PACE 2. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1", SHARP ASSAULT MADE ON LABOR ATORY MEASURE Measure Removing State Bacteriolog ists to Omaha Up to Third Reading. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 14 Removal of the state bacteriological laboratory from the state houe to the medical college at Omaha is provided for in the Hoifmeister bill, which weath ered a rather shary assault in the I ever house today, and was sent ahead to third reading. An amendment providing that the bacteriok'gii-t s-hall be named for four years was tacked onto the measure by the committee and that as well as the balance of the measure received the approval of the house. Fuller, Ollis, Grecnwalt, Dafoe and Ty"or all declared themselves against a separation of the bacteriological la':KraTory from the state health de partment at the capitol. It was ;ated by Fuller that the food com mission calls on the laboratory for nearly every day, which it o-.u'.d rot do of course, if they were r..-t l.:h located at the same place. -V,.j might just as well put the Lr ii r- 1 f control and the railway c mmi.-s: -ii under the university re douts as this laboratory," said Green vult. "The- it gents are willing to take 0-. i r the supervision of the laboratory i: that is what the legislature wants." interjected Mr. Peterson, "but if this 1- d-r.e u-n"t charge it up to educa tion t.t:uuse the work done therein i- health department work and not . ional work." Criticism of the bacteriologist for failure to make examinations re quested of him by physicians over the Mate trf voiced by Messrs, T rum ble, Stearns and other. In explana tion of this. Mr. Rieschick said the bacttiiulogist. Dr. Wild had more that he could do. Mr. IIorTmeister, one of the bill's .-por.s rs, said Dr. Wild would be re tained in his present position after the removal. The Neilsen bill limiting banks of the state to payment of 1 per cent in tere.t oil time deposits, this, of ovjjse, applying only to tate banks i.- arousing much interest. National barkers have been interested, too, ar.d v tie somewhat at sea as to what c:T.ct such a law might have on their Jsinei.-. The atithor of the measure had the n atter taken up with the United Stales treasury department. A let ter from Deputy Comptrolleu Kans indicates that if the present legisla ture passes the measure, in his judg r.tert "national banks would be amen ab'.e to such a measure." In his letter he says: "In reply to your letter of January V you are advised that the federal lw provides that any national bank :::.:y take, receive, reserve and charge .i any I an or discount made, or up- :i any n-te. bill of exchange or other evidence of debt, interest at the rate allowed bv the laws the ?tate wherein the bank is located, and no jr.ore. and that when no rate is fixed by the law of the state the bank may take, receive, reserve or charge a rate not exceeding 7 per cent, and such in terest may l e taken in advance reck oning tie days for which the note, biil or other evidence or elebt has to "As yoi arc doubtless aware, t lie re i- r. ion placed by law upon national banks in regard to interest rates paid on deposits. The payment of high rates of interest, however, is v o!.ject:oiiablo and is discour a ''! in cv ry possible way. In ease the legislature- of Nebraska should mus a law limiting the payment of ii te-est by any and all banks or the r corporations, trust companies dims or individuals receiving moneys om i'v.-:t, to 1 per cent, it is believed :h; t national banks would be amen- a!''c to efforts to correct this a bus wv practice." Hutual building and loan associ aiions were either poor man's friend" or unscrupulous loan sharke, according to the side of the fence the speaker was on in the senate com mittee cf the whole today. The bill under discussion was by Adams of, allowing actions again;-1 such loan associations to be adjudicated in the county, in which cause of action arises. The author maintained that associ ations violated contracts, knowing that poor people out in the state did not have means to come to other counties and prosecute. Senator OLerlics asked that the bill be refered Lack to the committee, so that com panies could Le given a hearing. Objection was. raised and Oberlies n otion was lost. Senator McMullen, -iter explaining the good that local i.tciatkna were doing in lending the poor man money, introduced an amendment to make the law apply to foreign corporations." It was lost. The bill was finally rassed to tliird reading. The judiciary committee reported favorably on a resolution to allow the L Commonwealth Power Co. to bring an action against the state to recover $2,300 filing fees on power sites which were never used. COUNTY CONVENTION OF THE MODERN WOODMEN The county convention of the Mod ern Woodmen of America will be held in this city on Wednesday, April 4th, at- the M. W. A. hall, according to arrangements now being made and Cass Camp No. 332 of this city will act as the host for the visiting dele gates anel woodmen who may be at tending the meeting. The coming convention will be far from as excit ing as that -of two years ago when the order was in the tumult of rate adjustment, and will be a harmonious gathering in every way. The M. W. A. has a very large membership throughout the county anel the at tendance from the different camps is always quite large at meetings of the county camp. The county camp will select delegates to the state camp who will in turn pick the Nebraska dele gates to the head camp. Last evening the members of Cars Camp met to select the delegates and alternates to the county convention and the following were selected: Delegates, Dr. E. W. Cook, F. J. I.ib ershal, John Hallstrom, II. V. (loos, A. J. Beeson, John Ledgway. Percy Field, II. S. Barthold, John Cory, G. W. Fahlson, A. F. Braun, J. E. Schutz, Frank Sebatka, Jr.. William Ilassler, Fred Wagner. Alternates: George Luschinsky, F. II. Smith. Don York, F. A. Fricke, George Gobel man, Thomas Skoda, A. J. Snyder, F. A. Cloidt, II. A. Schneider, C. W. Kunsmann, II. M. Wilcox, P. A. Mc Elwain. Mike Ilild, George Farley, Lewis A. Lee. THE LARD IS FOUND BUT THE THIEF IS A MYSTERY Chief of Police Barclay for the last to days has been busily engaged in trying to ferret out the mysterious finding of several hundred pounds of lard hitlden just north of the Missiuri Pacific stock yards and a short dis tance from the depot. The first known of the fact of the lard being hidden was when a man giving the name of Folich appeared at the Johnson cv. Gartleman meat market and offered to sell them the lard at the price of cents a pound, when the prevailing market price is 18 cents a pounel. This aroused the suspicion of the proprie tors of the meat market and the chief of police was informed of the matter, but in the meantime the man had suc cceeled in elisposing of the lard to John Cory at the Perkins hotel and had re ceived a check for the same. The man was located by Mr. Barclay and ex amineel, but denied all knowledge of stealing the lard, stating that two men in Omaha had told him of where the lard had been hidelen and he had then come on down to this city to try and dispose of it as the men told him it was their property anel that it was perfectly all right for him to dispose of it. This morning a special agent of the Missouri Pacific railroad came down to look into the matter as the company has had several cars robbed of late. So far there has been no complaint filed against the man selling the lard. STRAYED. From my home, one mile east and two and one-half miles north of Mur dock, one 2-year-old heifer, red with white spots, heavy with calf, weight about 80 lbs. Anyone knowing its whereabouts, please notify Herman Scheel, R. F. D., South Bend, Neb. 2-S-tfwkly SINGLE COMB, RHODE ISLAND RED EGGS for hatching, $5 per 100; $1.25 per petting. Have entirely new strain of breeding birds, having raised stock from Scott Covalt's best matings of heavy layers. Telephone Plattsmouth 4021. W. B. Porter, Mynard, Neb. Cobs for sale. $2.00 per load. Call Phone No. 3411. 2-12-3twkly CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children Sn Use For Over 30 Yea: Always bears the Signature oS THINK GERMANY s inciting MEX- AN-GOBAM ROW Washington Officials Believe Kaiser Is Aiding Rebellion and Raids. Washington, D. C, Feb. 11. Ger man influence was seen today in Cuban and Mexican troubles officials declared. Officials think it more than likely that Germany is stirring up trouble there to keep the United States en gaged in nearer home affairs so she would pay less attention to German acts o nthe ocean. Eidently German pressure on Gen eral Cai-ranza has already had the effect of forcing British consideration of landing troops at Tampico to pro tect the oil wells supplying England's big navy, according to intimations in diplomatic quarters. As for Cuba, the situation may Lv cume such that American interfer ence will be necessary, though as the revolt there stands now, intervention is not yet requireel. Border activities, with unofficial re ports of kiiiing of three Americans, accentuate the Mexican problem. The war elepartment is keeping an extra careful watch on the boundary for fear trouble involving the United St:ites will again break out. It was recalled today that a Ger man embassy agent was in almost constant touch with the American Mexican commission when it sat at Atlantic City. It is known, too, that some of Gen eral Carranxa's followers have fell that German and Japanese support was with the constitutionalists. While cabinet members have ex pressed doubt that Gi eat Brit Ian will l.;r.d troops t protect British il intere :ts at Tampico, it is moro than a ccru.i:.ty that England will n t look id'.y on. if Caivanr'.a arrie- out any plan of stepping her oil supp'i-.--;. In these cir ""mstaiuv-;. it 'li be up to the .United States to take ; hand. r else England v.iii ur..'oa'i -edly do the task heelf. The r .se nility ' suck foreign intcrt'erenco in the r.w v. oiid vor.sLitUi.cs a sources ef pi i p!" :i;y k.ic. There eu:i bo no ?; i i t 1-. i . r I hat goYirumc-.ii. oiaeials hi-'v feed ;hat Germany is. behind General Carran za's rete-'.t anti-ally activity, a a i while tiiey do not tan- his cn:bai:;o .i;-.rgeMion serious'y, they fear v.hai he rui'rht -tir up in f;.o - of Germ.'.:: v and against both the Uni ted State.- ar.d the allies. 10IN0S H DISTRICT COURT The case of the Charles E. Wattr-i Cc'. Cf Council lih;f"s, la., again'-i George E. Dovey, .hich was on triel in the district court yesterday, was given to the jury shortly after 7 o'clock last night and the members of the jury retired to deliberate on the facts in the case, returning shortly before 11 o'clock with a verdict in favor of Mr. Dovey. This morning the case of the Soy ereign camp of the Woodmen of tlv. World against Eliza JJeverage, et al. was called for trial in the district eoarl. This ease is one in which tho Woodmen of the World is seeking to establish the rights of the heir.; of the late George W. Leverage to the insurance policy carried by the de ceased witli the order. The amount of the policy has been paid over to the clerk of the court by the head camp of the Woodmen of the World, and will be turned over to the parties who are found to be the heirs under the policy of the deceased. The pavment of the policy has been contested by one of the children of the deceased, and thi Woodmen sce-k to establish the rights of heirship in order that they may be able to pay the policy over to the ones that the courts determine are justly entitled to the insurance money. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment is line for skin itching. All druggists sell it. ode a box. A Seventy-Year-Old Couple. Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Carpenter Ilarrisburg, Pa., suffered from kid ney trouble but have been entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pills. He says: Altho we are both in the seventies, we are as vigorous as we were. thirty. years ago." Foley Kid ney Pills ' stop sleep disturbing blad der weakness, backache, rheumatism. Sold everywhere. J,-. J ... . " J A v-V : -.NX V Don't Coagh All Night It wears down your strength, racks your nerves, keeps ycjclf and all the family from tlnnin-i besides, you can eas'ly slop ii wrh Foley's Honey and Tar. A standard foi'dlv r.udicine of many years landing for la grippe and bronchial coughs and coicli, tickling throat, hoarse ness, stuffy, wheezy breaui;n and for croup and whooping cough. Its effect on the inflamed lining of the throat and air passages is quickly fe lt ar.d very soothing. linos ' ia'.ber:. F'aoli. Pul., writes : " I couf.i.cii co.iOn.Kii' v :.: n;.!ht 4-.-j!1 Ji-i'U- sleep. I'l 't v 'a i:;.ro- ..i.ii '!..: ro!;'rJ "A O'.c Local P3ews From Tuesday's Daily. (.1. I. Hcil of near Cedar Cree-k was in the city for a few hours today. G. 15. Piggott of Murray was a vis itor in this city Saturday, and made this office a pleasant call. Sam Cm. Smith was among those go ing to Omaha this afternoon, where he will spend a few hours. G. E. Young of Xehawka is among the visitors in the city this week as a member of the jury panel in the district court. Is. W. Chrissinger and Everett Gooding were among the Omaha pas . enfiers this morning to visit'for a few hours in th:; metropolis. v Charles S.uis, residing south of this city, was looking after some business mattcis and visiting friends here for a short time Saturday afternoon, lie wa- a pleasant caller at this office. ' Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water was in the city today for a few hours attending to several mat ter:: of importance- in the district court Maik White and wife arrived home this morning from Kansas City, where ihey have been for a short time, where Mr. White has been taking treatment at the Thornton C; Miner sanitarium, v hih' Mr;-. White has been visiting at K::e Isior Spi in;;s. .John Davis of Stealing, Colo., who ha-; been spending a few eiays visit ing wi'h his relatives at Murray and in this city, departed this afternoon for Omaha to spend a few daws be-foil- returning to his home in the west. Prom Vr(!,ifsi!;'.v's Tallv C. P. Richards was a visitor in Om aha to lay for a few heurs loekiag after some mutters of business in thai city. D. Porter of Union, who is doing jury duty this week, dop-uted his aft ernoon for Omaha to visit with his brother. Wade, at the hospital. Joseph Sebatka and family departed this rfiernoem for Woonsocket, S. D., to-- a rhoit visit there with his broth-er-iulaw and other friends in that lo cality. Coloml J. 11. SeyboMt of Murray wa . in the city for a. few hours today cn rooto from his home to Omaha, where he was called on a few matters of business. Mrs. Fiank Downey of Lincoln, who has been in the city visiting for a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wohlfarth, de rtirted this afternoon for her home in the capital city. Frnr.k JJIatx-or Sr., was in the city yeslcielay afternoon for a few hours looking after a few business matters with the merchants. Mrs. ired Hesse- of Omaha, wa in the city for a short time today look ing after some business connected with her property interests. SLKPKISED ON lUKTHi) AX Last evening a number of th friends of Mrs. George Pdack decided to tender tha.t lady a surprise on the occasion of her birthday anniversarj and accordingly, with a large array of baskets laidcn with good things to eat they proceeded to give their friem and neighbor a surprise, and one that proved most pleasing. The evening was spent in games anel music by the members of the jolly party until a suitable hour, when the members of the party proceeded to enjoy the dainty refreshments provided. It was a late hour when the. members of the party departed homeward, wishing Mrs. Black many more happy gath erings. Cut This Out It is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose witth 5c to Foley & Co., 2S33 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clear Iv. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tabletts. " PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer for sals at public auction on the J. E. McDan iel farm, four miles west and one mile south of Plattsmouth, on the Louis ville road; three and one-half miles northwest of Mynard, and seven miles northwest of Murray, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, February 20, the following described property, to-wit: One bay mare, ten years old, with foal, weight 1,200. One sorrel mare, nine years old, with foal, weight 1,300. One brown mare, nine years old, with foal, weight 1,300. One brown mare, four years old, weight 1,000. One bay mare, four year old, weight 1,250. One black horse, four years old, weight 1,300. One black horse, two years old, weight 1,100. One bay mare, two years old, weight 1,000. One horse colt, one mare colt, com- ; ing yearlings. Two mare and one horse mule-, coming three anel four years old j weight 1,000. ' One cow giving milk, three years i old. Two heifers, coming two years del. One yearling heifer. Seven brood sows. One male hog. Farm Implements. One McCormick binder. One riding cultivator. One I'radley disc harrow. One one-horse wheat drill. One wheat drill, seed attachment. One walking cultivator. One McCormick mowing machine. One McCormick hay rake. One Ilradley tiding lister. One two-section harrenv. One 1-1-inch walking plow. One lo-inch sulky plow. One John Deere wagon, good as new. One low-wheel wagon and box. One wagon be::. Two sets of work harness. W. S. Scott will serve lunch at noon. Terms of Sale: All sums of ?10 an 1 under, cih in hand. On sums over $10 a credit of from six to twelve time will b given, piuchaser giving note with approved security ber.r;r.g er cent interest from date-. v ( ; e rty must be settled for be fore lein. rcntovcel from the premise;--. J. II. LEE. J. E. McDANlEL. W. Ii. Young, Auctioneer. George O. Dovey, Clerk. l-'cm SALE, IX OMAHA. One 7-room house, all mexlern. large basement; just rebuilt and almost new in and out; fine location. This belongs to me, hence no commission. I may consider FMattsmouth property cr some acreage for part payment. C. L S., 31 40 S. Kith, Omaha. 2-8-lvkd&w RESIDENCE FOR SALE. The late home of Mrs. Dora Moore on Chicago Ave., ! rooms ami bath, strictly modern; 1 lots, barn, chicken house and - other small outbuildings. Also 'J-room house in South Park; .! good level lots; house could not b3 duplicated for $.'5,000. This goes at $1,800. See me or make an appoint ment by calling Phone No. Ml. J. W. Holmes. L'-J.'MfJ For any pain. burn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas Elect ic Oi' th household remedy. Two, 'Joe an 1 f0c, at all drug stores. Lo.d- night, n che k drawn on Croston National bank. Kinder pleas;? leave at the Journal office and rcceie rewi'rd. .-1 r.-'.M.l UwKIy a&sL P JSMl ISMM iMSM miMli Z&A IJeiMrA I Gem Theatre, Wednesday, Feb 21 The Film Sensation of rz orrsa ess A darincr. frank photo they should be seen and known. It is a warning for preparedness against our worst enemy in its most subtile form. It will appeal to all classes because it is taken from real life. The rcali" ties of life are dealt with frankly, plainly. Nothing is glossed over the naked truth is revealed. Something new don't miss it. Positively No Children Under 16 Admitted! fl ADMISSION 25c. I I I ei i jb. mrs i X.,. IW4 i m mm 3 t?C:Jr. SOLD c "EveryLo New ties every week! BIG PROFIT FOR YOUR DOLLARS Kvcry on-; wants d"'.: ;rs to earn 1 i if it can 1"- !!; without risk f !-si:ii; the- i.i.-ney invesn-.l. I liiivi- a i ri .!:si. ion f nii- !. witli $."'.'.' ; om-ii- t ii-- st t!: :t !:il.;nes Hit; 1 ' r. : i - ;.r l ;.is: -s.i!'oi y fort'i.- v-,'.i- iu !. N:-f a K'--t rich quic'.i (! ;. if. luit "iv t'-.e cry rar- i i jun iu- iti-s t'': t . -nir in th- in fr. : .. lim-. !;::...! i ljy eminent ti.M.Ki-i:-. ,i..i';r.- S ;- (.ivnic e'urt. !.ll.-i!lt S Im-.-!1 :. ii4lii st l i itji a; n .!'. w ' .1 iiav-.j o t oi'.ly invo-lcil t! -;r r. y 1 in t. k.- ji;;;-t in the a. tlvi- v. c-;i n u-. l-'al ! nai 1 1 -1 -. :: r.-i'v -'t. A. I.. si.'TTo.V, P;--xe-t ! : .. I'le'l iii.cipliia. I'm. IOU SALE. Direct by owiu-r, si.: ncioa witii ;d most new e'ght-roem liwuso, i:i tl.o best of condition; all fenced hog tight; deep, rick black s'i', all level; some fruit, fine well, barn, chicken house and either oul buildings; huge cellar. This, will be- :-dd right and you win have to pay no conimissiioi. Jt is lo cated in t he old fr.'o- g.-ounds, the highways- loading ! it a"e the cry best; a splcn lid chicken, hog and ? o talo farm. Vou will buy it if you hear the price. Leave word at this ' cftice. C. Ik Schleicher, 31-lo So. Ifth St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Ty'pr I'Oo. 2-8-lwkd&w I'or Cro;., Coughs and Colds A. Baxter, Wheeler. Wis., says "Por ten years we have u.-ed Poley's IIeney and 'lr in o'.;- L.i.iily coiisieler it the best cough ir.eelicii:e on the market, e-pecially i'or chil dren, as they like to take ii. Con tains no opiates; safe for babies; ef fective for aelults. Checks croup; t,tops coughs; relieves colds. Sold everywhere. Dff. BLEICK. Dr. Blcick, rf,' Wfrhl-llera!d build ing, Omaha, spocia.ii.-t in eye, ear, I nose and throat disea.-cs, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at P.. A. MeElwairi jewel iy store. Eye glasses scientifically lilted. VlATircEEand fiEGHT E We - play handled vith a rare delicacy, picturing Irufhs .-? Bring Your Grovvn-Up Daughters' - U ..II. .1. II 1 23 mLr?j,.i7x , WE wish to call the specid attention r" r-r Farmer friends 'to thi3 v splendid work suit the most cora fortabls, convenient ar:d best garment of uiik.r.d ever manufactured. It's all in one piec?, a ;rcat improvement over the old fashioned overalls and separate jumper less expensive toe; besides-, it looks better, fits better, vear3 better. No b;rd inf? suspender straps, no double thickness at the waist, no loose tails to catch in things. Wear Lee UnloH'Ails - Reduce iliz Hlf Cost of LIvmpj Tliey arc made in Ghildrer's si :i;:es, too. fc.-uch pcriect piay suits! Every mother will ap preciate the saving made j -os titis by Lee ajtuazi-usi for "kiddies" r Let us fit Father znd Son in these fine now garments you'll thank U3 ."or calling your 'attention to Lee UalooAUs- ii AND RECOMMENDED BY scott's bons Jy Store i A V,u:uans i-;!5erieuce With Grippe. ! :,::!:," - o.i, it ! I you b;tv' i.c!;e-. art! p'.n" -.1 ;s "O hi.rd to define, it is iil eiy tnut g' i;'"e i-5 lai'dn;.' hold ef yi . u r : yri- -d - s. J. A. I:...' .-is. Switvr, S. ('.. .-a..;: I "I o:;i sus .-eptilj'e t- colds o'.'ien er. 1 ; i r.g in g vip;e'. In this c . -o 1 h-.'. . e ! fc.nel ; ilor.ey i.nd T;ir to pre- ! venl d fl -r t'A. Sold e-.'cr;. v.'h( r- . I ' ji r r u: rmsE roi: sale. i, Oak ivit i; ..eatlu r c.uch. -n - sewin r machii'.-, oak 1.-.!:' -o.n svdte, ; lockers, ;;r.s sto.c, t'-pi. es p:u--'i parlor .el. 1 l;it--'.u-a cup! ; :.: i. Cr.n be .- evil t aiy r.t I'v. l;-ie i l'.. n.-e ot .'Irs. Dera .Moore r. t r.'.--. ! Ave. Sec me or;e r.pj-. i::iu.. :t by calling Pio:-e No. "il. J. V. --. Letter f:Ics jt the Jounu:! tdhee. 5 i 1 . I i! H t -; ! f t. ' T i i bi i:l i "i : ) ' i l I: : ----Ic. v tt:.-i,:" Vnd j, . i v.--' .iarJi r . e?: ..usivc j: f ! )rtrr:;?-. r.ij- e;thr. t; i-: J. Stetson Hats Carhart Overalls Jfanuifan's Iiciuson Ci loves the Yob I . ) f I 1 V,