TIURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 1917. rLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Vr.i: 3. ) Z - - ; s a. V X V-Y X.-- XX A.--.-.-. m .-. --. -. - ... - ha Zini Y:.u Have Always Bought, and which bats teen 'n j!cr r rcr ever 20 years,' has borne the sfnaturc cf ,.,-' , . and has been made under his pcr- f ''Uf.:'"j7'72i supervision since it infancy. '' '&w Allow no cne to deceive ycu in. this. C.r.'.-fci-T., Imitations and Just-as-good " are hut th'.t trifle rith and endanger the hcaltli cx 1" - C-ildien Experience against Experiment. '. ;- a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Pegcric- " ', i'-lhipg Syrups. It is pleasant. It cmtainn r;..'i.. ' (..bite.. Kc rpLine n?r other narccti: s:.osuJce. It 1: .r. iMarrtnt. Fcr more than tiircy ye arc ic has K a i.i .on.: cant use for the relief of ConstipaiiDn, I'lul-jncy, ' :-.l Colic ard DLa.rrb.oea ; allaying revcrirhnecs ariLu i--;r::rcn-. end by regulating the Stomach and Bevels, cidi 'a; .u-j:irl"r.t:cncf Food; giving healthy and jiaturai sleep. iLl-.s Ci-.a.-ca'c i-anacc The Mother's Pricn.dc mixz USl ricars the The Kind Yci: Have !. IN PLATTMOUTli FORTY YEARS AGO. j 4 J. ". Eircer-.jai y htis just finished -hir.ir oo hasheis of corn. Mr. VVm. Neville made a fi iri ! vi-'T orr.e r:st we?!-:. t ' harlcy Ya.ter. ii. & M. 1 eleirraph j inlet. dent wt.s down last week. Jakn ?n t: tor.-. Louijville, called 1::.-: Tuerda-r. .' ; r. Meek I:vi- of Eiirht Mile : e called la t wetk and we had a l..t:li old jawbone. -e... W. Hobbetre. A"t. Supt. E irHftfSsi-pT r.J eV II. II. diopped in last week during: j ft 'jAut M t Vi I lit eot rt i moment or two. h". I'oot of Einbt Mile was in M.-, d.iy. The - Doctor looks wvll. i'u'i- v.eli anil .tree.- lor the Herald. M'.-s Maud Dedein cume down T.".n Cleoi titrtcn !a-', week, and is ti'. true -t of Miss Dora Herolu. DEDUCED RAILROAD FARES Ti e Ik & M. P.. R. in NVor. have redt .ad their rates to :J 1-1 cents per it . . .. or. -ii ? .el tjn tickets. from k'.t t- la-int on rite whole line of the r .-.. Thi is a it rear aid to business t rav. 1 in Nebraska. VISIT TO Ik & M. SHOPS via is j.ere that could help beinrr :a.-ci;vtttd on r dntr into the 13. &. M. r.ooi.lr.e shops to see each of the m; y k.thes ar.d lri!is. etc.. doinjr their siitue to-.vard c.r.'.pittir.jr a ivu-'er i.iconiotive. and tite many l.-.t n hai'diinjr th sr me. who (if to are covered wi! h crease rre o - :-i d firs'i-cla.- workmen. Tl.e tt:-t w'fso;i you meet will pi t. ps be M'-. iirr.vksworth. Master i Ieci anic. v. itli "eye watchful," criti-1 eal'y examininir tki- and that pie -e ! e f r.iachi'a ' y. to s. -. that each does its I ortien to advar.ttifc. Then you will 1 .-ee Mr. C '.,.. rr.-n f the M'a- I ei' i srvp-, iooji.-r. icnorna' liane: 't!e 'hen thfie. ihr. - kcepir.tr cvery tii'nit m ir.ation. 'j o i he left ; vi.it: oo in yi-a sot- a 2 a : -.;- b.tlu- i'- n. ;. i- rank Craii iner. v. : til v.liich ie tarns d own a. id 1:L- j "- n rods and 1- tit t!a.-s of work et ta raliv : next ae- aa.- th" alley ir -; lev Bailey, rim mine- ont the rent..-!- of ea.r w.'iee'.- 'vvi'.l-. a. itijr drill to the axles; Jolumy Sert- a drill i ; i .it .-vi' ' holes tit: ouch T :..d!-- for n ri I ell tc Civis. Caldc r r'.-o drill:? ! holes t!trourii big' pieces of iron; :!,. Smith, plate .tf tre ed; '"- " j -v. K'.'i eui.i. to a I'iuiin.if . . 1 e : .1 1 a little ways in ":.' direction aj-.d the;, tri:--- back to t - st-ir' ing place acri d .?.!. it ry Tltoatriso i f..L-o witii ; ;i V.. but dot related) ; air. l.'li ? J'.- , it tirioir oot hard c; r wheels ;.od v.. . i r . ti. - like; A r.dy IV tie stands rext to si.- :i" that are made of tin ard cop-1 per. Fa' Kenr.edy art! Jimmy Eajran a.-t.-i-t him very ably; Eobart B a! lance l.:.s a lathe or plane- with which he w;:.- crc-sing and eris-crossing large ida:c- of bras.-, and copper, with deep fui rows, which when completed will be t! engine and with ids lathe fts upi 1 ne lami:,-'s rt ,,oth - t,:" young ) OR seiTatori' deskr, and wondered if j She read of how much Cardoi has ..'I ike ; -es used abt.ut Hi" c i- 'd''i'1'- l-r'- "l' lesidents of this city. ! ,-..t., etarv v.;i.; ua careful to -t ' helped other women who were ski: gin,-: o.er in tie earner v. ill be " he well known fore-ivL h;,, v.o:k a- outtltt to be. Other i fttS-V- P.o, d Wm. Balboice and his corps ef ! f the Santa Fe coach .hops.- j :Ml,VA (lnly KlaJe the same observa- j Sv, d rfnce tl 13 been tins ) i loots who turn out oilers and all ftjn ernart.ino (Cal.) Index. i.-r.. .,n.j tn.. re-.lii'i.n v n:iv...l t : a'.onir sinrolv rir.c. QH1A ALWAYS Signature of rat9 Always Bought i i;oou to nail oar siUf-walks on He said .-ru'.hir.p- slippery t l.ivs about -tclerar:!!' ar.d we said -yes." but the continuous : attic of r.i..ch: try ke;''t us fi;.:u i;irJii;i- w.it whether he was tvieirraphin? or maki::'. sone tiir.ir foi" a battery. Xiimeo--others were er.jra.tred in a (we thought t s-inuhir nxn.vr, but i o. r : :r:jr tn.ir nric r aciua.ntatu-t will let "em re.-1, excent Johnny IIci ner. who was urivkitr a lot of ;e.b rpres into a hole ir. a locomot i e. He stepped it up so it vn leak. Other dejiartments. such as round house, carpenter, boiler and blac Fmitii shops, wo will ero throu.vh in future. POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE ANH00NCE0 The first bride from the class of 'IT, the first yirl to be married from the ciicie of friends who fcrmeel the St. Cecelia club, will be Edith Brown, ac ct rdinjr to the announcement made by Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Brown of 4 Go H strtet. The happy secret was impart ed to a few intimate friends several days a pro, but formal announcement of the enjrajrement of Edith Seiver Brown and Will A. Swope was made today. The c-harminjr you ii.tr biide-elect is a member of this year's jriaduatintr class, ar.d she intends to continue her studies until she has received her diploma in June. Miss Brown is a most talented younjr Jtirl, havintr played a leadintr part in several dra- nuitie productions in the hih Fchotd, the n"i.-t notable of which wp.i the A. S. I. J-Iay of last yorr. She was '. member of the St. Cecelia club, a rrovp of promising young musicians nho v.-.. rc so prominent in musical cir- !,.-, tv.-fi years atr. Edith Brown is v i y well known and popular with the youuerer set, and the announcement of Ivr engagement will bring: forth show ers of felicitations from her many friends. Viil Swope. who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Swopo of ToT I street, and a hrothcr of Miss Margrarct Swope, i- a frraduatc from tlie local hi.trli schtiol with the class of '13. and !. attended Occidental college for one timj. He has been a member th" postoifice force for some time. tid he is I'vcjr.' i.ei;)! i nrir.iihif veitb ;.is asotiates in the postal depart ment, and with the member.-; of the Baptist church, where h is a mem- her or the Bara -ta class. Miss Brown bar bfcon Cue organist in the Baptist Suralay . choc for .-;eeiai vears. - The bride-to-Lc is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. F. P. Brown, for a great many years residents of this: city, where Miss Edith was born and snent her childhood days. The friends of the family in this city will be pleased to learn of the forthcoming happy ;C5 a in-- I S F" i S p I fi ' Many Mtasurts Taken Up liut Not 21any of General Interest. Auttn Com plains Too Much Ttndency to Create "Soft naps." Lincoln, Neb., Feb. (. I):vary rou tine featured the ki.slaiive activities t;:ilay, a;ni while there were actions taken on nrjltitiioe of vas no'thit'.c iii which. pt.opi.' ot the state have a eon. i:m;ii- inlei-t. It was a tip-lit M,i:e-Le lor me mu-j nicinal forest bill in itie hcue o-ia- j mittee of the whal ard it ha,: to run the gauntlet of attack lam some of i the tarmer memoer.s t.eioi-e its irv.ro-ducei-s, Thomas and. YVi.iie, suc- ceded in having it set. I to third read ing. Tii.- farmer?, were a-rainst it be cause the idea of ka in; afrrieuUu"al acrea.re turiad. ir.to pieasuiv :!'"::n'i for iov. n people didn't appeal to the ni. In t-rder to save the bi'.i from im mediate siaujrhier. i.s sionsors -re-sented amendmorits, w'aich. we're adopted, cuttintr out the feature allow ing cities, villaces an i eouiitit s to em dtnm la'.t-l ;uts:de of their o.vn con fines for forestry traits, and ere ae thrrilavr two ' r i;:i c:.-ir.'J-- to w !o' ucn are.;s ';?..! ?-'.r.ds. the only way 1 .; ' cu-'ed i'ev i lie pu-:-o :" i- b decvl.-d to the ;rv..oeipat:ty ! t urchasinjr II fr ,ra s- -rr to sell. E'- tr. with th -se eha -. r:'!i -- ., a a j - to i'.:M ' c : the airr-.-.t-lt;"..! t'Ttal ie a t t.v vili .- .. : l ?! I . r. ,.t;- .: t a -a -v '. . .:...:'' , i tr.ai at -i : :.:. i- rt' a.'ai:i- 1 1. l ; -a -.'t' ivi.'-. v.t.-!i.' 1 ' .ritir.ico ..1 .'a::- and .-r " i- pre -;'. ar 1 he .-;:'.',' no met. ef a. hot . vi.iT-t.ir ex-:;:r.- - much ' end- a-y i ! ..a's. . :.:...-. 1, -a. a . ... t . .It I ' u lit C I : '- t ... -O . i : . I . , . ! a . i. ' h:r.i .n.t 1 tit ki?.d. M-. r. tr.e i ! : v . i . ' ! . a.- i i i ,1 - i.n to eae.i Miuuvi -a.ui.v :-,;tv lit at"! rtarvi all the cost. A plea- for e .-...'.:. made I.; Mr. M.lht'. ;:. r.v In? ir roves in .-. .i''1. Nci":1 '.a that have- hr. r ei o-v ii an titrne-' : t 'arm Ian k La. kin . i. 'r ttu e. he thdU'.hl at ta r' -koai . ie tiik . l to pre . . ::t "v:- ih-.-r -ie - trte tl.: .. t.te i.atiual linrt''1: . :;'.-: t.t . he sj.tr "tsted. erul i be :io: ..- mu.ii b- ur un-rje;- tul'iic t'V.-;.c..-h:p than by ieti' inrt it to private lar.dowr.c-r-. Ajreinst Tr.ivc'ir.'r Ductcrs. The bill aimed at itinerant physi cians who truaraate. d cnr.r- and take tit? rotes of their pain it's lafo.e the treatment b- r:verr finally jrot through the committee t-f the wh-t e. Some of the members at fi'-t loelt.-d on as a scheme of hard do to.-s to eet rid of co-.npotitk-v. but the honse plty- iritins, Hoffmeister an ! V.'ki : j-trc. ee o-i,..! i i'l e'rarrntr n ri-i r of that r-u-idcioTi. and it wa sent to third reading'. County as-c-s:-s v.h.i join ai in an rttejrpt to tret their -al:.ii"s r dse' ncv know In-'- it fee's to go n ) atrttin-t the legi -dative t.szz -rw. The committee on f '." s .".n i sai?riv.- re ported their bill, hy Se 'aider, i'o- ii definite po.-tj'tmement. Tr.ir biii wuld have ir.is?d the Lanca-ter eotmty as sessor from si ,no to s"d.l'o, ;-- 1 other c-ourdie-5 SI'"' ' rr h. In the r-e'iale f Mr I ''N Were : e 1 orted ottt of the eon r-dt'ro t a ! lear t. en v. ere taken an for coy .,id.-rati"" in committee f tla v a, hi t It course of vapid (ire ct ri.-'d: 'itt'o'i eitrht of these were ri commended for third reading. The otiiers were eiiln r it -poiUd back f -r amrn.di!ierl.r or were passed oer for reconsideration. i ne lust seriot's nurir.p--' in ceoti" up and tite thin-c that :r:e'e o(,u. exercise was Scnafoi- Sawve-'s reso- t'ir --i t V. ilso"'si ;:.:on aij'us: Plan fcr n ieatrue of nation.- to enfo-o r.aee. alter the war ii over. While the sen-Mor himself was t,. ill to u, ... -. . Irist-it hts coUeague. .eiiiitor Ober- ! , , . . , ite.-, hand", d m the 'eso.iif ton. ,, Jtonrll 0!w,cs. Smator Uowel! arose to o; iservc that no ( p'e.; of trie rt solution were he ee'Tled over another day. ' , , r ii u - . .-tnator j.oocrt.-on of Holt, inter- pt-felirjr Hovell's remarks to be cast- ing flections on the corps of stenog:- i ,t . , ?a,.hevs in the sccrctaiys oflic. arc.-e to ;-':-! t.d the perioral worth - i... ... r u i k-SonebJ of the staff of help appointed EE I U t M by Howell for his committee on en ! i.v:-.ir.? hill.-:. ' Iio-.v?!i r' iird that he only meant ; to he fair, and not to personally at tack the secretary. Then the resolution, all mimeo- irraLhwl, made its appearance, havin Uilk was r;u;-;3 on. The work was started, too, before t'.ie criticism did, Secretary Walrath rleclared. of the bill, but he declared he would vote for it. The motion to pass over the bill p: o idinjr for a constitutional conven- tion. made by Senator Henry of Col fax, raised a query as to why from Fcnator Chappell. chairman of the committee recommending it. The Fox bill reorganizing the state bcaid of ITtalth, almost came up for con?ideration. Dr. "Wilson, chairman ' n'tdical societies eommiitee. pro :;;(. .1 its consideration, while Matte.-, ,h ' ii.lrot'.uee-.l it. sefoiuier! him. !'rfesion Divided. ( ... a bnl a?Kj ihe mccIicai ? . ofi.kin 1S aive.?, arcued Be:il. c;.,ri.1Ii oi.erlie."; and Howell. Beai , j..,,, ,,oth declared themselves r.v the bilk howevtr. It was finally j -iVrred back to ptt a more specific .ttattory of point in which it differs . . m the ptesent law. Committee reported out the follow i;..r biiis icr ?reiieral file: l?(M;.-e Il.-U No. -i Distribution of . ,; cai s bared on yearly run of busi r - - in a community. Svnate File No 7:' Kequirir.fr that havhs bid oi tate fu."...!s. S- :-.ite Fiie No. 5d Corrective ;re in oa ,. .1 - ' : , . -. .r.-.ion. .Vllo-.vin:; courts a-e File No. 41- ; ..r.i eusftly ehii'irrn w hei; e - - i pro firji. viuthvr de-eiOes .' ar.to i or not. -i,-..'s tro.iu'.-ed by :t reuture r; . i iir!; of rri " .; i--v .vii:..ti ;.s. i't : . r" tat r e ous.Ui. ra- .ar.a.' t'r..t trie ! eev'--nraer. d: r..i.-ta ;'" is cr.aii v., 11. r lt.at:-v; irti rented ir ih- bill for Feb 'h an i .he i-ec-mritt ttdation was : to - mature. . l:o: t i; -Id itirey l-i .r..-. rca for j, , a, s Dr. Th.omr. -' Ecd-.-tic Oil. ,s, , ..rr -. u -, erois . At ail d'-up: stores. - POS'i'PONiiii Pi'BL-C SALE. 'I hi- pan' ;e saa ei L. K. tJjaet n, that vas ta h.avt been held at his home i..tt - miles .-out.n of I'.attsmoatii ana our att i a half :::;ies c:t of Ivlurray. . i I ? id.ay, I-b:-ta;:y !dh, ha beei "o;-1 poned until Tac-day. helouaiy owing to the far: that two .-ale. :i this locality were billed oil the same '.av. WIIJ- OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY. "ta m -sda y's I v. Mrs. M. A. Street, of this city, ha-(-reived tite announcement that her ".tie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon rd McCuIlocli. will celebrate their :cve: t'eth wedding anniversary at heir h-.-me at Savoy, Ma.ssachu.-etts, n Satirdar I"cbru;iry l"th. Mr. .t.d M's. McCuI'.cch age ninety-two ud ninety er.rs respectively have -pent their lifetime in the Berkshire ' ills of the native state. Mr. Mc "u'.k.eh is a brother of the father 'of Irs. Street. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Mef 'tiiloch will observe his fiftieth . naive rsarv on the '-ame date. Doan's ReguleLs :u e recommended '" many who say they operate easily, without :riinin;r ;i;il v.'thout bad after effects. 2."c at all .drug stores. ID LADY FEELING FINE kite Takias Four BoLtks Of Ccrdui, The Woman's Tonic. Cobdrn, 111. "Having: U31 Csirdui, the wor.ian tonic, in my family, for a number of years," vrritcs Mrs. Kate Metz,. of this town, and noways wuLh j such S results, I feel it my duty to rJ0U 0Ut ifc SO lhat 0U nia j lish . Mv mother is livrnt? v;th rar, and , . -0 -,. , she 13 ol years old. lor the last three t . , , , , i or four 2 cars, she nas been troubieu a t dcl Ilh Crampbr.S spells, ar.d for days at a time, she would have a j r her. only rsod Ijur bottle, of 1 CarGvU, but sho is no longer troulMed j the severe headaches, and her i stomach is so much stronger that she I can eat most anythmg". , . Ve both feel that any -lady who is T)ot gtron5 &vA well woutd be atiy ; benefited bv the use of Cardui." Trnrrfiul. KTRS I 'Try Card-u-u iNew Arrivals! ! Ve are .-.hewing' a full stork : dress roods in vA)oIer.s and worsteds, non shrinkable, reliable color, desir able patterns, newest creations. New arrivals in dress rinjrhams in many different patterns and jrood colors. We are showinfi,- a jrood rupee of I patterns in dress fringhams in Red Seals, and Foil du nerds these we offer at per yard 12 I-uV New arrivals in sateen petticoats for ladies, rantrinjr in price from 11:1. 5?l.o0 to Zl.i'O. Each excep tional values. Remnants in ;Jo, 41 and 4". inch pillow tubin.e to clean up at per yard ISc Remnants in worsted and wooien dress jro.uis. these we offer at one ihird of the rouular price. l,t of wooien union suits for I.-. dies. These we also offer at or.e third of i!;e rej.'"iilar price. I lot cotton union suits for ladies. A special lot tc. close out at per jrar- rrenr Jl'C 1 lot cf ladies and misses auto caps to close out, each "(c 1 lot of ladies hosiery in woolen, cotton and fleeced lined at per pair ISc Zuckweiler & Lutz THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER. A valuable book jvivinir a most com- r.r.-he-.isive explanation of cancer and its succe-sfi!i treatment without the ;-n fi will We seiu free to a:f one in- i:::esu d. Addrar- O. A. Johiw.n. M. uite Mo. 132?' Main St.. Kansas i The u.eiersir.nrd will offer for sale at public a.icti- n to the hkthe.-t bid or. the Lt vi Ch.ui - hill place nine mile.- south of Ikattsmou.!. and four and a l.al.' miles east of Murray, com- :tu iK.ne at It- o ctoci a. m. -:.o "p. on , :.-...,; . rV... Id, the to1 . ri-.; d' scriiied property, to-wit: tine bk.ck burse, 4 years eld, wcigju One bay h rse. 7 years i Id, we:;;ht i;,.' evra-y ntare, .-mootii month, with t-...'. e:t;ht l,l.o. O.-.e gray mrae, .' y.vi dd, weight One black horse. 1 yeais old, weight i .::. One cow. jriving milk, will toon be fre.-h. I "arm Implements. One U-in-h John Dere rra'.t; ; 1 ;W. Two 1 i-k.ch walking; plows. ! fna Bradley ri(iing lister. One Johi: Deere walking lister. Two Jenny Lind spring tiip culti vators. One Avery cultivator. One tongueless cultivator. One Deering bincier. One three-section harrow. One Rock Island, coi n elevator, good as new. One grapple hay fork and lot) feet of rone. One hundred and seventy-five feet of rope. One Janesville disc. One McCormick mower, o-ft. cut. Ore McCormick hay rake, extra heavy. One o-ineh wagon. Oue o-inch Wiitron, good as new. One new bob sled. One top buggy. One new Case corn planter. Oue hand corn shciler. One ;;-gaUon kettle with stand. One set of inch and three-quarter harness. One set of inch and one-quarter harness. One set of ; inrtle harness. Five tons of timothy hay, baled. Two galvank'.ed bug trough-. One self-player Angelos piano, goad as new. One wood ba.-e burner. One kitihen cabinet. One lL'-foot table. Throe iron bedsteads, with .-orings. Other articles too numerous to men tion. Lunch will be served at noon by . A. Scott. Terms of Sale: All sums of and under, ca.-h; all over ol0 a crea.t j of six to nine months will be given, purcha.-er gdving good bankable par er bearing 8 per cent mteresL . rm .due., Ml npni,r'v mil--' he ."tt'cd for he- All proper- 1U- - 'lLl;' " fore being removed trom t.ie prem ises. " E. R. QUL'EX. W. II. Young', Auctioneer. W. G. Bocdeker, Clerk. . Doirs the 'Work "V. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes, j 4 J R A. Thomas' Hog Powder!;-;' ' i'Va.,. : ' ,: ,'!": ' 'aa T al.. Vo . . , , . ,t , u ,. , ...... . ,.. .,; of - .id ...a- , is doing the work oov.n in tui3 p.vt . . ,. ......... , i m i ! Gf the world. It proved to be what1:,.! . t;;;'; ;; '. v;:, ';,::1:' ' v.e needed to prevent and cure hog i .v,;,1,1, , I'o '"i . n.l n.v "- a !.'! t d'i.'- : , , , .at" , cnolera and expel wot m-. j J,, - 1 i Va-r o.a. ok: : i II. II. Socmuchsen. .. . u:n ( . iv m...- .-r.a :d. ' T1 A r!oa- ! ir.ans ia i e re. t ed II. t a " r es t a 1 Puis & Gansemer. POBLIO SALE ! I The undersigned will sen tit public ; auction at his home, two and one-half miles southwest of Muiray, Neb., com mencing at 10 o'clock on Monday, Feb ruary li'th, the following" described property: One bay horse, 8 years old. weight l.Ot-0. One black mare, C years old, weitrht 1,400. One black mare. (' ears (dd, weijrht l.CoO. One black mare, I'l years old, weitrht 1,C00. Four head of cattle. Thirty hca-' of hoi:.-. On? 8-foot Acme binder. One ".-foot Acme mower. One n-foot Acme hay ;al.e. One VV .-ter:i He lie !t-r. One McCoimick coin ijnd r.v One one-hole corn she! lor. One hay rack and vrajron. Oue lumber wajron. One bujrjry. One set of bupjry harness. One churn. Fifteen tons of prairie hay, and ma'iy other articles too numerous to rtrr.tion. Lunch v. ill be setved at r.oun by W. A. Scott. Ternts of Side: Ali sums of no and ur.der, ca. h in hand: over .l'.'. a credit of six to nine months will be riven, purchaser jrivir.tr bankable n-' e bear- mjr per cent .;oeie-. 1: l-. .w i ' n I property ,o o? mo.eo. y''1 I for. ELMER I'OEDEkER. j W. II. Yea: tr. A u--t; r r. W. G. lb ed k( r, Cleri:. Letter files at the Journal ufdee. i.i::; l. i:ii('i-: i 1 '' a I ..-!,: iit ap"ll I 1 f i l 1 t . r l ' v . I '. t a r i r-i i !! i-i i : .- l ... -a ! I! i t a i .;;. t" V la a - 1 v 'd !' ' 'Via a r , -iv ' r i tain .'. :'.!. 1 r i . i k T r ( . t 1 Mi ! : . a Oi !' 1- 1 t ! ofw i - . I .-I t '.! I I'1: K: 1 1 : it will I'l t.V. "i laoft a ...I v-.' t a . 1 a ! w i ; ' i .a dune lit ,i ni.i e-or-o"! y i r-a. t -'d I" a i -1 - ' 1 !.!.. I. : .-d ov ,-a.ol (unit. I ' y .!-r: .. v. i V . :.. I ".-I . i oitmti: ! iihi:im. pi liiio:. i'i: M'lV'IN T'li'.M n y" I- I it St a i e of No 1 a .: - k,' . i '.;:!,! y. I ii I lie on lit amrt III t ! o ma I ! I ! ... o -:..' o I .V a i aa i i I i iii y a : ' a , a a !.oot; . M. l. ! iiiin;..' .ill"!! of u , a !',.! ! ; i V. it -l e i. Vi i 1 ' i 7. at I 1 1 i vi f ia . i a that Alt ai I ' ; . 1 1 ie:iv le If: a 1 - i in lt:. . ; .- ., ; . .": . .' . 1 '.. A. 1 .. is a -s ia !! d lor ia-iiiar- "t -a o! ini.-ioii. .. i a a.i . ......... .. po.- ois o.I.ae-O , , -a a.: , tl ,1 hi,..;, y a a o'l'll . t oa i -a a' a I ... i . . i .... . -. . : . We. l!.o .r." T ! p. I. :,,.. ..;,!,! ,.., I.. ia at -d . a ad I I .1 1 l . ' i o kt tl " ! t.d. ra a ot s i l p. iOioi no! ,i. ,. i, tl ' o '" Ui..a ' ;ui p. .-"ii is i ! i . : i .- o !'i ait i i . i i -1 i . pat 'i- ; a , .,. r.- : V. ore ! .a t a rt ' i ; 1 1 1 1 i - i a l,..,,., : v. .(:: I a. '.vs - t.at'i i- ; rttitad i m . 1 .id l'n"!l!- Of I a 1 -' I ' o weeks, pliot to said d.i a a i- i a 1 'al. aoa : rvoi, t : 1 7. .I.i,i;n .:. into... ! t v oVaieo, 1-i:.-l!M7. a a, 1 I . t o ? i : ins rite 'r f ; i:-f i' ail i : : ciii vn or . .:i5i; v. ) Im ! lie aa; L! er of" tl.e ; i a ia i i a t - a d of ";-...-" T. .;: i ". l"'.-atiiv ' '.. '..:. - ! ia. a ti . I a v. f i I il. '. d a . a a ;.;..! M a i - : :) . v. t , .. . ? ,. r - a t ; t I 1 1 li k i " w ti I . i i 1 1 j - : -el S. "o ! i a a. I a . In iron- lie i rs of J ;, '' I' 1 s- . M I 7 . ia 1 ' ' k t i t a t i JI.iiiv I.. I "ifliiii!!. l a - o. Ilriler. . t Oil I I: I - tt 7 t ' ! d . . ' mi" ' a a i . i - I'.d ' M ! ... It is i 'I - ( a a : . , ! 'e.i 'a ''' i"' "'dia a .d .a .-. -r. -..'.-iaa ,. Ctaak It rni.-ni i?i. d.er.lt I!. ol- man II r: I ..la l V a I ei s. i eia j -. it : imo .-, ' t , a U'- of s i I a. t oo "t - ti . t ' ! w i, a e i a t a a ' s l".-t o V i v I , ar.d ? i , I it . as of ( ! a rt - ! t. Ciloiii. a, u- as, l. pi i i'i: lor- !;,.. ms.. to i i ', I a :-.... i , , I o t lie N o i i i ,ea - i o i a 1 ."i and i a .. . .- ... . .. , j So a i '( ; - I (rail!-: of .-s.-.-t ; o a '.'d 'ei It - i !!,!"! "to i.i!ii,i '!' a i :;;.-." 1 . i :;: i i a - i u " I '. 1 1 I . - fi sir n ' a. .-a a .a ai ooatt-.. ..iliin-ka. lee- I. a ! , , .- i.io- T a p. V lor . . a i . a i . . t - i a a " j.- 2eiire His at tiio Litrict Court 1 j 't. II in !l" l '.iii. H". o :i l''.itts- t h. ;i--s Coimtv. Np'ra-kii, on i ill.-! ii:n "-I I'i'i.i 1017. ji t I l.e !""ir ; ... .' k . M. to -!;v i- I v I ! o .. .!:.'' :.' : !) '.:.(! I is I'l - ' ' l - ! t I a i-o e: ue.-e I'l bed : t ;i i . -li.le : id v. r.r.!. tsi.t i. . i oc s:vi-:i lv iut,:i.l.itur this ,,, in tin- i Vii 1 1 mi u t ! i .i"i;n.:ii it l.oi'- Mi(fMe ve-KS liiilc ol li. ;.!-n; .:. I'.cil ti. .- L'Tth l:t v !' 1 -laLer, i : l .. JA.MItS T. f.lt'Il.KV. ., ; -.li-.i I :-! i o 1 ' i; : I . l-rt.'-i!'i7-i-t i'Mi.-. :, w k.-. In the Cuntv Cuurt of e'us t'uwiit', N- !.! ;! - kil. Sia.t- .X' N'-l'iaUa, I 'mi i t y f 'n . ;.:; jn i . t t-n-.t t d iii tlie s- la!'- !' I i;t ''iuiiuii .! "!', .imiI. ! : e ..:: t '. i i i t i !! f . ! - .!fio- Tl .iilhari pi'iiv lliiS that t !:e li.- ' i :!!:.!!' ttied in ti.i.-' e u r t on t 1 1 . It ::y !' ; ! iiaiy. 117. aii-l ! i'! " : 1 1 ii t i..-' t ;. lit I xeill and UM ; t:i. I of tl.--.' d Ovi-t-i.s. i. tn.i v In- j'i'i'iol an 1 al ...we.i. ; r i I t. c.rd.'d .i- t!..- l.i-t w : ' I ;.!,.! .-1 ;!:!-. it :i i oi ;. ii.I:::mi Moon-, i - . t ' .it ' 'i ml ?:!!! -sT I ;o l -tail : ! : i !.0;.'c. ;!.! ll- :.:!:. ri- tin i . i m i ! -...'! . t . i I I . 1 .i : i '. ! : 1 ;!- ! . ; . i . . - . : i ' ! i 1 1 ;o i ; . t . t 1 it i - . .'. : !- ! t!...l o... .;:! ;:!l ; I -.-.;. ;-.:! . . i ;.. ..l t.i.. t '. . . t..a v a:. 1 . !. .. J . ; t :: ""I! I. ' ' '! : 'i 1 " ' ' i : ; i'l : ..:a t : . or, t : I'll; d.iv ol l-'t i.M.a : . A. 1 .. ''.'17 a! 1" o'l-ioi'k a. in.. .-i.o'.' i ,i u . if an.' !;.( 1.. wli- t!.i i r .i ;. t-r o? : ;-'ti-;;.:, s..!.:i Ti"t ' -laliOd. ..t.d ti.it ..tii- of I .- ;..-n 1. lit. of S.tli .. titioii i ) I' ;il t ' - ii.-a ; itijr t i . !'i-'-f ! i Vi Ii t.- a ! - 'iii Kit. i-.-1 od .ii ! niat- f.-i- I - !4 a ii'iv "f l..,s ord.-r ;! ;; ,. 1 4 ,i ! 1 - moa t !; Jn;n ii.il. a .--kIv : . v. ; -,-a . .-, j.i i-i t ! i :i mi.m m r :itv, !-r 1 1. r a -si,.- v.tk !:,".' I sa:o of i-.nt:. W'tti' to l.a'd ::.! .--a! of s. id .i. :-t. till.- l.-.t'.i uu ol J.i l.u.iiy. A. 1 '-. ir 17. : Si I 1 ' -' I UI: ! 1 J 1 I'l - ' i -1 :. -1 7 i-i j ahi;. jti'T.. i.m; m. i it it. Stiit ol Ni.-: :akj, ' I 1 . , J "I- ..-!.-- In hiiv Oiirf. tl t ' ft, i I ! - .! 1 ! .la-, d.-t - '.. to e-r J.o . .Ii I : 1 o:rt t ' 1 - . '. 1 ; w f 01 that 1' .'.-.io i : . - ..'.-. ,1 .,-..! .! 1 'a -- :!.! i-.a ,'.-.: :. d .in.1: !:.!; " I. ! - I'la : - : ".lit . .. 1 -d ! I.-.- a : a :.d a a ' 1 J . . "" 0 o. v ' t' ,: ! -(. 1- 1 ..t : til- !'..!- ..r : . I o. - ; '.-tt : I - t i 1 : . 1 -. 1 : - . t :-! ' '.'!:'.'.-) ' . ' . a . : - 1. ! ta " o-'ta ''" I. os . : a t: 1 S' a r.'- '. "a,' t: no,.,; : . oi; i . : -it, :a !':. t ' - - ti d ' i ... , ..j- .i..i;;. I : K.o i. .-a - .1, : I'.:,,.- I : M ,ti i.- .. . . ; , : a a ; j a i . 1 t t . :' -aid '. i ' v H'-a-od f ! fo!..-' : . a! . t..--. it : '!' ' at: i. . : r ): 'd ., k i: I : I ! 1 - 1 ! C.IV ! : !! a .- ka. v. ! . A I v. - 1 : 1 . t ..:! t . ' : -.' 1 . : .1 :. :: it. a . !',.I1-! e . .-! K Kat 1.-. ..0 -. I'a:if'l r.:a. 1 I.. 1 I 1 I. '-' : i I '' I . r; :a. a: t: l . r d ;' e-t I" ' l: ' a sail ' . : a ad ! : at t: :!. t . a: -a'-, ord.-f 0 i no ;-. ! ,. -I t . V. f '.!.!.' . . a: e, - t !'a. -: -a ta : a : ;. d a ' .; '. P.- ! . -' . a., t in. i .. ....'. !! . s at ...'. , . ao a ai - i ... t : ' : I " a " 1 -'-., 1.- a - is Tii i . " i . r. ' " i : i ' i : i : i 1 1 i : ... t 1.,. ; a. vi lOf'i -aal ;i,-ti'n" ..-- i . ' at-- ip t ' i ' ' t t t ,. . -it of !.:;; - a ..at ';. N - . i ; t '- a ! i l a ;, .,t ', .r. :. k V M a'. ! Hat at! i-, t.a ... t, .! .a -a d . - I a t ' ! - ! a a.i a a i "t"i'.-. i : a 1. 1- . ' " !' a "'. ; -a !. I., iirif.' !' t'. a ' a! aa of ; i.'.j el !! 1'of t in " v;o !.s pi'.-'f t .-aid t.i v of a.. ia ;':. 1 "i .i 1 1 s :n-'.. i 1. I .f rt; : ! of said ee nil t l'.v ta. .. t. M.i.r.s j. i d : i :s 1 ! -! :.-1 T :: w . - ! f. .loii". isii: iiinir 'oiiT er -t hi: i Nil Ol' (iss M til It K . I.. T:d I. ria.atitf. ..'.':. !t i!d:er, f-l a!, T't.f. :. 1 it.; -. ier of to 4lnit 'lifle-. To !' :ai;a.t.- .-r : ,.,.,,. , i:.a I . ; r--..;i.. r-(f"---i .ti'.-.- ::'.: all ot i -r ,-oa t- t"!'- -: ii ia ta es'at" of I , a, ! t ' t . a ". a. a. ... a .id Ii I " I I anr.a.iau- :.!.- lo ovn :is n i'. ('-ie.. . .! .-. .t.d ti !'. 'ati ia-;- ;::- kvo'.i: as Mrs. .loi.t: i- a. i . - ; t a lit-t a a. ! laiin.- ti'ikt.owa ; I ' ml- 'v. n ! i-il'a. .i' 'i-.-fa, ! U!'l' -'. t" ' -"la1 !' I -. n I a : i v. -, a 'a i all '. ' t a - i a -tel. -t.'d ill t '. !.:! o' .1. " I ". ' -Ol-Iiliti:-' ai-o !: ti'i'.v'i a- .1 ' i ; '. I'a'tunUi . ii."-. ..: : I ii I. K! '. ii .-. do' i -. . i a i s. 1 a- o:i a. i ' ' - 1. 1 a ! l v - : a 1 ad ot ! r rsio.s i : . t 1 - ? i Iti t a - -'.a.le of .! '!. oas a' ' M11.VI! a- M -I t. i-. 'oi mri -. 1:t-'. t . .i ta ta" 1 1 : k i j o u- ii, i ' . . - d S N M i-rria mi. ?irs! ;:! t - -1 1 . - i:!.i.i:'i".''i ; S. v. M ' ; i a T.I. I'll - t I' l' T. a !' I " i. mow : tl.e ' i ti K a ' v- ti via-. ! i - -. I ! .'-. ; r-a a I r---.- n ' ! i - a d ,- I ; ot: ! i" !.-";- d a.-:-.--..-, i ri i : -t:,t of S. N ? . "ia.",. I".'-; l ;. ' laiio e . ' o '--' r i . e " . a i-d . 1 1 . i . a k ' Ii f l . i ! . - a a ' i i"i'i ail da r r.-". - i -t . t . , i a t ; . i - : . t . . !' d - . S N ' M i-r I . a in. 1 t-l , a a ' a . Man '. ". - '.: .-!. I.il.-J, ilova'ii: .! II I II.. . - a! !. 'ii.-i ''tl t, ..' i.i :. " a . "'aa. , : d o 'A i I of i : I ' I o 'v . t ! . li..- i 1 1 - 1 :: I i : : - d. a- . li-.-al- "- . I i - - r - ,. I i .-ot . a i I ,. I i -. .- a ad ..I! ol :. I - ' -; ...i.-f.-.-;. i! i'l too ' -la of I . " i: I iowa i d. do.- :-!: : i : ,. '.'. ' t - . i.-v-. o a i-t -. - a :" . I...O- 1 .'1 ..I...- T..-.I. . i I .' : .. . , i , ar o i . u i . . - . , . I . . . a i - i , ... I o a i . u . o 1 1 . . a " ' . t.-.i. .,ii-.- '''' a ! i , ,' " , j T a I i, Oil" mil '" i . ! .1 a."a. ' w- I'-w. r or I."", .a At r l . ual ta.An j 1.. .. s. a- v I . "- i I -. o. i r.-e- i ' . ' ; j 1 i -! ai l-i .-!.... m a : a I : -. i!. -. . a - i : I a.- ;u K !.'. I. I i . ..... , " .i 1 1 - . 1 r-oi.a i fi p I - i -1 a I 1 1 os .1 ie . t; i . t -- ii.-ij.on.- : ii I o i -I - in tl.e .- I at .- ot I :a. I. a t d !:... .Ma--. Id -! fat iaoo- a a kfov. n. . I -. a I ; M.ii-.u. I A. ! ' " i. .. i . V , ! i a Mi I'l . an : . .1 o I . i-;-..-.-.--; M -. .!!. a I .. K -. t-.'.-'. a I , . .. : n . imkiiov I I ; . -1 1 . : a i . i.i . !, i . I oa a I t --, p. r-. it,., I r. to- .- t. ' a ; i e- a ta 1 .11 o, 1 a -r ; rs"i - : r. ' i i . . ' d I ia if " . '.'li of Jo! ti I. !..- -. - . a.- I : a a r -u r; ' a . d si.-."-. a I t : -! 'atives a ta i I ;. I j ott.' p I -' o 1 1 - i'l'l l'--i-'' i ! i tl" I .- - j L.if- of t;,- .!' :i I.. Ko-o . . tit -t r a !,.;,.,,. u a f '". to a ,..-,-...!. t':.- t.o- l i 1 l . I 'ia t f-aa o. in, ia-s -uii , - , - - ' i I .a. a ra '.i.i- la.1 i;a ! I I.. I I on t V V" t a v ,.C I i. . tv ' i r. v (' . I ' I .. - . j j.'.i . tit fi' :'.! I.i- - u i Oi ! 1 .:- i n f V ,-' ". i "it!. ', a a 1 v .f i 'a a - . . '. ; U :i. -ii.. iiisft l-'.i Ol t !." tlt'e t" .... a,oo ; ,;. a- aa i"-d ..? t--wit aa . v. .. 7 . 1 i i ,o- !. .-: t.a : 1 i. 'iv of I M a t - ia .., X.l... I... 1. ... a s i. ii . . ..- iva. u i-c i ; i , n r- i- po- -. - ion i.v I. i ta - 1 ! h I 1 i , , : r; 1 1 1 Is 1 ' : jj o . i . t I a .M f 1 1 a i .-- o oi I i o ' i aa ti i : ti o :. t of s i . I j s t j. I to "'i.i-'. ii ' !i a t.d all .. ,' m, ft. on i ! a . n tr or -l a i m i y - a n v f I ii 1 . t . till". Ion I . f ;:-t :' . it l-t f ! liii I or loitii 'de. in ..; to sa..: In oi aiv ji.at lln n-'if : "'o "ee.ii . ; to s- lot tii t i:. or.iira, eiaea. ia-ri or inieiist iiien-ln, tl ' ; : " . 1 1 'a V l a ! or ee 1 ' a Me. ; .,.( to K , .'! 'T.r.S': .V" -..llll'T- 'U' M!r."t '.-i:- c.ni-. :-ei;.f. ti is not,e i- n..e p.,. 1 .-. a.: to t-.. e-r.ier r ti ,,),t. v.. I ,,' ,';i;-; y'l. -d'e 'r. v'!'!,-v",' :'.'.'. it::! '.a-' 1' o'M'juit will ,: '.'j-.je :-.! t.-r!". , A. u Tift., nam tit;. a . u -i t1. . .V ' A. l"''1,; ' '.l'N.- Altorceyk for rmintiC