The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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MONDAY, 7AXUAHY 2$, 1917.
j 1871-
( ?2.7." $2..)')
171 Era ml . . . :.)
!:. I'. I: ::.iri
F.-.i: SS.mi S10..V)
-r:ve 1 1
3-71 I, ;;!:,!
:. v.. r. :
1 I ..",()
h. l'l
I' -y "ir.;'le :;.c'
I ':.! y, jK-r Ii .".
" v in :- ho. hei liii-:.. i" than Hot
1 . .sf.o siH.M.)
i.'.i-- 10.. V)
i-7! llranri 11. 00
i:. II. 1: li.r.o
1-71 Uvi-.vA $12. SO
V.h.te. ,.... sum. Pel' bu.
i-7i I.rani Sll.'.O
: v! bu. 1 4-". Ib:0 S.J.OO
( .". Per l.Vnt Alsike)
IVr bu. (4-". lbs. 20 Per cent in
veirj-nt 1- tied (. lover :.bii
A -I: f.-r Catalog.
j. vi
' ''Til
10a cSa
Quotations are subject to market changes and goods being unsold. . .Prices are t
f r U NN.rlr3 Cltv nnlpss otherwise snecified. Terms. Net Cash. Basrs extra. P
excepting seed corn, hzgs
Teii tens Capture Five Tundred Men
and Trench Lines on the
French Line.
B.-rlin. Jan. 2o. Spirited fighting
has taken place northwest of Verdun
n the front in France, near Rira on
the Rus.-ian fr.nt and southw-t of
Kut-El-Amara in the Me.-opotarnian
Geiman ft. revs have been sucecss
f.:! in the operations in the first two
virions, while British troops have
taken position.- from the Turks alonjr
the Tigris in the latter.
Children Cry
r-rv iff
Tlizl You Have Always
m ie ior over over 33 years, has borne the signature of
s-7 and has been made under his per-
f"7 sonal supervision since its infancy.
uzy: s-zcizc AUow no one to deceive you in this.
A!l Counterfeits, Inititions and Just-as-good " are but
Lrrp;r:iTi3r:c3 tbit tiJie with and endanger the health of
ar.d Children Experience against Experiment.
C:.r.tona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric.
I:ops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
n:?tber Opiun, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
i-z-z is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
V :- n in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
"V. Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
t'.'orcfrom, 2nd by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
Z::o Children' Panacea The Mother's Friend.
:nujne CASTOR! A always
? Bears the
U Use For Oyer 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Edward Bartling Seed Company
Quotations are
One jrrade only.
U. I!.
B. 1;.,
per lb.
per bu.
. . .L'Oc
15. D., per lb 20c
li.. per lb..
I!., per b'.i . .
English and Italian re grasses for
lawns, pastures and field uses, lb. 14c-
171 P.rand. per lb IKe
!"'..: oil.
Soy Beans
Cow Peas
. $3 . 00
German . .
Common . ,
li .'.nyarian
Siberian .
.1;- nane.-e .
per bu.
Mil.. Maize
. $2.
Pop Corn, for popping. 1"0 lbs. S4.00
E-ick Wheat $2. Go
weighed in with seed corn.
Attacking in force on a front of
1.".00 meters a?aint Hill 304. north
west of Verdun, Teutonic soldiers
stormed French trenches and took G00
prisoners. French troops, the latest
French communique says, have re
captured most of the trench positions
rained b the Germans.
Counter-attacks by the French
failed, as did further attempts to re
gain the lost ground, according: to
German troops also pained pround
on Dead Man's Hill and Avocourt. The around Hill 304, Taris states,
was in the nature of hand-to-hand
combats at times.
West of Rira, in the Tirul swamp
reg-ion along; the river Aa, the Ger
mans and Russians continue at prips
in heavy fightinjr. German attacks,
Berlin says, were successful and ad
ditional prcund and ."'JO prisoners
were taken.
Counter-attacks by Russian troops
were repulsed in both sectors of the
battle front, with heavy loses to the
fcr Fletcher's
Bought, and which has been
Signature of
Per Bushel
per bu $2.00
Amber, per hu
Oral lire per bu
Northern rrovn
Ho;r.e ;rro-,vn 70
C:;n:;.lian Field Peas ...;.-.
Marvelous variety, read pa ye U of
our catalog.
at market price.
Eye, winter, market.
live, Sprir.r
Sunflower Seed, lb....,
Sweet corn, per lb . . 1.-
See pare four of our catalog for
varieties and prices.
2 l-i bu. seamless, Pern is "A" each 27
Seeders, cyclone ...$l.Gi
.Mixed seeds, 100 lbs $2.:;
Yankare, Swift's Piirester, loo
lbs., add freight $".2o
Prices g-ood for the quantity we have
on hand
Corn, wheat, ton $3.'I.7G
Potatoes, 100 lb 2.lo
Lawns. 100 lb 2. 00
Seed Cleaners $27. o
attackers alonjr the Aa.
Petrogrrad announces that the Rus
sians, after advancing; more than a
mile in the battle zone, were forced
to return to their position under the
I pressure of the attacking Germans.
Turki.-h first line trenches on a
front of 1,100 yards were pained by
the British in their attacks- southv. est
of Kut-El-Amara. In addition, Lon
don says, some second line position.; (
on the right bank of the Tigris were
taken. West of the Hai
river four
counter attacKs ny luiKisn troops j covt.retl the oldest boy crawling from
were repulsed with heavy losses. under the foot of the bed by the butt
There has been no g-reat activity in of the gun and the wounded boy lying
Rumania. On the northern port ior. of j on the floor near the head of the bed,
the French front British troops have j his clothes on fire from the discharge;
carried out several successful raids. j picking him up she found that he was
The attack on the English coast deluged with blood, hastily wrapping'
near Loewestoft. reported by London, jhim in cloths the father was sent for
was carried out by German' light sea j 11 "'agrn procured and the boy brought
foices. The German ships, Berlin!10 Umn to Dr. Livingston's office
savs. were ahie to aporoa?h the Kr.f-
lish coast and to return to their base
without sighting a hostile vessel. One
small vessel, London records officially,
fired shells at the coast. Only a few
shells reached land and there were no
casualties. The damage is reported
as insignificant.
Action at Riga.
Berlin, Jan. 25. (By Wireless to
Sayville, Jan. "Russian attacks
to the southwest of Riga," writes the
military critic of the Overseas News
Agrency, "were quickly answered by a
powerful German counter attack. On
the morning of January 23 the bad
weather having come to an end, Ger
man troops after stiort but efficient
artillery preparation advanced on both
sides of the river Aa along a front of
six miles.
"On the evening- of January 23 ter
ritory on both sides of the river Aa
for a distance of nearly two miles was
conquered. During- the night of Jan
uary 24 more ground was gained on
the right wing- to the east of the
"The Russian position situated near
the eastern end of the German attacking-
lines, which had been surrounded
on the evening- of January 23, was
cleaned out, about 400 prisoners being
taken. According to declarations made
by prisoners, the commander of this
detachment received an order to with
draw. He refused, however, to heed
the instructions and declared to the
soldiers that he would maintain him
self. When the Russians saw they
were encircled b the Germans, they
shot down the commander.
"By noon on January 24 Russian
prisoners to the number of 1,100, including-
ten officers, had been brought
in. The Germans also took thirteen
machine g-uns."
Miss Josephine Hall, who has been
in the city for an. over Sunday visit
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. II.
Hall, returned this morning- to her
duties at Lincoln.
Henry Eikenbary is piling op the
.tone, brick and lumber for his new
horse and cow residence.
-Wm. Loufdiridjfe, a good old fash
ioned North of Ireland man, comes to
live among us, with his family. He is
in the Blacksmith department of the
II. & M. Shops'.
Mr. W. J. Barnes, started west
Tuesday morning, he will stop at In
dianola, the treminus of the B. & M.,
to meet with the South Platte Town
(Jeorge Mutz fell from the scaf
folding of Mr. Davis Barn and
j-eve rely injured himself in wardly.
He will soon be around again, it is
supposed and hoped.
Mr. Ceo. Amick brought the fami
ly of W. Bates, the murdered man
near Se-.vard, home with him. It
consists of the wife, two girls and a
boy. a red, 11, 10 and 1 years.
Mr. Dutton, of the B. & M. II. P.,
i- going to build, v;? learn; Gus
Stohlman puts up a new house; Fred
Eenhoff buys the half lots west of
Hatt's butcher shop, and will build
thereon; and Merges' r.ew store is
getting way up above the sidewalk.
Accident on Main Street.
A man by the name of Philo
Knapp was severely hurt Tuesday
afternoon, by the falling of a pledge
hammer on his jaw; said sledge ham
per had been left carelessly laying
i.ver a blast by the men who are
grading for Merles' foundation. As
the frozen dirt loosened, the sledge
went- up twenty feet and came down
on Mr. Knapp's head, a severe
fracture of the jaw.
Bad Accident.
.Tohr.ny Carroll, son of Elisha Car
roll. gr:.nd.-on of one of our oldest
ci'v.i n. John Carroll, aged two years
and five months, on Thursday last
between li and 11 A. JI. was wound
ed in the left kree by the discharge
of a gun loaded with gooseshot. ne
cessitating the amputation of the leg
above the knee. It appears that his
father, Elisha Carroll, had returned
from gcose shooting Wednesday
night with a g-un loaded. The
kite lien being dark he placed the same
under the bed on the floor in the bed
iMim; next morning- on troing- to his
v-.irk he forbid the children consisting-
of the W'HiPt'ed boy and his
i brother, leaving- the house. His wife
icir.g s'v-k lay down en the bod and
fell aslt-ep, and was awakened at the
hour.- abovt-, by the discharge of the
j gun
and the screaming- of the chii-
dren. Springing- from bed she dis
-sisted bv Drs. Hall and
At latest account
doing well and in a
s the child was
fair wav to re-
Doing- the Work.
W. T. Nanney, Noel, Mo., writes,
"Your B. A. Thomas' Hog Powder
is doing the work down in this part
of the world. It proved to be what
we needed to prevent , and cure hog
cholera and expel worms."
II. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Mrs. Marvin Allen was called to
Council Bluffs Saturday afternoon by
a message announcing the serious iU-
ness of her mother in that city.
C. T. Peacock, one of the enterpris
ing" farmers of the precinct, was in
the city Saturday looking- after the
week-end shopping, and while here
made the Journal office a very pleas
ant call, renewing his subscriptions to
the daily and Semi-Weekly Journal.
Stop! Look! Listen!
You may need an Auctioneer
if so
s still in the ring You will find
on the Murray Exchange.
Reverse All Galls!
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Rates Reasonable
Plaiismoutb, Nebraska
Route No. 1
Believe More Acceptable Terms Will
lie Given to the Entente
London, Jan. 20. That Kaiser Will
iam plans to make his fifty-eighth
bkthday tomorrow the occasion for
another peace move with more ac
ceptable terms to the entente was
reported today.
An official hint of this plan was
read in a speech yesterday to the
Hurig-arian parliament by Count
Stephen Tisza, the Hungarian premier.
"We are inclined to continue a
further exchange of views regarding
peace with the United States govern
ment," he said.
The second rumor, via Switzerland
and Paris, stated that the German
emperor planned to be "the first pro-
motor of universal peace and would
propose that all parties meet forth
with to discuss this first and princi
pal at tide of the war's termination
the reorganization of future peace."
Holland reports indicate that a
reply to President Wilson's speech
is being- considered in Berlin. A pro
nunciamento from the emperor would
be a logical answer.
The German government expects
President Wilson to transmit to Ber
lin the text of the reply made by the
entente powers to his own peace sug
gestions. Officially Germany is not
yet informed of what the allies said
in reply to the American president.
Auburn, Neb., Jan. 24 While
crossing- the Missouri river about
o clock yesterady morning, en route
to their home at Phelps City, Mo.,
from a dance they had attended at
Brawnville, Neb.. Albert Kimberling
and his sister. Miss Emma, narrowly
escaped drowning when the automo
bile in which they were riding
plunged into an airhole near the Ne
braska side and not far from Brown-
In the car with the Kimberlings
';nd in the rear seat were Mr. and
Mrs. GouV Smith and the Misses
Allie Aflame and Helen Mayes.
The Kimberlings and their friends
wi.h two other cars of people from
across the river, had attended the
dance and going home when,
as the lead car reached the opposite
bank the occupants, Rex Shamby,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hale. Herman
Lefenberg- and Miss Hazel Adams
heard a lond crash, followed by
screams, and the car was turned at
once, with the light thrown across
tie ice, cisclosing- the fact that one
of the cars had all but disappeared in
the river.
Both cars were rushed to the point
where the other had g-one through
the ice, and assistance given the peo
pie imprisoned inside, who were
taken out over the windshield, the
lop being- up and side curtains in
place. The water was shallow where
the car went down, the wheels rest
ing on the bottom of the river.
Rescued from the submerged car,
the half-drowned and nearly frozen
people were takn across the river to
the home of Dick Harms, where they
were g-iven dry clothes and stimu
lants, and it is thought win exper
ience no ill effect of their early morn
ing- plunge in the frigid water.
Yesterday forenoon a force of men
with ropes g-ot the car out and ashore
Mrs. Gould Smith was formerly
Miss Maude York, daug-hter of Mr.
and Mrs. O. L. York of this city.
Milk in Winter.
Why do your cows give less milk
in winter than they do in summer?
Just because nature does not sup
ply them with grasses and green
food. But we have come to the as
sistance of Dame Nature with B. A
Thomas' Stock Remedy which con
tains the very ingredients that the
green feed supplies in season, only,
of course, in a more highly concen
t rated form. We guarantee that this
remedy will make your cows give more
milk, and better milk with the same
H. M. Soennichsen.
Puis & Gansemer.
Stanley Kuhns departed this after
noon for Los Angeles, Cal., where he
expects to make his home in the fu
ture. He will be joined later by his
wife and family to reside in the Cali
fornia city.
A want ad in the Journal will bring
Was Broken Into Last Thursday
Night and A train on Saturday
That robbers selected two of the
best nights so far this winter was
evidenced by them last Thursday aud
Saturday nights. Thursday night
Morton's store was broken into by the
breaking down of the rear door, and
quite a quantity of meat and potatoes
were taken. Nothing else wa- misled
at the time. And again last Satur
day night the same scoop was made
on the same place. But this time
everything that the robbers were able
to carry with them, meat, potatoes,
shoes, overalls and over $10 in cash
was taken.
This seems to be a regular annual
picnic that is held about this time of
the year between Mr . Morton and
some of his unknown friends. From
the looks of things it is the work of
home talent for if it had not been
local talent we are positive the spuds
and the meat would have been over
looked. As long as no one reports these
criminal depredations to the proper
authorities we can expect to have
them continued, for why not? It is
the duty of every storekeeper to make
an earnest endeavor to capture those
guilty of breaking and entering for
the benefit of his brother merchants,
who will have the same thing to con
tend with if it is not stopped. We
realize that it is pretty hard to re
port the matter and have someone
grabbed up by the law who is not
guilty and is taken in through an er
ror, but it would be far better to
make some kind of a beginning than
to let the matter go unheeded. Union
East ri Riley Hotel.
Coates' Block,
Second Floor
okdi:k or nnKi; im:titm.
The State of Nebraska,
Cass County,
lu Hie County Court
In the matter of tl.e estate of Marsravet
Katon. dec-eased.
n reading and filin'-r t'ie jetitin of
Dorothv M. Lync'i r ravins that Ad
ministration of said Ksmtf may h
uranted to her as Administratrix.
Ordert-d. That February ruth. A. !..
1917. at ten nYlock A. M.. is assia-nfd
for hearing of said ietition. when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a County Court to he held
m ami for said County, and show -aus
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not he granted: and that notu
of the pcmlency of said petition and
the hearlnc thereof he sriven to all
Dei-sons interested in said matter 1 y
publishing a copy of this order in tht
Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly news
paper printed in said County for thre
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Dated Januarv 22nd, 1917.
County Judg
First publication l-2."-lH17.
corxTi of CAS. m-:iiiam.
In the matter of the C.uardianshir. of
Georcxe T. Coleman. Frank K. Col
man. Kverett H. Coleman and Mar
garet S. Coleman, minor heirs oi
Harry K. Coleman, deceased.
Now on this 27th day of December,
191G, this cause came on lor heannii
iinon the petition of Nanme I-., cow
man, as puardian of Ceorse T. Coleman.
Frank K. Coleman. I.verett Jl. Coleman
and Marsaret S. Coleman, minors, oi
the ai?e of sixteen, fourteen, twelve and
eirht vears respectively, and minor
heirs of llarrv K. Coleman, deceased
pravin for license to sell the South
half of the Northeast Quarter ami the
Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty
three 2:i) Toyvnship Thirty-two :i2
Ilanse Fortv-four 44t in Sheridan
Countv. Nebraska, for the purpose of
sKur nf funds for the niamienanc
nnd education of her said wards, and
tor ire investment of the balance of
the proceeds of the sale of said real
estate for the benefit of said minor
heirs, there not beins suftlcient per
sonal property belonging- to said
minors for their maintenance and edu
cat ion.
the next of kin of said wards, and all
persons interested in their estate ap
pear before me at ttie District Court
Room in the Court House at Platts
mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, on the
21st day of February, 1917. at the hour
of ten o'clock A. M. to show cause why
a license should not be pranted to said
jruardian to sell the above described
real estate of said wards.
Notice to be sriven by publishing this
order in the I'lattsmouth Journal for
three successive weeks before date of
Dated this 2th dav of December.
james t. Bi:or.i:v,
Judije District Court.
1-22-1917-lst Issue. a wks.
In the county court of Cass County,
State of Nebraska,
Cass County.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William D. Hill, deceased;
On reading' the petition of Franklin
D. Hill, administrator, prayins a liial
settlement and allowance of his ac
count filed in this court on the lth
day of January, 1917, and for a decree
of distribution and discharge of sain
administrator. It is hereby ordered
that you and all persons interested in
said matter may, and do, appear at the
county court to l.e h.-ld it: ,u,i! ; t . s.i
county, on the 2'it'l da".' f Jj'ii.j.' .. A.
1.. J 1 7. at l'l o''io k, a. in, to :'i..v
c.i us-. il any there i,-t h. ji!.i.r
of tl.-- petitioner should not s.- . t T o,
and that noti.-t- id' l.,e p.-i,,!,-;,. ,- of :d
petition : let ihe lo.wiiii i'o :-..f
Hi ven hi ail ptJson; interested i ri t.i.d
matter by pu 1.1 ish i i.fc a ..,. - ..f i:
older in tl.- 1 t ! -nlO'i 1 !. Jo, t
se, i i - wee 1; 1 v li' H sj.f- per pliMed in 1
countv, l'.u one W ee K pro I' to 4d 'I
of beat irif.'. Dated ,l;in:i:ii'v 1. I.il7.
J. j:i:i: ..
(Seal.) Coi.Ul Jild.'.-".
.1 AN. -!! 17-Dt i-'Ui
cjx; i. x i m i:.
In the County Cu'ii t of i":..-- - iint -t
-Stute of Nebraska,
County of Cas---.
To nil persons in teres- e,i in t' .
tale nf Dora .'uh.i::i Moor--, :
' in reading" t:;e pttii'o;: of i )t .
Jaikson i!di-arj pra mu' ;
strnmeiit Jib-u in I l.i.s t oi.-t t i -d u
lay of atiiiary. I'.'lT. and ' .' : p I . i '
be tl.e last wiil u'c! te-t;tt:i' nl :
said del eave. 1, ma V b- pi o . d and a -low.
d. a n 1 1 e, o; .'.-d I la - t w , I
and b-.tall.-'it -.if D .d-a Md:.-i; l .Mi"-:
iw'.-:i-'i d : "-aid in-tr ii-.i":-: S
in i t . d I o pi o t . and I ! a o ' - ; , -t
ion of -ail . - 'uil- '. ,- '-a . led ' i ' : e
.1 a ' k.-o 1 1 ( 1 1 1 ! a h i a - e v do-
l.el'eby OI .lered tie! ' '.I, l!:d
s o n - i : , ! e i t - 1 1 . 1 i t, -aid Hi . ' ' e .
do. a ppea rat li .'".i :. ! '
held in a r.-l for - .. .d . - . n!
.th dav of Cel. r-,n: . A. ! .
u'clin I; a . in , ' .- ; ' 'a .. ; -
t !.el e I le. W i . Y t I ..- ','
t iohe-- si o dd' not 1-e . ; a .. I !.
note i of I !. 1" Iri- '.r, of -a ..l
i I
I" l -
1 '
and t'al tie
to ad p !
to - bv T : ; f ' I -
ill t'.e I'lat -r
e i .a ;' r n t
I ' l e,- ijei
!a" be.: I
V.' : t te--s T i
e 1 1 1 I , t li I -' i
. . . : ' .: : -,:
- - k - ; t
-M.I.KV J.
I ' ' ' .
( Sea 1. )
i.::; i. muk i:.
State of Net V.
Cout.ty of '..--.
In (niiit ( uiirt.
In tl.e matter of t: -".. '' u
II. KUI :i-', de, ea-ed.
Now oa I'm- 1 1 t n da " '"
1917. t!,t-:e va.-' bi-d in t i-
petition of Julia I :. I. n n -. '
said d. . .-i. - . d. a 1 l. I n 1 la i in
said Jos ;-h Knl.l.- i a- d. ;-a
life i nt - ta t- a ::d .'.i - a l '---i
itiba bit. Hit of si i 1 C-eiht id
was sej.-d -f t.'.e l.ilii.u it.-'
.7 i -
a 1 I
: t
I real esiat-. o-u it: 1 : . . t
lot.- j, -' and ir. 'd,,,-K i. ,ti
Add it i- n 1-j t be i.M ;. d' I "la !
N bra ka. I. i. 1 1 v. ... . -sa
:1 d-- a.-'e. a - a ! -no
less valie- than t .'. o U . -1 1 i : -1
dollars, and Cat nad.-r ti .. :
State if Nebt as i:a said
e ni;.t f i'o:n at la. :.:! r ' . . ,
ot m-:ise 1-rocvss ani tad J
the pa in-Ttt of a ny t-t - ..;
ceased; that s.i id .! . . a-, i
vivitiir !.:m as i :s s.'e I 1
at l-i w and 1 1 only I i - :
i'i said estate I :. I ' ' ' n-
: t
j d " ,
residence. I 'la : t - in., v. t i .. S- '. -U
r.s;. Kobert i:. Ku'm.s. -on.
i."i . :i-b s, 'a ! i ! "in ia . a u.- :' .. .
K. Ma. I'. -t i . e.auit'i.ter. i - io i.
A Hi;, l.-s. ' 'a ! I l'ornia. a- -': ati ' S
i:. KuiiTiS, sop, leid,!,'--.
Nebraska, at" and pra- . ..;
heariwtr on .-aid l-t i t i-!) a- t .1
sueii 1. an order n
p.-n-intr with the t emula t
tion ..f .-aid .--tat" and a Ci,;,! .
entered b-si.J .' l:!i" t ' 1 -
law and . i n.iaa. i it-
r. a 1 e - : a " to -. , . , -
it i- 'i'i ; ; :i : :. : ' " "
a h ..1 :. :. ! ...J i t' is .-.a.: : . ' ' '
I ;. -0:11, ia tl.e ''it-' !' :'.: ' '
ir:-!.... .: ' ' 7 : 1 . ' :
l-.H 7. a: T. r: , !; .. M ; t
p.-r.-ons i -1 in - "i-. :..
.' a d I n tr ei e v. ; : a : '
a I
: d
I id
'.' 'd
of s ".! 1 a i i : , l: i
tids onier for t h ii
da." of !. r, ri',-.
Journal of -ad n
. t ,. 1 I
e V. t . k - I
: :i : : i '
l.v tlie oiirt,
.m.i.ii.v j. v.r.r.
1-17.-17 :; weeks "' "aid
IV Till. I)li'lltl( T colli"!' !' THE
( al Ml OF A. M-:HIIK.
A. L. Tild. r:ainti:T.
Simpson llutc, et al. Iu-f r. '. i n t .
IVolice of Suit to Quiet Till..
To the def.ndants Simpson Fa'Cer:
the unknown heirs, ib-vi ... s. l ::it
personal r.-pr.s. n t a 1 1 s .and al! .t: r
person interested in t . .- . -late .f
Simj son Hutc!.. r. U' . a-- d: .1 : n I-.
Ci:t!'.nini: also kii'i'.i'n a-- J d n I'. ' : :
mins: Mrs. John F. C--mnuMr" -
known as Mrs. John F. 'I : in n . i n lir-t
real nam. unknow n; tla- hi fi
heirs, devisees, b-pat'es, per- .nal i p
t eseri t a t i vc, and all "tl..-r in
terested in the estate of ,1m !. F. ':n'.
mit'irs also kta'V tl a- J. !m K. .p"-i: -.
deceased: ti e unknown :ir-. :-.-.
Icsrate'-s, fe.t es-i.t.i ' i - ;:J
all otl er persons interest 1 .a tt ?
tate c-f Mrs. John F. ' i pi in . n ur-J a'-o
known as Mrs John i-. ('.iiti.i-. t:
rea! nam unknown, de.-ea.-?Ieri'iarn.
first r-al tr.:..
Mis. S. N. M" ft iir.i. til -t t 1
known: the unknown ; -ii-
S N.
. . i . i 1
: : it".
. e
lesri. t.-.-s. p. rsonal r.-pre-.
r.ll otl er p.-rsor.s int. r -t.-d ,-: f
tate of S. N. M'-ri m. J'.r-t ''
unknown. d.,a-c.;. t!- ..'
heir-', devisees, b-at.-. -. p. r-o',' ! 1 I es ahd all otl.-T .' "I-tcre.-ti-d
ill tla- .t;;tc of "is. S.
Mcriiam. tir-t i'-a I ham - i: r. '-w.
r-iis.d : El ten Howard : T, ': n ! 1 1
anl. rir-t real nam. nnk .. n. h i ' .
or widower of il'li I, Ib- vard. t
known I -firs, .b-vise. s. :. p--'
a! repr---. nt a t i v s r no .1 ' .. r :
sons int. -ret. -d i:i t! ' -tat. '' !
U o wa rd. d ei a - . 1 : t ! . k ' ' n
devisees. ! per-.-: a I i- : '"
t a t i ves a tid all ot! .-r !:-
ested in il.e e-tat" of J,,, n .
;ird. :i,"st I'. al na'ir- unkrown. -
. e
W Tl
i -.
,-..d .
Ttr- t
Eouizsa Miles: l:i. ! ar l I;
r.-al ii.itne tinkrown. I i. -l.a
ower of I.onia Miles; ti .
heirs, d.-vi-. t-s. ,(,.e. ;,.
r.-s.-n t a t i v. s and all r ;
t. -rested in the e-tate of I."
1 1. n
decea.s. d; t' e i.ikra I n-. . v
leq.'itf.S. persoi..i! T at . . .-ti ' a 1 -all
(tliir person-, i ri t i 1 1 . f
tate of TMcl.aiii I:-"- Mo.--, f : - !
prime ur.l;nowr.. (be a-.-,': Maru i
riumer: William I '. u :t..-- ; .'
Keeve: Mrs John I.. l...v-. i t
name unknown: tl.e i.-.M-own
l.-vis(es, i.-t.H '. person l! i . -t
i ves and : 1 1 ot l..-r p- r - as , n i :
in the e-t-it f J"l ti I.. .
Cfased; the Uiiivtiown l:i-. :
i- ::iios, p. rsoTial r pr.--.-r t a , ' -all
other person. i r ti-n -' -i i . -1 tr
tate of Mrs. John 1. lir-t
name unknown, d. i eas. d. I '
known iwneis Ptid the i:nkii"W ri i
ants jf lot seven 7i. i'i II"':
1 .
ill i. I'lattsmrruth, Cass i.o.titv. .'.--tin
si; a.
Yiij are l.erebv notirbd t! at . n '
C9th dav of December. A I', l'l-".
Plaintiff filed his suit i-i th Di-f !
Court of the Countv of '"as--. .d r i.
to oiiiet plaintiffs title t-. f a! .ve
dt scribed lot, to-wit. lot .-".;. i.i. a
block eleven 11 I. City of I'latr-ro. .
Cass County, Nebraskw. b. , a - of 1 Is
adverse possession by and I i-"rant.-rs
for more tl ati t-n - .-ai- -.tio.
to the commencement of said uit . d
to enjoin each and all of you f. .ai
havinp or claimitiy: any ri-ht, til". !: n
or interest, either leyal or i j a i t a ! .. r r
or to said lot or anv part tt r-
To require y..'i to set forth o ir r, ,. i.
title, claim." lien or interest tuererr , if
in", father letral or eiinitrita . ;i n t .
have tie Mitio a d j i n f l to !
tit!- t,t plHir.tiff nnd for c-ti ra' .- . :
tali relief. Tii notic is p ad.- I ar
suant to the order of t'.e to 'it --
are required To answer sani -. ti" . n
on or before Jlonili'', February ! ' A
D-. 191(. or your default wi,l be -..:v
entered therein.
A. I. Tinn, 1 lii't: :.
A. E. Tnid. I'i" S
s'. a. i;i i:K!;t s ..
Attorney.-- lor 1-la.intiff.