The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
li- ,... ws-irr TnUrc?rm FEPrkARY i 1517. I I 1 4 1 Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If any of t "-.-.a,,-.-, o Jv.iii iia! I i. ' .T :n y ' ni r -n; i ' inn-" I h : - v !; a v . : rM r. . , . c, f iiM ! ' ' -. r ". , ; I ar u.i.;vr , . , ii. v. ait a!'. - : ; rr S Ak,. V Wik- ' ft . wo. i T;!?.-J.i.'. fk; p. p. k- J," wok r p3l u'rp'ix Sentinels of the Home! i. passea I'. l' . .1 h belt' .Monday, per rough loads ; I'1 1 finer, or. their w.iy To the county '.: . F. Ik Val!eys personal e-pet k-ia' with, the car sho! tairo is a. : !u is ho'-iinf hi- thro ''ats of (:.'' up near Cullom. Never mind, f'r..:.!: just :-el them s-ome "I the coin i.a.. ccr.e a siege cf illness. There may come a cjk of position. Ee prepared. !t':e elevators ;uv unabie to sh,p. 1 . . . ... 1 'i ! .WIS- lie-tl'lhie Who was e. .- Thfre i? a der.I cf talk on preparedness. ARE YOU PREPAP.ED ? This world is full cf vicissitudes. You may be in the bert of health today, vith fine prospects in business. There may 'Die grippe is still raging in tk part of the coura ry. V. C Iloedeler is confined In I ho;n" with a mycv atl of T-.n-i! -t i. ' ' . ' . t 1 1 . o . . . f i Jam K: !"-a! v :;s "J id.;- T ii'i r fl:!V. S ' i 't ) 1 0 .;fsiv v. ; a ir!.t-t ' Clu.t !t-y C'rcaniffr has: l-cn tn the '. .rt t ! past fe'.v days. f' a crow srtvMi"i v. as a Plattf-in .':tl: '.n v ;;s. a N7 hi ::-I:a Miss Ci ii has dropped dini.;1" i!ic t few days f kiI'.i eeii'iS to " r .s ! i". . : i t' : per hu heh J OTei Co.). V. Shield-, -J. I. i:,.r!Kirt ar d j f : oli ; .JaiM'-s 1 o! !-,; - fliippo'l a c r :!"! ; . :..;s t( 'oi-ih (h'ia:,a l ist ; -, ... !t is i'-tt:.! K. ( 'ai 'j. j v!.t v.nerod a seere tall a .- . r so uiso lias ontiieiy r "oe:- d a:. ! "s as spry as ever. Win. Trooj aad PJ.ip.a' d K 1 1 h hi:t I i . v .' v ei. "u - ( a. J red ( 1 i -h . c: lie i 'v i . ' ' :t . . r .i. -. ; ti.r-jor. I :ao ( Jnadai i i I "ife wore shop. i '(:..!. Jioi: ficrn near Xei:awk. i. ' i i r. , d: e' ; ad v ; i iatt-r.oaili S;itunlaV. K. v.a.. vi-i:in;r friends .d.a S.;: an:,. v aad Sunday. .i: .'and. shi: p-d a car load of I ; to Soo(i (i!tiah;: !:ast Moii- s. I "i Wolfe i- spendinLC a fev. viio :; -i-u-r Mrs. Ah-x -. .!::.- "!!. :s ':.-: lii. .fier. v. a II...' ,- o-idt and fainil l.a:n-. t .: in- a vi ry -pent i'h y.:. JIo..,ef.eidt's i:,r- It -?: ;tn. "...aah-er of Mr. suVl ii i- sufferlri:- from Ph -I. ... - . i :t''-;: :t t! a.a! .Mr.xi fi.aeral of Mi:riav Mun- "i" o Vot- e-l to Omaha o i.'m' to the O.Tei Your Account With Us Four per cent interest cn time deposits. Oi;r deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. KURfSAY STATE BANK Siu'adev in that city. Th l;"'.' tier.t has not siiown much' --:vi ii;if i-ovensent. The building fever is :!i midst, and with the opening (' ; anu tne year oi i i , win How rr.odein bviildiiiLrs in t! V.. II. o.i-er, of South P.enl. a at. :;'!." :'.'.ovn:r'.ir to atto'ai : ..! . .v ;.; II. . n - . ' '" i " ; i i , ; ; . ( loo.-iiv. Sarador has hotii i t'. i - i. !". itli the is: in. Hoi I ' I'r -le Jt I he! e r. : s v. Omana e vi!: wh i- lo'V wo!;(..-r peop.e lantoro w:t- calied to Or I; .Mrs. L. I). Iliatt was vi-itin-; witli I tenin- on professional busi- relatives in Plattsmuth Tuesday. A. K. Nickels returned Mondav t from South Omaha, where he sjion: Ii!l shipped a i..v Wmi of h th f ) atri mara market oa Tri- Sunda .t.-t 'ct ?. '-.:.- Y:i:-d ivy's f. rce ff ..-.:- w. re t.usy at Le ru:rd Te:- ! ti.i- v.evk. Air.v-t Voan- is aii swelled lip in reL'i- '. 1 his nos v " A P :h" Sheparcijin iii-parted for Thursday f this week will w.-rh on a farm the ("ha lies Kilinjrton. ex-f:reman. of COin Omriioi is: n.-r,i! ir t !if vtV' with I I attai r. l I Arthur f'i.a-- ecu l-:e he j .durray. '!iv- .-.nil l.uihl lien. ,od si-'r.oi ' -. ; cliiii ciies. up-t('-date store.- ar.d i a ' .- j A deal Wu.- co-n.-utvate-.l W. dr . day of week w:u re'ay John V . lik ilisnosed of his interest in . . liMuiu-a.v t;irber sliop i: Morra! !!; . i i : iett. of I morer.e. Iowa. Jeini :i;tevd sister, Mrs. Al. Kennedy. to n.turn to his former h-me in Mi'-i Ed. Schumaker spent Thursday ,waukee, Wisconsin, where he wiil . r- ai:d Friday of last week in Omaha jttr a new line of bu.-ir.e-. I i.avin- been lookin- after some business. j IIon X(...,, tl,k p5s mik. s:, ... The Oldham Stack Farm are shin- ! Omaha the latter part of -the w, i f. . T . 1. I ' j." A .... .. . U 1 . 1 1 " . ! our more cr tneir m-rn pram' . ar i ! eaimeui. ai i::e n.'spaa:. a j. hoys week. They are shippiny j tonsils were lemoved Frioay. a- .! t all part of the country and judy- .this week he utaleryoes a mote s - i:.. r 1 he t ii- Ho-pilai. fro pi South Miss al the home of and will c r-t o; .March. sold hi.- stock t . v. e a Ho is i..,w ready to ha s oar-, hast d a fiac oi-.,i!'y a cl expects to :r; : few dr.ys. hihlien at t!ie Alex a " a"' sick with (irip ..: se to as-i,;t in takiny a a.- the taby has con e -s and i- in a cr;ti- l r..:". suiataer. Fia. or Hatisttorst sponr the hitter ' hoys a:e yivin -:t of last week in Lincoln. Have- 1 t ;; m the resales beiny made their ioiis oj.erati. ri. His ma; v i : ' . - ! the best of salisfac- ' hope fo- the speedy leo.very ' c- ! - ia.viay sold h .:s le a i.ooi h-...d. wii! I .;'-.' i o::r N-ii'a.-k t k and Iav. ittirn home in fornier yood healiii. i i 'v. eema;n:rrr husin"-s , ,f . t t i .... , .. e , m , .... .,i rs. vieorire i.iOjei ieeeien a ei ( x.aei; ui iae .'luoai vie-.oo- j - a p.ea.-ure trip. j j JU jnf -j accident to her left wrist ceived another present f.rm i.. i!. i uis. our yenial yaraye man. la-t Saturday, when she slipped ar,d V. Ky. o., in the s.i.,i.e ot a -t.-I his oiW- arid supply ; fell on the ice. For some time it ; empty box car in which they ; A,h.-: t ouny. the -lurray . ,iid not bother bu: later it became place a small cjuaatity of tiieir nccess in Business is the built-up result cf a number of detailed improvements over customary methods. This is January of a new year, the natural time for planning ahead; getting your line up for the Spring work. Look over your farm implements and if you are going to need any newoncscomc in and tell us. Get our prices; let us figure with you; we may bo able to save you some money. Give us a trial; we will appreciate it. We are interested in your success, be cause the success of our business depends upon the success of our customers. Kowjust remember that wc handle the one best line for the man who wants the best the John Deere full line of agriculture implements, wagons and vehicles, repre sents more than 75 years of experience in manufacturing QUALITY GOODS, and we consider ourselves fortunate in securing the agency. -- - - - - MURRAY lerdware and impSenionf Go., MURRAY, NEBRASKA .MAN SENT TO COUNTY FARM. This morning: an old pn'leman who has been staying in the vicinity of Nthawka, was sent to this city hy County Commissioner Ileebner to be placed in the county farm, but on ar liviny here it was found that the sit uation at the farm was such as to make it impossible for him to be cared for at once by Superintendent Tarns. The man was in charge of Sheriff Quintcn and this official had another prollem added to his care in tryiny provide some suitable quarters for the man until the commissioners could provide for his care at the farm. CARD OF THANKS. i a-'.. d hn Hi bhins. iiviay f..i:r mile ' surgical aid for relief. to reach the markt-t v it u a- X , '. e ; i -a i - ' . o r co. n We-tern .-'.e'aany XVbraska and Ka and relatives. The infant daughter of Mr. , ; tnese many days. iar. this are thankfully rec-wed. 1 at r i would like to 'grab" a whole tr. :a : r; e -. n art ot tne ,-Mrs. Alex Phoden has been very 1 w I fev thi. n-.ict fnii- i!:.v t--HtTotirt' with i ..J?. X (ieorye W. Young, of Alva. Ok lioma. was a passenger ? , h U . ( who has been in io-onchial-pneumonia. and is still in i -tate. cam? ; a danyerous condition. Mi Louyh- Omaha, wiicre hv -oent the ear rri"!'r.;r.y. as the Weath- wi .nr-r;-fd ns nr.rse Sun- i w. t . ....-,. , , i i i , nis brother I. b. wn is rev: e?e to cr. t. rue with ; ,hiv, and evervthine is being done to' ; . ,. ", . i treatment at tie- hospital m th-.t inheve tr.e little ones suhenny. . . . j.'.iwt- .Lt.- t.i'-.i, .. .i.v:.-:i i oura;, an oal time Las; i n-i :. ,....-., !,..,- ' . , oe-ii ii vp.n...i ...... .. .. . . i-f,uiu ue n,.i j. r.tar.. i- :;t :ro.- friends and II: f .,o Mia, ; t In. Kluo ribbon of this community -..-..... -;:..! .. j - - - lout u o i-j.f"-iUi , iwi ii , ceries in . ,, . ii p Cansemer. Tuesday tu.,t i-,- i.r, ,.a.. -diu ia.i ' ""'"r'! Murr:4y this v''"'k-Mr-iof'this week he sold Minford S: v, ht. c;.r;f.nt",, U- for -u-h a! ' ' l- a v.- a re.-id.. .at ,f Carroll. ' r k.,.,i h.., . .. i ie-..r::ei oiit" jm'iii iiu.-i i-..iv 1 . . jc-o and rtttorts that nart of V. i . , i - ,-,.t i 1 ; v.'tiyr.en pouau.-, aow u i.s i. -.-.a a- ra;:.g prosperous and nro- . :: t., Mm. i I 'lT ClT'TOl- -Af (lirill!l!' HI 1 ..111 .'Ii'i" ----- - - - ry - g: s-ive. T r.e. ire quite numerous bi4.o. lor one poi ivei T u-u,,,.,.,..,. fi,.... A ' 1 i 1. 1 Hill 'Uil - I. . . V. I K fat either. ford and Herm in 1 iliviuuai couiu rarts. and "!. Ilex Your? is ' more easily. a !..;, tr.t- ou. :e.-t man in the World ; puts chops on the top shelf. Herman - w-..-.a.y ... There is a yood reason, I says lie has two more that will beat for v. - , n it conies to the man who j the -00 mark. Such porkers as these c--n the good as an avctioneer i put hog raising business on the pleas Ke : is f.r.-t in las class. He's no has" ure side of life, especially when h -en. he is now. market day rolls around. time. It will no doubt be necessary the Board of Trade of Murray . Hi take aa ij : ' : i ! '-' p S ' . . 1 i iik . a r: ' ci ; h va Ti:;::: ni: jiai.k dupoc. ' "'.a: m Sto.-': Farri have ad - : 1 ka.i-h' hoy t" their herd . a oat of x no i 'o-.-t s aerd ;tt .t . J iy-: s Ilkislrator is o! t- he the greatest sire ir. ka at iia- time, and this is a ,k; sired by Illustrator. Deets s:.L- averaged .SloiX?, the hi: g at hhlo.oo. This iraliv id it 1. tiie Critic, yrandson of !'... ar.d King's C sires of dharv. !u r 1. makes a good line . i ii:g as can be found anywhere D.iii.c herd. NEW AUTO LICENSES REQUIRED. Yesterday was the last day of grace fo the automobile drivers who have r.ot secured their 1017 license num bers, and those who operate under the ohi number.- of last year will be liable , I desire to express to my neighbors and friends, and especially to Z. C. P. J. lodge of this city, my deepest ap preciation of sympathy, kindnes and help extended me during the time of the death and funeral of my beloved son and in my sickness. Their kind ness will never be forgotten. Mrs. Jos. Havir. DR. IiLEICK. Dr. Bleick, 532 World-Herald build ing, Omaha, specialist in eye, ear, ncse and throat diseases, will be at Plattsmouth every Tuesday, at 15. A. McElwain jewelry store. Eye glasses scientifically fitted. A want ad wiil oring you a buyer. 1 CHRISTIAN CHl'RCIf CHIMES. In the death Sarah Young nans judgment, the in-!, Sonie verv xtringen, rules' have carried 100 pounds ula.: t!le " :i.,n of 5t, member- was ou:te l ""e Join the Regulars! That's the people who regularly use the best 3Cc Feaberry Coffee, carried at this store. Special 5 Eb. Towel Sag OF THIS CELEBRATED COFFEE 24c LB. Ideal Brand Coffee, 3 lbs for $1.00 Sea! Brand, "Highest Grade" per lb... .40 "Golden," the Best 25c Coffee Q Brand, a Blended Coffee, per lb 30 Our Brand Blended Coffee, per lb 35 Hiatt . Tutt, Exclusive Agents Gooch's Best Flour a Pancake Turner With Every Sack MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA i r; K'. i a'PB scene on the muskrat markot a;-,! !I appealed for some time its if ba-i-lt ness would be suspended, but tk .-'l members were able to weather tki !- t fluctation. and the market closed verv j . bearish, although the bulks were very reluctant to let it do so. M rM id rri one oi tne greatest lr.iprovenii -at s . that the Missouri Packic Pv. C, h.ave bestowed upon the j-eoph- o' j Murray and vicinity during the pa-t tj few years. was the co-r.jdet ioa of their electrict beii signal at t'-e crossing on lower Main street, this fj week. This improvement carrio- th ... jjj latest equipment, the alarm bell al-.. fi he 4th episode cf the wiggle, waggle danger signal N . which can be seen for a quarter of 'f a mile at either night or day. The is people of Murray are indeed very , r,, i ., r. .. .u .: r' safety device. ;aa, j gone J u: the church has suffered a great loss. V : over fifty years she was a faith ful and Consistent member. Iler zeal atai devotion to the cause of Christ 4t a : tavas uruiring. tne 1. but net forgotten. The large c-eot ;:t the funeral was an tribute of the esteem in in wr.i.n site was held by the people ! f community. tj The oifeting for Cotner University jt-jwill t-e take!! next Sunday. All the ' . j :: .e;abjrs are requested to give some f) to aid this worthy institution to considerable annoyance. There are j CstaSTU Cannot Be Cured very few auto owners, however, who ! WiUi LOCAL APi'LlCATloNs5, as lhey have not already secured their new 'atsoa'eS- licenses from the secretary of state i UuenceJ ty cor.atitutieri;tl conuitioas. r.a 1 .... , j. x. , in e-Jer to care it you in'at t!:o a.i and whne a number of them have rcranly llai'-s v.uirn Mea- cir.e li laKtn miei uaily tiri'l uel3 Zr r tic- l.i io'i -i the m' suifa-u.; ol ttii system. Hall's Catarrh Mi-eia-ine v.aj r.i tr. ri I 1 , ' it-.. I...c:t Tlivt i..)'. r j the required fee and wdl have them i ja ,iUs country for y-ars. It is con.- failed to receive their number plates from the state, they have paid over in a verv short time. Roy Campbell came down from Lincoln yesterday for a few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Stcinhauer. tuffil of sonit- ef the b-&t tonus knowr. c oniiiin--J with soin-; of the Ixtt tl-j'ji r-ritiers. The perfect conihinatioa of the inredi r.ts in Hall's Catarrli MM--rire is wiu'.t proiluies such wor..Urf::l resuo-i in cittp.i i conlitions. sc iiU for t'stiauir:irils, tree. F. J- OHLNEY & CO.. Trops.. Toledo. O. All lin;:sts. 7"-. Ilali's l'u:i:iiy IJ:i.:s for constipation. - AT : i .! learning. Ti Tht sermon topi'-s fcr next Sunday ,t .Moiaii g: " clod's Care for the In- ..loi air eividu..! Seal.' Evenim "The tki 5 oi'l's t-ed Time and Harvest." FOR SALE. Ij sea : one.', oak posts; a few hedge j'.' posts; 1 F'cland-China male hog. 200 i.i two For some reason or other, more than ' b Featuring ,!iri UKery tor tne kick oi entnus.asni. :p Jack Holt arc! Edriic Tolo there has not been a meeting of tkc,? Murray Commercial (Tub this winter, if h i -1 1 For the past two yens Murray i.;a- .-oat: Is: 1 Sho! thorn bull; 1" head sh-.-.ats, 4 to o months, old. Phone No. i;k') C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb. l-U0-3twklv f A P. i enjoyed the distinction of having oru ii T"' iof the best clubs in the state for a; fc Wfi li'il$Cr I town of its size. These meetings ri have resulted in good for the town, 3 and community. There is no other .'" one thing that can advertise a town and community to a greater ex-! fi tent than a Commercial Club com- Mi Worth Attention of Women. T5 IS u .J .-- ii .1 f w When you feel too tired to work, wake un weary, have backache or r- j - i;i pains in sides, when you suffer rheu- i i matic twines, you may be sure the C.l i posed of good live boosters, such -fi PJ!" a " 5 " " f " .Murray had a short time ago. If the ! W 2 iiLO & tl i old organization is dead the business w men should get together and see ithat a new one is born. It is up to ; ft you, what do you say? Talk it overiH and let us all get together in the f T. I O M " n A -.4- C . L t .Murray Commercial Club. ir.eys are disordered. Fay Shelburg, - i b!e l wo years. Nothing did me any j s'! -eou until I yet Foley Kidney Pills. i --jiTwo r.Oc bottles cured me." Sold ev Tj '-ry where. tit ii tr& fiti LLys. rj Saturday Everrhn etroit (They Wear Like a Pig's Nose) Big Overalls or Jackets at 1 .25 On account of our heavy purchases and early buying we are able to hold our prices on Rubber Goods, the same as a year ago. Our Grocery Stock IS FULL AND COMPLETE AT ALL TIMES Ptils & Gansemer, Murray, Nebraska Drs. EV2ach & EV2ach, Tha Dentists The lireest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Specialist la charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate Prlcea. Porcelain flllinga, just like tooth. Instrument carefuliy stemmed alter ubinj. Send for free sample of Sani-Pyor Pyorrhea Treatment. 3rd Floor Paxton Block, OMAHA HPS FSTULA Pay After You Are Cured Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform Mi Walk-ee I Jim tor, who has been here k or '-yihg a visit for a few days with j Ether or otLer general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac- ti hame foli:s tierarted this morning cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Show LUrts av 7;i5 ihar- ti f. .- Lln-oln to resume his Ftudios in j Rectal drseases, with testimomals ot prominent people who have been permanently ti ...... ' curea. tatc university in tiiat citv. i 1 DR. TARRY Bse Building Omaha. 4 i r n I ' ... H