The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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pace i.
'Chz plattsrnowtb Journal
Entered at Poatofflce at riattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
1i '
V Die nhon we may, I want it v
said of me, by those who Know
nie be., that I always plucked
V a thistle ami planted a flower v
whtn I th'.mslU a flower would v
ro. Lincoln. !
;.wa -I-"!---! I- 45"I-Z
:i :
Coasting i tine spent.
:ot elan-
II..rr's :k at less horrible wren
th y ai c
I!..-.v ;
a- away.
c are tm.-e
hohfing out'
Y "e:u
re sol u-
1.. t
What you tell confidentially is told
he next felt.Iw the same way.
One of the most diliieull tilings in
o:diua:y life- i- to forgive the virtues
of our I'iivniy.
in"; it a fact that, we are all cvor-la.-tii1:
trying to get a little better
than the market price?
;i.f are bke nv.;-
sic.l jxhi-.-e.-. To puduee the proper
t yo 1 nutst keep them filled up.
Theie are several kinds of pionee's.
1 ut the leal one is the woman who
A h
t aopc.adx carved before carv-
became popular.
IV-.-'My du re aie a few-
cap r ,1Tni er inw. as i.-iy.-. in"
.!.vd t ti e Sunday schooi
S;'i.!:,th mo nk.'-.
tr'y !
t VI': V
t i:e
Iduh o; ic
i -
that il
ie.-n t fo-
head of the familv anvthing to &wal-
l-.w the ia
ii' in hi.-- throat.
1! p-e-. i.!aii Murtey. of tin- co'U!
ty. taker ii:i ,t:!"V rap at the so-called
bridge trust in a bill providing that
tounty hoards may furnish matei ial
f- construction of bridges.
England is worried over the in
crease in prices of food.-, ovet
r-fte have worried over it for so l'Uig
that worrying -ct ms to he producing:
1 ut little 11. -aits excent hiedier prices.
The ge-olagiral survey thinks that
the pef deum supply will last 01. iy
a'.out thirty years longer, hut, pshaw!
by that time you'll ho getting ymv
mileage out of something Letter than
I)" yii nave anything y(;u want te
c!l. you want the hi)rh"st price. Ii
. V..11.'. t hay something, you wan'.
i 1't.y it as cheaply ns pos.-ii;le.
That' nature's de'.initioti of "fiee
,1:, N
ei ra -i.a
1. ia have
ti.a-, ;.i Kin lac inn tnat itovkK".
f the arrest of any person whose
;eatn has the odor of liquor, tin.
, i i'.-e- of calanious seeds and clove. -i
1 diop;u'd a iioivdi or two.
Ma it
M riltt'S i-
e ,v tli:ijc ti'at ti
fathering ;i iuH
insurance coin-
; ;.:iie- sludl pay o;u-haif of 1 jier
t T.t f their l'oss jren:iuni Jeeipt-
t'-.a.l maintenance of the state lire
.:t;n.i-.-i' fa At present they pay .J-S'
f 1 per cent.
: o :
fount y seat icrrovid dashes which
o,!'ii"'ir ur every year or so ia
Moir.t.-ka counties will he curbed on,
"c r a i fpo--d measure ?ntroiuct d in
th - .-'-:;aie ! y Senator Ilaq-e- of Ad-
Under tins hill, if the removal
i.e.-ti n has once been submitted to a
t be ri .-'ibmitted
ra 1 n
-t!c it ca.nta
i ..- ten yv.t '. if the old county seat
l;;'s been established for twenty years
: tie "
v- Ie
-!V. irlh-
o ar.nraer lev '
It is hiehly huiprkiin that Mr
IHyan should be amonr the lirst to
announce opposition to President Wil
son's plan for a league to enforce
peace. It is the more surpri.-int? inas
much as -Mr. Divan declares that the
terms of peace oa which the league
v.oidd be based ara Entirely sound,"
presentinjr, as they do, "the philos
ophy of brotherhood and co-opera
If the rreat powers of Europe
should be YviHinir to accept these
terms and make them the specific
w.'itien constitution of a league of na
tions formed to jrive them force and
elVect and permanence, "why should thu
United States hesitate to stand back
of them? Why should it fear to be
governed by its own principles prin
ciples that for more than 140 years
it lias proclaimed as essential to the
happiness and! progress of mankind?
AI f. Bryan f-ays:
"I dissent entirely from the propo
sition that this nation should join in
a movement to effect peace in Europe.
If I know the sentiment of the Amer
ican people it is inconceivable that
they should be willing to put the
American army and ravy at the com
mand of an international council to
decide for us when we would 0 to
war. In the president's appeal he pre
sents the philosophy of brotherhood
and co-operation and this is incon
sistent with the proposition that it be
back-'d up by a lai jrer display of
.Mi. Bryan, as has often been trU'
o' hito before, fails to discriminate
an I i- ieckleFs with the facts.
The president has not proposed that
"'the philosophy of brotherhood :r?id 1
co-operation" '"be backed up by a
larger display of force." (uite to the
contrary, he lias spernhed as one of
t In
that must ivt 1 11 a leae,iu.
if the Unite-! States is to bo
-1 partner ;n it, a provision for reduc
tion of armaments, en both land and
sea. Smaller armies and smaller na
vies are to be vsed hereafter and as
a power for order r.iertiy. They are
to be used a- the police are used tc
enforce the law and the decree.; of the
courts. Law and decrees must be
based upon, and be in compliance with,
the fundamental principles which the
president lias laid down as a condi
tion piecedent to our membership in
ti e league.
Instead of these beinir "a larger dis
play of force," as Tdr. Bryan loosely
alk'.es, there is to be a lesser display
a lesser force. Instead of that force
bein-r utilized by each nation for it
self for offensive and predatory pur
poses, it i ; to be used as a police or
ganization to enforce the law; the law
that .rants all nations equality o!
1 i'-ri) Is : the law that forbids anv 11a
19 l! '.i lo attempt to extend its policy
ver any other nation; the lav that
K'd ai a.nlees to every people freedom
"to determine its own policy, its own
way of development, unhindered, un
threa'uned, unafraid, the little along
v. itli the great and powe'-ful." What
s there in that of which the United
States, of which .Mr. Bryan, has reas
on to le afraid?
It would be quite another thing if it
were proposed that the United States
should enter into a league to enforce
the terms of peace regardless of what
tho;e terms might be. It would be
quite, another thing if the United
StMtes were asked to become a partner
in a league that would be free to
make its own rules and laws and poli
cies as it went along. In that event
theie would be sound reasoning to
back Mr. Bryan's fears. We feel quite
confident that the American people
would 'naver give their consent to it.
We would then, indeed, be placing
o.ii. -elves ;it the mercy of that interna-
Mio:i;! council against which Mr. Bry
an's spirit rises in revolt.
But such is not President Wilson's
proposal. He has formulated his con
stitution for this suggested federa
tion of the world. "Adopt this con
stitution lirst," he says to the em
hulled nations; "afford guarantee?
that you will be bound by it, and we
will join our forces with yours to give
it enduring life." And the constitu
tion Mr. Wilson outlines is a demo
cratic constitution. It looks toward
the Americanization of the world. It
calls for government resting on the
consent of the governed. How the;
can it menace the rights, the aspira-
When morning light comes stealing
through the window of our room, and
the weary hum of business for the day
we must resume, we yawn and stretch
our muscles on our trust-made bed
before we get out on the carpet which
a trust placed on the floor; in a mir
ror, which the glass trust has pro
dded, do we stare, as we pull our
trust-made clothing on and ccmb and
brush our hair; the shoes the leather
trust has made we don, then go to
greet a breakfast which the? food trust
has prepared for us to eat. Down at
a trust-made table in a trust-made
to us are delivered bit b bit; the beef
trust sends a juicy steak, the wheat
trust gives us bread, and the dairy
trust the butter with which our toa
tions, the interests, of the United chllii" ve sit whik trust-made viands
States? Any greedy power or combi
nation of powers that, after th;
league was formed, should seek to im
press its policy on any other nation.
or to extend its domains by force, or
to abridge the full and equal rights of
any country, large or small, would be
acting in violation of that constitu
tion. Every nation thfcit stood true to
the purpose cf the league would be
standing for what the United State :
is dedicated to. Every nation that was
false would become the enemy, there
by, of our own ideals and interests.
the enemy of justice and liberty, the
outlaw assailant of the peace and se
curity of the world.
Surely the United States could bet
ter afford to join with the other ra
tions to bring that outlaw to terms
than to face the alternative. And
what is the alternative? It is the for-
dent Wilson's peace plan is that it is
a beautiful peace dream but wholly
But is it impractical ? Is it not, in
stead, the on'y practical plan for in
suring peace and good will in and
among the states and races of Europe
just as peace and good will mainurn
among the races and states of thi.
great republic?
The essence of the pi osid; nt'.. pro
posal may be simply stated as Involv
ing two fundamentals:
Fi:.-t. Equality of rights among the
oils European states, largo
The PleSiawka
arc now Rolling and Manufacturing the
0 S9
AT if
Tfto Popular Cass County Brand of Flour
small, precisely as there is o i -doy
1 of rights among the America'
;veut ennnre state oi .-.e
is spread; then we sweeten up our - I he great
coffee with the sugar which a trust puis no rights suoeiior to ti;o r
has made for us to natronize must I tin I?lwii T -.; nl M::.;.eln.-:.:
have sugar if we bust and when the
meal is over, then we grab oar trust
made hat, and board a trust-made
trolley car to where our work is at.
Before a trupt-made desk we sit ar.d
labor every hour, on trust-promoting
business men we're dependent for our
pay; the gas trust lights the office,
and it also heats the same; the fix
tures and supplies, we iind, all bear
a trust-made name. The pen we u.-e
the steel trust has provided with great
care; the ink trust makes the tlua.
vhich is spattered here and there,
and blotters from the paper trust is
sent, as is the sheet of linen which
the shorthand girl typewrites so swif-
ta'er. 1 1
Y.ork !f
of !it-with
mation of a league resting, probably
on iimerer.t principles than those I iv and neat.
r.. 1 mw:i i i. :. i , .-. , -i
i it'MUfia nouii uiv.s uuwn. il i inus on tnruULil i t' we ti;u V ir;
lormauon 01 a league in which mo uepemleiit on some trust. W e patron-
United, States would have not a single ice the mergers that are formed. Ik
friend. Within that league there cause we must; the doctors' trust -.ill
might be alliances, open or secret, foi get us every time that we are sick
lefensive if not offensive purposes, but we patronize the drug trust and
But there would be no alliance in the seldom make a kick. The coal trust
eague or out of it, to defend the ''arms us winters when the blizzards
ights and interests of the United j -ome and go, j nd the ice trust gets
States. There wouhl be no law there, "'s summers when the hot win
no voice to speak, no hand lifted, in rcorch and blow. And when we pa;-
ehalf of our Monroe doctrine. On '"loni wo? Id-trusts to bo a heavenly
its culture, wealth and dense popula
tion, can giw r.o ordci-s to the "greas-ei.--"
and "gringoes" seat 'u-:'d in the
desert spacers of New Mexico.
Second. "Inviolable security of kfe.
of worship and of individual and so
cial development" to mm and v.dmeu
of whatever : ace, of whatever faith,
within each state. This amounts to a
Also a Ful? Line of By Products!
l P.1ALCOLM, Head filler.
For Sale by AI! Dealers t
bill of 1 i;
mice of t iv!! an
religious lioerty.
With each European pov
and small, enjoying, in the
of nations equal rights and
with ail others; with earh
to attempt to it- ..
my other; with e:uli gu,:;a
flCl'doTV: to Work OUi its (,
pr: !!;.''
foi hidden
Iky upon
alt ed. the
blake an Automobile Out of Your Ford!
r t
W 1
tl Swears Head
ut:: 1 : v 1 :.u s ; k e f w ok.m
Steering Gear for Ford Cars
t:e.-t a v
or j.-r 1 L
iie:'c-atte'r Iiaie ": hvnt a.iK.'tr
i'.ioii- than Mor.tana hate.; e
iV n.usyivaaia ?
"But th-ic
1 1 ,
. e
a re ma" v ra.ees
in e-lo.-e contact,
n:n tne o
rt 'i
ourselves, uml on ourselves alone
would rest the burden.
Under such an arrangement of the
nations of the earth, wouh the United
States be in less or in greater dan
ger of war than if it were a niembe
of a world league governed by the
principles President Wilson has tle-
fmed? Would it need a smaller armv
md navy, or an army and navy in
comparably larger? Would world
Would the influence of democracy
wax or wane?
it wouivl ie interesting to have Mr
Brvan answer them. Until he ha
answered them we must continue to
wonder at the spectacle of a professed
apostle of peace, and brotherhood and
democracy setting himself in opo-i-
guest, the undertakers' trust steps in
and kindly does the rest. Kearney
The short skitt is said to be doomed.
Let it be so. But how about the
lancy shoes .
Perhaps the reason some men stand
-0 strongly for their rights when
iway from home is because that's the
only time they have any.
Now comes an intelligent person
asserting that "all star" foot ball
teams are nonsense, just the same as
til star" base ball teams. Yet that
dazzling galaxy has been one of th
cherished illusions of past seasons.
ii::ie"' oue
a.. ! they hate and fear
T; ue enimuh. ikit t:ic;c ;
many 1 ace - in A me: Ira tr
ie" jfesslng jusv a.s many ic
just as intimately in cou r.eithe" hate la-r 1-e;
Aere, li'.V."
r ,ii ((thcr. Wh v ?
no occasion to. No one
in". nose its policy ujti t iv.
The State Journal is still bcliy-ach
mg over the appointment 01 uene
tion to a plan to make brotherhood Mayfield. Give the old grouch a little
real and peace permanent beciur
founded on justice and protected in
law a plan to make democracy the
dominant influence of the worM.-World-IIerald.
:o :
Godfrey's Cordial. That is good feu-
kids. If that fails, to have the de
sired effect, give it a dose or two of
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.
There are many more important
The eyes of the farmers, the bone matters of interest to the taxpayers
and sinew of Nebraska, have a weath- ef Nebraska, to which the members
er eye on the doings of the legislature of the legislature could put in their
at Lincoln. Everything must be done lime than that of increasing the sal
right or the yoemenry are going to ai ies of public (Ilcials. If salaries are
kick, and they are"cocks of the walk" not sufficient, there are no strings tied
lliNf. ihivs We a.k-iso the members to any of them they can step down
of the senate and house to beware Und out and give their places lo those
who are willing to serve at thej pres
ent salaries.
how they proceed in this legislative
Doing business without advertising
is just like kissing a girl in the dark.
You may know what you arc doing,
but nobody else does. But the man
who advertises, and advertises right,
is as busy as a cross-eyed boy at a
three-ringed circus.
Ilenry Ward Beecher is said to have
coined the expression, "the ragged
eelge of despair," way back in the
eighties, and we can't see where any
one has improved on it since, especial
ly some people in this town.
That Omaha roan who has been lady keeps her hair in a dresser
married four times, and all his wives drawer, Keep tne orawer cioscu anu
living, probably believes in the "try- the dresser right side up. If it's kept
1 1. 4 :.. a 1- if 1 ...
out" proposition. IU a I'r--r saciv ue u.e stlv. lt tI.
Ii .1 1 t- !c u'rirn in lhr l"w:i! it ean't fall
It seems that the legislature is bent out. but olF, in which, case, flamed if
on increasing salaries, principally. I we know.
If the present legislature dem't go
a little snow, they will overdo them
selves, and make a bigger rocoru of 111-
ti educing bills than any legislature
that ever assembled in the state of
Nebraska. But to introduce a bill is
easy enough, but to get it passed is
'to stand in" with the sifting com
A woman subscriber wants to know
'what will keep hair from falling
out." It is not the purpose ot tha-
paper to pose as a-bureau 01 inior-
mation but we would suggest if the
as u
in Mur.-pr.
isdor.s, an.;
a-t. And
; fear foi'
' ""'.pts to
th.,:-. The-.-
nay lieei an i print lir ir or a
language., here. They may worship
in their own churches unafraid. In
X -btas!;a, for t xan.ple. ir. communi
ties wln'-'t 1 itiieus of a pa' iici lar rac
ai j gatheied together, tlay may pro
vide for teaching their children their
mother-tongue in the public schools.
There is r.ot only '".-ccuiity of life'
but there is ''frcciom of life." It
cannot be said of the members o
ary race, or the devotees of any croc
that their "will is in re'tK liion." The.-'
is. because of full civil and itlitriou.
liberty, "tiaujaiility of spi'.it and 1
sense 01 justice. el irceUeun. anu 01
1 light."
Tlte St. Louis Republic happily em
phasizes the point when it said:
"For two and. a half cer.'urk-s flu
rope ha - been at war. There are ii
Si. Louis great communities of Ger
mans. Bohemians, Serbian--, Belgian -(ii
eeks, Russians, Bulgarians, ilr-ve
we had any race riots? Xot one. Whv
net? Because all are- i;ew A. inei ica n -.
and to insure on eaith i: is no',
necessary to have a dominant 'ace; it
fs necessary only to have a etominan!
'"Tlie strongest nation of ail time-;
has been built up out of the most in
congruous elements fused out of the
children of 1 aces which ha e been at
each other's throats for a tlccisau-l
years. This thing has been accom
plished by the simple expedient of
organising a government upon which
principles of human rights which aru
so universal that they are exactly
the same for every mind, so that when
the Greek and the Bulgarian, the Eng
lishman and the German, the Austrian
and the Russian come here they forget
enmitv in a mutual co-ope rat ion."
And what is the result of this full
Jack Meiifoni who represent Piek
, :u cl: Co.. traveling his territory in
an ..uton-.w'i. die met with a peculiar
;.d eiisti es.-ing accident about live
r 1 ;iles est of Bradford. It seems
th.U a sure'eh gust of tle'v oil
'.is 1 at ar.d in av'a.v.ptir.g to catch it
. ij: ,: tie tetiiug wheel. Un
l;M'".unatei at that m.oiijent the
.vl'.eel- struck a rut. the car turned
urtle as it .-.lid, the ditch bury
::g Mulford beneath it., etc.
!-i'Ve -
h-.- . ; iu.,!)!e acce-ssery yet
out i'-.'i- ike Ford car. Ile
!.e strain -f driving. Gives
. : i i of car. over lo.ou'l
. your car is next, come
! : : ic'-". i;;e .-hap at:d iiave one
try It if '-a don't like it,
t.d e it o!f ant! refund your
Price ele.'-n.
!5 1
iiaemoe eoo s-ounorv
PSattsmouth, Nebraska
ua ica
to teach that Ian-
religious liberty of ours, as
suring the
full equality of all race:
under the flag?
Our foreign-born citizens, many of
Uicm, tpcak to each ether in their
mother tongue. They read newspa
pers printed in the language the
earned at iladr m to their children. They exer
cise tht-e tights uumolr-sted anil un
questioned, as r.'ituiady as they
lucathe. But our them is the flag ot
die republic. Under them and aroum
.bout them is America. Soon these
emigrant clt:::en- arc speaking En
glish, rea 'ang Kngusn newspapers
becoming Americanized. And the 11
rhildren are Americans, all of them.
;y the time Ihcy attain their majority
Their children's children are Amer
Yaiis from the mtiment of their birth
in three short generations, usually in
.wo. freijutntly in one, the miricle has
been wrought.
Suppose that here our Germans
weie treated as are the Bohemians at
home. Suppose our Jews were treated
as they are 111 Russia.
Suppose our big states were covet
ing the property of their little neigh
bors, v.hil. I at the same time sus
picious and fearful oceach other.
Would we long have domestic tran
quillity? Would we long be free of
race hatreds? Would state not soon
be arming against state? And would
r.ot war, soon or late, be the inevitable
; est: It ?
What has been accomplished in Am
erica can be wrought, out of like ma
terial, in Europe. Democracy is the
hepe of the world. World-Herald.
W. P.. Young, the auctioneer, wa
in the city Saturday, visiting with his
friends and looking after some trad
ing with the merchants.
Ed Rummcll and wife were among
those looking after the week-end shop
ping Saturday in the city with the
merchants, driving in from their farm
Miss Sadie Kelley of Lincoln was
an over Sunday visitor in this city
with friends, being a guet at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rosen-crans.
A. W. Cloidt and A. (). M oore de
parted Saturday evening for Shenan
eloah, Ia., where they enjoyed a visit
over Sunday with relatives and friends
in that citv.
1!17 Calendar Pads at the Journal
Big Event Has Happened!
The lonv.-war.ted l-acre Homestead Act is now a law It (.rmiu
iplication tor these homesteads in the lrra.1.nv., i.'.'.k.,1. Ptrnil,
Centra! and Northeast Wyoming. You n ,,.h fl V ... . 'K Jma.'"
Rurli.-.g- n main line via Douglas for Converse Countv or vi-i 'l!nJf.n ti !
c-oft. GiHcte or Clearmont for Northeast Wyoming erh and'go
rjy'fSt -!a'ri,W;;feC1
iustrucHons. which wil. to., you exactly what withouTss of't in!
.j' '!d .o a stock-raising and dairy homestead. You caTi secure one of
the-e v.duaole mile-s,,uare homesteads in a region established . Ll . 11
known as the permanent livestock area of Wyoming. tsla"ll!,,ctl aMfl w
It is my judgment thai nracticallv all r.r ih.. n....:....i o .... -
satisfy a sentime
ne language tney ,5.,
tod-or-' knees. The' j teliliMlitl
;ntal as weii as a IIO!
ultural lards will be applied for in 11)17. ' Z V".1
bands for ,h purpose of coating psJnger traC
Wc consoler ,t nor duty to advise you of this op
por unity and tell younbet it is the last chance v u
S. P, K9W4RD, Immigraticn Agent, G, 8 & Q, R, R.
I0Q4 3?., Omaha. Neb.'