PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. FEEUUAKY 1. !H!7. Cbe plattsmoutb lourrsal !'l'ELl!HED SEJII-WEBKLT AT PLATTSMOl'TB, NEBRASKA. Entered at PostoSlce at Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter. it A. BATES, Publisher PKICKl tl.5 . . . . THOUGHT FOR TODAY The r,rid is so full cf a rum lur of thinjrs, I'm sure we t-'i"u!dall be a? happy as kintrs. li. I.. S. q "leak.-" for awhile. :o :- Mi da v. :e l-ills being introduced every :o : T ' da lives in '.iwn in one night .d-'uit two too many. :o: . V I o:'.i: :: t eau-en as mar. think Tl, .'.o acci i ."i ts u one wouki :c :- i T ' 1 . ;.k Led n a a l:i:k r.urn- ire it -lould he stiietly tin i' :o :- -if.inir cmmitti c idiould I,cg;n -v ii thry enert to pet . oef-.; re ti'.'.e fvr the Lgisiii- tu. : e.-tirg i- ;-:d : i:; Id.t : . ,,?j,:,.r.. ,. j ,.rr, ! banking systems are being created foi is a human pho-raph. and it ! fniargement of foreign trade, and that hat we have several cf them j 'vc have won a foothold in wo: Id com . .... ; merer formeily held by Croat Britain. -:o: L'.ut. i.unt Governor E-igar c-cntin-u-s to hold d-.-wn the senate in good .-.;. pe, and with the dignity be- curr.i. w president of the senate. :o: J. i.n Muitey i making an excellent rcpr. hi. i trlive Lr Lass county, an.i . ro!n'ier.: all know he is ther.. He is r-n.e 'Wrapper, to, v.lo:. ;t comes u asserting his rights. We glory in John's spunk. :o : Ai: s-'me pt-opie of in the leg islature :s getting a position for a v.-;.l!-f'ouer triend or increasing the s.i .u. : o ( facials. It may be all we don't think so. :o : The i . - tat- commerce commis sion says the railroads are making mo: . y. while the r:ti!!oa.d managers say trey arc no. Nov.. which are we to be!iee? One thing is certain, the rail: oa is can't expect the whole earth. A bill has been introduced in the to abolish the board of reci ' "t- ar.d esta'olish a boards of edu cation imnosed of s;x m'-mbers to taxi' t: piised Tay'i ! Olh- : ir p'ace. We aie tealiy sui- sec our old friend, W. J. .'cirditg that old boss-back atsythii'g of thi- kind. to: i .'. o; . th;- home of the free ; ; . i- M,-.w undo" the control an' of t!.c becorr. . v. ,:tid c. ir.bires. and has than a '.most any coun- trv in Europe, en'y eniv hc;-au.-e the people con'i"''C t- "'v-.-t n.en i- loo highest j i,. ite v.ho arc ton cowardly to de fend ihc r'ghts of a idee peopie. :o : )" Dr. Huity two never heard of him before) annun s that people of In'-a.-.a aie living '.'.1 years k"-.ger that tl oy wi'i-c iiftccp years r'go, but Avhy ! .- not the learne i !'". tor give us an e. liniate of how much higher the are living. The tiuth of the mat ter i ' that mt ny people sire living f roiii ha id-lo-ir.oulh, while others are mt living at all. because they are too JiO'i io get enough to cut. :o: A 1 i ' I has been introduced ir-o tin? legi lature, which if passed will make til! p. : son- receiving Nebraska new.--j.ap ;s in the mail liable for payment i.f ti.- subscription prices. A better law would be ore to c'umptl newspa pers to stop papers at the expiration of the term paid for. Everyone taking a in. "--p;-per i an just as well pay fot it in advance as at the end of tht year. .;r: i: ' ' 4. -'' r-ral pu'. ren du I a.y ADVANCE OUR UNCLOUDED FUTURE. Since the national campaign closed we have heard less about the fear some prospects for our national fu ture. Predictions that the termination of the war is certain to leave us in the doldrums, if not to send us all to the poor house, have practically ceased. We will hear nothing of them until the next campaign, unless the republicans organize the lower house of congress and open battle for an other Dingley tariff act. financial jousnuis? uiv !Mn,,r un.-vj now to an optimism with respect to our future which they did nt for. like exploiting while the plea l'r special privilege was at its height. One of them candidly directs atten tion to the growing interest of Amer ican manufacturers in export trade. It ravs that our past failures to win an.l j , hold f reign markets, because of the disinclination to meet for ci'"!! conditions, have taught an iff re live lesson. Published richt on Wall street this voic? of the financial thus foregoes its tacit to special privi lege long en uch to say that suitable Germany and Fiance, "from which i1 will be difficult to eleminate us.' It concedes that those eountrie: will make strenuous efforts to recovci their lost vantages, "but fortunately we have great advantages in enor mous plants, high efficiency, greater adaptability and. improved banking fa cilities " As a matter of fact, tin only new items in the foregoing list are improved banking facilities un the desire to conform our supplies tr the wishes of consumers in othei lands. Further it says, with charming car. dor tor a v all street oracle, that "it is unnecessary for us to have anj fear of so-called dumping, for Europe will have no surplus to waste in this fashion for many years, and costs c-i production there must remain high be cause of the scarcity of labor, high taxation and other handicaps, the leg acy of the war.'' Coming from Henry Clews, this i: indeed a cruel refutation of arguments advanced in the recent campaign uper which the people put the 'bad order' stamp. Lincoln Star. -:o:- A clothing manufacturer says woo! is going to be a mighty scarce article in the future and that paper suits may become fashionable before very long. Save your one, two. and five dollar bills for you can't tell how soon you may have to wear them. The U n. twenty, fifty and hundred-dollar bills will net answer as the cold may come in through the hole in the noughts. :o: If" you arc in business and want to sell goods, in this day and age you must advertise to be successful. Thw merchant who does not advertise is considered a back number and people pars his store with not even a look-in. to: In some towns the cost of having teeth pulled has beru advanced, but it is loss painful to have teeth pulled nowadays because alter paying th'. price for edibles you have became ac- cu-tnmed to the ;j ; A nam at our left says that if the contest in is to be between the politicians and the voters the poli ticians might just as well bury their demand for votes right. :iow. :o: Tom Luvvson is still urging con gress to investigate the New Y'tk Stock exchange. But never a word ubcut investigating Tom. The mors fighting. pew PER 1EAH Friday is groundhog day. :o :- If jou are inakir.'.' good, keep at it. :o: Will we have i-ix more weeks of winter? : :- Cheer u ! You ean't have every thing yoi:r way. :o : The groundhog will teil us all about it if he sees his shadow. :o: The man who is pregnant with sug gestions does the least work. :o: The car shortage is still as bad as ever, if not a little bit worse. :o: "iVacc by the sword" the u'.ti nmdvni of Er. meror Wiihaui. :- The allies sav thev w't. ;-i:d t. Tiutous saj iiht it o -; th ev won .. N-.iw let 'em No flr.etratior., however, hr.s beer, noticed in the market (lactations ot postage stamp::. :n :- 1 ne !!-, : u:; Idrthdny. is a hgal hoi sd.i.idd b;- el erved as si'.eii. ar.'.i trap . but crap- The:- are r. . G.COO.000 shooter :n trie united Ma I. as , ,, wk ear. Li! iPc mm nc!' o: -h o:er.- ti.e qui sliCtt. :o : r-' h..o nic: i :;ne. t. coded by any ; ::cir eai nanv.-, and ; v'-.'L Pii.e i- i'v eliie: bv:-i . . . - 1 : thing that i- not many would iwt name. Lieutenant Go much at ii'-m i in the .-'en:te as dev-n the t."dt'. oi; ces in bc'!t. J I. .--ard is .1' iM-WIt i.iS s, oe v.'as in dr. li-.' i.- a sae- .o :- vld er.ooses a caii talis to tr.ciude babv ea: flares. l i; an things, v.dil land at gates ! t?ei n:ty witn a cor,M-ioui:css that trie ha niissel son "idrg. I a it., ;t hem s; ern : i a .1 who is having a ;Tod time v. lid d ii nds a! the chd at It.' 'o'eh-ck ight to know tl a. his wife is at ? worrving about him. :o: It is best to let the primary law go ; is. for fear of making it m !-' --. j legislature is un. too much tinkering. Ev. has his own vi- ws on the mem be : matt- it sianus now die kr.v suits a majority of the voters vi ihe state. :o: '111' IV o: s giviu v.,., .. r..M iiow in the legislature la the wor.ien the right to vote lor presidential electors and in municipal elections. If the right tc vote is giver, the women at all, give it to 'em straight, f ree and tint rami leu let them vote for t verythir.g. :c: Since the passing of leap year the matrimonial market in this old town i has been rather on the cierdi The :e is r.o ciuse ior savn a condition, eittt- er. Our girls will compare ui'o voiabh" fo: beauty. mt !!igen. : ;: g::od-nat ure and genialily than town in 'ho w-- t. 'omo or;, bevs! ;a- ace, auv :j: Colonel 31. A. Brtcs. vote of tii- IT t(,n:.'.; ' ') .loom un ier the high ro t ei lhi;i: an edi ilOl e h v. f es id sot-tin on- ge ts that our 2xpre-ei.tat'e. i giess get a fit. r the t;usts v. thinks, are being permitted to gou.e tin- peojile 'oy a pet'-rnal goveinm-'iit. Cof'ii"! la 's' deiie r.i - a c'or.mon de.-ire. but thvr? is little likeliho J d" I'elief aa h-rg as all the world is at wa- Our !n:u"if"ai terers are '-clling their prciuuct". ab.'oai at unheard-of prges an.i pa; ir.g ihe the pee nie l;or-.e -1 e i ice. It i,; a phase of huin-ui nature flint we cannot, avoid Most of us are o't v- fi;;eu"ed by sen-tiire.-nf .di oio- bvi. i:ie ss rtdation w .h eaeii oi.'o-r. v.iii aece-pl ie;elily what tl:e u'-n-i- f-dhov oi'e, - : yc cur koods ai d it is jcjI i at.;ral that we dtou'.d engage in distinction - and permit one breed of men to have our goodz at a les j price than another and larger six-tion of society is anx ious to pay lor them. War prices are alvvavs high, as our civil war proved, anel until is declared we shall c or. tin to -veal under the collar. Nebiaska City Daily Pres. AN INVITING ALARM. Some of the hostility to the pro posal io hold a constitutional conven tion is cpuite sure to be abated by the warning given by Mr. J. B. Haynes of Omaha that such a conention may result in the injection of the single tax into our revenue system. This warning is specifically directed to the farmers, who, as large land owners, have habitually misunderstood the single tax, and as long as they continue to believe that this tax is upon land areas instead of land values, ruth an alarm may prove effective. But to many that kind of an alarm will not be an unwelcome one, for there has been a strong trend of senti ment toward the single tax in recent years. It is those who understand "t who believe in it and advocate it 'I hey believe that the day is nut far distant when the wisdom of it, and the economy of it. will appeal to the great majority. It is a system whereby the burden of taxes for revenue is placed, not up : v. lands, as ir too commonly misun dr r. teod, but upon land values, to the end that land that is employed is not tared for the benefit of land that is idde and unproductive.- It is a sys tem whereby the farmer who improve? his land is not fined for doing so. to the prof', ef the speculator who pots no improvement upon his land, v hilo others are by their own im ;: venients making hi.; land valuable. The education of the masses as tc ti principle of the single tax on land value ; ha.; just begi .-a:. est mui in the ;:t. Some of the nation., many of are avowed ex- tr.'.n 1!1 p'U'j:: .;.T.ts of the plinciple. In many states sentiment for the single tax ha been so strong that the issue has made its-If felt. Curiously, this senti rr eut has been strongest in states rt- ;nlzed as ultra conservative. Fonulai discontent with existing tax sv stems, grow ing out of their mani fest and always exasperating hihpui ties. seoms to afford some assuran-e that any suggestion of a change, made with the purpose of creating alarm, may bear fruit of a sort different from that anticipated. Lincoln Star. :o: An exchange says: At a church gathering at Plattsmoutb a few even ings ago the following foolism was discussed: "Resolved, That good in- tenuous never made Potter lives. That is on a par with many other re ligious epigrams and nonsensical say ings long since deceased. :o: A Standard Oil man in Chicago has been arrested for having three wives. If he is able to support three wives in these days of the high cost of liv ing, while many a man is not able to support even one, in decency, why, let him take on a few more. Sometimes when a man considers the pi ices w hich articles have now reached, he wonders why it is neces sary to mint any small coins at all. :o : Sympathy fo- the d-ad and wounded hi an automobile contest is so strong ..hat one idvips the harrowing details to rind out who won. :o: It i ; announced that a couple ke'pt tin ir marriage a secret for two years and finally broke down and confessed. They nearly all do. :o: Every time Jehn Skelton Williams tells lis how rich we are we just keep cur hands oil our pcket book and re fuse to wake up. : rj : When one gets between the devil an ! the deep sea, we unanimously re : 'dve he don't want either. -:o:--:o:- T' !i :i ine in jc oiro anu 1 1 ee sccos .i t i r . ..I- begin to arrive, then you may look out, for rpring. :o: Eighty-Seven Years Old. JL H. Adams, ,Srihgfield, Mo., writes: "I had a severe attack of kid ney trouble. I am getting ' old, 87 years. I tried different treatments, but none did me so much good as Foley Kidney Pills." Foley Kidney Pillit build up weakened kidneys, help rid, the blood of acids and poisons, and iclieve bladder -troubles. Sold every where. t Remnant Sals EgQgj&Sgl WOW ON! We have gone through out- stock and selected every short end and remnant and we have marked them at a reduction in plain figures. They are all placed on the bargain counter so you can make your own selection easy. The goods consist as follows and are figured at the prices shown below. Short lengths. Per Yard Flanneletts 10c Auting Flannels l'ac Silkoline 10c Domet 10c Gingham (dress) 10c Pillow Tubing 18c Percale 10c Stort Lot of Woolen, fleece-lined and cot ton. Ladies and chiklrens' at 10, lo, and Lc Childrens' woolen underwear. We offer a nice lot and at just 30 per cent less than the regular price. These are all separate garments. Odd lots. Embroideries: 1 lot of embroidery and insertion to match at per yard jOc Laces: 1 lot of lace just the thing for a trimming for your undermus lins at per yard ."e A small lot of Misses shoes to close at per pair 00c ?dnny odd lots too numerous to mention will be placed on the bargain ceumter. Se the new spring goo , in our wind'-ws. Wanted Man with family for gen fa! wcrk: good wages and nermane-nt sit-.afion to good man. Apply to W. F. Gillespie. Mvnard. ( !Adil iliihaidi.on, jr.. canie in la-t from Lincotn. v. here he is at tending the state univc:sity, a:;d will vd-it C'--er Sunday with his parents. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Richardson at A MATTFK OF I'l N( "I I ! ! N. A bach.'-lor had been perscaded by the Lauit.- Aid o : chuivh t so--.. k at a a es:tv rUiinment j'rovid.-d tiu-y would furiosli him with suide--t mat te;. In a spirit of mischief he had ocen given as a subject, "Wonarj: YVLhout Her, Man Would be a Sav age." On the night of the eiuei ta innu-ut he ; so a.nd said: "My sul-je-.-t, whi.-h I consider -si -gvy tine one, i nevertheless not of my own choos ing, but has been furnished me by the ladies, and is Woman, without her man. would be a savage." TIME FOK HAHNESS OIL. We oil your harness for SJ.00 per set, and now is the best time to have it done. Also first-class repairing of all hinds at reasonable prices. Ten per cent discount on horse blankets and robes. John F. Gorder, Flatts mouth, Neb. ANOTHER OLD-TIME DANC E. There will be another old-time dance given by the old-fashioned orchestra at the Wodern Woodmen hall on Sat urday evening, February Jld. A good time and good ortier assured. Admis sion, gents 50c. Everybody invited to be pre.-ent and have a- good time. "THE WHOLE TRUTH" Says Mrs. Eads, in Wfitiag Ker Praise For Cardui. Circlerillc, Ohio. "All I have Faid about Cardui, the woman's tonic, is th? whole truth," says Mrs. Fannie Eads, of R. F. D. No. , this town. "I suffered with vromanly weakness, and rains in my back and limbs for two Ions years. I was so bad off, I could hardly wallc at alL My husband advised me to try Card'ui, the woman's tonic, and I con cluded to follow his advice. After tak ing Cardui according to directions, I now feel like a new woman, and can do all of my work. Before taking Cardui, I was a walk ing skeleton; now I weigh loO pounds. I recommend Cardui to everr suf fering woman, for I know what it did fo me. Mv dresser is never without a bottle of Cardui on it." There is no reason wny Cardui won't help vou, just as it has Mrs. Eads, as well as hundreds of thou sands of other women in the past o0 Vears. So if you suffer from any of the many ailments so common to women, or need a good strengthening tonic for that tired, rsrvcus, worn-out .-.Hr,cr c-rt a bott'" of Card-ti-t, today. At all druggists. XCB1 tint Security baaK CEDAR CREEK, NEBR. I Sound, Conservative and Progressive THE BANK OF THE PEOPLE THE BANK BY THE PEOPLE THE BANK FOR THE PEOPLE We art; aiixi-jus to assist the farmer in iVtdiiiy and liaii'dlintr his live stock for market I sirs m Dene ; :irt I'lMtoi-tt'.'! V-.y Uih J cpoHii'! .-' (iu.-i r:i!i1y Kiunl of the I Stale of Xehr-isi-.a. wiiieii $;;$ lvavlied nearly 1. (M)O.(M)O.O') It is back of us and protects oti! OFFICERS: ,VM. SCHr;rIDZn, President W. H. LOHNES, Vics-President T. J. 5KANAHAN, Vice-President J. F. FCMAN. Cashier : "5 AfjT P QaC.ii tfaJc. 'wJLi, First Security bar.k pays 3 per cent on time deposits. j ba.n is also lighted with five lichts. Jame s Johnson was an Omaha vi - v.-hich ena! !es Mr. Uusch.e to look after itc: htst Tues.-av. j the eh-'e.. without caitying a lantern, Tirst Security bank pays " per cent' an ! in the yard near the bain another m lim? depcsito. '' '' d;;s b.-u jdaced that light up j ?.-. t,VolT Piatt ,-'xV? !" - -" ilt ij-rt in fine shaj.e. . . ,t ,v j ': h i c lights have ah bet a placed E:i Wag Vi- r . as ; c it or :;:;t Satu: r.y. . For g;"'d. fresh d'.rdv. i'iu:t anu ' uts, see S. J. r.eames. John Gauet- ha b- - : hdd rp with; th" g! ipoo for the - : '"v da ys. h-.-me in Moo-efie'd M- evemrg. ovede 1 i'e- Id:- TUOS- nan s to trie etrug .- tc . e ir:-.;.' day. r a . v . V . : . ; ' i .1 v .i i . --ad of sierd to ou '.li n".aha on: Monday. j Mr. a-;. Mr: pi j .chafer spon. : lav : : Ihe home of Mr. a- ! Mr -. ! John Gaue;-. A. Gau'i- and 1 .e :-y l:;.'.d'r ; .v in Orr ; a 1 ..-; V i-l'vv hdui ur alter s'r.e o::,'::.-. '-. I'dc'.a:'! S.mlde ont c.UiO' down frn Omr.h.a lart Saturday : ;:uv a dew: days vi-:;ing whh old friends. ; Jake Treitch h-aded three cars of stock here Tuesdnv. wlo.-h v. is spin- : .( ; In i r j ! o II- n:y J-heldor .fid- e'd.' i c-.tev in last Thui'sd-;y for ,i s'e-- days' vh with Cedar Creek frknus and i e'a tives. Mis. A: : r.'.:v S' a ne'er and Mis- ? : -main of Louisville spent !aU Sati't-d.iv at the; home, ea t of (ir f . S. J. Koame.: ban-r-d t'-e w: 'ir.g oi :he garage f-.v J-hn Ih:vl.e Ti-., y :ind hc ls n'nv r-y f(;r tlH' vx' ,1-ht rdant. Fin' Lights at Farm ipinee j Fright t v s, clear skins, alert brains I.-.y Rosethal and M : . W.-gr-r ' ' and e n". -getic movements are signs of Omaha, representing the i'dm li.rl;;- j goed he :t!th. You don't have them it:g system, vvct'e ;r. t 'e.-h ;("-e ei" di j v.-h-.n digestion is impaired and fer day and paid a visit to the farm iv:n rrenting, d eying food clogs the in of John II. Ih.isOie. south of " dai test mes. Foley Cathartic Tablets set Creek, w here one of the ntw Del-., j you right. Act without pain, griping systems has ju-t been in lalhd in ! ! or nausea. Too stout persons wol line farm home of M -. Uus.-ho. This e uue the light feeling they bring. Sedd is a great improvement :t!:.l one that j everywhere. fV yes men it m I ts- rl Ct Wo have taken up the I1AXELLS in connec-ticn with the in Esght rli!o C; ovc, Ficttsrcrcuth and Rock Bluffs Frccsnct, and rrc in position to offer curcu'sto.ners cars for GGS.CO, $940.00 and $1,120.00, i. Detroit. Have just unScadcd a car load of the fYlaxwelis and can moke immecii2te deliveries of Touring or Roatistor bodies with 3C h. motors and the new ignition system, which is a great im provement. Let us demonstrate our cars to you. mr cm Ccchr Cr-!; Li ii 1 1 ) fas Bank -.dives "Ay. liu-ciie and family a great I ,: '-'5 ,,!" r!,sl,,v a,!'1 ij'.vnient. In i in'-'- aousf eleven lights nave been in stalled, which furnishes plenty of light for all purpeses in the home an.i n:ul-.e it a great ileal more conv enit iu I ,rr thi, ni0mi,ers of the familv. The i in '.!. now garage, wnicn na- .iust ;! ( :; corr pletod, and arc found a vast i inn., 'ii e ment and (io.-s awav with the (.: r. : ou.: u. e i iar.:erns m ine gar- Tht imr! overru nt - made bv Mr. p;...,.,0 :,!(. something that will never e i'e! -.vtted. First Security hank pays 5 per cent j on time -.depos-ts. 1 Farm Loai-., Insrrance i nil Real I l ...... ! v. t. A I VHIUUII. SFFi'LKLN'G l lid.M (iUll'ri: fr-'tii Yv .'.ps.lav's Dallv. d i; ! , W. A. Koi-tilson wa- con '.re d. to his h,,me this moiiiing. luo ing .. ...... ...o:.,.- : h with tin. 'ritmr. b ha ;i!r'"-t got hi'y to the mat. .-j-;; ;., js ,l,i:Iur his ..wn ard k. pos to bo at the offeo as u-ual in a r.. V dry.- at least. Th-.-e is the city who kav n-.t had this annoying ma!- aey ate vvry few and far between as :L is no i e.-p. ctor of persons. '"r Sr.!. 7-ro.'m m"dern lious--it. orc-P.alf block for .'ddr-". ( oid l r-'. b" du;!ie:!ted for .,imi. Wind la ni Lean & Investment Co. l-o-tfwkly Mi:-. A. id Seybert was a passenger : the a. rly Ihirlirgtf ti; in tid r. . br.rha, wh. n- di" goe- h i-rt'tho". Angus' Keil of r,.u v,t.,( y t r..,v un ., r..ff,.;r( : i;o. by one i ,,r the spe-dists in that city, I Signs of Good Health. MOIOII sale of ,: M ir: w ft ctm it Nebraska inhijpqT t'