The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    MONDAY. JAVTjARY 29 117.
P 1 C Y r
ii ntin-i-ivLj ajmn
' i
( "
: r
S '
k .
There's nothing: of guessing or specula
tion in re-nrc! to Ford cars. Their practical
vniup is "being daily demonstrated by more
than 1.750,000 Ford owners representing
evcrv phaft; of human activity. Ford Service
i'or F;rd Owners is as universal and reliable
as ihe car itself. Dependability and econo
my in cav and service. Better buy your Ford
to-day you want it and it will serve you
every dav, winter and summer. 1 ounng
Car $560. Runabout $345, Coupelet $505,
Tov. n Or :f 595, Sedan $645 f. o. b. De
troit. Wc . o'ioit your order.
Bargains in Used Ford Cars!
Officials Expert Entire Column Will
llr Moving Uy Tomorrow. Trip
to IJorder Will Itcquire
One Week.
L 3
i !
Mmz mm m.
;::ih Siree;, Plattsmouth, Neb.
S : J WSwi i4U
Whin . mlrm t V tmm
so o ' - -i? ffrafS)
C'.ir.rr.tccd to Stronger than
I - - - T V--I
t mm. . i
".. r.Af.i. ;..v. r: tonk;;i r.
i : i. i:. of Om::ha,
; . . i::s (u t!'..- m.i ! f are .thedul-
vt! ro L...!j .-iii. the First Ire-lytur-!
;": ' '-" 1 i-: - -i :;-.! i",!,.r Kir thi,s!i.
.. T.v;.i . !., i v , n i...f l-'cii "cl-a!5inir house"
I. ... ::t !
!'.'! r :..iy t '.(.? tt in t ).T!u!i;.
1 ? t- 1 ' i i'i 1'., '.c: i.ins. sir.c- l licit
.;.iao v kIi th.- '1 ownst-r.ils luive de-
l'-l-'t:"'-" i i"c::tc-i r i.incy. Iowa, at Sidney, by a
' " ;;t' ''i- ' .-. o. c el" :: to 12 and were defeated
i ' : -11 ;" . i.r tic It" i Sen nr. I on I- riiinv mo-it
I :.-:!!..d :..v.-!i F-ut iy.' j ; y a M.0!V f o2 to 10. Of thi,; latter
ii a;-.! Mississippi , .... m .-.,,.,,1 i, -..nI -mr.h
- ar.d I...', e e v d 2,' (.' miles
I'ireniy h is been said; however it is
th'!U'4-ht that the losers will weather
z. 1 !iiiiv v v, !;.
. . v vi, 'eir.u:! in -viv; urieans tiCh v:, with as much credit as
;'- '''-tl.e vicror.-! carry their honor.
i-.'r,.-. They lave supported j Kronstdt, the elongated pivot-man
V"-";'-'-- 'f'1 1 ''' jof the Pn-bytians has rtturnetl and
' tv ir 1(-'r',-t'- vill prnbabiy be seen ia action this
I evening with all sails Fet. A :ood
m; i:ui.i i itt some itE'i .:n:1,v i,... ..,....,
' - :i'-!e .n of Mr. a id j C ATIiOLIC WORKMAN DANCE.
T b::s bef n vers' I
li.- :
, t
,t.M.,;-... d ..c;n;; son-l vil' -iv( 11 s"cial I;inc'e on Saturday
. 1 4j.,.(.rv-.f t(, i eve:ar.;r. 1 1 oruary 10th, at the K. h.
iT'iio'v 're-o-vM' fnvii 'his' ve'r-!!'-111 io 'vhich the public i.s 'cordially
. .. u. ( .- . . i t... .,v-r jr.. f invtfed to be present. The music
'., ',' , .'. ! '.,V tocn-i ; vI!1 'U r'lin;hl-"1 ly the Plattsmouth
. ,.f..,, -; and a j-ood time is in store
i .-' . i r. 7. f1' 'hose who attend.
!. rn . it 'i much; " "
A want ad win oring you a buyer.
El Paso, Tex., Jan. 2S American
tmops of Major General Pershing
punitive expedition tramped along the
high road loading from Coloni Duh
lan to the border today, on the first
leg of the march which took them into
Mexico in the pursuit of Francisco
Infantry cavalry, artillery and mo
tor trucks moved along the tree-lined
highway which winds across the
plateau overlooking the Casa?.
Grandes valley, like the old prairie
schooners of the days of moved
across the plains of the sunset trail.
Tonight the troops were encamped
along the- road with the head of the
column resting near llirseh's Hole,
twenty miles north of the Mormon
colony where General Pershing has
made his field headquarters since the
expedition ceased its pursuit of Villa
and his band of followers, arrivals at
the border said :
The last reveille at the field head
quarters was blown before dawn to
day, and, by sunrise, the advance
guard of the expeditionary forces was
well on the way toward the border,
according to Americans who came
from the front late today on truck
t tains to Columbus, X. M.
General Pershing and his staff
were expected to be among the last
to leave the field hetid.;'.:at ters and
will rule to the first night's encamp
ment in automobiles with the rear
guard, these arrivals said. The long
march to the Mexico-American border
will be resumed tomorrow, it was
The Associated Press was the first
to inform General Pershing of the
formal order for the withdrawal of
his column today and he immediately
mail;- a change in his plans for the
exodus, the soldiers reported tonight
upon their arrival here. Instead of
establishing a field base at Ojo Fed
erico, forty miles from the bonier as
was 07 ivir ;dly planned, there to await
the formal order for withdrawal.
ncTM"il Pershing was said to have ar
ranged to establish his temporary
aid headquarter.- at Las Palomas
a'-res. seven miles south of the border
where he would hold a general re
view of them before thev made the
ast lap of the march into Columbus.
The actual crossing of the border
could not occur, it was predicted to
night, until next week.
Washington. I). C, Jan. 27 With-
Irawal of the American military ex
pedition in Mexico was ordered by the
war department today, and by the
end of another week the entire com
mand, after ten months on Mexican
soil, probably will have reerossed into
the United States.
The order went to General Funston
in command at the border and left to
his discretion the exact time of start
ing the northward movement and the
details of carrving it out.
For several weeks he has known of
the administration's determination to
order the troops back to the border
ind under his direction the expedi
tion has been concentrated for the
long march.
Officials here understand that some
advance units already have started
north, and believe that within forty-
eight hours the whole column will be
in motion.
. . . e i ';). i aM. I
; : r.t r
'V.-s ("'
.... ,' w
In ysc- For Over SO Years
,.f s..v ; s. :it v, ; hs ; For Infants and Children
Letter files at th .To ofHre. i
; Always tear,
r vi.e
i!ntuTC of
MdmiVj! light, January 28fh
Ffrsi1 Prssbvterians vs.
First FL E. mops
Roller Rink 3:15..
Despite the prophecy of the weather
man yesterday for colder"weather and
snow flurries, the day was one of the
most delightful for many months from
the standpoint of the weather, and
greatly resembled a balmy spring day,
and made it possible to be out without
the necessity of an overcoat, which is
going some for the last of January in
this country. With the warm sun
shine and gentle spring-like breeze
blowing, the population in general
were all out doors yesterday as much
as possible, despite the fact that it
was slightly sloppy and muddy under
foot. It was certainly a rare treat
in the weather line, which was thor
oughly enjoyed by young and old
The high cost of paper and inks
has caused Uncle Sam to advance 1 lit
price of stamped envelopes and news
paper wrappers, according to notifi
cation sent out to the postmasters
throughout the country. The No. V,
2-cent envelopes will now cost .f"21."()0
instead of $21; the No. .r 1-cent en
velopes will now cost SlU'iO per thou
sand instead of $11, as formerly; the
No. 8 2-cent envelopes will now cost
$22.00 instead of $21. .r,r,, and the No.
1:5 envelopes will cost $21.74 instead
of $20.0S as they have in the past.
The price of newspaper wrappers will
be $10.1; per thousand instead of
$10.72. The price of envelopes in the
small .sales will not be affected by the
increase, but those who purchase thorn
in large quantities will feel the in
crease somewhat.
-Sj k i
CALL copies
Elect inn o He IL-M !.:;sf Sim.i iy in
February; Elect I'rcvideni
in March.
Assembly Approves Act for I!eMiious
Frotdoni; Ministers Mexican
Washington, Jan. 28. Republican
members of the house of representa
tives will caucus piobably Friday
night on the legislative situation.
There will be a general sizing up of
the political discussion of hoi: -e
organization:; anil legislative polieie;
for the coming congress,
A icsoluton to be considered
among others is one introduced by
Representative Anderson (Minnesota)
left over from last week's republican
caucus, to create a committee of fif
teen republicans to receive and con
sider suggestions as to a legislative
program for the republicans in the
next house. This is regarded as a
compromise for Iiepresentat ive Gard
ner'. progressive program.
This morning Judge Archer spt-v.t
several busy minutes ministering out
justice to those who were brought b '
ftue him for juelgme-au William
Larue, residing in the vicinity of
Murtay forfeited $" in cash wki.di
he had deposited with the police Sat
urday evening when lie war: picked up
for being in a state of intoxication
upon the streets. The court in the
for .ing in the state of inte"-:ic;:t -on
default of Larue assessed him a iiae
of $." and costs and the amount of the
forfeit will be turned over to the citv
strongbox to assist in the running
of the city. Robett Iiichter was giv
en a fine of $2 and costs, amnuntirar
to $." which he paid. He was chargrd
with being drunk on Saturday even
ing which caused a small disturbance
at the old fashioned dance at the
Woodman hall, and which was quieted
bv Oilicer P. A. McCrary.
Chamberlain's Cough IJcraedy Most
"I have taken a great many bottles
of Chamberlain's Cough Eernedy and
every time it has cured me. I have
found it most effectual for a hacking
cough and colds. After taking it a
cough always disappears," writes J.
II. Moore. Lost Valley, Ga. Obtain
able everywhere.
Money to lo?n on citv roal estate bv
the Plattsmouth Loan & Faiilding
Association. See T. M. Patterson,
Secretary. 3-2tfd
The Habit of Taking Cold.
With many people taking cold is a
habit, but fortunately one that is eas
ily broken. Take a cold sponge bath
every morning when you first get out
of bed not ice cold, but a tempera
ture of about 00 degrees F. Also
sleep with your window up. Do this
and ycu will seldom take colel. When
you do take cold take Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and get rid" of it as
quickly as possible. Obtainable everywhere.
We're as Near as the Nearest Pfcons
n 1
"TID you ever stop to
think how much Flow
ers help to cheer and en
courage those who may
be ill or in trouble.
Your remembrance neeel cost
but little and selected here
you may be sure of its reali
ty and punctual delivery
whenever desiieet.
Greenhouse Phone 15
Residence 552
Queretaro, Mexico, Jail. 2. The
constitutional assembly lias adopted
an article whereby General Cau-snr.a
is authorized to issie a call and pro
vide regulations for the eh-rlkai of
tnepib rs of" o,i-,'e-s, lo lie h:!d the
iast Sunday in Ft-brua'y. Con;-re-;. -will
meet in extraorditia.) y s:.ion otr
Apiil 7. Congress al- o v. ill a;-t a- a
sort of ejcctoial eoPege, passing on
the pre-idefitia! election and oMlcadiv
d (dating the pt sid n eleeted. No
mention is made a to tiv- dale of
holding the nresid'-nthd .!(! ioa, but
it pre babiy will be th h' - t :vaiday ia
Mare-h. The v-:i vaordina. y .--e-ssi'-n e;f
ci-jjgre: s will take vud'i- eo-ibide''a-t
ion lavs ai.d v. iii arjpoint
judge-- and other etlicia! ; who will a
fsirn" ofiice .July !, v.hen the present
ofiieials ( lal th-ir tern--. Th- tt rm of
the r.'-xt !!.-Idcnt -haii le coo-M iv I
as beginning Dee-e-iniiei . 1 :'!;'. .- til'
tiex. e!e;'ti:.n will !" held :n I); ;-er.l.e-.
The article providim. t!.:d e;ituii
da.tes for st-ite oiTicii oc coigress iiiu :t
have rc.agn"d from the army ninety
days before the election h.aj been
anien'o'i to iie-rm't the erudidacv ef
; rmy na n ro.!ed ti e ! ?:.' it y where
they a;e sc-i.king oil: -e i . i . r :-! - the.
laci- whertr 1h'-y ho'd their mditary
eon. 1. Tie assemh'y at p; oc.l ill
article wh-cli proviclcd t Vs '
woul,; ,.. free to foll-w his r-di
desires and practice the vrer.os. - of
lii- denomina'. i-jii in th- eiai t ii or at
home, but t hat -very ptbl:c re-'a-'ioi's
act mu.-t be ceh bra ted in the church.,
which must always 1-e mider the v;g
ilaree of t'v authorities. It wa -fi.ieti
;.i.- " that miiuste r; of all tecf--must
be Mexi-a?is by Idith, and th-.'
legislatures of the re--pecttve states
we;-. au'ihe.ri.e-.l to .letc- irit.e tho rnr.v
intum number of red: : ct in each
laca'ity. accoc'iiig to the ?i ce.-.-iLics.
e-en-uderini;- tl; 'ii m. ra'-evs of a pro
fession an i sueiect to the laws gov-
i tling U o "esiens.
Felix S. Pahivaeini, forneM" ; e-cre-iaiy
o" p rdie i? -.ti ne'.'- u. air ie a vg.
iroi:;: speech in which he said that
Pre.-ident Wilson v.r.s the gn-atest
ruler of today, that he had undc. stood
the situation in Mexuo fti-'ii the l e
j uining of the reeohiti .n and that
Mexico would not hae had any dd"
(iiti 's with the Unite! S'.rte-- except
for the deplore !.do infi-nce of -crtai;i
individuals. Secretary Lansing, he
sail, wanted to settle matters by algo
l.iaical foiinulae v. ithr.-ut ie:;.'i'd to
i leal-- of i opular .-entini. r.t.
Just received n car load off
8E T
vvire rencmg
If you are in heed off wire put in your or
der now, so we can reserve it for you at the
right prices.
'uU'J & i til? j
'.&mm mm
Petrocrael Annoutats Teuton Line
Pierced for Distance if Two
Miiv. I'ri-oiitrs aitel
Loot Taken.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 2S Two nun
anel a woman were killed hero shor;dy
affer 12 o'clock, a Rock Ishiud
passenger train hit an atiteonobi!" in
the sou'hern part e f the city. T!te
eleael :
Ed. Laxon, 10 years old. a garage
man. of Ilavelock, Neb.
Mrs. Ed Laxon, 10 years old, Ilave
lock. Neb.
Unidentifieel man, 20 years old.
There will be a elance given by the
turner girls at the K. S. hall on Sat
urday evening, February .d, to which
the public is cordially invited. Music
by the Plattsmouth orchestra.
G. M. Marks, who has just recently
returned from a visit of several weeks
at his okl home in Ohio, came up this
morning from his home near Nehaw
ka, to visit with his many friends in
this city. Mr. Mark was accompan
ied by his nephew, Dailey Weioels of
Carpenter, Ohio, who has accompan
ied his uncle west anel expects to
make his home in this county in the
future. '
Ro'iin, Jan. 2v ( Ry Wire less to
S ivvihe.) - ( hi account of superior
Ko ian pie's-airo directed against the1
Ted n iine:- in th Meste Canasce
M'cto;- on :he GoUe-n Ryi-tritza river
!': eet i i R ttvania, rays today's Ge-r-m?i d;.l sta'cni'-nt. the Austro
' i-t nan forces yesterday were com
pelled to v.i'hd-.a v to positions r.ear
e r 1'oe n..-t b-ink f the river.
Ru ; dan attacks against the Ger
ria:'s ea both .-ides of the River Aa.
i i t Riga sec or. were repulsed with
ke.iv;, los.-vs to the forces of Emporer
Pe I ro-.- ( I.ondan ) , Jan. 2S.
(Ilrili.-h Admird'y Per Wireless.)
L'u.-sian forces after artillery pre
paration ;.s -univd the oilers ive yes
t.. ..,i.,,- against the A ust ro-German
fortified oiiians on both sieles of the
Kiaipclaivr-Tacobeni road, rear the
'rth'.ve-rcrn front h-r of Moldavia,
and afar subh'Orn fighting broke
t'iroi-g'i the Teutonic lines, along a
front of nearly two miles, says the
Russian oi'lcial staiemcnt today.
Pii-.-'iu-is and booty were taken by
th" Ru -shins, tie extent of which has
not yet been'.cd. Southwest
of RPra tiiiee successive German at-
The statement follows:
'After f'erce a.t fillet y preparation
the (iernvirs launched an attack
against our eietachments occupying
posit 'oris e-n bd!i side: of the Kaln-r.em-Chlok
road, to the west of Riga.
The attack was tepidse-el anel the
etiemy fieei in disorder. Two hours
l iter the Germans launched another
attack on the same front being again
repulsed. After artillery preparation
the enemy assumed the offensive
.- gainst our troops occupying posi
tio' s six versts northwest of the vil
lage of Kalni'.cm. but the attack was
at re-sled by our fire.
"During the night of January 27,
afle: artillery preparation, small
enemy detachments attacked our
posts on the River Shara. in the re
gion of the Raranovichi-Luninietz
railway line, but were driven back to
their trenches.
f rJ t J
- u n
This is a "leak" that is just as
valuable to you ( if you take careful
netice of it as the one Lawson got
in on.
Special or regular bars trans
parent Toilet Soap oc
White Russian Soap "0 bars
for LO0
Sugar 13 pounels $1.00
Kraut, " cans 2."c
Fancy peaches, pineapples anel
apricots, per can 2"c
Plattsmouth Fruit and
Grocery Company.
"On the same day one of our air
planes in charge of Aviator Ensign
Plugin anel having as the observer
Staff Captain Kiseley, while return
ing from a reconnoissance, was at
tacked by a German battle plane.
After some machine gun firing our
airplane caught tire and fell in the
region of the River Shara, in front of
our wire entanglements. The bodies
of the aviator and observer were
brought in the same day.
"South of Rrody the enemy
launched an attack against our ad
vance guard, but as the result of our
fire and counter attack he fled back
in disorder to his trenches, suffering
heavy losses.
"North of Kirlibaba an enemy at
tack was repulsed.
"Roumanian front: Our eietach
ments after artillery preparation as
sumed the offensive on both sides of
the Kimpolung-Jacobeni road and
after a stubborn fight broke through
the enemy's fortified positions on a
front of three versts. Prisoners anel
booty were taken, the extent of which
is being ascertained.
"A German airplane dropped bombs
on the station at Zamdre on the Alex
androviskaia railway.
Read the Evening Journal,
rents a week.
Only 10
Catarrh Cannot De Cured
cinrol reach Hie se;Ct of the elicrtuse.
Ctttnrrh is a local elise-ase, arcatly in-iLic-iiec'i
by cons-tiiuuonal lonuilion.s, and
in era r to cure it you must taUo an
internal n-ni'.'dy Hall's 'aau rli Medi
cine id taken intrraullv an 1 acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
.-v:-ieni. Hall's Catarrh Miiichie va3
urisri'O.t-1 by i,nc cif t ho 1'st p!iv iciari:;
j.i this country iVr years'. It is ctc.i
fio:;.'il of sj;i:. of thv !k: tor.i ':; l:n".wn.
eoml iriui with Rorn of the ht?f l!oal
7Hi.irn.T-!. The ier! ct. coml:natioi f
the iiiK'rHelienls In liali' e'atairii Iteiii
eiri'1 ii what p; nOu'-fs F-iii-li w .in-ltT n I
.-(sill's in '.itp : i !ial condit't r.3. SjciiU far
te:t ir.ionialp. lrt-e.
J. CIIHNKV CO., Props.. Tolelo. O.
Ail XVi.cijiMs,
Hull's 1'iils fur constipation.
Given by K. S. Turner Girls at the
datnroay bsm
Gents 50c
Ladies 25c