The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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; : - .M,MiTr.M.Hi,M.i UriteaiStL i I O
liii , 7 0 nurhm run
E M ' - - - "CV- ,. .... , - -ra f ,
The icliability
f rv.rrl r.n; is
oreat number in daily use. Ford owners
drive their cars all the year around. Ford
service for Ford owners is as prompt, re
liable and universal as the car. mat
ter where you may 0 there you will nnd
the Ford Agent fully equipped to srivejm
medi'ite service. Better buy your l ord
torlav. Tourinn Car $360. Runabout
$345. Counelet $505,
Sedan $645 all f. o. b. Deli.iit.
solicit your order.
Bargains in Used Ford Cars.
T. H. pm ack mm m
Slth Siieet, Plaltsirioush, Neb.
Local fSews
I'. II. i-iDsrr came in this morn-j
from his farm home to el-j n.e
::.Y.r.- with local merchants.
ji.!i F. II.. ; .' F.lniw "!. was!
r, the city today attending to umif
,, iih tnr district cotirt. j
Af.onicv C. S. A! drub K.i Elmwood i
-s in th city today for a few hour
kir'r after son:- matters o
it: ti.e ::5trict court.
II. ! Long t f .-.. uh, who ha., i
i e-hcr" viitirg with his relatives
, . - , ... 1 . 1 1
j nj ra-aus nr a itw oa., ih-,au i-.i
this afternoon for his home.
Ht-r.ry C. U reamer of Murray was in
the city attending the meeting of the
b.-ard of cunty
i-cl'--irg ia.l w.
'f. ; Cmniis.
com mi semors
with them.
. :" Kag.-e. arrievd in t tie
f.en.r.g T attend th regu
iy it. etmg 01 tr.e cuu.tty ?oar
F. R. Qiu-en of rear Muvrnv
wa - a
;i 'hi n
t.: i-cna-r this afternoon
v.-,t tor a lt-w iio .r-.
iiu.e i out i:i t: v
. . it "..u.-inc-.-s trip.
".irii" C. I'. Quint en --.i.i.
ity of Murd'-c!; ye t
.:;e- tiact.- of the m
t ;.
1 -1 t
'!- v. ho !-
lr . I t'fa- Mui'dovU .Mi-il'
cen -
ndav ii
Ltx .T. Mafi.-Id. !!. 1 -I' of ti e
I.oui-ville Courier, was in il.e tity'
t'iay for a f. w hours b. .eking ufti r
-r. bu.h '. at the co-.ot k.-.u--' and
calling- on the coui.ty odiciels.
Jacob Horn and John Webi-r, two 1 -of
the progressive farmers cf r.earj
Cicighton. Neb., are enjoying a visit j (i
f . several days in this county with j 1
r. latives and old-time friends.
Mrs. Charles Vallery, of St. Joseph
Mi.-souri. who has been in the city
i-iting with father, Henry Eik-
rbary. iuh! other reluthes ;md
fricnvl-. n-tuiiic-d bom this mornira:.
fl. S. McCleary, of Weeping Water,
was in the city today for a few
h uis lending the meeting of the
board of county commissioners and
1 - l ing after his concrete contracts
with the board.
F'hil Kinnamon, wife and family, de-
pr-rt-d this afternoon for their home
r-.t Alliance, after a short visit here in 1
this city, where they laid their little ,
babe to rest in Oak Hill cemetery, and
have been : pendiner a she-1 time with :
Hon. William
the. '
genial Elmwooil attorney was in tke.ress mn-ttc-rs. Mr. Kettlehut was a
city last evening and today attending pleasant caller at this office.
Good Time Assured and Everybody Invited
I ! ! y
H ! ! I 5
and practical useful-
host nroved by
Town Car
to sfvoral m court ami inci
sit ing v. it'ii his manv
friend-, in
i iw: ; y i.U-.
the '
'Alio are
MH'-.'t nun.
r. ni . : . ' 1 m ; i .
dames T. "vr( ids cair
i last ivc-
TiiPT !rum .:;.
spt m a ."H hv
f:i.'T:ds a-:..i in
ilies ; tr.att"; s.
Alotrt iVnd
.;t:e ta.v.r Union
' i
(' o cilv with his
i .
i.rvl v ne v,vr- ar.i-r;.g j
Omaha this morning, ; .
j tiuS''
i Vx h ;
P- :
i pi
r by falihr. j
v. as in the city for j
morning !r .hir.g after J
cw r.r-ai-s i:n
no 'd:c er i',rr wirh the nn'rehant
iiine- en hi.-, friend-;.
ir.d i
c a
Cdtintv Si"
.-i :. .'. : v. ..
LO : 1
m :i:s
; t-.o.-e j"-.
ihis 5V
it j.. . - 1 .
1.,, -,!-
,:e .
. vj j a
:.e. 1 -:
. . . 1 ' i
in t!
eat j
of l
- j
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:s r:
l t
a - am--ng ti.o- ? going
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i re.iV.r. wii'Te
-a ill
i -1 .1
1 1
that c:t;
. i .
Uf 01
( i v
io.riel S.-hiutiht r of near Mur
; k. V'i'ii-.-n liik tier of near "A:.--h
are! ilcr.rv Ue'ke of near Alvo.
wet o n the vl.y it short time to
day t! ending to matters in the
n .tt-.iaiirr.t.i ;.- depaitment of the
distvlet clerk's 1 ific;.
Mrs. r.aii-h White and little daugh
ter of i toria, Texas, who have been
here fo
relativcs :: s-hv'-t time visiting with
dr-paited this futerr.or.u for
Cedar lluoid-, Nob., for a brief visit
at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fr:.nk I.
IJui gess.
JoMph Everett, and Jesse Ilugiison
of near Un:on, were in the city today
or a
few hours attending to sorne
matters v ith
the board of count v
commi:; iop.ei s.
Wm. Tm-.p and R. Kettbhnt f
Neliawka motored to this city t'ois
.afternoon for
wit St
friends and to attend to somr- busi-
n t7h
B .A
50c; Ladies rrce!
! si
the g 5
Ilepr.rt Given Showing Efforts Being
I'cit Forth for Preparation Dis
cuss Neutral's Stand.
Washington. D. C., Feb. 7. Faint
hope that Germany may modify her
ruth. ?ess win faro was expressed by
Pre: ident Wi- on and cabinet member:-,
at Tuesday's meeting.
Peports wore given showing the effort that is being put forth by
the various depai tments in preparing
for w;ir if v. a i- i- to come.
lhe. possible stand that i.ther neu
trals reay take atforded considerable
iii ?A't-':'".iun.
'l!io ealniiet are v;ii;ine- foi- further
tletails in the : in!anr of the IJiitbh
'.;;; Kavostone, iiid the ki'dinjr of
;u) .meriean ne;rro .:( moil. It is no?
heiicved that the ;;.-' will warrara
Av. ait Complete Koport.
A coinpkie rej ort tf t:ie sinking1 is
awfiitel. That the Havestone made
an eife-t t escape is thought proh
ab'.e. There is also involved the cues
::.n wi-.L-th-e!' ih.e :-hip was actually in
til" service the liritish ;rovernnient.
Niitiiing lias developed to change the
wy'.'-w;.: attitude tee government.
The next s'.ei of the United States,
if ') ni'cesi'.vy, will !o taken with-
l .:ddress"i"- an lr. yary lo (.ernuitiy,
;-s explained.
Little faith was tnkt n in Foreign
(. C: e
La.-y Zimmerman's statement ex-r-g
fi feeling toward the
' Sta" .
Neutrals' Course Not Known.
There were m indications after the
cabin i-t meeting that any of tlie other
neutrals had followed the course taken
'y the United States '. severing re-
:er s wu:i vi. rriaay. ;neie was
f -on", the i'r.-t v. hi In or neutrals
tdd take any -.uh action.
I'fans fr strengthening the army
I r.a' v were reviewed bv Secre-
taricr Pmiels
e! Baker. Taker de-
chue l that the plans for the national
guard frem the l-: ,er had not been
n!:i'i-,-d. D.iuie'.; ;.nnoi:rr-d th;.t as
:-., 1 a t. -.'v.1- : -.antr. iii.thoritv ho
d shins nnd.
of A r-vicultitre Iloitston
the country ir ;n a position
-r-tid? ie.g iivrardless c f
n the United Sta4es might
t 1 e s . . s
what r -.-': :
be r Iro-1 d i;i.
I'.ills for Aiding Government.
Dili-: for strengthening- the hands of
the go-, em; r. in many ways will
1 ir.t reduced in congress, said Attor
rv y Ge.ieral Gregory. One of these
bills is for ? uonressing spying.
A bill for additional appropriation
for sce'-rt service work will be intro
duce 1 in congress soon.
Nothing has been decided regarding
what cour.-o this government will take
toward Austria-Hungary. A mes-age
has been rent Ambassador Penfield at
Vienna asking for a more complete
-oaii merit of Austria's position.
No decision has been reached on
how to protect American merchant
shirs tiiiveiing through the German
haired zone.
It is a noble goal to get a good rep
utation, but much nobler it is to sus
tain it. The cases of abusing and de
ceiving the favorable public opinion
are too frequent in our days. Rut re
member: Triner's American Elixir of
Rittc-r Wine will never disappoint its
friends. That is why the afflux of
thankful letters is so steady. Read
this: "Ilaselton Station, Youngstown,
O. I suffered from pains in my stom
ach for twenty-three years. I spent a
lot of money without result. I was so
weakened that I was near death and
there seemed to be no help for me.
Then a drutrgist said: Take Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. I
foi lowed his advice, and soon my con
dition was so improved, as if I was
born anew to this world, and now I
am well. Let everybody do the same.
From the bottom of my heart I thank
you for all that. Jacob Novovol."
Don't accept cheap immitations! Price
$1.00, at drug stores. Triner's Lini
ment has the same excellent reputa
tion, being unexcelled for i hav:maLk:m,
neuralgia, sprains, ehilblanes, etc.
Price 2oc and 50c at drug stores; by
mail, 35c and 00c. Jos. Triner, -Mfg.
Chemist, 1B33-133! S. Ashland Ave.,
Ov-. . '' ltHAMi T C
-",, .-.V-N .aiii.j ain your UrLj-Ut for v
tii-i.y vji I'l.Nin lird il- t li.:.UltTJp,
A-k- 'r ii. liKs-TEK-s
Cure that cold
Do it today.
The old family remedy in tablet
form safe, sure, easy to take. N
opiates no unpleasant after effects.
Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3
days. Money back if it fails. Oct
the Kenuine box with Red Toji
nnd Mr. Hill's picture on it 25 cents.
At Any Drug Store
German's Detention of James Gerard
.May Add to Complications.
Austria I!'maiiis Siient About Follow
ing Kaiser's Submarine Policv.
Washington, Feb. 7. The state de
partment has received a report that
American Ambassador Gerard has
reached Homo. Switzerland.
Washington, Feb. 7.
German authorities havi
Reports that j
decided to '
hold Ambassador Ge-ard in LVrlin un
til assured of good treatment of Count
Ik-riiStortr by the Washington,
threw it new element into the
German-American situation today. ()f
nciidis were hopeful, however, that
Great Britain's promise of safe con
duet, for the ambassador and party
for the sea trip home will rpeedily
lemove any possible intention cf de
taining tlie American representative.
Confirmation of the reported detention
was sought at the state department
The government is still waiting for
some act of Germany which might
make relations suddenly more serious,
but it was stated last night after the
cabinet meeting that nothing had oc
curred to change that attitude. The
next step of the United States, if one
shrudd be neee-ssary, would be taken
without add.: er '"ng any eomm irucation
to G.rmary, it was de.-kaed authori
tatively. Congress an 1 all executive depait
ments of the government were pro
gressing t'r-y in 'heir preparation-;
for any eventuality.
A break with Austria seemed to de
pend mainly on the re ply of Ambas
sador Penfold at Vienna to the state
depat tmer.t's inquiries concerning de
tails of the Austrian submai ine note,
which officials row admit has luen re
ceived. In the senate, the resolution ap
proving the break with Germany was called up today. Its adoption
appeared certain but not without de
bate which promised to be dramatic.
The naval bill, with its $ir,000,000
additions made by the house yester
day, was still before that hotly today.
if .run i
New York, Feb. 7. There is no im
mediate prospect of cheaper paper,
accoreling to reports maelo today to
the rational paper trade association
and the Amorvr.u Pulp and IYp-.r
a- rciation .vhi.-li are holding annual
conventions here.
"The snow is hampering cutting in
the pulp district
Canada," said
Frank L. Moore, of Watertown, N. Y.,
vice president of the pulp and paper
association. "Where wood is cut,
there are not enough- cars to haul it
out ar.el there is a great shortage of
motive power on Canadian railroads.
Everything that ente's into paper
has gone up."
Married man with small family
wishes position on farm by March 1;
references; experienced. Inquire at
the Journal office. 2-2-tfd&w
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
ca.nnot reach the seat of the disease,
t'atar.-h is a lo'-al iliscase. eroatly in
Jluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
j prescribed by one of the best physicians
combinod wi
country ror ycara. it is coni-
fconio of the best tonics known.
th some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
V ' J " I. . . . ....... ..i. , r . . 1
i rcnLits in rntrirhiil onnfiif fiin .-itr.i, I frr-
lesiiuioniais, tree.
. i . c.nji-s i.i a CO., I'rops., xoieco, u.
All IJril.'RlSlS
Hall's i'iiinily :s lor cons'.lpatton.
Whether Act Wi!! Warrant Hostilities
Must lie Decided by President.
Sink ."r,,(;00 Shipping Tonnage or Av
rage of 83J,'J0() for Month.
Washington. D. C. Feb. 7. The
steady stream of reports telling of
the destruction of merchant ships, by
German submarines was brought to a
climax by a telegram to the state de
partment from Consul Frost at
lueenstov. n, announcing that the
liritish passenger liner California had
been torpedoed without warning and
that, an Acmh-an ctti.e'n was among
Whether this will prove to be the
evert art to drive the United States
into war no one would attempt to say
tonight, provident Wi!on, who mu-'
make tin decision, had letired when
t! ne ws can e and oiiirials did not
wake him. Late in the afternoon he
had been informed of a niess;tye
from Constd Frost telling of the sink
ing of the California, but giving no
details :ts io warning or ti.o pre-eiice
of Americans.
Tiie pre-Ident undoubtedly will
wait for complete reports on the dis
aster before determining whether the
time has come for him to go to con
gress to as!-: authority "to u-e any
lumens that may I necessary for the
l -to!
d tlieie
was "one death ar.el thirty hospital
cases" among the more than - peo
ple on board the liner. Ti e second
added no information concerning cas
ualties except that the su'-vivors were
larded at Quceii.-town tonight, among
them being John A. Lee of Montgom-
.ia., i:;e eitlv
!v American known
to have been aboard, and that some
still were missing including tv. o
women and several children.
Lee i-; siipvosed t hav been a
:r.emb.-r of the crew as his name does
... , npp-;.i on t no Te'sser.irer ii t made
public at Now Yin'!:.
The fact that the Ann rican o c:.v.
ed lessened, in eiegree, the excite
metit created by the news, but n'y
in ii degree. ?.!.-: t'u.n a r-oiv ef
merchant craft has been sent to the
bottom in the war within thc
p.tst twenty-fevr hours, and fifty or
more since the German proclamation
of ruthless warfare on the seas went
inio eilect l-it Thuivelay.
It is r nlired that if no citi.en of
the United Sn.tes was among the
victim.-, it merely was a fortunate
accident, and that ii, can only be a
matter of hours be jre American.?
are caught in such wh .desalo destruc
tion. The California which was bound
from New York for Glasgow, is the
first big passenger steamer to be de
stroyed since the Arabia was torpe
doed in the Mediterranean months
Her sinking has about swept away
the last lingering of hope here that
Germany, after all, would permit pas
senger carriers to escape in an ef
fort to avoid forcing the United
States to hostilities.
The message from Consul Frost
came at the close of another day de
voted to energetic preparations for
the war regarded as virtually inev
itable and to guarding against any
act by the United States which might
porcipitate hostilities.
The most important step taken
during the day was the sending of
telegrams by Secretary Lansing for
mally notifying American ship owners
that the state department could not
advise them as to whether their ves
sels should sail on voyages through
the war zone, but at the same time
stating that the rights of American
vessels to traverse all parts of the
high seas were the same as they were
prior to the issuance of the German
declaration and that neutral vessels
may take necessary measures to pre
vent or resent attack if it believes it
it liable to be attacked unlawfully.
A Seventy-Year-Old Couple.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter
llarrisburg, Pa., suffered from kid
ney trouble but have been entirely
cured by Foley Kidney Pills. He
says: Altho' we are both in the
seventies, we are as vigorous as we
were thirty years ago." Foley Kid
ney Pills stop sleep disturbing blael
dcr weakness, backache, rheumatism.
Sold evervwhere.
Fancy stationery m different sur
eties at the Journal office. Come ai.o
eee us when you want stationery.
Make Plans for
Your Fencing
and let us know what you will need. We want to re
serve our American Fencing, for you at the right
T....T..'.,T ....'.
Mr. Ross, step-father to Hon. G. S.
Smith, has bought the Hyers house
and will reside in Plattsmouth here
after. F.v.ry time we take a ride we dis
cover a new house or some substan
tial addition to an old one. The
other day we discovered that J. M.
Patterson had a great long extension
rapieily growing to his house.
We learn from Dr. McCrea that he
h;is partly determined to remove to
Factoryville where he will operate
upon the molars of that neighborhood
and will also practice the healing art.
We wish the Doctor success.
Joshua Murray called in to see the
Herald Tuesday. Mr. Murray is fix
ing up his place too don't mean to
be beat by William and has a lot of
very nice cattle soon to be turned off.
Peats all. the cattle Cass county has
fed ihis year.
J. Marshall Kirkpatrick, son of the
Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick was married
last week to a lady from Massachu
setts, at Waterloo, Iowa We wish
the- happy couple happiness ail joy
all their lives, and the lady pleasant
ho'i.e in this great new state of Ne
braska. We are glad to learn that Mr,
Wm. S. Wise who returned from Ann
Arbor some time since sorely alflicted
with inflamatory rheumatism is re
covering, although slowly. He did
not allow the rheumatism to get
away with him however until he had
secured his diploma as a graduate in
the law department of Ann Arbor.
April 2Gth, 1870.
Frank Albee, Jr., has just return
eel from Germany; Frank is a good
Echols & Sayles will move into
their new building this week.
Dewey Bros, are "keeping bach."
They carry a large stock of furni
ture for a small town.
Dr. Ilassemeier has- had his new
store room finished and will put in a
stock of goods soon.
Sorly & Doll have nearly finished
Mr. Glover's new dwelling. They
v nedeli, dne 11. unora 1917
v sini Tel. Jed. Sokol, v Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Zvlastni vlak Z Burlington nadrazi v Omaze vyjede v
1 hod. po poledni a zpet vyjede z Plattsmouth
v 1 hodinu po pulnoci.
$100.00 Sazka mezi druzstvy o $100.00
Vstupne 25c. Damy maji vstup volny. Zacatek
ve 2:30 odpol. Kazdy je vitan.
Will be Given by
Sunday, February 11, 1917
at Tel Jed. Sokol Hall, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Admission 25c. Ladies
r'Tf'T-TT '-
wielel the chisel and hammer effect
ively. Sites and his partner (can't Fpell
his partner's name) can put up as
many houses in as little time as any
two carpentrs in the state.
The piles of stone on J. V. Glov
er's lots compare favorably in size
with the ricks of wood corded along
the railroad track near Plattsmouth.
They say he means business.
Mr. Lewis has turned his new
building into a hotel. This fills a
want long felt, but still we need an
other hotel. The town will be full of
men all summer. Billy O'Neil is now
working a large number of men anel
teams in Capt. Hoover's quarry. He
is filling a contract of o00 car loads
to be delivered out west. i
Cutforth's livery stable will look
nobby when he gets a coat of paint
on it.
Noyes is grangering.
Dell Knowlton, showman sued our
''models" for contracting to let him
show in the church and then backing
out, but let the case go by default.
Fox and Glover sold their pottery
shares to M. D. Polk, and Milton is
giving his time and attention to the
B. C. Hoover is putting a hand
some picket fence around his prem
ises, and building an addition to his
house. These improvements indicate
merited prosperity.
The Methodist are organizing a
church here. They will have a pood
membership numerically, and it is
hoped morally.
The South Platte Land Co., have
raised the price of their lots on up
per Main Street to $100 each.
It is hoped that some of ''the boys"
will imitate the example of "tony
people" anel go away from home to
get drunk.
The automobile to be given away by
E. G. Dovey & Son Saturday night,
February 24th, at 9 p. m. Your sup
port will be appreciated.
Money to loan on citv estate by
the Plattsmouth Loan & Building
Association. See T. M. Patterson.
Secretary. 3-2tfd
TOM LflHfl
free. Everbody welcome.
at 2 : 30 ' ". r