I ill X: XZ-i.s iis rLATT5M0UTFl SITMI- WEEflL t JOURNAL. ' C T. r i -J -W.. - - l-LL'.B . .XI A J. J. ? -"U j-jnjmt...".1 At"- ... -ii. t-i..'w-i Aichi R. ha-:- i:n 1 M-. Neil McKay are the b; fout racers in these a rt, D--ne-, Colo.. Wedue-ah y. : at h a--t the;.. .,((! tt.cir Mivd tiii laving 1 re ! called tln-a- by the .-ed- naanXgwlu-n making a daf-h for th. j b'tia. .- s .r tl e-r fa'X-". v N. i - mt iai'1 Lincoln trpin. ihinkiirtr it. Iti" :: c-cted to live. ! On aha tr.i: adlng out. Y1! tin- i Mr. '.. rs. X. .1. Vt; .-op ! 'i 1 vi- ' boy- got a 1 1 1- aXe To the coal chnte ; ; y ao;a- .!' t t v.-Me- viMi, and had than- u. wa'i.- hark PLATTSMOUTH MAN'S LUCKY FIND Loca! Wews aw t NF.TT AWK A. N WW X ,Vk tlv5 "n V If ti i C. M. Parker rc-tuined tins rnoin inK from Omaha, where he ha? been lv.kij!- after a few business rr.at tet s. w f? v. Pi. A t-. T ' . a -ra.i5 Kjjt'iti ' i-i' Wiil Iiilcnsj Readers of the Journal. OF X- hla- ,j has ';;. . i , a ' a -1 : v. : .a i miin . a a: eai ' h li.c aoa.ria uaiii. II I'!: ia - !r-: ;: . 1 1 j C oa thi- ! i f - i r .m M. r. .. ' ; i . j had the : i ,. i K 1 rr orr. M . !':. a-; . . .. j r 'a.,,, i X:-:'V i.a ; .a . i. i.. rxiox Fedcf r t r - L" ' a- at: r; a v Ka w.-: '': 'a. a a i ilia i" a i - ae l a ! e li. Monday M ,v-a a j .,;,) .- of T''att: a --. Ti- n t t r i ran-. W f;:rr.i:y cf Mar- a' T..' io. -ti:-tr.-e. "A ar.iay. Ii" wa? v of 'h-auty - t: F!mv.-o.od. fellow who had t r V : ;- a !--, to trie -?;. era! o; the ----C !.". mmr . r Hi a" w- is i"7otta to o ad lend? lah moved onto the Fred :o;r.h of town, T!a k-Canaa .-a is atua U be out arid aroun-i acra:n p.tlta- several wee!;:-- ilh.a,-. ."' t the tiia.e ef goimr t t da ev;-''rttr. Grandma ?.!iak to ': s(mewhat improved. ess Thvrs- is renorte-l E.a.a Oaabtree visited from Patur- day evaiir.a- until Sunday nicht at the hftra-s of Alkn Crabtree and Robert MoCianahan at Lincoln. .'-e;,oai was asm.aS.seci m aa -.no T-n-.-as of the EatX school Thursday ,., .-a-j-t of th'' haild'ng beiny too a' . ' mfortnhle from the coif. y. Wcavrv ar :"r ('.era ted aa-rday mo'T.ing for Lincoln, where th-v Mill remain for a few days. They J lav.e not decided where they will lo- I -a'.e as vet. and f-a .... la :n- hi- is .Mr. Vi ta ; : it.'' '(-en ' ; ;,f. va t.'--:.-.t.-:t!y S:.- .-uav t vt ni:.- v.r,.-n ,r.-i l ' ari l- !.!''. :i far"- i: o hi ' :; i .v. A', a vis ) ' (',! f. : !1 :: la.-'-a '-a--: . c 1- I.L.U uoMi). j J. I-. 11 ( .-" a- , ' . . Nt-a.'.w ,-.a v: a . . a . .- ,. - - y !. X. II. !. S Ve-- i 1 1 n.-. ia' I -- .,,r -. . v a; or-aar:. j ' met ! a : ' " i : v ;-.a- j v ' -' I ; - ; ! the ef-mra : en tr will n:a';e a report ( f v.v a te ne t 'ist-i - 1 .t F;tch had ; aaa. w!' -a v. i. . o-.- r. an Ta a:y . , : 'a. a. , i food. V.vt v e h..ve eor.ie to the t wrri'IVr: 'ITU TlThomaX ato -k Feedy which c,m- . KLPFFLICAX. .j. i taut taa , i'-;-"en te:'-d saapr-lies ;n Season, oaa-. . t - - . . . t . .eW- f tlT- -r.d Mrs. L. Ik ,i "hiraio:t. Moa1.. on Jan vary -. ""a.yiar v;;s fetmerly Miss Lr -.nar... : 7 : - . 1 Yvh" '.- h-'dd!:tcr (iovai :. r o'ar-a -a i -ear ("hi von. XX v. Mex- i-- arr : Fr!da :: tit fee weeks' j at-a Mr. and Mr,.! ' 1 - ' 11 1 F. I. -::.. :n a:- par ir-.nii i aaraa-w.j. ,. Monday with a' car :".- ( :d. Ha v.-anfed j..t th" era- at tia. r" "aoro'r" he move-;. Mr?. J a .-a; a;-'- m a a; d- .1 him a? far a? ' :..-' ":a m - a'l.iatr a-'o',i'..ay. ." i .-. aa : al s. Fay IX ia-'er and fam i' i-av; 1 Ma .day 'oe-'ani to Foclt- :'.. ?'-.. vha. Ihiy ha- tertcd a f--.ra. Fay j ; a gar-' fat'mc-t and we a a-'' ite- Mi' r-ro-per in hi? native 'oat cai.te m tiu.- raan- I Pa i rn Ia.. where 1 . - j .- . r. ,.!'rv school. Ha v a a on v.-a la, ma t - Avraa to t -an : rate he l ad 1 een on the si' k list for a ... ! a- i ti ne. j Everett Strickland, son of Mr. and airs. Henry Strickhiad, who are quite ; well known here, was a Tuesday right j ;. t r a ;, J. V.". Crdbart home. He , was cn hi-- way from Omaha to Fort I of.n. l v aa -a ir e tami v are now itsaancr. M :aa 1 Mrs rs Xels RohertFon and ta-. ir d.a.aaht ei D.-ra 11:' 'ere'-.: aa. airia a Monday morning to j vh it relativts. The rtinripal part of j lh:;a vi it her" at this time was to j see Mrs. Robertson's step-mother. Mrs. Anderson, who is doing very poorly. j Cert Jameson and Robert McCleery i amo Ill . ' ' a ilillU ' ' it I .' a V . LMl ..L ''1 . rmers itrth.ca.st o town. .I..'.-n T 'i- i,!.v T-i.Atit fn.pi the Ch:vrk-v fk-'-Jacii ''am to hi? Uitcic .I.-hr- T ;,?:v's fa-m: I'. L. S r'-u- !. iv.nvf.: 1 ; . r: tr:. M s. 'rh ; t fa:r. U : I'laTt-Ta'.LJtii. ii-,Vvi t" i'i1.' farm va- I -a ! i. 4. I A LOUISVILLE (Vuricr a :. ii a ci: - w i- h t : ' !';; . i r : ."-I'-. "i;i ;'ia. :i. V !:.("..':..'. f;.:..v w' -aruii.y '' -.. a' 1 1 I Mi-- n-.:-., i i-U iva a -a : -. r.. V. l'-u-. 1 f : -aa'i M t 'a ; :' ''; :U X,.! .1- ! a.-w; :i. . 1' K' ; . .i a Vl:..x . x..:ai r:.a:e. . ; .-..a.- Craversay. '. y . X .:"ai; !- he t- .. K.iV: - '. J .. X : i- it 1 f -' v.- i'h la - i -.'.' Ki'aily. ? i ...--. . a v. real c '' ; ' i ' i ; -a-ia-. :',' ii;:mua;i ' i ia. ! ei- veu -1 '. lie' F-. t. a-- .. -! it.ai rrae.-s t : , -aa! i oriae: : v ria. o. i ..r -es. Milk in Winter. aa.r co.v? giv-a ie"? ntii. w::a.;r ti.-.n t-a-v '!o ni punna.e si beaatise Ta.Aaie does hot i with trra.-sa? a grecr oi cottr.-e. iti a more ragray coacen tra.ed form. We guarantee that this aa cdy will make your cows give more ilk, at.'d Letter milk with the same II. M. Soonrachscn. Puis &. Cansernsr. FOF SALE. "oO seasoned oak posts; a. few he-h'c po ts; 1 Phand-China male hotr. tio't .i..und.--; 1 Shorthorn bull; l." head .-heats, 4 to months old. Phone Xo. lGb'2. C. E. Sthwa'a Murray. Xeh. ? of . srm 42 Loans! ?dade promptly, no commission charged a.nd borrower may have frfiin one t( twt-r.ty years in which to pay f.fi' the loan at his own option. PariL.l payment? accepted at any time. Call at ir.v ofiire and let me ex- j plain our new "AMORTIZED j LOAN" and I will convince you that i I have the very best and cheapest I Farm Loan ever offered to Cass ! County Farmers or Land owners. If you have a loan coming due a ;.V,; 1 , . - a a ,. , , . .. T I N.ii:iii int.- i.r--.L v; i l.iktx: i ..,n show vou it would be to vcur ad- iv.araa.rc to eha.ntte to this plan. T. K. POLLOCK, Office 6th St., Platlsmouth, Neb Telephone No. 1 i j no-e Having me mi.-iotaune to su; j fvr from backache, urinary (iisordt rs, ! n avt !, .Iiopsical swvllin-s, rh.-r.matic t. :".!!;?. i r other kiint-y arnl bladder disorders, will rrad with rratiiication I'.ds era-oaraira! sratemont by a j j'ialtsmoutii raiaa J.tui- Kio'diSaia proprietor f a ardv.:re vta-, ."21 Main street, i -moat n. -av-: 1 way .-o Jame 1 j I Ian'" A:y I;idr:oys were weak i -..,! I !d a tir-d laaruid Vidhiir all tin;' . H -adaches wei- ciimmvi. 1 . i"- Kida.ty I'ills. pro- i: ! fn,n! ' '-.vard Kyraat -c Co.V dvar ?tore. '-i'ei-i (Stat'ia'nt ;:!ea April I.'.. la!J.) !',:. raaa v '''. M . Krohier --Hi ia-!d tlti. s:.:ae hiv'n e-- tMTiata.r. e a s Kiaaey fails toaiv a- I aid wia a I tirst eal- r-ed them. i : a a en ytverai yea. ".cv i :rve '..'.-a to ta'a- a k:d;a y ! :r t.-iae. v. hi'-!: saaaks w, V. for DaaV Kia-'-y Id!'-." i'r-.-e a' . at all daaler-. -;n:p'.v a '. :' r idtiey . medy ret :V "i.h Fill- !',: same that ! -. K . " a. a - t v. if" p:a i a-.y :-ec"ri- i. IV,---. -:vli!'aurr '.. Vr (-., a'..- .. X. V. GERMANY SAYS THE OVERSEAS i'.b. : fiy Wir-k- to - a vac ; . 1': v--- d.-pntchet e ..tia-i J;e"liia accortliv.c;- to wliich a-;.!:aa'a reiation.- laac-en (.ier .H.a'y a'al ae Failed Stat"- 'nave veil ! !(.'-:! : says tile Over.-eJi.-.---.v.- Aaeia-v. o ...laia! nnf'av. ,i:.a: ia;.-: i.ft'a received. ! eae i :":e l.-.-ws is i-.''.ivai." a .- it:" aeency. "the treneral lee: : a in (t-vr..any is regret that the ia.-:i'-:ai r"e-!deTa. v':iv to t'a ;.:!.! :ti''v aa :!.terpr(-t:-.iion wiai. .a - is.; inti nded by '-de'-ma ay. Tee :.ii;.aa I'.- . are- are tot iat-ndea .. i: i Is. iti c;.;:s.'.! - ti . a. i f defeadata dcr- ; ..y -. ia.- i. '.-liie ; aa.-u:es ".It if I ..,-a y " iata'-: ati -na! lav, j t nr. a s. laer- A re. inaai -ai?:: e -. : i re-oor-ad!- The Habit of Taking Co-.d. V.'ith many people taking eXd is -a naidt, but fortunately one that is eas :.y br..en. Tak- a c-M ?nong" bath -. r- n.o' iiiag when von tirst get out i i ... I r.ot ice .-nil!, but a teiaper;--.f ahout ! degrees F. Also tare 1 . ter with vetir wlraa v.- up. Do this ad you will seldom take cold. Wher an d- take cold take Chamberlain"? 'ouch Remedy and get rid of it as ne!.!y as possible. Obtainable every- . lie re. SITUATION WANTED. Mar-led man with small famih wishes j o.-iti n uii farm by March 1: :v. fences; experience-.!. Inquire at th-.- Journal office. 2-2-tfd&w i truss. v.-.i :-a) A car loaa ot live poultry to be delivered at the ear rear C. E. & Q. freitrht depot, Platt? raouth, X'ebr., on Wednesday, Febru ary 7th. for which we will pay in cash as follows: liens Young Roosters Old Roosters . . Ducks Geese 17e 15c 10c 15c 14c Guineas, per dozen $3.00 r e r Hide- mc Hers- Hides, each So. 50 We will he on hand raiti or shine to take care of all poultry offered for sale. W. E. KEEREY T T Ti 3i m r-X.-Cj-'-v A'j.'. ., 's'rii ' ' .rvs a.-L ii . ' 0. t ! ) f : "ye.' 7: r- f , . . .-Y v-. . . i X tf.'-'.-v.-k . w v'.'.. ' l - ' :f iiV i lioliert Windham and John Mai tin were among- those going to Omaha thi? afternoon to look after some busi-ae--s matter4-. Mrs. Ida Fullerton and fhiu;-hter (,f Silver- City, la., who spent Sunday at the M. Stiles home in this city, re turned to their homa todav. Mi--- Xrttie Jirousek was among those aoiag to Omaha this morning aftea aa ier Sunday visit in thi? city whh .'e!ativ s ;u.( friends. S. F. JleU chest of Xarka. Kan., who has be; n visiting here at the home of Jos( ph Sh-dak and family, depra-led thi- stftf .-taiaa for Iri? home. Mrs. I-'i-ed Fenzer j-eiurr.ed to Oma ha thi- afternoon after spending - tv day.- in thi-- city with her parent--. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. funis. Paul Oaakaad. who was an over Sun day vh-itor in lids city at the F. F. iJuttery h.-ne. departed thi? morning ?: hi- home in tn metropolis. Ed E. I.eath of the vicinity of Mur : ay. was ia the city for a few hour to'h.y looking after some trading with the merchant1- and i.-iting with hi fi a .aX. Fran': Urban was among those go ing to Omaha this afternoon, where he v.-i ! 1 spend a few hours in that city looking after some matters of bushie-s. A. F. Heder.gren, ma-ter carpen ter -.? tite Iharlington, for the Omaha division was in the city a few hours i -day he -king after some company "ais;r.e.-s. County Commissioner Julius Pitz and wife Ma re among those going to Omaha this afternoon, where they wili attend the performance of "The Car don of Allah" this evening. II. J. Meisinger of the vicinity of -dar Creek Mas in the city Saturday for a few hour?, looking after some matters of b;i.-ine?s and visiting with id. naaaae relatives und friend. IXnry Ilee'.aa-r. the jolly Cedar '"'"ek eievator manager, was in the city for a short time today en route from Mnrray back to hi? dutie?, but was aeiav"d. heie ay a belated t' ain. Ralph Ilaynie came in this afier aion f i o;n Ids home northwe.-t of the ii- aia! Mas a ;-assc tiger on Xo. 2 for Pacific Junction to spend a short time with ids relatives in that local i l v . Mrs. Thomas Gradoville departed this afternoon over the Burlington for Chavbull. Wvo.. where she will make her home in the future and where her husband is employed as a blacksmith l r the Burlington. II. V. Vroman. wife and daughter of La Salle, 111., who have been vis iting hi? brother, L. E. Vroman and family in thi? city for the past few- lay?, returned to their home on the morning train. Alfred Anderson and brother of Louisville were in the city today at tending to some matters in the dis trict court, where these gentlemen are seeking their naturalization pa ncr? a? American citizens. Carl E. Smith and wife of Omaha were among the over Sunday visitors in this city, being guests at the home of Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith, and returned this morn ir.g to their heme in the metropolis. WILL SERVE LUNCHES. W. S. Scott of Murray has arranged to furni?h lunches at all sales throughout the county where it may be desired, and will see that the needs of the hungry are looked" after prop erlv. Anyone who is desirous of hav ing lunch served at any public sale should call on or address W. S. Scott, fnvrnv Xeb. tf Money in Eggs. Eges are not bankable but the money from their sale is. This money is yours for the effort. How do you treat the hen that lays the Golden Eggs? Dr. B. A. Thomas Poultry Remedy will keep the poultry in good condition and increase the yield in eggs. We guarantee this and refund your money if not satisfied. II. M. Soennichsen. Puis & Gansemer. 1917 Calendar Pads at the Journal office. Auction to be held at my farm one mile south and thit e miles east of Union or 10 miles not lit cf Nebrashct City, cor.i mencini? at 12 o'clock EH I FV PS J 03 D a 5 r y O at t le at oi l g n ! 03 As I have been buyir.r; ctrre 103 dairy bred ccs and heifers in eastern Minnesota end vvtstt; V:?;on:in I Ivaa. r spared no time or money securing some ve ; choice sty:k. This herd runs largely to the rr?:ured tevs c-ithcr vcrj' :.::?3e rpringers or fresh with calves ;?i icot. Theie :!.! bt cat lenst. 75 cows cf inis clss. The rcct viii tun from G mcnths t: 2 years and run largely to Guarseys. Also some bulls of hcth graae and registered. Evuy com cf ir.i-kir.g is broke to milk arid r.re c f a ire -it! -3- scrt. 1 Registered Guernsey Eu 3 ye"s del. 1 Registered Guernsey Buj! conttin 1 j'ear old. 1 Grade Guernsey BjII coming 1 year old. 1 Grade Holslein Bull 14 iror.lhs old. 33 Guernsey Cows end Heiiers. 29 Holstein Cows and Heifers. 5 Jerse3r Cows and Heifers. 32 Milking Shrothorn Cov.-s. LUNCH GN GROUNDS People coming by train will be furnished free transpor tation to and from sale fror-A railury station st Unicn, Ne braska. Remember at 12:03 o'clock shsrp this stock will start under the hammer. TERMS OF SALE: A credit of G moAlhz will be riven cn bankable note bearing S per cent interest. Col. Harding, Auctioneer, of Hu:nbokit, Neb. James Rishel ef Xlerwo ai v.a.s an over Fun-lay visitor ;a. th.is city with his relatives and frienX. !ett.rnlr!t tj.j rnorrang to th- Ioa ay Gay Crook, who has i.eer. he-re vla itine; at the home of his patents. Xla. ; and Mis. U. T. Ciook. dejiarted. tit: morning for Lincoln, v. here he i- ta,-, gaged in the insurance i a-ha a . 1 Guy Recce of the Ford Ageacy ia this city was among those geiag ta Omaha this afternoon to spend a. few I'ours in that city, and whl drive do--.vn another of the I"e.rd car? for 'lisp.-ad j to a rurcha?er. - j SPECIAL 4 cans Rex Lye 2." certs. Rex Lye contains the same ir.rrrediettta other brands. Laree, white he. a! rice. 4 pounds for Ll-X-. Hiati & Tatt. LOYAL WORKERS. NOTICE. The meeting of the Loyal Wo: hers j of the Christian church, which was to j have been held Wednesday of this i week, has been postponed until Wed- i nesdav. February 21. iX-e-.td CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children tn Use For Over 3G Years Always bears , j- the V jf-ry-T--, , mature of pWVi U. The Biff Event FREE 640-ACRE VJYOXIUIO HOMESTEADS The long-wanted H-iO-aerc? IIome?te..d Act is v.'-v; a. hav. It Pern. it application for these homestead., in the grass-cover ad !ivt;:'ock ana of Central and Northeast Wyoming. Yon can reach this area cad r Rurling-ton main line via Douglas for Conver.se CaL;;ty or v. a L'pton. croft, Gillete or Clearinont for Northeasc Wyomi'a. I no aire eat ly at d go early. This area contains laree bo-lies of c:-:c Tent graairt;- 1 nds froai hfti-an io fifty miles from the railroad. Write me fo- ciicidar of in i o-m. ta:i an i instructions, which will tell you exactly what to d - vith-eit h-ss . f t.a.e to apply for a stock-raising at d dairy V mestaad. Ya e n sec-i-e ( ne of these valuable mile-square homesteads io a raa' n e-ta.bli-lied aa.a v. --il known as the permanent livestock area of Wyoming. It is mv judgment that practicdh- all of the desirable gra.a.g and acricu'turl 'lands' will be applied for glfiB " jr- M t,."S C '4-fi -J if J. Iv'. Patterson, Clerk k P k i t i Z -..iKI. W Lit - V.' L W ., V . i b I v. i'i :X 1. r. te t ! a-e ana a : Ma: ray. ei.. 1 ' of Piatt -u- a : a ! d aa " ; I :: V: . a ! u a. ea:n- ru :-cing at day. I'e'a-a Two: a i ii e a a a. a I "ah. ti he ef V. IXXko er. h".ad of n aX-, X ir: 1 .00 ' to 1 ;: J ci ye ,-S (dd. Six 1 t f b-:a. .a a Two a ai tad - a - -. d ' ; rn - f , a ." a - . ... - a : - t a l.a.e m ut I e - : e lev '.. ::.. a : d :'; em ta- j t a. - . ! aa ba a.-r ed at t ':,. WILI-'. -X P V,. W. Ve-r.a. . W. C. R..ed. ker, ( J d:t- Ka!a-t a iet!..r: a d.i afu r- ' t.o .p. tor Grave .id. -A y .. v n- re wa'! j b-a raaao;. . :t th.e fa; are. 'X raa v . f: i. n.i? of Mr. Krda.-' ': rec t to ..a I hint h ave bat trust that he tn:.;. laa o at succ. a his l a h If you rave ar.yuiirg for sale aivtr Mpp in the Journal. LI Jf in lfHT. We do not ;-aterti-e da -i riss lands lo" the pi'pe-e of eve -.to-e- n- s. e'.r.-f r ina.t-l. We c-.rsh't r it oca da--- t- a-'. i-c ; rai , f tl-X p pordnat aari tall aa. ti at it i- he I. .-t k.a .- ; will laivc S. B. KDAABD. lrar-igr2t!?rJr.t C. C. I I ?.. R. 1004 Farnam St.. Omaha, Heb. i J x