The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MOSDAY, rEBBUAPV 5.. 117.
' " . nirarnw i.r ii ! II- mil I I II I III! .ikj
. , fiv, ,
l i - it-li.tbility iind practical useful
)or.I is be?t proved by the
, .it )r.:!:.iK- i:: chtily use. Ford owners
. ! - a:.-- all the year around. Ford
;;, t r ' : d owners is as prompt, re
. universal as the car. No mat-
, w lt- may l;o there you will find
;-'rv-d .-Vent fully equipped to Ljive im-
;-r VI ' I'.
-; .. roi.r.c-h-t $505,
. . .
r --?;: ins in Used Ford Cars.
.;:.,f.. "heel, Plattsmouth, Neb.
-j :
m- -. 1 tsx ft - I
!-n:.! ; (' i--(l tf lie-
, '-..- tee krcr.osit.on
i- - i .- i
l f . " : L. 1. lO:t ! Ul iiliA
r.ic :ei;'.:!:i-.s ; :;ii
t . - . : . 1
- .-t'd W hen
k. .-ivi d.
-1)0-1 1 0 s
r.i will:
; n.ade
' force
a! :?vg
i.i t a
: to
... T .
v . .. . .
i i -. 1
:T" ' -f 'he
'. i k.':.r; -
v.-. ti.' e-:!v
."a- con
rkan citi-
:1 ;
Givers BY T.
k C - v- a -r g '
-- t. 'i P, Vi i a k
G'oii Timci Assured snd Everybody Snvited
Admission; Gents,
" - w .-Xjm -' I'ftrf'hJ. -3f
i.C'.lCl liUy ) uui x uiu
Car $360, Runabout
Town Car $595,
"bi-v-a-y t - t;:? governments to which
thev n.-e acct edited. It was contained
;?i t -' fd;.-.'.vir.;
i i vi ! .i-i I'.ei.iaie: v noiiiv me
e i:m-T:t v. riie'n vou are accred-
;t--i f'i.iT th." l:-ite I States, because of i to newvpaper cot respondents to-i American people iii t!ieir pio-i.l,
- (Jem;..!! govei nment's recent an-I lIay ?1 the ground since he no 'lias not been misnkuvd. M r. W:!.-:u-.;::ic-c-!r.ent
of its intention to renew I l"n-er had official standing there was - has made his dccNion -p d it i
i. .
i ; chci.-e but to follow the c !irse laid
I ' ' ' : V J I I 'J
its note of April I, ( the
i S :c ?:.;te
1 ..f, hi, . ,i ,.,", v.A. tb.-v A m.
:ci ore
i , .: .,.,, f,., ,.,!
! kas I p::s-ports to the Cerman
j a r.f v-si'dor to the United States.
"Say a!o that the .resident is re
luctant to believe Germany actually
will carry out her threat against neu
tral commerce, but if it be done the
pi c-iident will a-k congress to author-j-
,. ne e!" tk: vationnl power to pro-
i : American citizen-; engaged in
i their peaceful and lawful criands on
! ,- as.
! "TV o i-n'ii'M' :.-ikii i In th" r.resi-
der.t's view, entirely in conformity
with ik- rinciple he enunciated in
j his a,. ! ess to the senate, January 12.
J The ;.dd;vss proposing a world
. .1 ; for :eacc-.
"il-.. bvlic'.es it will make for the
. ' .' the work! if other neutral
. : iv. .;::: tin ! it -jssil.le to take
ru'.ir . 'ti -v..
'.' t . . r i'y and immediately on
..' -L;..i.n of this announcement
: i k . .:g'.'.-;ti':-n as to similar
i at t -i
:. '. -n'o; apparent thai in
.- a;, it of war the president has
r; ; i:is efforts for peace,
: ; - ;o:t has moved to di
t ihe v.. i Mai force of the neutral
; 'vcrki to compel Germany's return to
j u.t ,.t..-e.-vance of international law sit
: '-a.
ti'-.-f i: ip' v. J Tin eupger that broken diplomatic
-.: r a day f : .:lati..ns between the United States
the and Gctmauv wiil develon into a state
'. 'av. ! of war is by no means minimized by
j-m, (,; ()n. j pro.-., lent Vik-ons course, and neither
maoy w 'M rs-t i ke r:or other ofik-ials of the govern
' " -.i rn lives crjmcnt are abating their preparations
o i- rwrdtine-i for any eventuality.
k-rvi-T.- i
ke . o iv f ri WILL MKET IX LOBBY.
' t-ia 3- 'o-j The members of the Ladies' Auxil-i-
r o rr ukt. ; ; iary of the Presbyterian church re-.!.-t-i-.r.s
will aiding on the Xorth Side will meet
h. n ? he an- ! in the 1 1 lie y hotel lobby tomorrow,
r. !er.:. to j Tuesday evening, at G:30, instead of
; the P.iiev hotel corner as stated in
!",- to neu- ihe chinch notes Saturdav evening.
Rcad the Evening Journal. Only 10
-er.ts a week.
0 fiaLlkas
50c; Ladies Free!
State Department to Request His Safe
Conduct Through Entente
Washington, 1). C, Feb. 1. Al
though plans for his enforced de
parture from the United States still
were incomplete Count von IJernstorfF
1 levari today the preparation of his
baggage and that of his staff for ship
ment hack to ("In-many.
When passports for the embassy
stair were handed to Count von Bern
storff yesterday they were not ac
companied by a guarantee of safe con
duct through the allied blockade, but
the state department is preparing to
secure one. The request probably will
be made within a day or two through
xlie IiritHi embassy here, and oilic-ials
do not doubt that it will ho granted.
Xo definite arrangements have been
made for the departure of Count von
HernstcrtT and his suite because Ir.
Paul Hitter, the Swiss mini.-ter, has
not been authorized by his govern- to take over the (lerman inter-
cs'-s in this country in compliance with
; request made to him yesterday,
The minister hourly is expecting- in-
:-truclion-5 from nis government.
For the first time since the war be -
g::n. Count von Kerns-; ff denied him -
! tirfii'nci r.f Intf. !, t i-r.nlil cox-
' ,a addition to agents of the Unite.!
j States secret service stationed in the
j embassy as a measure of personal pro
I tec lion, three uniformed nol icemen
were on gviaru xooav ms:.:e
Weather Man Promises Kising Tem
peratures for Next Three
Da vs.
Lincoln, Neb., 1'eb. fh---The entire
central west was in the grip of an
exttemely severe cold wave Friday
morning but Director Loveland of the
government bureau brought checiing
news of ri.-ir.g temperatures within
the next two days.
Mr. Loveland said that the mercury
would rise slightly today, with con
tinued moderation during the night
and Saturday. By Sunday he thought
the worst of the severe cedd would be
k.' e i.
Washington; 1). C. Feb. 1 Gov
ernors of the twenty states and
island poessions in which Germany
has consular representatives were
today requested by the state depart
ment to afford protection to them.
Department officials explained to
day that they did not anticipate that
any violence would be offered the
consuls, but it was thought wise to
guard against the possibility of
demonstrations, especially in the
event of hostilities.
Germany's consular representation
in the United States, Porto Rico,
Hawaii and the Philippine Islands
comprises thirty-four men.
The extreme cold weather and the
driving wind yesterday made it very
hard for the residents of the city to
travel very far from the family fire
side and there were very few who
ventured down to the business section
of the city. The evening services at
the Methodist church were dispensed
with owing t othe unfavorable weathcr
conditions, although the young peo
ple of the Epworth League held their
services as usual. At the morning
service at this church there were
some seventy-five in attendance de
spite the cold weather.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to euro it you must take an
internal remedy Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catp.vrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
All Hrusygists, "o.
Hall's Family fSis for constipation.
The Press, Both American and Gor
man. Are Solid for America,
Firs!, Las! and All the
Xew York. 1-Vh. 1. New
editorial comment on tie break witii
Cermany follows:
World: " I lie United Mutei is !
on the verge of war with h'rmai.y.
but the American people -an ;':, t . !
erisi; without fear ami w it hold, i e- i
p roach. If '.'.;!! now c'.iiic. is r-t !
our ti'.aking It i- a t.ii"- f..
the searching of hearts. I' i-. !''
time for jingoism." 'i.-..!.c
! Tribune: pic ident Wi'soii g. v';,;;.;
j jestordxiy the onlv :;n vrr t!.a r:,;:.l (:,
1 1;0 given honorably to ti e (le- in.-.."! ''n
' government's !a.-t arrog;:nt b u-s
!tal note. We 1 k fo.-' -.
j ; - - 4
i':crman overtacts whlcli v. ill -ri--.-ipi- !
tat" a declaration of war by
i United States."
j Sun: "T!:e id ood of Ike ;
who is first of a!! .bin--;
can. puis.' n.o!e firmly and nr. a:
tn.s morning, ills eovern-ci
j hist jiokon. the video of ih :.
j Herald: The nk.!oP-(- f
: t r i V 1 1 1 f
Chicago, Feb. i. Cki'-a'.io edi'o; : :I
comments on the brv.k with
many are:
Chicago Snnday Tr'bv.n.-: "'i '
pri .-id-MU w- ratio!) d-vo..;;
po:vo. P. .it they wii! .is rt -oi' !y
inter upon war. They h:. e n -w : e
fore them one c!o '- duty to ); i
for that tdternative. Time for re
luctance and delay is p.-st ; ; in.e '
swift and thorough acts m is at h: irk
Our conscience is clear."
Chicago Sunday UeiaH : "To..
United Suites lias lock'-n wkh (',
many. Well :nd good. X p..':'- v
American de.-ire hostile coo:'! : ' :
every American worthy ;f i .r
will stand behind the president ia i' .
.tep he has seen in to t;:ko :" in
any furt'.- r sies thr.! m:r- i ' -i - .
upon him. He can do a k. io f .
and be a real Ameri.;r."
Illinois Staats Zeitio.g "I'e-. k . :. ,
in haste repent at leisure. I :.
United Stan's .n.v r wr.gvd uii -1 ,(
less justice sanction; k i. t j::.-. e. e r
rule the decisi' n of our ; -. es :;. ; ..
and congress. When ja tici- (i. r,;r nds , .
it Amerca is prepared and wliiing t",.;
wage war with tlie say. jo t of a T.:Vd Tii
nation." j
Chicago Sonntag Post : "Ke.-p
cook Say little or .lothing. A.od if
seak you miut, speak soberlv a.rd
discreetly. Both Geim.-.ny and the
United States want eace b ;s-d ti'ixei
liberty, justice and unmde.-Ud life i
The Germans n.av make m.a'y mis-
takes, but they will not be guilty e!
wilful injustice again.-1 Amelia.-:."
t. i t . .. i.-. i. f r i !
I .Oil is, I I'", -i. i.'K-.u l,;,c:s,
comment on the break as follows:
Westliche Post (German Of
course todav s events cannot be kiKor
light-heartedlv. But we are Ameri
cans and we know our duty Vka
mn.-t vtr.r.l lV.Jn.1 TVohl.'Ot WilsOP.
The nation must be s !id
Americans must work for peace and 1
the suppression of irresponsible Ger
man utterances here." , '
Star: "The almost united voice o
the people is that the United States
stands as firm as a rock for light -
cousness and those h.igher ideal .f
civilizations which man has worked
out through centuries. We are be -
hind President Wilson."
Globe Democrat: The president
has done the only tiling that in honor
could be done. To have retained!
friendly relations with Germany after
the notice of January .'kl, would have
been a shameful subservience to the
dictates of a form of prudence that
is difficult to distinguish from
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. .5. Pittsburgh
erlitm-in! comment:
iw, ti, ,i,,fv n .w
the protection of our interests anl i Portland Oregon IVuiseh J'.eit un wheels struck a rut, the car turned
rights is regrettable to an iexpress- j "' t is expkrted at Wasiunrion thr.t j lUrt!e as it slid into the ditch bury
able degree. But it can no longer this stop will eventually lead to active ing MullYid beneath it., etc.
be avoided. And nobody ho.-til i ties on the .-ile of Kriglaad. '
who knows the American peo;le will
doubt their undying loyality to flag
tnd country on their determination
to hack up the president at any cost.",
l'ittsburgh Gazette-Times "presi- i
dent Wilson has taken the right!
course with Germany. This action
may not bring war, but it will if
Germany does not at once recede from
the indefensible position taken by tlie
kaiser's government.. The first gun
pointed at an A me
r.erican ship on the
be followed by a e'e-
v the United States
high seas should be
claration of war by
and our everv action should conform
to the new situation.
rather foolish to doubt that G.-rmuu
A mei hams, in c i.-e of noco-:-ity, Would
COll lit ry t : wli !( ll t !l
allegiance; ur stand
.' n-.; ve .-.v. o: i:
ill!" i 1 1'-' ;
hoald I
., ,1... i. v ... .1.
V I r .' ' I r f i t I'll I .;. i : : j ' ' . t -
niv b' .
T!:e I ).?.; i( i .' l'- ,-rr, !
c( i'Ti.i nt :
-i'r .dd'-nt Wi' -on l.:. 1 -du-n 1 1
,,f cour.-'.e l-ft f.-.-r ;'. . '-il'-re )''. ,
c : ' : l riven'. ; i.d !i oJi I :i t ' ; ei .'j
po'.Vi The A 'iV i.-.-m vo-.- i ..-.f-t i
:.:-(! till Atee!"ic:-U peii.Ii ;m" co.1,. i ' !
(i irg l.o c-ii'.-,- i!t fh. -.. :i i:i 'ii- !
cri-i-. The I'niled ' :; i n t . j
.- v::i)i:.g to p-
' I g f i. op 1 j ,
:::.(. ' i !
j it ,,i
o'i:i ! r.
..,(. ."
M ilwau'. e F. ?.;.! ','i--..r.
';';.(. o,' ; : (
4 t.j.., (i. rt; i, ,.:.:pi
; . , i V. .-1 . i :.; i l.i- i
- .'. i'oi v. , ! ioi . '.i' :
' ii
t.-'.l.cii b . I !. p.,!i ' ;
(' : I .
t :
i to. oil
(o a : a. ; i a
;.a-d in koi
e signer .
i ; i r, ; lal
has c
; ''" " :l- ' c ''
' I'c-i'k t of X. a,.
. A ilia i. r a.nd p abli-h. r ..'
( a
". in ; c a or: o. sa :
: r'-' ""'' ' '
la o. is at !a.a!. i .at ou r oat v a ,
K ! J-.' (O . '. ni I .a . :
las! a. n.l a!! I tiaua This a-:-must
;h rfofi r. and wii! ' --for:.i a:
.. .. ; i
t ..::.- :( : a; e s l e .u o
in .
tl.e luiure naiv
i .... ,. a, ,
Clevclaad Plain I)ealer--Pre-id
1-1 ta!.e; the ..a!y ;a
i-? i t he :' l:t Vlli'll of a
. e i
- k-g nation. J a.!.- nata-'i !: camrc-i ,
O .,.,! , ..,,.. ,-a ,: il T M i' :S
o ! a r a vi la-. V-
a wa 't v-i i; r i .
r.lers. 31 r. Preside -t.'
Ui.-veland P-es-- "Wi'h tka ;a;-I
', t idee of kka-oln. Pre idenl Wilsor. .
j s-id-d our skip of state through!
: the storm-tos,ed waters. In a u o hm
-" h "''1 'hl : " ;;'n"' j
' ring mind. Germany must under- j
jsaa; taat wiale iu:m:re.: m,:aons
, "s stan.i by ti;e proskk ai.
Portland. Ore. Fob. :;FolUwig i--
. the editorial caaaia-n.t of I'ortla.nd's
, k raalag iiewspapera:
Piirtkual Hi cg n (Suna :y
j '"The American people do not want
i war. Germany wains no war wi'h
tho Um'U'd States. Our part as cit
izens is that calm co'lcctcibie--.- v. h'eh
1 to reas m ar.d v.a'ks in the way
i of humanity and loyalty 1o tile u:i-
in'.t - .5:ied ll.-if- of lie ivoublie .
Freaav. Russi". and the o her.--. J he
clist-ussion ot the .pis i. c uion ot
step will raa.-saniy J mi i.e.. iron
now on. With - ca.l.n we cnt-.m
plate the future of America."
Portland Oregonia.i (Suiday)
-The break v. itii t,ermany is l l j
mere diplomatic refn-al to rema m in
frierdly re!-: t ions with a power which
has assailed ou" ia ;Mts ami .n .oru-o
up 'hgni'y. it is a summons to .bo
raLci to av.-.,e la- t h, s. erne pe n
which coafroals it. T e have shown
to the world a noble tk-gree of self-
control under extraordinary provo-j
cation. It is ital we are to-
. I
v r
! ieeio i our
noes from i reezm
with a Perfection Oil Heater in your
The ? c bed rooms can also be made
comfortable with these smokeless
heaters. Telephone us.
. i i.ii'K v. a i a
- "Publi" -1.1. -
r.f .re-!'er..
.-, i i-' I ' t:i:
i : playing a
' ' i a, is k u i;d
0"rri-'i: ia-o-.
a V: r a".a-
'j'ia !e-iding
:i f '': itvd
(..-;.,.i -Tio-
a a '-it ire o - -f
(...; M..,k-.i-
i r sadn: ?v in
: i :
a' tre )reioc.i i
..;.! a d -Mbt !
n ."a. i i'-an ship
(! ('.;.- a !kr-
.; . ka v. i a. i f ( V.-
a i v. ; i --. . - a
a a anavoalaO!e. i
e. !:--ea able i tis
a to ti'.I day don't be-
! ('erman
'; ' ; v '--Ir.a Anaricaia"
'.'k.t in a wa'--
, i. v''".l 'e wigi-il
r- . u ! iraaaeat:-.o.i.-
a. a v i'e riace. r
ou .
Pad Habits.
at tv.vlvo and have
are almost certain to
h. ia.ii jo-! ion. Thev
v c . :'..,-.v ; I -re i-a- one meal to di-
a- t analaer. Not less
J !i a ;; sk.ovdd ek:;iso between
ha' ka If a:r troiaded with in-
; i a. -' !- a co: rect ; ur a-. iocs and take
Cr-aiik. rk'.In's Tabats. and you may
i :-;.fk' kaaa for a nvac'.: rooavery.
!'!".- t afo" '' st rt rgtk.o'i the stomach
iaad enable it to perform its functions
I n-.iturailv. (! tainak'e evervwk.ere.
Hand. I rak, cress-cut or any kind
of raws l a d and at at Weyrich's
carpenter shop. Basement Bank of
Count v.
d. If. Ponnokv d 'au-te l this after -
a a fo- I.'an ala. niiere he will n
hi-- v. o"k a- stale bank examiner.
an over San. lay vi.-it with his
n f3 C H
U ffj !
3 tk B B
rPV'T? TklOkC 311 AutOITIObilC Out Of YOUT Ford!
-v3 'ilzirnrtyfi !li!3?'rS
5 Li? eJi'tV 21 d 3fiwlU
Jack Mill ford who represent Pick
ens Co.. traveling his territory in
an automobile met with a peculiar
aed distressing accident about tive
-rales east of Bradford. It seems
tkat a siaidaii gust of wind blew off
his kat and in attempting to catch it
lie let go of the steering wheel. Un-
i for t mi a civ at that moment the
j ,rr,st valuable accessory y
: l: ought out for the Ford car. Re-
moves the strain of driving. Gives
aom'dcto control of car, over 10,000
sold to date, your car is next, come
t a real machine shop and have one
pi,t na. try it if you don't like it,
t.,f.e it ofr amj rcfun(j yoUr
, p, ico $15.00.
' m PJftfth 111ft ft 81 fl
11 ll NlSfllgillP A fl II
l.f U O 1 1? I 51 B tf fclfiUl I ! 9 1 U UlIU
1 "
mm u q
kin' v. I). C. Fe'n. J. It
ported tonight in diplomatic r.-, ou. u:.'-on'ir;r;ed in any
aa-:;'..n oi!k-i.;l so.nce that Presi-i-r.'
Wilson in jtlvisi!!g neutrals of
. - aa'i. a in M-verhag diplomatic re
. " with d'ei many ha-- invited
a.r a.;.t :,: to follow kis cour.-e.
I 'doiit Wilson's address to con-re.-r
i .day said he would expect
iraaO.ial.- to follow his course if he
, ' found i: rvaessary to take further
tey- to American rights.
I (:'' -kds tonight diil not make clear
in hi tiier 4 he president expected tlie
:entra!s to follow his example in the
steps already taken or whether he
expected them to follow the step-; of
ti e United States woukl take in the
next eventuality.
Some of the ofacials who were asked
o explain tlie uncertainty declined to
daera-s the subject and others were
! io. ki-cd to believe that the pivsi-
jdeiH hoped other neutrals would, by
i.avciii'g diplomatic lelations, make a
coin hi a. id protest with thte United
States against the latest war zone de
cree. The effect of a united neutral
protest, fume oMiciah? hoped, would
have tlie eifect of modifying Gor
manv's announced intentions.
The public sale of E. R. Queen, that
was to have been held at his home,
nine miles south of Plattsmouth and
four and a half miles east of Murray,
n Pi iday, February IHh, has been
postponed until Tuesday, February
IZih, owing to the fact that two sales
i;i this locality were billed on the same
da v.
Dr. Bleick, 532 World-Herald huild-
j ina', Omaha, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat diseases, will be at
I Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at B. A.
McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses
scientifically fitted.
Steering Gear for Ford Cars
.sis. v-'i--'.