. Historical c be I&Iattemcrotb -Sournal VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Till RSI A V, I F.1JKFAKY 22, 1JH7. No. 181 THOMAS LIND SAY TAKES CAR BOLIC ACID Dies From Its F.f!"t-tt in Cedar County, and Iltmains Brought to Murray for Interment. rmm Tu -lay's r-.iil This morning at Murray was held the fumral ser ices of Thomas Lind say, for many years a resident of that locality, and a resident of Cass county practically his entire life time. For the pat five or six years Mr. Lindsay ar.d family have been making their home in Cedar county in the vicinity of Wausa, and here Mr. Lindsay died lu-t Thur-.iay night, as the result of a dose of carbolic acid which he had taken while in a de-pondent mood, and death followed in a very few minutes. The death of Mr. Lindsay came as a piofound .-hock to the members of the family as it was not thought that he contemplated the rash act. He was born at Plattsmouth in 173, where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lind ;;V. came at an early day, and up to the time of his departure for Cedar county hail been a resident of this portion of Cass county, being engaged in farm work in the vicinity of Mur t ay. The family later moved from Plattsmouth to Murray and there the parents of Tom resided for many years. He was married eighteen years ago to Miss Ida Ham.; of Murray, and it was the wish of the wife that Mr. Lindsay be brought to Murray to be laid to rest in the family burial lot. The Lindsay family is well known throughout this section of the county and the many friends will learn with much regret of the untimely death of Mr. Lindsay. He was a brother of George, Peter and Samuel Lindsay, who were residents of this city for seveial years. The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Murray this morning and interment was in the Young cemetery near that place. REV. J, H. STEGER CELEBRATES FORT V V mm EIGHTH BIRTHDAY Fr-'-m Tuesday's IViy. Rev. J. H. Steger, pastor of the St. Paul's Evangelical church, has just celebrated his forty-eighth hnthday anniversary, and in honor of the event lie has been given two very pleasant surprise parties. The first of these events occurred Saturday evening, when the members of the Luth er league, the society of the young people of the church, gathered at the par.-or.a::e and joined in the congratu lations to their pastor on his natal day. The evening was spent very pleasantly in visiting and enjoying the passir.c hours in the society of each other. Yesterday afternoon the In dies' Aid society of the church called at the parsonage and gave Rev. Steger another pleasant surprise. The ladies spent the hours most delightfully at the Steger home and timing the aft ernoon the dainty refreshments brought by the ladies were very much tnjoyed by the members of the party. It has been a great pleasure to Rev. Steger to be thus remembered by the members, of his congregation and both events proved entire surprises to the genial pastor and his family, who were unaware of the deep laid plans of the friends to make the natal day one long to be remembered. The friends of Rev. Steger throughout the city will join the members of the congre gation in wishing him many more such pleasant occasions. NEW DAUGHTER ARRIVES. From Tucsilny's Iai!y. Mayor John Sattler and wife today are rejoicing over a message received this morning from Omaha announcing that the stork had paid a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loh mann in that city and left in their care a fine little daughter. The little one and mother are both doing nicely and the relatives in this city are feel ing well pleased over the good fortune that has befallen 'the Lohmann home. Mrs. Lohmann was formerly Miss Amanda Sattler of this city. KETCHNS FROM HOSPITAL. From Ti:e. lay's Dni'.y. Frank R. Gohelman, who has just returned from the hospital in Omaha, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, is now feeling very much improved and while still far from be ing well is gttting along in fine shape at his home, and it is thought that it will only be a question of a short time until he is able to be around as usual. MISS DOVEY CHARMED A LARGE AUDIENCE AT THE GEM Frm Tuesday's Daily. "The Romantic Journey," which the Pathe Film company has produced as one of their features for the l!)lfi sea son, was shown last evening at the Gem theater before a large and well pleased audience, whose interest in the play, however, was due to the fact that a Plattsmouth girl. Miss Alice Dovty, was one of the stars in the production. The theatergoing public of this city has often been delighted th the winsome acting of Miss Dovey on the stage, but this was the fiist opportunity that they have had of witnessing her in the film world as one of the leading figures in a story of romance and adventure. "The Ro mantic Journey" is a splendid story of adventure and the wierd settings at times in the picture story make it an unusual feature. Supporting Miss Dovey in the cast is William Courtney, the celebrated actor as '"Peter," while the role of ''Ratoor," the Hindoo, who holds "Cynthia" (Miss Dovey) under his influence, is taken by Marcey Har lan. It was undoubtedly one of the best moving pictures that has been shown, in this city and was very pleas :r.g to everyone given the opportunity of witnessing it. The success of the offering has demonstrated that Miss Dovey is as pleasing on the screen as in the tuneful musical comedy produc tion in which she has charmed audi ences the nation over. ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR ANOTHER WRESTLING MATCH I"i .i'n VfilnfPlay's I:iily. The airangements have just been completed for a fast wrestling match in this city on Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 27th, between Rudy Warner of Howells and Tom Ray of Omaha, both well known over the state as two of the leading lights in the wrestling world in the west. Tom Ray has had a number of important matches in the last few years and he and Warner furnished the main preliminary for the Stecher-Peters match in Omaha recently, and their work at that time was heartily received by the followers of the sport. The match at that time was to last fifteen minutes, but it was with difficulty that the referee could get the Iwys apart to allow the big noise to be pulled off. The bout in this city will be staged at Coates' hall and every arrangement for a big time has been completed by the promoters of the match. A side bet of $100 has been arranged for and the winner of the match is to receive all of the re ceipts of the door, so that the boys will be up and rarin' to go to bring home the long end of the money and help reduce the high cost of living. The prices for this match will remain as usual, 50c general admission and 75c for the ringside seats. A large crowd is looked for as this will be a great treat for the wrestling fans. PURCHASES NEW DODGE AUTO. Frnn Wolnpsdav's Paily. C. E. Haney of this city has just invested in one of the latest model Dodge Bros.' automobiles, which he secured through John Gorder, local agent, and is now enjoying the use of the new machine. The car is a very handsome appearing one and will af ford Mr. Haney a great deal of enjoy ment during the coming summer. Mr. Gorder has disposed of a number of the Dodge cars in the past few months and they have given much satisfaction to the owners. A want ad will bring yon a buyer. OBSERVES TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY A Large Audience at Woodmen Hall Enjoy the Event Given by the Knights and Ladies of Security. From U'e-tnecdav's Daily. The celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Knights and La dies iof Security was observed last evening by a splendid meeting at the lodge rooms in the Modern Woodman building and the attendance was in excess of one hundred and fifty of the members and their friends who en joyed to the fullest extent the splendid program arranged for the occasion. The local lodge of this order is one of the most active in the state and on numerous occasions have held most interesting social gatherings, but none that surpassed in point of pleas ure ttiat of last evening. The formal program was opened by a well re ceived selection by the Holly orches tra, which was much enjoyed and was followed by a number by the Plattsmouth male quartet, composed of Messrs F. A. Cloidt, W. G. Brooks, D. C. York and Jennings Seivers, which these gentleman gave in their usual manner and were heartily en cored by the appreciative audience. Mrs. O. Sandin favored the members of the party with a pleasing reading which gave her an opportunity of demonstrating her ability as an elo cutionist and was one of the most en tertaining features of the occasion. Don C. York also added to the pro gram by a vocal number that was greatly appreciated by the audience who parted with Mr. York with much reluctance and would have compelled him to give several selection if it had been possible. The reading of Mrs. A. J. Beeson was a portion of the entertainment enjoyed by evryone. The closing number of the program was a vocal duet given by Misses Delia Frahs and Mina Kaffenberger and these young ladies were heartily encored for their charming contribu tion to the program of the evening. Following the program the re freshment committee proved that they were on the job in looking after the wants of their friends by serving some very delicious refreshments and which were enjoyed to the utmost. The remainder of the evening until the midnight hour was spent in games and in enjoying a social dance to the very enjoyable orchestra music and the time passed very delightfully in this way. The success of the gather ing reflects credit upon the officers and members of the local lodge who have been in charge of the afTairs and made a most enjoyable observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the order. THE PRESBYTERIANS WIN ANOTHER GAME FROM OMAHA From Thursday's Paily. The basket ball game at the roller skating rink last evening was one of the best that has been seen in the city and much better than the score would indicate as the Presbyterians of this city won by the score of 49 to 25. The Gym Leaders of Omaha, who were the j opponents of the Bible class organiza tion, had a number of fast men in their lineup who are members of the Central High team of Omaha, and gave the locals a close chase in the first half of the game, but in the sec ond half, the locals were able to take the lead and won out. The Presbyte rians were in the best of form and were not in the least danger after the close of the first half, and held the visitors safe from scoring dangerously on them. There were quite a large number in attendance and a most pleasant evening was enjoyed in watching the warriors as they dashed over the floor in the different plays of the game. County Commissioner Julius A. Pitz and W. K. Fox were in Omaha yes terday afternoon attending the con vention of the county treasurers and looking after the workings of the Ne braska lawmakers. FORMER RESIDENT GF THIS CITY DIES IN DENVER Berger Olson, a former resident of this city for a number of years, but for the past sixteen years a resident of Denver, passed away in that city on Thursday last, after a short ill ness, and the burial was-held in Den ver. Mr. Olson was born in Nor way in lSt.(5, and cam.' to this country when n young man, and for a tirr.e was employed here in the Burlington shops and will be reniern'oered by a great many of the residents of this city. During his residence here Mr. Olson was the owner of the property now owned by Charles Johnson, and was held in the highest este' m by a large circle of friends who will re gret very much to learn of his death. Mr. Olson left this city in k.too f,,r Denver where he has since been ere. Tilovod ns :i coach b:ill.i"V ' 1 e survived bv a wife. MARRIAGE OF II. W. GRASSMAN AM MISS EON A HUT From Wednesday's Paily. Last evening at the Presbyterian manse occurred the marriage of Mr. Hilliard W. Grassman and Miss Edna Faye Hitt, in the presence of only a few of the close relatives of the con tracting parties. The wedding was simple but very impressive, the beau tiful marriage service being read by Rev. H. G. McClusky, pastor of the church, uniting for life these two young hearts as one. Following the wedding ceremony the newly weds at once departed fo; their home in the south portion of the city, where they will at once start housekeeping, the groom having the home in readiness for the coming of the bride. Both of the contracting parties are well known throughout the city, where they have spent their life time and they are held in the highest esteem by all those who have the pleasure of knowing them. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitt. and is a young lady of great charm of char acter, and by her pleasing manner has won a large number of warm friends. The groom is an energetic and capable young man. employed in the store of E. A. Wurl, and possesses the esteem and respect of all those with whom he is associated for his splendid traits of character. The friends of Mr. an 1 Mrs. Grassman will join in wishing them a long and very happy wedded life. ADAM W. MEISINGER AND MISS METTA JENNINGS MARRIED This morning at the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson occurred the marriage of Miss Metta Jennings of this city and Mr. Adam W. Meisinger of Mynard. The judge was at home when the message came of the desire of the two young people to be united in the bonds of wedlock and he at once came in to unite them in his us ual pleasing manner. The newlyweds following the wedding returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding luncheon was enjoyed before their departure for Omaha, where they will be the guests of friends for a short time. The bride is one of the charming and accomplished young ladies of this city and is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Jennings, and pos sesses a large circle of warm friends who will learn of her new-found hap piness with much pleasure. The groom is one of the popular young men residing in the Mynard neighbor hood and has for the past year or two been employed as the mail carrier for the government out of that city. He is a young man of very high standing in the community where he has spent his lifetime and his friends are only limited by the numl er of his acquaint ances. Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger will make their home at Mynard in the future. The friends of the young cou ple join in wishing them a long and very happy married life in the future. Dawson Will Fix It. I THE I IPO to ' INGERT A a sugces One of the Fir.et Musical Organiza tions in the Country, and Was Welcon-d by Large Audience. The concert given ia-t evening by the Apolo Concert company at the Parmeie theater as a number of the Ilich school lecture course proved one of the rr.e.-t delightful events of its kind that has been given in the city and was a revelation and a pleasure to the music lovers of the city, as the talented artists presented their pro gram. The Apolo company is one of the be-t in the entire country and every number- last evening was re civ: d with the warmest approval by the large audience that filled the thea ter. From the opening until the close there vr. xi continuous delight for the audience in Vhe numbers ranging from the most difTIcult of the classics to the tuneful melodies of the present day. The "Apollophone" carried by the company was a source of much enjoy ment to t.'ie audience as the members of the company drew from it the witching melodies. ''The Anvil Chorus" anil the popular songs, ''Down Honolu la Way." and "I've Sent My Wife to l.foO Isles" were especially warmly received by the auditors and grace re sponded to by the members of the company. The sar.aphone quartet was also able to evervi with its -woet melodies, including the famous '"Morning, Xoon and Night in Vienna" by Suppe, as well as "The Moaning Saxaphcne Rag" and "Mother Ma chrep." the sweet Irish ballad. Mr. I'omp"'i gave uvo very pleasing trombone solos in which he demon strated his wonderful skill and ability and was compelled to respond to a number of encores. Mr. J. D. Lattimer in addition to appearing in the saxa rhone quartet, also gave one number on the viola de amour, as well as a bass solo, which were both warmly re ceived. One of the strong features of the company was the appearance of Miss I.elitia Whitten, whose sweet soprano voice, heard in the duet with Mrs. S. Alta Wells, proved one of the dclichts of the eveninc, and these two talented ladies won the heartiest ap proval of the audience by their num bers. Miss Whitten also gave two en tertaining pianologues during the eve ning, while the work of Mrs. Wells as accompanist certainly added immense ly to the effectiveness of the program. Arthur Wells, one of the leading fig ures on the concert staff proved a delight to the audience in his banjo selections, as well as in his work in the saxaphone quartet and in the "Apallophone" numbers. Taken as a whole the concert was the most pleasing musical attraction that has ever visited the city and it was with great regret that the audi ence parted with the splendid array of -rtists who had charmed them with their delightful numbers. IIRTHDAY OF THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY Today marks the anniversary of the birth of George Washington, first president of the United States and the leader of the colonies in the war of the revolution, and this year, more than ever before the anniversary is being celebrated. In a great many places joint celebrations of the Wash ington and Lincoln birthdays have been held, as it was in this city, but the memory of the Father of His Country is being honored throughout the land today. The court house and banks of the city, as well as the post cfiice observed the day generally, hut the business houses of the city re mained open as usual for the transac tion of business. The employes of the Burlington shops were given the opportunity of enjoying a holiday as all departments were closed down for the day with the exception of a few of the men having spec ial work, who remained on duty. WTall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture Framing. Frank Gobelman. 0 i i PRESBYTERIANS SECURE ANOTHER INTERESTING GAME Th team representing the llavelock Y. M. C. A. came down lat evening to mingle in a basket ball game with the Presbyterians, but did not succeed in winning, although a line game was played by both sides, Plattsmouth win ning by a Fcore of fib' to 21. The llavelock team had been heralded as an organization of husky boilermakers, but instead, were a fine team of young lads of the high school age, who knew well how to play the game, and put up a splendid defense against the mighty Presbyterian offensive and made the score quite close. The at tendance was fair, considering the fact, that the concert drew a large num ber who otherwise might have attend ed the game. The llavelock team re turned to their homes this morning, going on the early Burlington train. NO DECISION YET ON THE SCHOOL BOND QUESTION The school bond contest case which was on yesterday in the district court was completed late yesterday after noon and submitted to Judge Begley for his consideration by the attorneys for the contestants and the school board. Of the witnesses called to the stand to testify as to their illegal vot ing there was about an even break among those voting for and those vot ing against the bends, and from this point of view as to the number of il legal votes it seems like a standoff. There was much difficulty in securing answer? from a number as to how they h id vrtcd on the proposition a? they thought the secrecy of the ballot should protect them, but under the ruling of the court that when it was established that th? voceis were not paying either real or personal prop erty tax or had no schocl children, thoy should answer the questions, they wete compelled to answer. Several v ere reminded by th- cirt that fail ' e to answer the q;.e lions would be e. i tempt rt and that he would be compelled to ron 't ;;?. to jai! if they refused, and this brought forth the desired answer. The case is now under consideration by Judge Begley and the decision will be handed down later as to the legality of the bonds election. LOAD OF HAY OVER TURNS AND FRAC TURES MAN'S LEG Ignatz Schint, a young farmer re siding west of this city, met with a very serious accident yesterday morn ing shortly before noon, when he suf fered a fractured right leg as the re sult of the overturning of a loaded hay rack on which he was riding at the time. He, in company with an other young farmer, were engaged in hauling hay, and at the time the ac iident occurred were driving along near the farm of W. G. Hirz, north west of this city. The wheels of the wagon were cramped in making a turn in the road and with the strong wind prevailing at the time the hay rack was overturned, and Mr. Schint, in making his getaway from the falling load of hay leaped to one side, and in doing so suffered the fracture of the leg just above the right ankle. The injured man was taken to the nearby home of Will Tritsch and medical aid summoned from this city, when the injured member was set and the pa tient made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances, although it will be some time before he is able to resume his usual activities. The injured man has just leased the E. II. Becker farm for the coming season ir.d the accident will interfere some what with his plans, but he hopes to b3 well over the result of the accident hy the time for the opening of the farming season. Mrs. I. J. Homan, who has been here visiting for a few days, returned this afternoon to her home in Omaha, and was accompanied to that city by her mother, Mrs. J. B. Higley, who will visit there for a short time. THE FARMERS OF EIGHT MILE GROVE ORGANIZE UNION The farmers of F.iuht Mile Gio have organized a Farmers' union n--scxiation and are now starting out with a charter membership of twenty as a result of a meeting on Thursday last. The farmers of that locaht have been contemplating this move ful some time and on previous occasions the work of organization has been very strongly agitated, culminating in the united action of the farmers. W. B. Ellis, state secretary of the Farm ers' Union of Nebraska, was present at the meeting and gave a very inter esting address along the lines of the organization of these unions. The members also elected their officers for the ensuing year, selecting P. A. Horn as their president; P. E. Tritsch, vice president, and Louis Frvderich as sec l etary-treasurer of the new organiza tion. Frank M. Massie of Neha wka was present at the meeting and gae a very interesting address along the lines of the good roads proposition as it was viewed by the farmers in his community and his remarks were very much enjoyed, and he mad. clear the position that he occupied in re gard to the acitation that is coing en all over the state en this important question. The metincs of the union in the future will be much larger, as the interest shown by the residents of that section is quite keen. MR. AND MRS. VEHR BEIN ENJOY TIN WED DING CELEBRATION Tuesday evening was the tin wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wehrbein, marking the parsing of ten years of wedded life and in honor of the occasion a large numU-r of the friends of this worthy couple de cided to give them a surprise that would make the occasion one long to be very pleasantly remembered by the guests of honor and accordingly they gathered at the Wehrbein home and completely surprised their host and hostess. The evening was delight fully spent in visiting and having a most enjoyable time and as a token of the e'Vent the friends presented Mr. and Mrs. Wehrbein with a large num ber of articles of tinware. Those who were present to take part in the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schuetz and family, Will Bumnull and family, Adam Stoehr ami fam ily, August Xolting and family, Peter Halmes and family, Philip Hirz and family, Fred Kaffenberger and fam ily, C. L. Mayabb and family, C. T. Peacock and wife, Messrs and Me--dames August KalTenbei ger, W. II. Wehrbein, J. F. Gorder. J. V. Halt. Mrs. Dick Osborn, of Omaha Misses Sophia Hild, Lizzie Hirz, Tessie Lentz, Marie Kaffenberger, Magcie Kaffenberger and Dorothy McBride, Messrs Albert Sergun, Herman Gra ham, Henrv Liner Max Vallery, Frank Fight, Walter Herger. Fritz Tschirren, John Kaffenberger and Sam Rhotten. THEY STOLE A MARCH ON FRIENDS In the Omaha papers appears the announcement of the marriage of Miss Marie Richardson and Mr. Joseph S. i Eaton, both of that city, which oc- j curred on Saturday at Tapillion, when the young people stole a march on their friends by going to the Sarpy county seat and being united in mar- 1 rjage by the P.ev. J. Wallace Larkin. j "fhe groom i well known in this city, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gamble, and for a number of years made his home in Plattsmouth, where he posseses a large number of friends among the younger people of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Eaton will reside at 4508 Hamilton street until the late spring, when they will remove to Kan sas City to reside. If you have anyming for sale adver tise in the Journal.