The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1917, Image 1

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    Historical Sc
No. ITS.
The G. A. R. and Woman's Relief
Corps Preparing to Celebrate
lioth Events at the Same
From Tuesday's Daily.
The commander of the Nebraska
department of the Grand Armv of
the Republic has sent out to the dif
ferent pons the request that the
Grand Army members assist in the
observance of the birthday of Lincoln
and Washington's this year, and to
stimulate the patriotic efforts that
have been made for the more general
observance of the birthdays of these
two great Americans, both of which
falls in February. In keeping with
this request the local post of the
Grand Army and Relief Corps are
Taking steps to make these anniver
saries the occasion for a public ob
hervante of homage to the memory of
the two men whose lives represents
-o much to the American people.
The plans for the observance of
these two events are now under way
ar.d it is expected if possible to hold
thorn on some date next week as the
birthday of Lincoln comes on the
12th and that of Washington on the
22nd. so that another date will prob
ably be chosen for the point cele
bration. As a part of the program
the Grand Army has arranged with
Judge J. T. Begley to deliver a short
address on the life of Lincoln, while
Attorney C. A. Rawls will speak on
George Washington and his work for
the nation. In addition to these two
ery able addresses a short program
of music and several readings will
be given that will be patriotic in
their nature and will aid in stimulat
ng the interest in the proposed meet
ing. The old soldiers should have
the hearty co-operation of the pub
lic in this work, as it is something
that every patriotic American should
feel a keen interest in and brrr-.g to
the younger generation a clearer
appreciation of the priceless gifts that
these two great presidents have given
to the republic the one the leader in
the war for independence, the other
the leader in the struggle to settle the
question of the solidity of the union
of states. As soon as the meeting
place is arranged for and the final
details of the program settled, it will
b announced through the Journal
and the citizens can prepare to join
in making it a great .success.
The far famed injunction suit in
which the residents of paving dis
trict No 12 are seeking to enjoin the
city from levying and assessing the
flaxes for the paving on Washington
avenue, was on trial today in the dis
trict court before Judge Begiey and
attracted a great deal of attention
from the residents of that portion of
he city where the paving is located.
The various city otT.cials. including
Mayor Sattler, City Clerk Warga.
Councilmen Bestor, Buttery, Patter
son and Luschinsky were all on the
.vtand to detail the methods used in
creating the paving district at the
time is was passed upon by the coun
cil. The entire transaction was taken
up in detail by the attorneys for both
sides and the witnesses closely exam
ined as well as the records of the
city clerk covering the minutes of the
meetings of the council. Attorney
A. L. Tidd and D. O. Dwyer are
conducting the suit for the protest
ants against the taxing for the pav
ing, while the city is represented by
Attorney C A. Rawls and City At
torney J. E. Douglas. The case wil
consume the greater part of the day
before it can be submitted to the
court for judgment.
Joseph Zimmerer, the Avoca bank
er, was in the city last evening for
a few hours visiting with his friends
and attending to some business.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Last evening Frank R. Gobelman
was taken to Omaha, where he will en
ter a hospital in that city to undergo
an operation for appendicitis. Mr.
Gobelman has not been in the best of
health for some weeks past and has
been suffering from a chronic case of
appendicitis that has gradually grown
worse until it was decided that it
would be necessary to have the on
eration performed in order to give him
relief from his suffering. The many
friends of Mr. Gobelman trust that
he may soon be able to be up and
around again and return home re
stored to his former good health.
A message from the Methodist hos
pital in Omaha this afternoon states
that Mr. Gobelman had been operated
on this morning and was apparently
in the best of shape and rallying
nicely from the effects of the opera
tion, and from nr.' sent indications will
recover rapidly.
Frnm Tuf.'ilay's Paily.
One of the points oi interest in the
city for the young people is the new
Carnegie library, and it is worth a
treat to see the boys and twirls gather
there to enjoy a journey into the
works of some of the great authors.
A person en hardly realize the gocd
that the lib.r.ry does or the n.iportant
part that it takes in the lives of thse
young people until they visit the li
brary and witness the many school
boys and girls trooping in to secure
their books from the shelves of the
library. Coming from their studies
in the public schools they find here
a spot where they can enjoy a treat
in looking over and reading the gems
of the masters of literature of all na
tions and all times. Miss Olive Jones,
the librarian, is the friend and confi
dant of the many boys and girls who
visit the library and through her
splendid effort the best books find
their way into the hands of the young
sters. It was only yesterday when a
striking example of the interest of
the young people was shown, when
the librarian was handed an envelope
containing S2, and which represented
the dues of the U. S. A. club, com
posed of Alice Pollock, Emma Wohl-
farth. Clara May Morgan, Virginia
Beeson and Theodosha Kroehler. The
voung ladies had decided to add their
part to the betterment of the library
and gave this sum to the library for
the purchase of new books, and it is
certainly a splendid showing of the
interest of the Plattsmouth boys and
girls in the library.
From Tuesday's rally.
Yesterday was naturalization day at
the district clerk's office and the ap
plications of several for their second
citizenship papers was passed upon by
Judge Begley in district court. Of the
applicants for citizenship only one
was able to come under tne wire a
full fledged citizen of the United
States, and that was Tim Wooster of
this city. The government regula
tions for citizenship are becoming
more strict each year and it is no
easy matter to secure the papers that
entitle one to citizenship. All over
the country there is a rush of foreign
born residents of the republic to be
come citizens in case that a state of
war should develop between this coun
try and any foreign power. The great
er part of the applicants for citizen
ship are from the Danes, Swedes and
Austrians. The tendency of the fed
eral laws is to be more strict with
the would-be citizen and he must be
able to have a clear idea of what the
principals of the American republic
are founded on and a knowledge of
the constitution of the republic.
Have you tried the Special Sunday
Dinner at the Hotel Riley?
From Tuesday's Daily.
Don Bngncll, of Lincoln, who is
employed in the Iowa district of the
Burlington route, was injured very
seriously Sunday near Cromwell, la..
while assisting in clearing the road
of the wreck. Mr. Ragnell fell from
a bridge on which he was working
and his injuries were of a serious
nature and for a short time it was
feared that he might not recover from
the effects of them, but is now show
ing some signs of improvement al
though still in a dangerous condition.
Mrs. Bagnall was called to Creston
where the injured man was taken
to the hospital and was accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. J. E. Johnson,
of Alliance, and they expect to re
main at that place until Mr. Bag-
nail's condition shows some improv
ment. The injured man is well known
in this city where he has been a fre
quent visitor at the home of his
wife's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Johnson.
From Tuesday's rai!y.
Last evening Mrs. R. W. Knoor was
given a very pleasant surprise by a
number of her friends on the occasion
of her birthday anniversary, ami the
occasion was one that was filled with
much enjoyment to everyone present
to take part in the jolly event. The
friends proceeded to the Knorr home
during the absence of Mr. and Mrs.
Knoor, and when the "victim"' of the
Knorr, and when the "victim" of the
surprise reached home she was com
pletely surprised to find the house
filled with the members of the jolly
party, but at once enteerd into the
spirit of the occasion and enjoyed to
the utmost the pleasant evening. The
time was spent in playing games of
all kinds as well as in the enjoyment
of several very delightful musical
numbers until an appropriate hour,
when the visitors produced from nu
merous baskets a most dainty lunch
eon, which was enjoyed to the utmost
by the members of the party. Mrs.
Knorr was presented by her friends
with a handsome pearl necklace as a
remembrance of the happy event, and
received several other beautiful gifts
as well, which will be long treasured
r.s tokens of the esteem in which she
is held by her friends. It was a late
hour when the guests departed home
ward wishing Mrs. Knorr many more
such happy events.
This morning in district court a
decree of absolute divorce was grant
ed to Elizabeth Miller from John Mil
ler on the grounds of abandonment
neglect and non-support. In the pe
tition it is stated that the parites were
married at Beatrice on July 13th,
1916, and that on October 15, 1916,
the defendant deserted the plaintiff
i n A line rrtt in -f.
, . , .,
. : ner caie or support. jl lie maiuen
name of the plaintiff, Elizabeth
Walker, was restored in the decree
of the court.
A decree of divorce was also grant
ed to John F. Hoover from Luella
Hoover. Both of these parties re
side in the vicinity of Elmwood.
Aside from the proceeding in the
divorce cases the time of the court
was occupied with the continuation
of taking testimony in the injunction
suit of the city and the property
owners along Washington avenue
This case will occupy the greater part
of today as there is still a large
number of witnesses for the city in
cluding real estate men and property
owners from different parts of the
William Otterstein of near Mynard
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters of business
with the merchants.
The Patrons Wry Interested in the
Matter Big Meeting Was Held
in Eagle Saturdav.
From Wednesday's P.iily.
The question of school consolidation
among the rural schools of the county
is one of the absorbing tcpic in the
country districts throughout Cass
county and the agitation for steps in
this direction in the different districts
is growing very rapidly.
The patrons of the schools in the
vicinity of Murdoch are planning a
consolidation meetirg on Mond-.iy eve
ning at that place, at which time the
question of uniting seveial of these
districts into one will be thoroughly
discussed, and a representative of the
office of the state superintendent wil
be prestnt to assist in the meeting
and explain the phases of the plans
to the school patrons.
Last Saturday evening Miss Eda
Marquardt, county superintendent, was
at Eagle in attendance at the meet
ing of the school districts, and here
the question of the uniting of the
schools was taken up and discu.-sed
by Mr. Dickson of the state superin
tendent's office, who pointed out the
advantages of that system over the
present, one in use, as it gave, for a
very small amount of money expended,
a great deal better, an 1 mace
it possible for the young people of the
country districts to enjoy a high
school education as well as the boy
or girl in the city. A number of the
patrons and rnembeis of the Alvo con
solidated school boats! were present at
the meeting and gave a detailed ac
count of the work of handling a school
of the size of that of Alvo and Eagle.
The Alvo schools have become very
efficient under th eoncolidation plan
and the standard of the work has been
-aised greatly by the fact that more
teachers for the higher grades have
been secured, and now gives the boys
and girls a full high school education
at the home school. At Alvo, too, the
children are hauled to and from school
in bad weather, and conditions in
handling the scholars are almost per
fect in their detail.
Superintendent Worley of Alvo was
present at the meeting and laid the
figures of the cost of operating the
schools, a? well as the courses of
study and the management of the con
solidated system before the Eagle
school patrons in a very convincing
manner and his statements were fol
lowed very closely by those who were
interested in the work.
Not only is the interest in this con
solidation movement growing, in the
western portion of the county, but all
over the different country districts
this is being taken up and discussed,
and from present indications there
are a large number of the districts
that figure on uniting and securing
a more efficient school system in every
way. The cost of maintaining the
consolidated districts is only a few
mills greater than that of the old dis
trict system, and it gives several ad
ditional teachers and the four high
school grades to the school, which in
creases its usefulness to the commu
nity fully 100 per cent.
Omaha, Feb., 5. Stealing seven
ty-two hogs and spiriting them away
from Nebraska City to South Omaha
is the phenominal theft charge up
against Frank Moore, 18-year-old
stripling, who now faces the indict
ment of grand larceny. Moore, who
says his home is in Eldora, la., was
arrested at the South Omaha yards
by Sheriff Fisher of Nebraska City
and Sergeant Manning of South
Leo Weber, proprietor of the Ne
braska City Hide and Tanning com
pany, says the hogs were stolen from
his place Monday night. Frank and
Bertram Gillispie, of Weeping Water
who were arrested with Moore while
he was trying to sell the hogs, say
Moore asked them to. come along with
him and share in some of the spoils
From V-dnosd:;'s faily.
The members of the Woman's Re
lid' Corps were entertained very
oiea.-antly yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Betty Motin with Mrs.
Mostiu and Mrs. Asbury Jacks as the
hostesses of the occasion. The aftor-
ik on was devoted bv the ladies to the
transaction of the business of the or
ganization and in the enjoyment of a
leal pleasant social time among the
mtmuers. 1 he Mostin home was well
filled by the ladies of the Corps and
the ai'terroon passed very pleasantly
to all. During the aft-Mnoon dainty
and delicious refreshments were serv
ed that acided to the further enjoy
ment of the members of the party.
Th" members of the Relief Corns are
ssisting in the planning of the
planning of the Lincoln-Washington
birthday celebration and in this they
a. re to be joined by the D. A. R. and
the Boy Scouts as well as other pa
triotic societies who will see that the
occasion is made a notable one in the
historv of the citv.
The Fifth Nebraska of the Federal
Militia which has been doing service
-;n the Mexican border for the past
eight months is to return today to
Nebraska to he quartered at Fort
Crook until the government decides
on what course to take in regard to
mustering them out of the service.
John Palncek of this city is one of the
members of the Lincoln companies
and will return with the boys frm
the front. The troops will reach
Omaha and the fort at about 6
o'clock and from the route followed
by the Fourth Nebraska will probably
be sent via the Burlington through
tbys city.
The federal government is taking
overy step possible to safeguard the
bridges on the great transcontinental
lines and special guards will be
stationed at the Illinois Central and
Union Pacif.e bridges in Omaha and
also at the Burlington bridge in this
city to see that they are protected
atd that ro one without a pass is al
lowed on the bridges. These bridges
re on the highway to the west and
over which the government will trans
port ior.s and troops in case of
ctu:.l warfare and their guarding
is very strict to see that the lines of
railroad are kept open for travel.
The Plattsmouth Water company
had an unfortunate experience in hav
ing one of the castings in the middle
vrdve of the pump at their power sta
tion break, and which put the pump
out of commission for several hours
and created a shortage in the water
supply to the city, although the supply
at the standpipe was able to carry the
service until in the afternoon. The
management of the company did their
utmost to have the damage repaired
and were able to secure the new cast
ing shortly after 5 o'clock in the aft
ernoon, and by 7 o'clock the pump
was hard at work filling the standpipe,
and the residents of the city were giv
en the usual service at their homes
and places of business. It was very
fortunate that there were no fires dur
ing the period of the water shortage,
and for which everyone can feel
thankful, and the patrons of the water
company are appreciative of the
prompt action that was taken to give
them service.
From Tuesday's Daily.
The board of county commissioners
assembled this morning for their reg
ular monthly grind, and at once got
down to business. A large number
of claims were taken up by the board
and passed upon as well as other rou
tine business that was demanding the
attention of the commissioners.
Albert Satchell, who for the past
several years has been on a farm near
Stanton, Neb., has decided that he will
return to Cass county, and will during
the coining season be located on the
Chris Metzger farm near Mynard. The
many old friends of Mr. Satchell will
be pleased to learn of his decision to
once more make his home in theii
midst. Mr. Satchell was in the city
yesterday and called at the Journal
headquarters, where he subscribed for
the Old Reliable, to be sent to his
daughter at Stanton.
Fi fim Wednesday's Iuily.
Last evening about f:.,0 the Ladies
Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church
their husbands and a few friends
wended their way to the Manse on
West Rock St., to spend the evening
with R''- H. C. McClusky and family.
A number of the ladies had gone to
the Manse during the later part of
the afternoon to prepare the supper
and as the company entered the
Manse with their sharpened appetites.
a most delicious supper and one
which the ladies of this splendid or
ganization, only, know best how to
prepare was ready to be served. After
supper had been served and the good
things to eat had disappeared, the
remainder of the evening was spent
in a social time, interspersed with
vocal and instrumental music, this
program being manipulated in a most
capable manner by one of the ladies
of the organization.
The ladies decided they would
spring a surprise on Mr. and Mrs.
McClusky and the guests were re ,
que.-tcd to bring a pound of something
nd as each guest arrived at the j
manse, these various pounds were
placed on the dining room table.
During the evening Mr. McClusky
was requested to be seated at one side.
of the table and Mrs. McClusky at
the opposite side and to guess what
each package contained. This guess
ing contest created considerable
amusement and merriment for the
jolly company. Marion Dickson, Miss
Mauiine Hughes. Mrs. G. L. Farley,
Mr and Mrs. McClusky and a quintet
composed of Messrs McClusky, Frank
Cloidt, R. W. Knorr, G. L. Farley and
Carl Schmidtmann contributed a
number of musical selections, which
greatly added to the evening's pleas
ures and were most thoroughly ap
preciated by the company Mr. Z.
E. Sutley and Mr. Stryker, who are
strangers in our midst, gave short
talks in which they spoke of enjoying
these occasions and that the members
of the Ladies Auxiliary surely made
them feel ct home as they had par
ticipated in many such occasions in
their old homes. Mrs. Nellie P. Ag-
new, who was formerly a member of
the Ladies Auxiliary, but who has
been residing in California for the
past 15 years, spoke of being glad
that she was with them again and al
though she had resided in California
for so many years, preferred being
in Plattsmouth with her old friends.
Mr. II. A. Schneider, not being a
stranger, told of the Presbyterians
having troubles in the past and still
having troubles, that in years gone by
had often spoken of wanting a Manse
for their pastor and then after look
ing around the various hills about
the city of Plattsmouth, concluded to
locate their pastor's home on West
Rock St. He then said they were still
having troubles in that the pastor and
his family resided so far from town,
and now they were going to win the
Ford car given by the E. G. Dovey
& Son store and an appeal was made
for each to put their shoulde to the
wheel and push push hard. It being
a late hour this jolly company dis
persed, declaring they never did have
such a good time and in hopes that
they might have more of these get
together social affairs.
Reports from the Methodist hospital
in Omaha state that while Frank
Gobelman, who is at that institution
recovering from an operation for ap
pei iicitis, has been suffering a great
deal of pain, it is thought by the at
tendants that he is on the way to re
covery. It will be several days before
it will be possible to tell anything
definite as to the case however.
Well Known Citizen of German Birth
Tells Where He'and Others
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. o'. John
Mattes, president pro tern, vf tin
state senate, and or.e of the h'-st Ger
mans in the state, asserted today that
no matter how dark the clouds of
international difficulty bee. . me tin
intention of foreign-born citizens to
stand firmly and com a;-eou-ly for
their adopted country. will grow
brighter and more determined
"No country and no form of gov
ernment can escape critiswn for its
course, even though that course is
one adopted in the hour of .-eveiet
trial" he said.
"I am pained beyond expression
that my adopted country which, only
a few weeks ago, seemed to me the
guiding star to the haven of world
wide peace in a world at war has
found it necessary to take a t step
which I sincerely hope may not lead
to more serious complication and re
sults. "Whatever the future may have in
store for us, those among our own
citizenship who made this their own
country and their home bv voluntarv
choice, the country of which they
ehosje citizenship and to which tluy
swore allegiance, will in the test of
this or any other hour, show a loyal
ty equally as deep and sincere as the
most patriotic of the country's native
born sons and perhaps superior to
that of many who did not make a
voluntary choice of citizenship here,
but accepted without thought the cit
izenship which was fortunately con
ferred bv birth on this soil.
"The exhibition of lofty patriotism
by the adopted citizens of cur country
may at all times be the less spectac
ular, but their deeds will speak all
the louder in every hour and in every
national emergency.
"I entertain the thought that our
universal citizenship, native or for
eign-born, has received invaluable in
spiration and cherishes as a sacred
national tradition the memory of the
valor and the loyalty exhibited by
I-xfayette, Kosciusko, Von Steuben.
Siegel, Schurz. ar.d many others who
left to succeeding generations the
hereduge of their works, their coun
sel and their readv and patriotic sac
The Community Center club of the
Fairview school district west of this
citv held a verv interesting meeting
last evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Haworth, and one that
was thoroughly enjoyed by th - large
crowd present. The evening wis spent
in a social way and in the discus.-ion
of several matters of interest to the
community, and in a general good
time. One of the features of inter
est in the gathering was a fine oyster
supper, which was served to the de
lighted members of the party, and it
is needless to say that everyone did
ample justice to the treat prepared
for them. The club will hold a meet
ing this evening at the Tritsch school,
at which D. R. Ellis, secretary of the
Farmers' Union of Nebraska, will be
present and give a short talk for the
benefit of the members of the club
along the lines of community interest.
The occasion will be one of more than
usual merit and the members of the
club are anticipating a rare treat in
the remarks of Mr. Ellis. This club
is taking up the work of the com
munity needs and desires and the
members are showing great interest
in the meetings and developing a spir
it of better understanding and appre
ciation of each other in the community
in which they reside and to lift the
standard of life in the locality.
Mrs. May Loughridge of Murray is
in the city today," being called here
to look after some business matters
for a few hours.