or bars, and the side arms that the officers wore. This was done by regular officers out of consideration for officers of the national guard, many of whom had only service uni forms here. The only incident distinguishing the funeral service of the honored leader fi'om that of any army officer, came just as the chaplain finished reading the burial service at General Funs ton's residence. At that moment thir teen carmon boomed out the major general's salute. The band of the Nineteenth infantry then began play ing softly, "Lead, Kindly Light." Only once on the two-mile march from Fort Sam Houston to the Ala mo did the band play a funeral march. 'The remainder of the "way, only the solemn beat of- mufTled drums marked the progress of the long pro cession. At the Alamo perhaps the most touching incident of the funeral oc curred when Brigadier General Henry A. Greene, commander of the Twelfth provisional division at Camp Wilson stepped apart from the group THE or CONDITION The Bank of CassCounty of Flattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. IneMjrporated in the state ot Nebraska, at the close of business, Febiiiary i:. 11117 KKSOURCES Loans ami discounts Overdrafts Bonds. Securities, judgments etc 7.244 01 8.."0t) 00 Banking house furniture and tix tures 0.3n0 00 Other real estate ia,210 52 Current expenses, tuxes and interest paid 2.221 22 Casli items '-' Hue from national and state hanks iio.m- " Checks and Items f exchange 523 22 Currency (ild coin Silver, nickels and cents Total ... SM7 00 . .. 7.2'.f oo ... 2.6i:i : ..i71t.32 N LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund ITtuli vitleil nrofits ..S 50.000 00 . KO.oou in .. :!.; !t5 Individual deiosits s'.o.wtto cheek 2-s,r.,i Time certificates of deposit 2'...::2'.t Cashier's cheeks outstanding i:i.2o. 2.. Iue to national and stale hanks 2S..-42 : Depositors' guaranty fund 5.0i. tfo Total i.H..k,2 State of Nkiihaska. County ok Cass 1. T. M. I'attersrn. cashier ef the alevp nanicd hank do lieie--hy swear that the atnive statement is a cor rect and true copy of the re jrt made to the State Bankinj,' Hoard. T. M. Patterson. Cashier. ' Ate ...jf'HAS. O. I'ahmei.b. DireMor. Aliesi. i if. i.-. Pattkkson. Diu-ctor. Subscribed ami to before me this day of February. 1117. Veiisa Hatt. Notary Public (Seal) of officers with whom he had been standing and approached the casket wheie General Funston lay. He gazed intently at the face for a few moments, then bent over, patted the dead commander's head gently, turned and walked out of the building. HALL-SOULF. Yesterday evening at o'clock was solemnized the marriage of Mr. M. M. Soule of Omaha and Miss Jo Hall cf this place, at the Hall home on Eighth street. The ceremony was short an 1 impressive, the ring service being used. Mr. PerLee of the Christian church officiated. The bride wore a gown of white satin and tulle trimmed with silver embroielery and lace, and a veil of tulle. She carried a bridal boquet of white roses. Immediately after the ceremony a four-course we lding din ner was served by Mrs. Wm. McCauly ami Lydia Houchin, friends of the family. The table decorations were simple but tasty. Streamers of smiiax were strung from the chandeliers to the four corners of the table, anel a huge bouquet of pink roses adorned thvj'onter table. Only the immediate friends wit nessed the wedding, and theie were present, Mr. and Mrs. Soule, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hall, parents of the bride; I. J. Hall, a brother ef Mr. and Mis. Isaac Wile:;, grandparents of the bride. Mr. Soule is Secretary of the F. S. Martin & Co. of Omaha, and is held in high esteem by those who claim his acquaintance. The bride is well known and beloved in local circles. All join in wishing these newlyweds a long, prosperous anil useful life. Mr. and Mrs. Soule departed on (he evening train mill showers of rice and old shoes for their new home in Omaha. COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS. The cooking demonstrations given t'.t the Grand theater by Mrs. Harriett S. Mac-Murphy is pleasing a large num ber of the lathes of the city who are in attendance each day to take ad vantage of the free opportunity to wit ness the exhibition and to enjoy th lectures given by this talented lady A number of delicious rnenues hav been prepared which are well worth studying by the ladies of (he city. The menu for yesterday was as follows: How to make pastry. Salad a la Fontenclle, with cooketl dressing. 1 t 1 r isn cnowtier. Horseradish dressing Elbow macaroni with tomato sauce The menu for today will be: r-rench pastries, a continuation of the pastry lesson. Vol au vent with sweetbread filling White salad with Thousand Island dressing. Menu for Friday: Marshmcllo cake. Gems. Macaranic Mint Dalls. Salad Mayonnaise. The demand for glasses on my spe cial offer of last week was so great that I have decided to repeat the offer for this Saturday only. A fine ten- year gold filled frame or eyeglass fitted with large first" quality lenses to suit your eyes perfectly, for .$3.75 Remember, this is for Saturday only Optometrist at. Crescent pharmacy. Phone 36. SELLS RESIDENCE PROPERTY. A. G. Sitzmann has just disposed of his residence property in this city to his brother, Joe Sitzmann and re moved to Omaha, where he will make nis home in the future. " Joe" will move into the new place as soon as possible. REPORT OF Ill T r II 4 -:', - unique VS Wm ' jot W -n . r iM ,i fill 2 jsr mi iVM jm& SOLD G. E. Wescott's Sons "Everybody Store' New ties every week! TIME FOR HARNESS OIL We oil your harness for $1.00 per set, and now is the best time to have it done. Also first-class repairing of all kinds at reasonable prices. Ten per cent discount on horse blankets and robes. John F. Gorder, Platts mouth, Neb. A Woman's Experience With Grippe. When a cough or cold hangs on, and you have aches and pains that are hard to define, it is likely that grippe is taking hold of your system. Mrs. J. A. Podge rs. Switzcr, t. C. says: "I am susceptible to colds, often end ing in grippe. Pi this case 1 have founel Foley's, Honey and Tar to pre vent eloctor bills. Sold everywhere. Mis. II. L. Shinn, making an extended elaughter, Mrs. J. E. family, departed for who has been visit with her McDaniel and Abilene, Kan., this morning, where she will visit with l datives for a time. For Croup, Couuhs and Colds. A. Master, Wheeler, Wis., says "For ten years we have usee! Foley's Honey r.nel Tar in our family anel consider it the best cough medicine on the market, especially for chil dren, as they like t take it." Con tains no opiates; safe fer babies; ef fective fer adults. Checks croup; stops coughs; relieves colds. Sold eve rv where. Whv Mni q niim Qornrn? Bill J IfUl U UIUU UUIgUI If you are undecided as to the color and pattern of your next suit, a blue serge is a happy medium. A blue serge suit is a necessary part of evcryrnan's wardrobe it is proper for either dress or busi ness wear. We have them in, both, conservative for the elderly men, and more radical styles the young fellows, at prices for you are inclined to pay $16.50 and Up We haven't forgotten the lit tle men -first Spring shipment of boys' knee pant suits just received knicker pants; belt ed back coats in serges and fancy patterns. Pliilip chimct mam Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts 8 : ' mm "AW WE wish to call the special attention c enr Farmer friends to this v splendid work suit the most com fortable, convenient and best garment of its kind v ever manufactured. It's all in one niece, a rrreat improvement over the old fashioned overalls md sg separate jumper less expensive too; besides, it a looks better, hta better, wears better. !No bind ing suspender straps, no double thickness at the waist, no loose tails to catch in things. Wear Lee Union-Ails Reduce the Hlcgli jf Cost of Living! They are made in Children's sizes, too. Such perfect play suits! Every mother will ap preciate the saving made pos sible by Lee Union-Alls for "kiddies. " Let us fit Father and Son in these fine new garments you'll thank U3 for calling your' attention to Lee Union-Alls. AND RECOMMENDED BY 1 lot o Percales .')( inches wide lui we .Many offer at per yard . . . . 12 l-2c patterns in lights and darks. Another ot of new pattern? of die; Gini rham? many pieces to se- lect fir;m. I lot of Red Seal Ginirhams to clo.-e out at per year I lot of aprons. These good materials and of styles. 12 1-Jc are made d" the latest i lot oi iet d Spreads. These vere bought before the price and we can recent advance in how veu some ex- cellent values. Odti lots to close out. A large quantity of remnants on the bargain counter. 1 lot tf 2" pair of mens' shoes lr close out- at a cut price. An endless line of womens' ami chil dren's hose on the; bargain counter. Colgates Talcum Peuvder at pet can loo 1 special lot of pear buttons at per eloz oc luclcveiler & Lute Headquarters for pipes. New lino just received."- Call and see them. Herman Spies. 3& ''nO-&3'' Cpyirht 16 Car hart Overalls Hanson Gloves m m sty rs M mw W m