The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1917, Image 1

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    Hbe Iplatteraotitb Journal.
Mrs. Fred Schmarterer Sues John Un
der Co. of Omaha for Selling
Liquor to Her Husband.
Now Deceased.
A suit for 000 damages for the
death of Fred Schmarterer at the
Woodworth pond near Louisville, last
September, has been filed in the dis-
tiict court in this city by the widow,
Mrs. Sigrid Schmarterer. against '
the John Linder Company of Omaha '
and the Chicago Bonding anl Security
In the petition filed in court it is
c tated that the defendant, the John
Linder Company, is a corporation of
the state of Nebraska, whose place of
business is in the city of Omaha,
where they are engaged in the sale of
liquor, ami that the Chicago Bonding
and Security company is the security
on the bend of the liquor company. It
is alleged that on September 13, 2ilG,
the John Linder company sold and de
livered to Fred Schmarterer at Louis
ville one jug of whisky and with the
contents of the jug, Mr. Schmarterer
and several companions held a cele
bration near the Woodworth pond and
that the result was that Mr. Schmart
erer became so much under the influ
ence of the liquor as to cause him to
lose control of his facilities and in a
spirit of drunken valor proceeded to
jump into the pond and attempt to
swim across to demonstrate, his skill
before his companions. As a result
c f the effects of the liquor he was un
able to swim and was drowned in the
pond before, his companions could
reach his side. It is further stated
that at the time of his death, the de
ceased was 26 years of age and was
employed as engineer on a steam
shovel, at a wage of from $100 to
per month, and that his death
has left the wife and two children,
William, aged 2 years, and Charlotte,
aged 4 months, in a condition without
support or any means. It is there
fore prayed by the plaintiff that a
judgment for $50,000 be given her and
the two children for their care and
Frrrn V'c(!i-s'hv's T:i''v.
The Bachelor's Club, an orgoniza
tion composed of young men of the
Bohemian nationality residing in
:naha. sent a delegation to this city
Sunday to make arrangement for
holding a serial gathering at the T.
J. Sokol hall on Sunday. February
11th, and were successful in complet
ing the final plans for making the af
fair a great success. The Omaha
club expects to run a special train
from the metropolis carrying the
members of their organization and
friends which will leave Omaha at
12 o'clock and reach this city in time
fur the festivities of the day. A tug
of war between the heavy weights of
Omaha and Plattsmouth and one be
tween the smallest men from both
Omaha and Plattsmouth. In addi
tion to this, other special features
will be given including a big social!
ciance during me aiiernoon ana eve-
ning which will be open to the pub
lic and prove a fitting climax of the
day of pleasure which the Omaha
club will stage. The entertainment
will be under the joint auspices of the"
Bachelor's club and the local T.
Sokol society.
J. N. Elliott who has been residing
in the vicinity of Cedar Creek for
the past few years will become a resi
dnet of this city this spring, having
concluded the deal for the purchase of
the property of John J. Toman, in
the south part of the city, and will
move as soon as posible. Mr. Toman
has purchased through C. E. Haney
the Slagle farm of 100 acres eight j
miles south cf the city and will en-
gag in the tilling of the soil in the ;
future in hopes of
benefiting his
Prom Tii ilny's l':iily.
M- . William Clarence, one of the
kl residents of the vicinity of Union
passed away yesterday at a hospita
in Omaha, where she had been for
the past few weeks taking treatment
Mrs. Clarence had been in poor health
for pome time and had for the past
few months been a sufferer from blood
poison and from which grew the
years of r.go and had made her
home for practically her entire life
; time in the vicinity of Union, and
leaevs to mourn her loss a large num-
her of friendr, as well as a husband
ani four children, Milton and Will
Ularerco, Mrs. W. L. Taylor and Mrs.
Bert Everett, all residing in Union
and vicinity. The departed ladv had
been devoted to the care of the home
and her family, and it had been her
i greatest joy in contributing to their
care and comfort. The family resided
on a farm four miles northwest of
Union. The body has been sent back
to the home, where it will be laid to
lest among the familiar scenes that
Mrs. Clarence had loved so well in her
From Tuopilny's Taily.
Last evening one of the best basket
ball games of the season was staged
at the roller skating rink when the
Presbyterian Bible class team won
from the Methodist Wops of Omaha,
by a score of 45 to 40. In the open
ing half of the game the Presby
terians ran away from the visitors,
piling up a score of 32 to 1G, and it
seemed as though the affair was to be
decidedly in favor of the locals, but
in the second half the Wops by chang
ing their method of play gave the
Presbyterians the race of their lives
to maintain their lead, as the Wops
annexed twenty-four goals to thirteen
for the Presbyterians. Patty, who
r.layed forward for the visitors, had
the Presbyterians on the go all the
time in this half, and secured eight
goals to his credit by his dashing and
clever playing. The game aroused the
greatest enthusiasm among the spec
tators and the game fight put up by
the visitors was warmly applauded by
the rooters. The Wops are a new
team in Omaha and are a fast organ
ization throughout' and composed of
fine young men.
As a preliminary to the main event
the Eighth grade team of the Central
building took on the Sophomores of
the high school and succeeded in de
feating the high school hoyse by the
interesting score of 8 to 7.
From dne(1av's Daily.
Sheriff Quinton returned from
Omaha last evening where he located
a number of the articles which were
taken from the store of F. P. Sheldon
at Nehawka, on Saturday night.
The articles recovered consisted for
the greater part of jewelry including
a number of watches and small pieces,
such as fancy pins, watch chains and
lockets. They were found in a pawn
shop at Thirteenth and Jackson
J streets where they had been pawned
Sunday afternoon, but the party who
committed the burglary seems to
have been able to dispose of the arti
cles to a second party who did the
pawning. From the circumstances of
the burglary it seems as though the
robbery was carried out by the same
person who did the recent job at Man
ley when one of the stores in that
place was entered and a number of
articls stolen. A stranger was in
the Sheldon store on the day of the
robbery to purchase some foodstuff
and from his description it seems as
though he was the party that pulled
off the robbery. He was a small man
about five feet, five inches in height,
weighing about 123 pounds and ap-
pared to be in the neighborhood of
(twenty-four years of age.
Improvements During Coming Year
Include Big Elevator and
Terminal Yards.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 30 The Bur
lington railroad will spend about $.,-
000,000 in improving its system, it
has been announced by Vice-Presi
dent II. E. By ram, who is on a tour
of the Burlington lines with other
Nebraska's share of the expendi
tures will be a $1,000,000 elevator at
Gibson near Omaha, a cutting down
of the hills between Omaha and
South Omaha; seven miles of double
track between Greenwood and Ash
land: and an enlargement of the
Lincoln terminal yards.
The road counts on the big elevator.
to have a capacity of 2.560 cars, for
grain shipping season. The system's
relieving car shortage during the
cars can be unloaded at Gibson and
sent back again to Nebraska stations
without being lost to the line.
The road is purchasing 2.000 grain
cars, 3,000 coal cars and 50 large lo
Mr. By ram said railroad presidents
in sew l ork soon would sign an
agreement whereby the car shortage
situation may be permanently re
lieved. Under this agreement roads
pay high demurrage charges on cars
not their own.
The Burlington stands ready to put
up a new depot in .Lincoln, when
ever the other roads will agree to use
it. The promise will be .made good
if the Union Pacific alone will come
From Tuesday's Iaily.
The funeral services for Frank
Higley, who passd away Saturday
eveningfi at the hospital in Omaha,
where he has been for some time
suffering from Blight's Disease, will
be held on Wednesday afternoon at
2 o'clock from the Dodder chapel and
the interment made in the Prospect
lill cemetery in that city. Mr.
ligley is a brother of James Higley
of this city, who was called to his
bedside Saturday by the message an
nouncing the near approach of death,
and was able to spend a few hours
with the brother ere he was called in
to the valley of the shadow. Mr.
Higley is well known in this city
where he made his home for a num
ber of years and his death will be
very much regreted by the old friends
and associates. He was born in
Ohio fifty-six years ago and in 1884
came to Plattsmouth where he locat
ed for a time and was engaged in
work for the Burlington but some
twenty-eight years ago removed to
Omaha where he was for a long num
ber of years employed as night fore
man in the Burlington yards at Gib
son and was familiarly known as
"Dad" Higley to his fellow work
men who held him in the highest
esteem and respect. The funeral was
held late so as to permit the rela
tives from Colorado and Kansas to
attend the services. The deceased
was the youngest in a family of seven
children and is the third to pass
Yesterday afternoon at the county
court room occurrred the marriage of
Mr. Ira Clarence Moore and Miss Nel
lie Boetel, both of this city. The
a. -i mony was perf onrx 1 by Judge
lieason in his usual pleasing manrer
an! vas witnessed by Mrs. John Boe
mother of the bride Tha groom
is u joung man held in high esteem
by his many friends and is at present
it: " employ of C. E. Hertford, the e'ealer. The bride is the eldest
n ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Boetel
;n.:l has been reared to womanhood
p this city, and possess-;? a large cir
cle of friends who will join in wishing
her mui-h happiness in her wedded
From W'O'lnotln y'.v Daily.
The officials at the court house are,
figuratively speaking, camping in
their offices this week during the pro
cess of the cleaning and painting of
the halls and offices on the second
floor of Cass county's beautiful build- '
ing. County Clerk Libershal has been 1 d:iV-s picn;,. u, th. temperature stood
one of the officials to feel the effects ' 1(t -.0 de-recs below zero at 7 o'clock,
of the cleaning -and painting as his ' :itk1 durinr, t;)e Cu,Ii(... hours if tke
office has been torn up for the last morning it- had re-ehed a much lowt
few days, and which makes the han- ; :i,uvc. The weather all dav ve.-ter-
dling of the routine work a hardship,
but in the end justifies the means as
the cleansing was badly needed in the
offices where it is being prosecuted.
Frank Gobelman has a large force of
men on hand carrying on the work
and is pushing it along as rapidly r.s
Frnm Tuesday's Daily.
George W. Young, former county
commissioner of Cass county, and at
present of Alva, Oklahoma, came up
last evening from Murray where he
has been visiting his daughter, Mrs.
Meek Davis and family and visited
over night here with his old friends
in this city and vicinity as a guest of
his sister, Mrs. Charles Troop. Mr.
Young came up from Oklahoma Sun-
da' called here by the serious eondi-
of his brother, Robert Young of near
Murray, who is at the hospital in
Omaha being treated for an injured
hip which wu:s .dislocated sometime
ago, and in company with Mrs. Troop
visited at the hiftd with t!rt broth
er today.
Mr. Young is located en a farm
near Alva, Oklahoma, and has been
very successful in his farming oper
ations there, which will be pleasing
to his many friends throughout the
confines of Cass county. Mr. Young
has since going to Oklahoma been
very active in the automobile organi
zations and in the good loads move
ment in his locality and has for the
past few years been serving as presi
dent of the Oklahoma automobile
association and is one of the live
wires of that organization in promot
ing the cause of good roads through
out that state. Mr. Young has spent
a great deal of time in the marking
of the different trails in Oklahoma
and is known from Oklahoma City to
Alva as one of the men who have
given the people of Oklahoma good
roads to travel over. He has been
honored by his good work in this
ine of good roads ' by having the
great state highway from Oklahoma
City to Kansas named the "Young
Trail" and over which thousands of
auttomobiles pass each year. Mr.
Young states that his locality in Ok-
ahoma is now experiencing the ol!
boom, as a number of large flowing
wells have been located in the vicinity
of Alva and which means a great
future for that flourishing city. Mr.
Young has a fine farm adjoining the
city limits of Alva and one of the
choicest pieces of land in that local
ity. For a greatynany years Mr. Young
resided on a farm west of Murray
and a short distance from Nehawka,
and was one of the best known men
in that locality and his success is cer
tainly pleasing to his old friends.
While in the city yesterday Mr.
Young called at the Journal to pay
his respects an enjoy a few minutes
visit which was certainly enjoyed
very much as Mr. Young is a real live
booster and filled with the spirit of
optomism which makes success.
Prern "Wednesday's Daily.
This morning Clarence Lykms and
Miss Mary Utterback of Omaha called
at the court house and requested a
permit to join their hearts and live
as one, and accordingly were accom
modated. The wedding ceremony was
performed by Judge Beeson in his
usual pleasing manner and the young
people hastened on their way rejoicing
and returned to Omaha on the after
noon Burlington train.
Buy your stationery at the Journal
office, where the line is the best and
largest in Cass county.
f M
The weather this morning when the
humble householder amse wrs of a
! v.,rjt.t,.
that made the Shackle-ton
! Tin ar t-yixMit ion s-T-m like a summer
day had remained verv thrcatenlnc,
with flurries of snow r.nd a si: org bit-
ing northwest wind that rave the resi- t
i. ens oi mis cuy a oriel iue:i oi unat
the reside::'..- c-'it on the stock ru-r.ges
and in the v.-. .-!
n rait
the state
l receive'
The ronort
cm over
the west indicated that ti e sto -m was
one o
r the worst in ye:
in Wyoming o.vd
and espe
e Dakotas.
whe: e a heavy yixuw added to th" in
tensity of the blii'.iard. The train
service throughout the west has been
greatly affected by the .-tor:::, delaying
trains and making the tak of get-
ting through anywhere en time a very
severe task. In Wyoming the work
j of keeping the lin-is ope
was anan-
doned yesterday when the wind moved
;th(, hu?e masses of mv.w over the
tracks and into the deep cuts through
the rr.oiin-.nin country and clo-ed up
the ronds for travel with the heavy
masses of snow. The change in the
weather coming sn suddenly after the
warm weather of the flr;;t two day? of
the week ha? made- it felt verv much
by the peop!?.
y $jr$ft
t" I h ? 1 1 i
I m m . k m
- .
on Wednesday evening. January
the home of Mr. aad Mrs. B. C.
-uarqaarar, m avevn, ine.euuing oi
their second daugnter. Lmma Mabel
and Mr. Verne Parks Hawaii was sol
. At 8 o'clock the beautiful
Lohengrin's wed.ang march
strains of
sounded with Miss Eda Marquardt. j
cousin of tiie bride, at the niano. Miss
Clara Maiouardt. sister of the bride
enteied first and inarched through the
parlor followed by the bride on the
arm of Iter father. Under a pretty
weddirg bower with showers of pink
sweet peas hanging from white can-
o- ies and with ferns in th
pvound, the bridal party was met by I
he groom, his best man. Mr. Eugene i
Spencer of Talmage. brother-in-law of j
the bride, and Mr. A. A. Bashfoid, the i
minister, ine ring ceremony was
nee.' niui n thpv r iiehted their troth !
A, .. .' r -.r , , , ,
the soil music of Mendelssohn s
Spring Song was heard. Following the
ceremony the guests, about 100 in
number, offered their congratulations
as Miss Ellen Kennedy, of Lincoln,
cousin of the groom, played Mendels
ohn's "Wedding March and the End
of a Perfect Day. The bride was
charming in a dress made of tulle over
silver cloth. The skirt was of short
length, and long white kid gloves and
white kid shoes completed the bridal
costume. She wore a pearl necklace, a
gift of the groom, and carried bride's
roses. ine nride smaiu wore clam.
pink crepe de chine and cairied a gold
basket filled with pink carnations. The
gentlemen of the party wore the con-
ventional black. The bride's mother
was tastetuiiy gownea in graj sn.
and the groom's mother in lavender j
In the dining room a buffet lunch
eon v.-as served by Misses Ella Meyer
and Clara Neumeist?r. The punch
bow! was presided over by Miss Leona
Everett. Each gue?t. wrote in the
guest book before leaving the dining
room. Mrs. Eugene- Spencer, sister of
the bride, was in charge cf the dining
room and the parlors.
Many gifts were received by the
bridal pair and told of all good wishes.
The bride, a young lady of strong
personality, is a graduate of Teru
Normal and has been principal of a
number of high schools in the state,
She numbers her friends throughout
the state by the score. The groom is
a young mrm of estimable worth and
has a lucrative government position
as electrical engmser in Denver. They
left Saturday for Denver, where they
will their hcrr.?.
Dawson Will Tix It.
1 This n-.o'-nirrg the pupils of the
! fV-ntral bitt'dintr were dismissed for
fts.e forenoon owing to the in: pos-i-biiity
of ttir..r ti e room.- warm
, cnou.i-ii i'. !.i.(Av the scnolars to study i
with nv.v degree of comfort. The !
heaiirg p'ant o
;.Me to eu::pe'.e with
the tempera-
flic of twenty below zero and the
.-trong north, wind prevailing and
rather than compel the children
to endure the- chilly rooms and
t lie pos-doi'.hy of acquiring bad colds
the superintendent dismissed the
schools and allowed the pupils to go
-( -,;!- hemes
De-nite the cold weather and biting
rjyth wind cjuite a good sized crowd
0f thlt. fans Df the wrestling game
gathered last evening at Coates' hall
to ivinu.c; th,. mutch twitnwn T?mK-
Warner, of Hewells, and Joe McVey,
who were the attrac-
tions of the occasion. Both of the
; wrestlers were in the best of form j
and a real struggle between the two
' that resulted in a draw was staked,
, The boys wrestled for an hour with- !
out either being able to secure a fall
li-V'l the result was declared a draw by
jthe referee. Both Warner and Mc
j Yey displayed much skill in avoiding
! being put to the mat for the count as
Wuh HTostlw! trior? hsrH for frill
and while several times it seemeJ
that one would secure a clean fail
; his opponent was able to avoid the
' rn'ri.: nno font i nl ir-d i he match to ihe
. V-...... w... i
limit of "an hour and it being appar-
If-nt that a fall was impossible it was
-4.:. thnt honors vvere even. Both
of these Nebraska wrestlers are
...mon,, the best in the state .ind have
participated in a number of matches
with the best mat artists in the west.
,It i? hnpeJ that ater u
; Tncpt ar settlo the
the two may
question of su -
premacy in the wrestling line and it
j will make a very interesting match.
Henry G. Hoffert and son. Wil
liam, of near Plainview. Nebraska.
we:e visitors m tne city yesterday i
and this morning spending a short !
I time : t the B. d. uurl and George
i Born homes
.ur. iiouerc sn.ppeu
tt ;r . 1 it
I two cars of cnttlte to the
market and availed himself of the
opportunity to isit ieiaues. mu i
friends in Plattsmouth for a short
time. The Hoffert family have len dauc.hteI and thev caMie f,r. l io.
vcry successful in their farming and . ,a wh(.r? thfV had 1( do.Pg ,';,
last few vears with its bounteous
crops has proven very profitable to
them which will be pleasing to their
frierds in this county. Mr. Hoffert
states that on the trip from Plain
view to Omaha they were given the
luxury of a pasesnger coach whish
was placed on the freight for the ac
comodutkn of the stock shippers and
, :t is tlie first t;me that his favoor has
j Leen Hhown to the residents of the
iocuiitv around Plainview. While in
te cjty v, Hoffert called at the
journal office ana renewed tor tne
journal with which he keeps posted
on the doing in old Cass county. He
states that the large number
former residents of this county who
are located near Plainview, Creigh-
ton and Osmond are doing nicely and
all have had fine crops the past
season and are in the most prosper-
cus condition.
It is rumored that one of the ,
' yOUnr farmers residing in the vicin -
y of this city is preparing to rob us
Qf one Qf the fair young ladies who
claims Tlattsmouth as her home. The
, fact that thi3 young man has made a
! great many trips here in the last few
weeks lends strength to the rport
nnd it seems probable that Dan
Cupid will be on the job before the
idvent of the springtime.
- Have you tried the Special Sunday
Dinner at the Hotel Riley?
r o
j w a
The building s-a-- n in 1 'h.t t -:- i: h
duiing the year 1117 p'-omisi -. to he
one of the hist, if not the Lot av
in the history of th-- city in ti -- num
ber of home's that will be erected, or
new houses put t:p. The contactors
are already busy ligurir r on a number
of j f-w homes that will mean the .-
penditure of considerable mor,
v.h do
others are preparing to have :! ir
, residences changed to m':' modern
, lines, and which will also ::t:dl n:i-
sid --ruble expense.
r:d feel-
ing prevailing i; that th'- year will 1
one that will keep all classes of men
engaged in the building ?rad-s .-.-ry
busy, ami which will ai-o make itself
felt in other lines. This seem-- to in
dicate a very successful year unless
the unforseen occurs to 1 lock the
l:ivs SiVii nl Viriw. n 1 ' 1 1 v to-eri;: r.-.l
plans and arranged to have th,. ud.
on their home? comnici.c i a.- so. n
as the opening of soring will r.eirnit.
The plans for the improvements --m
to apply to all sections of the city
and are not bv any means confin-d t.
,. iittv .... ,. ,.,.,...
' to be getting into 'the game
Seem .
in p:a;:-
nmg some new improvement to.
year If 17.
Miss Alice Dovev,
W ci
:u -e
i known in uma!:a. not o
r i .
of her stage success-.-, br
f frequent visits to this ci
y, i - t
d .
' become the bride of Jack IL
! N'V' Olk, I. Til.ii.Ll'T il! t ....
At present she is playing .n toe mu.-i-
cal comedy, "Very Good Eddie" in
Philadelphia and will probably ;o to
Chicago in the spring for a sum;., r
. engagement
Mr. Ilazzard i- th--
comedian of the "Miss Springtime'
company now j laying on Broad wry.
Miss Dovev made her fiit appeal -
j ance on the stage at the age of i i
ine Mtroiicrs. r-r.e is ine
Nebraska girl who has ever sunt: ;. -A
West Point Military arademy com
mencement. Among her gifts i a
gold bracelet embossed with a ti-y
mouse nibbling at a wonderful
which was presented to her when she
was a tiny girl, by Princess, Ionise, a
Queen Victor-
heard the child upon a I.or.d .n visit.
Mrs. Tied or N'- v. Yoik
City, formerly Miss Ethel Iov- y . f
Plattsmouth, a daughter of Mr. at d
Mrs. George E. Dovcy. and a si.-te-r of
Miss Alice Dovev. has arrived to
Fper.d some time with her ,unr.
i Since her arrival in Nebraska.
; haj. run up to 0mah:i (,n sevf
casi,.ns to visit friend in this ed-y
, c," arromnanicd bv he r s." :.!!
work for the movies. Omaha Pee
The fire whistle at shortly !. f t--1
o'clock this afternoon greatly
tjie nose cart frorn the central id
aiarrneu ine ir.vui-n v . i.
house was sent to the hon e of Mr--,
j 'p rj;ijrd cn South Fifth str -r
j wiiere the fire was reported to he.
Before the arrival of the department
however, the members of the family
had succeeded in putting out the
Dazc which was caused by several
partjcles of burning soot from the
j -himnev lighting on the shingles of
the roof and causing several small
places to be burned before they covdd
be extinguished. It was fortunate
that the result was not more serious
and had the blaze received a few min-
' utes start would have been h.ird to
check. The fire was discovered by
Miss Carrie Baird who stepped out
into the yard for a moment, saw the
roof just starting to blaze from the
flying particles of soot and she at
once called George L. Tarley, residing
nearby who with several buckets of
water was able to put out the bla7e
without only a slight damage Icing
done to the property.
A want ad will bring what you want.